
asac_cyphermox: hello00:28
asac_cyphermox: i have a safe and correct fix on ntrack side that avoids the need for the libnl fix by not using AUTO_PROVIDE, but rather providing/unproviding manually...00:28
asac_cyphermox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/801225/00:29
asac_cyphermox: oh cool: http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/libnl/2012-January/000437.html00:29
asac_my patch got applied00:29
asac_\o/ ... /me did something useful at last00:30
asac_will commit the ntrack side change anyway i guess... doing things manually feels safer anyway :)00:31
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BigWhaleGood Morning06:48
BigWhaleAlpha-1 Precise installer is crashing in Virtualbox is that a known issue?06:49
pittiGood morning08:03
mterrypitti, morning!  :)08:10
seb128mterry, pitti: hey!08:14
* bryceh waves08:24
jonoseb128, is didrocks near you?08:39
jonocould you let him know his blog is down08:40
seb128jono, yes, he knows, he told me at breakfast this morning08:40
jonoseb128, ahhh cool08:40
jonoI was going to promote his Unity PPA testing instructions, but I noticed it was down08:40
kenvandinejono, promote the gwibber testing too... it is in the same unity ppa :)08:41
jonokenvandine, will do08:41
* kenvandine has forgotten how to blog... been too long :)08:41
jonoOK, I will promote the testing instructions08:42
jbichaversions tracker is broken, perhaps I broke it by tagging bug 914137 as desktop-upgrade08:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 914137 in gcompris "Please package gcompris 12.01" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91413708:49
seb128jbicha, let me check08:49
jbichasince running the versions.py locally fails at gcompris with http://paste.ubuntu.com/801507/08:50
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~extension-hackers/messagingmenu-extension/trunk08:55
tkamppeterjasoncwarner_, hi08:59
jasoncwarner_kenvandine: updated gwibber...does start up noticeably faster...though, man, the scrolling still feels really fast (not aligned with system  scrolling ) and I can't use page down/up to move in stream?09:03
kenvandinethat should work09:04
jasoncwarner_kenvandine: or, rather, I must click stream before I can use page up/down. possible to give stream focus to allow page up/down right away?09:04
kenvandinei should be able to09:04
kenvandinethe real thing to test right now is gwibber-service09:04
kenvandineone sec09:04
kenvandinewatch -n0.1 'ps -e -o pcpu,rss,comm|grep gwibber-service'09:05
kenvandinewatch that while you do a refresh09:06
kenvandineright click on the gwibber icon in the launcher to kick off a refresh09:06
kenvandinejasoncwarner_, although i just found that the gwibber build in the unity-team ppa is slightly broken because it was built for oneiric and copied over09:07
kenvandinepython version related09:07
kenvandinei just uploaded for a precise rebuilt09:08
xclaessessh agent seems broken in precise :(09:13
xclaessegit pull asks me for the password everytime09:13
BigWhalefinally got precise installed in virtualbox ...09:23
jasoncwarner_kenvandine: I'll update later and test again09:32
BigWhalewill be unity5 backported to oneiric?09:39
seb128BigWhale, not likely09:42
seb128xclaesse, works for others, check you SSH_... environment variable and if gnome-keyring is running with the pid indicated09:42
mandelI'm using Pangolin and apparently I cannot longer access the system settings dialog, does this happen to anyone else?09:46
pittimandel: works fine here; what do you see if you run "gnome-control-center" in a terminal?09:46
* mandel tries09:46
xclaesseseb128, ok, restarted my session and now it works. :)09:48
mandelpitti, funny it seems that after the upgrade the package was removed..09:48
mandelpitti, after re-installing it works09:48
pittiah, please always watch what apt-get dist-upgrade wants to do :)09:48
BigWhaleI have to import cairo just to get access to couple of constants is there a way to get those two from Gtk/Gdk? I am talking about cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE and other operators09:48
mandelpitti, indeed, mea culpa for not reading09:49
geserdoes somebody else have "libglib2.0-bin: /etc/etc/bash_completion.d/gdbus-bash-completion.sh" (note the double etc) in precise? I've no idea where it comes from as the deb doesn't contain it.09:53
pittigeser: hm, I have tha09:53
pittigeser: hm, I have that09:53
seb128geser, pitti: it was shipped by error in oneiric09:55
seb128in /etc/etc/... rather than /etc (i.e install bug)09:55
pitti /etc/etc/bash_completion.d/gdbus-bash-completion.sh 3c6022ac0bf85f2f374358a52456e803 obsolete09:55
pitti /etc/etc/bash_completion.d/gsettings-bash-completion.sh d4db35a85d409a6f7747ce269306ffe5 obsolete09:55
seb128but I didn't clean it since I was unsure how to properly clean them, I was pondering doing a rm of /etc/etc in the postinst09:55
pittiseb128: I think it's safer to rm the two files and then rmdir -p  /etc/etc/bash_completion.d/09:56
