
icerootResistance: control = read if ubottu is providing the text/link i was thinking about00:00
anynicknamebastidrazor: you are right, I first leaened it by sudo su, and always forget, old habits, but you're correct00:00
icerootResistance: and because that are all important infos it does not hurt to post them public (imo)00:00
Resistanceiceroot: this is why i privmsg the bot first to have it send me the factoids before i post em00:01
anynicknamewhat is the switch user command again?00:01
alkafooanynickname: su00:01
icerootResistance: way to much work.. :)00:01
w30FluxD, yeah, make sure you have all your window functions and window decorator stuff checked to take up the void unity leaves behind.00:01
Resistanceiceroot: xD00:01
alkafooanynickname: or su - username00:01
bastidrazoranynickname: :)00:01
go8765what is good font like free mono but more compact?00:01
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/00:01
anynicknameah, right, stupid question, in Debian, only using "su", you become root, also, only in ubuntu it does not work00:01
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alkafoogo8765: profont, terminal00:02
Myrttialkafoo: I'd be surprised if su would work in Ubuntu00:02
FluxDw30, what would I have to enable to have just plain regular compiz is that a window decorator with emerald?00:02
w30FluxD, otherwise you loose the abilit to change window focus with mouse and keyboard00:02
iceroot!sudo | anynickname00:02
ubottuanynickname: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:02
alkafooMyrtti: prepare to be surprised00:02
Resistanceanynickname: su <user> ?00:02
Myrttianynickname: use sudo00:02
Resistanceoh wait nevermind00:02
alkafooanynickname: well Ubuntu doesn't have a root password by default, but you can still use su for switching from a user to another user whose password you know (which is what you asked)00:03
anynicknameyou can do that? that bot thing, can I try any bash command with it?00:03
alkafooanynickname: yes, but be careful00:03
w30FluxD, I got one box running emerald and one with gtk-window-decorator00:03
bastidrazor!factoids > anynickname ::look here for what ubotto knows00:03
ubottuanynickname, please see my private message00:03
anynicknamealkafoo: I'm not thing of abusing the feature, but it's good to know it exists00:03
FluxDw30, how do you make sure another wm takes over when unity is unchecked?00:04
icerootanynickname: sudo is not a bash command, bash commands are something different00:04
Myrttialkafoo: well, plain su doesn't work :-P00:04
alkafooanynickname: oh any command with the bot, misunderstood00:04
anynicknameah, thank you very much00:04
alkafooMyrtti: by default, indeed =)00:04
w30FluxD, with gtk-window-decorator I have to put in my gtk window decoration by putting a line in the window decorator section of ccsm00:05
go8765alkafoo: thanks. i try dingbats. i think - its good)00:05
anynicknamealkafoo: yes, although I remember a few years back at least, there was a way of setting a root password, if you really wanted00:05
waldenhmm, update manager plays nicely with apt-get now, neat00:05
alkafoogo8765: ha00:05
alkafooanynickname: yes, sudo passwd00:05
anynicknamealkafoo: not saying you should, just that you could, that's what I love about linux00:06
DoctorDHow can i set phpmyadmin to be visible just on localhost ?!00:06
icerootalkafoo: we dont support setting a root-account here00:06
FluxDw30, does gtk window decorator have anything to do with gnome 3 ?00:06
alkafoothe whole no root password bit is fairly peculiar to Ubuntu, though00:06
john_doe_jrI look safarii reader on my iPhone and want to read PDF books in that format on my iPhone but the best reader I can find is the kindle....do I need to convert a PDF to html and upload it to a server and then view it on a browser to get the safarii reader to work?00:06
FluxDw30, also any tutorials I can follow to do all this00:06
icerootalkafoo: its also in debian (expert installation)00:06
DoctorDHow can i set phpmyadmin to be visible just on localhost ?!00:06
alkafooiceroot: what, the option to disable it?00:06
icerootalkafoo: its the same as ubuntu, no root-account usable, just sudo00:06
waldenhow do i change system-wide fonts now that the Appearance options have been simplified?00:06
alkafooiceroot: as opt-in or out?00:07
tony_where is ufw firewall installed at?00:07
alkafootony_: dpkg -L ufw00:07
icerootalkafoo: expert-installation, there it is like in ubuntu00:07
iceroottony_: "which ufw"00:07
alkafooiceroot: I don't understand what you're saying00:07
_cbjust installed Ubuntu server 10.04 LTS. Is sudu apt upgrade the correct cli command to make it get upgrades?00:07
w30FluxD, not that I know of; all the good knowledgeable help in here swear by Unity so they pretend to  say it can't be done.00:08
icerootalkafoo: the debian expoert-installation is suggesting not to have a root-account, just to have a sudo user00:08
alkafooiceroot: does it suggest it, or do it that way by _default_?00:08
icerootalkafoo: but that doesnt matter, important is, that we dont support/suggest activating the root-user00:08
bastidrazor_cb: sudo apt-get update: sudo apt-get upgrade00:08
FluxDw30, that sucks :(00:08
kingisher64does anybody know what to do when ubuntu fails to read the cdrom drive correctly? I'm having mixed results with this. Frequently i put a new cd in the drive and ubuntu just doesn't recognise that the cd has changed - onclick of cdrom drive it loads up the old files despite a new cd rom being present.00:08
_cbbastidrazor thanks!00:08
bastidrazor_cb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  this will help you also00:08
tony_iceroot, the one in the software center00:08
alkafookingisher64: only one cd drive?00:09
DoctorDwhere i can find the apache folder ?!?!00:09
iceroottony_: i gave you a command, not a question :)00:09
w30FluxD, it's been making a swooshing sound for two years now. Ha00:09
kingisher64alkafoo - yep, it's a cd/dvd drive00:09
alkafookingisher64: ... just one?00:09
icerootDoctorD: the one for the html files? /var/www/  the one for the configs? /etc/apache2/00:09
bastidrazorDoctorD: /etc/apache200:09
alkafoow30: feature then =)00:09
alkafookingisher64: so the problem is with the file manager?00:10
BarkingFishalkafoo: do you mind a pm quickly?00:10
alkafookingisher64: what about from a terminal: ls /media/whatever/ ?00:10
alkafooBarkingFish: nope, why would I00:10
gliorosiceroot: how can i find the path ffmpeg is installed?00:10
w30FluxD, I am booting kubuntu and xubuntu trying to decide between the two, I still hav Ubuntu on a laptop.00:10
BarkingFishbecause I've been taught to ask first :)00:10
kingisher64it reads the previous cdrom alkafoo00:10
alkafooglioros: dpkg -L ffmpeg | grep bin, but it's almost certainly /usr/bin/ffmpeg (or just 'ffmpeg')00:10
alkafookingisher64: from a terminal it does?00:10
icerootglioros: "which ffmpeg"00:10
alkafooBarkingFish: teaching, that'll teach you things every time =P00:11
icerootalkafoo: you can use "which" to find out the path for the binary directly00:11
FrozenpacketI recently downloaded and installed UBUNTU 11.10 I have audio but my microphone isn't being detected/ not working. Anyone have any sugguestions in how to fix this problem?00:11
kingisher64yep  from the terminal alkafoo00:11
icerootFrozenpacket: have a look at "alsamixer" if the mic is muted00:11
bastidrazoriceroot: considering its a vpn, it is possible he is missing a lot of the default $PATH00:12
alkafooiceroot: not exactly what he asked is all, in my interpretation (obviously)00:12
icerootbastidrazor: vpn has nothing to do with a limited PATH00:12
Duality_hi i just compiled my first kernel and installed it ^^00:12
gliorosiceroot in my php file i have this define('FFMPEGPath', 'ffmpeg'); //OR "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg" and the path for the ffmpeg is  /usr/bin/ffmpeg do i need to change it?00:12
w30FluxD, /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator --metacity-theme CopperDeck --replace00:12
alkafookingisher64: that's pretty curious... what's the path?00:12
Frozenpacketiceroot: yes and it is no muted00:12
alkafooDuality_: well done00:12
icerootglioros: yes00:12
w30FluxD, (CopperDeck is the name of a metacity or gtk theme; substitute whatever feels good) (and you have it installed)00:12
alkafooDuality_: why'd you do that?00:13
icerootFrozenpacket: also the booster is activated?00:13
Duality_see if i could just for fun ^^00:13
Frozenpacketiceroot: correct00:13
gliorosiceroot: this is my final question. if you tell me how to change it you will be my best friend :)00:13
Duality_had 2. something it's now 3.something00:13
icerootFrozenpacket: you are using skype?00:13
Duality_was old laptop so no loss if it went wrong ^^00:13
kingisher64alkafoo - what do you mean i'm new to ubuntu (3rd day)00:13
FluxDw30, I put that in ccsm for window decorator? then uncheck unity ?00:14
urlin2uDuality_, yo momma is so proud of she gonna tell evryone. :D00:14
Frozenpacketiceroot: I am not trying to use skype no, I also installed Cheese and it doesn't show sound when i try to talk into the microphone00:14
Duality_lol :)00:14
icerootFrozenpacket: i remember some problems with pulseaudio when the app is not using pulseaudio directly00:15
icerootFrozenpacket: but cheese should use pulse00:15
icerootFrozenpacket: maybe you can install "pavucontrol" with "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol" and check there00:15
alkafookingisher64: run the command 'mount'00:15
alkafookingisher64: find the /media/ path, tell us what comes after /media/00:16
alkafoomight be more than one00:16
Frozenpacketiceroot: okay i will install that and let you know if it work00:16
w30FluxD, you better get your window management checked before unchecking Unity like extra, maximumize, move, resize, scale, place,00:16
gliorosiceroot: this is my final question. if you tell me how to change it you will be my best friend :) i changed it to "/usr/bin/ffmpeg" and it is still not work working00:16
kingisher64media/RS_APP, sda1, sda5 - alkafoo00:16
Frozenpacketiceroot: pavucontrol is already the newest version.00:16
alkafooglioros: how're you determining "it" isn't "working"?00:16
FluxDw30, I so hope you can document your setup on a blog or something for the unfortunates like me :)00:16
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icerootFrozenpacket: ah ok good00:17
alkafookingisher64: RS_APP?  Does that sound like a CD/DVD filesystem you've used?00:17
icerootFrozenpacket: have a look at it please00:17
iceroot!work | glioros00:17
ubottuglioros: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.00:17
go8765Frozenpacket: may be gnome-aslamixer help you... run it and check checkboxes..00:17
alkafookingisher64: what does it say to the _left_ of /media/ ?00:17
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...00:17
alkafoobot that can't count, the irony00:17
diverdudewhen making <VirtualHost *:80> for web1 and <VirtualHost *:80> for web2, how does apache know which one to map the request to?00:18
kingisher64nothing. there is a just a v small graphic then the word media. if i hover over the graphic a back slash appears ( / ) alkafoo00:19
ok_waitok so now notify-send seems to come out of gnome-shell and stays in that new system tray thing at the bottom right instead of a transparent bubble at the top right. it's kinda cool but <profanity>! i feel like i'm loosing control of my system. is there a manager that controls what display manager and desktop manager and what application is controlling fonts the F**KING FONTS is running??!?00:19
Guest28349Can any tell me how to run a ms xp program thats on cd in ubuntu?00:19
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:20
dr_willisGuest28349:  one way..   wine /path/to/cd/whatever.exe00:20
iceroot!wine | Guest2834900:20
ubottuGuest28349: please see above00:20
alkafookingisher64: do me a favor and send this as a message to this IRC channel: /exec -o mount | grep -i media | head -n 100:20
Frozenpacketiceroot: :~$ pavucontrol00:20
Frozenpacket** (pavucontrol:2754): DEBUG: Error reading config file /home/dpaj/.config/pavucontrol.ini: No such file or directory00:20
Frozenpacket** (pavucontrol:2754): DEBUG: Failed to initialize device manager extension: No such extension00:20
Frozenpacketiceroot: but it brang up some controls but still no dice.00:20
kingisher64/dev/sda1 on /media/sda1 type fuseblk (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions)00:20
icerootFrozenpacket: the debug-infos are ok00:21
alkafookingisher64: okay, heh00:21
icerootFrozenpacket: hm sorry then i dont know, normally alsamixer/pavucontrol will fix the issue00:21
alkafookingisher64: try this one instead: /exec -o mount | grep -i rs_app | head -n 100:21
icerootFrozenpacket: maybe ubottu has something interesting00:21
iceroot!sound | Frozenpacket00:21
ubottuFrozenpacket: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:21
kingisher64/dev/sr0 on /media/RS_App type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500,uhelper=udisks)00:21
alkafoothere we go00:21
DoctorDhow can i disable visibility of phpmyadmin to internet, and have access just by localhost/phpmyadmin ?!?!?!?!?00:21
CoreyDoctorD: Bind the http server to localhost only, for one.00:22
alkafookingisher64: and when you run 'ls /media/RS_App/', you see data that you're _sure_ isn't actually on the CD/DVD you _currently_ have inserted?00:22
CoreyUse an access restriction for that directory, for another.00:22
Frozenpacketubottu: i have sound, i just can't get the Microphone to work00:22
ubottuFrozenpacket: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:22
CoreyDoctorD: Better to probably ask in #httpd00:22
icerootDoctorD: write a virtualhost entry which is only working on lan, also see #httpd00:22
FluxDw30, what would you suggest I do to get a pure compiz session working and with the unity app bar on top and a window list panel of some sort00:22
alkafooor #phpmyadmin00:22
Frozenpacketiceroot: well thanks for your time00:23
kingisher64alkafoo - absolutly positive. I've just put another cd in instead and it still hasn't refreshed the contents of the media/00:24
alkafookingisher64: interesting00:24
kingisher64alkafoo - it's still reading it as the cd which was put in prior to the last one. it's like it can't refresh the content00:24
alkafookingisher64: and if you reboot and put a new CD in?00:25
Andrew131Does ssh support udp forwarding as well now?00:25
