
pwnedulongtime_anyone having a problem in 11.10 with xfce power manager not respecting the AC lid close preference?01:10
holsteinpwnedulongtime: make sure you have it set for the mode you are in01:17
holsteinplugged in or on battery01:17
pwnedulongtimedconf-tools solved it01:18
pwnedulongtimeshould be part of the default install really01:19
holsteinpwnedulongtime: *-devel would be a place i would start grinding an axe like that... maybe the devel mailing list01:19
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jsoftWhat xdm/gdm/wahtever does xubuntu use?03:59
Unit193jsoft: What version?04:03
ballIs there any video editing software for Xubuntu? I'm not looking for anything elaborate, just want to add titles at the front and perhaps prune some sections out (home video editing).04:03
jsoftUnit193: 1104:03
Unit19311.10 or 11.04? There isn't 11. 11.04 = GDM and 11.10 = LightDM04:04
Unit193ball: I thought PiTiVi could, but I don't edit movies04:05
holsteinball: openshot, ^ pitivi, kdenlive04:06
Unit193Hey, I hit one!04:07
Unit193What? You know I don't have the hardware for it04:08
holsteini really liked kdenlive, though avidemux is one ive been using since windows04:08
ballholstein: Thanks04:14
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jsofthmm, xubuntu looks kinda slick05:58
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augustlseems like xubuntu has patched pidgin to use a different icon, a purple speech bubble10:58
augustland it seems that this patched pidgin doesn't change the icon when I have an unread message10:58
augustlhow can I make pidgin use its built-in icon?10:59
augustlby icon I mean notification bar icon btw10:59
augustlor is it status bar? Anyways..10:59
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larstrhow come this bug is still unassigned? It's very annoying. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/87619811:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 876198 in compiz (Ubuntu) "When switching workspaces with rotate/cube previous Ws contents are momentarily displayed" [Medium,Confirmed]11:23
larstrfocus still remains on old workspace11:24
jsoftWhat should I use to set the cpu-frequency I want?11:28
jsoft(ie, for my laptop)11:29
Marzatacube rotate?11:39
dharrithis rooms quiet I guess everyone is very happy with Xubuntu11:46
knomemostly, yes11:46
dharrimostly? why what are you having problems with?11:47
Marzatawhat problems?11:48
dharriok as Xubuntu is running fine for everyone I'll leave11:49
Marzatayou came to help us?11:50
knomethere is people lurking out and stepping up if somebody needs help11:50
dommeranyone wanna tell me how wine is supposed to work?14:37
craigbass1976Here's a dumb question...  Where's volume control in lucid?14:51
craigbass1976forgot a bout alsamixer...14:53
dommermain tool bar?14:53
craigbass1976I don't  see anything anywhere.  No speaker icon on the bar, nothing in the menu.  Someone could have monkeyed with the computer though14:54
dommergo to the  bar, right click, add objects, volume :|14:56
tappii'm trying to install ubuntu using "xubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso" loaded with unetbootin to a usb-memory stick15:00
tappii get the splash screen, and pick the "install xubuntu" option, after that i get the xubuntu logo for a second and a ash shell loads15:01
tappiand nothing happens, the command line reads (initframs) _ with the _ being the cursor15:01
dommerwrite to a disc or get a wsus copy on your usb15:02
hobgoblinI'd check the iso md5sum unless it was a torrent download15:02
tappihmm true15:02
hobgoblinmostly because all but one of the issues I've eve had has been a dodgy d/load :)15:03
dommeror just get it off the site?15:04
hobgoblindommer: I've had dodgy d/loads from the site in the past15:05
tappii get 5eaf65ba12f74b6c5b912cce2dae1762 and i think the official file has these http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror/cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/11.10/release/MD5SUMS15:05
dommerI have 10.04 :) LTS ftw15:05
hobgoblinthen it's not that then :)15:05
tappiwhat's wsus?15:05
dommerI'd like to get fiesty fawn to see what went fffffffff with it15:05
dommerwsus is a loader for inside of windows, but I've found its a guaranteed back up for installs15:06
dommerno crashes15:07
dommerso essentually a hack for installing of of discs and USB easier15:08
dommera buy xubuntu 11.10 add :| nope15:09
dommerhave you ever installed linux inside windows?15:10
dommerwhen you pop the disc in and the window pops up that's wsus15:10
tappii have not15:11
hobgoblinwubi like is it15:11
dommerthat's it15:12
dommergod I'm forgetting shit lately15:12
mongynot any problems when making the /boot partition for my external encrypted hd if I make it fat32 is there?15:37
SimonP86hi, I have a Xubuntu 11.04 Virtualbox VM which won't boot.  if I try to start the Xubuntu guest in 'Recovery mode' then it stalls on the line saying "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done."17:01
autifsee if you can send Ctrl-Alt-F1, Ctrl-Alt-F2 etc key combinations to the VM, if you can, may be you can look at the system log?17:04
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Guest31464how i can change permission to editing my autorun file ? is sudo chmod 444 and sudo chmod 004 is god idea?18:52
