
Resistanceanyone able to answer a question from #u-packaging, preferably a MOTU who understands the intricacies of the repos and stuff?00:51
softcoderanyhere know if the megaglest package will be pulled into 12.4 (as its data package has) even though arm and powerpc archs fail to build?00:54
softcoderif not could someone here tunr off arm and power archs so it will be fixed?00:55
Resistancesoftcoder: its in the 12.04 repos00:55
Resistancei'm not sure there's reasons for them to arbitrarily remove a package...00:55
softcoderwhy isn't it showing here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+search?text=megaglest00:55
Resistanceesp. if i386 and amd64 build00:55
ajmitchsoftcoder: it's in precise, it was only uploaded 5 hours ago. it wouldn't surprise me if the search index is updated less often than that00:58
Resistancewhat ajmitch said00:58
Resistancei recommend just trying to find teh source packages yourself00:58
ajmitchactually, it may be in the binary NEW queue, let me check00:58
Resistancereplacing <release> and <package> respectively00:59
Resistanceajmitch: the i386 and amd64 are marked as [NEW] on the source page00:59
ajmitchhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue - binary packages still have to be approved by archive admins00:59
softcoderahh ok thc!01:02
softcoderthx guys!01:02
softcoderfor checking01:02
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EvilResistanceScottK:  around?02:50
ScottKSort of.02:50
EvilResistanceregarding that backport request... i dget'd znc 0.202-2, i can create a diff with the required change in debian/changelog, which i had to do because applying the debdiff of 0.202-1build1-to-0.202-2 failed because of the missing files or some other crap...02:52
EvilResistanceis there any other required debdiff thing that i need to do, or would that manually-generated diff file work?02:52
ScottKI suspect that's OK, but I'd need to see it.03:26
EvilResistancei'll give you the pastebin version for review, note that to generate the debdiff i had to add a changelog entry and debuild -S it to make the .dsc, but you can omit that when it actually gets backported... http://pastebin.com/4RLkXPR803:28
EvilResistancealso, my main system is Natty, hence the 'natty' distribution entry03:36
ScottKthat's fine, but for a backport with changes like this you do need to provide a changelog entry.03:49
ScottKtarget should be natty-backports and oneiric-backports (we need two)03:49
ScottKVersions should be 0.202-2~oneiric1 and 0.202-2~natty103:50
EvilResistancei'll create two diffs shortly03:52
EvilResistanceScottK:  should I just attach them to the bug?03:58
EvilResistanceshould i mark it as a patch?04:00
EvilResistance(LP's saying it looks like a patch)04:01
EvilResistanceScottK:  the two diffs are uploaded to bug 91499604:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 914996 in Oneiric Backports "Please backport ZNC 0.202-2 from Precise to Natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91499604:05
ScottKEvilResistance: Looks fine.  For future reference debian/changelog entries should be wrapped at 79 chars.04:07
EvilResistancemy mistake :p04:07
EvilResistancenow, since i havent had any food since lunch... i'm going to have some pizza :P04:08
ISKHey, I packing GNU parallel, How to I do to register an ITP?06:27
ISKHey, I packing GNU parallel, How to I do to register an ITP?07:10
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cjwatsonISK: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=51869611:31
ubottuDebian bug 518696 in wnpp "ITP: parallel -- build and execute command lines from standard input in parallel" [Wishlist,Open]11:31
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ScottKEvilResistance: znc backports are done.  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.  Please see how I edited debian/changelog for future reference.13:54
RhondaSomehow my maverick uploads to my PPA get lost.15:24
RhondaSuccessfully uploaded wesnoth-1.9_1.9.14-1~ppa1~maverick1_source.changes to ppa.launchpad.net for ppa-wesnoth-devel.15:26
RhondaThe other three uploads are there (oneiric, natty and lucid), but not maverick …15:26
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EvilResistanceScottK:  yeah, i just did15:41
EvilResistanceScottK:  the only thing failing (which i expected) is the natty backports, but i noted that their building is blocked by a crit,triaged bug in LP15:41
EvilResistanceRhonda:  how long ago was that uploaded if I might ask?15:42
EvilResistanceit takes PPA uploads about 5 - 10 minutes before they're usually pushed into the PPA and the builders15:42
RhondaEvilResistance: Like, 4 hours?16:01
RhondaEvilResistance: https://launchpad.net/~rhonda/+archive/wesnoth-devel/+packages for the other uploads and the delay so far16:01
RhondaI didn't receive any mail, so no reject mail neither.16:02
cjwatsonRhonda: Silly question, but double-check that you signed it?16:19
softcodercan i ask for an artchive admin to approve (or examine and approve) megaglest17:05
softcoderits in the new queue and replaces glest17:05
cjwatsonhm, I thought I'd processed that.  will do17:06
cjwatsonI know I remember syncing it17:07
softcoderi checked 1 min ago and was still in the new queue17:07
