
benhemhi, I am pretty set on embarking on an upgrade from ubuntu 10.11 to ubuntustudio 10.11 ... I'm reading this document:05:02
benhemit says "warning, contents under construction" -- I don't want to risk lousing this all up -- are there any specific things anyone can tell me to look out for?05:02
holsteinbenhem: i would start like this... what do you want to do?05:04
holsteinyou dont need any of the ubuntustudio stuff05:04
holsteinyou can open a pacakge manger, synaptic, or the software center and search 'ubuntustudio'05:04
holsteinyou'll see all the metapackages05:04
holsteinthere are a few that are just for the look and feel05:04
benhemI want a realtime kernel for midi recording, mostly, but the rest sounds pretty cool too05:04
holsteinbenhem: we dont have a kernel RT anymore05:05
holsteinits not in debian upstream05:05
holsteinand you dont need anything from ubuntustudio to have a kernel RT05:05
benhemergh, what option does that leave me?  I couldn't find a way to install a low latency, preempt, or realtime kernel on 10.1105:05
holsteinbenhem: i urge you to try the generic05:05
holsteinthen the lowlatency05:05
holsteinthen the RT05:05
benhemwell, I'm on generic now, can't figure out how I'd try the others05:05
holsteinwe are finding most dont need the RT kenrel anymore05:06
benhemgeneric stutters and drops stuff05:06
holsteinbenhem: you add that PPA i linked05:06
benhem*might* be a botched jack setup though05:06
holsteinit has the kernels05:06
holsteinbenhem: you can try starting things as root *to test*05:06
benhemoh, ok05:06
holsteinand see if its permission05:06
holsteinbenhem: we wont have, or need to have a kernel RT much longer05:06
holsteinbenhem: you can ask around in #opensourcemusicians05:07
holsteinlots of MIDI guys there05:07
benhemok, thanks05:07
holsteinim using a realtime kernel in ubuntu 10.0405:07
holsteinthe one from the kxstudio ppa's05:07
holsteinbenhem: also, if you are using an internal soundcard, and you are getting around 20ms latency, thats quite good05:08
benhemI am really confused about the latency and the jack setup05:09
holsteineven something like this http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/UCA202.aspx can really step things up05:09
benhemit says "latency, 21.3 msec" with my current settings: 128frames/period, 48000 sample rate, 8 periods/buffer05:09
holsteinbenhem: yup05:09
benhembut it still hiccups and drops stuff05:09
holsteinif thats an internal sound card, thats great05:09
holsteinyou can check that 48000 is what your card likes05:10
holsteinthe frames/period and periods/buffer are what we tweak05:10
benhemok, looking up stats on my sound card05:10
holsteinyou want to try 2 periods/buffer and 512 frames/period05:11
holsteinthats a good place to start05:11
holsteinthen, go to 256 frames/period05:11
holstein48000 is usually OK05:11
benhem512/2 leaves me with the same latency, 21.305:11
benhemtrying it out05:11
holsteinbenhem: is it an internal sound card?05:11
benhemyep, everything is stock05:12
benhemjust a laptop05:12
holsteinbenhem: that card i linked is like $30 us05:12
benhemhuh, ok05:12
holsteinyou can ask around in #opensourcemusians05:12
holsteinother folks use that card05:12
holsteinbenhem: you'll *never* get the performance you want out of that card05:12
benhemthe internal one in my laptop?05:16
holsteinbenhem: right05:16
benhemhmm, my old setup with ubuntu 9 worked well05:16
holsteinbenhem: yeah?05:17
holsteinbenhem: install that then05:17
benhemI don't know what the key differences were05:17
holsteinbenhem: systems evolve05:17
holsteinkernels change05:17
benhemI'm tempted05:17
holsteinyou dont want to use that internal card05:17
benhembut I was hoping that ubuntu-studio would be a sort of sideways migration that would achieve the same ends05:17
holsteinthat'll be the best 3 bucks you ever spent05:17
