
koolhead11hi all08:08
koolhead11is there a man page for juju? Or am missing something?08:29
niemeyerlog = log --show-ids08:34
niemeyerin ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf08:34
koolhead11hazmat: around?08:58
hazmatkoolhead11, in body, spirit is questionable ;-), what's up?08:58
koolhead11hazmat: hahaha. there is no manpage for juju currently juju --help does has infos09:09
koolhead11any special reason 4 this :P09:09
jcastrohazmat: http://caseconductor.wordpress.com/09:09
koolhead11hola jcastro :)09:10
jcastrogood morning!09:10
koolhead11jcastro: saw nice diagram explaining juju bootstrap process on askubuntu, why cant we have it in our official doc?09:12
jcastrooh really?09:12
koolhead11jcastro: hold on sir!! :P09:12
jcastrokoolhead11: good point, hazmat, we should chat about docs09:12
jcastrohazmat: but maybe later today, heh09:13
robbiewjcastro: hey...do you have plans for a charm school at oscon?09:13
koolhead11jcastro: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55179/what-is-the-purpose-of-the-bootstrapping-instance-in-juju09:13
robbiewcfp is today...you can submit for a 3-hour "tutorial"09:13
jcastrorobbiew: yes, let's do that09:13
jcastrorobbiew: what do I need to do?09:13
robbiewjcastro: http://www.oscon.com/oscon2012/user/proposal/propose/cfp/19709:14
robbiewjcastro: adam_g lives in Portland, so he could help with the charm school09:14
robbiewSpamapS won't be *that* up for travel then ;)09:14
SpamapSYeah, day trips only please09:15
koolhead11robbiew: am also registering a talk on juju at FOSS conference in India :) I am not confident about 3 hr show though :P09:15
nijabam_3: using you nfs charm, I am hitting "#TODO fix oneiric package... install fails without this"09:15
nijabam_3: any hint on what needs to be done?09:16
koolhead11hazmat: you think i should report a bug with *wishlist option sir? :D09:16
koolhead11for manpages09:17
jcastrorobbiew: ok so how about adam_g/m_3/me for oscon?09:18
jcastroor is 3 too many?09:18
=== koolhead11 is now known as koolhead17
SpamapScharmers, I could use a quick review of this: https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/charm-tools/apparmor/+merge/8832109:34
SpamapSnegronjl: ^^09:34
negronjlSpamapS: checking09:34
negronjlSpamapS: Just checked it and approved it.09:42
SpamapSnegronjl: woot thanks09:44
negronjlm_3:  Can I take over this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm/+bug/80353909:46
_mup_Bug #803539: Charm Needed: GlusterFS <hot> <juju Charms Collection:In Progress by mark-mims> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/803539 >09:46
hazmatfwereade, please ignore the last line of my upstartify-services review09:46
hazmatit was a leftover comment from an initial pass09:47
fwereadehazmat, ah, ok, cool :)09:47
hazmatkoolhead17, that sounds good, i think there already is a bug report regarding manpages..09:48
hazmatSpamapS, you did some work re manpages, is it just in the packaging?09:49
* koolhead17 digs hard to see if there exist same bug :P09:49
hazmati think we've given up on autogenerating the man pages from argparse internals madness09:49
koolhead17hazmat: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/90101709:54
_mup_Bug #901017: Juju should have a "info" or "man" option <Juju Charm Tools:Triaged> <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/901017 >09:54
koolhead17nijaba: ^^09:54
nijabakoolhead17: oh, yes, I opened that a little while back09:55
koolhead17juju --help does gives some decent result :)09:56
nijabakoolhead17: but that bug is not the same as "juju needs a man entry", this is for juju to offer a man or info option for charms09:58
koolhead17nijaba: you want me to open one with a *wishlist option :P09:59
nijabakoolhead17: sure, go ahead10:00
_mup_Bug #915238 was filed: manpage needed for Juju <juju> <manpage> <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/915238 >10:03
* hazmat sighs at name change diffs10:16
=== sanderj__ is now known as Sander^work
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r484 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com12:00
_mup_Merged trunk12:00
_mup_juju/subordinate-docs r444 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com12:01
_mup_Initial checkin12:01
secbridhi all, how would I include a file to be installed in a charm? I could use the cat >file<EOF but its quite a big file to be included in the install file14:36
SpamapSsecbrid: just put it in the charm directory14:37
secbridSpamapS: thanks, and then just cp it from `pwd`/filename to say /etc/moo/  ?14:39
secbridactually cp filename /etc/moo/ should work, right?14:40
SpamapSsecbrid: right14:40
secbridneat! thanks!14:40
SpamapSsecbrid: make sure that the license/copyright of this file is mentioned in the copyright file. :)14:41
secbridah yes! :-)14:41
hazmatrog, http://code.google.com/p/openpgm/16:16
hazmatjcastro, doc talk?16:18
=== bcsaller1 is now known as bcsaller
_mup_Bug #915506 was filed: juju-log outputs {} on lxc <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/915506 >17:47
_mup_Bug #915520 was filed: locale is not set on lxc containers <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/915520 >18:11
koolhead17SpamapS: around20:49
hazmatSpamapS, it looks like lennart threatened the dbus thing in passing, but not for real (from dbus freedesktop ml conversation)23:01
hazmatSpamapS, looking over the last build log, something fishy it appears.. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/89795690/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.juju_0.5%2Bbzr443-1juju2~precise1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz23:26
hazmatSpamapS, i'm starting to suspect this is to do with a missing dep around ssl23:30
hazmatthose tests that fail do need openssl for certs validation afaicr23:30
hazmatinteresting that its no longer manifesting as a timeout problem23:31

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