
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:04
neo69I'm trying to undo the desktop and desktop bar to the defaults, so I'm deleting the ~/.kde. But when I restart everything is the same. What am I doing wrong?00:38
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FAHow is everyone?03:44
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:10
=== AD is now known as Guest39295
ubuntugood morning06:16
ubuntui have a problem with live cd version of kubuntu 11.1006:16
ubuntulibreoffice doc is able to detect my printer connected.. but it is not printing when print is clicked06:17
ubuntuthanks for ur attention06:17
almoxarifei have a txt file that will have a line that will always have the following txt '127xxx localhost' and i want to place the remark# sign on it, via script, can someone tell me what i would place into the script?06:18
almoxarifei need to remark that one line out06:19
crudsonIs it possible to get alt-middleclick to bring up a window's context menu. Doesn't appear in "Window Actions", but hoping there is another way to do this.08:36
sb1980is amd catalyst known to cause performance issues? i'm running kubuntu on my desktop (with ati) as well as on my laptop. laptop is much faster, though it has only half the RAM and less cpu08:39
=== waky is now known as sleepy
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mar11.10 kubuntu: after closing program from taskbar (right click and close) or closing multiple windows taskbar disappears and reappears after a few seconds (process crashes?). Is it known problem?10:04
Tm_Tmar: not that I know, use the bug report tool it gives when it crashes?10:07
marTm_T, it doesn't pop up10:09
grawcho_hey dose anyone know why libreoffice has dependecy issues in apt repository in percise (12.04) ... i had to uninstall alltogether :(10:15
=== dan is now known as Guest81445
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Tm_Tgrawcho_: #ubuntu+1 for 12.0410:24
ts212.04 is in early alpha, so expect *everything* to break, at least once10:24
marTm_T, where do I report such bug? Or even report it?10:48
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:02
Tm_Tmar: ^11:02
Tm_Tmar: you're saying plasma crashes, right? if yes, it's plasma-desktop11:03
grawcho_ts2: yeah i kinda know that ... i just wanted to know spacificly about a bug ... will check #ubuntu+1 ... thanks11:11
grawcho_Tm_T: Thanks11:11
heldercthe plasma-desktop crash and close every time I choose download and open a file at firefox, detail: later plasma-desktop closed it doesnt open again... So I need to reboot... anyone know how to fix this?11:45
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Peace-helderc: hola12:18
Peace-helderc: are you there?12:18
Peace-helderc: kde versioin ?12:18
Peace-lsb_release -a12:18
helderckde 4.7.312:18
Peace-helderc: lsb_release -a12:19
heldercDescription:    Ubuntu 11.1012:19
heldercCodename:       oneiric12:19
heldercNo LSB modules are available.12:19
Peace-helderc: ok12:20
Peace-helderc: kdebugdialog  run that12:21
Peace-helderc: btw if i was in you would upgrade to kde 4.7.412:21
heldercPeace-:  ok, kdebugdialog opened12:22
Peace-helderc: tell me one thing you open firefox then you download something and it crash?12:22
Peace-or you have to open the file to get the crash12:23
heldercPeace-: I need to choose on firefox the option "Download and Open", and then it (plasma-desktop) crash12:23
Peace-helderc: mmm you could try this...12:24
heldercit crash at moment that file will be open12:24
Peace-helderc: when it crash .... just PRESS alt f212:24
Peace-helderc: and run konsole12:24
Peace-on konsole run : plasma-desktop12:24
Peace-and say what it writes12:24
heldercPeace-: I ever try to do this... but plasma doesnt come back... I need to reboot12:25
Peace-helderc:mmm you can do alt-f212:25
szalKDE 4.7.3..  standard advice: upgrade to 4.7.4 from the Kubuntu PPA (or do they have 4.7.5 in the meantime?)12:25
heldercyes. I can12:25
heldercactually open the konsole also...12:26
Peace-helderc: so kwin is runnning it's only plasma-desktpp taht is failing12:27
helderc* i mean: can open the konsole12:27
