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Goodguy69Hi all, just wanted to say Hi.04:22
Goodguy69I am running Lucid10.04 on my pc and really don't like the newer version with the Ubuntu One theme. How long can I stay with Lucid before I have no option to upgrade?04:34
holsteinGoodguy69: you will be offered to upgrade to 12.04, and should be offered 12.1004:35
Unit193Can't jump from 10.04 to 12.10 though04:35
holsteinnot sure how much past that... the repos should be off by the time 13.04 is out, but 10.04 server is supported for 5 years04:36
holsteinyeah, ^^ thats true.. you can only jump LTS to LTS04:36
Unit193Or LTS to next "beta" ;)04:36
holsteinUnit193: you think you can go from 10.04 to 14.04?04:36
Goodguy69I want to stay with 10.04?04:36
holsteinyou'd have to jump to 12.04...04:37
holsteinGoodguy69: no reason not to stay with it really04:37
holsteinim still running it04:37
Goodguy69Ive tried out 11.10 and hate the Ubuntu One look and desktop.04:37
holsteinGoodguy69: unity04:37
holsteinubuntu one is the online storage service... kind of like dropbox04:38
Goodguy69Sorry Unity lol.04:38
Unit193holstein: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu-release-cycle-2.png04:38
holsteinGoodguy69: no worries04:38
holsteinUnit193: thats a nice graphic04:38
Goodguy69I have used 11.10 with the gnome classic setup but a lot of features were missing?04:39
Unit193Another one too http://www.ubuntu.com/sites/www.ubuntu.com/files/active/02_ubuntu/U_business/desktop-release-nov-2011.png (Shows you where you can upgrade)04:39
holsteinGoodguy69: its a different UI... ubuntu is doing what it always has... supply the latest version of gnome04:39
holsteinjust gnome is not default any longer, and gnome3 is not like gnome204:39
Goodguy69How is it different?04:40
holsteinGoodguy69: if you have a chance, check out xubuntu04:40
holsteinmost are finding XFCE to be quite gnome like04:40
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holsteinGoodguy69: gnome3?... gnome3 is a lot like unity actually04:40
Unit193Kubuntu is also another option04:41
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holsteinyup... lubuntu... all kinds of desktop options really04:41
Goodguy69Whats the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?04:41
holsteinGoodguy69: the way the desktop looks/feels basically04:42
holsteinkubuntu uses KDE04:42
holsteinubuntu use to use gnome, now they use unity04:42
holsteinlubuntu uses LXDE04:42
Goodguy69Sorry for asking dumb questions, but im starting to really like linux. And don't wan't to go back to Windows.04:42
holsteinxubuntu uses XFCE which is very much like gnome2, the one you are missing04:43
holsteinGoodguy69: right04:43
holsteinthere are options04:43
holsteinGoodguy69: there are gnome2 forks, and gnome3 forks... but i suggest trying xubuntu... thats arguably the most like 10.04 was04:43
Goodguy69Thanks Holstein I will look into Kubuntu.04:43
holsteinGoodguy69: xubuntu04:43
holsteinkubuntu is great too... and look at it, but its not much like gnome204:44
holsteinyou might really like it though04:44
holsteinsame deal... just download the image, burn it to a CD, and try it live first04:44
holsteinsee if you like it :)04:44
Goodguy69I have been using 10.04 for the past few weeks and like it, so will try out your suggestion.04:45
holsteinGoodguy69: im using 10.04 most places too04:45
Unit193http://www.kubuntu.org/ if you don't like the other one04:45
Goodguy69Thanks for the links guys.04:46
nixninehey guys, is there a terminal command to see if my comp is bluetooth enabled?04:49
holsteinhciconfig ?04:50
holsteini dont have anything around to test it on :/04:51
holsteinnixnine: check out http://hanishkvc.wordpress.com/2007/05/16/short-and-simple-commandline-bluetooth-in-any-new-linux-distros/ and let me know if thats not enough for you04:51
AJH101Hi - i was running Ubuntu under Windoze (via Wubi) but have now set up a dual boot system. Although I have uninstalled Wubi I am still given the choice to run this when booting. How do I amend this please?11:11
