
Spartan29Good Morning people, best greeting at all.10:16
Spartan29I'm new to thunderbird, and i achieved the sharing of the same profile between Ubuntu ad Win. My trouble now is that i wanna add a new account using the same mail folder. Where i must add the second account, under win or under ubuntu? And after done this under one of these systems on the ather i'll see the account added?10:19
micahgSpartan29: you might have better luck in #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org, we deal more with Ubuntu specific issues here10:48
micahgok, so the ubuntu-mozillateam list queue is finally done with a few exceptions, so hopefully no more backlog14:24
micahgchrisccoulson: so, I have to respin the lucid/maverick Firefox 9.0.1 in proposed to pick up the kubuntu-firefox-installer issue, do you have any other fixes that should get in?14:37
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msucanhello everyone20:42
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msucanwhere do i file specific bug reports of the firefox builds in the ppa?20:42
msucanfirefox 10 beta channel is affect by https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=694594 << because the builds use a buggy version of gcc20:43
ubot2`Mozilla bug 694594 in JavaScript Engine "Crashes with gcc 4.4.3" [Critical,New: ]20:43
msucanwhich makes the firefox 10 builds from the ppa rather unstable :(20:44
msucan(on ubuntu 10.04 lts)20:44
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