cjwatsonoh, it needed an Ubuntu modification, that's why it didn't happen semi-auto17:08
cjwatsonsoftcoder: accepted17:10
softcoderyes because miniupnpc are different between debian and ubu currently17:10
l3onHi all.... some one can help in adding SONAME to a package ?17:15
tumbleweedl3on: what are you trying to do?17:17
tumbleweedpackage a library?17:17
l3ontumbleweed, I'm trying to package a library17:17
l3onbuildlog is here → http://debomatic64.debian.net/unstable/pool/oasys_1.5.0+hg2291-1/oasys_1.5.0+hg2291-1.buildlog17:18
tumbleweedl3on: what do you need help with?17:20
l3ontumbleweed, E: liboasys: sharedobject-in-library-directory-missing-soname usr/lib/liboasys-1.5.0.so17:20
l3onI'm looking at Makefile:17:21
tumbleweedit should be called liboasys117:21
l3ontumbleweed, thanks I will look at that17:23
EvilResistancesoftcoder:  there's a queue... have patience18:42
EvilResistanceoh cjwatson dealt with it :P18:42
EvilResistanceRhonda:  i see a maverick version there :/18:43
EvilResistancedid you fix it?18:43
softcoderas in doctors patients :)19:02
RhondaEvilResistance: But not 1.9.14, that is 1.9.1319:08
Rhondacjwatson: dput doesn19:08
Rhondacjwatson: dput doesn't allow upload of unsigned, so yes.19:08
EvilResistancewhens the freeze on new packages for ubuntu occur?19:32
jtaylor16 feb.19:33
EvilResistancejtaylor:  that's in 3 days?>20:14
EvilResistanceoh feb20:15
EvilResistancenot jan :P20:15
* EvilResistance facepalms20:15
EvilResistancegood, i was worried because i have a package sitting in mentors.d.n waiting review/inclusion in Debian, if its included / approved sooner rather than later, i'd request it gets synced in :P20:15
EvilResistance(a *new* package)20:16
jtaylorhm no idea if really new packages still get in20:16
EvilResistancewell considering its destined for whatever the non-main repos are, i'm assuming the MOTUs know the freeze dates for non-main repo stuffs20:17
Laneythey do without any special effort until feature freeze20:17
Laneybeyond a sync request20:17
jtaylordoesn't it need to go through some review?20:17
jtayloror is that just during autosync?20:17
jtaylorand after muto sync acc is the same20:18
RhondaEvilResistance: You wrote to the mentors mailinglist too, not just upload it to mentors.d.n, right?20:18
EvilResistanceRhonda:  the #debian-mentors @ oftc told me what to do20:18
EvilResistanceso yes i did :P20:18
* EvilResistance has been hanging out there almost as much as he hangs out on freenode20:18
Laneysemi automatically pushed through the queue by a script, i believe20:19
ScottKEvilResistance: This is freenode.20:19
EvilResistances/freenode/here/ then :P20:19
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softcoderhmm getting timeout errors all days from launchpad21:07
softcoderall day not days21:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 916303 in Ubuntu "ITP: smartcardpp -- C++ library for accessing Smart Cards" [Undecided,New]23:44
Q-FUNK1do I need anything else before I can upload to universe?23:44
EvilResistancewhoops wrong chan23:46
tumbleweedQ-FUNK1: getting it into Debian first is preferred23:49
EvilResistancetumbleweed:  i've got a package that i'm repairing in the Debian mentors.d.n list, if they support it and get it into Debian, will that new package autosync into Ubuntu?23:50
EvilResistanceor do i have to request the sync myself?23:50
Q-FUNK1tumbleweed: true.  anything else?23:50
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tumbleweedQ-FUNK: getting a review from another MOTU before uploading is recommended.23:51
tumbleweedEvilResistance: we are past Debian Import Freeze, so it'll need to be requested23:51
Q-FUNKtumbleweed: actually, according to the upload guide, it's a must.23:51
tumbleweedQ-FUNK: I thought so too, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages seems to say otherwise23:52
tumbleweedstill, that doesn't look ubuntu-specific, getting it in Debian isn't a bad idea23:52
EvilResistancetumbleweed:  anything i should be concerned about if i want to have that package imported into Ubuntu?  i.e. should I have a MOTU review it?  or is the fact it got into Debian good enough?23:53
Q-FUNKtumbleweed: we intend to get it in debian at some point, but since I'm already a motu here but not a DM or DD, it's easier to start here.23:53
tumbleweedEvilResistance: if it builds on Ubuntu, that's good enough23:53
EvilResistancetumbleweed:  that is to say, builds in Precise?23:54
EvilResistance(it really doesnt have any builddeps afaict except for python)23:54
tumbleweedEvilResistance: yes23:55
Q-FUNKtumbleweed: another thing is, the window to get this into precise is getting shorter and yet we have a series of 6 packages that need to be uploaded and built in a precise order.23:55
tumbleweedyeah, I see the urgency :)23:56
* tumbleweed would offer a review and debian sponsorship, but not for 6 packages that could be enormous :)23:57
tumbleweedanyway /me -> bed23:57
ajmitchnight tumbleweed :)23:57
Q-FUNKtumbleweed: I've been making debian packages since 2003, so I would think that my review of other people's packaging would be enough. :) of course, second opinions are always welcome.23:59

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