Peace-helderc: ok ... but what does it say when you try to run plasma?12:27
heldercit opens that window that apears when some applicantion crashes... and when its appears, its shows that plasma-desktop crashed again12:28
Peace-helderc: listen to me ... i would upgrade like szal says12:29
szalif it's "only" Plasma crashing a lot, that is the best you can do12:29
Peace-but if you donìt want do that12:29
* szal wonders anyway whose idea it was to make this crash-happy 4.7.3 the default in Oneiric12:30
heldercPeace-: but its safe?12:30
szaldefine 'safe'12:30
Peace-helderc: you could do thsi go here12:31
heldercI mean, Why kde 4.7.4 it isnt at normal repositories?12:32
Peace-helderc: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/01/13/plasma-desktopPr1614.png12:32
Peace-helderc: and RENAME all plasma files12:32
Peace-helderc: if this doesn't work ... try creating a new user or RENAMING YOUR ~/.kde12:33
heldercPeace-: I do this before or after the upgrade?12:33
Peace-helderc: this is to test if you don't want upgrade12:33
szalhelderc: because it never is; you get stuck w/ 4.7.3 for the rest of Oneiric's existence on your machine if you don't add that repo12:33
Peace-helderc: if with this stuff you will keeep to get crashes12:33
Peace-helderc: i would upgrade12:34
szalhelderc: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade12:34
heldercPeace-: ok, I'll upgrade.12:34
heldercszal: thanks12:34
szalthis update repo will be good for as long as there is KDE 4.7; one there's 4.8 and you want to use that, you'll need yet another repo12:35
Peace-helderc: btw rememeber that  renaming config files coudl be neccessary12:36
heldercPeace-: so, I really need to rename them?12:36
Peace-helderc: the best way is try to upgrade and see12:36
szalhelderc: what I heard was that on upgrade to 4.7.4 a reboot is required..  unusual, but heck12:36
Peace-helderc: if problems => rename12:36
heldercPeace-: ok, I got it.... Thanks12:37
Peace-szal: :) am on 12.04 xD12:37
heldercthanks guys12:37
szalPeace-: your pain :P12:38
Peace-szal: i have to say , that here , works fine12:38
Peace-but i have heard of kernel panic xD12:39
szalColonel Panic in da houze *gg*12:40
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Farsaj2Hi i need help!! Where i can find qt-recordmydesktop????13:09
Farsaj2please provide deb package13:09
Peace-Farsaj2: ... sudo apt-get install recorditnow13:10
Farsaj2i compile and install from sources but advanced button is not working13:10
Peace-Farsaj2: ... sudo apt-get install recorditnow13:10
Farsaj2recorditnow  not working on my computer13:11
Peace- Farsaj2 i am a screenrecorder... just use ffmpeg13:11
Peace-it's light and faster than other softwares13:11
Peace-i can help to write down a shell comand13:12
Farsaj2i need gui13:12
szalFarsaj2: use gtk-recordmydesktop, that one still exists13:12
Peace-btw recordmydesktop sucks13:13
=== alexander is now known as Guest83737
Peace-i have tried all the screenrecordes on linux i guess ffmpeg is the best13:13
Peace-no way13:13
Farsaj2i need this shit13:13
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ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:13
viKtor_hi guys! i need help, when i put my cursor next to the right edge of the screen i seems to be able to go ahead with no limit, i think it's a calibration problem but no idea of how to solve it :S can you help me?13:14
Peace-Farsaj2: if you change idea http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/05/23/how-to-screencast/ if not sorry but... i canìt help you13:14
Peace-viKtor_: nice question :D but i have not solution13:15
Farsaj2<Peace-> thanks13:15
viKtor_Peace-: actually i'm not sure if people understand what i mean when i say this :P13:15
viKtor_btw, why are you using kde instead of unity? i mean what's the reasons to do it? cause i can't decide... unity has somethings i like a lot but kde looks beautiful!13:16
ts2people use what they like, it's a personal choice13:17
viKtor_ts2: but there must be something that make choose that decision no?13:17
