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pittiGood morning08:03
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* bryceh waves08:11
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smoserwhere does rc.local come from?08:56
smoserinitscripts postinst.08:59
dholbachbarry, what do you think about having a quick UDW session about UDD? we still have open slots: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable :)09:03
rbasakdoko: have you been working on openmpi?09:06
dokorbasak, no09:07
barrydholbach: sure!  how about feb1 1900-2000 utc?09:07
dholbachbarry, that sounds perfect to my ears!09:07
* dholbach hugs barry09:07
barrydholbach: :)  wiki is warning you have a lock on the page09:08
rbasakdoko: ok, np09:08
dholbachbarry, updated the timetable :)09:08
barrydholbach: beauty!09:08
zygamvo, hi09:32
zygamvo, quick question09:32
zygamvo, if I wanted to add some dependencies to c-n-f would you rather see me bundling them with the code or packaging as separate entities?09:32
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hrwdo someone has working "Ctrl-a a" (switch window) or "Ctrl-a A" (rename window) in byobu under precise?10:46
hallynhrw: yes10:50
hrwhallyn: with tmux backend?10:51
mvozyga: hi, depends on the dependency, if its just used in c-n-f I guess bundling is fine, but generally it should be its own package10:51
hallynhrw: maybe you need to hit f9 to turn on screen emulation?10:51
hallynthe only glitches i have are: need ctrl-a [ (not ctrl-a ctrl-[ or ctrl-a esc) to turn on copy mode,10:51
zygamvo, right now it's just for cnf but I have a module cooking that will be used in more things10:51
hallynand need to hit return (can't hit space) in copy mode to finish a copy10:52
zygamvo, ok, thanks for the answer then10:52
hrwhallyn: F9 is byobu configuration10:52
hrwand first thing which I did was Shift-F12 to get my Fkeys back ;D10:53
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ckingpitti, if I find any more battery sucking bugs what's the best way to get it flagged up for some attention?11:31
pitticking: from my POV, tagging with battery-power-consumption will do11:31
ckingpitti, cool, works for me too11:32
pittiGood morninghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-power-consumption the other day11:32
pitticking: i. e. the project; you can mark the bugs as "also affects u-p-c", then some more interested people will be notified11:32
ckingcool :-)11:33
dholbachI'm organising Ubuntu Developer Week right now - could anyone imagine giving a session about NBS and fixing stuff in there?11:36
dholbachthis time we offer 30m session as well11:37
cjwatsonI'm not sure that would make an interesting topic?11:39
cjwatson"Sometimes you need to rebuild stuff against new library versions.  This page lists the problems.  On occasion you may have to fix build failures too."11:40
dholbachcjwatson, ok, I was just wondering if this was something where we wanted to get people to help out11:44
cjwatsonIt's easy if you're already a developer, and the fixes tend to be adding a changelog entry and uploading so not very interesting to go through the sponsorship process for11:45
YokoZarHmm, Ubiquity is crashing in vmware....is there a virtual machine player that currently works with 12.04?11:45
dholbachcjwatson, I guess you're right11:46
ahasenackhi guys, someone around to take a look at my SRU for python-tz? for lucid, maverick, natty and oneiric, packages are in the upload queue awaiting review11:53
ahasenackthe bug is #88516311:53
tumbleweedahasenack: usually the SRU upload queue is reviewed every morning11:54
tumbleweedI'm assuming this hasn't happened because of the sprint11:54
ahasenacktumbleweed: right, I'm pinging here a few times a day, every day, in the hopes of catching someone :)12:08
hrwsomeone know where chromium 16 or newer for precise can be fetched by apt?12:24
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pittihrw: frankly, I'd download it from upstream; chromium has been unmaintained for quite a while now12:56
pittiyou are better off with installing/upgrading from upstream12:56
hrwpitti: thx12:57
cjwatsonAre we going to get a new (installable) libreoffice-l10n shortly?12:57
pitticjwatson: yes, Sweetshark is working on it12:58
cjwatsongood, thanks12:59
semiosissoren: ping?13:03
Sweetsharkcjwatson: no libreoffice-l10n, but a libreoffice source including l10n binaries13:15
Sweetsharkcjwatson: hopefully soon, Im looking into it.13:15
hallyntyhicks: bzr branch lp:~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/precise/util-linux/fix-getty-on-pts; cd fix-getty-on-pts; bzr bd; then install the resulting util-linux .deb in the guest, and see if virsh console works.13:17
cjwatsonSweetshark: OK13:20
tyhickshallyn: I'm pretty sure that we determined the problem was *not* in the guest, right?13:24
tyhickshallyn: Either way, I'm in the process of building/testing13:24
hallyntyhicks: no, if libvirt-qemu consoles are on /dev/pts, then there is no doubt htat getty will fail in the guest.13:24
sorensemiosis: Yes?13:30
semiosissoren: greetings.  i've been working on the debian package of glusterfs and i saw your name on the ubuntu launchpad page for the package, so wanted to ask you a couple things13:32
semiosissoren: i updated the debian package so the newest version, 3.2.5, builds ok.  i put in a sync request to pull it from debian unstable into precise13:33
semiosissoren: wondering if there's anything else needed to help that along13:33
semiosissoren: another thing, once precise gets the latest version, i'd like to set up a merge to replace the debian initscript (debian/glusterfs-server.init) with an ubuntu upstart job (debian/glusterfs-server.upstart)13:34
semiosissoren: just curious if you have any input on these issues13:34
