
uvirtbotNew bug: #915112 in nova (main) "nova-compute-xen with broken dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91511201:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #691390 in asterisk (universe) "[needs-packaging] asterisk-1.8" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69139001:33
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fang0654anyone in here have any experience with grub2, raid10, and gpt?03:43
fang0654I keep getting an error from grub2 saying "error: device not found" (or something similar)03:44
fang0654if I do an ls in the grub-rescue, I don't see the mdraid drives03:44
ZanzacarI was wondering why does no one host a web applet that allows you to send magic/wol packets?03:50
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ZanzacarI would think someone would host or having something out there and I have a feeling I just havent found it. Basically I dont want my friends to have to isntall wake-on-lan software to wake up my server03:58
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Psi-JackDoes anyone here use Ubuntu 10.04 under VMWare vSphere? I'm curious exactly about the vmware-tools repos for ubuntu and if version matters so much.04:45
Psi-JackAs in, using latest.04:45
macnixI ran an upgrade after adding a dotdeb source, can't figure out how to solve this mysql conflict https://gist.github.com/159892505:21
macnixgoogle wasn't of much help...05:21
twbWhat is dotdeb?05:24
twbtrying to overwrite '/usr/bin/mysql', which is also in package mysql-client-core-5.1 0:5.1.41-3ubuntu12.1005:24
twbmacnix: you need to remove mysql-client-core-5.1 before yo uinstall mysql-client-5.1 because the two repos have broken the mysql source package into different binary packages05:25
macnixok, managed to delete the new apt sources, apt-get update, then finished the install -f05:25
twbhttp://www.dotdeb.org/ ugh, what a crock05:25
macnixnow removing the problematic packages manually05:25
macnixwell, he has some newer packages05:26
macnixcouldn't find them anywhere else05:26
twbUse the flipping packages Ubuntu provides in your release instead of grabbing random third-party shite like some RHEL weenie05:26
twbmacnix: and why do you think you need a newer release?05:26
twbFurther, dotdeb packaging appears to be for Debian systems, and results on Ubuntu will be undefined.05:27
macnixsome stuff I compile, but other stuff just takes too long. dotdeb is a good interim solution.05:28
macnixdon't have time to build all the latest packages myself.05:28
twbNew release = new bugs05:28
twbEspecially if you compile it yourself or take some random third-party package.05:28
macnixyes, I agree, unless you go for specific, newer versions which have proven to be good05:29
twbJust because upstream says it works doesn't mean it actually does work.05:29
twbUnless you have specific feature or bugfix that you absolutely must have, DO NOT upgrade away from the packages provided by your release.05:30
macnixcheers for the wise words ;). I will re-consider my approach.05:31
twbAt this point your system is probably buggered enough that you should consider reinstalling from scratch.05:31
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thermionixhello folks, anyone know what the future holds for NFS with an alternative authentication system that isn't kerberos?05:43
twbthermionix: zero05:50
twbKerberos is the only authentication mechanism that's actually secure05:50
twb(Well, except for single-host auth infrastructure, which is irrelevant for NFS)05:51
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uvirtbotNew bug: #915167 in beautifulsoup (main) "package python-beautifulsoup 3.2.0-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91516706:06
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koolhead11hi all08:00
smoseradam_g, http://paste.ubuntu.com/801476/ that is what i use for thinkpad battery stuff. see usage.08:02
smoserzul, bug 90453208:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 904532 in nova "Provide a script to automate cleanup of _base" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90453208:23
rbasakzul: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/+bug/87324308:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 873243 in nova "nova-compute-xen depends on xen-linux-system which does not exist" [High,Fix released]08:31
rbasakhallyn: the test still breaks :(08:38
rbasakhallyn: lxcguest does not exist in lucid08:38
hallynrbasak: ah, that's right - there's an open bug on that.  we get it from ppa, but ppa's don't compile for arm.08:39
hallynrbasak: can you just edit the test and take out lucid?08:39
rbasakhallyn: ok, rerunning08:40
hallynmaybe this should server as motivation for me to work harder on that bug (lxcguest backport)08:41