benhem(and I wouldn't have to mess with backing up my data)05:17
benhemok, I'll check out the card, thanks for that05:17
holsteinbenhem: nah05:17
holsteinubuntustudio *is* ubuntu05:18
holsteinbenhem: you can try AVlinux live05:18
holsteintheres a new dynebolic live CD05:18
holsteinstill.. *no* studio uses internal sound cards05:18
holsteinalso, you might not need low latency05:20
holsteindepends on what you are doing05:20
benhemI'm beginning to wonder if my real problem is latency or not05:20
holsteini typically mix and track at like 60+ms05:20
holsteini have different JACK profiles05:20
benhembecause the problem is a stutter where it drops a full half-second of input05:20
holsteini can do 1.2ms stable05:20
holsteinbut i rarely need to05:20
holsteinif im playing something in live, and i want realtime effects at the time in tracking05:21
holsteinor im using a MIDI instrument05:21
holsteinotherwise.. who cares if when i push play, it takes 60ms to come out the speakers...05:21
holsteinbenhem: that could be a kernel driver support issue05:22
holsteinwho knows05:22
holsteini would try some live CD's05:22
holsteintheres even a puppy live CD with ubuntustudio pacakges ;)05:22
benhemhmm, ok05:24
holsteinof course, you should find better alsa/JACK support with that USB device i suggested05:25
benhemyeah.  I _am_ wondering if I should just go back to karmic for the realtime kernel support05:25
benhemI hate Unity too :)05:25
holsteinwell, dont go for the kernel05:26
holsteinthats over05:26
holsteini mean, im not planning on using unity either05:26
holsteinbut, the generic kernel is quite suitable right now05:26
holsteinand will be ready soon05:26
benhemhmm, ok05:26
holsteintheres the liquorix kernel too05:26
holsteini mean, try what you want05:26
benhemwell, I appreciate the advice05:28
benhemI'll also try that #opensourcemusicians05:28
holsteinlost of folks there useing ubuntu with the generic kernel doing MIDI05:28
holsteinalso, guys use RT kernels of their own with whatever distro's05:29
benhemI can't imagine there's a downside to trying that lowlatency kernel from the ppa you linked05:31
benhemif it doesn't replace my generic05:31
holsteinbenhem: nothing does anything... you can replace it though05:32
holsteinyou just add them05:32
holsteini go in and tell grub to unhide05:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:32
holsteinyou can read about how to do that there ^^05:32
benhemhuh, ok05:32
holsteinyou'll add the PPA, then you'll run sudo apt-get update05:32
holsteinthen you can install in... linux-lowlatency or whatever05:33
holsteinsudo apt-get install linux-lowlatency05:33
holsteinthen, you can edit /etc/default/grub05:33
kimal73hello i wont install ubuntu studio, can i do the 11.10 release from dvd?08:54
larstr11.10 is indeed available on dvd09:01
kimal73larstr: yes, but someone had probelms09:21
kimal73larstr: have you the 11,10?09:22
larstrkimal73: yes, I'm running 11.1009:38
kimal73larstr: ok, i have xfce desktop on ubuntu 11.10. So i installed ubuntustudio desktop too. But the kerner realtime isn't on repo of synamtic. Is it the same thing?09:51
SachinDeyI read that UbuntuStudio's new envronment is XFCE, does it has the network manager like gnome that can detect USB modems?11:01
larstrkimal73: RT kernel is not included anymore11:13
ailokimal73, The repo for Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio is the same. No rt kernel. Future releases should include a -lowlatency kernel however.11:15
ailokimal73, The -generic kernel performs fairly well. Depending on your hardware, you might find it good enough for your needs11:16
ailoAlso depending on your needs of course11:17
kimal73ailo: ok11:43
zx81i have sound problem disconnecting after  10 minutes ago ????12:56
zx81when i use Qjack ctl,  or other app like skype) the sound is crunching and cut12:58