semiosisthat initscript/upstart switch fixes an ubuntu bug which is due to how upstart/mountall/fstab works13:36
semiosisi have a bug open for that in ubuntu & maintain packages with the upstart job in a ppa & have contributed it upstream13:37
semiosispeople have been using it & feedback is positive13:38
tyhickshallyn: That didn't fix the problem :/13:41
tyhickshallyn: I just realized there's no possible way that it is an issue in the guest13:42
tyhickshallyn: I should be able to see the grub serial output13:42
tyhickshallyn: That would be way before getty kicks in13:42
hallyntyhicks: ok can you file a bug and attach your guest .xml?13:43
tyhickshallyn: Yes - thanks for taking a look13:44
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sorensemiosis: Sorry, family arrived home, got distracted :)14:17
ScottKpitti: Did you get my ping re the KDE SC 4.7.4 SRU (understand if you don't have time to deal with it right away)?14:18
sorensemiosis: Do you have the bug number for that sync request?14:18
pittiScottK: I got the ping, but kinda busy here :/14:18
ScottKpitti: Sure thing.14:18
* ScottK waits ....14:18
sorensemiosis: Never mind, found it.14:19
sorensemiosis: And ACKed it.14:19
sorensemiosis: You can ping me (or someone else on the server team) when you have the upstart-job-adding patch that needs sponsoring. You don't sound like you need any help besides sponsorship, correct?14:20
semiosissoren: i think that is correct.  i'm going to make a branch of the package in launchpad with the modification, then not sure what to do next14:22
semiosisi'm following http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/fixing-a-bug.html14:22
semiosisi guess just "propose for merging" like it says at the end14:23
sorensemiosis: Sounds about right :)14:23
semiosissoren: great! thanks again for your help.14:23
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beunopitti, o/15:48
beunowhat does this mean?15:48
beunoNo apport report written because MaxReports is reached already15:48
pittibeuno: that the same program already crashed 3 times today, and it's refusing to spam you more15:49
ogra_why doesnt it say that ?15:49
beunopitti, interestingly, it hasn't15:50
* ogra_ was wondering the same thing in the past, would be nice if the message would be less cryptic15:50
beuno(crashed before today)15:50
beunopitti, this is on upgrading packages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/801862/15:51
pittibeuno: ah, during package updates16:03
pittibeuno: I think apt only creates a report for the first breakage, to avoid filing bugs for everything that fails on the broken dependency16:04
beunopitti, right. In my case, it hasn't created any reports for any breakages. Unless it talks to the interwebs and sees if other people had the same problem16:04
pittibeuno: no, it doesn't16:04
pittibeuno: what's the contents of /var/crash/ ?16:05
dobeyreport as in thing in /var/crash, yeah, not filed on bugs.lp16:05
beunopitti, https://pastebin.canonical.com/58036/16:05
pittibeuno: seems mvo is not online, he should know the details (that string is from apt)16:07
ahasenackhi guys, someone around to take a look at my SRU for python-tz? for lucid, maverick, natty and oneiric, packages are in the upload queue awaiting review16:25
ahasenackthe bug is #88516316:25
cjwatsonahasenack: I'm looking at it now16:27
ahasenackcjwatson: thanks!16:27
cjwatson(actually had been for a little while before you asked, coincidentally)16:27
ScottKLaney: requestsync should probably be modified to raise an error if a sync request that is not an FFe nor needs sponsoring needs filing.16:28
LaneyScottK: it prints a warning ATM16:30
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roadmrcjwatson: hi! I'm seeing a huge slowdown in germinate, rev376 took ~2 minutes to germinate oneiric ubuntu-desktop, whereas the latest version takes over one hour. I thought I'd ask you first to see if this is a known issue.17:01
cjwatsonroadmr: no, quite the opposite in general17:08
cjwatsonroadmr: the new germinate was one of the major things that got Ubuntu publisher runtime down to under 30 minutes; although that was in a particular mode and I expected a very slight slowdown in general, but I've been timing it all along on my system and I don't see anything like that kind of slowdown17:09
cjwatsonroadmr: perhaps I could have a bug report with details?17:09
roadmrcjwatson: certainly! I tried to file here but couldn't (https://bugs.launchpad.net/germinate)17:11
cjwatsonroadmr: use the Ubuntu package, please17:12
roadmrcjwatson: ok, my dumb self should have thought of that :) I'll file a bug shortly. Thanks!17:13
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jtaylordoko: python and python2.7 now provide python-argparse, that causes build issues when one b-depends on python-argparse18:45
jtaylorshouldn't only one of them provide it?18:45
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ScottKlamont: Could we have postfix 2.8.7 in precise so I can push it to natty/oneiric updates before we get 2.9.0 here shortly?19:21
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bdrungcjwatson, Laney, tumbleweed: nice syncpackage announcement20:36
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tumbleweedbdrung: can't say I added much to it :)20:48
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cjwatsonbarry: just reading https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-p-python-versions, I hope the "kill it off" against python-debian doesn't actually mean killing it but rather making update-manager not use it, or something?  it's a very useful set of packages23:41
cjwatson(and e.g. Launchpad uses it a fair bit)23:41
barrycjwatson: yep, exactly23:42

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