
inetproGood morning 06:10
marcogtumbleweed: i have this bug where every so often my trackpad is just disabled. i have to go into trackpad settings and re-enable it. i have a feeling it's related to disabling it while you type feature, as it appears to happen when i type.06:31
marcogsimilar problem mentioned in http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=8703306:31
tumbleweedmarcog: sounds like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/804109 ?08:18
tumbleweedthere's also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/86840008:19
marcogtumbleweed: i can enable it in gpointing-device-settings08:19
marcogbut it randomly decides it's a good idea to disable it08:19
tumbleweedsyndaemon is supposed to do that while you are typing08:19
tumbleweedand then enable it again08:20
marcogyeah, the second one seems more like it08:20
tumbleweeddo you have two syndaemons running?08:20
marcoglong bug thread is long08:20
* marcog checks08:21
tumbleweedignore all the users, and follow what the developers are saying :)08:21
marcogi don't know the devs, so i can't filter them as easily as you can08:21
tumbleweedthere's a trick: https://launchpad.net/launchpad-gm-scripts08:22
tumbleweedkarma suffix08:23
* marcog will look into this on the weekend08:24
marcogit's a bit late and i wanna finish something else off08:25
marcogthanks for the help though08:25
tumbleweedfrom a quick squiz, disable disabling the touchpad when typing08:25
tumbleweedthere isn't a real fix yet08:25
nuvolari/query ghostknife 10:55
inetprotumbleweed: I haven't had time to test my issue again with the latest daily iso for some time but I guess I should make some time for it11:08
inetprotumbleweed: how do I know when the kernel has had updates?11:09
tumbleweedinetpro: I've already forgotton. What was the status of the bug?11:09
inetprohmm... let me find it11:09
tumbleweedah, no developers commented on it11:12
tumbleweedthe only discussion was on IRC11:12
inetproso how do we go about this?11:13
tumbleweedI'm afraid I'm no expert here, and really don't know11:13
inetprohmm... I'll raise it again at #ubuntu-x11:14
Mezenira dead channel says what ...16:31
Kerberodis net oor oom kilos nie nou hier is nie16:36
Mezenirone man channel16:38
Kilosevening superfly and all you other peeps17:38
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:38
* Maaz starts grinding coffee17:38
superflyevening oom Kilos17:40
Kilosall well there superfly ?17:40
superflyKilos: I think so17:41
Kiloshave you seen inetpro is all well with them too, and nuvo17:41
Kiloshi zeref bakuman 17:42
superflyKilos: yes, both of them are carrying on as usual17:42
Kilosgood ty superfly 17:42
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:42
KilosMaaz, thanks man17:42
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)17:42
superflyKilos: alles goed daar? any news on your visa?17:43
Kilosniks nuus nie maar ons gaan ook goed aan dankie superfly 17:43
Kiloshulle ondersoek my hele lewe en character lyk my17:44
Kilosof hulle het my goed verloor17:45
inetproheh Kilos, wb17:50
Kiloslol hiya inetpro i greet you every day17:51
Kilosi should wb you17:51
* inetpro is here more often than Kilos17:51
Kilosyeah but i try at least every night17:52
inetproKilos: that's cool17:52
Kiloslook in records you will see how often i have greeted you without reply17:52
inetproBTW, have you tried 8ta yet?17:52
Kilosyes i am using it now17:52
inetprothey've come down with prices17:52
Kilosworks well but this mtn tower is not a 3g tower17:53
Kilosoh have they17:53
Kiloswhen inetpro 17:53
Kiloslo Tonberry 17:53
inetproKilos: today, IIRC17:53
Kiloswhats iirc?17:54
inetproif I remember correctly17:54
Kiloswhats their smallest bundle now inetpro 17:54
inetprohang on, trying to find it17:54
* Kilos hanging on17:55
inetproKilos: I think their 3G is worth it at R14917:56
inetproor at least getting reasonable17:56
Kilosthats a good price hey17:56
Kilosvoda is 500m for R16017:57
inetproahh... happened yesterday17:57
inetprosee http://mybroadband.co.za/news/broadband/41031-8ta-slashes-broadband-prices.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter17:57
inetpro100MB = R 4017:58
Kilosah thats dropped R1017:58
