
chmacAnyone seeing issues upgrading libreoffice?00:18
chmacI sort of convinced synaptic to upgrade, but now it's getting an error on dpkg --configure00:19
trismchmac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/91527100:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 915271 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "package libreoffice-core 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: rmdir: failed to remove `usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/program/': Directory not empty" [Critical,Confirmed]00:20
chmacGotcha, thanks trism00:21
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robin0800how to install flash player in 64bit?01:04
RovanionSay are the keyboard layouts no longer defined in /usr/share/X11/xkb ?01:51
RovanionI've modified one -variant of the se layout to suit me, but it's without any modifications in the layout picker.01:52
rippsdnsmasq broke network-manager, I had to edit the NetworkManager.conf to disable for internet to work.08:55
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grawcho_hey dose anyone know why libreoffice has dependecy issues in apt repository in percise (12.04) ... i had to uninstall alltogether :(11:12
gesergrawcho_: bug 915271 ; it's being worked on11:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915271 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Precise) "package libreoffice-core 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: rmdir: failed to remove `usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/program/': Directory not empty" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91527111:18
lotuspsychjeany bugs for xvidcap in precise yet?11:18
popeylotuspsychje: I'd use kazam rather than xvidcap11:24
lotuspsychjepopey: yeah you reccomended me last time kazam and eidete11:25
lotuspsychjepopey: but eidete crashed my desktop11:25
popeyi have not tried eidete11:26
lotuspsychjei hope they fix xvidcap 32 depth error bug one day...11:26
popeyis the bug filed?11:26
lotuspsychjesorry cant run browser atm low 3g11:27
popeythe project looks dead to me11:27
lotuspsychjeits called xvidcap 32 depth video error or something11:27
popeyno releases for years11:27
lotuspsychjebut its still in repos11:27
lotuspsychjesoftware centre11:28
popeyyeah, it should probably be removed11:28
lotuspsychjeit worked flawless for months here11:28
lotuspsychjeno encoding time waiting afterwards neither11:28
lotuspsychjewas very happy with it11:28
lotuspsychjeuntil it freezed :p11:29
popeyits been buggy for years11:30
popeyand nobody is maintaining it11:30
lotuspsychjeoh really11:30
lotuspsychjethats too bad11:30
popeyi switched from xvidcap to recordmydesktop and ffmpeg about 2 years ago11:30
popeythere have been no releases, no fixes since then11:30
lotuspsychjedoes your recordmydesktop not using encoding time after recording?11:31
popeyi dont use recordmydesktop now11:31
popeyI use ffmpeg11:31
popeyno, a script11:31
lotuspsychjecan it record specific area?11:31
lotuspsychjeeasy to config?11:32
popeynot as easy as xvidcap11:33
lotuspsychjetought so :p11:33
popeyit works11:33
lotuspsychjein software centre i saw some ffmpeg equivalents too11:33
lotuspsychjeyou think if someone placed a new bug for xvidcap they would look at it in precise?11:35
popeynobody is touching xvidcap bugs11:36
lotuspsychjetoo bad : (11:37
lotuspsychjeok well tnx for helping anyway11:37
popeyI'm going to file a bug to get it removed from ubuntu11:38
lotuspsychjeand if you find something easy11:38
popeyno point having a broken/unmaintained tool in the archive11:38
popeykazam is easy11:38
popeyand is under development11:38
lotuspsychjeill give it a shot11:38
popeythe guy is very active and sits in #kazam11:39
lotuspsychjeoh tnx for channel11:39
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grawcho_geser: thank ... i'm waiting13:42
edgyHi, I couldn't update libreoffice breaks something13:42
edgyany one can help me update my system after the breakage of libreoffice?14:00
BluesKajHi all14:05
BluesKajQ: has the kernel panic and access to grub recovery kernel problem been fixed yet ?14:06
edgyBluesKaj: for me everything is working fine14:07
BluesKajedgy, so you didn't have that problem last week ?14:11
edgyBluesKaj: I had it and I used --no-log but then with the updates I didn't need that14:11
BluesKajedgy,  so the updates fixed it14:12
edgyBluesKaj: yes, but maybe they just made a workaround like using --no-log in upstart till they figure out how to solve it properly but practically it's working14:13
grawcho_geser: thanks ... fixed it14:13
Ian_Cornejust remove the folder and make it there again, worked for me, didn't teste office tho :p14:14
