
BarkingFishso am I alone in this place now, or does anyone have any work they need doing, which can keep a poor unfortunate insomniac from boredom? :)00:51
valoriequestion: I was told - 02:56
valorie[15:55] <strohel_> valorie: You should install debugging symbols to qtscript02:56
valorie[15:56] <strohel_> valorie: Or whatever that provides /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQtScript.so.402:56
valorieI don't see anything likely in muon02:56
valorieany ideas?02:56
ScottKvalorie: Package is libqt4-script03:23
valoriethanks, ScottK04:20
valorieinteresting, I already have that installed04:20
ScottKYou may need libqt4-script:amd6404:34
ScottKWith multiarch it has different paths for different archs, that's the amd64 arch.04:34
valoriethat's also installed04:48
ScottKThen you have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQtScript.so.404:57
ScottKYou can check with ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQtScript.so.4 in konsole04:57
valorie$ ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQtScript.so.405:03
valorielrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2011-09-30 04:09 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQtScript.so.4 -> libQtScript.so.4.7.405:03
valorieI guess I'll write to Amarok-devel about this05:04
valoriethanks, ScottK05:04
Riddellprecise testers needed! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages11:27
Riddellagateau: Qt for testing ^^11:28
* agateau adds the ppa11:29
agateauRiddell: oh btw, can you look into getting massif-visualizer in the archive?11:30
Riddellagateau: sure, where is it?11:31
agateauRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~agateau/+archive/ppa11:33
debfxthat upstream fix for hiding symbols in qtwebkit clearly doesn't work11:33
Riddellyeah I had to change the symbols file for i386, not sure why, I don't know if the same will be needed for other platforms11:34
* shadeslayer adds as well11:37
Riddellagateau: uploaded!11:38
* Riddell out for a bit11:38
agateauRiddell: party \o/11:39
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanRiddell: Still looking for P-N artwork?13:51
QuintasanRiddell: bzr branch lp:project-neon13:54
QuintasanWe have sum artwork there13:54
QuintasanProps to sheytan13:54
RiddellQuintasan: cool thanks14:11
Riddellagateau: qt all good?14:11
Riddellshadeslayer: tried qt?14:11
QuintasanRiddell: I believe you have to use that fancy font over there to get stuff to render in a proper fashion14:11
shadeslayerRiddell: downloading, slowly14:11
shadeslayerI'll disable neon, should make the download smaller14:14
=== seaLne_ is now known as sealne
Quintasanshadeslayer: Any luck with Ubuntu?14:18
shadeslayerI'm not sure I follow14:18
shadeslayerRiddell: It'll take 20 more minutes14:19
Riddellshadeslayer: sounds like you're on my connection :)14:20
* Riddell only has a week to go before ADSL back in14:20
Quintasanshadeslayer: bah, I mean Ubuntooz on Transformer14:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: ah14:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: No luck, lilstevie isn't responding to pings on IRC14:22
shadeslayerWill email him over the weekend14:22
Quintasanshadeslayer: What do you want to know?14:22
davmor2Riddell: I looked at cdimages yesterday the Kubuntu project has a load of different folders for iso downloads are they all needed still?  I'm thinking it might make life easier for new people trying to grab an image to test14:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: Well, a way to flash the ubuntu image, but since I have a SBKv2 and the bootloader crashes with the latest release of nvflash, there is no way for me to flash stuff14:23