ResistanceAndrew131: does SSH even *use* UDP?00:25
kingisher64not sure. I can try that now. It's behaving so inconsistently i'm finding it hard to give answers with any degree of certainty.00:26
Andrew131It does claim to create a SOCKS5 proxy which does support UDP forwarding :)00:26
kingisher64alkafoo - it was behaving like this since the install - thank goodness I havn't had to install much from the cd rom drive00:27
alkafookingisher64: it'd be useful to know whether it persists through a reboot00:27
alkafooI'd assume not00:27
kingisher64i'll reboot now00:27
Andrew131People seem to have come up with elaborate ways of doing udp for dns lookups (I suspect for SOCKS4) but I'm not looking to do voice traffic not DNS00:29
glioroshow to find my server API key? i am runnin ubuntu 10.400:29
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alkafooglioros: api key for what?00:30
kingisher64alkafoo - it didn't persist through a reboot. It's now reading the drive correctly. I'm going to install this then try another cd00:31
OsmodivsI have a 64bit CPU, In Oracle's Virtual Box, I am trying to emulate Windows7 64 bit, and it tells me my CPU is not 64 bit capable, same thing happened earlier trying to emulate Yellow Dog 64 bits. Why it does not let me emulate?00:31
alkafooOsmodivs: what's your processor?00:31
Andrew131Im gonna guess thats a negatory00:31
dr_willisOsmodivs:  i seem to recall some bios settings also that can affect that.00:32
Osmodivsalkafoo: http://pastebin.com/Udh8Knyg00:32
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alkafooOsmodivs: doesn't have VT-x00:33
Osmodivsdr_willis: BIOS settings, eh? I do not remember seeing that kind of option there, but I'll double check00:33
icerootOsmodivs: vbox is per default not using the vt-x features00:34
kingisher64alkafoo - i'm trying to install rosetta stone and the software cannot read the cd rom drive. Admitadly this is in wine, however i've had similar behaviour all day. Virtualbox was unable to read cd's placed in drive. I had to copy cd into .iso and mount to get anthing installed.00:34
alkafooyou won't have anything, as your processor doesn't have the hardware00:34
icerootOsmodivs: you have to enable them, also see #vbox00:34
alkafooif you really want to use 64-bit guests, you might have to use vmware...00:34
icerootOsmodivs: and of course your cpu has to support vt-x00:34
alkafooor qemu, but that'd be quite slow00:34
Osmodivsalkafoo: Aw man.... I am gonna have to burn it to a DVD.00:34
alkafooOsmodivs: burn what to a DVD?00:34
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=== is is now known as Milos|Netbook
dr_willisIve seen vt-x settings in the bios on some machines.00:35
alkafookingisher64: VirtualBox might need the extension pack for that, I forget; Wine might need winecfg reconfiguration00:35
guest_192834I am starting up a new company and I am at the point of buying cash registers,...etc. I have the computer hardware guys here that say they can install anything.... I just have to get the devices. What I need is a card reader for credit cards/debit and a barcode scanner. Does anybody know what website/company I could get these devices from?00:35
dr_willisnot sure why you would want to turn it off.00:35
Osmodivsalkafoo: The YellowDog LiveDVDE00:35
alkafoodr_willis: most IME, but his processor doesn't have vt-x at all is what I'm saying =)00:35
alkafooso there'd be no BIOS option00:35
alkafooOsmodivs: ah =)00:35
dr_willisalkafoo:  or it would be greyed out :)00:35
alkafooOsmodivs: it'd probably be faster than using qemu or vmware, yeah00:35
Osmodivsalkafoo: Ok...No virtual desktops for me :(00:36
Osmodivsvmware, let me check00:36
alkafoommm, I wish BIOS things were that modular, IME they're very customized00:36
alkafoobut yeah I suppose it could happen00:36
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alkafoocore 2 duo without vt-x, seems odd00:37
* alkafoo shrugs00:37
kingisher64alkafoo - i placed a normal cd in before, for ubuntu to read, no wine or virtualbox and it just didn't pick up the contents of the cdrom drive. Also I've had odd behaviour on the dropdown list on the login screen. First only  ubuntu, ubuntu2d were there, then options for cairo dock - that's not odd, however as i just rebooted gnome was there as well. I was surprised this wasn't there the first time.00:38
alkafookingisher64: well, one problem at a time00:38
kingisher64extra options appearing isn't really a problem!"00:38
alkafookingisher64: /media/ persistence problems are probably due to some udev/consolekit/whateverpeopleareusingthesedays mismatch/misconfiguration00:38
kingisher64how do i resolve this?00:39
dr_williskingisher64:  when lightdm got restarted it saw the new items.00:39
alkafookingisher64: well first try and update and make sure your system is all sane00:39
kingisher64alkafoo - well i'm barely that, so i doubt my system will be00:40
gliorosguys http://pastebin.com/SY9EUhQs ... At least one output file must be specified what that means?00:40
alkafoostill, _sometimes_ just applying updates can fix something00:40
alkafooglioros: means it doesn't do anything on its own00:40
alkafooit manipulates input files00:40
kingisher64right, that explains the start up issue most likely. I ran update, upgrade in terminal before00:41
gliorosalkafoo: so thats the youtube converter in this site www.metatropeas.com is not working?00:41
alkafootypical simplified ffmpeg usage: ffmpeg -i foo.wmv bar.mp400:41
alkafooglioros: so what now?00:41
kingisher64alkafoo - do you have any terminal command suggestions that might be able to fix this cdrom problem?00:42
doommasterI did a plain Ubuntu install on a system which contains a RAID, the OS is on a non RAID HDD now the system does not boot when any of the raid hdds are installed it marks the raid degraded and breaks the init nevertheless there is nothing needed on there and the system boots just fine when the RAID hdds are disconnected wtf is wrong? natty booted just fine00:43
gliorosalkafoo: how to enable ffmpeg?00:43
doommasterwhy does it do that?00:43
alkafooglioros: there's no enable, either the script you're using knows where the executable is and has the rights to use it, and knows how to use it, or not00:43
alkafookingisher64: not really, but00:44
alkafookingisher64: if you reboot and then log out of X and drop to a TTY00:44
gliorosalkafoo: i edit the php file to define('FFMPEGPath', 'ffmpeg'); //OR "/usr/bin/ffmpeg" and the path on the server is /usr/bin/ffmpeg00:44
alkafookingisher64: and then put in a CD and let it automount (if your system does that), then put in another CD and don't see the issue, then the problem could be with the GUI tools only00:44
gliorosam i doing something wrong?00:45
alkafooglioros: if 'ffmpeg' doesn't work try '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'00:45
mf|laptopor else if you are unsure of the directory f you have ssh/terminal "locate ffmpeg"00:45
michaelgambleanyone here familiar with zentyal?00:46
gliorosso what to edit here define('FFMPEGPath', 'ffmpeg'); //OR "/usr/bin/ffmpeg" ???00:46
gliorosthis is a line from the php file00:46
kingisher64sorry what's a TTY - alkafoo - lol00:46
kingisher64log out of a X drop to a TTY - he he00:46
alkafooglioros: the second value in single quotes, " 'ffmpeg' " is meant to tell the PHP application where the ffmpeg executable is (if just 'ffmpeg' won't work for some reason)00:46
alkafooglioros: so try , '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'); (assuming 'which ffmpeg' returns that)00:47
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int80_hI'm using 11.10. could someone help me install ghc 7.0.4. The yesod site claims that 7.0.4 is in the repository but I can't figure out how to install it.00:52
BennitI just install libsqlite3-dev and no libsqlite3.a can be found with locate00:53
BennitLinux bentop 3.2.0-7-generic #13-Ubuntu SMP Sat Dec 24 18:06:57 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:53
kingisher64alkafoo - sorry to ask again, what do you mean drop to a TTY? when logged out.00:53
Benniton my lucid computer and my maverick, everything is fine00:53
alkafookingisher64: I mean if the first time you mount something isn't from, for example, Nautilus, and you don't have the issue, then it could be nautilus that's to blame00:55
alkafoosomething like that00:55
flaguy48Bennit: updatedb, then locate.00:56
kingisher64ok - i see your narrowing down logic. will do.00:56
CrunchyWalrusIRC clients are lacking.01:00
armadawhat's going on?01:01
CrunchyWalrusFloodbots trolling.01:01
doommasterpsusi: are you active atm?01:01
psusidoommaster, yo01:02
pp7how to fix this bug?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPqpxXldLlA01:02
doommasterpsusi: I saw you subscribed bug 87222001:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 872220 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Fails to boot when there's problems with softraid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87222001:02
doommasterhave you any insight?01:02
doommasterI tried hell of a lot but I cannot get ubuntu 11.10 to boot if a degraded raid is connected01:03
doommasterI can boot it just fine and connect the degraded raid later01:03
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:03
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
doommasterbut I cannot initially boot with it connected01:03
doommasterhope you got all even over the split01:04
s3raphhey guys, whenever I try and kill something from a terminal, it just gives me a '>' subprompt without actually  doing anything... does anyone know what's wrong?01:04
s3raphfunny thing is it worked before...01:04
armadaw00t??!!! ppl, anyone seeing me??01:04
CrunchyWalrusNo, we're not seeing you.01:04
psusidoommaster, you shouldn't ask support questions in a ( possibly ) unrelated bug report.. I assume you also have a fakeraid?01:05
doommasterreal "softraid" it is pure MDADM01:05
mmoebiuss3raph: What exactly have you bee ntyping aththe Coammnd line prompt ?01:05
doommasterit is an mdadm raid601:05
doommasterjust 1 HDD of the raid 6 connected makes my boot fail01:06
doommastereven though the raid is never needed or used01:06
psusidoommaster, in what way?  iirc, if one drive is missing, it should time out after a while and activate it degraded and boot, but if you only have one drive, you can't activate the rray01:06
s3raphmmoebius: if I try to kill an arbitrary pid from a non-root user, "kill -15 pid"01:06
doommasterI do not want it to be active01:07
CrunchyWalrusAnyway to set the Unity dash to be maximized when you click on it? I have that it acts like a pop-up.01:07
s3raphmmoebius: just gives me a '>' prompt that just echos whatever I type unless I ^C01:07
doommasterin prevoious versions of ubuntu the system would boot fine and mark the raid as degraded01:07
doommasternow it just does not boot at all01:07
mmoebiusWithout any quotes at the comamnd line, that should work and *not* give a sub-prompt. Is your retuen/enter Key working correctly ?01:07
psusidoommaster, well, with one disk missing, it is degraded... with only one disk total, it is broken01:07
doommasteryeah even broken it would boot fine01:08
s3raphmmoebius: yeah.  if I sudo -s to root, it works fine.01:08
mmoebiusHyve you tried a "new" Terminal and the  "classic" Virtual Terminal Console (without X) ?01:08
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psusidoommaster, and you don't have any filesystems on this raid array listed in /etc/fstab?01:08
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doommasterfstab only contains /01:08
s3raphmmoebius: er, nevermind.  doesn't work like that for root either01:08
doommasterthe system is a clean install01:08
mmoebiuss3raph: kill -15 is superficial, btw. -15 (Term) is the default.01:08
doommasterjust cinnect one RAID HDD and it fails to boot01:09
psusidoommaster, so what happens when you try to boot?  with nosplash and noquiet preferably?01:09
s3raphmmoebius: oh, rly?  good to know...01:09
doommasterI get tot he busybox promt01:09
doommasterrecovery mode01:09
doommasterthat is it then01:09
psusidoommaster, by the way, why are you running a raid6 on removable media and only connecting one drive?01:09
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mmoebiuss3raph: so, just 'kill <pid>' :-)01:10
psusidoommaster, what's the error that it gives when it drops you to the busybox prompt?01:10
doommasternope SATA HDDs only one DRIVE on an ahci controler01:10
doommasterwait will reboot with the drive connected01:10
mmoebiuss3raph: Besides that, I have no clue :-(01:10
s3raphmmoebius: okay, so "kill 5125" just gives me a '>' prompt that allows me to enter stuff, but does nothing when I enter it01:10
s3raphmmoebius: no?  well thanks anyway...01:10
doommasterrebooting with one drive connected01:11
kingisher64alkafoo - well i logged out as as soon as i put the cdrom in, the login screen froze. I couldn't click anything. Restart required. There's something fishy going on here01:11
mmoebiuss3raph: Usually, you get the  subprompt isf you have lone quotation marks or end the current command line with \ that acts as a line-continuatiuon sign if alone ath the very end of aline, just befor the newline (return/enter)01:12
s3raphmmoebius: yeah, it's weird...01:12
mmoebiuss3raph: If you swear neither to use quotation marks nor a \ character, I am out01:13
mmoebiuss3raph: Maybe you try another shell ?01:13
mmoebiustry 'dash' for example.01:13
s3raphmmoebius: yeah, but I don't want to leave bash...01:13
mmoebiuss3raph: Just for testing if that behaves in the same strange way. Maybe your Terminal emulator is pulling your leg.01:14
doommasterpsusi: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/ifUQXs9A3M8fxReCTQ0WZ1p73ZMgAg-pje6LKZcSjDo?feat=directlink01:14
mmoebiuss3raph:  At the bash prompt , just enter 'dash' and you're in (once) ... exit dash with "exit" or <Ctrl-D>01:15
mmoebiuss3raph: inside dash, try our kill command01:15
doommasterpsusi: the first lines are as the mdstat states was in older Ubuntu versions after boot with a broken RAID01:15
doommasterut the rest is new01:15
s3raphmmoebius: looks very sed-like01:15
andornautCan anyone recomment software to periodically check if a list of websites are up and if not send out an email? (something like what hyperspin.com does)?01:16
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mmoebiusandornaut: First, define "up" ;-)01:17
hayloyea seems like you should write a shell script for something like that andornaut01:18
