
=== gatox is now known as gatox_away
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mterryrobert_ancell,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/DejaDup08:05
mterryrobert_ancell, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEngineering/12.04/UpstreamDevelopment/ProjectTracking08:06
mterryrobert_ancell, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEngineering/12.04/UpstreamDevelopment talks about requirements a bit08:07
kenvandinemterry, i just proposed https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/gwibber/lp_906916/+merge/8845508:25
kenvandinewhich i would like to include in this mornings upload08:25
mterrykenvandine, looking08:25
kenvandinemterry, thx08:25
kenvandinemterry, it's been in the unity-team ppa and several people have tested it08:25
pitticyphermox: bug 83625008:27
ubot2`Launchpad bug 836250 in linux "[Oneiric] [Regression] Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 poor networking, packet loss and very slow Lenovo X201 and T500 laptops" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83625008:27
robert_ancellseb128, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/LightDM https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/UnityGreeter08:34
kenvandinemterry, watch -n0.1 'ps -e -o pcpu,rss,comm|grep gwibber-service'08:37
seb128desrt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/91126308:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911263 in gtk+3.0 "Update overlay scrollbar patch" [Undecided,New]08:46
kenvandinemterry, do you have time to do a review of the libdee/libunity port too?  i think didrocks is a bit busy atm09:05
mterrykenvandine, sure09:05
kenvandineok, let me make sure he hasn't started it09:05
pittivuntz: bonjour! ca va?09:06
vuntzpitti: mon ami !09:06
kenvandinemterry, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/gwibber/libdee_libunity_port/+merge/8845409:06
kenvandinemterry, thx09:06
pittivuntz: got a minute to pick your brain about libwnck?09:07
vuntzpitti: sure thing09:08
pittivuntz: so, I was debugging why notify-osd wakes up with each key press and focus change event09:09
pittivuntz: and eventually found out that calling wnck_screen_get_default () triggers that09:09
pittivuntz: this sets up an X event filter (_wnck_event_filter_init())09:09
pittivuntz: but there is no API to shut that down again09:09
didrocksmvo: good morning!09:09
didrocksgood morning vuntz :)09:10
pittivuntz: and it's a static reference, you can't use _unref() or so to stop it09:10
pittivuntz: would you be opposed to something like wnck_screen_uninitialize() which stops the event filter?09:10
didrocksmvo: I uploaded gir1.2-unity-5.0. Do you want to update update-manager yourself or do you want me to do it (for real, this time ;))?09:10
vuntzpitti: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64269209:10
pittivuntz: I'll file an upstream bug in a minute and are happy to work on a patch09:10
ubot2`Gnome bug 642692 in general "Provide wnck_shutdown() (?)" [Normal,New]09:10
didrocksmvo: I saw there is some UNRELEASED stuff there, hence the question09:10
vuntzpitti: there you go09:10
pittivuntz: hah09:11
vuntzdidrocks: blop :-)09:11
pittivuntz: so, if that approach is fine with you, I'll get started on that09:11
pitti"kill all unnecessary wakeups"09:11
pittivuntz: merci Monsieur09:11
vuntzpitti: although I'm unsure if this would fix the thing for notify-osd -- it sounds weird to use libwnck there, to start with09:12
pittivuntz: it uses it to check if there is any maximized window09:12
vuntzpitti: hrm, does that mean that you want to call wnck_screen_get_default() each time there's a notification, and then wnck_shutdown()?09:13
pittii. e. it iterates over wnck_screen_get_windows()09:13
pittivuntz: is there a better way?09:13
seb128pitti, can you bump the build score of lightdm in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+packages?09:13
mterrykenvandine, seriously?  ;)09:13
mterry- _model = new Dee.FilterModel (_sort_filter, _streams_model);09:13
mterry+ _model = new Dee.FilterModel (_streams_model, _sort_filter);09:13
vuntzpitti: don't know, but that's pretty ugly :-)09:13
pittivuntz: for sure :)09:14
kenvandinemterry, yes...09:14
