
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
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htorquehey everyone! i just completed the unity checkbox tests and i was wondering if there's a way to verify that the results have been submitted?10:10
balloonshtorque -- awesome10:12
balloonsright now there isn't a good way in the tool to let you know your results got upped..10:13
htorqueballoons: k, thanks! :-)10:15
jibelhtorque, you can check it there http://results-tracker.ubuntu.com/~htorque10:20
htorquejibel: nice, thank you!10:21
jibelbut then you'll have to browse http://results-tracker.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/+testruns to find yours.10:22
htorquei guess it's okay to have the date to verify the successful upload :-)10:23
mvojibel: hey, how is the universe test going?10:24
jibelhtorque, http://results-tracker.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/precise/+testruns/4910:24
jibelmvo, universe broke :)10:25
htorquejibel: oh, that's a lot of false "Uninitiated" tests. maybe that's an issue with restarting checkbox? i unintentionally closed it a couple of times when pressing the Esc key. :-(10:27
jibelmvo, there are dependency issues especially this one10:27
jibelmvo, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/precise-upgrade-lts/PROFILE=lts-universe-i386,alderamin-upgrade=alderamin-upgrade/7/10:27
jibelmvo, it fails to upgrade dpkg10:28
mvothanks jibel, let me look10:29
mvomeh, looks nasty10:30
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MachinistaI'm interested in joining the QA team.  Is this a suitable channel for such things?11:53
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davmor2Machinista: this is the right channel indeed,  if you look at the subject for the channel it gives you most of the info you need to get involved and join up to the mailing list11:58
MachinistaHi.  Ok, thanks.  I've joined the mail-list already but stil need to sign the code of conduct12:00
MachinistaApologies in adavance; I am not particularly irc literate12:01
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jadahlhi. reporting test results to ubuntu friendly, should they represent what "works out of the box" or what "works after fixing it"15:56
jadahland, if fixing was involved, is there anyway to link to such a manual?15:57
roadmrjadahl: hi! thanks for asking! how much tweaking did you need to do to get things to work?15:57
jadahlwell, regarding my laptop, quite some (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Asus_U36SD15:57
roadmrjadahl: please submit the results from the system as it is now (i.e. working with tweaks and fixes)15:57
jadahlall the yellow things works (or works partly) after tweaking15:57
roadmrjadahl: then if you want to document what you did, there's a "send us feedback" link where you can comment on what you had to do to get it all to work15:58
jadahlis there any way to link to that wiki page or similar for a specific model so a user can easily find how to make her/his computer work?15:58
roadmrjadahl: you can link to that page in a feedback comment15:58
jadahli see15:59
roadmrjadahl: thanks for testing! and for asking, we like to see how people are using Ubuntu Friendly15:59
jadahlno problem16:00
jadahlwhat'd happen to the feedback? would they be public some how?16:00
roadmrjadahl: it's public, I think it gets put in as a question16:02
jadahldo you have an example?16:02
roadmrjadahl: sure, give me a sec16:02
roadmrjadahl: here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-friendly/+question/18167816:03
jadahlwill it be linked from friendly.ubuntu.com /16:06
roadmrit should be, if not, it's a bug16:07
roadmrlet me check16:07
jadahlalso, if something "kind of" works (in my case, resume works only if I wait for 20s after suspending), how should I report it?16:09
roadmrhm, you could add it in the comment16:12
jadahlbut there is still a "yes/no", should that be "yes" in such a case?16:13
jadahlyour does the result need to be perfect?16:13
roadmrjadahl: if you see it working, you should say "yes"16:13
jadahlshould I regard "resume within 20s causes hard reboot otherwise works fine" as working?16:14
jadahlasking because I'm not sure what I should answer on that question :P16:14
roadmrjadahl: we rely on statistics to decide that stuff16:15
roadmrjadahl: if you consider it's working for you, answer "yes"16:15
roadmrif then 9 other people answer "no" because they consider it to be faulty, it'll have a 90% failure rate16:15
jadahlwell, I'm quite "understanding" regarding these kinds of issues so that'll be a "yes" then16:15
jadahlanyway, that makes it clearer, thanks16:16
roadmrjadahl: I'd say "yes" too - if you consider it works well for you, that's the right answer16:16
stgraberbdmurray: production QA website has been updated16:38
stgraber*ISO tracker16:38
htorquei have a user that ran the unity checkbox test, but sending of the result failed. he still has the submission.xml file, can he still submit his results somehow?17:15
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