jcook_5xdatahave a problem with the latest update. for some reason it did a partial update after reboot compiz will not start. here is the what it give when I try to start it http://pastebin.com/U37KrsaP14:14
edgyIan_Corne: let me try ...14:16
BluesKaj well libreoffice has updates blocked on my other pc runing 12.04 due it's dependency problem :(14:17
edgyIan_Corne: I removed the files inside the directory and it seems it's working now. thanks for the hint14:17
edgyBluesKaj: you can solve it as Ian_Corne mentioned14:22
BluesKajedgy,  i joined too late to see what he suggested , unless it's about removing the folder14:27
icerootBluesKaj: i can also confirm that the updates fixed the kernel-panic with io.c and upstart errors last week14:28
BluesKajiceroot,  thanks14:29
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rigvedhi everyone.18:39
rigvedi'm running 12.04. today when i tried to update my machine, dpkg got stuck. it was trying to upgrade libreoffice 3.4 to 3.5. The pre-inst script needed to remove /usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/ folder using rmdir, but couldn't because the basis3.4 folder wasn't empty.18:41
rigvedThe basis3.4 folder had one folder called program and a hidden file. So, I manually deleted the contents of the basis3.4 folder. The installation went on to completion properly.18:42
BluesKajok , ugraded to Kubuntu 12.04, so far so good ..hope it stays that way18:44
Picirigved: /5818:46
Picirigved: sorry.  I meant to ask if you had filed a bug18:47
BluesKajfolderview still hides part of itself below and behind the panel18:47
rigvedLibreoffice is working fine. Only thing is the Libreoffice launcher icon is missing. Also, the libreoffice loading bar is green, instead of orange.18:47
EvilResistancewhen's the freeze for new package inclusion?18:48
rigvedPici: not yet.18:48
rigvedPici: I'll do that now.18:48
BluesKajrigved,  i had to completely rid my other pc of libreoffice from all the dirs plus all the dependencies in order to update / upgrade ...I purged libreoffice on this pc before upgrading to 12.0418:49
rigvedBluesKaj: this is a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04. I installed this about two weeks after alpha 1 was released, from the daily image.18:52
BluesKajrigved,  ok , I guess you lucked out on the kernel panic and recovery kernel access block , which my previous 12.04 didn't survive. I lost patience and reverted to 11.10 , just upgraded again a few mins ago.19:01
BluesKajBBL , gonna push some snow19:06
rigvedBluesKaj: good for me! I purposely waited that long. The new testing interface (running on Jenkins afir) is really helpful. :)19:07
rigvedPici: filed the bug report as bug 916177.19:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916177 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Libreoffice 3.4 failed to upgrade to 3.5 because the pre-inst script was unable to remove /usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4 folder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91617719:07
jtaylorrigved: please check for duplicates first19:09
jtaylorthere are already several hundred of these bugs19:09
jtaylora new version is already building, it will be done for the main arches in ~10 hurs19:09
rigvedjtaylor: ok. will do so.19:09
nhainessynergyc is giving me all kinds of trouble on precise.19:13
nhainesI need to sit down and run it in a console and see if it's bug time.19:13
rigvedi found duplicates. so, i should mark my bug as a duplicate of the very first related bug, right?19:19
jtaylorrigved: I did so already19:21
jtayloroh the libre offive build is done already on am64 :O19:27
jtaylor6 hours faster that the last one19:27
* BluesKaj will wait til the dust clears in a few days or so to reinstall LO19:44
BluesKajok, gotta clear some more snow ..break is over19:54
FernandoMigueljpds: 2% [7 libgtk-3-0 523928/2353 kB 22%][Connecting to deis-mirrors.isec.pt (]                     5060 B/s 6h 11min 32s19:57
rigvedjtaylor: ok.20:10
webm0nk3ywhere do i file a bug about the clock disappearing in unity (latest update)20:45
trismwebm0nk3y: there was a dep problem: sudo apt-get install indicator-datetime; should get it back20:47
webm0nk3yright, but lets say I see a bug like this. where would i file the bug?20:48
trismnot necessarily sure you should, these issues pop up in the dev release, need to pay attention when you dist-upgrade20:50
edgyHi, I couldn't see my home wifi any more, though I can see my neigbour's. At the same time I can see it from my mobile so it's working20:55
FernandoMiguelanyone any good at QoS?21:32
aguitelhow upgrade 10.04 to 12.04 ?22:53
FernandoMiguelwith a lot of trouble :)23:02
FernandoMiguelbut seems he alread parted23:03

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