Riddelldavmor2: we only have daily images for "kubuntu" just now, but the other folders might still have released images we want I'm not sure14:24
Quintasanshadeslayer: Ah that, wasn't nvidia supposed to release a fix for that?14:24
shadeslayerQuintasan: even with the fix, we don't have the key ...14:24
shadeslayerAnd I haven't seen any new updates about the SBK v2 scenario14:25
QuintasanI was trying to get CrOS to boot last week14:25
davmor2Riddell: just thought I'd ask as I'd seen it14:25
Quintasan5 hours wasted14:25
QuintasanI think I'll just backup what I have now and work without hw accel14:25
Quintasanthough it's going to be a pain in the ass14:25
shadeslayerotoh, I'm getting a raspberry pi, so will be doing stuff on it14:26
Riddellshadeslayer: ubuntu doesn't work on those I believe14:35
Riddellalthough it's still useful to have one with debian on14:35
Riddelland just a cool/handy thing to have I expect14:35
shadeslayerYep, ARMv6 vs ARMv814:35
shadeslayertbh that really sucks14:35
Riddellwe are spoint by backwards compatibility in the intel world (and very innefficient chips as a result)14:36
shadeslayerBut still, Would be fun to run Debian + Plasma Active on a 40 inch TV14:36
shadeslayerhaha, true that14:36
shadeslayerRiddell: qt installs just fine 14:45
Riddellshadeslayer: ah but does it run14:46
Riddellthat's the test14:46
shadeslayerall apps seem to launch fine14:47
Riddellshadeslayer: well log out and into Plasma14:48
Riddelldo all apps work14:48
Riddelldoes rekonq work14:48
shadeslayerokay, trying14:48
Riddellcharlie-tca: are you able to do Qt testing for accessibility?14:48
charlie-tcaI can try. I haven't had a chance to yet, though14:49
charlie-tcaanything specific?14:49
Riddellcharlie-tca: you hvaen't tested Qt accessibility ever or you haven't tested the Qt 4.8 we want tested now?14:49
charlie-tcaI haven't tested precise at all for accessibility14:50
Riddellok that's a pre-requisite to testing 4.8 I think, and I doubt I have the energy to work out the details of how just now14:50
shadeslayerYep, looks fine, rekonq works, can load Gmail/G+/Facebook 14:51
Riddellshadeslayer: great14:51
charlie-tcaI will take a look at it and see if I can do something this weekend14:51
shadeslayerIs it just me, or is http://extras.ubuntu.com down15:12
yofelit's down15:13
Riddellanyone able to go to the release team meeting for kubuntu?15:15
Riddellit's in 45 mins I think and lasts 90 mins I think, I might have to leave before the end15:16
shadeslayerRiddell: and what does one do in the release team meeting?15:18
Riddellshadeslayer: next to nothing15:18
shadeslayerRiddell: okay, I can come as well and stay till the end15:19
Riddellshadeslayer: wait until kubuntu gets called15:19
Riddellpoint to this https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000706.html15:19
Riddellsay anything else you want to about recent kubuntu activities or state15:19
Riddellfinish with ".."15:19
Riddelldon't forget that, else people will be sitting waiting for you to finish15:20
Riddellanswer any questions15:20
Riddellthere usually isn't any15:20
shadeslayerokay :)15:20
Riddellthat's it15:20
shadeslayerit's in #ubuntu-meeting I guess?15:20
Riddellshadeslayer: yes15:21
tazzI am up for it too.15:21
Riddelltazz: you can hang around in the channel and make sure shadeslayer is still awake when kubuntu gets called :)15:26
Riddellvery easy to get distracted onto other things during that meeting15:26
charlie-tcatrue story :)15:27
tazzRiddell, sir yes sir!15:27
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Happy New Kubuntu | fabo in kubuntu-dev meeting Monday 17:00UTC | 4.7.4 in updates PPA for testing in oneiric | http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-kubuntu.html TODOs!