stgraberDaviey: hey there. Is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-p-ipv6 on your todo? Would be great to have isc-dhcp-server updated (probably moving from one sysvinit job to two upstart jobs, one for ipv4 and one for ipv6) soonish so we can get extensive testing.09:01
stgraberDaviey: if your team is too busy, I can probably move that to my own todo and try to find some time to do it (instead of copy/pasting init scripts on my servers :))09:02
rbasakhallyn: failure with set -x: http://paste.ubuntu.com/801518/09:10
rbasakhallyn: lxc-ps -n oneiric-test -- -ef returns nothing09:11
hallynrbasak: all right all right - what does lxc-ls show?09:12
rbasakroot@panda-test:~# lxc-ls09:12
rbasakoneiric-test  test_container09:12
rbasakhallyn, I can give you a shell if that's easier?09:12
hallynrbasak: yes pls09:12
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rbasaksmoser: sed '$s/^foo$/bar/'09:48
rbasaksmoser: sed -i '$s/^exit 0$/d'09:49
rbasaksmoser: sed -i '$s/^exit 0$/d' /etc/rc.local09:49
smoser{ echo 1; echo 2; echo 3; } | sed '$/3/d'09:49
rbasaksmoser: sed '$s/^exit 0$//'09:49
rbasaksmoser: sed -i '$s/^exit 0$//' /etc/rc.local09:49
sorensmoser: Have you used cloud-init with the Rackspace cloud?09:53
smosersoren, no. i've never tried.09:53
smoserbut you're going to fix that fo rme.09:53
sorenI walked right into that one, didn't I?09:54
sorenIt's going to be rather amputated, seeing as I can't upload custom images there and cloud-init isn't pre-installed.09:54
sorenI can inject files, though.09:55
rbasaksmoser: sed -i '${/^exit 0$/d}' /etc/rc.loca09:55
sorenSo I can inject an upstart job that installs cloud-init.09:55
smoserbut if we got it working... and ti worked well, it seemed like rackspace might be open to that.09:55
sorenOnce they switch to OpenStack, I imagine we'd be able to provide images ourselves.09:56
soren...with the right stuff in there.09:56
sorenSo, assuming cloud-init was there, and the only thing I could do was to inject files.. Is there any way I can feed data to cloud-init?09:57
smosersoren, you would know better than i.09:57
sorensmoser: Only marginally so.09:57
smoserbut my impression was always that their openstack solution would be very tight and likely not even allow uploading images.09:57
smoseri dont knwo why i got that feeling.09:57
sorensmoser: Maybe. Who knows?09:57
soren(rhetorical question alert)09:58
smosersoren, yeah, you can inject metadata and user-data into09:58
sorenCool. where do I put it?09:58
smoser see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/files/head:/doc/examples/seed/09:58
sorensmoser: It's not entirely obvious to me what the difference is between DataSourceNoCloud and DataSourceNoCloudNet?09:59
smosernocloudnet runs afternetwork is up.10:00
smoserso you can do a #include of a network resource10:00
smoser(or do apt-get install in a boothook)10:00
sorenI see.10:01
sorensmoser: Cool, thanks.10:01
hallynjodh: stgraber: lp:~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/precise/upstart/upstart-containers is what I'll eventualy be proposing for moving upstart bits from lxcguest into upstart.  Won't be until the container-reboot patch hits kernel, but if you see anything wrong, I"d appreciate feedback.10:21
jodhhallyn: thanks. I'll take a look...10:21
hallyn\0/ thx10:23
dax_rocMorning all10:53
dax_rocI'm trying to setup a network install, I've got the boot process working but it's still looking for the cd after the keyboard detection i've passed in the following http://pastebin.com/CntCMMgW10:57
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smoserrbasak, http://paste.ubuntu.com/801610/11:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #915259 in php5 (main) "php5-mysql  startup of pdo_mysql.so fail due to  undefined symbol: php_pdo_register_driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91525911:25
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uvirtbotNew bug: #915282 in cloud-init (main) "cloud-init does not select ec2 mirrors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91528212:26
cloudy37hello, i hope that someone can steer me in the right direction here... i have access to an installation of ubuntu on a server which is accessible over the internet with an adress like   asdf.dhcp.university.com running an apache2 listening on port 80 and i'm wondering if it's possible to "add" another prefix like test.asdf.dhcp.university.com so that the apache can route traffic to that adress to e.g. a tomcat running on the sam12:33
cloudy37e machine12:33
_rubenyou'd need to reverse proxy those requests towards tomcat then, and it'd require university.com to make sure your "test" subdomain points to the same ip12:35
cloudy37so my understanding is that university.com has a dns server running which resolves all the subdomains to the corresponding ip adresses but it's not possible to run another dns server on one of the subdomains to create more subdomains originating from e.g. asdf.dhcp.university.com, that correct?12:40