Snicksiehm, I guess you should change that in your windows bootloader11:12
AJH101Where would i find that?!11:12
Snicksiemaybe this helps you AJH101 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/28902211:12
AJH101This is good thanks but under 'system startup' there is nothing indicating 'edit'11:16
AJH101apparently there is no boot.ini in vista - eek11:23
AJH101hello - how do change whatever passes for a boot.ini file in Vista please?11:33
fr33r1d3AJH101: Have you tested using BCDEDIT? http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2014/vista_using_bcdedit_boot_up_options_dual_boot_xp_prof/11:35
coalwaterthere's an option for that in some gui, hold on gonna remember the name lol11:37
zeroseven0183AJH101, check out this page. The last part might help you http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-safely-uninstall-ubuntu-in-windows-dual-boot-environment/11:39
fr33r1d3You can change boot.ini from MSCONFIG too.11:39
coalwaterin cmd write 'msconfig'11:40
fr33r1d3reading thoughts11:40
AJH101hello - i was running ubuntu via wubi (within Vista) but have now set up dual boot. Although I have uninstalled wubi i am still offered the option to boot into ubuntu. I understand i need to edit boot.ini but this does not exist within vista. (I only need it for some online poker rooms). Any ideas?12:17
IAmNotThatGuyAJH101: According to http://tinyurl.com/7y83qrs , you can use Bcdedit command to edit settings12:22
coalwaterAJH101: you have the windows boot loader right? fr33r1d3 and i suggested editing thru msconfig, i didn't check if u were gone or still there12:24
SnicksieAJH101, http://paste.ubuntu.com/801680/ << thats what they said while you were gone :)12:25
AJH101Thanks IAmNotThatGuy but I am trying to edit the file. Snicksie i will check the link thanks12:26
IAmNotThatGuyI believe there is no boot.ini file in Vista12:26
AJH101indeed! i will now reboot and try msconfig - ttfn!12:27
coalwaterhm, why reboot12:28
coalwatertest the change ?12:29
nlsthzn_the only person that knows isn't here right now ;)12:29
Snicksiemaybe because he was in ubuntu?12:31
fr33r1d3IAmNotThatGuy: from a quick googling.. "the boot.ini file has been replaced with Boot12:33
fr33r1d3Configuration Data (BCD)"12:33
IAmNotThatGuyfr33r1d3: I have shared a tinuyurl explaining that. btw, thanks =]12:33
fr33r1d3ok, maybe i should read before i type ;-)12:34
IAmNotThatGuywb AJH10112:35
AJH101hello again via vista - msconfig at the ready! :-)12:35
IAmNotThatGuyGreat =]12:36
AJH101hmm - can find no mention of wubi, linux or ubuntu12:36
fr33r1d3are you looking on the Boot tab?12:38
Snicksiehttp://tinyurl.com/7y83qrs http://paste.ubuntu.com/801680/ are the urls if you forgot them :)12:38
fr33r1d3AJH101: I think I find something that might interest you: http://www.vistabootpro.org/12:39
AJH101damn - keep being disconnected for some reason - did i miss anything please?12:43
Snicksie[13:38]  <Snicksie> http://tinyurl.com/7y83qrs http://paste.ubuntu.com/801680/ are the urls if you forgot them :)[13:39]  * Goodguy69 (7a3d13d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)[13:39]  <fr33r1d3> AJH101: I think I find something that might interest you: http://www.vistabootpro.org/12:46
AJH101got those thanks - not really answers to my issue - i can live with it i suppose.12:51
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FriedhelmHello world is the word;-)14:51
SnicksieBird is the word :o14:59
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AJH101A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Having changed partitions using a livecd and gparted, i can no longer boot into the os chooser (bootloader). Can I recover, or do I need to use this as a lesson and reinstall everything?!16:26
SnicksieAJH101, what did you do exactly? :)16:27
Snicksieyou can always try to fix your grub boot loader16:27
AJH101ill read this thanks16:28
AJH101Snicksie thanks - will be back either way :-)16:34
nothingspecialhi LadyGorey18:55
LadyGoreyHello nothingspecial18:55
* nothingspecial is struggling to find ubuntu/mac users here18:55
LadyGoreyTake your time, I'm not in a huge rush18:55