doommasterpsusi: the page before: https://picasaweb.google.com/110074557516559184630/DropBox?authkey=Gv1sRgCKWix9-42LGCuAE#569691977283728521801:18
doommasterit assumes that md0 is needed for boot01:18
doommasterbut that is not true01:19
andornautmmoebius: responds with an OK http status and maybe parse the data for some string.01:19
andornauthaylo: I know. I'd rather not re-invent the wheel though - figure this was a pretty common problem, that might already be solved.01:20
tomw_Is there anyway to have `touch` automatically create the directory structure if it doesn't exist?01:20
dr_willistomw_:  is there a -P or -p option. i rcall that with some other commands.01:21
dr_willis -P = make parents01:21
_jasontomw_: with mkdir01:21
dr_willisI forget what command i saw that had that option. Might have been mkdir.01:21
tomw_Yep, -p option exists for mkdir01:21
tomw_I'll use that.01:21
ZenBalancedoes anyone have a problem where ubuntu locks up after running for a while? My computer is still on but the screen is black and keeps going into power save mode like it isn't hooked up01:22
somsipandornaut: do you ned software or a free service? http://www.uptimerobot.com01:22
mmoebiusandornaut: Luckily, you can define up. Well, let the site parse something. Or get sontent from it. Email if not working. Think wget (or maybe wput for POST data)    in a bash script something like wget -t3 -w3 -T5 -p -r -l2 http://examle.com || mail -s "Example.com is down" webadmin@example.com01:24
mmoebiusandornaut: read man pages of "wget", "wput" and "mail"01:25
psusidoommaster, sounds like a regression in mdadm01:27
doommasteryeah but why does it assume that md0 is needed?01:27
doommasterthat is BS01:27
metulburrwhy would Gparted give me a greyed out option for extended partition?01:27
dr_willismetulburr:  if its mounted/in use.. or you allready have an extended partition made. perhaps.01:28
andornautmmoebius: i have lots of sites to monitor, i'd probably write a quick script in python if i can't find a suitable OSS project that does the same. Thanks though :)01:28
mmoebiusmetulburr: Because it cannot schrink or expoand extended partittions01:28
metulburrim on live CD01:28
andornautsomsip: was hoping for software01:28
mmoebiusandornaut: With a small for loop around it, that is like 3 lines bash; run e.g. by a cron job.01:29
psusidoommaster, last I looked at the mdadm boot scripts, it tried to incrementally assemble the raid array each time a component disk was detected, which would succeed only when all of them were present... this was done in the background, while the main loop just waited to see if the root device appeared01:29
somsipandornaut: well, as mmoebius said, wget (or possibly curl) is easy enough01:29
andornautsomsip: yep01:29
doommasterpsusi: yeha that will fail, which is just fine01:29
psusidoommaster, so if the roo tis not on that raid array, it would find and mount the root, even though the raid array had not been activated... it looks like that is no longer the case01:29
kyconquersI have a .so lib but i want to make it a .a lib. where would i find out how to do this? ie:channel name, links, ...01:29
doommasterbut why does it break boot then?01:29
kyconquers*an .a01:29
doommasterpsusi: yepp01:30
psusidoommaster, looks like someone screwed up and changed the boot scripts back to the old way01:30
doommasterthat changed somehow01:30
psusidoommaster, file a regression bug against mdadm01:30
doommasterahhrg how do I do THAT?01:30
doommasterthis bug seems peanuts01:31
doommasterbut it is a big deal for me -.-01:31
psusidoommaster, launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dmraid/+filebug01:31
kingisher64has anybody else encountered problems with the cdrom not refreshing the contents of the drive when a new cd is put in? alkafoo was helping me, but appears to have left01:31
psusidooglus, err, mdadm, not dmraid ;)01:31
psusidoommaster, this is with 11.10 or 12.04?01:32
mmoebiusdoommaster: Most bugs one notices are peanuts in essence but total show-stoppers at a certain time ;-)01:32
psusidoommaster, sorry, had my best friend on the phone with some big news there for a while so wasn't paying full attention.. I'm looking into the problem now, but you certainly should file a bug report against dmraid and mention that it's a regression if it used to work01:34
dr_williskingisher64:  try using the umount, and eject command to spit out the old cd, befor inserting the new one?01:35
kingisher64dr_willis - right, is that just "unmount" and "eject" as a terminal command?01:36
dr_williskingisher64:  umount   - No N01:37
dr_willissudo umount /dev/cdrom (or whatever), then eject01:37
psusidoommaster, you should have seen the bug I found on upgrading my server to 11.10... 11.04 worked fine... wouldn't boot after upgrade... grub wouldn't recognize the raid array... turned out it was because I was using mdadm metadata format 0.9, which stores the data at the end of the disk or partition, and my server bios was buggy and lied about the disk size, making it appear just large enough to hold the partition, so grub couldn't tell if the01:37
psusiwhole disk or the partition was the raid component01:37
doommasterwhole disk01:37
doommasterno partitions on the disl01:38
doommasterno partitions on the disk01:38
doommasterjust raid superblock and raid data01:38
psusidoommaster, out of curiosity, why don't you partition the disks?  I've always done that just as a precaution01:38
metulburrmmoebius: are you saying Gparted cannot resizre an extended partition? Not mounted/ not in use/ and no other extended partitions made yet01:38
doommasterprecaustion in what way? it does not systematically better the case of a fail01:38
doommasteryou would still need to manualy recover the superblock01:39
doommasterit is just gworn that way :P01:39
dr_willismetulburr:  you may need to shrink anything next to it - befor trying to reisze it.01:39
doommasterthe raid started with 4 disks once01:39
doommasterand now it is grown to 1001:39
dr_willismetulburr:  or shrink anything in it. (i tend to just use all primaries)01:39
doommasterit worked fine over 5 yeas01:39
doommastereven 2 failed disks01:39
doommasterand 3 growth01:40
doommasterI am really satisfied with mdadm :)01:40
metulburrdr_willis: ive already shrunk it, now attempting to just create it01:40
metulburrdr_willis: I ran out of primaries (4)01:40
psusidoommaster, having a partition table makes sure that the system ( or another system if you connect the disk to it ) can see that it is raid, and won't try to, for exmaple, add a partition table and format the drive ;)01:40
doommasterI have no systems which would do such a cruel thing01:41
doommastereven WIndows needs init first01:41
psusidoommaster, I don't either.. that I know of... but, just in case ;)01:41
metulburrdr_willis: so the fourth primary I am just trying to change to  extended so i can have more than 4 partitions in total01:41
doommasterthey could also just not recon the part ID and do the same ;) there is no real point of having partitions on it01:42
doommasterwhen i set the system up I thought about it and did not see the point01:42
doommasterso i skipped it01:42
DareDevil_Hello guys anybody has try to stream from Ampache to the Amdroid app i can make it work01:42
DareDevil_I have been googling but could not find nothing related to my issue01:43
metulburrdr_willis: currently is just unallocated01:43
psusidoommaster, what mdadm metadata format are you using?01:44
doommaster1.9 I think01:44
psusidoommaster, there's 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, and 1.201:45
doommasterok dunno01:45
psusidoommaster, 1.x are all the same except for where they are stores... if you are still using 0.9, you should upgrade ;)01:45
doommasterwhat would a 10.10 version of mdadm have created?01:45
doommasterback in the days :P01:45
sokakHello everyone :) This place is suitable also for specific ubuntu programs problems?01:46
psusidoommaster, not sure.. see what mdadm -E says01:46
metulburrubuntu: ok01:46
ubuntuthis suck bro01:46
doommasterpsusi: wait have to boot without the disk :P01:46
ubuntumetulburr: this sucks01:46
OerHekssokak, just ask :-)01:47
sokakokido :) Im using the version 1.10 of mixxx and im having huge memory leaks. Tried to dig on launchpad, and reached the point where you have to launch mixx with the command pasuspender mixxx 'QT_GL_USE_OPENGL1ENGINE=1' and seemed ok for a while, now is still leaking :)01:49
sokakwhat does that flags does?01:49
doommasterpsusi: it is still 0.90.00, so I will upgrade it as soon as possible (how ever that is done… *shrugs*)01:49
doommasteruahhhrg wtf01:49
sokakwithout that OerHeks, it can skyrocket from 130 mb of ram to 8 Gb in like 3 minutes ^^01:50
doommasterI just did mdadm -E on that RAID disk and saw that the boot disk was also part of the raid to the mens of MDADM01:50
doommasterpsusi: it lists sda and sdb as raid device01:51
doommastereven thoughonly sdb has a superblock o.O01:51
psusidoommaster, huh?01:51
doommasteryeah wired stuff01:52
doommasterit assumes the raid complete in mdadm -E and sda and sdb a part of it01:53
doommasterbut hell what do I know -.-01:53
djQuerykinda noob where are apps installed to when using apt-get?01:53
OerHekssokak, i'm not sure what that code does, but it should be solved in 1.10.1 ? >> see end https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/88726901:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 887269 in Mixxx "Spinning vinyl widget (WSpinny) incorrectly rendered on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric" [Medium,Confirmed]01:53
psusidoommaster, huh?  can you pastebin the mdadm -E results?01:53
doommasterpsusi: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/FQc0rSR1AwqkYi9CDfKzGFp73ZMgAg-pje6LKZcSjDo?feat=directlink01:53
doommasterthat is mdadm -E on the system freshly booted and then mdadm -E /dev/sdb01:54
sokakOerHeks, ty, ill dig into that, atm im launching it from shell and dumping output to a logfile, can be a good idea?01:54
OerHekssokak problem is confirmed, you can add to the bugreport if you like01:55
doommasterpsusi: how to upgrade the meta data format/version?01:55
zhenbeijuhello ,everyone I am new here01:55
sokakOerHeks, its a lil different, it displays correctly for me, it just eats gigatons of ram, still seeing im an idiot, since i misplaced the parameter ^^01:56
psusidoommaster, I'm not sure without rebuilding the array01:56
doommasterhehe rebuild will be nealry impossible as I have nowhere to go with my 15TB01:56
FuZi0NUbuntuRules can u plz tell me the rules of ubuntu?01:56
kingisher64dr_willis - thanks, it seems to be working fine now. Is there a specific reason why i can't just eject the cd, without clicking eject first?01:56
psusidoommaster, you currently have all disks connected or just the one?01:56
doommasterjust one01:57
doommasterand sda is not part of the raid01:57
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psusidoommaster, if your 15 tb isn't backed up, it may as well be already lost... raid is not a substitute for backups ;)01:57
psusidoommaster, connect them all, get the array activated, and see what mdadm -D /dev/md0 shows01:57
doommasterpsusi: no essential data01:57
doommasternothing which could not be recovered01:58
mybox1776I wondering if anyone out there has had experience w/ getting a Hauppauge HVR 850 to work uner the lasted Ubuntu .....  I have located a few resources  online regarding drivers/firmware that needs to be install....  Ihave downloaded the latest firmware ---   but there is  (what appears to be a simple instruction, but it doesn't work.  Anyone out there able to help w/ this issue?  I really would like to watch LIVE TV ...using t01:58
mybox1776his tuner that is suppose to work w/ latest Kernel01:58
doommasterpsusi: ok will do that once possible :)01:58
meanburrito920Hi all, Youtube audio is not playing for me on one specific video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=m5rlTrdF5Cs). I've tried it across the most recent versions of Chrome, FF, and Opera. I'm currently running 11.10. I've attempted full reboots, but they seem to have no effect. ALSA claims everything is running normally, so I'm a bit confused as why this one specific video fails01:59
meanburrito920and the video does actually have audio :)02:00
sokakOerHeks, nvm, it was correct placing the flag where i did it ;302:00
meanburrito920does anyone have any suggestions for things to check?02:00
UbuntuRules<FuZi0N> it/Linux rules :)02:00
UbuntuRulesthere are no rules in Linux/open source02:00
sokakcan be a poorly encoded video with a faulty audio?02:00
FuZi0Ni know02:00
FuZi0Nim just teasing02:00
meanburrito920Also, I'm running Unity 2D, but I don't think that could effect audio at all02:00
psusidoommaster, I think the numbers are all wonkey because you are connecting the drives in odd orders.... should be ok, just looked really weird02:00
bazhang!ot | UbuntuRules FuZi0N02:01
ubottuUbuntuRules FuZi0N: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:01
sokaktry to download the video stream and poke at it with vlc - check the audio encoding02:01
doommasterpsusi: yeah I never assumed there was something wrong with the raid itself02:01
meanburrito920sokak: kk, I'll try that. I did confirm with a friend that it plays fine on his machine, though he is using windows.02:01
doommasterI will put the machine back in tomorrow02:01
doommasterbut this bootup stuff really shakes me up -.-02:02
psusidoommaster, unfortunately for some reason, there is no bzr branch on lp for mdadm so I can't track the change history02:02
sokaki see meanburrito920, then you shall compare flash versions maybe?02:02
dr_willismybox1776:  the #mythbuntu channel and forums may be of help.02:02
psusidoommaster, but I'm thinking that someone screwed up and modified the boot scripts in such a way that they drop you to the busybox shell if any raid array can not be activated now, instead of only if the root can't be found... and that seems to be a regression and a bug, so you should file a new bug report02:03
waldenhave you noticed midori doesn't actually clear private data when quitting even if you tell it to?02:05
UbuntuRulesUbuntuRles.sh << 2&>1 bazhang02:05
joallardI'm getting display lag issues in firefox, how to diagnose? (Tried: nvidia-xconfig)02:06