ClaudiuTI tried a remote dist-upgrade and it hanged here http://imgur.com/dCsTK12:41
ClaudiuTwhat would be a wise next step now?12:41
_rubencloudy37: not without university.com doing some delegation to that "another dns server"12:42
_rubenClaudiuT: can you stil open a new ssh session?12:43
_rubenClaudiuT: then take a look with ps/top/etc what's currently going on and go from there12:43
onrewhat happens if you press "enter" in the terminal?12:43
ClaudiuTonre: nothing, goes one row lower12:44
onre(just making sure that you haven't accidentally pressed ctrl+S for whatever reason :)12:44
onreallright, not then12:44
ClaudiuTtop looks clean12:44
ClaudiuTbut I think this is the problem 22140 pts/2    Ss+    0:01 /usr/bin/dpkg --force-overwrite --status-fd 27 --conf12:45
_rubeni tend look at the top say 10 lines of ps auxOT12:45
_rubennot top12:45
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ClaudiuTlike this? http://pastebin.com/jvFL5DMM12:47
ClaudiuTI have a zombie there12:47
ClaudiuTshould I kill -9 it?12:47
onrekilling zombies usually does nothing12:48
ClaudiuTctrl-c and apt-get upgrade?12:50
onreClaudiuT, that's what i would do.12:53
ClaudiuTallright, thanks12:54
ClaudiuThow can I solve this? debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable12:56
_rubenprobably there's still a debconf process running12:58
ClaudiuTyup, that was it13:00
ClaudiuTapt-get upgrade said 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.13:00
ClaudiuTeverything seems to be fine now13:01
stgraberhallyn: do you know the status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/632764 ?13:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 632764 in ifupdown "LXC containers stop working with the newest version of the package" [Medium,Triaged]13:31
eagles051387|hey ikonia didn't manage to find anything relating to URI :( still trying to look but not finding anything13:54
hallynstgraber: hm, no...14:04
hallynstgraber: i don't think we're patching around that in lxcguest any more, so maybe it's fixed14:04
stgraberhallyn: yeah, I don't remember seeing this, so I'm quite tempted to marking it fix released even if I can't point to a specific fix14:05
hallynstgraber: i just stuck an upstart job in my container that starts on net-device-up IFACE=lo, and it did start on boot.14:10
hallynso yeah, it's fixed, somehow14:10
smoserutlemming, lp:~smoser/+junk/check-archive/14:12
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hallynstgraber: would you like to take a look at our current lxc patch before I dput?14:14
hallynrbasak: i hosed the panda installing lxc from archive.  a little ridiculous.  i'm going to commit the current proposed version from the archive, then we can bugfix from there as needed14:19
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stgraberhallyn: I'm a bit busy with ifupdown that I'd like to upload today, so if you think it's good and reasonably tested, just upload it. Otherwise I can have a look later tonight (likely after dinner)14:33
hallynstgraber: np, uploaded it, thanks.14:33
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smoserroaksoax, did you make it any furthre on odev ?16:04
smoserlynxman, https://code.launchpad.net/~orchestra/orchestra/odev/16:05
smoserthats "odev", which guides you through building a orchestra environment on your local system16:05
lynxmansmoser: hmm interesting :)16:05
smoseryou should try walking through it. i'm begging people to, so someone other than i has done it.16:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #915423 in libnss-ldap (main) "libnss-ldap and libnss-ldap:i386 can not be purged together" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91542316:21
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah works like a charm now16:27
roaksoaxsmoser: for some reason the time kvm ... etc etc was not fully completing16:28
smoserroaksoax, good.16:28
smoserthank you for that16:28
roaksoaxsmoser: btw.. are you planning to make this a bit more automated?16:29
smoseryeah, i have some stuff to do on it16:29
smoserthe goal is to have the zimmer-build automated16:29
smoserand have that available for download16:29
smoserthe stock one16:29
smoserso that step would be gone16:30
smoserand then i want to have the 'setup.py' renamed and have it basically set up everything for you and allow you to do things like: 'add node' 'add-node-to-cobbler' and stuff like that16:30
smoser(you're more htan welcome to hepl with this if you find it useful)16:30
smoserthen the bug thing i want to get to is the ability to use a cloud-image16:30
smoserinstead of doing a deploy16:31
smoser(to fast path juju)16:31
roaksoaxsmoser: right, I think we could have both, so we can decide whether we wanna use images or do installations. Cause that way we can test "physical" deployments with orchestra16:32
smoserroaksoax, yeah. i just wanted the shortcut becuase its painful slow otherwise16:38
