
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
=== Laney is now known as Guest22075
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jdstrandskaet: fyi, rls-p-tracking-bugs.html seems to not have been updated since monday (see timestamp at bottom)11:26
cjwatsonthose pages are so aggravatingly unreliable :-(11:33
slangasekheh; at least it hasn't deleted all the bugs again11:39
cjwatsonit can delete all my bugs any time it likes11:45
jdstrandslangasek: no kidding :)11:55
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skaetjdstrand, cjwatson - I'll go track bjf down and why the cron isn't working. :P12:02
CareBear\hi everyone! I guess you are all busy like I am too12:26
CareBear\I came in here a while ago and mentioned that it would be kinda bad for LTS to ship with the current version of the libusb1 package in debian12:27
CareBear\it's an rc version, with a change that has been modified for the real release12:27
CareBear\I am working hard to get all into place and get the real release out, but it will take another couple of days12:28
CareBear\after those days, it may take another couple of days still before debian has an updated package, depending on how busy the package maintainer there is12:28
CareBear\I have established contact with him, but only via email, and it took a few days to get a response12:29
CareBear\I know that yesterday was the last day for automatic updates from the debian repo12:29
CareBear\help! :)12:30
tumbleweedwe can still do syncs manually, but there's not much we can do until the new release is out (and preferably packaged in debian)12:30
CareBear\tumbleweed : all the packaging in debian will work fine also for the release, if you want to use that before debian has a package12:31
CareBear\back to it12:32
tumbleweedis there any particular problem with the current verison? I don't see many open bugs12:32
cjwatsonCareBear\: if the update is expected on the order of days, then upgrading our package independently isn't worth it; we should just do a manual sync once it's in Debian12:41
cjwatsonCareBear\: and a correction, Monday was the last day12:41
cjwatsonbut there's no need to panic; we can do manual syncs for some time yet12:41
CareBear\right sorry Monday you mentioned that before too!12:45
CareBear\tumbleweed : yes, the particular problem is that the RC has gotten a small API change12:46
CareBear\tumbleweed : the RC was created from a testing branch which had not yet been merged into master, and that testing branch got rewritten as per policy. unfortunately the RC got packaged anyway (well after rewrite) because it had desirable bugfixes12:47
tumbleweedsounds reasonable12:48
CareBear\as long as we can get the right API out it's fine :)12:49
mdeslaurskaet: are we having a live meeting today?13:58
Laneythat particular oddity in the release schedule seems to confuse a lot of people14:00
skaetmdeslaur, yes, but it will start 1/2 hour later to not conflict with Rally wrapup.14:00
mdeslaurskaet: ah, cool. do you know what room?14:00
skaetLaney, yeah working on cleaning up the second entry, but don't have permissions on that item,  should be cleaned up soon.14:00
Laneyskaet: I just mean the fact that it is on Monday but the dates column refers to Thursdays14:01
Laneyit seems to be hard to read14:01
skaetmdeslaur, Erkel14:01
mdeslaurskaet: thanks14:01
skaetLaney,  ah sorry misunderstood.14:02
Laneymaybe if it just had the full dates there14:02
skaetLaney,  the convention agreed to at UDS was to use 3 letter day in brackets behind when not on Thursday,  lets stick with it that way for now, but revisit for Q-series.14:03
cjwatsonOr we could just have it on Thursday :-)14:03
Laneythere are other items not on Thursdays too14:03
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LaneyI don't personally mind, but I've seen several folk misunderstand14:04
* skaet nods14:05
skaetLaney,  yeah, its not ideal,  and ripe for revisit, but those who have to use it understand,  and I broadcast the actual dates in the Agenda.14:06
* skaet basically not sure what else to do to make it clearer, but does agree there is room for improvement.14:08
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brendandpitti - hi14:39
pittibrendand: hey14:40
brendandpitti - do you have time for a quick question?14:40
pittibrendand: just ask :) (I keep getting distracted here anyway)14:41
brendandpitti - on archive.ubuntu.com we have these Packages.gz files: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz14:41
brendandpitti - that one refers to the packages used in lucid back when it was first released in 2010 i believe14:42
brendandand this one has the current packages : http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz14:42
brendandbut what about 10.04.3 - is there a Packages.gz for that?14:42
cjwatsonOnly the ones that differ14:42
pittiI think we have a snapshot somewhere, but presumably not on archive14:43
cjwatsonLaunchpad does not offer us a way to model point releases14:43
brendandso i have no way of finding out what packages are on the point release14:43
cjwatsonWe do, as pitti says, have it stored privately in case it ever does14:43
* brendand weeps a little14:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 701595 in launchpad "representation of Ubuntu point releases (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged]14:43
roadmrthanks for the answer! it's at least good to know for sure14:43
cjwatsonHappy to answer specific questions about packages14:44
cjwatsonWe probably ought to put the dists/ bit somewhere a bit more public, too14:44
brendandcjwatson, pitti - thanks! not the answer we hoped for, but as roadmr says, good to know for sure so we're not wondering14:44
ogra_also if there are isos for a point release you have the manifest files next to them on the download page14:44
roadmrcjwatson: btw thanks so much on the germinate slowness fix and workaround suggestion!14:44
cjwatsonApparently nobody kept a snapshot of 10.04.2, mind you :-(14:44
cjwatsonogra_: Which covers things on the images, but nothing else14:44
cjwatsonroadmr: no problem, thanks for pointing it out14:44
cjwatsonWe have private snapshots of 6.06.[12], 8.04.[1234], and 10.04.[13]14:45
cjwatsonroadmr: BTW is there a particular reason you're using a bzr checkout of germinate rather than the packaged version?14:47
roadmrcjwatson: I'd have to ask cr3, maybe there was no package when we started doing this (~august 2011)?14:47
cjwatsonIt's been packaged since April 200514:48
roadmrheh so it's not that then :)14:48
roadmrcjwatson: it looks like there were problems using the package to germinate a newer release (i.e. using the lucid package to germinate oneiric) - that's why we use the bzr trunk instead14:52
cjwatsonSurprising but possibe14:53
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