Peace-viKtor_: look this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzEty1TYAE&feature=g-upl&context=G2589d63AUAAAAAAACAA13:18
Peace-viKtor_: then decide13:18
viKtor_i'm in kde now, ill wive it a try13:18
viKtor_but there's some stuff i can't do the right way (it's my first time in kde)13:18
viKtor_for example, i can't set kickoff to be launched just by the supr key13:19
Farsaj2ffmpeg-recorder in recorditnow not working(13:19
Farsaj2then a pres stop button nothing happend13:19
Peace-viKtor_: that could be done with lancelot13:19
viKtor_lancelot is ugly as hell :S13:19
Peace-Farsaj2: that is due to a bug of recordmydesktop13:20
ts2the super key is a modifier, like shift or ctrl, it usually can't do anything on its own13:20
Peace-Farsaj2: sorry of recorditnow13:20
Peace-Farsaj2: because ffmpeg has changed the letter q to CRTL C to stop encoding13:20
Peace-ts2: you can show lancelot via qdbus13:20
Peace-ts2: so you coudl just do a shortut...13:21
ts2Peace-: I mean that simply pressing the super key doesn't really send an "event", it waits for you to press another key to apply that modifier to13:22
Peace-ts2: mmm run xev13:23
Peace-ts2: then type super13:23
Peace-it's like other keys13:23
viKtor_Peace-: i installed lancelot, now how i set the supr key13:24
Peace-eh i am seraching the stuff13:24
ts2Peace-: try to assign the super key to a shortcut in KDE13:24
Peace-ts2: you right13:26
ts2it's the same for Alt, Ctrl, Shift. it's just a modifier13:27
ts2if you turn it into a normal key, then you loose it as a modifier, and it's used a lot more as a modifier13:27
Peace-viKtor_: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/unity-like-launcher-for-kde-icon-tasks.html13:29
viKtor_Peace-: i already have it but what i want is to substitue the unity dash, the kde menu is perfect, but it coulf be really faster for launching app if i just could launch the menu with the supr key13:37
Peace-viKtor_: well right now i have no time to explain \try if it sill works13:40
Peace-viKtor_: bu i wll do it tonight qdbus lancelot seach that on google maybe you coul find stuff13:41
Peace-viKtor_: then you have to do shortcuts13:41
viKtor_Peace-: thanks anyway ;)13:46
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:50
Peace-viKtor_: add lancelot13:55
Peace-viKtor_: then configure it there are shotcuts13:55
viKtor_Peace-: i already added it13:55
viKtor_the problem is that i'm not allowed to configure a single supr key, it ask me to add more keys :S13:56
Peace-viKtor_: then you cal always do super 1 2 3 4 5 http://wstaw.org/m/2012/01/13/plasma-desktopvY1614.png13:56
BluesKajHi all14:05
susundbe1gBluesKaj: _o/14:10
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:28
=== techmik is now known as techmik|away
dewarhi can anyone help me im trying to get muon to open and i get an muon-installer PID: 1792 Signal: Segmentation fault (11)14:50
dewarand it crashes14:50
BluesKajdewar,  try opening apper15:04
=== Guest39295 is now known as AD
mozzymonis there any fix for muon center crashs at this time?15:17
mozzymontried to install kubuntu fresh like i always do, but it hangs during updates15:20
mozzymonafter that muon center is broken15:21
mozzymonany fix to get moun15:22
BluesKajmozzymon,  do you know how to use the terminal , for updates , sudo apt-get update , then to upgrade the updated packages , sudo apt-get upgrade15:26
mozzymonjust do those commands and reboot?15:28
mozzymonty for the help btw15:30
mozzymonima technitian, tryin to help a friend having the very same issue15:30
mozzymon< computer repair geek15:30
mozzymoni should probly do it in his teamviewer15:31
mozzymonhope it works15:31
BluesKajmozzymon,  it should work , apt-get is much more stable than muon and is the core package , muon and apper and other package managers are merely guis that use apt15:39
mozzymonthe one that crashes is dpkmgr15:40
mozzymonsomething liek that15:40
mozzymonmuon has nice listing for people not familiar with using a glowing terminal15:41
mozzymonneed to have that workin15:41
BluesKajI only use a package manager as a reference for pacjkages listed in the repositories15:41
mozzymonty again for your help and replys15:41
