
brobostigongood morning everyone,11:17
cgriffmarkjones: Latest stable (11.10) I think'd be good13:03
markjonescgriff: i'll leave them on the spindle and have some pouches13:16
markjonesI'll also do a sheet with name and email so we know how many took/want disks13:16
cgriffmarkjones: Right, unfortunately though (I don't run Ubuntu anymore so I'm not 100%) but Ubuntu's Welsh translations are patchy at best :(13:24
markjonesi think Maverick probably has the best translations at the moment13:25
markjoneswe're a bit behind with the others13:25
markjonesand I could try pushing the team, but we all have lives ;)13:26
cgriffmarkjones: LTS is better than 10.1013:26
markjonesI'm kinda hoping some people will want to translate for us13:27
markjonesas at the moment for 12.04 we've 3k strings untranslated13:28
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