
lamontScottK: I'll work on that this weekend00:13
* nonix4 ponders whether debug symbols for precise grub2 exist somewhere; debugging grub-install segfault without such is PITA00:14
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cjwatsonbarry: Would you like me to take the python-debian work item?  Not if you've already started or anything, but I wouldn't mind getting a bit of porting practice here00:24
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psusiso unity is a shell and it is normally run with compiz as the wm... but gnome-shell is both a shell, and a clutter based wm in one... do I have that right?00:58
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psusiwhy the hell is there no bzr branch for mdadm?01:48
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ScottKlamont: Great.  Thanks.02:28
maxolasersquadI am working on packaging a game an have three remaining lintian errors being thrown.03:57
maxolasersquadThis is not an app I wrote, I'm packaging it for ARB.03:57
maxolasersquadSpecifically I'm trying to resovle the invalid category in the .desktop file.03:58
maxolasersquadThe file is being created automatically when I run debuild, but I'm not exactly sure where it is getting Qt;Game;Memory;03:59
maxolasersquadThe code is at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maxolasersquad/+junk/qml-memory-game/files04:00
vibhavWhile compiling wxGTK I get this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/802665/07:02
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slangasekbarry: bug #91584308:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915843 in linux (Ubuntu) "ThinkPad X201: intermittently powers off instead of suspending when closing the lid" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91584308:20
geserSweetshark: are you already aware of bug #915271? it breaks upgrades on precise08:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915271 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "package libreoffice-core 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: rmdir: failed to remove `usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/program/': Directory not empty" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91527108:33
mvoslangasek: I am on the apt issue again this morning and would love to get the error message you have. I created a testcase for what I get (Internal Error, Could not early remove crda) http://paste.ubuntu.com/802717/ and would love to hear what kind of error you see08:38
pittiinfinity: you can get your netbook back, I can reproduce on my machine by explicitly calling it08:48
pittiogra_, infinity: FYI, it's bug 913085 if you want to follow08:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 913085 in pkgbinarymangler (Ubuntu) "Translation domain detection from config.h is broken" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91308508:55
stgraberslangasek: bug 2406108:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 24061 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "GPG error with apt-get/aptitude/update-manager behind proxy (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2406108:57
infinitypitti: Err.  That's special.08:57
slangasekmvo: hi; so at this point I'm manually dist-upgraded to the new wireless-crda+crda and no longer see the issue myself :/08:57
slangasekstgraber: yep - thanks :)08:57
sagacipitti: regarding ubuntu-defaults-image, is there any configuration to specify a mirror?09:00
pittisagaci: not right now09:01
mvothanks slangasek - no worries, the testcase definitely catches one more instance of the bug, I was mostly wondering if there is yet another corner case for it09:07
infinitypitti: Thanks for the pointer; removing the double-quotes fixed it locally.09:07
ogra_same here09:08
pittiright, I tested that here09:08
pittifunny bug09:08
infinityCertainly an unusual symptom for the problem.09:08
slangasekmvo: ah, ok09:09
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hallynpoolie: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/libvirt.html#2011-05-26%2020:07:23.558315   'bzr import-dsc' by hand works fine, package importer fails.09:34
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mvoslangasek: fwiw, I proposed removing debian/ from trunk for command-not-found and have it only in a packaging branch to avoid confusion again (confusion caused by absent minded people like me)09:42
pitticjwatson: I think we should remove the current libo 3.5 binaries to make upgrades a little less broken; does that sound ok to you09:43
cjwatsonpitti: The NBS ones?09:44
pitticjwatson: no, all binaries09:44
pittibdmurray says the upgrade bug alrady has 130-something dupes09:44
pitticjwatson: but building the fix will take at least 10 hours on the buildds09:44
cjwatsonSo effectively no LibO in precise for a while?09:44
cjwatsonThat will break image builds09:45
infinityThis sounds like a good long-term solution.09:45
cjwatsoninfinity: :-P09:45
pitticjwatson: they are already broken09:45
pittiit doesn't make it any less urgent to unbreak LibO09:45
cjwatsonWell, if I can blame the desktop team for it :-P09:45
pittibut it might ease upgrades a little bit09:45