zx81what is this problem ??12:58
ailozx81, Are you using Ubuntu Studio?13:00
ailoDo you understand what jack is and that qjackctl is an application for controlling jack?13:02
ailoI was wondering, since you mentioned Skype and qjackctl as two apps you were having a problem with13:02
zx81yes i have using jack,13:02
ailoDo you connect pulseaudio to jack?13:02
ailoDo you know about pulseaudio?13:03
zx81skype and jack never connecting with the same config13:03
zx81but i have the same result13:04
zx81when i use jack13:04
zx81or when i use skype with pulse13:04
zx81i know it is not the same way and config but it look like a memory problem ???13:05
zx81i search why ??13:05
ailoI'm still not sure if you are using pulseaudio with jack or not13:05
ailoOk, so then it is not a problem with either jack or pulseaudio13:06
zx81with jack i use alsa13:06
zx81i have just change of system13:07
zx81with skype its pulse13:07
ailoIn any case it is not a problem with either jack or pulseaudio13:08
ailoHave you used the same computer and sound card with Ubuntu Studio in the past?13:09
zx81waouu sorry i'm just trying to use jack but to day its crach13:09
ailoOr any other linux installation13:09
zx81DBUS problem yet13:09
ailoDo you know hot to set realtime privilige for the user?13:09
zx81yes same13:10
zx81may be its that13:10
ailoIf you always have a sound problem on that computer with linux, I suggest it is a hardware problem13:10
ailoPulseaudio does not need realtime privilege, but jack does13:11
zx81no in the past no problem13:11
ailoIs it only Skype that does not work, or do you have problems with all applications?13:11
zx81can u help me to define the privilege??13:11
ailoTo give yourself realtime priority, do this in a terminal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure jackd13:12
ailoWhen you are asked if you want to use realtime or not, answer yes13:13
ailoAfter that you do this in a terminal: sudo usermod -a -G audio <username>13:13
ailoreplace <username> with your username13:13
zx81Cannot connect to server socket err = Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type13:13
ailoThen reboot13:13
ailoJust follow those steps, and you will get realtime priority for jack13:14
ailoAre you comfortable using a terminal?13:14
zx81all my cumputer is freezing ???13:14
zx81he windows staty open after clic close13:15
ailoThis information is not bery helpful13:16
ailoPulseaudio should work without problems, except for when you use jack13:17
ailojack will only work in realtime mode, if you have set the privileges13:17
ailoTo get realtime privilege, just follow the steps I just described13:18
zx81when i type sudo dpkg-reconfigure jackd13:18
zx81its made nothing13:18
ailotry: sudo dpkg-reconfigure jackd213:19
ailojackd2 should be installed by default, when installing jack. There's also jackd113:20
ailoIf it's not one, it will be the other13:20
zx81ok its ok with jackd213:21
zx81i must reboot13:22
zx81and back after test13:22
ailoYes, you have to reboot13:22
zx81for help13:22
zx81at soon for the result13:23
zx81reboot and qjack is open13:26
ailozx81, Yes..13:26
ailoDefault settings for qjackctl should work fine13:27
zx81in connexions i have PulseAudioJanckSink/ Pulse audio Jack Source13:27
zx81System / System13:27
zx81i have made a link in / out of sytem to ear my microphone in playback (((((13:28
zx81all look like fine13:28
ailoIs this a pure Ubuntu Studio installation, or did you add something to it?13:29
ailoSounds like you can have everything running through jack13:29
zx81there is little change13:29
zx81its fun13:29
zx81i must try   skype open13:29
zx81ok great13:32
zx81skype is run when i cut jack ___ Normal13:32
zx81and when i open jack after skype _____   yupppp13:33
zx81ailo a drink virtual to you !!13:33
ailozx81, Have fun!13:34
zx81what u made with jack ??13:34