Riddellfabo: so if shadeslayer has confirmed qt 4.8 works fine for him do you think we can upload?15:58
Riddelloh agateau, did you confirm too?15:58
faboRiddell: yes. I'm confirming too (works for me). 16:00
agateauRiddell: I only spotted a very minor regression in a qtwebkit of mine, nothing serious16:04
Riddellagateau: what was that?16:05
agateauRiddell: I have a <div> styled in css which looses its bottom dotted border with Qt .4.816:06
RiddellI guess we can live with that16:06
QuintasanRiddell: I'll stick around with shadeslayer and tazz there. Might as well as get back on track with development this week16:21
Riddellmeeting is started but may take an hour or so for kubuntu16:32
Quintasanshadeslayer: who the hell is responsible for calligra packaging?16:39
shadeslayerI don't know16:39
RiddellQuintasan: kubuntu is16:41
Riddellwhy do you ask?16:41
QuintasanRiddell: whoever picks new release is the one policy?16:41
RiddellQuintasan: parse error16:42
Riddellcan you rephrase?16:42
QuintasanRiddell: I wanted to know if there is anyone among us who is particulary commited to calligra packaging16:43
RiddellQuintasan: oh well I tend to package new releases, if I happen to be in a coma or something I think others will get around to it eventually but not necessarily in time for each of their releases16:44
Riddelland it's in debian so it's fairly simple16:44
QuintasanRiddell: I see, is it fine with you if I go ahead and add a few dependencies to the calligra meta-package? for example braindump doesn't get pulled16:45
shadeslayerRiddell: Quintasan Can/Should we get telepathy kde into the archives?16:45
Quintasanshadeslayer: We can get and we should get them into archive16:45
QuintasanNot main at this point but universe for sure16:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: okay, lets start working on those from monday?16:46
Quintasanshadeslayer: Nah16:46
QuintasanI am in favour of waiting till 0.316:46
RiddellQuintasan: sure, if it's good enough quality for calligra, packaging is in bzr16:46
Quintasanshadeslayer: everything gets renamed + codes moves once again16:46
shadeslayerQuintasan: Right, I agree and should have made myself clearer, that's what I meant when I said lets get it into the archives16:47
QuintasanRiddell: I mean, it's being built but not installed when user installs calligra package.16:47
RiddellQuintasan: do you want to take over the upload of 1:2.3.86-0ubuntu5 from me?16:47
QuintasanRiddell: I think I can16:47
RiddellQuintasan: ssh key on launchpad?16:47
QuintasanRiddell: Providing something didn't go horribly wrong while I was not using my computer then it is there.16:48
RiddellQuintasan: ubuntu@ec2-107-21-90-52.compute-1.amazonaws.com16:49
Riddellrun byobu on login16:49
BarkingFishafternoon guys16:49
Riddellshadeslayer: ".."16:49
Riddellscreen escape key is F1216:50
BarkingFishRiddell: I just dropped by to let you know, with apologies cause something's clearly gone awry, that the i386 build of libapogee2 failed.  I haven't had a chance to read the build log yet to find out what went wrong though.16:50
shadeslayerderp, I had just changed buffers when they started discussing about Kubuntu :P16:51
RiddellQuintasan: so build that's all my changes, you'll need to do bzr co again since I've removed my ssh key16:51
Riddellbuild it16:51
Riddelldebsign -r for remote16:52
yofelBarkingFish: blame -Werror=format-security16:52
BarkingFishAlso, the bug concerning syncing strigi has been rejected and marked invalid, the reason being is that it can't have libavcodec on the cd image, and strigi has bits of libavcodec as deps16:52
BarkingFishthe email said something about it having an Ubuntu delta 16:52
QuintasanRiddell: remote debsign? @_@16:53
RiddellBarkingFish: that's interesting about libapogee2 suggests it's broken on all arches not just ARM16:53
shadeslayerBarkingFish: that means there are some ubuntu specific changes that need to be incorporated16:53
* Quintasan clearly needs to learn tricks like that16:53
shadeslayerQuintasan: heh, debsign -r is awesome16:53
BarkingFishRiddell: what concerns me is that it built locally but won't build remotely.16:53
