
nanotubebtw, bugreport: show desktop button minimizes all windows across all workspaces, not just current workspace. (on oneiric here)00:01
nanotubehope that's not "expected behavior" on xubuntu00:01
nanotubenot clicking that again....00:02
ochosiknome, mr_pouit: we'll have to add a new point to our agenda for precise (unless we want to risk some visual breakage): fork elementary-icon-theme as xubuntu-icon-theme (or something)00:08
ochosiknome, mr_pouit: ubuntu will release all the changes by upstream elementary, i.e. all the dropped symlinks. i've just discussed this with DanRabbit in #elementary-dev and he is okay with our/my decision. we can later talk about cherry-picking stuff from upstream (i can maintain it in either bzr or git, preferrably the latter)00:10
ochosiknome, mr_pouit: he said he'll support us so that we can avoid keeping/maintaining the fork in the next release (i.e. provide an addon-package again)00:12
Unit193I personally hate filing but reports, but I do them when I have to00:13
ochosinanotube: i think it is expected behavior. better to file a bugreport upstream versus xfwm400:14
ochosinanotube: (or whatever component houses this shortcut)00:15
nanotubeochosi: well, it certainly hasn't been expected behavior on gnome, since at least ubuntu breezy. and it certainly doesn't make sense that when i hit a 'show desktop' i want to minimize everything across all workspaces, rather than the one currently on.00:25
nanotubeguess i'll file that bug with xfce00:25
ochosisounds like a plan00:25
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knomeochosi, sounds fair enough10:45
knomemadnick, read micahg's email to xubuntu-devel :)11:52
knomehey micahg 12:08
knomeis there a bug for the thunderbird icons in LP?12:09
knomeah, there is!12:09
knomehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/murrine-themes/+bug/856939 <- micahg, would you like to be the assignee?12:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 856939 in murrine-themes (Ubuntu) "Default Thunderbird icons in Oneiric unusable with Greybird" [High,Confirmed]12:10
knomemadnick, i sent the weekly mail to ubuntu-release a moment ago12:12
madnickknome: you mean the gtk-example-gretter?13:43
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charlie-tcaHardware installs day today. I will try and do at least one for each image in real hardware today.16:44
charlie-tcaThanks, astraljava . Those tests help.16:50
pleia2this list is dead, right?17:45
pleia2nothing in the archives17:45
knomepleia2, afaik, yes17:48
knomethunderbird needs "keep this folder always marked read" -option17:48
knomefor sent mail, drafts and maybe even trash :)17:49
charlie-tcapleia2: yes, I think we tried to use it about 2-3 years ago, but it has not been used for so long, it is dead.17:53
pleia2thanks knome and charlie-tca 17:54
pleia2it's on our hit list for mailing list cleanup :)17:54
charlie-tcaI saw that, and knew it was a dead one. I did not think a response would be needed if it was dead anyway. But, thanks for checking.17:55
pleia2well, I received an email from colin watson about a -patches list not keeping archives because the information was available elsewhere, so I wanted to make sure this wasn't the case elsewhere17:55
charlie-tcaalways good to make sure, I guess. 17:57
ochosiknome: mind to add a task for the icon-theme? (sry, after 8hrs of korean lessons today i'm really too tired now and might forget until tomorrow...)18:16
charlie-tcahttp://imagebin.org/193264 20:26
charlie-tcamaybe-ubiquity on daily-live i386 from today20:27
knomecharlie-tca, looks relatively good but could use some more love :)21:59
charlie-tcaof course. However, the screen before that with the two icons is still straight from Ubuntu, including the purple color22:02
knomedo you have a shot of that too?22:06
charlie-tcano, It is harder to capture22:07
ochosimeh, purple :/22:08
knomeokay. if you could get one at all, could you paste it?22:08
charlie-tcaIt doesn't show up right in VBox, only on hardware, which I can not screenshot.22:08
ochosiand hi everyone ;)22:08
knomeah, right22:08
charlie-tcaIt is the ubuntu bootup screen. 22:08
knomehey ochosi, you're back :)22:08
ochosicharlie-tca: unless you use a digicam :)22:08
charlie-tcaNo money to buy one22:08
ochosiknome: well kinda, but maybe not for long today22:08
ochosiknome: btw, does the elementary-icons thing need community-approval?22:09
ochosi(e.g. in the next meeting)22:09
knomeochosi, i don't really think so. we're essentially keeping the same stuff22:09
knomeochosi, except putting in some improvements22:10
ochosiknome: yup, that's true22:10
knomei think what we should do is to as feedback on the changes once we've decided what to change, if they seem like big things22:10
knomeno other package from upstream goes through community approval on new release either :)22:11
charlie-tcaUm, the other problem with maybe-ubiquity is that if you choose "Install Xubuntu", keyboard doesn't work to go through the screens.22:13
ochosiknome: mhm, agreed22:13
knomecharlie-tca, hmmh, could you file a bug?22:14
charlie-tcaI will, when I am positive of what it is doing22:15
knomeokay, thanks. can you also ping me back when you've done that, so i can forward that to cjwatson :)22:15
charlie-tcaYou know he is automatically subscribed to them, right?22:17
knomei suppose, but i've been in contact with him on IRC22:17

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