
somethinginteresHi all, following this guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP) I have setup a lamp server on my Ubuntu Desktop. Unfortunately when running "index.php" Firefox asks me to download the file. I have followed the basic troubleshooting suggestions in the guide with no luck. Ideas?00:02
l0nsomethinginteres: check the section titled: "Checking PHP 5 installation"00:07
l0nsomethinginteres: woops missed the last part you said, ok check the apache config and provide a link to a paste binned copy in here00:09
somethinginteresl0n: thanks for your offer to help. It seems restarting apache may have fixed it. I am brand new to using servers and such so I had no idea how to do that.00:11
somethinginteresl0n: yep all working. Phew00:11
l0nsomethinginteres: good stuff :)00:12
somethinginteresl0n: while I am here may I ask how I can make it so my non root user account can add and remove files from /var/www?00:13
l0nsomethinginteres: well you can change the permissions of the directory but I would suspect that it's not good practice to do so00:14
somethinginteresl0n: understood. So how do people usually add and remove files from their test servers just running their editors as root?00:15
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l0nsomethinginteres: I am by no means an expert on these sorts of things but this guy sounds like he's onto something: http://serverfault.com/questions/6895/whats-the-best-way-of-handling-permissions-for-apache2s-user-www-data-in-var00:17
somethinginteresl0n: sounds good for just a local testbed. Thanks.00:18
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doommasterI did a plain Ubuntu install on a system which contains a RAID, the OS is on a non RAID HDD now the system does not boot when any of the raid hdds are installed it marks the raid degraded and breaks the init nevertheless there is nothing needed on there and the system boots just fine when the RAID hdds are disconnected wtf is wrong? natty booted just fine00:43
doommasterso there is no way to boot my system as long a a degraded raid is connected?00:48
doommasterthis must be a bug00:48
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druonysusI am sshed into a system at my datacenter... I was there earlier and realized I left myself logged in that the terminal befor disconnecting the crash cart. Is there a way I can kick myself off tty1?01:14
twbdruonysus: pkill -u druonysus ?01:15
druonysusand if I am logged in on ssh with that same user will I lose that connection too?01:16
druonysusI mean, that's not a big deal I just want to know what to expect really01:16
twbRegarding RAID, there is an option "bootdegraded" that determines whether the system will pivot_root from ramdisk to upstart -- if bootdegraded is not set, booting will drop to a shell at that step if the array is degraded.01:17
druonysustwb: no that only killed the ssh session and not the tty1 session01:17
twbI *believe* bootdegraded is off by default; you can simply pass it on the boot: prompt01:17
twbdruonysus: then you're logged in as someone else, or pkill is racing the wrong way :-/01:18
twbdruonysus: in any case, killing off the appropriate process should suffice01:18
doommastertwb: hehe that would be toooo easy01:19
doommasterthe raid won't mount with that option01:20
doommasterit seems broken since there is only 1/10 disks01:20
druonysustwb: thank you, I just killed the bash session that was on tty101:20
twbYou lost 9 out of ten disks?01:22
doommasteranyways the raid is broken and thusly the os wont boot!!?01:23
doommasterthat is not rally a good solution01:24
twbdoommaster: um, in a RAID 5?01:24
twbYou're fucked01:24
doommasterI know the other disks are just not avail atm01:24
doommasterthey will be back soon ;)01:24
twbRAID6 only has two parity drives, if you lose more than two drives your array is GONE01:24
doommasterno worry about the data01:24
twbOh, I see.01:24
doommasterI know about that01:24
doommasterit is just the fact, that the OS will not boot anymore because it somewhat assumes the RAID is needed to boot01:25
doommasterwhich is BS01:25
twbOK, do this:01:25
twbdoommaster: boot with "break" in boot:.  That will drop you to the ramdisk01:25
twbdoommaster: now, manually assemble only the arrays you need.  Likewise LVM.01:26
doommasterhmm yhea it boots into busybox atm01:26
doommasterbut since the box is unattended01:26
twbdoommaster: finally, mount the root filesystem on /root and hit ^D to log out01:26
doommasterno option01:26
twbThat should drop you into a working system with the least hassle01:26
twbdoommaster: no physical access?01:26
doommasterI can only rtemotly access the machine01:26
doommasterI need a working sshd01:26
doommasterso the system must boot first01:26
twbThen you're buggered unless you have ILO or a really clever monkey01:27
doommasterand it did in older versions of Ubuntu01:27
doommasterit is just since 11.10 that it won't01:27