xeroOTGI am having massive difficulties with my touchpad on my toshiba nb505. the two finger scrolling feature is entirely too sensitive, and when i disable it it remains enabled. Ubuntu  11.10 w/ gnome 3. synaptics "ps2" touchpad. works fine in windows.02:06
meanburrito920sokak: vlc fails to play audio for it. video is fine02:06
dr_willismeanburrito920:  see what codecs the file is using. Ive noticed a few odd videos now and then that vlc has issues with.  newer verison of vlc might work.02:07
sokakthere we go - something shall be obviously wrong in the audio encoding :3 Do you use firefox?02:07
doommasterpsusi: I filed it unter bug 91577002:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915770 in dmraid (Ubuntu) "Boot fails with a broken RAID is connected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91577002:08
dr_willissokak:  i never use embeded stuff in the browser. so no. :)02:08
dr_williswork time for me.. back laters.02:08
meanburrito920dr_willis: how do I check this?02:09
psusidoommaster, damnit, you following my link after I said it was wrong ;)02:10
meanburrito920sokak: I use chrome, but I tried the video on chrome, ff, and opera. it failed on all three02:10
sokakThe point is - the easiest way to force a certain quality for youtube is to pick Smartvideo for youtube https://addons.mozilla.org/it/firefox/addon/smartvideo-for-youtube-mytube/ and force video quality to highest by default - that should force mp4 playing and should be more codec compliant02:10
psusidoommaster, I meant to say mdadm, not dmraid... fixed02:10
const_antineNeed to merge together partitions to keep swap from filling up. What should I be aware of? Would anything break if I simply fdisk them together?02:10
meanburrito920sokak: is it possible I'm just missing a codec? that seems more likely, as it's consistent across all browsers and would be present on other people's comps?02:10
sokakthats not gonna happen on linux - well, maybe try to get all the gstreamers from medibuntu, or the restricted extras02:11
almoxarifei can see and hear the video on chromium meanburrito92002:11
meanburrito920sokak: audio is aac02:12
deven_gm all02:12
deven_just came here to inform u all linux user02:12
meanburrito920but I have restricted extras installed, so shouldn't I have that?02:12
sokakthats it :3 its yet the mp4 - trying with smartvideo for youtube you shall play audio on 240px and lower - the flv stuff02:12
const_antinedeven_: derp?02:12
bazhangdeven_, ubuntu support question?02:13
deven_comodo antivirus for linux beta version launched today which gives on acess protection and its free of cost02:13
deven_give it a go02:13
almoxarifemeanburrito920: yeap, opted in to html5?02:13
sokakmeanburrito920, you shall check which gstreamer you have :302:13
deven_thanks :))) i m very happy comodo did this for linux users02:13
deven_thanks const, thanks baz gm :) see u guy i have no questions i m very happy02:13
const_antineso it's a firewall then?02:14
const_antinei thought linux is virus-free02:14
sokakmeanburrito920, give a shoot at sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:14
bazhangantivirus apparently02:14
almoxarifemeanburrito920: the player i am using is the 'adobe-flash-64bit'02:14
sokakalmoxarife, if he switched to html5 view, no more flash stuff ;302:15
const_antinei've had comodo on my windows before, it's good02:15
xeroOTGanyone at all have any idea whats up with my touchpad? it makes ubuntu almost useless for me.02:15
sokakxeroOTG, which kind of touchpad?02:15
sokakand whats the issue?02:15
const_antinebump: Need to merge together partitions to keep swap from filling up. What should I be aware of? Would anything break if I simply fdisk them together?02:15
meanburrito920sokak: interesting. I'm now seeing some other videos have the audio cut out a few seconds in.02:15
almoxarifeconst_antine: the firewall is to keep people out02:16
meanburrito920sokak: and it's already installed02:16
xeroOTGsokak: "ps2" its two finger scroll feature is entirely too sensitive and i cant disable it02:16
sokakohs :302:16
almoxarifeconst_antine: you could have a firewall and still get virus'ed on a win machine btw02:17
doommasterpsusi: so will thi sbu be coped with? any ETA? or will I just have to live with it?02:17
sokakxeroOTG, have a look here http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2011/10/31/fix-for-touchpad-trouble-in-ubuntu-11-10/02:18
mkjacksonhopefully I'm wrong but is there really no simple way to have nautilus see mtp (usb) devices?02:18
mkjacksonI've been scouring the internets for about an hour now and it all comes back to specialty apps, scripts, etc...02:18
doommasterand even more interesting will my machine boot just fine when the raid is just degraded or would it still fail (which would be baaaad)02:18
meanburrito920well it certainly doesn't seem to be a flash problem, as vlc is mirroring the issues02:19
const_antinealmoxarife, but my baby's ports are all plugged, how could she get sick?02:19
almoxarifeconst_antine: ask baby where shes been hanging out02:20
meanburrito920sokak: figured it out to some extent. it appears as though the sound is actually playing, it just gets equalized to crazy low levels.02:20
psusidoommaster, no idea.. but why do you sometimes boot your machine with only some of the drives connected?02:20
meanburrito920for certain files only02:20
sokakmeanburrito920, can you have a look at alsamixer in terminal? all levels are at an audible point?02:20
meanburrito920and sometmes in the middle of files02:20
xeroOTGsokak: no avail02:20
doommasterpsusi: because they are connected via fibrechannel02:20
doommasterwhich might be broken after a powerfailure02:21
Anxi80Anyone running on an apple laptop can give me a ballpark difference in battery life if there is one please?02:21
meanburrito920sokak: yup, everything's at 100%02:21
meanburrito920or rather, all the audio in02:21
melkorHello, I am trying to compile a program using opengl, which libraries should I install?02:21
almoxarifemeanburrito920: you if have audio for everything except a certain file dont go off on a tangent and cripple your audio, want to fixate? what is special about the file?02:21
metulburrsr_willis: I am not trying to resize it, GParted already successfully did that, now it is currently an unallocated space (the size i want) I just have the option to create it as an extended partition greyed out whereas primary is not and i need it to e an extended partition02:22
const_antinedamn, this room is of no help02:22
sokakalmoxarife, seems like an mp4with aac (p4a) audio02:22
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const_antinebump: Need to merge together partitions to keep swap from filling up. What should I be aware of? Would anything break if I simply fdisk them together?02:22
melkorconst_antine: most likely they'll both be formatted.02:22
xeroOTGnvm sokak, looked into the manpage and found what i needed to disable to fix the issue02:23
almoxarifesokak: it cant be that special, it plays on chromium with the extra codecs, and current adobe flash 64bit player02:23
meanburrito920sokak: so I hit 'B' which claims to rebalance the audio, and now all my youtube audio is super quiet02:23
slinzex for i in `ls *.m4b`; do ffmpeg -i $i -acodec libmp3lame -ar 22050 $i.mp3; done; this returns me ?[01;32mzakoni-liderstva.m4b?[0m: No such file or director302:23
slinzexwhy error?02:23
meanburrito920completely inaudible02:23
sokak*shrugs* i have still to fix my audio aple that cuts down audio abroptly when i lower volume less than 10%02:23
const_antinemelkor well the important partitions are toward the end of the disk, so if i could keep the directory table that would be copacetic02:24
Detergentizerwhy is the download so slow?02:24
meanburrito920sokak: in fact all my audio is now "dead"02:24
sokakmeanburrito920, youre close. Tap up with up arrows in all channells, then when is okay, sudo alsactl store02:24
meanburrito920sokak: oops, rebalancing actually muted somehow02:24
melkorconst_antine: what do you mean the directory table? Are you trying to fdisk mounted drives?02:25
almoxarifemeanburrito920: was your audio working before you came in here?02:25
meanburrito920sokak: I don't want to store it if it isn't loud enough even when maxed though, right?02:25
sokakmagic of pulseaudio/alsa, still trying to understand why login sound comes 20 seconda later than usual02:25
const_antinemelkor, each partition has directory table, that connects files to their directories, no?02:25
melkorIf you resize a partition with fdisk that is lost.02:26
psusiconst_antine, you can not use fdisk on a drive that has mounted partitions02:26
sokakmeanburrito920, in cause of doubt, close/reopen the session without touching anything, or reboot :302:26
melkorconst_antine: it shouldn't be lost on drives that you do not resize.02:26
psusiconst_antine, and fdisk can not resize partitions, only delete them and add new unformatted ones02:26
sokakgparted is the right science (backup first dude)02:27
const_antinewhat are my options?02:27
melkorconst_antine: copy your files somewhere safe, repartition your drive and copy the files back.02:27
sokakenuff said :|02:27
const_antinemelkor, that's lame02:27
melkorconst_antine: I don't think there has ever been a filesystem with the capabilities you are asking for.02:28
sokakconst_antine, you can read your whole hdd and retype files later02:28
psusiconst_antine, let me get this straight.. you have a swap partition, but it is about to fill up?  You will need to clear out some memory, unmount the swap partition, then use gparted to expand it if there is some unpartitioned space after it02:28
almoxarifeconst_antine: you asked for help, dont judge it, accept it or reject it, but your comments are as lame02:28
const_antinelame > retarded02:28
sokakyou said it02:28
georgemauerhey guys, I'm trying to get good at linux by doing the LFS book and am having trouble with the prerequisite of getting emacs to compile. Is this the right channel to get help?02:29
almoxarifeconst_antine <-- smells of troll02:29
const_antinealmoxarife, pardon me?02:29
psusimelkor, actually, ext4 can handle online expand, and btrfs can do expand and shrink... normally this requires LVM, but I've been working on patches lately to get it working with conventional partitions ;)02:29
sokakthat muskey, unmistakable smell.02:29
kingisher64could somebody tell me how to change the default desktop bar (at top) options to show rather than hidden by default? It's doing my head in that i have to hover over the bar to reveal the menu options. many thanks02:29
const_antinepsusi, unfortunately it's the last one on the disk. now that i think of it, merging previous partitions wouldn't be enough...02:30
const_antinethe data would have to be moved too...02:31
* sokak hands out a 4 tb caviar green02:31
const_antinestill, wouldn't it be cool...02:31
georgemauerI'm getting an error that crt1.o is not found. can anyone help me out? I've written up what I've tried in this (unanswered) superuser question02:32
joallardI'm getting display lag issues in firefox, how to diagnose? (Tried: nvidia-xconfig)02:33
sokakgeorgemauer, have a look here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/91576/crti-o-file-missing02:33
sokakjoallard, tried to disable hardware acceleration in firefox?02:33
const_antinealmoxarife,psusi,sokak, thank you for your help02:34
sokakyw const_antine02:34
const_antinealso melkor02:34
ranawayforeverI need help troubleshooting an AR5001 "wireless is disabled". This laptop has been working fine, and suddenyl I come home and get this. I replaced the wireless adapter and the problem persists. WHere to start?02:34
psusiconst_antine, LVM can do all sorts of gymnastics of that sort02:35
joallardsokak: I did not. Let me try that.02:35
joallardsokak: though why would not hardware accel work?02:35
almoxariferanawayforever: can you share your kern.log and system.log?02:35
sokakjoallard, its in options, Advanced General tab02:36
georgemauerwell that was a crappy time for my wifi to go on the fitz, thanks sokak, let me read through that02:36
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: sure, just a moment02:36
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: what's the location of these files? I can pastebin them02:36
almoxariferanawayforever: look in /var/log/02:36
melkorpsusi: that sounds pretty impressive.02:36
sokakjoallard, hardware acceleration is sort of... duh, disable it in flash plugin as well.02:36
joallardsokak: on the hardware acceleration test, I get 60+ fps, does that change anything?02:37
psusimelkor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm02:37
w30ranawayforever, I don't know if this helps any with whatever problem you have but I have Dell laptop that has a fn wifi disable key that disables ok but won't toggle back to enable. I have to go into bios and enable wifi even though it says enabled and save the bios setting again.02:37
const_antinepsusi, what's LVM?02:37
joallardsokak: what do you mean by "[it] is sort of... duh"?02:37
sokakjoallard, disable it first ;) if no progess are made, then disable flash hardware acceleration02:37
psusimelkor, though btrfs does/will do an even better job02:37
psusiconst_antine, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm02:37
ranawayforeverw30: i thought that as well, but this laptop has no BIOS wifi options. Its an older Compaq CQ60 series, its my sons. I'm on it now with a cable02:37
sokakjoallard, i mean it may work, or be just a hassle, no shades here.02:37
joallardsokak: okay, let me try.02:38
sokakjoallard, here how to disable flash hardware acceleration http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/help01.html02:39
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: pastebin is down, where else can i put this?02:39
w30ranawayforever, I just struck out with one strike, sorry I can't do more except offer sympathy02:39
ranawayforeverw30: no prob, i just appreciate when people respond at all on here02:40
joallardsokak: the issue is still present with hw accel disabled and no flash applet on any page.02:40
sokakthats odd. Which gpu and drivers you have? Compiz is on?02:40
ranawayforeversokak: can't paste larger than 64k.02:41
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: i will upload to YouSendIt02:41
sokakalso what version of firefox you have?02:41
almoxariferanawayforever: ok02:41
sokakone sec ranawayforever, looking for further alternatives02:41
w30ranawayforever, if you have internet on cable try enable propriatary repos and use jockey-gtk to see if it offers any drivers for your wifi?02:42