LadyGoreyActually brb18:56
nothingspecialLadyGorey, http://superuser.com/questions/84446/how-to-mount-a-hfs-partition-in-ubuntu-as-read-write19:00
LadyGoreyThis would be easy if I had access to a Mac, but I don't right now19:01
holsteinLadyGorey: this is easy from ubuntu19:02
LadyGoreyOkay thanks19:02
holsteinyou just mount the drive19:02
LadyGoreyI'm looking at the doc more thoroughly19:02
nothingspecialthanks holstein19:02
LadyGoreyStill confused19:04
holsteinLadyGorey: do you have the drive plugged in?19:05
holsteinLadyGorey: do you see 'disk utility' in the menu?19:05
LadyGoreyYeah I got it open19:06
holsteinLadyGorey: do you see the hard drive in question mentioned there?19:07
holsteinLadyGorey: that is great!19:08
LadyGoreyMy guess next is edit partition?19:08
holsteinLadyGorey: nope19:08
LadyGoreyNo dice. Okay, what's next?19:08
holsteinLadyGorey: just sit tight!19:08
* LadyGorey sits19:08
holsteini would literally just open the file manager and see if its there19:09
holsteinand click on it19:09
holsteinor right click and mount it19:09
LadyGoreyUh... hold on19:10
LadyGoreyWhen I right click in Disk Utility, nothing happens, when I right click in a general folder on my hard drive, the options are very limited19:11
SnicksieLadyGorey, have a sec... i'm going to read your story, got a mac myself ;)19:13
holsteinyup... im going to hand this off to our resident mac professional LadyGorey :)19:13
holsteinSnicksie: thanks :)19:13
LadyGoreyThanks for helping holstein19:13
Snicksieso you're on ubuntu, installed on a mac (how did you do this? with boot camp and rEFIt or ...? is it a 'new'(intel-based) mac or an old one?)19:14
holsteinits another box19:14
LadyGoreyI had a Mac, the harddrive is installed for Mac. The mac died19:14
LadyGoreyI'm currently running Ubuntu on a PC19:14
LadyGoreyI can see the hard drive on here but it's read-only and I want to be able to move stuff to and from it like I did on my Mac, but I don't want to reformat it because I have about 100+GB of data on it19:15
Snicksiewell, okay... :p19:16
LadyGoreyIt's complicated I know19:16
Snicksiewell, I see... thats why I never had a problem... I always only needed to read :p19:16
LadyGoreyWish I could say the same!19:17
LadyGoreyWhat would happen if I changed the partition?19:19
nothingspecialyou would loose your data19:19
LadyGoreySame with formatting, I assume?19:19
nothingspecialwhat do you mean by change?19:20
LadyGoreyWell there's an edit partition option under disk utility19:20
nothingspecialno no no19:20
LadyGoreyI'm not clicking anything, was just curious19:20
nothingspecialthat is for deleting, resizing, formatting etc19:21
LadyGoreyIt says I can unmount it19:22
nothingspecialMaybe you should try  #mac ##mac or ##apple as well19:22
nothingspecialstick here though, someone might pop up19:23
LadyGoreyI'm in both now19:23
nothingspecialI'll be back later19:25
LadyGoreyThanks for helpign19:25
LadyGoreyI think I found a solution... thanks everyone19:30
AJH101geirha: sorry for the delay in coming back to you. I tried the first option to reinstall grub in the link you gave me but no joy!20:05
geirhaSo long in fact that I don't remember giving you any links regarding grub20:07
AJH101lol sorry - life getting in the way20:07
geirhaLooking through the backlog, I think you meant Snicksie20:07
AJH101perhaps it is incorrect to call it grub - bootloader?20:08
AJH101o sorry20:08
Snicksieah, grub :)20:08
geirhagrub is the bootloader ubuntu uses, so either term is correct. One is just more specific than the other.20:08
AJH101snicksie: can you help please?20:08
ubot2`GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:08
AJH101ubot2: Thanks!20:09
Snicksieubot is our mighty bot :p20:09
SnicksieAJH101, so the current situation is ...? :)20:11
Snicksiedo you have grub or the windows bootloader or none?20:11
urlin2uAJH101, you ever use the bootscript?20:14
urlin2uAJH101, run this and pastebin the results.txt it will cut down the 20 questions. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/20:15

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