kenvandinei know :)09:14
vuntzpitti: but there's probably no good & easy way to do that another way, I guess (without adding some new stuff elsewhere, I mean)09:15
pittivuntz: is wnck_screen_get_default () very expensive?09:16
pittiit didn't seem so from my cursory glance at the code09:16
vuntzpitti: what's expensive is getting all windows and their attributes09:18
pittivuntz: ack; but it already does that each time when there is a bubble :/09:19
vuntzpitti: not really09:19
vuntzpitti: if you don't call wnck_shutdown(), then the data is automatically fetched when there's a change09:19
vuntz(hence all the wakeups)09:19
vuntzpitti: so it comes for free in that case09:20
pittiwnck_screen_force_update() doesn't update it again?09:20
vuntzyou're kidding me09:20
pittivuntz: but even then, updating it at each key press sounds even worse to me09:20
vuntzwnck_screen_force_update() is called every time?09:20
vuntzeven though there's a main loop?09:20
vuntzso, the current  code is mis-using the API09:21
vuntzpitti: if you want to avoid the wakeups, what you propose sound right09:21
pittivuntz: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-dx-team/notify-osd/oneiric/view/head:/src/dnd.c#L20109:21
pittivuntz: it's calling that for each new bubble09:21
pittiand yes, it's ridiculously expensive :(09:21
vuntzthe wnck_screen_force_update() call shouldn't be needed there09:22
pittiin fact, it calls dnd_dont_disturb_user() each time, which dnd_has_one_fullscreen_window () is part of09:22
vuntzunless you do the shutdown thing, of course09:22
pittivuntz: *nod*09:22
pittiwhat this tries to do is to not show a notification if there is a fullscreen window09:22
pittibut at least notification bubbles are relatively rare, especially when you are offline and on battery09:23
vuntzbut, to be fair, I guess that, while still expensive, all the X communications in wnck_screen_force_update() are not too expensive either09:23
pittiso I would at least fix the wakeups with every X event09:23
tjaaltona friend of mine upgraded to precise, but has no clock/calendar on the top panel09:40
tjaaltonshould "unity --reset" fix that?09:40
TheMusotjaalton: Do they have indicator-datetime installed09:41
tjaaltonTheMuso: good point, I'll ask09:41
tjaaltonTheMuso: apparently not..09:43
tjaaltonwonder how's that possible09:43
tjaaltonafter apt-get --fix-policy install and all09:43
seb128ok, who is wanting to test a new lightdm?09:46
seb128debs in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa09:46
seb128i.e ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ppa09:47
seb128works fine here09:47
tjaaltonTheMuso: so it got removed post-upgrade09:56
mvohey didrocks10:02
didrocksmvo: hey hey! :)10:02
mvodidrocks: sorry, missed the ping, what channel was it in?10:02
didrocksmvo: this one ;) one sec10:02
mvodidrocks: no problem, I can upload10:02
didrocks10:10:40      didrocks | mvo: I uploaded gir1.2-unity-5.0. Do you want to update update-manager yourself or do you want me to do it (for real, this time ;))?10:02
mvodidrocks: found it now in the backtrace10:02
didrocksbacktrace? too used to python-gobject? :p10:03
didrocksmvo: so, do you want to deal with that yourself? :)10:05
mvodidrocks: yes, will do10:07
didrocksmvo: awesome! thanks :-)10:08
agateaudobey: hi, when you're online can you point me to ubuntuone-client packaging branch?10:13
bschaeferseb128, nope10:16
seb128bschaefer, hey10:16
seb128so bug #88087610:16
ubot2`Launchpad bug 880876 in unity "Unity causes ibus to not work correctly (spaces incorrectly placed)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88087610:16
bschaeferseb128, I installed that fix today and every working for me10:17
seb128bschaefer, what fix? the one in precise?10:17
bschaeferseb128, the one from the link, pretty much what your patch was10:17
seb128agateau, lp:ubuntu/ubuntuone-client10:18
seb128bschaefer, but the patch doesn't work?10:18
bschaeferseb128, well this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/88087610:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 880876 in unity "Unity causes ibus to not work correctly (spaces incorrectly placed)" [High,Confirmed]10:18
bschaeferthis branch is what you were going off wasn't it?10:18