georgemauersokak - I assume that my issue has to do with ctrl1.o not being found (like the solution here) what I don't know is how to configure make so that it finds it. honestly I thought the --with-crt-dir flag for configure would do it, but it apparently does not02:42
sokaksorry im not make savvy georgemauer, if there isnt a solution, i have no clue02:43
ranawayforeverw30: already tried that too. Been playing with rfkill as well. It just says disabled. Almost as if there is an issue with the physical switch, although the LED is orange when I first boot02:43
georgemauerah, thanks anyways02:43
Detergentizerwhy is ubuntu download so damn slow?02:44
sokakranawayforever, this one has a 3500 lines limit http://paste2.org/02:44
xanguaDetergentizer: use the torrent02:44
w30ranawayforever, hmmm...it does sound like a hardware switch problem but where's the switch Ay?02:44
jordan+1, the torrent is fast02:45
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: sokak: Here's the kern.log       http://www.mediafire.com/?zkr8qqswbb8944402:45
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: I cant seem to locate system.log02:45
almoxariferanawayforever: /var/log/syslog02:45
skypentis there a command to delete folders with items in it?  when i use rmdir it always says i can't because there's something in it.02:46
meanburrito920sokak: I've narrowed it down but I'm still confused. Any aac audio that is someone speaking with little background noise gets "muted".02:46
overcluckerskypent: rm -R02:46
sokakthats something new to see meanburrito920 :o02:46
w30skypent, man rm says use the -R switch02:47
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: and here's the syslog     http://www.mediafire.com/?acjy1eo7b7xj38z02:47
skypentw30; overclucker; thanks02:47
sokaki shall update to oneiric and see if i can give a real help, downloading the iso took 2 days T_T02:48
w30skypent, it's that way for a reason; double check the contents to make sure :=)02:48
sokakyeah, -R is no mercy02:48
Toph2my computer with 11.10 running often bogs down, lots of continuous HD activity. What is the best tool to find out what is taking all the resources, htop?02:49
skypentw30 no; i used photorec to pull up my garbage that i had erased.  now i want to get rid of it cause i have tons of folders on my desktop that require root to remove.02:49
sokakiotop to see whats grinding the hdd02:49
waldenToph2: iotop -bo is good02:49
Toph2walden,,, let me try that02:49
sokakskypent, what about a chown on them ^^02:49
Fa773N_M0nKHey everyone, I have some Verilog Source files with me. I'd like to see the waveforms on Linux, Can anyone help? (fyi, I use Active HDL in windows)02:49
w30skypent, go for it; Tebow it, ha02:50
skypentsokak: chown? is that something to do with permissions?02:50
sokakit CHangesOWNer :)02:50
waldenToph2: just remember -bo as in "body odor" ;)02:51
sokakman chown for details02:51
const_antinebowel odor02:51
Detergentizer'is there a sun java .deb ?02:51
* w30 wonders if he can make a ancii Tebow figure.02:51
skypentsokak; alright thanks02:51
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: when I run rfkill list, it shows hard blocked02:52
ranawayforeverI run rfkill unblock all, and it still shows hard blocked02:52
Toph2walden,,, it gives me files, line numbers, etc,,, what does that tell me?02:52
almoxariferanawayforever: rfkill ?02:52
meanburrito920from what I can find, the issue may be because the mp4 aac that youtube gives me is at 44100 HZ instead of the standard 48000 Hz, which means that ALSA has to resample the audio, which is something it apparently doesn't do very well02:52
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: found it on a forum, apparently has some extra controls for wireless devices02:53
almoxarifean 12 20:13:59 compaq NetworkManager[924]: <info> (wlan1): new 802.11 WiFi device (driver: 'ath5k' ifindex: 3) <-- ranawayforever, the wifi is on wlan1, what is on wlan0?02:53
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: wlan1 is the new card I just installed02:53
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: wlan0 is sitting on the table and no longer in the laptop02:54
almoxariferanawayforever: how many cards installed?02:54
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: just one02:54
sokakFa773N_M0nK, somethinglike this? http://iverilog.icarus.com/02:54
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: for the record, this problem occured before the new card. New card was installed shortly before joining chat because we thought the card had just gone bad02:54
almoxariferanawayforever: so both cards act the same way?02:55
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: yes. I bought the new card because i tried a live usb of 11.10 and it did the same thing. I figured that ruled out software.  At this point, i think there may either be a problem with the physical switch or the motherboard02:56
kyporis there a way to make FF not fullscreen when opened?02:56
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: just want to rule out every possibility02:56
almoxariferanawayforever: if neither card has ever worked i would say its hardware not related to the cards, did you look at the kern.log?02:57
Fa773N_M0nKsokak: yeah, i searched a lot. all i understood was the program in the link "compiles" the code and "dumps" it into a file and to see the wave i'd have to use some waveform viewer (like gtkwave). But, I don't know exactly how to do it. So, I am looking for someone who does these things. Thanks for the link!02:57
sokakFa773N_M0nK, yw, just a quick google :-)02:58
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: the original card worked for a year. This all just started two days ago. I've not looked at kern.log because I have no idea what im looking at :)02:58
sokakwe need a kernel log human readable translator ^^02:59
sokakbtw Fa773N_M0nK , have a look here as well http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=765503:00
mybox1776I was wondering if anyone out there has had experience w/ getting a Hauppauge HVR-850 to work under the latest Ubuntu.03:00
mybox1776I have located a few resources online regarding drivers/firmware that needs to be installed ect..I have downloaded the latest firmware from a resource (http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_WinTV-HVR-850) but there is (what appears to be a simple instruction (s), but it doesn't work. Anyone out there able to help w/ this issue?03:00
mybox1776After installing new firmware (I think I did it OK) still nothing works.  I have posted my logs on this link.03:00
FloodBot1mybox1776: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:00
mybox1776Can someone help me?03:00
mybox1776LOGS/etc >>> http://pastebin.com/eXKmnud603:00
almoxariferanawayforever: here is my suggestion, keep the new card(assume its not broke), undo any changes you may have made to the setup that had you edtiting files03:00
almoxarifealmoxarife: is this a fresh install?03:01
dr_willistalking to yourself?03:01
almoxariferanawayforever: if the install new?03:01
almoxarifedr_willis: noooooooooooooooo :(03:01
sokakdr_willis, it happens, yesterday i was having a discussion with /dev/random03:02
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: no. I'm about to reboot to my flash drive and try. I'll check back in. Thank you for taking the time to chat03:02
almoxariferanawayforever: reboot flash?03:02
sokakporlly a live on a flash drive?03:03
Fa773N_M0nKsokak: whoa! i did just that today! now i'm trying to figure out how to register the copy.03:03
almoxariferanawayforever: hate to say this, that machine include windows? does wifi work with win?03:03
mybox1776Friends...   I have a question regarding getting my HAUPAUGE USB HVR 850 to work.  All my troubleshooting I know how to do is in this paste bin.   http://pastebin.com/eXKmnud603:03
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: i have a usb flash drive with ubuntu 11.10 live on it, i want to boot from it to test the hardware in a pristine environment03:03
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: ubuntu only03:03
Fa773N_M0nKsokak: but its kinda sad, no verilog IDE's in linux!03:03
almoxariferanawayforever: dont do that, when you install to the machine, use the 'alternate' and be hardwired to the internet03:03
sokakFa773N_M0nK, there is, but Riviera is costy ;-)03:04
ranawayforeveralmoxarife: i'm not looking to install, just run live to test03:04
almoxariferanawayforever: test? got it03:04
almoxariferanawayforever: test on03:04
sokakquestion. Its safe to allow sudoers on ssh to self ssh and sudo myself to bed instead of lurking here?03:05
phixhi Poison_Kiss!03:06
Poison_Kisshah this is my first time here03:06
sokakshoot your problem.03:06
phixAwesome!  Welcome aboard!03:06
kyporis there a way to make FF not fullscreen when opened?03:06
sokakkypor, you mean on unity, and Firefox as FF?03:07
phixkypor: sure there is, give it a commanf line argument with disired geometry03:07
sokakwell, you can, but the menu bar will still stay up there on screen :303:07
sokakswitch to gnome3 or lxde - its more orthodox03:07
phixinstall gnome-session-fallback and use that when you log in if you are like me and dislike unity03:08
kieppiehi guys - seems the #ALSA is silent/dorman for the most part & I could really use some help getting to the bottom of an issue. is anyone able/willing to help me, please?03:08
sokakphix, i had also an instant repulsion for unity, but it isnt too bad03:08
sokakshoot kieppie03:09
Fa773N_M0nKsokak: oh! I didn't know about that! but you said it!03:09
sokakFa773N_M0nK, with my google fu i can roast you >:303:09
phixsokak: The creator of it should be .... well I probably shouldnt say that here :P03:09
sokakphix, just poke at it in free time, and hide in the warmth of the lightning fast lxde when you feel vintage03:10
phixlxde? what that?03:10
kieppiethanks, sokak: "headless" 64 10.4 host running XBMC AV via HDMI over ALSA (works OK) & I have a 2nd PCI card (SB ca0106) connected to 5.1 speakers that I'm trying to bind to MPD03:10
rootripHello all, I have a question about adding new users. I have searched for a solution with google and looked through forums but am at wits end here. Basically I add a new user and when trying to login I get this, "groups: cannot find name for group id 1001"?03:11
almoxarifekieppie: #xbmc ??03:11
sokakphix, its lightning fast low end window manager . pieces of cake for netbooks, but suitable for desktops. a 12 mb download all inclusive03:11
Fa773N_M0nKsokak: :)03:11
phixkieppie: ah you trying to get HDMI audio working under pulse?  In that version of Ubuntu you need to modify some file03:11
phixsokak: so like xfce?03:11
sokakyup :) but even more spartan03:11
kieppieIalmoxarife, phix: XBMC is working fine over HDMI (ASLA), so that's not worrying me03:12
sokakkieppie, sorry but MPD is way over my skills - tired, but i have to learn moar03:12
almoxarifekieppie: mpd?03:12
sokaktried* either03:12
phixno idea whta mpd is03:12
sokakmusic player daemon03:13
phixyou want setup some type of jukebox or something?03:13
w30sokak, I have never seen, used lxde, I have got xfce4 going. What's a big difference between the two if any?03:13
sokaksuper spartan rock solid way to gig ;303:13
phixor audio streaming?03:13
kieppieI installed PulseAudio earlier to deal with issues in another way & got MPD+ca0106 & XBMC/HDMI working simultaniously, which is what I wanted. had to uninstall PA (for a different reason), but now I'm having trouble getting anything else going other than the XBMC/HDMI combo. no aplay, not mpd, nothing03:13
skypentThis is a question concerning pgp signatures;  i believe i imported the correct public key, have set up my own key, and am trying to verify some files;  when i type gpg -verify filename.txt          i get this outcome http://codepad.org/OMYGKrr1   could anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?03:14
almoxarifekieppie: lets try that again, strip the xbmc stuff, what is it you want to achive, and be specific about the hardware and app03:14
sokakw30, never tried xfce honestly, just gave lxde a try since it was just 12 mb all inclusive, and it does on my netbook. From password entering to desktop is roughly 3/4 secs03:14
Rokcstarxfce is quick03:15
phixsokak: How spartan is spartan?  are we talking fvwm?03:15
kieppiedont worry about the MPD (Music Player Daemon) atm - that "just another app". I think that the problem is related to a ASLA/ca0106 issue & nobody's @ #ALSA who's able to help me out, so this channel is my next port-of-call03:15
Detergentizerfor 2gb hd how much swap?03:16
sokakas much spartan as one can think - just a menu, a desktop, and really the barebone selection of apps - all lightweight - also can live along with unity like wonders03:16
phixDetergentizer: swap size is based on the amount of ram you have not hd03:16
Detergentizer\I met 2GB Memory not HD03:16
phixDetergentizer: generally 1.5times your RAM is a good rule of thumb :)03:17
OerHekssome problems can be solved simply with the latest alsa driver package ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa03:17
kieppiecool almoxarife: ignoring XBMC & the additiona AV being served by that HDMI PCI card, basicall I need MPD (or any other app using ALSA, such as aplay) to push audio out to my secondary sound card: Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster03:17
w30phix, fvwm or vwm is a little too spartan for me. My hardware can afford more.03:17
sokakif youre on a netbook and low on ram, try zramswap :303:17
Detergentizerwhat is zramswa03:17
kieppieI'm still running 10.4 LTS (kernel 3.0.n) & will upgrade when the new LTS comes out in april03:18
sokaklike this http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/increased-performance-in-linux-with.html works like wonders on dual core netbooks03:18
almoxarifekieppie: lets keep it simple, can mplayer 'push' to your card?03:18
qwebirc70931a littel help here... i screw my ubuntu and in the end i have to reinstall the kernell but now all is messed up... i cat even get an internet conection... im in win7... can you help me?03:18
phixw30: I agree03:18
kieppieok - let me check. 1 moment pls03:19
Rokcstaranyone here use Evolution mail?03:19
phixDetergentizer: Although on most of the systems I setup I have about 50 to 100Gb of swap space, and use tmpfs for my /tmp and /var/tmp :)03:19