pitticjwatson: well, you can blame us either way :)09:45
pittiah, bug 91527109:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915271 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "package libreoffice-core 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: rmdir: failed to remove `usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/program/': Directory not empty" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91527109:46
cjwatsonIf we remove it, people who upgrade to precise in the relevant interval will be prompted by update-manager to remove LibO, I think09:46
cjwatsonMaybe we can tolerate that but I thought it should be mentioned09:47
pittiah, so it's not -l10n, but due to the broken postinst09:47
cjwatsonpitti: Well, I'm a bit nervous of the removal, but if you think it's a good idea, I can't actually think of solid arguments against09:48
pittiit's only a recommends of u-desktop, so if u-m removes it, nothing would pull it back in09:49
pitticjwatson: bdmurray, Sweetshark and I are currently discussing reuploading 1:3.5.0~beta2+really3.4.4-0ubuntu109:49
cjwatsonThat sounds intrusive09:49
pittiit "only" takes ~ 2.5 hours to build instead of 1009:49
cjwatsonDespite the low build time, I think I like that even less09:50
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cjwatsonWhy the massive build time spike in 3.5?09:51
pittiwe still have the corresponding -l10n source in the archive09:51
pitticjwatson: unknown yet; on Sweetshark's machine it builds in 209:51
cjwatsonIt might be different on different builders?09:51
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pitticjwatson: beta3 is already released, so we wouldn't have to carry the +really version number for long09:52
pittiso it seems both binary removal and the status quo breaks upgrades quite badly09:53
pitticjwatson: OOI, why do you think a reversion is worse?09:55
pittihm, it'd need a libo-l10n upload as well, as libreoffice-l10n-XX Depends: libreoffice-common (<< 1:3.5~)09:56
geserwhat about fixing the broken preinst?09:58
pittithat needs to happen, of course; currently discussing with Bjoern09:59
pittiif it's faster to fix 3. with -l10n (that already is confirmed to work) and the human theme (that still causes problems), or revert to 3.410:00
pitti"fix 3.5"10:00
slangasekcjwatson: per bdmurray's suggestion, I'm going to mark ubuntu-foundations-team as restricted rather than moderated so I don't have to tell people "no" anymore... we'll just have to invite people instead when we want them in :)10:02
cjwatsonslangasek: good idea!10:04
cjwatsonpitti: I guess it's not so terrible if there's no risk of us releasing with it; LibO is sufficiently high-profile that I do think people might actually vaguely care about the version number10:04
pittiin the worst case we'll release alpha-2 with it, but this should land next week10:05
pittibut at this point it gets dangerously close to the weekend for my taste10:05
cjwatsonI agree we need to fix this before the weekend ...10:06
cjwatsonbarry: did you see my offer last night to take the python-debian port?10:06
geserand on monday you can't open that bug anymore as LP times out due to the amount of duplicates10:06
pittithis is an apport generated bug10:08
pittiI'll create a bug pattern10:08
cyphermoxjodh: stgraber: re the upstart jobs for bluez I was talking about earlier -- bluetooth-daemon.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/802774/   -- bluetooth-device.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/802775/10:11
cyphermoxif you could take a look that would be great.10:11
jodhcyphermox: will do, thanks.10:13
cyphermoxthanks to you -- the initial code was great help10:13
cyphermoxfwiw: if you want to test you'll need to obviously remove /etc/init.d/bluetooth, but less obviously get /lib/udev/rules.d/97-bluetooth.rules out of the way10:14
pittiso, 3.4 took 6:40 hours to build, seems it's really buildd dependent10:14
pittii386 takes 2.5 hours10:14
pittibut most of the dupes are in fact on amd6410:14
pitti(not surprisingly, given the target audience of current precise)10:15
bdmurraypitti: the pattern doesn't match may of the duplicates10:17
pittiah, e. g. bug 91545510:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915271 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #915455 package libreoffice-core 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: rmdir: failed to remove `usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/program/': Directory not empty" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91527110:18
pittibdmurray: I'll check the logs instead10:19
barrycjwatson: i missed that, but that would be awesome10:20
barrycjwatson: btw, i'm going to go hang out with the bzr guys now.  do you have a package w/quilt that you'd like us to try to merge?10:20
cjwatsonbarry: not off the top of my head that I'm not already handling adequately, sorry :)10:21
cjwatsonpitti: if you can find a builder that does a decent job, we can stick the farm on manual just before the uploa10:22
barrycjwatson: okay ;)  we'll hunt around for a fun one to hammer on10:22
pitticjwatson: *nod*10:22
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pittibdmurray: added another pattern, matches a lot more now10:25