twbOnce it's back up, there is an mdadm boot-time option along the lines of "try to assemble all arrays" or "only the following arrays <...>"01:27
twbI can't remember the details exactly, but that's where I'd be looking01:27
doommasteronce it is back up all 10/10 disk will be there and it will work fine for the moment01:28
doommasterbut it is no condition that a broken raid will brak the bootup01:28
doommasterthe assumption that md0 is needed is just plain wrong01:29
doommasterif it was on fstab ok, then it would be needed01:29
twbfstab can't be read at that tmie01:30
twbthe data is coded into the ramdisk's mdadm.conf01:30
twbThat in turn is the contents of mdadm.conf as at the last time the ramdisk was compiled; if you messed with mdadm since then it will be wrong01:31
twbAnd as I said, it is probably in the default "assemble everything up front" mode01:31
doommastertwb: the mdadmconf is empty01:47
doommasterI never put anything in there01:47
doommasterI already did an uptate initramfs01:47
twbIf there is nothing in mdadm.conf it shouldn't try to assemble anything01:49
twbBy which I specifically mean /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf within the ramdisk (*not* the root filesystem).01:49
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/152097/ <-- example01:51
twbCaveat -- I suppose ubuntu may have fucked it up since 10.04; if so I wouldn't know01:52
doommastertwb: it does an mdadm examine and autmatically builds raids now02:29
doommasternot only based on mdadm.conf02:29
twbWell that is bullshit02:30
doommasterwhich also is the mechanism which fails then -.-02:30
doommastertwb: seems so -.-02:30
twbI bet that was added by ubuntu, not debian02:30
doommasterhmm dunno but it seems debian too ;)02:30
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China_Jobshow can you enable a ubuntu server to use a gui while connecting via ssh?04:22
China_Jobscurrently its only running through bash04:23
vagothcppChina_Jobs, are you wanting a gui on your server04:23
China_Jobsnow yes04:24
vagothcppChina_Jobs, Is the server internet connected?04:24
China_Jobsyes, Im able to connect with putty04:25
qman__in short, it requires installing a lot of software and is generally a bad idea04:25
qman__the better question is _why_ do you want a gui04:25
vagothcppChina_Jobs, Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI04:25
qman__it won't make administering your server any easier, since all the tools you administer it with are command-line utilities anyway04:26
twbChina_Jobs: are both ends of the SSH connection running ubuntu?04:26
qman__there are good reasons to do it, but the vast majority of people who ask that question don't have a good reason04:27
China_Jobsright now im using an opensuse box in city A and the server is ubuntu in city B.   An issue has come up, staff can't load files to a database, which besides pissing  me off is also stopping work.04:28
qman__and even beyond that, you shouldn't do it unless you fully grasp the security implications and know how to write a good firewall04:28
twbvagothcpp: that is an excellent article; pity I can't add it as an infobot entry to ubottu04:30
China_Jobshaving chosen to use kde on my box, I know zip about ubuntu except for using it 4 years ago04:30
qman__indeed it is04:31
vagothcpptwb, and why is that?04:31
twb"may introduce unwanted DNS conflicts with a .local domain." -- while strictly correct, the .local domain is reserved for mDNS/DNS-SD use, so anyone already using it outside avahi gets what they deserve.04:31
twbvagothcpp: AFAIK ubottu restricts write operations to privileged users04:31
qman__yeah, except that microsoft has been using .local as a standard internal domain name since windows 200004:31
twbWell that is fucking stupid04:32
twbThanks for warning me04:32
qman__it's what windows servers default to and what all microsoft documentation says to use04:32
vagothcpptwb, how very annoying04:32
qman__I don't know which came first04:32
qman__but it's very, very annoying04:32
twb2000 I think04:32
qman__in any case, I still don't know what you're trying to accomplish with a GUI04:34
twbHe left04:34
twbscreen-profiles = byobu?04:35
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SpamapSmtaylor: howdy pardner (he said, 10 hours later)05:24
mtaylorSpamapS: hehe05:24
mtaylorSpamapS: I was pinging to see if you wanted to hang out - I'm in LA05:24
DarkwingSpamapS: You going to SCALE next week?05:24
SpamapSmtaylor: I'm in Budapest. :-P05:26
SpamapSDarkwing: definitely!05:26
SpamapSmtaylor: aren't you headed to LCA?05:26
mtaylorSpamapS: oh, so you get to go to budapest but UDS has to be in Oakland?05:26
DarkwingSpamapS: Sweet, I'm working as staff this year. You still have that Oneiric T-shirt? :P:P05:26
mtaylorSpamapS: yup05:26
SpamapSmtaylor: haha yeah, Oaktown up in the hizzy05:26
DarkwingYeah... Oakland vice San Fran? Really?05:27
SpamapSDarkwing: sadly I do, it sits on my bookshelf mocking my forgetfulness05:27
samba35i am trying to installed pop/imap using nginx on ubuntu 10.04 when i use05:27