zx81some music ??13:34
ailoI mostly use a program called puredata13:35
zx81dont know13:35
ailoOr rather, pd-extended, which is slightly prettier13:35
ailoIt is a graphical audio/video programming language13:35
zx81vdjing ?*13:36
zx81im french , n u ?13:37
zx81its fun puredata13:38
ailoI think so13:38
zx81ok video projection13:38
ailoSure, video, but also everything concerning audio13:38
zx81did u know a ap for lighting dmx13:39
ailoNope. I haven't done any light or graphical stuff myself13:39
zx81music ?13:40
ailoYea, I make music mostly. And you?13:40
zx81i use just13:40
zx81since linux13:41
zx81rec guitar drum bass13:41
zx81all instrumental13:41
ailoI started out playing death metal13:41
ailoDrums and guitar13:41
ailoI also play piano13:41
zx81did u know a trick to connect more one sound card ??13:42
zx81me im experimental music13:42
ailoIt is possible to connect more than one sound card, but I believe they have to be the same chip13:43
ailoAt least for pci cards13:43
ailoI have connected two m-audio cards13:43
zx81i search but i dont find13:43
ailoM-66 and LT-101013:43
zx81i have maudio producer usb micro13:43
ailousb I don't know13:44
zx81and i search to connect that with a other card13:44
zx81great product13:44
zx81for voice or guitar13:45
ailoThe problem with usb is that you usually only get 16 bit 44kHz, because there are no dedicated drivers13:45
ailoOnly usb 1.1 compatibility13:46
ailoWell, maybe 48kHz, 16bits, depending on the setup13:46
ailoI have almost no experience with usb13:47
ailopci works well. I just bought a firewire device last year, and that works good as well13:47
zx81multiple card its not easy ...13:47
zx81my english ,,,,13:48
zx81and all terminal config13:48
zx81im not expert13:48
ailoNo, sorry13:49
ailoThis is irrelevant13:49
zx81may be  on day i find it13:51
zx81good day to u13:52
zx81good MeTal stud13:52
zx81hi !! (Oneiric Ocelot 11.10, cpu 2x 2.7Go, 2x1 Go Ram,  amd64, ATI video card)  problem freezing14:53
zx81i cant find where its come ?,  much of time its gone when i add more effect or after 10 min using, the sound crunch 1 min, and cut, and after all of windows GUI are break i'm obliged to reboot)14:56
holsteinzx81: if you think its graphics related, try using the vesa driver15:03
holsteinif not... just relax the JACK settings, and try again15:03
zx81holstein, i have uninstall Flgx16:00
zx81and its the same problem16:00
zx81holstein, the sound become clipping16:01
zx81and stop16:01
ailozx81, Is it the same no matter what applications you use?16:02
zx81i m obliged to reboot16:02
ailoHave you tried using a minimal amount of applications running?16:02
zx81with skype same think, the sound became clipping and stop16:02
ailoYou always have skype on?16:03
zx81yet i have try no start skype and test with jack16:03
ailoDoes this happen when jack is not active?16:03
zx81and its the same16:03
ailoIt doesn't sound like it is a problem with the audio16:04
zx81??? manage memory ??16:05
zx81??? manage USB16:05
zx81its since oneiric install16:06
ailoCould be bad ram memory16:06
zx81is there a file to fix memory /jack16:07
ailoYou mean set maximum memory for jack?16:07
ailoYou said you get the freeze even when jack is not on16:07
ailoSo, it would not help16:08
zx81i come to install an old ubuntu studio stable to compare the kernel16:10
ailozx81, Settings for jack memory is in /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf16:10
ailoYou can change the line: @audio   -  memlock    unlimited16:10
ailoYou could change it to: @audio   -  memlock    9516:11
ailoOr less. Maybe 8016:11
ailoNO, sorry16:11
ailoI forgot. It's in actual memory16:11
ailoNot percentage :P16:11
zx81so ??16:12
ailoYou set it in MB16:14
ailoNo, wait16:14
ailoI have to double-check16:14
zx81i must go16:16
ailoYeah, it's in kb16:16

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