seb128but I don't like to delete dirs on disk when other stuff might be installed there09:56
mptmvo, good morning, do you have time to review my suggested design for the unresolvable update case?09:56
seb128pitti, I was leaning toward that as well09:56
seb128well short story "known issue" ;-)09:56
TheMuso`ronoc: When you see David next, please ask him to send his jack detection testing email to ubuntu-devel@ as well, thanks.10:50
ronocTheMuso`, will do10:50
cyphermoxpitti: yay, one more rally item done (IPv6/DNS stuff)10:51
ronocrobert_ancell, I'm thinking it may be easier to do the writing to the accounts service in the greeter in the indicator11:10
robert_ancellronoc, works for me :)11:13
ronocrobert_ancell, good stuff11:22
ronocrobert_ancell, yeah it might be a headache trying to connect to pulse from the greeter, while the service is running there anyway with all the info we need and it can easily tell that it's in greeter mode11:23
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pittiMacSlow: hey, do you have a minute? where can I find you?14:22
MacSlowpitti, Kond room14:23
dobeypitti: hey, did you get my mail about CD space from last night?14:27
micahgSweetshark: bug 91535214:28
ubot2`Launchpad bug 915352 in libreoffice "package libreoffice-common 1:3.5.0~beta2-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: il sottoprocesso vecchio script di post-installation ha restituito lo stato di errore 127" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91535214:28
Sweetsharkmicahg: known issue (see backlog). bug is updated.14:32
Sweetsharkmicahg: thx14:32
micahgSweetshark: sorry, must have been offline when the discussion happened, thanks14:33
pittihey dobey; indeed I did, thanks!15:35
pittidobey: I spent my morning with making gnome-keyring gcr/gck introspectable, but then it turned out that you probably don't need those, but libgnome-keyring, right?15:35
pittidobey: I'll spend my train trip back with working on that15:35
dobeypitti: gnomekeyring gir would be nice for gwibber. we don't need it for u115:39
dobeypitti: i'm wondering who we need to discuss splitting up pyqt packaging with, though15:39
pittidobey: debfx seems to upload it a lot, perhaps he's interested15:42
dobeypitti: right. though i guess i'm more interested in discussing the impact for kubuntu/debian packaging for example. :)15:44
pittidobey: debfx is one of the main Kubuntu devs15:46
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Riddellwhat's the turn around time on MIRs now?17:23
pittimterry: ^ are you still the "gatekeeper"?17:24
mterrypitti, yes, but I've been bad recently17:24
mterryRiddell, you have things you want reviewed?  I can review anything urgent tomorrow and do a pass through the rest to assign to other MIR members17:24
* dobey wonders what ubuntu studio does exactly, to make jack work/usable17:25
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Riddellmterry: http://goo.gl/cG4Qm and bug 58632417:32
ubot2`Launchpad bug 586324 in openal-soft "[MIR] openal-soft" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58632417:32
Riddellmterry: of which bug 914720 is the main one I care about17:32
ubot2`Launchpad bug 914720 in libmygpo-qt "[MIR] libmygpo-qt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91472017:32
mterryRiddell, OK.  I'll do them all tomorrow17:33
mterryRiddell, sorry  :-/17:33
Riddellnothing to be sorry for, they were only reported recently :)17:33
mterryRiddell, oh, then nm  :)17:38
* mterry thought he was super behind17:38
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dobeymeh, all the people in budapest are certainly off having beer and food now19:23
* dobey wonders what is written in pure python and uses gsettings19:37
dobeyapport maybe19:38
dobeyor not19:38
BigWhaledobey, join them? :)19:38
dobeyBigWhale: i'm not in budapest19:39
BigWhaleoh ..19:39
dobeyor i wouldn't be on irc right now :)19:39
BigWhaleI was just about to suggest that it's just half a block away :>19:39
BigWhaleyou could crawl there!19:39
dobeyhrmm, indicator-weather has gsettings19:40
BigWhaleand I can't really decide what do to, add ffmpeg support back to Kazam or take care of editing ...19:42
dobeylp:indicator-weather hasn't ever been pushed to :(19:42
dobeytrying to find a working example of translated gsettings schema xml in a python project, is nigh impossible :-/19:47
dobeyeh, maybe i'll just not translate it for now then19:47
dobeyor just convert this project to use autotools19:48
dobeywhich would be better anyway19:48
BigWhaleHmm, gsettings is preferred way of storing settings, right?19:55
BigWhalethere's no GSettings introspection in Oneiric?!19:58
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dobeythere is20:06
BigWhaleI was looking for GSettings20:07
BigWhaleand I noticed that there's also GStreamer introspection20:07
BigWhalewhich raises more questions20:08
BigWhaleok, guys on #gstreamer pretty much answered it. :)20:12
=== oakdog8 is now known as Guest95869
dobeygrr apport22:57

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