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johnjohn101just reading about unity 5.0.  any ideas when it will be available in 12.04?02:04
robin0800johnjohn101, see webupd8 there is a ppa for it02:19
johnjohn101robin0800, i'd prefer to wait till it's official and thanks02:30
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geserdoes somebody else have a file /etc/etc/bash_completion.d/gdbus-bash-completion.sh (note the double /etc) belonging to libglib2.0-bin?09:16
hifihttp://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/i386/libglib2.0-bin/filelist nor http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/amd64/libglib2.0-bin/filelist have double /etc09:20
geserI've checked there too09:28
geseryet "libglib2.0-bin: /etc/etc/bash_completion.d/gdbus-bash-completion.sh" and I wonder where that comes from09:29
airtonixjohnjohn101: where are you reading about it ?11:24
alex_mayorgaI keep getting a prompt with "Authentication is needed to run '/usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-backlight-helper' as the super user13:55
alex_mayorgabug or feature?13:55
brendandalex_mayorga - should be a bug. is this with a default install?14:04
alex_mayorgabrendand: no, upgrade14:13
alex_mayorgabut this started appearing just today14:13
brendandyeah, it's probably a bug then14:14
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jcook_5xdataanyone know the work around for the broken Libreoffice- core pkg16:48
genii-aroundjcook_5xdata: These are the commands I ran in recovery mode: http://pastebin.com/jFPZqdnk17:07
genii-aroundThe installer path is relative and not absolute by misteake, someone forgot a slash, looks like17:07
jcook_5xdatagenii-around, tried something like that here is what I get http://pastebin.com/cLCn64Wm17:13
genii-aroundjcook_5xdata: try: mkdir usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/program and then the dpkg -i commmand again17:14
jcook_5xdataI used to a dpgk-reconfigure ???? something I can not remember the rest17:15
genii-aroundyou had put a leading slash to make your mkdir absolute and not relative path17:15
jcook_5xdatagenii-around, it looks like the package they missed the / that cousing it to fail > rmdir: failed to remove `usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/program/': No such file or directory17:20
jcook_5xdatagenii-around, It work! sorry about I missed what you were saying17:30
td123anyone know how to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/915517 ?18:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 915517 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "package libreoffice-core 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]18:10
genii-aroundtd123: http://pastebin.com/jFPZqdnk  , use sudo on the last 4 commands if needed18:22
td123genii-around: wow thanks, is there a reason why this hasn't been fixed yet?18:26
td123or is this something that has to be manually fixed by users of alpha 1?18:27
jbichatd123: give the developers a bit more time, LibreOffice takes a while to build18:29
td123ok, yes I know, I've worked on openoffice a little before :P18:32
td123btw, libreoffice >>> openoffice now18:32
johnjohn101tried to update pangolin, caused a mismatch in packages... it reported so I guess that's all i need to do right?18:42
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icerootthe openoffice-bug is also affecting evolution18:47
icerootits trying to remove evolution-exchange with dist-upgrade18:48
johnjohn101jtaylor: broken packages18:52
johnjohn101a directory could not be removed.  I removed it and recreated it and it worked18:52
johnjohn101seems like it. .bug with update18:52
johnjohn101the reporting tool sent in something18:53
jtaylordo you have the bug number I mean18:53
johnjohn101no, don't know how to find it18:53
genii-aroundprobably bug 91551718:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915271 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #915517 package libreoffice-core 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: rmdir: failed to remove `usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/program/': Directory not empty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91527118:53
johnjohn101that's it18:54
jtaylorshould be listed under bugs in your launchpad profile18:54
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icerootaptitude is telling me that there are depenency-issues with libreoffice, apt-get is just trying to remove evolution-exchange (lp account broken so i cant post atm)18:54
johnjohn101i deleted directory, then recreated and it was fixed18:55
jbichaiceroot: both evolution & libreoffice are known issues19:08
icerootjbicha: ah ok, thank you19:09
blueyedIs there any unity update planned in the next days to e.g. 4.28 or 5.0?19:12
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Ian_CorneE: Package 'skype' has no installation candidate20:28
Ian_Cornewhat do I need again to install it?20:28
Ian_Cornewasn't it in partner?20:28
icerootIan_Corne: should be partner, yes21:29
jo-erlendthe clock has disappeared from my panel. What do I do? :)21:33
trismjo-erlend: if you just dist-upgraded, indicator-datetime was removed because of a dep problem21:36
jo-erlendoh, ok.21:36
jtaylorread the info before upgrading21:36
jo-erlendthat's a good advise :)21:37
alex_mayorgagiven bug 907012 indicator-datetime can only be good news for me ;-)21:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 907012 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "indicator-datetime uses 80% of RAM or 3.1g" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90701221:51
tormodlatest update wants to remove xscreensaver. how can I see which package upgrade candidate wants to force this?22:01
iceroottormod: sudo apt-get -o=Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes dist-upgrade22:04
tormodiceroot, fantastic!22:05
chmacI'm getting a whole lot of package conflict. How do I most easily / intuitively follow the dependency trees to figure out what's causing the issue?23:14
chmacI installed some of the ia32 libs stuff from oneiric to get skype working, so I'm sure that's connected, but I'm not sure which packages to ignore in order to update the rest.23:14
* nonix4 ponders how to debug grub-install segfaulting when ran from altcd /target23:16
chmacnonix4: Way beyond me I'm afraid, but I wish you luck, sounds like an intriguing challenge. :-)23:16
icerootchmac: sudo apt-get -o=Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes dist-upgrade23:21
iceroota common command these days at it seems :)23:21
chmaciceroot: You think that's easier / more intuitive than synaptic?23:21
chmacI'm currently clicking packages one at a time selecting only those that don't cause others to be removed.23:22
icerootchmac: because synaptic is not installed by default, yes23:22
chmacFigured I'd try to get rid of as many as possible first.23:22
chmacI installed synaptic after I figured out it was, ahem, missing :-)23:22
icerootchmac: and the command i gave you will show you the reason23:22
chmaciceroot: Ok, thanks, I'll try some in synaptic first, then check out that command.23:23
icerootchmac: ok23:23
chmacInteresting, there is an update showing for ia32libs, I suppose many of my problems stem from that...23:26
chmacAlright, looks like 69 packages upgrading, 63 held back, that's a 50% improvement. :-)23:28
chmacI hadn't fully appreciated what was involved in running a testing release on my primary (only) machine!23:28
nonix4how to set password for sshd installer again? debugging would be easier through that than vnc, but guess installer didn't handle special characters in password correctly...23:35
nonix4# grub-install --debug /dev/md_d0  # => ... /usr/sbin/grub-setup: info: setting the root device to `mduuid/71059d88d53b1011134aff70a2c0e2bf,1'. Segmentation fault + exit 123:41
chmacThis packaging confusion is driving me round the bend, I've no idea what's going on. :-)23:56
chmacI'm having issues with evolution, empathy, gvfs, libreoffice, rhythmbox, and ubuntuone. Anyone else seeing the same?23:56
chmacI read the advice on the forum about waiting a few hours, maybe most if will sort itself out tomorrow morning?23:57
nonix4http://paste.ubuntu.com/802439/ doesn't get me very far in debugging that segfault...23:58

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