BluesKajhope it works ok , I'm sure it will15:41
madacrehello - I have a fresh kubuntu install, but the x configuration is fubar. How do I boot the local HDD to text mode from the kubuntu livecd?15:45
EvilResistanceyou cant boot the HDD version as text from the livecd.  you can however boot to Kubuntu on the hard disk and hit ctrl+alt+f1 and get a TTY terminal15:46
madacreyeah... about that...15:46
EvilResistanceyou're saying Kubuntu doesnt even boot?15:47
madacreit kinda freezes up15:47
madacreyep, attempting to load the dodgy kernel module appears to be a Bad Thing15:47
EvilResistanceyou didnt mention there's a kernel module breaking it :P15:48
madacreHere's what happened - when I installed, I checked the 'fetch updates from the internet' thingy. Big mistake - it upgraded my kernel headers but held back the kernel itself, for safety reasons, apaprently15:49
ALMarshunhaving trouble with my wireless with kubuntu, installed on acer aspire one 722 netbook, everything works fine so far15:49
ALMarshunethernet works15:49
madacre... so of course the nvidia fails to install15:49
ALMarshunbut the wireless manager will not save my network, it just removes it after i add it and will not save15:49
madacre... so I spend some time getting the kernel and its headers in sync, and then install nvidia-current15:50
madacre... BOOM broken system :( as I apparently need nvidia-173 legacy for the card in question, and right now trying to load the module hangs it.15:51
mozzymonlast updates are hurtin kubuntu15:51
mozzymonneeds more testin15:51
mozzymonbbl, ty again15:52
madacreI tried init=2, but no dice - and I read somewhere that ubuntu did away with the text init level and goes straight to X :(15:52
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madacreMmmm chroot time I guess - didn't want to do that, this CDROM takes forever, but oh well. Thanks anyhow15:57
BluesKajmadacre,  which nvidia card , the 173 driver is very old and I'm sure not the recommended driver on 11.1016:04
madacreits a geforce fx 560016:04
madacresetting up an old PC for my mum to browse the web on, no more16:05
madacrety, bye16:26
=== dave is now known as Guest18497
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:27
=== adrian is now known as Guest25447
qwertz__Hello, my sytem does not boot anymore.17:47
qwertz__I get : http://pastebin.com/gFTHrWSu17:47
qwertz__How can I get a shell from an alternate CD which understands 'sudo fdisk -l' ?17:49
qwertz__by accident I found a shell ;-)17:52
Scunizion a dual screen setup if I move a LibreOffice Calc window from one monitor to the other it will automatically expand the Calc window horizontally to the edges of the monitor.  This doesn't happen with other windows I have open.  How do I stop it from doing that?17:53
jessieScunizi: Horizontally or vertically?17:55
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Scunizijessie: horizontally ie side to side18:08
jessieScunizi: Hmmm... Mine does it vertically.18:09
Scunizijessie: that's weird.. does it do it with other windows?18:11
Scunizijessie: you running 11.10?18:12
jessieYes, 11.10. And no, other windows don't do it.18:15
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Scunizijessie: so I wonder if this is a setting in libreoffice or a quirk in kubuntu18:19
Scunizijessie: are you also running a system that allows you to switch easily from ubuntu to kubuntu on the login screen?  I am.18:20
jessieI am not, no.18:23
jessieI only have Kubuntu installed.18:23
Scunizithe #libreoffice channel is pretty slow.. might take a while for an answer.18:28
jessieScunizi: Might try #openoffice too.18:29
jessieDifferent, I know, but it may still be valuable.18:29
Guest42952do not know if I can ask this here but need to convert wav to midi, anyone know how?18:48
BluesKajBBL , gonna push some snow19:06
=== cpatrick08 is now known as cpatrick008
iosifi have a problem with my bluetooth adapter on "dell vostro 1015"19:23
iosifit is not working in kubuntu 11.10 and 12.04, but is working in windows 719:23
iosifwhere is the problem?19:23
Peace-windows is not linux19:25
