
cjwatsonLaney: oh, yes, that got done00:01
cjwatsonI should bubble that up to the top of my list again ...00:01
cjwatsonit was right before the Christmas holidays00:01
CareBear\hi all00:39
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CareBear\you mean ,,businesshours09:06
CareBear\getting tired now09:06
Laneyno rush. was just wondering.10:24
LaneyI still haven't moved the configs around yet10:25
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evwould someone be so kind as to review the MIR for the crash reporting daemon (bug 913694) before the week is out?11:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 913694 in whoopsie-daisy (Ubuntu) "[MIR] whoopsie-daisy (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91369411:07
Riddellev: you'd be best pinging ~ubuntu-mir, most of their members aren't in here11:48
evRiddell: cheers11:48
stgraberev: I pinged doko in person11:48
evstgraber: oh thanks11:48
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LaneyI started drafting an annoucement about syncpackage http://pad.ubuntu.com/5G48BVU6u414:19
Laneyplease improve14:19
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cjwatsonLaney: I think that's all the edits I want to make14:31
Laneynice, thanks for those14:31
Laneytumbleweed: ^ any input?14:31
cjwatsonwe should fix up any wiki docs14:31
ubot4Helpful information for filing a sync request can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess14:31
* tumbleweed looks14:34
ogra_cjwatson, bless you :)14:35
Laney"If you do not have a Launchpad account you can mail the ubuntu archive mailing list."14:36
Laney→ ubuntu-devel?14:36
tumbleweederm, ubuntu developers have lp accounts14:36
tumbleweedoh, the wiki page14:36
Laneymade some minimal-ish changes14:38
cjwatsonLaney: hm, still kind of emphasises requestsync - shall I try to flip the emphasis around a bit?14:38
Laneyoh, I was thinking of it from the point of view of someone being sponsored14:39
cjwatsonI think e.g. just shortening the requestsync section by linking to the man page instead of copying it would be good14:39
cjwatsonmaybe if we had a clear section for developers and a section for those seeking sponsorship14:39
tumbleweedwe can get rid of the archaic-requestsync bits14:40
cjwatsonthe pre-natty bit?14:40
Laneyhttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/requestsync links to the different releases14:40
LaneyI'm sure people can figure it out14:41
tumbleweedah, maybe that is to recent. I think I already removed the older bits14:41
cjwatsonand the maverick one had a link to manage-credentials14:41
cjwatsonso yeah, I think it's fine to nuke that bit14:41
cjwatsonin progress14:42
tumbleweed+1 for reworking it into "for developers" and "for sponsoree" sections14:42
cjwatsonLaney,tumbleweed: how does that look now?14:56
tumbleweedsorry, had to run off. /me looks15:25
tumbleweedcjwatson: looks good15:26
Laneypad died :(16:15
Laneyphew, still there16:15
Laneycjwatson: mail in u-d-a moderation16:21

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