
=== Milos|Netbook_ is now known as Milos|Netbook
=== Milos|Netbook is now known as is
=== is is now known as Milos|Netbook
=== clonak_ is now known as clonak
ajmitchthumper: been a busy week for you?11:32
thumperoh yes...11:33
thumperfreaking meetings all the time11:33
thumperhardly spent any time with the team11:33
thumperbut they are getting shit done11:33
thumperso its all good11:33
ajmitchgood, I see that there are some unity packages in a PPA for testing, maybe I should install them before I head off for australia :)11:34
ajmitchhm, I see that they've been uploaded to precise now11:35

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