Peace-you should ask to your dell seller cause they didn't well their job releasing the driver..19:26
iosifi know, but how do i fix the problem?19:26
iosifi don't fin a driver on dell.com19:26
Peace-open a konsole19:27
iosifdo you spike romanian? (i posted on forum.ubuntu.ro) but they don't know how to help me :((19:27
iosifi oened it (sorry for my english)19:28
Peace-sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez bluez-alsa bluez-cups bluez-gstreamer bluez-utils libbluetooth3 python-bluez libmulticobex1 libobexftp0 libopenobex1 obex-data-server obexd-client python-obexftp obexfs19:28
Peace-copy and paste that code19:28
Peace-iosif: i am italian ...19:28
iosifi'm romanian19:29
iosifok i finished the instalation19:29
iosifwhat i have to do now?19:30
Peace-enable your device19:30
Peace-phone or other stuff19:30
iosifi don't have a button for bluetooth19:30
iosifi have only for wifi19:30
Peace-yu have said bluetooth19:31
iosifbut i don't have a button for on/off19:33
iosifin windows i activated it form driver19:34
Peace-so... then ?19:34
Peace-what do you use for ?19:34
Peace-i used to transfer files into my phone19:34
Peace-from my computer19:34
iosifmy to19:35
iosifbut if i restart the computer, boot in windows, restart and boot in kubuntu it is working, BUT after the first shutdown it is not working anymore19:35
Peace-so it's a driver problem19:36
Peace-i have no idea19:36
Peace-sorry now i have to go19:36
iosifi have a problem with my bluetooth adapter on "dell vostro 1015"19:44
iosifit is not working in kubuntu 11.10 and 12.04, but is working in windows 719:44
iosifwhere is the problem?19:44
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Haakon_der_Wikingood evening20:10
Haakon_der_WikinIs there any package for driving Hauppauge Nova S2 DVB-S2 Satelite card?20:11
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=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
Sifrazooyis there any developers channels to ask for some developing stuff for kubuntu20:37
EvilResistanceSifrazooy:  #kubuntu-devel has the devs :P20:43
SifrazooyEvilResistance thnx :D20:46
SifrazooyEvilResistance; thnx :D20:47
SifrazooyEvilResistance: thnx :D20:47
robert0the muon program center is crashing everytime i try to open.... someone can help?20:47
EvilResistanceSifrazooy:  highlighting me three times isnt nice :/20:48
SifrazooyEvilResistance: indeed i am sry but i am a beginner on IRC :D so sry :D ;)20:50
EvilResistanceno problem :)20:50
robert0the muon program center is crashing everytime i try to open.... someone can help?20:52
BluesKajrobert0,  use the terminal sudo apt-get update or upgrade or install or remove20:54
BluesKaj!apt-get | robert020:55
ubotturobert0: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)20:55
robert0ubottu: im using apt-get already :P20:56
ubotturobert0: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:56
robert0BluesKaj: im using apt-get already :P20:56
robert0BluesKaj: already tried apt-get update/upgrade20:57
BluesKajrobert0,  I use synaptic, it's the most relaible package manager IME , mainly just for reference20:57
BluesKajsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade is the actaull command20:58
robert0i did one after another20:58
BluesKajrobert0,  get to know the apt-get commands and you can use the package manger like apper as a package repository reference only21:00
xzasedHi there guys, does anyone know how to detect if a vga cable is connected? programmatically speaking21:53
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:05
MaxHRHello, anybody here have plasma active installed?  am looking for tips on how to get it on kubuntu22:32
almoxarifeMaxHR: plasma active?22:44
almoxarifeMaxHR: plasma-desktop?22:44
MaxHRalmoxarife: http://plasma-active.org/22:48
almoxarifeMaxHR: got you, that is not -desktop, cant help22:50
=== Ezam is now known as Rpup
iosifi have a problem with my bluetooth adapter on "dell vostro 1015"23:31
iosifit is not working in kubuntu 11.10 and 12.04, but is working in windows 723:31
iosifwhere is the problem?23:31
iosifcan you help me?23:32
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