SpamapSmtaylor: at least its not Santa Clara...05:27
DarkwingSpamapS: I'll be in LA on thursday. :)05:27
mtaylorSpamapS: yup. leaving for Oz tomorrow05:27
DarkwingFor the weekend.05:27
samba35wget http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx//ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz05:27
mtaylorSpamapS: well, sure. it's also not in Detroit... but isn't this the European turn for UDS?05:28
samba35it give error but when i use nightly it download file05:28
* mtaylor grumbles and bitches05:28
samba35wget http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/nightly/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz05:28
DarkwingIt's spring in Silicon Valley... Whos who is there every spring.05:29
SpamapSmtaylor: I think the desire was to give silicon valley a chance to show up.05:29
mtaylorSpamapS: sigh. silicon valley can come to the fall one - OR - they can fly somewhere which isn't f-ing Bay Area like the rest of us05:30
SpamapSmtaylor: also with the whole TV/tablet/etc. thing, this will allow Japanese and Taiwanese mfgr's easier access.05:30
mtayloroh great05:30
mtaylorthat makes me so happy05:30
Darkwingmtaylor: I was pushing for San Diego :P05:30
SpamapSSan Diego was very close.05:30
mtaylorDarkwing: honestly, I would have been more on board for that05:30
SpamapSApparently they just wouldn't budge on the cost of hotel rooms.05:30
Darkwingmtaylor: So would I... I live here :D05:30
SpamapSmtaylor: also I think there's an interest to change the order a bit so we are in Europe in the fall for a few years.05:31
mtaylorSpamapS: AH - ok, I was afraid we were going to do Oakland and then go back to Orlando05:31
SpamapSPart of the reason its always somewhere different is so it is convenient for different people each time.05:31
SpamapSmtaylor: jesus god no please05:32
SpamapSmtaylor: I don't think we've done anything to deserve Orlando... ever again.05:32
DarkwingI don't like Orlando either.05:32
mtaylorSpamapS: yeah. that was my concern. I thought we'd all of a sudden become all-US or even all-bay-area and I was going to cry05:33
SpamapSDarkwing: Orlando's mother doesn't even like Orlando.05:35
DarkwingSpamapS: Yeah... It's too humid and very very expensive.05:36
SpamapSand a **** hole05:37
DarkwingHeck, Riverside would be better.05:37
SpamapSUm, no05:38
SpamapSalmost, but no. ;)05:38
Darkwing;) I grew up there. :P:P05:38
* Darkwing still votes for San Diego05:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-server's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #915832 in php5 (main) "package php-pear 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.3 failed to install/upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91583207:25
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hallynstgraber: jjohansen: is there anything we should be talking about today?09:18
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uvirtbotNew bug: #879666 in nova "chown error for console.fifo when launching vm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87966609:31
samba35how to i check which application is been monitor by apparmor09:38
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uvirtbotNew bug: #904216 in glance (main) "glance package should include logrotate configs" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90421610:13
JonathanRWif i setup a kerrighed cluster, would i be able to setup apache and mysql on it and have it be able to use the cpu and memory on each node as if its one big smp machine?10:21
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stgraberhallyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/802799/10:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #915941 in lxc "overlayfs does not honor lxc-related permissions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91594111:23
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uvirtbotNew bug: #915977 in nova (main) "Add policy.json to packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91597712:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #915971 in nova (main) "New command "guestmount"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91597112:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #915985 in nut (main) "usbhid-ups regression (APC BE525-RS)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91598512:23
samba35i tryed to start apache2 but it give me errror12:36
samba35Could not open config directory /etc/apache2/mods-enabled: Permission denied12:36
SpamapSsamba35: how did you try to start it?12:43
samba35command line12:44
SpamapSsamba35: please be more specific12:44
samba35SpamapS, sorry , /etc/init.d/apache2 restart12:45
samba35when i run this command i am getting this error12:45
Jeeves_samba35: Run 'ls -al /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/' and pastebin the output?12:46
Jeeves_Oh, sudo, good one :)12:46
samba35please check12:48