sokakw30, thats why m anxious about updating to oneiric - im glued with gnome2, and dont want to leave it - lxde is fine for the netbook03:19
Detergentizerfor /boot 100MB is fine?03:20
phixDetergentizer: generally yes, depends how many kernel images you want on there03:20
Rokcstarwhat do you guys use as an email client?03:20
phixYou need to start uninstalling kernel images if it reaches 5 or so03:20
sokakRokcstar, i use Thunderbird, but thats from windows :)03:20
phixRokcstar: I use Thunderbird03:21
RokcstarThunder bird with what email service?03:21
* sokak gives a high five03:21
kieppiealmoxarife: no - doesn't seem to - http://pastebin.com/D6gHfzR703:21
phixor webmail via SOGo (which is basically Thunderbird but run in web browsers using AJAX)03:21
kieppiethink it's a card/driver assignement misconfig03:21
sokakI shall admit its not flawless - there are many other mail clients faster03:21
phixRokcstar: I have my own domain and email server so I use that :)03:22
sokakBut i love the extensibility03:22
phixsokak: high five!03:22
Rokcstarinteresting so do use it with IMAP?03:22
phixyes IMAP03:22
sokakyep, i have many imap accounts, as well as pops03:22
Rokcstardoes your email server support a calendar?03:22
sokakmy gmail yes ;o03:22
phixI either use exim and cyrus or postfix and courier, depending on when I setup the system :)03:23
RokcstarHave you tried Evolution?03:23
sokakim too lazy to setup my own calendar :|03:23
qwebirc70931a littel help here... i screw my ubuntu and in the end i have to reinstall the kernell but now all is messed up... i cat even get an internet conection... im in win7... can you help me?03:23
almoxarifekieppie: you dont have alsa or pulse avail according to mplayer, what were you wanting to use? oss? something?03:23
sokakqwebirc70931, boot up from a live, save data to an external hdd and wipe it03:23
RokcstarI used Thunderbird for a while but then switched to Evolution because it had better support for Microsoft Exchange03:23
phixRokcstar: calendar isn't in any email protocol (well maybe exchange but that relly isn't a formal protocol, just something MS hacked together and forgot to release the specs)03:23
phixRokcstar: calendar is done over webdav or caldav usually03:24
sokakyus :)03:24
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
sokakand we has lightning ^^03:24
phix(which uses http protocol)03:24
phixyup, lightning is a plugin for Thunderbird to give it calendar support03:24
RobbieCrashI accidentally chowned /etc to my user account while I thought I was in a different directory. is there a way to chown it back without having to boot into single user mode?03:25
Rokcstarbut will it allow for free/busy?03:25
kieppiealmoxarife: atm I've scratched PA & making use of ALSA. the mplayer present is most likely that which is bundled with XBMC & I'm not seeing CLI args to define a audio device on the fly03:25
qwebirc70931sokak yeah i love to ry it but i dont have where to store all the info... am i screw?03:25
phixSOGo comes with it too :)  but I havnt had a working SOGo setup yet, it doesnt let me add in additional email aliases for users so it is kind of useless03:25
sokakqwebirc70931, just buy dvd's, they are cheap, and burn your stuff with brasero :303:25
kieppiesince I want to set up a 1:1 for app:sound-device, I really don't care what I'm using03:25
almoxarifekieppie: nope, never heard of a mplayer bundle with xbmc, use them both03:25
phixRokcstar: you can add task or events, also add email addresses to it that it will notify of task / event03:25
phixRokcstar: there is also a google calendar plugin for lightning to sync with your gmail account03:26
pconwellI'm having an issue with crontab -e. I have the following "*/1 * * * * mysqldump -u root -pstrick9 --all-databases | gzip > database_backup-`date '+%d%b%Y'`.sql.gzip"03:26
pconwellbut nothing happens03:26
kieppiealmoxarife: sorry - I mean to say that mplayer is the media player that XBMC uses to serve up it's content03:26
qwebirc70931mmm... well how do i "format" the ubuntu partition??03:26
almoxarifekieppie: you can force xbmc to use an external player03:26
almoxarifekieppie: no, xbmc uses its own player03:26
RokcstarYes of course but have you ever had success with checking other attendees with free/busy info?03:26
kieppieyea, I can - I make use of VLC at times, but it's a much less elegant solution03:26
phixpconwell: hmmmm03:27
sokakqwebirc70931, whats wrong? you boot from the live disc, open brasero, burn your data away from the screwed install, then proceed to reinstall ubuntu :|03:27
kieppielet me see what VLC does03:27
sokakvlc does everything >:o03:27
phixqwebirc70931: mkfs03:27
phixThere is probably a GUI tool to do it too, and you can do it in the installer disc too03:28
almoxarifekieppie: should say 'i cant find asla or pa'03:28
pconwellphix: I have it set to */1 just to see if I can get it to work03:28
sokakphix, i guess the gui option is the way ;)03:28
phixpconwell: does the command work?  or did you just assume it does and added it to crontab?03:28
pconwelllol, no, I tested the command03:28
kieppiealmoxarife: looks for PA, cand find, then looks for ASLA moans then fails03:29
almoxarifekieppie: really?03:29
=== ubuntu is now known as Aliv3
qwebirc70931sokak ill try to move the files to the windows partition and then reinstall... but im thinkin in install debian... what do you think??03:29
almoxarifekieppie: you trashed alsa and pa, btw, does xbmc still work?03:29
phixqwebirc70931: Depends if you want a desktop or a server setup03:29
sokakthen you will need to go on #debian to ask help u.u03:29
kieppieI'll try again enabling remote-X - atm I'm remoting into this (mostly headless) box03:30
phixI use Debian for server and Ubuntu for desktop03:30
sokakswapping is fun sometimes ^^03:30
phixqwebirc70931: What are you having problems with any way?03:30
root_Hey does anyone know how to setup and configure apache & mod_mono???03:30
phixroot_: You have to use C#?  wouldnt you rather use python? :)03:31
phixI know I would03:31
almoxarifekieppie: nevermind, i would suggest undo all the alsa stuff you did and re-install pa(pulseaudio), remove-purge-reinstall03:31
qwebirc70931well i cant make an internet conection and before installing the kernel i have gnome 3 and now is missing...03:31
kieppieok - mplayer: it tried pulse, can't find it, then alsa - finds it & then fails - will load up the verbose feedback03:31
root_I would like to but for my teacher, this is a requirement, she wants C#03:31
kieppiealmoxarife: yea... starting to think that too now......03:32
sokaksounds ambiguous uwu03:32
phixqwebirc70931: what network card  you got?  you trying to setup a wired LAN or wireless?03:32
root_wireless but I'm able to ssh into it03:32
root_Do I need to specify the inet dev.?03:32
phixqwebirc70931: Is it a realtek by chance?03:33
phixroot_: ah ok, so this homework?03:33
qwebirc70931wired lan and i have a broadcom-bcm4313 i think...03:33
phixqwebirc70931: hmmmm ok, not sure if you need to install another package to get that working03:34
sokakni nii everyone ^_^03:34
phixsome network card drivers / firmware are not included in default install of Ubuntu as it contains non-free licening elements03:34
root_Well, not quite, I need to develop web apps for her in C#, but I am not able to pay for a .NET host03:34
Operaist2where can i set notification settings?03:34
root_Hosting my own is easier03:34
root_I would think03:35
qwebirc70931phix how do i do that if i dont have internet when im in ubuntu??03:35
phixroot_: ok, well have a go then :) read the docs that come with it and good luck03:35
root_Okay then, thanks :)03:35
phixqwebirc70931: use a network card that is supported or use a different computer and copy to a flash drive03:35
Andrew131Anyone know how I can debug my startup taking over 3 minutes? =\03:35
Andrew131It seems to get stuck on networking03:35
phixAndrew131: yeah  you need to add in an entry into /etc/network/interfaces03:36
phixor change a setting in network manager03:36
qwebirc70931phix ok... so what i have to download?03:36
phixAndrew131: It is trying to do DHCP on a network device that doesn't have a cable connected to it probably03:36
phixqwebirc70931: no idea, google it03:36
snuffti'm having problems with proxy auth... i've followed this one to a T http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-configure-ubuntu-desktop-to-use-your-proxy-server.html but i still can't run the Update Manager without the proxy auth message03:37
phixqwebirc70931: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+broadcom+bcm4313+how+to03:37
Andrew131It may be trying to03:37
snufftmy user/pass works fine in firefox, but adding it to bashrc or the Network proxy section, doesn't seem to work03:38
phixqwebirc70931: first result: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1005787803:38
snufftcan anyone suggest what I could be doing wrong?03:38
Andrew131phix, this is my config http://pastebin.com/rhNbrCLf03:39
phixAndrew131: ok, and you have a cable plugged into it? you have a dhcp service running on your network?03:40
qwebirc70931phix ok thanks! ill try but if i dont get a good response ill format the partition...03:40
Andrew131phix, no cable03:40
kennethkoontzHow does one get into the kernel command line at boot? I'd like to troubleshoot an issue that appears to occur at plymouth splash screen.03:40
phixqwebirc70931: Do what you think is right, but giving up usually isn't the answer :)03:40
Andrew131now my wireless card isn't in there03:40
Andrew131this may be related may not03:40
phixqwebirc70931: It reflects badly on your character :)03:40
urlin2ukennethkoontz, hit e for edit if startup grub03:40
kennethkoontzurlin2u, Thanks.03:41
TA5KHi, can I remove the package "ubuntu-desktop" is I only use Gnome shell?03:41
TA5Kif= if *03:41
urlin2ukennethkoontz, no prob hit crtl-x to boot03:41
qwebirc70931phix i know i know but im in this problem like 2 weeks ago and i had ubuntu the whole next year and never give me that kind of problems...03:41
kennethkoontzurlin2u, Gotcha.03:41
Andrew131my RTL8111 used the r8169 driver by default, that didn't work well at all because the network manager wouldn't play nice, so I used r8168 and blacklisted the other.... I say it may be related because I also had this problem on the other driver03:42
TA5KIs "ubuntu-desktop" package essential for Ubuntu or can I remove it if I only use "gnome shell"03:42
selina2anyone in USA03:42
selina2IN MIAMI03:42
FloodBot1selina2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:43
Operaist2how do i manage notifications?03:43
selina2how does that work?03:43
DoctorDselina2: you're from Miami ?03:43
TA5Kis it normal that powertop shows my RTL sounddriver at 100%?03:43
selina2what is flood ?03:43
DoctorDflood means that you post too much messages in a short time03:43
DoctorDor write something like03:44
FloodBot1DoctorD: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:44
selina2aaaaaa ok03:44
TA5KPlease help, before my Notebook shuts down because of overheating03:44
Andrew131phix, http://pastebin.com/5HzKTkh6 << my dmesg03:44
selina2for overheating use a lightweight flavor of linux03:44
rootripQUESTION: I added a new user via command line, made a new group called users with gid of 6969. When I try to login with said new user I get this, "groups: cannot find gid for group 'users'" and the shell says "I have no name:" or something similar?03:45
DoctorDselina2: it's more nicely to write a long sentence so we can understand what you say. Also, if you have something long to post (a code, a log from the terminal or something like that) use http://paste.ubuntu.com03:45
TA5Kselina2: I have enough overheating because of Nvidia03:45
Andrew131I also did a bootchart if that helps03:45
DoctorDTA5K: kill nvidia owners :))03:45
Andrew131DoctorD, NOOOO03:45
TA5KDoctorD: You di since about a year ...03:46
dariushall21Can someone help with "error no such partition grub rescue"03:46
urlin2udariushall21, any up to that info helps, what did you do?03:47
dariushall21Bought a Toshiba, no matter how many times I reinstall Ubuntu i still get that error. It previously ran windows, but then it got corrupted so I went over it with Ubuntu.03:48
Operaist2where do i find housekeeping.conf in gnome 3?03:49
Andrew131phix, would it help if I commented the eth0 lines and tried another boot?03:49
snufftwith this page: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-configure-ubuntu-desktop-to-use-your-proxy-server.html if you scroll about half way down the page, there's a Terminal Proxy section. Can anyone tell me, with the bach.bashrc file, should I be putting the export lines anywhere in particular? or just at the top of thetfile is fine?03:49
wrektjethey whats the top bar called in Unity? whatever the name - is there a way to enlarge it? I was able to do the side panel in compiz but not the top03:49
urlin2udariushall21, installing with a usb or disc?03:49
magnofearcan someone tell me why Chat-X always connects to this server and joins this room03:50
jsoftmagnofear: It is probably set to?03:50
jsoftmagnofear: I assume you are using ubuntu?03:50
magnofearwhere is that script03:50
urlin2udariushall21, you on the cd now?03:50
jsoftmagnofear: have a look in it's settings somwhere03:50
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
dariushall21I can boot to live cd if needed.03:50
magnofearwow great answer03:51
jsoftmagnofear: :\ Well i dont even use chat-x. I am just guessing.03:51
urlin2udariushall21, you would need to load the bootloader correctly if that is what us needed, helps also to get info.03:51
fermulatorHas anyone had problems with a lagging PC after a timeout? (monitors asleep) -- waking up with mouse, the screen is "hung", CTRL+ALT+F1, top, shows "apt-show-versions" using 100% CPU.  If I kill that process, the GUI is unblocked and usable again.  Thoughts/ideas?03:52
fermulator(ubuntu 11.04, 2.6.38-13-generic-pae)03:52
jsoftfermulator: hmmm. Perhaps apt-show-versions is some kind of update gizmotron03:53
Andrew131Anyone else can help with my extremely long boot =\03:53
urlin2udariushall21, if you get the cd booted run sudo fdisk -l and pastebin the info.03:53
dariushall21Well I'd do that if my screen would turn on03:54
Andrew131It takes a little over 3.5 minutes, its brutal03:54
Andrew131Just think of how many hours you'll help me save over the course of a year03:55
snufftplease! think of the hours!03:55