inetpro100MB = R 40 = 40c pMB17:58
inetpro250MB = R 80 = 32c pMB17:59
inetpro500MB = R 120 = 24c PM17:59
inetpro1GB = R 200 = 20c pMB17:59
Kilosthats not bad at all17:59
inetpro2GB = R 266 = 13c pMB18:00
Kiloswork out the 3g one18:00
inetpro5GB = R 666 = 13c pMB18:00
inetproI'm not not sure how they get to R149 for 3GB 18:01
inetprobut that one is advertised on their site18:01
inetproas a once off price18:01
Kilosall well there inetpro family and veggy garden18:02
inetproja thanks, eating lekker Litjies now18:02
Kilosen die hoenders?18:03
inetprojust need to get some new Chickens again18:03
Kilosdoen jy dit nog?18:03
inetpromy hoenders is oud18:03
inetprovir die eiers18:04
Kiloshoe oud?18:04
inetprojy weet nie dalk waar ek kan hoenders kry wat reeds begin lê nie?18:04
Kiloscalled point of lay18:04
inetproKilos: eish, baie oud, kan nie eers onthou nie18:04
inetproiewers neergeskryf, sal moet kyk18:05
Kiloswat jy kan ook probeer as jy kostes wil sny is koop henne wat die ander eier mense verkoop18:05
inetpromaar hulle lê nou maar swak18:06
Kiloshulle gooi hulle uit sodra hulle ophou om daagliks te le18:06
inetproKilos: ahh, ek onthou jy't dit gesê18:06
inetproKilos: maar hoe sal ek sulke plekke kry?18:07
inetproen die arme goed wat in batterye lê sal seker nie eers meer kan loop nie18:08
Kiloskyk op die eiers in die winkels en sien wat die plekke se name is18:08
inetprosal bietjie kyk18:08
Kilosja jy gooi hulle buite en hulle sal weer reg kom18:08
Kilosveral as hulle baie groen kos by kry18:09
Kilosgooi n slaai kop in die hok en kyk hoe gou dit verdwyn18:10
Kiloskyk hier inetpro 18:11
Kilosoh my goodness18:11
Kiloskbmonkey, wvb18:11
Kiloswb too18:11
kbmonkeyhi Kilos!18:11
Kilosyou got your internet working at last lad18:12
kbmonkeyim couch surfing at a friends oom. happy days18:13
Kilosis she nice?18:13
kbmonkeyhow you keeping my friend?18:14
Kiloswell ty and you18:14
kbmonkeyha ha good one. I don't monkey and tell18:14
Kilosi see you comment in mail now and again18:14
Kilosha ha ha18:14
inetproKilos: eish, daai plek soek my naam, email adres, en alle moontlikke persoonlikke inligting voor dit vir my de nommer sal gee 18:15
kbmonkeyI try on the phone but it grinds my bones, those small buttons18:15
Kiloseish inetpro 18:15
Kilosyeah kbmonkey working on fones sucks bad but worse onna bb18:16
Kilosinetpro, kan jy try hulle foon nommer kry18:17
Kiloskyk in die geel bladsye18:18
inetproKilos: ek het 'n ander site gekry18:19
inetpromaar kyk die pryse http://www.wix.com/bruceclark1959/clareyn-hatcheries18:19
inetproPOTCH KOEKOEKS Day old R15 ea18:20
inetpro5 months R 170 ea18:20
inetproBUFF ORPINGTONS & BLACK AUSTROLORPES Day old R40 ea  / 5 months R 450 ea 18:20
Kiloskyk na 18:20
inetproLIGHT SUSSEX  Day old R60 ea  / 5 months R 550 ea 18:21
Kilossjoe die goed is duur ne18:21
Kilosek het n buff stoet gehad en ons het hulle ge eet18:21
Kilosmooi geel hoenders18:22
Kiloskwaai hane18:22
Kilosmy haan het my swaar stukkend geskop18:22
Kilosek probeer daai le henne onthou nou18:22
kbmonkeylol oom Kilos!18:23
inetproahh hier is Rhode Island Red henne wat reeds 4 weke lê vir R80 per hen18:25
inetprobaie meer redelik, maar18:26
inetprohulle is in skaapstad18:26
inetproek meen Kaapstad18:26
Kilossjoe dus ook duur18:26
inetproek is mal oor daai bruin henne van my18:26
Kilosjy moet baie eiers verkkop om daai gelg terug te kry18:26
inetprohulle lê amper nog elke dag18:26
Kilosja hulle is goed maar daar is twee ander geslagte wat beter en groter le maar ek sukkel om te onthou nou18:27
Kiloseen is something red18:28
inetproKilos: maar point of lay spaar baie geld 18:28
inetpromaar ja R80 is dalk bietjie baie18:28
Kilospoint of lay vir R80?18:29
Kilosinetpro, kyk wat se hierdie link van hoender tipes18:30
Kilosek kan dit seker wget18:31
inetprosjoe, dankie18:31
inetpromiskien moet ek wag dat my bantams groot word en aanteel18:32
Kiloskan ek jou more laat weet18:32
inetprohet 4 kleintjies van my broer gekry vir kersfees18:32
Kilosbantams se eiers is te klein man18:32
Kilosek glo nie iemand sal hulle eiers koop nie18:32
inetproKilos: ek is nie haastig nie18:32
kbmonkeywow, there sure are lots of chicken types18:33
Kilosek maak die wget goed net oop as ek aflyn is18:33