samba35apache was working but with synaptic i try to installed some more packages after that i mess it12:49
lx-berlinhi all, i did setup a local ubuntu server (for the first time) with a software raid1.  1 of the 2 harddrives gets repeatedly removed from my raid1. So it seems that this disc is faulty. but can someone tell me if these smart information look fine or bad: http://pastebin.com/1Txby5WG12:51
SpamapSsamba35: did you run it with sudo ?12:52
lx-berlinnoone familiar with reading the hdd smart information?12:56
SpamapSsam/win 712:56
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lxxthis is a sad channel. no help no nothing. even though there are 280 user in here13:05
doommasterlxx: you did not even ask a question :P13:09
hallynstgraber: thx13:14
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macnixis there an option for apt-get to not overwrite existing config files for a package without prompting? I can see the --assume-yes option, but not the opposite14:53
samba35if i have to setup a reverse proxy on apache2 which file i suppose to edit/configure15:11
CharlieSuAnyone ever use the alternateCD to install via a USB stick?  I'm getting errors when doing F6 and trying to specifiy my own seed file.  it doesn't like to USB media and keeps looking for a CDROM drive.  any ideas?15:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #916065 in php5 (main) "php5 sessionmanagement ignores values in custom ini files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91606515:35
hallynzul: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf-merge15:50
hallynzul: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/debdiff15:53
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samba35in redhat there is option with rpm -c to check config files of pack is there any command with dpkg or apt ?16:19
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roaksoaxsamba35: you mean what files does a deb package has?16:29
roaksoaxsamba35: dpkg -c blablabla.deb16:29
samba35when we install any package with apt-get install then do we install .deb?16:32
samba35sorry very basic question16:32
pmatulissamba35: yes, you install a package when you install a package.  see /var/cache/apt/archives16:53
pmatulissamba35: btw, doing 'sudo apt-get clean' should empty that directory16:56
samba35pmatulis, do you have any idea on apache reverse proxy16:57
RoyKsamba35: I use squid for that16:59
samba35i have 2 systems @ home 1 is ubuntu server 10 and 1 box is utm17:00
samba35utm is unified threat managment i use ubuntu as a dmz and i want to setup reverse proxy so i can add another layer of security to web server and content security to web pages17:01
samba35RoyK, do you have time to tell me what i should do to configure squid17:02
axisysI am stuck here after upgrading the kernel from 2.6.32-36 to 2.6.32-37 on lucid 64bit17:10
axisysany idea how to fix it?17:10
axisysbooting back to 2.6.32-36 works fine17:14
pmatulisaxisys: please open a bug17:28
axisyspmatulis: need help with that17:29
axisyspmatulis: in the meantime I posted it in ubuntu mailing list as well17:29
pmatulisaxisys: what m/l?17:29
pmatulisaxisys: try https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kernel-team17:31
axisyspmatulis: ok17:31
pmatulisaxisys: actually, that's not the right place17:31
axisysso kernel-team is not the right place?17:32
pmatulisaxisys: try ubuntu-server i guess17:33
pmatulisaxisys: but most importantly, file a bug17:35
pmatulisaxisys: command line only environment?17:35
axisyspmatulis: lucid server17:36
axisyspmatulis: so yes17:36
pmatulisapport-bug --save /tmp/report.bug linux17:37
pmatulistransfer report.bug to a desktop system17:37
pmatulisthen 'apport-bug report.bug'17:38
axisyspmatulis: ok17:38
axisyspmatulis: thanks a lot17:38
pmatulisnp, hope it leads to something good17:38
pmatulisaxisys: if that method falls to pieces then: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug17:39
axisyspmatulis: hehe.. thanks17:40
axisyspmatulis: apport bug asking question..18:13
axisys*** How would you categorize this issue?18:13
axisysis it kernel config18:14
axisysi am not sure..18:14
axisysso just say I don't know ?18:14
axisyspmatulis: http://pastebin.com/J6QKpKKZ18:14
pmatulisaxisys: sure, kernel config18:15
axisyspmatulis: ok18:15
axisysappport-bug crashed18:17
axisysI guess I will do it in that ur18:17
pmatulisaxisys: i've seen this error before18:18
pmatulishmm, supposed to be fixed, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/62621518:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 626215 in apport "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/asound/cards'" [Low,Fix released]18:19
pmatulisah, in natty only18:20
pmatulisaxisys: the last comment proposes a w/a18:20
axisyshow do I comment attach_alsa(report) in python? does it honor # or should I do '''...''' ?18:27
axisys'''..''' did it18:28
axisyspmatulis: thanks18:29
axisyspmatulis: apport-bug report.bug did not work.. Package report.bug does not exist18:31