Andrew131Is it bad I tried :)03:55
dariushall21I'll be back if I can get the screen to turn on. Untill then it will be a 5000$ mousepad.03:56
Operaist2how do i access gnome housekeeping settings on gnonme 3??03:56
antipragmatisthow can I go b ack and instALl boot loader?03:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:57
=== VE2HS is now known as stepnjump
Operaist2how do i access gnome housekeeping settings on gnonme 3??03:58
stepnjumpcould someone please help me with a website issue... I never did this03:58
stepnjumpWhy is it its not working03:59
Rokcstaranybody use Evolution with Microsoft Exchange?03:59
snufftstepnjump: post fhe code of the web page to pastebin03:59
Andrew131stepnjump, The html rendered is right your html in the source file though is saying to explicity output the <03:59
=== clonak_ is now known as clonak
Andrew131stephenh, just copy whats rendered in that page and use nano or something to paste it into the same file then all will be right with your world :)04:00
Andrew131Anyone can help me with my 3.5 minute boot problem?04:03
TA5Kso nice these overheating stuff04:04
mfaroukghow can I solve thetouchpad slow issue04:05
fermulatorjsoft yeah it is; i'll take a core dump of it next time it's happening I guess04:06
mfaroukgsorry I having a trouble with the touchpad in oneric, I read about the synclient but didn't work for me, I have samsung laptop04:09
flexnsniffOk, so i've got a question about Ubuntu Server: eth0 is auto up, works great for connection for server, and for VM.  eth1 and eth2 i have to ifconfig ethX up to get it to work for the Virtual Machine04:12
flexnsniffHow do i get it to ifconfig ethX up on boot?04:12
flexnsniff(without assigning the "host" an address"04:13
=== meanburrito920 is now known as Guest51955
China_Jobshow can you enable a ubuntu server to use a gui via ssh?04:17
snufftanyone know what's going on with my network proxy setup?04:18
snuffti've followed this one properly, but no go: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-configure-ubuntu-desktop-to-use-your-proxy-server.html04:18
uniteI just downloaded a .jar file and i am wondering how i am supposed to install/run it?04:24
=== unite is now known as UniTe
selina2i think you install in terminal but iam not sure about it04:25
Daxterunite: you need a java runtime? run it with your java runtime thats installed04:26
UniTeDaxter: can i download java runtime through software manager?04:26
Daxteryeah its openjdk04:27
UniTeDaxter: thanks04:27
=== lasers is now known as lasers_
=== lasers_ is now known as laser
UniTeDaxter: ive download JDKRuntime 7, ive opened it, gone to file > open > .jar file and now its not doing anything, am i doing something rong?04:34
Daxterwhat is this jar?04:34
UniTeDaxter: its a ham radio file04:34
Daxteroh ok..nto a program i suppose04:35
Daxterid ask a ham  radi operson hwo to open that..otherwise here a .jar extension meas a java progrma04:35
selina2unite ' what app you trying to install04:36
UniTeselina2: a .jar file.. its for a ham radio04:37
selina2what is a ham radio04:37
UniTefirst of all.. JDK has frozen and i cant close it..04:37
UniTeits like a BD radio but alot older.. and online04:37
UniTehow can i force quite a frozen app? i cant find it in manager either04:42
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siddharthtd@unite type xkill in terminal and click the frozeen application...04:43
siddharthtdit will close the application...04:44
UniTesiddharthtd: awesome thanks.. do you know how im supposed to run a .jar file?04:44
siddharthtd@unite http://alexsleat.co.uk/2010/06/07/howto-run-jar-files-in-ubuntu/04:46
siddharthtditz k04:46
UniTethat link isnt loading04:46
siddharthtdit is,.... i'm reading it right now04:47
UniTenot for me lol04:47
UniTeUnable to access jarfile hamsphere_3.0.2.8.jar04:49
redrocketdid you set chmod u+x on the jar?04:54
redrocketUniTe, ^^?04:54
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=== user__ is now known as freakspire
freakspireI have a question, how can I contribute programming any element in ubuntu?04:56
pangolin!contribute | freakspire04:57
ubottufreakspire: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu04:57
magn3tsHaving pretty bad problems with apt-get, can anyone help? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=5cB2Qrmd04:57
magn3tsI have jdk6 installed, so I don't even understand the error...04:57
freakspirethanks, I have another question :D04:58
freakspirepersonally I dont like Unity, what do u think?04:58
freakspireany opinion about unity?05:00
pangolinfreakspire: that really isn't support related but you are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-offtopic05:00
freakspireokidoki, thanks05:00
daddysturgAbout packaging: There's a copyright (upstream), and a package copyright (whoever's packaging.) Do the licenses have to match? Could you have GPL-2, then GPL-305:04
EvilResistancedaddysturg:  #ubuntu-packaging might be better05:05
daddysturgEvilResistance: Thanks05:05
mfaroukgthe touch pad is annoying me in the oneiric,what should I do?05:05
mahmoud_iam new here05:07
StarminnHello, all. I am having issues with font color on my desktop. For example: http://imagebin.org/19334905:07
=== Guest_ is now known as Recurrence
=== Recurrence is now known as sters
Glitchd_Starminn, what version ubuntu?05:08
TBotNikAll:  Trying to get my first Symfony project to run successfully.  Still dealing with issues.  Wrote them up at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1160707605:09
Glitchd_Starminn, !!! what version ubuntu is it>05:10
StarminnGlitchd_, Oh sorry, Ubuntu 11.1005:12
Glitchd_Starminn, lol its cool, ill find out, gimme a sec05:12
parcoim getting "cpu_set_t has not been declared" when trying to build webrtc05:13
parcoplease help, http://code.google.com/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=230&q=android05:13
Glitchd_Starminn, have u tried changing the theme?05:14
StarminnGlitchd_, Yes I have. Actually I cannot change theme *or* the background either05:15
Glitchd_what happens when u try?05:15
stersHi all, I'm looking for Ubuntu software that lets me setup rules to trigger when eg: 10 errors are recorded in 10 mins.  Is there anything like that?  I haven't had much luck finding it.05:15
stersEG:  Some kind of metrics monitoring open source software05:15
=== meanburrito920 is now known as Guest24032
dr_willissters:  10 errors recorded from what?05:16
StarminnGlitchd_, Nothing. For instance, right-click the desktop, "Change desktop background..." and select one of the presets. The preview adjusts appropriately, however the desktop background does *not* change05:16
Glitchd_does crtl alt backspace reset gnome desktop back to the login screen?05:17
stershi dr_willis:  Something generic.  EG:  I can add a rule that says  10 of error message type B arrived in the last 10 minutes.  So email sters with an alarm email.05:17
alkafoosters: "log analyzer" ?05:17
Glitchd_Starminn, !!^05:17
sterssomething like a log analyzer05:17
stersthat runs live as data comes in05:17
alkafoosters: there are such things05:17
alkafoosters: search  the package manager05:17
stersbig companies have this and they call it 'metrics monitoring05:17
stersbut I haven't found a good open source package for it05:18
Glitchd_Starminn, go to the pm..05:18
alkafooif that's what they call it, it's probably not its ordinary name =P05:18
StarminnGlitchd_, No. That's in Keyboard shortcuts -> Reset X, right?05:18
stersoh okay.  thanks I'll clook that up05:18
dr_willissters:  thtasa what i was getting at..  what were you monitoring. ;)05:18
stershehehe yeah :)05:18
sterswell, I want a generic solution05:18
Glitchd_Starminn, go to the pm.05:18
stersso I can set it up to monitor a variety of messages.05:18
sterseg:  20 network connection failures in 30 mins.   Basically anything I identify as being unusual :)05:18
dr_willissounds like a use for perl.. ;)05:18
dr_willis!info logwatch05:19
=== L is now known as Guest71408
ubottulogwatch (source: logwatch): log analyser with nice output written in Perl. In component main, is optional. Version 7.3.6.cvs20090906-1ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 386 kB, installed size 2620 kB05:19
stersthanks guys,  I'll go look these up05:19
freakspireumm what was the channel for off topic?05:19
dr_willissince logwatch is in perl... it can serve as a base i guess if nothing else05:19
stersas long as it's open source I can adapt it.05:19
stersI just didn't want to do all the heavy lifting to get it semi-working :)05:20
alkafoosters: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_network_monitoring_systems ?05:20
sterswell, the network example is a specific one.  But this is more far-ranging05:21
sterslogwatch looks like it might fit perfectly :)05:21
alkafooactually got that from the nagios page05:21
dr_willisi used logwatch to see how mny people are trying to hack my ssh server ;)05:22
stersI think my keywords were very poor05:22
stersI was mostly getting security intrustion sites :)05:22
alkafoowell 'metrics monitoring', yeah =P05:22
alkafoonagios is fairly popular, not sure what the alternatives are that people like05:23
dr_willisi use the english system ;)05:23
alkafoo172 in #nagios05:23
stersoh cool05:23
stersI was hoping there'd be some sort of jenkins equivalent05:23
alkafoodr_willis: avoirdupois? =)05:23
sterswith a zillion plugins :)05:23
dr_willisperl... the answer is always  'a perl script'05:24
stersoh wow, nagios is open source05:24
dr_willis!info nagios05:24
ubottuPackage nagios does not exist in oneiric05:24
stersthis looks awesome!05:24
stersyeah, this is basically exactly what I'm looking for.  It even has lots of plugins :D05:24
dominiaGUYS I HAVE A REAL PROBLEM HOW DO I GET IT OFF http://i.imgur.com/t1FUi.jpg05:25
magn3ts!ops dominia is spamming gay porn05:25
dominiait's not spamming jackass05:25
dominia!ops http://i.imgur.com/t1FUi.jpg05:25
scorpiohello everyone05:25
magn3tsHi scorpio05:26
dr_willisstate  a summary of the problem. dont just post urls05:26
scorpiocan anyone please help me on how to partition my hard disk for dual booting05:26
samba35can i add ppa/ apt repository to niglty build package on 10.0405:26
alkafooscorpio: what's on there now, Windows?05:26
dr_willisscorpio:  what os's are you using and whats the disk layout now05:27
dr_willissamba35:  depends on the ppa if they have them updated nightly05:27
jojosiaocan you modify / force http response 200 to 206 using header directive in ubuntu 11.10 ?05:27
scorpiowindows 705:28
alkafooscorpio: is it one big partition, or two (one being for backup)?05:28
scorpiono i have c partition of about  50 gb05:29
samba35dr_willis, do you have any idea on how to add nightly ppa05:29
alkafooscorpio: ...and a D: partition?05:29
scorpioand 5 other logical partitions for docs05:29
alkafoofor docs?05:29
scorpioD: is 100 gb and its logical05:30
alkafooscorpio: what is D for?05:30
alkafooscorpio: is there any unpartitioned space?05:30
dr_willissamba35:  if its a ppa you add it.. nightly or not.. its how often they update the ppa, and you check for upodates. ive neverf heard of a special 'nightlky ppa'05:30
StarminnHello, all. I am having issues with font color on my desktop. For example: http://imagebin.org/19334905:30
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa05:31
scorpiod is for songs  its about 100 gb05:31
alkafooscorpio: is there any unpartitioned space?05:31
scorpiono there a logical partition space where i am planning to install ubuntu 11.1005:31
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details05:31
scorpioits H: partition05:32
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njathanguys is there an easy way to getting to my own posts in ubuntuforums? The 'Subscribed Threads' area in User CP does not show them in my profile... which i find quite unusual05:34
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alkafoonjathan: Search > Find All Your Posts05:35
njathanalkafoo: thats what i am doing right now.. but it will not alert me when there's an update on my thread.. besides that method is easy right now becaus i only have 15-16 posts.. it will become unwieldy later05:36
StarminnHello, all. I am having issues with font color on my desktop. For example: http://imagebin.org/19334905:37
alkafoonjathan: um... are you having trouble remembering posts you personally made? =P05:37
Glitchd_Starminn, i think it would be best to just ask the question and post the link to the picture..05:37
Guest71408i am installing on a second harddrive which is the only choice given when using the option install ubuntu alongside windows 7, i am on the page that says allocate drive space by dragging the divider below. The left says Files /dev/sdb1 (ntfs) and the right says Ubuntu /dev/sdb2 (ext4). Is the left part of windows and if not which one should be bigger Files or Ubuntu05:38
StarminnGlitchd_, I can't identify the problem so I don't know the question I need to ask.05:38
alkafooGuest71408: do you want to install to your 2nd hard disk?05:38
alkafooGuest71408: is there anything on it that you know of?05:39
Glitchd_Starminn, lol just say what u said to me, or explain the problem so they know before they look at the picture, they will use the picture for clarification.05:39
=== VoX is now known as vox
Guest71408no, the drive is empty05:39
alkafooGuest71408: okay, no need for the NTFS part, then, unless you want it for some reason05:40
StarminnFont colors in GTK menus seem to be ignoring my theme. Nothing I've tried fixes it. For example: http://imagebin.org/19334905:40
alkafooGuest71408: you could just delete all the partitions on the 2nd drive, select the unpartitioned space and tell the installer to set it up automatically from there05:40
StarminnGlitchd_, Happy? :)05:40
solid_liqhow can I install a 32-bit .deb on 64 bit ubuntu?05:40
Glitchd_Starminn, lol im sure the rest will appreciate it=)05:41
alkafoosolid_liq: same way you'd install a 64-bit one, except you should be installing a 64-bit one if you can05:41
solid_liqalkafoo, there is no 64 bit version available.  dpkg gives me this error message: "package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)"05:41
alkafoosolid_liq: what package?05:42
Guest71408thanks for the help05:42
solid_liqalkafoo, from here: http://www.3ds.com/products/draftsight/download-draftsight/#xtor=AD-508-[swfreetools]-[middle]-[intext]-[www.solidworks.com]05:42
solid_liqalkafoo, the Ubuntu download05:42