bdmurraypitti: great, thanks10:32
hrweglibc failed to crosscompile for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/802791/10:43
slangasekhrw: is that the current precise version of the package?10:54
hrwslangasek: yes and fail is during cross toolchain bootstrap10:58
hrwslangasek: I am doing test now with older version to check when it started to fail10:58
slangasekhrw: ok, thanks11:00
slangasekbarry: hem, have to reject this python-dbus upload - E: python3-dbus-dbg: non-standard-toplevel-dir debian/11:00
slangasekbarry: there are several other lintian errors to be fixed at the same time11:01
tjaaltonlet's try here; any DD's in budapest willing to sign my gpg key?11:09
tjaaltonone is enough :)11:09
infinitytjaalton: Depends on how nicely you ask.11:16
tjaaltoninfinity: pleeease.. ? :)11:17
tjaaltoninfinity: no rush with the actual signing, but I can drop you a paper with the fingerprint and stuff..11:18
infinitytjaalton: Bring extravagant gifts to the ARM room.11:18
tjaaltonsalmiakki that is then :)11:18
hrwsalmiakki aka 'what is wrong with Finnish people' :D11:19
nigelb"extravagant gits to ARM room."11:22
nigelbI can almost imagine some kind of primitive initiation ceremony happening near infinity :P11:23
tjaaltonhrw: the same :)11:25
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cjwatsonRiddell: In kdeplasma-addons 4:4.7.90-0ubuntu1, did you mean to also drop plasma-widget-kimpanel's dependency on plasma-widget-kimpanel-backend-ibus while dropping the latter package?11:28
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Riddellcjwatson: hmm there's a whole spec to sorting that out which involves finding and evaluating an update to kimpanel.  I'll take a quick look at kdeplasma-addons today to answer your question11:30
cjwatsonRiddell: OK, I just noticed because it shows up in NBS.  Thanks11:31
slangasektjaalton: one is never enough11:34
slangasektjaalton: I'm sure you want to give me salmiakki in exchange for signatures as well11:35
tjaaltonslangasek: hehe, well I got Mirv to sign it earlier, but another one wouldn't hurt I guess11:36
tjaaltonlet me "print" the key first11:36
tjaaltoner, fingerprint11:36
slangasekoh, I forgot that Mirv is also a DD; clearly both of us failed at having our fingerprints displayed prominently on the outside of our jackets11:37
pitticjwatson: just FYI, we discussed reversion, and it seems it's not any less risky or less work than fixing 3.5 (it's building for an hour already)11:39
pittiwe have the preinst fixed, and -l10n* are generated properly11:39
tjaaltonslangasek: ok, where are you atm?11:40
slangasektjaalton: foundations room (across from ARM)11:40
infinitytjaalton: Sent to pgpkeys.mit.edu11:42
tjaaltoninfinity: excellent, thanks11:44
pittiinfinity: which of the amd64 builders is the fastest we have?11:44
cjwatsonpitti: *nod* thanks11:44
slangasekinfinity: without validating the email addresses! <gasp>11:46
dokopitti: allspice11:49
pittidoko: danke11:49
bdmurraypitti: /msg pitti do you have any plans to upload apport in the near future?11:51
pittibdmurray: there are a few fixes in trunk, but nothing urgent; but I can do an upload on Monday or so if you want to get in the kerneloops stuff11:52
Mirvtjaalton: :P11:52
bdmurraypitti: that and the ubiquity package hook change would be nice11:53
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barrycjwatson: you might want to give lp:bzr and lp:bzr-builddeb a try.  i got a demo of `bzr merge` in the presence of quilts.  *really* nice12:10
cjwatsoncool, ok, will have a look next time I have occasion12:12
barrycjwatson: i think it will land in precise in a few days12:12
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infinityslangasek: I already knew his IDs were his.  All I would have been validating is the lack of an MITM.13:24
slangasekyou only knew that they belonged to some person calling himself tjaalton13:25
slangasekthere are apparently 8 million of those in finland13:25
infinityNo, I knew they were his, or belonging to someone who pretends to be him on a regular basis.13:25
infinityAnd quite convincingly.13:25
infinityIf that's true, that guy can have the sig.13:25
infinityHe's earned it.13:25
slangasekhallyn: waah, why did you break virt-manager13:28
hallyni did what?13:28
slangasekhallyn: Error starting domain: internal error no assigned pty for device charconsole013:28
slangasekregression since Wednesday-ish13:29
hallynslangasek: does 'virsh console <domain' work?13:30
slangasekhallyn: I don't know what I'm meant to specify as 'domain', this is why I use virt-manager ;)13:30
hallynslangasek: zul says he's going to merge 0.9.8-2, hopefully that will pull in the *full* set of fixes.13:30
slangasekhallyn: "error: The domain is not running13:32
slangasekhallyn: 'virsh start' gives me the same 'Failed to start' error13:32
hallynstrgraber: the 'libvirt not showing running domains' - can you reproduce that at will right now?13:36
stgraberhallyn: no, that was yesterday, I then completely killed libvirt, manually killed anything that was still running and restarted it, worked fine after that.13:37
* om26er misses the patch pilots :/13:42
ScottKThey were on holiday break, they'll be back.13:43