holsteinGuest31464: i would just sudo edit the file18:53
holsteinsudo nano path/to/file18:53
holsteini would make a proper backup18:53
Guest31464what you mean?18:54
Guest31464to cancel editing)18:54
holsteinGuest31464: dont make the file editable by you18:54
holsteinjust become sudo and edit the file18:54
holsteinGuest31464: im just saying what i would do18:54
Guest31464holstein: no. i need to block editing of this file. how i can do this?18:55
Guest31464i want to make permission than  block editing of this file.18:55
holsteinGuest31464: sudo nano /path/to/file opens the file as root in nano18:56
holsteinthats a commandline text editor18:56
holsteinif you wanted to open it in gedit...18:56
Guest31464i undrestand)18:56
holsteingksudo gedit /path/to/file18:56
Guest31464i want to lock any editing of this file in future18:56
holsteingksudo leafpad... whatever18:56
charlie-tcaMake it read only, as in r--r--r--18:57
charlie-tcaBut even that is not foolproof for those with the password18:57
charlie-tcaIt just stops any accidental changes, and cause the system to fail because sometimes root needs to be able to change files18:57
Guest31464charlie-tca: i want to try block autorun in this way on my usb-drive and then use it on windows machins with troyans an viruses ..18:59
charlie-tcaThat's easy in Linux. Make it owned by root. But I don't know how you will do it using it on windows. that would be better asked in ##windows19:00
Guest31464charlie-tca: i know tha there is some permission that blok editind to anyone. for root too. in grub files for example as i know in last ubuntu. what this permission/19:03
holsteinGuest31464: root should be able to change those permissions back, or whatever19:04
holsteinyou dont give away root access lightly19:04
Guest31464so what number of this acces? 444 ?19:05
holsteinfor root olny?19:06
Guest31464holstein: for anyone bloking19:07
holsteinGuest31464: i would reference https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:07
Guest31464permission that block editing for anyone19:07
holsteinGuest31464: you cant really block root19:07
holsteinthats the point of root.. all access19:07
TVasEyesGuest31464: do you mean 'immutable'?  see chattr19:08
Guest31464i know that root kan change this permission but if he dont change it - it cant change file. or no?19:08
Guest31464TVasEyes: what you mean? i dont fully understand(19:09
holsteinGuest31464: maybe you should share the overall vision... could be there is a much easier way to do this19:10
TVasEyesman 1 chattr, immutable bit.19:10
Guest31464TVasEyes: may be i dont know what it is (19:10
Guest31464but may be i mean it19:10
TVasEyesit's a way of preventing a file being changed (made *immutable*), anyway, man page explains all.19:11
Guest31464thanks for help. but now its too hard to undertand for me this man(19:14
autifGuest31464 - try the command "chattr +i autorun"19:17
autifthen see if it did everything you wanted it to do19:17
Guest31464with  sudo?19:17
autifTVasEyes - I learnt something today - thanks!19:18
go8765autif: chattr: Неприменимый к данному устройству ioctl while reading flags on autorun.inf19:19
TVasEyesautif: cool.19:22
TVasEyesgo8765: is this file on at FAT fs?19:22
autifgo8765 - are you sure that you disk is in good state?19:22
autifah that would also do it19:22
go8765TVasEyes: yes. system monitor say that this is vfat19:27
go8765autif: i think that my usb-drive is good now19:27
TVasEyesthen you won't be able to use the extended attributes, sorry.  444 (ie r/o for all) would seem to be your only option.19:28
autifI dont think you can make a file immutable in non unix file systems19:28
autifyou need ext2/3/419:28
go8765ok. thanks for answers)19:34
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TVasEyesgo8765|off:  "use it on windows" - you could use ext2/3 fs on your usb and install ifs on Windoze (http://www.fs-driver.org/).  should give you a little more protection ;)19:53
YoHoMoJohey can anyone help me running bitcoin?19:56
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SpiKe_Spiegelhi everyone21:00
SpiKe_SpiegelIs someone else using Spotify with Xubuntu ?21:01
holsteinlast time i checked, i wasnt 'allowed'.. whats the issue SpiKe_Spiegel ?21:02
SpiKe_SpiegelI can't access Spotify menubar - and the Spotify indicator is blinking when I click on the menu21:02
SpiKe_SpiegelI don't have the globalmenu plugin installed21:03
holsteinyou could ask in #opensourcemusicians21:03
holsteinfor things like that, i usually look for something to remove from the /home directory... some config file that has gotten funky21:03
SpiKe_SpiegelI'll ask them, thanks for the channel21:03
holsteinSpiKe_Spiegel: why cant you access the menu?21:04
SpiKe_SpiegelI already tried to remove config files21:04
holsteincan you hold alt and drag the window around?21:04
SpiKe_SpiegelI can access every menu but Spotify's one21:04
SpiKe_Spiegelyep for alt21:04
holsteinand i assume you've reinstalled...21:04
holsteinnot sure.. its tough with partially developed and supported apps like that21:05
SpiKe_Spiegelalso, I don't have any error in console21:05
SpiKe_SpiegelWith Archlinux + Xfce, everything's OK, so this is really a Xubuntu issue21:06
ubuntu_hey guys21:06
ubuntu_I need help21:06
