
Cheri703Unit193: I rode home from work tonight! was...an adventure07:11
Unit193Heh, no kidding! Mom said she had problems coming home, and she was in a van!07:12
Unit193How well could you see?07:13
Cheri703pretty well, it was just WINDY07:17
Cheri703apparently it is -2 with windchill07:17
Cheri703I actually had no slipping issues07:17
Cheri703and that was on the bike!07:17
Cheri703trike should (FINALLY) arrive next week. I will be SET for the icy weather07:17
Unit193Wow, this sounds fun, bike at 2am :P07:19
Cheri703still need better leg protection :s legs are COLD, have been home since ~1:30am07:19
Unit193Well, that's crazy, I should try somehting like that :P07:20
Unit193You have the thermal stuff now?07:22
Cheri703well, I have long-johns, but...I need something wind-proof and warmer07:23
Cheri703problem is that the GOOD stuff is like $80/pair07:23
Cheri703Unit193: be very careful about keeping your wheels under you07:23
Cheri703I have a bit of an advantage with my recumbent bike, as my center of gravity is lower and with the e-bike kit, a LOT of weight over the back wheel, so I keep traction and it is harder to have my front wheel skid out07:24
Unit193No kidding, even when running (harder if you have solid into slick)07:24
Cheri703yeah, I wore my yaktrax while riding, so my foot wouldn't slip when I had to put it down at lights07:24
Unit193Tree fell in the woods, will make sledding that much harder :/07:26
Cheri703that sucks07:27
Unit193Right across the "path" too07:31
Cheri703get out there with a saw!07:39
Unit193Really thought about it, but it might make for a nice ramp ;)  (More like make me into a crmmy)07:41
Cheri703know what sounds REALLY good right now?07:43
Cheri703a hot burger and crispy fries....07:43
Cheri703what will I likely eat? either nothing OR polish sausage on a bun...we'll see07:44
Unit193Dummy, but with lag. And food is sounding good again :/07:45
Cheri703yeah, I am cold and hungry :( if this was a bigger city, I could go ANYWHERE and eat, this time of night, there are like 2 options, and none nearby07:48
Unit193There are a few close to here, but I'd just go down, not out07:49
* Cheri703 goes to forage07:51
* Cheri703 decides it isn't worth the effort required07:56
Cheri703I have to leave early for work tomorrow to go to the pharmacy, so might leave EXTRA early so I can pick up some lunch07:57
=== Ukikie is now known as Guest91153
=== Guest91153 is now known as Unit193

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