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axisysI scp'd the report.bug file into my laptop running ubuntu oneric and then ran that command18:33
axisyssubmitted bug Bug #91617519:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 916175 in linux "new kernel failed to boot the system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91617519:05
doommasterhm wired19:08
doommasterwhy is openssl so slow on my new FX-6100 with AES-NI?19:08
doommasteronly about 766MB/s on a 6Core machine (-multi 6)19:08
eagles0513875hey guys how can i reset my cobbler's password?19:09
doommasterahhrg -evp braucht man für die engine :P19:13
doommasterdann schaufelt er 2,3GB/s19:13
axisyspmatulis: looks like type exit at (initramfs) boots to the OS fine19:22
pmatulisaxisys: add to bug for sure19:28
axisyspmatulis: yep. add that to the bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/91617519:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 916175 in linux "new kernel failed to boot the system" [Undecided,New]19:28
ChmEarldoommaster, try again with perl , Math::BigInt::GMP and gmp libs19:32
pmatulisaxisys: you are being asked for more info on the bug19:37
axisyspmatulis: ok19:37
doommasterChmEarl: as saod -evp is needed and bumps the speed up to 2,3GB/s19:38
axisyspmatulis: run that from server?19:38
axisyspmatulis: or can I run it just from my laptop ?19:39
axisysput some comment. also changed the status to confirmed19:43
axisysFATAL: Error inserting ipmi_si (/lib/modules/2.6.32-37-generic/kernel/drivers/char/ipmi/ipmi_si.ko): No such device19:49
axisyswhere can I get that module19:49
axisyscan't run ipmitool w/o it19:49
axisyssubmitted a bug Bug #91620019:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 916200 in ipmitool "missing kernel module ipmi_si module" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91620019:55
axisysprevious kernel has this module19:59
pmatulisaxisys: should be confirmed when *other* users see the same issue20:00
axisyswait! modinfo ipmi_si gives lots of output20:02
axisyshow do I load a module?20:02
pmatulisusing modprobe20:02
axisysisn't it modprobe module_name?20:02
axisysfind /lib/modules -type f -name "ipmi_si.ko" finds it20:03
axisysso it is there20:03
=== sixstringsg|away is now known as sixstringsg
uvirtbotNew bug: #916200 in ipmitool (universe) "missing kernel module ipmi_si module" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91620020:13
axisys2.6.32-37-server's ipmi_si works fine but 2.6.32-37-generic's ipmi_si fails to load20:23
pmatulisaxisys: asking for info again...20:26
axisyspmatulis: i have two bugs now .. hehe20:26
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pmatulisaxisys: you're a lucky man20:35
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druonysuseis there a command I can run the check to temperature of my servers?21:57
axisysdruonysuse: ^22:02
druonysuseaxisys: that is the command I can use?22:17
axisysas long as the lm-sensors pkg is installed22:17
druonysuseit is not installed22:18
druonysuseI dont think I should try to install it on this old 8.04 box22:18
dvancehello, I have a peculiar problem, possibly a bug.. with server 11.10 it boots to a black screen with a single blinking cursor in the top left corner. No login prompt nothing, sits there for hours. now if I hit ctrl+alt+f1 it takes me to tty1 and everything seems normal22:18
axisysdruonysuse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto22:18
druonysuseI just don't want to introduce another variable when we are already haveing issues with it22:19
dvancedoes it with both, 64bit pxe install and 32bit iso install22:19
dvanceif someone could just point me in the right direction, perhaps a bug report I was unable to find...22:19
axisysdvance: may be you are doing console=ttyS0 during boot ?22:20
axisysdvance: can you pastebin /etc/default/grub ?22:21
dvanceone moment, thank you for the help22:21
axisysinstall pastebinit pkg and then cat /etc/default/grub | pastebinit22:21
axisysdvance: I am sorry but I have run or I will miss my bus .. I am sure someone here will help you sooner or later22:23
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dvancewell thank you.. it's a place to start22:23
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doommasterChmEarl: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoZ-nhkm1T8ndDFPNjJUNGtqTkVLdnQ0dEJPalR2eXc22:57
doommasterthose are my results on aesni22:58
doommasterabout 4GB/s of md5 hashing :P22:58
doommasterand 2-3GB/s aes-cbc22:58
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dvancefigured it out23:07
dvancegrub.cfg had 'vt.handoff=7' boot option, which would explain the blank screen with blinking cursor since this is a server and doesn't have X11 installed23:09
dvancethanks for the help axisys23:09
dvanceI'll file bug if one isn't already23:09
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== ve2hs is now known as stepnjump
=== CasmoNL_ is now known as CasmoNL

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