roaksoaxsmoser: agreed. but I still think we need a regular installation to test everything else16:39
LivTylerhello, I'm trying to set up ipsec in Ubuntu, but not working, when the client send ISAKMP, it receives from Ubuntu Server ICMP destination unreachable, any ideas?16:40
smoserroaksoax, yeah. we're going to have to be tricky somehow to do it the fast path16:44
LivTylernever mind, I think I've got it16:44
smoseras it will require cobbler talking to your system and saying "cheat and clone this node for me"16:44
smoseradam_g,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/801910/16:44
roaksoaxsmoser: probably writing a power management template16:49
roaksoaxsmoser: that clones the imagine and then starts it with virsh16:50
roaksoaxsmoser: so we would only have to modify the current virsh template16:51
smosermaybe, yeah16:52
smosercan a power management template get at ks vars ?16:52
smoserthen we could have a var on the system that we just toggle16:52
roaksoaxsmoser: idk actually, but I don't see why it couldn't as it still gets vars from cobbler either wya16:55
adam_gsmoser: # echo "c 1:7 rwm" > /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/lxc/ubuntu-jstack-nova-compute-0/devices.allow18:38
nonotzaanyone know why my public IP address remains the same after connecting to an openvpn server?18:53
JanCnonotza: I assume the traffic isn't routed through your VPN...19:21
nonotzaif I'm connected - isn't that a default behavior of the vpn?19:22
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maswandepends on the vpn19:31
mtaylorSpamapS: ola amigo19:37
JanC_nonotza: what does "ip route list" say?  (put it on a pastebin)19:38
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doommasterhi there20:10
doommasterI did a plain Ubuntu install on a system which contains a RAID, the OS is on a non RAID HDD20:12
doommasternow the system does not boot when any of the raid hdds are installed20:12
doommasterit marks the raid degraded and breaks the init20:12
doommasternevertheless there is nothing needed on there20:13
doommasterand the system boots just fine when the RAID hdds are disconnected20:13
doommasterwtf is wrong?20:13
doommasternatty booted just fine20:13
doommasterI did a plain Ubuntu install on a system which contains a RAID, the OS is on a non RAID HDD now the system does not boot when any of the raid hdds are installed it marks the raid degraded and breaks the init nevertheless there is nothing needed on there and the system boots just fine when the RAID hdds are disconnected wtf is wrong? natty booted just fine20:22
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druonysuseI am working on an Ubuntu server that is starting up with / as read-only22:24
druonysusewhy is this happening?22:24
druonysuseis there a common cause for this... like a drive dying?22:25
EvilResistancewhat's /usr/sbin/named do?22:31
JanCEvilResistance: resolve DNS addresses?22:33
EvilResistanceJanC:  required in server installs?22:33
JanCit's part of BIND normally22:33
EvilResistance(its taking up 18% of a low-mem VPS)22:33
EvilResistanceJanC:  how would i go about killing it?22:33
EvilResistancekillall <program> ?22:34
JanCEvilResistance: if you don't need yourown DNS service, and you can use a DNS relay from your VPS provider (or elsewhere), it's not strictly required, no22:34
EvilResistanceack, i found the big mem eaters...22:35
EvilResistancephp-fpm is taking up 48% memory o.O22:35
JanCI'd suggest you make sure your name lookups don't use a local service if there isn't one  ;)22:35
EvilResistancenot sure why its running though22:37
EvilResistancei cant find any package associated with it22:37
EvilResistanceand its got 5 processes running (named)22:37
shauno$ dpkg -S `which named`22:38
shaunobind9: /usr/sbin/named22:38
shaunoassuming yours is isc too, I'd assume the same package, but that's a handy one to know22:38
JanCand if you really want a local DNS relay/cache (for performance reasons) you can also try something like dnsmasq22:39
patdk-laphmm, trimming down memory of php-fpm, normally isn't easy22:39
patdk-lapatleast if you actually needed php for anything22:39
lx-berlinhello everyone. i just setup my first ubuntu server. but i am having problems with the software raid23:18
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lx-berlineven if i rebuild the raid, when i restart the server the next day, the raid1 is no more working again23:19
lx-berlinsdb is always getting removed from the raid23:20
lx-berlincan someone take a look at the smart values of my sdb and tell me if this disc is really faulty ? http://pastebin.com/1Txby5WG23:22
lx-berlinor is it possible that i didnt configure the raid1 correctly?23:24
lx-berlinhere are23:29
lx-berlinups. here are the mdadm details: http://pastebin.com/S0PBPZxd23:30
lx-berlinis anyone there?23:31

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