RiddellBarkingFish: oh I didn't know we had an ubuntu delta, that'll need reapplied then16:53
RiddellBarkingFish: then there's some difference between your machine and the build servers and if we just find what that is then it's easy to fix16:54
yofelRiddell: his libapgee build in PPA failed with errors from  -Werror=format-security16:54
yofeldid that get turned on again?16:54
QuintasanRiddell: Ha ha, I feel like a lost child in that ec2 machine :D16:54
Riddellyofel: I don't know16:55
yofelhm yeah, they did add that again16:55
yofelyofel@yofel-T510 $ dpkg-buildflags 16:55
yofelCFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security16:55
RiddellQuintasan: do you want to upload qt too?16:56
Riddelldownload the three packages, debuild -S, sign, upload https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages16:56
shadeslayerRiddell: upload where? Archives? Don't have permissions for archives16:56
shadeslayeroh derp16:56
shadeslayerdamn, I need to remove this highlight16:56
Riddellshadeslayer: what what?  Quintasan is in kubuntu-dev for uploading whatever list of packages that allows16:57
RiddellI think it allows qt but not sure16:57
BarkingFishyofel: Would that be something which I could fix locally in the code here?16:58
shadeslayerRiddell: right, I have a highlight for "kubuntu" which is why I thought that you were talking to me16:58
Riddellshadeslayer: in this channel?  might not be the best channel for it :)16:58
shadeslayerYeah, had it for #ubuntu-meeting 16:58
shadeslayerbut quassel doesn't allow channel wise highlights it seems16:59
Riddellnaugty quassel16:59
yofelBarkingFish: well, yeah, you need to fix the compiler warnings (now errors) that you see on https://launchpadlibrarian.net/89820921/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.libapogee2_2.2-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:59
RiddellQuintasan: have we lost you?16:59
yofelor as a hack filter -Werror=format-security out from the buildflags16:59
RiddellI expect those errors require elite c++ skills17:00
* Riddell out17:00
shadeslayerI could give it a try17:01
BarkingFishyofel: That's another thing.  I only did the work for the i386 version, how come it sent up two versions for different archs to the ppa?17:01
yofelBarkingFish: as Riddell is probably right, for now add this to your debian/rules (at the top):17:01
yofelexport DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_STRIP := -Werror=format-security17:01
yofel export DEB_CXXFLAGS_MAINT_STRIP := -Werror=format-security17:01
BarkingFishI'm on an i386, i wouldn't be able to do changes for an amd64 build on a 32 bit system, surely.17:02
shadeslayerBarkingFish: you just upload the sources, the builder builds for 2 arches, amd64 and i38617:02
yofelBarkingFish: it always builds for all architectures launchpads supports if you use "Architecture: any"17:02
yofelPPA's currently support i386 and am6417:02
BarkingFishmay just me being thick but I thought it wouldn't try to build for a 64 bit system using changes generated by a 32 bit system, but whatever :P17:03
QuintasanRiddell: Nah, just 450s latency17:03
BarkingFish8 minutes lag???17:03
BarkingFishGood lord! Are you using carrier pigeon? :)17:04
QuintasanBarkingFish: Nah, just yofel's core17:04
yofelwell, he's using my core, but I never get *that* much lag17:04
yofeland my connection didn't drop, or the core would have reconnected17:04
QuintasanY U NO PBUILDER17:04
RiddellQuintasan: you shouldn't need pbuilder17:05
QuintasanThat's what you get for using pbuilder17:05
Riddellthe ec2 is already a nice controlled environment17:05
Quintasangood ol' dpkg-buildpackage?17:05
Riddelldebuild -S17:05
yofelBarkingFish: it doesn't matter what architecture you're on yourself, you define what architectures will be built with the Architecture: setting in debian/control17:05
shadeslayeryofel: where was that build log from?17:05
yofelBarkingFish: 'any' means build for all supported archs17:05
Quintasanjust got that, singed with my keys17:05
yofelshadeslayer: BarkingFish's ppa17:05
BarkingFishso once i've added this stuff to the debian/rules file, yofel - do I then have to go through the dch -i and debuild -S etc?17:06