Kilosander loop data18:33
Kilosyeah very many18:33
inetproKilos: ai, dis tyd dat jy groter data pakkette kry18:35
kbmonkeyotoh (on the other hand) you learn a lot from the limited net18:38
Kiloseish inetpro ek het dit geoop met elinks maar sien nie die henne waaroor ek dink nie18:39
Kilosmiskien is hulle nie meer deel van die ding nie18:40
Kiloskbmonkey, hows things going with your business lad18:40
kbmonkeyoh Kilos there were a few hiccups, sadly it didn't work out.18:42
kbmonkeyno worries, I'll just stick to what I know and do best :)18:43
Kilosaw sorry to hear that18:44
inetprokbmonkey: what was/is the problem?18:46
Kilosyeah tell18:46
Kiloswe have a right to know18:46
Kiloseven plants have rights18:46
kbmonkeyI might be a plant, but don't think you are oom ;)18:49
kbmonkeyhe he18:49
Kilosha ha ha18:50
kbmonkeymy oupa het ook hoenders gehou.18:50
kbmonkeythe rooster kept pecking the chics to death. vicious animals indeed.18:51
Kilosyou musta grown up on eggs looks like18:51
Kilosyou so fulla yokes18:51
Kiloswe actually missed you lots kbmonkey 18:51
Kilosyou owe lotsa meeting chairing18:52
kbmonkeyI know! I'm a sad panda for missing all of them18:52
Kiloswe have postponed them all and yoi will have to chair the big one of them all combined18:53
kbmonkeyor one a week ;)18:53
kbmonkeynot a bad idea, if you have rotating chairs 18:54
Kilosinetpro, yoo hooo18:54
Kiloshighline was daai henne se naam18:54
Kiloshighline silver and red as ek reg onthou18:55
Kilosek weet nie of hulle nog beskikbaar is nie18:56
inetprosal moet soek18:56
Kiloshulle le kwaai18:56
kbmonkeydie tannie sit in die restaurant en kyk na haar os-tong delicatessen, "nee sies man! ek soekie iets wat uit n dier se mond kom nie!"19:00
inetpromy potchestroom koekoeks het ook nie sleg gelê nie19:01
kbmonkeyhubby se, "geen probleem vrou. waiter! bring vir my vrou hierso n paar eiers!"19:01
Kilosha ha ha19:01
* inetpro lol19:02
Kiloskoekoeks is goed ja inetpro en meeste van jou skoon hoenders maar daai highlines was speciaal geteel net vir eiers lê19:02
Kilosword nooit broeis nie19:03
* superfly wouldn't mind keeping a couple of chickens for eggs (and the occasional bit of meat)19:03
inetproKilos: sien http://durban.gumtree.co.za/c-Animals-livestock-poultry-poultry-Point-of-lay-Hyline-Pullets-W0QQAdIdZ34213893119:03
superflythough I don't think mrs_fly would be to keen on the meat part19:03
inetproPoint of lay Hyline Pullets19:03
inetproof dan net die image http://imgc.classistatic.com/cps/kjc/111231/384r1/4801k5b_19.jpeg19:03
Kiloswat is dit inetpro ?19:04
inetproKilos: jou Hyline hoenders19:04
inetproR 80 19:04
Kiloshaha superfly  my second wife was like that19:04
Kiloshulle le goed19:05
Kiloswe bred and she sold when i was away but bought chicken at checkers to take home to eat19:05
inetprodaardie Hyline hoenders lyk bekend19:06
Kilosinetpro, in my tyd was hulle die top le henne wat daar was19:06
inetprolyk soos my wit hoenders19:06
inetprokan nie onthou wat het ons destyds by Irene gekoop nie19:06
Kiloslyk baie na sussex ek dink19:07
Kiloswit met n spikkel hier en daar19:07
Kilosirene proef plaas inetpro ?19:07
Kiloseish ek sien nou eers ek het hyline verkeerd gespel19:09
Kilosdom donner19:10
Kilosnigtht guys, sleep tight. was nice chatting some again19:12
Kilosbe back tomorrow19:12
inetproKilos: yep19:12
inetprolaas daar gekoop19:12
inetproskuus, het gou die kinders in die bed gekry19:12
Kiloshulle het miskien daai hylines ja hulle doen baie werk met perfomance testing met all diere19:13
inetprosal ook weer daar probeer19:13
kbmonkeynite Kilos 19:13
Kilosek wou skape daar gekoop het op n tyd met 4 spene19:13
kbmonkeygoing for that shower and hitting the hay19:13
inetpronite kbmonkey19:14
Kilosromanof kry tot 4 0f 5 lammers op n slag19:14
Kilosmaar meestal 2 tot 319:14
Kilosok guys chow now19:14
inetproKilos: nag oom19:14
inetprosuperfly: you are way to quiet these days19:15
superflyinetpro: quite busy at the moment19:15
superflyand with the new job I leave at 7:15 in the morning and get home at 6:15 - a longish day19:15
kbmonkeykeep up the good work superfly, inetpro . hope to be back soon!19:16

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