
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
Tubuhi folk!20:50
TubuI have a question... :o)20:51
pangolinplease ask20:51
Tubu... about the wiki and the theme for the Fr translated part...20:51
Tubuwhat is the path to the customised pictures/logos?20:52
* pleia2 takes a look20:52
pangolinTubu: j'aimerais te dire un gros merci pour tout le travaille vous faites :)20:53
Tubuow pangolin tu parles français! coool!20:53
pangolinI do.20:53
pleia2Tubu: you can download them both here http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Header?action=AttachFile20:54
AlanBellj'aime HeaderFr et FooterFr20:54
pleia2and then add them as attachments to your header20:54
Tubuthanks :o)20:54
TubuI go back to it!... woohoo!20:55
pangolinthank you!20:55
Tubuow ye, something else, also20:56
Tubuthe blog as a fatal error20:56
Tubuso, I go back to the wiki now!20:56
pangolinindeed it does20:56
pleia2Tubu: submitting a ticket for the blog now, thanks for reporting it20:56
Tubuok pleia220:57
pleia2Tubu: to close out the header/footer bug you can do "Fix Released"21:49
pleia2(rather than just Committed)21:49
pleia2and the blog is back :)21:49
Tubuah, OK...21:50
pleia2thank you21:50
Tubuyou'r welcome21:50
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie

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