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hallyncyphermox: should netcf be depending on libnl3 (if src pkg depends on libnl-3-dev)?14:28
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cyphermoxhallyn: if you're using symbols from libnl3, you'd get a depends on libnl-3-200 or libnl-genl-3-200.14:29
cyphermoxhallyn: depends mostly if it #includes netlink/netlink.h or netlink/genl.h (or any such thing)14:29
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hallyncyphermox: guess i'm just confused as to why it wasn't in there to begin with.  (or why it worked without it)14:32
cyphermoxnot sure, let me look14:32
cyphermoxhallyn: right now it seems to me like it's there, in libnetcf114:34
hallyncyphermox: well i'm pretty sure i just messed up originally (and got away with it bc of spurious other pkgs)14:34
hallynhm, i don't see it14:34
cyphermoxDepends: libaugeas0 (>= 0.6.0), libc6 (>= 2.8), libnl-3-200 (>= 3.2.3), libnl-route-3-200, libxml2 (>= 2.7.4), libxslt1.1 (>= 1.1.25), augeas-lenses14:34
cyphermoxthat's from apt-cache show libnetcf114:34
cyphermoxhallyn: coming14:35
* pitti shepherds a new libreoffice in and crosses fingers14:53
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lifelesswhy is 'for purchase' empty in software centre in precise ?15:47
LaneyAFAIK stuff has to be manually rolled over and this has not happened yet. iamfuzz ^^^?15:48
cjwatsoniamfuzz isn't responsible for it any more afaik, not sure who is15:49
pittibdmurray: found the bug, uploading fix now15:56
iamfuzzcjwatson, I think Scott Ritchie is still helping out with that part time16:07
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andrejzhello! can anyone point me in the direction of checkbox developers ?16:22
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pittiandrejz: cr3 ?16:34
andrejzok, thanks pitti16:34
cr3andrejz: hi there, what's up?16:37
andrejzhello, i have some concern about the string to be translated. they require substantially more translator work then they could. I briefly explained it here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/checkbox/+bug/91609616:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 916096 in checkbox "Checkbox requires a lot of translator work" [Undecided,New]16:38
andrejzdo you think something can be done about it?16:38
cr3andrejz: I'm not sure, those strings are taken from the equivalent to rfc822 deb files16:40
cr3andrejz: however, you raise an extra good point that "PURPOSE" should not be translated but that's our fault, it's really not clear :(16:40
cr3andrejz: I'm really not happy with the pseudo-markup format which PURPOSE/STEPS/VERIFICATION are intended to be16:41
andrejzit's kind of annoying i need to translate some strings over and over again (PURPOSE, STEPS and VERIFICATION are most prominent, but there are others too)16:42
cr3andrejz: I'll raise this with the rest of the team for sure but I can't make any promises for Precise since we're approaching FF quickly. however, there are talks for a major refactoring in P+116:43
andrejzok, thanks16:43
cr3andrejz: there will be a blueprint for the refactoring listing some of the problems with the current implementation, so I'll make sure to raise your concern16:43
andrejzcool, i hope something nice comes out of it :)16:44
cr3andrejz: me too, I can appreciate the annoyance you have to deal with. thanks for taking the time to get in touch with me though, very nice!16:45
pitticjwatson: (CC: RAOF) oneiric unapproved has some syncs, presumably from (failed?) experiments from you?16:46
andrejzwell at first i started translating but then i got increasingly annoyed and then realised i am surely not the only one with this issue and decided to report it :)16:46
pitticjwatson: we can't do anything but reject them, but not sure what the intent was?16:46
pitticjwatson: qemu-kvm and compiz-plugins-main16:47
cjwatsonoh!  I wondered where those had gone, that explains a certain amount16:47
cjwatsonyes, reject them16:47
pittirejecting all five dupes :)16:48
cjwatsonthose were actually copies from oneiric-proposed - I did them a different way in the end after being unable to figure out what was going wrong16:48
cjwatsonbut if they landed in unapproved, that makes a kind of sense16:48
hikenbootanyone interested in seeing (besides me) Proxmox 2.0 kvm/openvz/ISCSI/ZFS working on the next version of Ubuntu? Here I have it working on DEBIAN see the last 4 articles posted at wanfuse.blogspot.com...should be easy enough to translate to ubuntu...problem is that most of it is touchy about kernel versions? I think with some help it would be a great inclusion in the next ubuntu release!17:54
cjwatsonpitti: just so you know, you can now pass multiple -s arguments to sru-accept.py so that it only leaves one comment17:54
hikenbootor should i post that on #ubuntu-app-devel?17:57
hikenbootIn order to get it working with ISCSI and able for the iscsi to run Microsoft clusters I needed to use IET ISCSTARGET instead of openiscsi target..18:00
hikenbootand had to get a patch for ZFS to work with ISCS since in its current form in the normal tree it does not18:01
pitticjwatson: useful, thanks!18:30
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