yofelBarkingFish: right17:06
shadeslayerBarkingFish: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Architecture17:06
shadeslayeryofel: and that would be where?17:06
RiddellQuintasan: are you going to change the meta package?17:06
yofelshadeslayer: https://launchpad.net/~lightningstrike35/+archive/ppa/+packages17:06
QuintasanRiddell: Yeah, did you push your changes to the kubuntu-packaging?17:07
Quintasancd calligra17:07
BarkingFishand just to clarify, do those commands you gave me go right at the top of the rules file, or underneath the make commands?17:09
Quintasanah yes17:09
QuintasanRiddell: ahh, found my way, one more thing, you just debuild if you want to test if it works or input some other magic?17:10
RiddellQuintasan: debuild will build it (which takes ages and might not be necessary for trivial changes)17:11
Riddelldebuild -S for source17:11
* Riddell really out17:11
BarkingFishyofel: those export commands go at the very very top of the rules, right?17:11
QuintasanRiddell: Thanks17:11
yofelBarkingFish: right17:16
BarkingFishok, doing the rework now. I'll push up as soon as possible17:16
yofelBarkingFish: to be precise: put them after line 117:17
yofel(looking at your rules)17:17
BarkingFishand pushed to the ppa17:17
Quintasanyofel: what key is lp using when trying to checkout branches? -_-17:17
Quintasanhow the hell i am supposed to pull the code then? xD17:18
BarkingFishright, now all I have to do is sit and wait until it reaches the build queue and have another shot 17:18
yofelBarkingFish: if you're ever curious about what's the current builder state: https://launchpad.net/builders17:19
BarkingFishthat;s ok, i figured out how to see how far off the pack is from being built, last night it was +7 hours!17:19
yofelnot much different today -.-17:21
yofelyou obviously haven't been around during the days when that went up to >24h17:21
yofelthankfully that's a rare case ^^17:21
BarkingFishwell at least I'll still be awake this time when it hits the build stage, I hope.  It's only 5.20pm now17:21
BarkingFishNot bad today actually, yofel - the queue is only 4 hours17:23
yofelfor i386, it's 6.5h for amd6417:23
Quintasanyofel: any ideas why lp won't let me fetch code from ec2 machine even though I have my ssh key there?17:24
yofelnot without an error message17:24
yofelah, did you do bzr whoami?17:24
BarkingFisheven so, I'll be around to get the results from both :)17:24
QuintasanI just broke bzr17:25
BarkingFishanyway, I'm going to go for a little while, get on with some housework, and pop back later. I need to have a rest first :)17:29
BarkingFishsee you in a while17:29
shadeslayerdid I mention apogee code is horribly formatted17:35
yofelI find the ^M's funnier17:36
Quintasanshadeslayer: uploading calligra, if something screws up then blame me17:36
yofelsomeone obviously used a crappy texteditor17:36
yofelprobably gedit17:36
shadeslayerAlso, glib is sooooooooo screwed up17:37
shadeslayeryofel: heh, I had to open it in Kate17:38
shadeslayerbecause it looked so horrible17:38
shadeslayeryofel: I understand what the problem is, but still need to figure out how to fix :P18:04
shadeslayeryofel: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4419293/warning-format-not-a-string-literal-and-no-format-arguments18:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: does Calligra require dcmtk?18:35
shadeslayerQuintasan: bug 70202618:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 702026 in dcmtk (Ubuntu) "[MIR] dcmtk" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70202618:41
shadeslayerBarkingFish: there?19:20
BarkingFishjust trying to run a diff against a couple of folders with some odd stuff going on19:21
shadeslayerWell, I have a patch for libapogee to fix that build19:21
shadeslayerbut for some reason patch -p1<../foobar.patch fails :/19:22
BarkingFishCan you send a copy of that patch to my email address please, shadeslayer, and I'll take a look at it - I've not got long before the build goes through with yofel's hack on it.19:23
BarkingFishIf I can get the patch to work, I can cancel those builds19:23
shadeslayerGive me 5 minutes19:23