bschaeferfrom git10:18
agateauseb128: ah thanks!10:19
agateaudobey: unping, seb128 answered10:20
bschaeferseb128, the patch was working, or at lease that git fork. It isn't merged with the main one though10:21
bschaeferseb128, screen shot of the 2, the first half was that git branch and other is the main ibus https://launchpadlibrarian.net/89804609/ibus_fix.png10:22
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mvodidrocks: uploaded10:24
didrocksmvo: great! thanks a lot :)10:24
seb128bschaefer, ok thanks10:26
bschaeferseb128, well I am hoping that bug has been resolved. There was also another small bug where the im_context was not getting focus10:30
bschaeferseb128, well I am hoping that bug has been resolved. There was also another small bug where the im_context was not getting focus10:31
seb128bschaefer, I need to have another look why people say the precise version doesn't work where the git version does10:31
bschaeferseb128, hmm, yeah because your patch looked exactly like the git version.10:33
cyphermoxbschaefer: the patch *is* merged, no?10:33
cyphermoxisn't it that context async stuff?10:34
seb128bschaefer, cyphermox said some variable need to be set or not set for it to work correctly10:34
cyphermoxUse ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async in ibus-x1110:34
bschaeferseb128, cyphermox  that was changed in that patch wasn't it?10:34
cyphermoxseb128: could they already have dropped the env in the new inuty?10:35
seb128cyphermox, no idea10:35
bschaefercyphermox, are you talking about IBUS_ENABLE_SYNC_MODE env var?10:35
cyphermoxbschaefer: afair the patch was that "Use ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async in ibus-x11" commit, 28abee something something10:35
cyphermoxbschaefer: yeah10:35
bschaefercyphermox, that is still used because with out it the normal XIM cant handle the ibus like say the shell can10:36
bschaefercyphermox, it is in IMTextEntry, though it should get unset after the search bar is created, so it doesn't effect other programs10:37
cyphermoxyeah, that's the problem -- the shell isn't dealing with ibus the same way as the other apps :)10:37
* cyphermox reloads his session back to korean10:37
bschaefercyphermox, seb128 yeaah njpatel and I had a big problem with this a while ago when we first got the ibus working10:38
bschaefercyphermox, seb128 that env var was the only way to make the ibus handle normal text10:38
bschaeferotherwise the ibus would only handle CJK chars and leave the normal text alone, but that would make the dash not handle normal text...10:39
cyphermoxbschaefer: what seems weird to me is that variable shouldn't have been working without the patch seb128 added, if I read the ibus code right (which I might not, obviously)10:40
cyphermoxwhy is my ibus suddenly not starting?10:41
bschaefercyphermox, seb128 well with the patch seb128 added it should have fixed the bug...10:41
bschaeferis the ibus-daemon running?10:41
cyphermoxyeah, everything is running but the indicator doesn't show for some reason. no big deal for now10:42
bschaefercyphermox, yeah, it seems to be something in ibus-table that gets it going again for me (ibus seems to just want to not work!!!)10:42
cyphermoxbschaefer: I was testing this yesterday -- it kind of works depending on the applications and the value of IBUS_ENABLE_SYNC_MODE10:42
bschaefercyphermox, yes, when the env var is set to 0 or its NULL everything works correctly10:43
cyphermoxalright, got it :)10:43
bschaefercyphermox, sweet, and yeah it is a weird bug but at the same time ibus should still work correctly with that env set10:44
cyphermoxI guess10:45
cyphermoxit almost seems to me like this might be interaction between sync mode and RTL, since that's what I can think of that would trigger spaces to show before a character... but only for space?10:46
bschaeferand return10:46
mterrypitti, ^10:46
cyphermoxoh, return too?10:46
bschaeferit is the preedit that seems to mess up. So what is in the preedit and you hit space or return it will get commited after the space or return10:46
bschaeferbecause preedit text is still not actually text yet; so it doens't hit the commit yet.10:48
bschaefersorry, slightly tired nearing 3 am here haha. That is why it looks like it's an upstream problem10:49
