
dragonunderlingI get the error:The MySQL plugin is not fully filled out.03:49
dragonunderlingPlease complete it before proceeding. When trying to apply changes in Mythbuntu Control Center. How to fix it?03:49
dragonunderlingIm usuing Ubuntu 10.04 and MythTV .24... Im off to bed and will leave this up.. I will check back in the morning.04:19
foerAnybody here ?05:36
foerbye leaving.05:38
hipitihopI'm trying to install an app which needs to create another DB on mySQL. How do I find out the correct credentials to authorise creation of another DB13:11
superm1hipitihop: the mysql root password should have been set to your user password at install14:50
superm1or you can use the debian maintainer account to create the DB14:50
hipitihopsuperm1, yes indeed have confirmed that now. many thanks14:51
superm1cool, good15:43
mat619Hey guys! Just noticed my fresh out-of-the-box install of Mythbuntu 11.10 crashes each time I play a WMA file in MythMusic. Any ideas what could cause this?16:13
mat619Sorry, internet connection dropped me once again...16:35
superm1mat619: best thing to do is load up autobuilds first and see if it's still happening with the latest build16:48
superm1if it does, then follow steps 1-4 at http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Debugging#Ubuntu_packages16:49
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Debugging - MythTV Official Wiki16:49
mat619okay, thanks superm1, will try that18:13
mrandmat619: depending on the complexity of the bug, it might or might not get addressed, since as mentioned yesterday, mythmusic is going through a complete re-write.18:48
rhpot1991I'd recommend not using wma too, but thats your call in the end18:51
UnguidedDoes anyone have a minute for a question please?19:33
ZinnPlease feel free to ask your question without asking if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask.  Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it.  IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.19:37
tgm4883Unguided, didn't give us much of a choice there did you?20:00
UnguidedI thought I did. If no one answered then I would have assumed everyone was busy.20:00
UnguidedI think I got it figured out in the mythtv-users channel.20:01
Unguidedtgm4883: thank you for the reply.20:02

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