BarkingFishI'm trying to figure something out which I could do with help with anyway, shadeslayer 19:24
BarkingFishI have two folders here, both on different SD cards.  I copied the contents of my old 2GB sd card to a new 4gb card, but 4 files have not copied over, and I need to find a way (other than searching 4800 odd files) to work out which didn't copy19:25
BarkingFishi tried running a straight diff -r against the two, to compare them, but diff doesn't like doing that apparently19:25
BarkingFishnever used it, no idea how to :)19:26
BarkingFishbut i'll give it a try, anything is worth it right now. Those files are needed by the satnav on my cellphone19:27
shadeslayerBarkingFish: http://paste.kde.org/186302/19:27
yofelrsync -av /from/dir/ /to/dir19:27
yofelwatch out a bit with the last slash19:27
shadeslayer^^ Yep19:27
shadeslayerI usually do rsync -avz .. but then it's usually over a network19:28
yofelz only makes sense over a network19:28
* yofel uses that too then19:28
shadeslayeryofel: see http://paste.kde.org/186302/19:28
shadeslayeroh noes19:29
shadeslayerdisregard patch19:29
shadeslayerit's still broken19:29
BarkingFishok, well rsync says most of the receiving card is broken19:30
yofelbroken? how?19:30
BarkingFishrsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1070) [sender=3.0.8]19:30
BarkingFishand above that stands about 1300 files which failed verification and are marked with IO errors19:31
shadeslayerBetter : http://paste.kde.org/186332/19:31
shadeslayerPrettier : http://paste.kde.org/186344/19:32
yofelhm, looks sane IMO19:32
BarkingFishi'll try and recopy the folder from the old card over to the new one19:33
shadeslayerBarkingFish: nope, use rsync19:33
yofelBarkingFish: rather check 'dmesg' for any device errors first19:33
yofelI/O errors don't come out of the blue19:33
shadeslayerOh also, try using --partial19:33
shadeslayerallows for partial copies of files19:34
BarkingFishyeah there are device errors showing on the old card19:34
shadeslayeryofel: I have no idea where to submit the patch thought19:34
shadeslayerCan't find the proper project19:35
yofelBarkingFish: can you try to reconnect that and see if that helps?19:35
yofelif not try --partial as shadeslayer said19:35
BarkingFishnope, partial fails as well19:37
BarkingFishlooks like I was copying to my new card just in time, i think the old one's on the way out19:38
BarkingFishhell no. It's not the old card that's messed up. It's the new one19:39
BarkingFish>:( 19:39
shadeslayerHmmm .?.. can you copy small amounts of data19:40
BarkingFishdon't sweat it for a mo, I'm gonna use partition manager and clear off the new card, rewrite the FS and try again19:43
BarkingFishright, I rewrote the card, I'm just gonna give it a few brief moments to sort itself out, and I'll see how it goes19:57
BarkingFishI've found out what the problem was with the copies20:20
BarkingFishThe old card had 4 files in one folder which were root owned, when I copied the whole contents of the card back again using sudo dolphin the whole lot went over.20:21
ScottKRiddell: Would you please answer the "Which Qt to use" question in the Plans for Precise X upload message on ubuntu-devel?20:24
ScottKYou've been tracking the 4.8 progress and I haven't.20:25
=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
Quintasanshadeslayer: If syncing from Debian solves the problem then I do not think we have much to do in regard to that20:42
shadeslayerQuintasan: My mind can only comprehend glib currently20:43
shadeslayerit's in the "glib haxoring" mode :P20:43
shadeslayerHahaha ... 20:43
QuintasanGood luck then20:44
EvilResistanceQuintasan:  its called "Social Networking"20:44
QuintasanI'm going out for more beer20:44
SifrazooyHi Everyone i am new on Distributions development i want to make some changes on kde i want a tutorials on how i can  program kubuntu not making programs to it20:54
shadeslayerSifrazooy: hi20:54
Sifrazooyshadeslayer hii20:55
shadeslayerSifrazooy: I'm not entirely sure I understand the question though20:55
shadeslayerSifrazooy: do you want to work on a kde app or do you want to work on kubuntu?20:55