bschaeferand that git branch fixed the problem for me, and it looked like seb128 patch but I havn't compared them both.10:49
bschaeferill do that tomorrow!10:49
seb128bschaefer, let us updated10:50
bschaefercyphermox, seb128 cool. Sorry about being so late to helping! Good luck!10:52
cyphermoxgood night10:52
seb128bschaefer, thanks for helping, 'night10:52
bschaeferthanks, have a good day10:52
mandelIs anyone experiencing the following with libre office in x64 on P: http://paste.ubuntu.com/802809/11:02
pittimandel: bug 915271, fix underway11:03
ubot2`Launchpad bug 915271 in libreoffice "package libreoffice-core 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: rmdir: failed to remove `usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/program/': Directory not empty" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91527111:03
mandelpitti, superb, thx!11:04
pittiwell, not superb..11:04
pittibut at least "known"11:04
mandelpitti, well, I'm a positive lad, being know is way better than a new bug :)11:05
Riddellprecise testers needed for Qt! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages11:28
BigWhalemandel, that depends on the bug. ;)11:32
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eee_manGood Afternoon12:23
eee_mandoes anyone knows how to setup / pan a Desktop at current ubuntu ?12:24
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dobeychrisccoulson: is there a way to migrate data from one firefox profile to another (private data and all, but not just copying files over)?14:46
xclaessehey, today had to debug my grandpa's laptop, updates were not working anymore (lucid LTS). the problem is that he did every updates since the lucid release, resulting in 4G of useless kernels filling the /14:47
xclaesselinux-image-* and linux-headers-*14:48
xclaessethose should really be cleaned automatically IMO...14:48
nerochiaroxclaesse: isn't "apt-get autoremove" enough to remove them ?14:51
xclaessenerochiaro, do you seriously think ma grandpa knows that? but even then, not it's not removing them ;)14:53
xclaesseI think more recently version of ubuntu does remove linux-headers though14:54
xclaessebut not linux-images14:54
dobeynerochiaro: no14:54
nerochiarook, my mistake then. but yeah, ideally it should be automatic, i agree14:56
dobeywell, it should only leave the currently running kernel installed (and the newly installed one)14:56
dobeysince having the old one around is useful in case the new one breaks something14:57
dobeybut you don't need more than the currently running one14:57
xclaesseyep exactly14:57
pittiSweetshark: ssh scheat.canonical.com15:10
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ricotzSweetshark, hi :)15:52
ricotzSweetshark, is the gtk3 rendering working already?15:52
ricotz(for libreoffice)15:52
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Sweetsharkworking basically but not that largely tested15:53
Sweetsharkricotz: feel free to give it a ride ;)15:54
ricotzSweetshark, i guess installing the -gtk3 package and removing the -gtk would be enough to turn it on?15:55
seb128pitti, help16:41
pittiseb128: ?16:41
pittiseb128: I'm in the ballroom16:41
seb128pitti, how do I make sure the debs are published hard enough that I can upload my rebuilds?16:41
seb128pitti, I'm in the desktop room ;-)16:41
seb128pitti, I don't want to make a fool myself yet another time :p16:41
pittiseb128: safest is to wait until archive.u.c. Packages.gz has them16:42
pittiseb128: but it's usually enough if cocoplum shows the version16:42
seb128pitti, thanks16:42
pittiseb128: rmadison should be the best compromise16:42
pittiseb128: i. .e rmadison -r precise pkgbinarymangler16:42
seb128if I'm lucky the run finishing at 6pm will be ready16:42
pittiit finished 14 mins ago16:42
seb128the debs finished to build before 17:3016:42
pittiand it's being published16:43
pitti-s, not -r, sorry16:43
pittirmadison is faster than archive.u.c. and "slow enough" for buildds16:43
seb128pitti, thanks16:43
pittide rien16:43
pittiseb128: you will handle the rebuilds?16:43
seb128pitti, yes, I'm stacking them already16:44
pittiseb128: I re-opened the tasks BTW, so that people stop wondering16:44
