
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as ChrisDruif
Kaleonerochiaro: the MERGE-TODO seems well sorted11:44
Kaleonerochiaro: the priority for me is that I can use it as my day to day desktop env asap so that I find the bugs11:44
nerochiaroKaleo: good. i'm 75% done on the input shaping task11:44
Kaleonerochiaro: great11:44
nerochiaroKaleo: which is the biggest show stopper IMHO11:44
nerochiaroeverything else is details, but don't prevent you to use day to day11:44
nerochiaroKaleo: btw, the packages in the staging ppa seem to have an ugly looking bottom-right corner for the dash when it's in desktop mode. is that supposed to be there ?11:49
nerochiaroKaleo: https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~osomon/unity-2d/dash-not-fullscreen.png11:49
Saviqnerochiaro, did you get mhr3 in the end?11:51
nerochiaroSaviq: Kaleo brought his laptop to him and he explained live11:51
nerochiaroSaviq: all solved11:51
Saviqnerochiaro, I'll take your screenshot to greyback11:52
nerochiaroSaviq: oh, so he's around, i thougth he was on holidays11:52
Saviqnah, he's here in Budapest11:57
Saviqnerochiaro, it's a known issue11:57
nerochiaroSaviq: what i need to know is if that corner is gonna stay rounded or if that will change11:58
Saviqyeah the image just needs to get fixed11:58
icerootat the moment we dont have a (meta)package? so it will be build from source?13:05
Saviqiceroot, it's just a concept right now, no real point in building it for people13:11
Saviqiceroot, there's a ppa though (obviously) ;)13:11
Kaleonerochiaro: can you report a bug about the dash corner thing as high priority and ping gerry about it?13:15
icerootSaviq: good to know thank you, we had a big announcment in germany about ubuntu-tv on a very big website13:16
SaviqKaleo, he knows that issue already13:16
icerootSaviq: i think i will doe some testing and report bugs and so on13:16
Saviqiceroot, could you give a link?13:16
icerootSaviq: one moment13:17
nerochiaroKaleo: Saviq pinged him already, said he's aware of it13:17
icerootSaviq: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Ubuntu-fuer-Fernseher-1405708.html (german version), http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Canonical-unveils-Ubuntu-TV-at-CES-1405634.html (english version). its the biggest it-website in germany13:19
SaviqKaleo, popey ^13:20
icerootalso see http://www.golem.de/1201/88880.html (german version only)13:21
icerootso we are working with the normal bug-system on launchpad for ubuntu-tv? or is it really just a concept without a need of testing and so on?13:32
mhall119popey: Saviq: Kaleo: nerochiaro: anybody interested in doing a classroom session about Ubuntu TV for Ubuntu Developer Week?14:16
tgm4883mhall119, is there anything to teach that couldn't be in the unity/lenses session?14:45
mhall119tgm4883: most likely15:06
popeymhall119: can i be an admin on the g+ page?15:19
mhall119popey: you aren't? let me check15:24
popeyalan.pope at gmail15:24
popey(is my g+ account)15:24
mhall119popey: I send an invite15:24
mhall119let me know if you  want me to re-send it15:25
popeymhall119: i didnt get it15:27
chrisvillaHas anyone seen http://spiceofdesign.deviantart.com/art/Response-to-Ubuntu-TV-278493286 ?17:00
Saviqchrisvilla, nice, thanks17:04
chrisvillaSaviq, what do you reckon?17:06
mhall119chrisvilla: nice, but the widgets are all way too small for a 10 foot display17:06
Saviqchrisvilla, I don't like the indicators bar17:06
mhall119the color will likely be possible with the new Unity-5.0 options17:07
chrisvillaI didn't design it, but I'd just like to pass on comments to the designer17:07
mhall119Saviq: it would be really, really nice if one of the UbuntuTV hackers can give a short presentation during Ubuntu Developer Week to boost community interest and involvement17:26
Saviqmhall119, yeah I saw that, we'll talk about it17:26
tgm4883+1 to that design with the show image in the background17:39
mhall119wow, over 200,000 views of the Ubuntu TV video on YouTube17:50
nerochiaroSaviq: i updated the input shape branch to use bitmaps like i mentioned before. it's working much better now, should have no more bugs.18:48
nerochiaropopey: ping19:27
tgm4883Are there any screenshots of what recorded tv episodes would look like?20:55
tgm4883and/or is there a different view for looking at a bunch of recorded tv shows?20:56
tgm4883all the images I've seen so far seem to be of videos, which while similar, are still very different to tv shows20:56
tgm4883alternatively, Is there expected data that needs to be fed to the videos lens for tv shows?20:57
popeynerochiaro: pong21:00
popeytgm4883: there is a screenshot i have seen which shows a motorbike on a road, with a side-bar21:01
nerochiaropopey: hi. i just wanted to ask you some questions on how to setup the nvidia driver on a REVO, but i think i managed to take care of it already for the most part21:01
popeynerochiaro: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current libvdpau121:01
popeyjob done ☺21:01
nerochiaropopey: i did that with jockey, but i guess it's the same deal21:02
nerochiaropopey: the ony thing that it's missing is fixing some overscan problems i'm having with my tv i guess21:02
popeybut add libvdpau manually21:02
nerochiarowill do21:02
* popey stabs overscan in the face21:02
nerochiaroyeah, hate it with all my soul21:02
nerochiaropopey: do you happen to have any clues on that maybe ?21:03
popeyi never use it on TVs, so sorry, no21:03
nerochiaropopey: ok, np21:03
tgm4883popey, any link to that? I'm having difficulty finding it21:06
popeyi saw it on a news site, cant recall which one, will rummage21:09
popeyhttp://www.linuxnov.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Ubuntu-TV-Screenshot-4.png  there is one21:09
popeytgm4883: i cant find it, sorry21:11
popeySaviq knows the pic I mean. maybe he can get clearance to show it21:11
popeyit's basically just a background of the video running and the sidebar showing synopsis with Now/Next overlayed21:11
tgm4883popey, actually this screenshot seems to be what I'm looking for21:16
popeyremember its just a mockup21:16
tgm4883basically I just wanted to know about what data was expected to be available for TV shows21:17
popeythere's no guarantee it will be what gets delivered, if indeed anything gets delivered21:17
popeyit would be nice if we had more than just the time/date and synopsis, some more data we could use to do referential lookups to other shows etc would be nice21:17
popeybeing able to automagically figure out another showing of the same show to enable multiple-tuner recording would be nice too21:18
popey(basically the usual stuff you expect a myth box to do)21:18
tgm4883popey, this is what is returned using the mythtv services API when looking at recorded shows (for 0.25)  http://pastebin.com/vDgVwyWY21:18
tgm4883although there seems to be a minor bug, the random text in there should likely be surrounded by description tags21:18
tgm4883line 2121:18
popeylots of detail there though21:19
tgm4883there isn't anything that says season/episode# ,but I bet that is retreivable via SeriesId and ProgramId21:20
tgm4883Ideally, In that screenshot you posted, I'd like to see a button "more info" that we could hide description inside21:21
tgm4883It bugs me that you can see a description on the main screen for a series you might be trying to catch up on (spoiler alert anyone?)21:21
popeyheh, good point21:26

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