Sifrazooyshadeslayer mmm its a bit confusing i know because i am confused my self , for example let us assume i want to make a new distribution for  Kubuntu that when i click the right-click the mouse list will be in another language how i can handle the mouse list20:57
shadeslayerOkay, so basically you want to make changes to the way kubuntu looks and behaves and name it as distro X\20:58
Sifrazooyshadeslayer yup and i will totally change the whole system GUI's there will be some plasmoids that will help me but i want to change what it looks 20:59
shadeslayerRight, so, there is a Distro called linux mint that does this actively20:59
shadeslayerin order to do this, you'll need to learn packaging, more specifically how to patch your packages at build time21:00
Sifrazooyshadeslayer i know there is a whole punsh of linux distributions out there but what i want to do i promise u it will be totally different  :D ;)21:00
Sifrazooyshadeslayer let us skip that for now , i want to start with the GUI , changing panels for example21:01
Sifrazooyshadeslayer changing how it looks not adding an applet for it21:02
shadeslayerSifrazooy: well, any change that you do on your machine will be lost if you install on another machine21:03
shadeslayerSifrazooy: So in order to permanently change the looks of KDE, you need to patch the defaults21:03
Sifrazooyshadeslayer i want to play with panels make some sort of things appear on them when i do some actions not how they look as colors of there width or height21:04
shadeslayeryou'll need to be more precise than that21:06
shadeslayerthere are limitations to what KDE can and can't do21:06
Sifrazooyshadeslayer u mean that in order to do what i want i will have to extend KDE panels , bec. what i want is not avialable on KDE :S?21:10
shadeslayerSifrazooy: Your question was very vague, what exactly do you want do with your panels21:10
Sifrazooyshadeslayer i want to implement a program that will make and destroy some panels and add a temprorary icons on it 21:12
shadeslayerSifrazooy: #plasma can help you out with that21:13
shadeslayerProbably doable with DBus21:13
Sifrazooyshadeslayer as for DBus isn't there any tutorials how i can edit it 21:14
shadeslayerthere are21:14
shadeslayerSifrazooy: see http://techbase.kde.org/21:14
shadeslayerHey Riddell21:14
RiddellQuintasan: how did the uploading go?21:15
Sifrazooyshadeslayer thank you and sry for ur time :D21:15
shadeslayerSifrazooy: Glad I could help in some way21:15
sheytanapachelogger: pingo21:24
Riddellhuh, yet more calligra errors on arm22:16
BarkingFishwhat the hell is going on with the build system tonight?23:02
BarkingFishI put the source changes up for libapogee2 at 17.20 with a 4 hour wait time on the i386 version.  7 hours later, it's still not built, and apparently has at least another 9 minutes before it does.23:03
EvilResistanceBarkingFish:  perhaps it hates you :P23:06
BarkingFishi wouldn't put it past it, EvilResistance 23:07
BarkingFishI sent the source changes 3 times yesterday before they finally went up :)23:07
mikecbhow long does it take to build?23:07
EvilResistance'tis better though than the evil of mentors.debian.net... there's lintian errors in a package i uploaded there, the same errors dont exist on ubuntu23:08
BarkingFishmikecb: Locally, about 30 seconds to a minute23:09
BarkingFishnow it's telling me it's got 7 minutes to go, yet it was 9 minutes, 6 minutes ago.23:10
BarkingFishSomething is definitely weird as heck there.23:10
claydohi have seen that often (in ppa's), I bet the build servers are just getting hammered23:18
claydohbbut yeah, you probably ticked it off, I know I have :D23:18
BarkingFishAnd I'm now even more ticked off.  Even with yofel's hack from earlier, it's still failed to build on i38623:22
ScottKEvilResistance: Check lintian with --profile debian if you're preparing a package for Debian.23:22
BarkingFishI think I'm gonna have to go with Riddell and see what's different on my machine to the build servers - it builds locally, fails on the ppa build though23:22
ScottKBarkingFish: Where's the build log?23:23
BarkingFishif that's ones gone, I may as well cancel the build for the amd64 version, both are building from the same source.changes23:24