ubuntu_someone here?21:06
ubuntu_how can help me?21:06
ubuntu_Rightnow I'm on the boot menu21:07
ubuntu_And I click 100 times on install xubuntu shortcut at my desktop and It doesn't do anything21:07
ubuntu_what can I do?21:07
Myrttiplease have patience21:08
holsteinSpiKe_Spiegel: im not disagreeing with you, however, there are different version of pacakges in xubuntu and arch for spotify to 'disagree' with21:08
Unit193ubuntu_: One option would be to reboot and select "Install Xubuntu"21:08
ubuntu_It's 23:00 night here at my country so It's hard to be patiend when you have to go to school at 7 am..21:08
ubuntu_I did it21:09
charlie-tcaubuntu_: right click the shortcut, and wait for it to appear. Then left-click "execute" in the top of the menu that appears21:09
ubuntu_just a minute21:09
holsteinubuntu_: that is not the issue of anyone here... we are not paid for our services... your patients will be rewarded :)21:09
holsteinubuntu_: you can always try downloading and using the alternate ISO to install21:10
ubuntu_It's not open again21:10
holsteinthere are a couple ways to install from that live CD... you can choose install from the menu at boot21:10
ubuntu_Ok and sorry21:10
SpiKe_Spiegelyou can also boot the live session and then install21:10
ubuntu_But I want to format my computer..21:11
ubuntu_A clean Installation..21:11
ubuntu_is there is a way to run it from the terminal?21:11
ubuntu_thank you very much for your help!21:12
holsteinubuntu_: you can format from the installer21:12
holsteinno reason not to21:12
ubuntu_I want to format my hard drive21:13
MyrttiSpiKe_Spiegel: btw you haven't even told us if you're running Spotify in Wine or if you're running the native Linux version - in anycase people in the #spotify may have a better idea what's going on. Possibly.21:13
charlie-tcaWhich can be done with any of the above methods to install21:13
charlie-tcaubuntu_: it doesn't matter how the installer runs, formatting can still be done21:13
holsteinubuntu_: right.. the installer will do that21:14
ubuntu_I'll try to format from ubuntu21:14
ubuntu_thank you....!21:14
ubuntu_bye bye have a good night/day!21:14
SpiKe_SpiegelMyrtti, I'm running the native client, I'll check the spotify channel (didn't know this channel exists :/ )21:16
liron_Hey I'm back21:27
liron_I'm at Ubuntu now21:27
liron_How I run the install on it?21:27
liron_Someone can help me on how to run Xubuntu Installation from a disc????21:28
liron_Without boot? thanks..21:28
charlie-tcawithout booting the cd?21:29
charlie-tcaThat could be difficult21:29
liron_On my Ubuntu21:29
liron_If I try to booting the cd21:29
liron_I click on  Install Xubuntu21:29
liron_It's open me a operation system21:29
liron_And then I CLick around 100 times on INstall xubuntu21:30
liron_and nothing happened..21:30
Unit193You're in Ubuntu with Gnome/Unity? If so, I'd try a !purexfce (Though, I prefer a clean install)21:30
liron_what can I do?21:30
liron_I prefer to21:30
liron_what is !pruexfce?21:30
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »21:30
liron_You recommand me to try to boot from the disc?21:30
liron_and to try to do it again?21:31
ubottudebootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for more information21:31
liron_I think it's the best thing that I can to do21:31
gry2kernel crashed, I rebooted, where do I find logs please? I tried checking '/var/log/kern.log' but I'm not sure if the crash log is there, not all of the information is easy to understand21:32
liron_OKK I'll try booting again thank you21:32
liron_bye bye21:32
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autifgry2 - try /var/log/21:36
autifthere should be several dmesg.log files21:36
autiflikewise, /var/log/ also has older kern.log file (kern.log.1, kern.log.2.gz etc)21:37
gry2autif, kern.log is the latest one though or?21:39
autifyes, kern.log is the current boot - the one after the reboot21:39
autifi take that back - apparently one one boot cycle can span several kern.log files and one kern.log file can have several boot cycles. So, your best bet is to look for something at the start of all the kernel messages in a new boot cycle21:43
autifon my machine it is log source = /proc/kmsg21:43
TVasEyesautif, gry2: the timestamps in (kern)log files should help.21:45
gry2dmesg doesn't appear to have anything relevant at all, relevant part of kern.log is http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1446909 (I still don't understand if it contains the crash or not, but it's the part for today AND before the new boot)21:51
autifgry2 - sorry, it seems like everything looks fine in that part of the log (There is a stacktrace around line 218 - i am not sure what that is all about)22:00
autifIt is not a kernel crash though22:00
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gry2autif: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1447001 is /var/log/dmesg; other dmesg files are too old, not modified today, so not relevant either22:22
gry2oh, it didn't fit the paste size, http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1447008 is the rest of it22:23
gry2autif: (if you have idea where to find the crash logs please let me know, I'm searching on the web but that does not work very well)22:57

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