pitti(and did a followup)16:44
pittiseb128: nice, thanks16:44
seb128I just don't want to upload too early and have to do another round :p16:44
seb128sorry for the screwing16:44
pittiseb128: let me know when you upload control-center16:44
pittiso I can bump it16:44
pittiRAOF and I are currently sending a gazillion KDE packages buildd-wards16:44
seb128(hate perl)16:44
seb128pitti, ok16:44
jbichaseb128: did you want my recently-merged-from-Debian control-center?17:01
seb128jbicha, since it was not uploaded I figured you were not done with it17:01
jbichaseb128: it works, one change I didn't add to the changelog yet is that I renamed the Appearance panel to User Interface to match that design spec17:02
jbichaI like having the appearance panel being first in the list though so I don't know if that design idea will be final...17:04
seb128jbicha, ok17:05
pittipkgbinarymangler |        113 |       precise | source, all17:05
pittiseb128: looks fine17:05
seb128pitti, yeah, I just uploaded17:05
seb128pitti, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/3.2.2-0ubuntu1017:06
seb128pitti, if you want to bump scores17:06
pittiseb128: done17:07
seb128pitti, danke17:07
dobeydesrt: how do i run an app from the source tree, which uses gsettings, but which doesn't yet have the schemas installed in the system (because i want to run it from the source tree, not install it)?18:59
BigWhaledobey, I would ask the same for app-indicator icons... :>19:00
dobeyBigWhale: plug-ins for other applications are a different problem. and that's basically what app indicators are :)19:01
BigWhaleI figured it is a different problem, but the outcome is the same! :>19:02
BigWhaleyou have to install it if you want to run from source tree :/19:02
dobeycan't you just hand a pixbuf over the indicator API to use for the icon?19:02
dobeyapp indicators seem wrong anyway19:03
dobeyi would like to make the top panel smaller though19:03
BigWhaleBug #65785719:03
ubot2`Launchpad bug 657857 in kazam "Appindicator cannot use a local icon file" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65785719:03
dobeyit looks huge19:03
BigWhaleit's like 28 pixels?19:07
BigWhaleprobably less19:07
dobeyyes, and that is huge19:07
dobey24 px19:08
dobeythe icons look huge though19:08
BigWhaleicons are 22px19:08
BigWhalestop using 50" TV as your monitor :>19:08
dobeyi'm not, it's 23"19:08
dobeyi thought i made the launcher panel be smaller too19:09
dobeybut apparently it's 48px wide19:09
BigWhaleI have launcher set on 3219:09
BigWhale48 is way too much19:09
BigWhaleHmm, would many people be pissed off if I make Kazam Ubuntu only? I have to port support for gnome-indicators :/19:10
dobeyprobably the wrong place to ask19:11
dobeyhrmm, i have the icon size set to 32 too19:13
dobeybut the whole launcher is 48px19:13
BigWhalethat's strange19:16
dobeyBigWhale: not really. the icons are 32px. there's just a lot junk around the icons too (spacing, borders, arrows)19:38
dobeybut man do these gnome icons look so much better than the humanity ones19:39
BigWhalehm true it is 50 pixels19:41
dobeywell, at least it's not 64 px19:42
dobeyi just need an ibm t22119:42
dobeyproblem solved.19:42
dobeysigh; and compiz just crashed :(19:43
dobeymeh, i need ken20:39
OwaisLGuys, is this a feature or a bug? https://twitter.com/#!/Chris_Wilkinson/status/157903375470563328/photo/120:41
OwaisLbug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/91268220:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 912682 in compiz "Compiz add transparency to titlebar along with the panel" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:42
dobeyhow gwibber-accounts manages to even work in its current state is beyond me :-/20:48
dobeyOwaisL: i have no idea20:52
desrtdobey: GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR21:14
dobeyah, hrmm21:14
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maxbIn gnome-terminal, when it says "Use colours from system theme", where can I look up what the actual colour codes are?22:27
maxbBecause I want to configure terminator to use the same colours, but if I "Use colours from system theme" in terminator, it picks entirely different colours22:28
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