BarkingFishand they both failed first time round23:24
ScottKDifferent build flags on the buildd I'd guess based on /build/buildd/libapogee2-2.2/ApnCamData.h:43:1: warning: 'typedef' was ignored in this declaration [enabled by default]23:24
ScottKOnce the typedef was ignored, then it lead to the other errors.23:25
BarkingFishwell I've nailed the amd64 build for now, no sense in wasting time waiting for it to fail on build :)23:25
BarkingFishhow do I clear my PPA out of files which have not built successfully?23:26
EvilResistanceBarkingFish:  you dont23:28
EvilResistanceBarkingFish:  just upload a version that is higher-numbered.23:28
EvilResistanceBarkingFish:  failed-build packages dont get published in the PPA23:28
yofelwell, he can delete the package if he wants to, but usually one does what EvilResistance said23:29
BarkingFishoh ok. I'm retrying the build, incidentally, I was using the default build deps, for the current version, and since I'm not building this for the current version, I'm trying again with the proposed section as ppa dependencies23:30
yofelhm, I just noticed that the package uses CDBS23:30
yofelprobably the variables need to be defined differently then23:30
* yofel only knows dh7 packaging23:30
yofelBarkingFish: proposed has no effect for precise currently23:31
yofelthat just means that '<release>-proposed' will be used during the build23:31
BarkingFishhm.  Well I'd imagine the default one doesn't either :)23:31
BarkingFishI was just following the bit where you set the deps for the ppa - "Select which packages of the Ubuntu primary archive should be used as build-dependencies when building sources in this PPA."23:32
yofelyeah, but that's not the problem here23:32
yofelthe default compiler settings in precise are23:32
yofelyour package will build fine on oneiric23:33
BarkingFishyeah, but I'm building against the pbuilder stuff for precise, and it's building locally on my machine, so something between here and there is obviously borken.23:34
yofelBarkingFish: run pbuilder update and try again23:34
ScottKBarkingFish: It's almost certainly related to the way gcc processes typedefs now, adding -proposed is not going to help.23:35
yofelScottK: it's -Werror=format-security that makes it fail23:35
ScottKRight, but why?23:36
BarkingFishok, well I've cancelled the rebuild, and we've already stripped out -Werror=format-security from the make23:36
BarkingFishi did that earlier by adding some lines to the debian/rules file23:36
yofelBarkingFish: that didn't have an effect, not sure why (I blame cdbs)23:37
yofelScottK: shadeslayer did some patching, his result: http://paste.kde.org/186344/23:37
yofelso adding that would help too23:37
BarkingFishyofel: That's a thought.23:37
* BarkingFish nips off to grab that paste23:37
yofelbut I don't know how to add patches to cdbs23:38
ScottKGoogle says that a missing include for stddef.h is related to such errors.23:38
ScottKyofel: cdbs-edit-patch $patchname.23:38
EvilResistanceScottK:  yeah, well i fixed all the Lintian errors in my package, i just need to make sure it builds / executes right within Debian sid (currently installing squeeze then going to update)23:45
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
BarkingFishScottK: Supposing you could search the code and add that stddef.h in, would that fix it on a rebuild, or would it mess things up?23:55
BarkingFishassuming that a missing #include stddef.h was the problem23:55
ScottKYou've have to add it in a patch to the .h file where the warning comes up.23:55
ScottKThen upload a new package with that change.23:55
BarkingFishso I couldn't just directly code it in wherever it was missing, assuming it is missing...?23:56
BarkingFishnow what the myxzptlk is going on here?23:58
BarkingFishthe i386 build failed, right?  Not according to this: https://launchpad.net/~lightningstrike35/+archive/ppa/+packages23:59
BarkingFishThe box to the right shows a green tick, "All builds built successfully"23:59
BarkingFishthe dropdown when you click the package shows both builds failed...23:59

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