
phillwSystemParadox: I am only familiar with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI00:29
phillwYou can try either #ubuntu-beginners (it's a busier channel) or http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33400:31
=== batman is now known as Guest38166
=== Guest38166 is now known as batmann
batmannthe checksum on the lubuntu download pages appears to be incorrect07:44
batmanni had to download that crap like 5 times07:44
batmannfinally had to just google the hash that i had and verified on a separate thread07:45
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as ChrisDruif
orphi there12:28
orpi have an easy problem here12:28
orpon my menu i can't change the icons path12:28
orpany one can tell me what is the menu script to I can change it please?12:29
IAmNotThatGuyorp: Do you want to change the application icons? If so, you have to load them to /usr/share/icons first and then you can change in 'right click-> properties' of that particular icon12:38
orpi have try do it and change the execution path but it doesn't save12:41
orpi have not a clue why don't save the changes i do12:42
orpI can't change the application shortcuts on the menu12:43
orpi don't know where is the config script to change it on the shell12:44
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
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Gege71does anyone have a good "dark theme" which works with all progs (especially firefox)18:04
holsteinGege71: try searching "openbox themes"18:33
holsteinlike http://catlingmindswipe.blogspot.com/2010/04/extra-themes-for-lxdeopenbox.html suggests18:33
Gege71thanks, but i already googled..box-look.org .... nothing good :)18:37
holsteinmight want to go ahead and just tweak one and submit it or whatever18:38
Gege71in fact, i am wondering if its is really possible to use a dark theme (such as this one : http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=144240)18:40
Gege71with all installed progs : firefox, pcmanfm, ...18:40
Gege71i already tried to tweak the welle known "Darkroom" theme, but impossible to have all prog working18:42
holsteinGege71: its all open.. anything is possible18:42
Gege71indeed, it should be possible... maybe with hours and hours of tries :)18:44
holsteinGege71: the hours get put in by someone... that someone can be you18:50
holsteinyou can make the theme you really want, and share it somewhere18:50
holsteinor not...18:50
Gege71if i succed in making my own dark theme, i'll share it for sure ! :)18:54
=== smile is now known as smile4ever
=== robotman is now known as AlexAv
venik212my sound has stopped working again... Lubuntu 11.10, NVIDIA MPC79/7A sound device22:09
venik212can anyone help?  I am using the latest NVIDIA driver22:10
venik212don't all rush to help at once-- one at a time, please!22:13
* AmberJ holds the HelpToken22:14
AmberJseen this already: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia ... That's all I can help22:14
* AmberJ releases the HelpToken22:14
AmberJWhose turn next? ;)22:15
venik212I have the latest driver from NVIDIA, and the graphics is fine.  It is the sound that is missing22:16
venik212It worked briefly and then died22:16

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