alkafoosolid_liq: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172408605:44
w30solid_liq, I use getlibs package which provides getlibs which can be used to download and install all the 32bit libs or just the libs for a 32bit package which has missing libs because of a forced install05:44
Glitchd_Starminn, have u tried selecting the new background and completely restarting?05:45
solid_liqalkafoo, awesome, thanks!05:45
w30solid_liq, so you can force install a deb then use getlibs <package> to get the 32 bit libs05:45
solid_liqw30, alkafoo found me step by step instructions for it already.  thanks though! :D05:46
w30solid_liq, cool 64 bit is always better05:46
Glitchd_Starminn, have u tried selecting the new background and completely restarting?05:46
magn3tsfor varying definitions of "always"...05:46
solid_liqw30, I have 8 GB of RAM, so I have no choice ;)05:46
StarminnGlitchd_, Yep05:47
alkafooopen source software is better... then it'd be available as 64-bit05:47
Glitchd_Starminn, u might want to check out this thread     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186730305:47
Glitchd_Starminn, the guy has posted some .py script to change the background if the default isnt working..05:47
w30solid_liq, I like my 16 gig of ram also *smile* I like big guns too.05:48
solid_liqw30, my laptop can only hold 8, unfortunately05:48
solid_liqwtf, CAD software requires sendmail?05:48
* solid_liq installs it, grudgingly05:49
StarminnGlitchd_, Every time I boot it's like the system is in a state of perpetual "unity --reset"05:49
StarminnGlitchd_, None of my settings save05:49
Glitchd_Starminn, hmm...let me look around, dont go anywhere05:49
w30solid_liq, I just got my last computer before retirement so it has to last05:49
w30solid_liq, I will die with 16 gig05:50
StarminnGlitchd_, Okie-dokie. What happened is the font colors wouldn't change.  I tried "unity --replace" and it instead created to instances of Unity. So I ran "unity --reset" but now it seems like it happens every time.05:50
alkafoosolid_liq: mine goes up to 1105:50
solid_liqw30, my next desktop will have 16GB at least...  I may get a mac mini before I get another desktop, though, so the desktop may end up having 32 GB if it takes long enough for me to get around to it05:50
solid_liqalkafoo, that's a weird amount05:50
StarminnGlitchd_, And the font color isn't only in Unity. It's in GnomeShell as well as the login sreen (LightDM is it now?)05:50
Glitchd_try the unity replace again jus to see what happenes05:50
solid_liqalkafoo, how's that work?05:51
cschneidjust install ubuntu on my macbook pro - and it works it seems - except the track pad seems to cut out for 1 second out of 3.  moves smooth, then loses connection, then moves smooth, etc.05:51
cschneidany ideas on what to look at?05:51
solid_liqalkafoo, 3 4GB sticks with 1GB shared to video?05:51
Glitchd_Starminn, alternativily, maybe try reinstalling unity from synaptic, maybe something got fudged sometime somehow05:51
solid_liqcschneid, loose wire?  ;)  j/k05:51
StarminnDoesn't affect the font color problem. Since that happens *before* any DE's/Shells are launched05:52
StarminnGlitchd_, ^05:52
Glitchd_Starminn, then im goin to default back to my original idea, of reinstalling the system05:53
StarminnGlitchd_, Mhm.05:53
Glitchd_Starminn, or...u could try installing gnome desktop?05:53
Glitchd_Starminn, see how things are in there before u go for the fullout reinstall05:53
StarminnGlitchd_, I tried it, too. Same thing. Again, it's DE/Shell-independent05:53
solid_liqalkafoo, oh god...  lol05:53
Glitchd_Starminn, is compiz installed?05:54
w30alkafoo, how do you allocate 1 gig of memory to graphics?05:54
StarminnGlitchd_, Yes, but Compiz is not launched until Unity or Gnome-desktop is. Gnome Shell does not use it, and LightDM does not use it yet the problem persists in both.05:54
w30alkafoo, do you run a wire to your video card?05:54
alkafooI do not05:54
StarminnGlitchd_, And I doubt especially that Compiz runs before anybody is logged in.05:55
Glitchd_Starminn, yea, im just trying to get my bearing on your system as a whole05:55
StarminnGlitchd_, *nods*05:55
honey_hey evybody i have external hard disck(My passport) and when i was try to format in my ubuntu 10.10  it bring with an error message"Error formatting volume  Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mkfs.vfat: failed whilst writing FAT" please give me an assistance05:56
alkafoohoney_: what's the capacity?05:57
=== stepnjump is now known as VE2HS
alkafoohoney_: probably don't want to use vfat for that anyways05:58
Glitchd_Starminn, im not finding anthing that is helping, i think im just gonna walk away from this one and leave you with my original advice..cheers05:59
armadascrew vfat, screw propiertary m$$$ capr!!!05:59
alkafoohoney_: what app are you using to format?05:59
honey_alkafoo:compiable with all system(FAT)06:00
honey_alkafoo:so what i shall do?06:01
alkafoohoney_: you could start by answering my question06:02
Glitchd_Starminn, this guy i having the same problem, and someone suggested that something went wrong in the upgrade..06:02
Glitchd_Starminn, hence...reinstall06:02
honey_alkafoo:but i would like to use the FAT in order to use in window  and ubuntu ones i need those formats06:03
alkafoohoney_: still haven't answered my question; anyways, I suggest using NTFS, which both OSes support06:04
alkafooand also Mac OS06:04
samba35can i upgrade some or one package only06:05
samba35rather apt-get upgrade06:06
BrewsterMight I be able to put forth a suggestion for ubuntu 12?06:06
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!06:07
Brewstersuch as when you open a window make it so that it doesn't open at the top left where it is extremely difficult to move or resize especially since the close buttons are hidden when a window is opened in this manner?06:07
Brewsterty dr_willis06:08
dr_williscant say ive noticed them doing that  Brewster06:08
JBunnyhi everyone. i was hoping someone could give me instructions on getting my NVidia GEForce 8400GS graphics card working.06:08
Brewsterit happens 100% of the time on my computer06:08
honey_alkafoo:sorry i was saying using FAT to format but there is no NTFS how coud i get that one just iam using ubuntu 10.1006:08
Brewsterdr_willis: might there be something I could do to change that?06:08
KimmenBrewster: which DE are you running? Unity? Gnome? wtc06:09
dr_willisthere useed to be some thing ont he netbook edition that mazamized all launching apps. but thats been ages ago06:09
Brewsterthat reminds me06:09
BrewsterI havent used KDE Plasma or gnome3 in a while06:09
Brewsterit is the regular edition06:09
Brewsterbut I have it on a laptop06:10
dr_willisBrewster:  as a test  - make a new user. see if it also does it for themn.06:10
honey_alkafoo:and now  when i was try to format in FAT it saysUnable to "format 'my passport'  Cannot unmount because file system on device is busy"06:10
Brewsterseeing that it is not technically a netbook there should'nt be a problem06:10
KimmenBrewster: if you have compiz running you can use ccsm to change window placement behavious06:10
dr_willisi tend to maxamize all windows anyway ;)06:10
BrewsterKimmen: I haven't thought of that06:10
Brewsteri shall try06:10
dr_willissounds like ccam is mazamizing hem all06:11
Brewsterwhat might it be under06:12
Brewsterusing ccsm06:12
JBunnyi tried to install the card yesterday but after i did, got a black screen after the ubuntu load screen.06:12
Brewsterunder what might it be*06:12
alkafoohoney_: probably because it auto-mounted when you plugged it in06:12
Brewstertrying to stop using preps at the end of a sentence06:13
alkafoohoney_: run 'mount', see where it says /media/somethingHere, then run sudo umount /media/somethingHere06:13
dr_willis'window placement/rules'06:13
alkafoohoney_: then use gparted to format it as NTFS, being careful not to format the wrong device06:13
cschneidFixed my mouse issue with: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook4-1/Maverick06:15
cschneidthe input tweaks did it06:15
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:15
Brewsterdr_willis: I don't see that category06:16
dr_willisBrewster:  no idea. i cant look as im not on a ubuntu box06:16
dr_willisuse the ccsm search feqatuer06:16
honey_alkafoo:how can i use it gparted and alradey it is unmounted? sorry iam not familar to ubuntu tahst why iam asking you qoustion06:17
bullgard6Clicking System Monitor > Processes > (Select a process name) > (Rightclick) Stop Process corresponds to what command line command?06:19
Brewsterok cya06:20
alkafoohoney_: as I said you can use mount & umount from a terminal, or possibly right click on a drive's entry on the left of the file manager and unmount it06:20
bullgard6Brewster: Your message is tooshort and thus false.06:20
alkafoohoney_: for gparted, you probably need to install it then run gksu gparted06:20
Calinoubullgard6: "kill processname"06:20
Calinou"killall processname" also kills its "dependancies" IIRC06:20
Calinouif you need to kill an unresponsive program you better use killall06:21
bullgard6Calinou: "[07:21]Calinouif you need to kill an unresponsive program you better use killall" Why is that better?06:21
Calinoubullgard6: because it kills what the process required. and that is often required06:22
honey_alkafoo:ok noww the installation is in progress06:22
Calinouit will not break your system06:23
almoxarifebullgard6: killall sends a signal to all processes running any of the specified commands. If no signal name is specified, SIGTERM is sent. http://linux.die.net/man/1/killall06:23
=== juniour_ is now known as juniour1
alkafoohoney_: good, good06:26
alkafoohi guys06:26
weiyanghi all, I am using 11.10, but when I start libvirtd, no virbr0 created06:26
juniour1i cant listen the record sound with sound recorder06:26
Guest6596hi i am using06:26
weiyangon 11.04, it works06:26
Guest6596in my laptop06:27
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:27
Guest6596but is graphicalbootingh06:27
juniour1sound recorder cant record my voive06:27
juniour1plz help06:27
Guest6596is working properly06:27
veigarCan someone help me with glc?06:27
Guest6596so any one can help me06:27
Calinoujuniour1: is your mic working?06:27
Calinouverify it isn't broken/badly connected/whatever, first06:27
juniour1ya it is working in windows 706:27
veigarEverytime i try to use the buildscript for glc it eventually gives me a "Unable to fetch elfhacks" error06:27
juniour1but here in ubuntu its not working06:28
Calinouare you sure the sound volume of the mic/speakers isn't on 0%?06:28
bullgard6almoxarife: 'man killall': "Description: killall sends a signal to all processes running any of the specified commands. " What is meant here by »the specified commands«?06:28
veigarive googled for a bit and i can't find anything06:28
almoxarifebullgard6: you look it up, thnks06:28
juniour1i have also tried skype test but the test cant record my voice06:28
juniour1how to congigure mic06:28
veigarCan anyone here help?06:28
mebigfatguy_killall firefox06:29
onreoh, sorry.06:29
honey_alkafoo:now the installation is finish and when i was try to type gksu gparted it brings  me abox an i select  the divice which is located at the top /dev/sdb with 456 gb thats means tha diveice that i want and then what is next?06:29
bullgard6almoxarife: Oh dear!06:29
wolfricveigar: just ask your question06:29
veigarwolfric, i have no response06:29
wolfricveigar: that's your question?06:29
wolfricveigar: oh right you already asked, repeat it again will you06:29
almoxarifebullgard6: your response is too short, hence false, see above for reference06:29
veigarwolfric, i'm asking for help with glc-capture06:29
alkafoohoney_: check for partitions in the central area06:29
vagvafhello, does anyone else have problems with liferea not saving new feeds and not deleting the default ones?06:29
veigarwolfric, it's giving me a "Unable to fetch elfhacks" error06:30
alkafoohoney_: if it's empty as far as you know, you can delete any partitions there (for sdb) to start fresh06:30
alkafoohoney_: then make a new partition, NTFS06:30
alkafoohoney_: if you see an option for 'quick format', enable it06:30
wolfricveigar: sorry no idea, try posting online as well on ubuntu forums06:30
veigarwolfric, damn...06:31
AaisleEanyone know a good html editor no wysiwyg but text06:33
honey_alkafoo:i was try to select partion which is located at the top and then "format to"> ntfs06:33
alkafoohoney_: and?06:34
DoctorDdamn ..my pc uptime is 9 hours and i'm awake for about 21 hours..uhm...i beated the pc06:34
CalinouAaisleE: gedit06:34
alkafooDoctorD: maybe you should install software on yourself06:34
AaisleEcalinou, true.. didnt even come across my mind, thanks06:35
DoctorDalkafoo: haha =)) i'm invincibile...mega extra big firewall06:35
DoctorDi lock myself in a cage in the middle of nowhere06:35
DoctorDto be sure that nobody finds or makes harm06:35
alkafoorun on peanuts06:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:36
DoctorDi'm ecological06:36
DoctorDthe most eco pc on the world06:36
DoctorDThe HumanCentipede =)))))))))))))))))))))))06:37
honey_alkafoo:then at the botton of the box it says Format /dev/sdb1 as ntfs and at the middile it says size=456 used=it is blank and unused=blank06:37
pangolinDoctorD: please keep comments ubuntu support related, feel free to join us in #ubuntu-offtopic06:37
dnv2006hello everybody06:37
alkafoohoney_: sounds normal06:37
alkafoodnv2006: hi06:37
honey_alkafoo:so is that finish?06:38
murphyHi honey_06:38
alkafoohoney_: if you close it and run gparted again and it says NTFS, then it worked06:39
alkafoohoney_: alternatively you could close it, unplug the drive, re-plug it and attempt to put files onto it06:39
UniTeHow do i run a python script??06:39
murphy~$ echo "<version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>" | awk 'match($0,"<version>(.*)-SNAPSHOT</version>",a) { print a[1] }'06:39
murphyawk: line 1: syntax error at or near ,06:39
murphyHow do I fix it?06:40
alkafooUniTe: python foo, ./pythonscript, or just 'pythonscript' if it's in the right place06:40
murphyHi alkafoo06:40
alkafooUniTe: since they're text files, there may well be instructions near the top of it06:40
alkafoomurphy: hi06:40
honey_alkafoo:but still at the buton it syas 1 operation pending?06:40
murphyalkafoo:  ~$ echo "<version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>" | awk 'match($0,"<version>(.*)-SNAPSHOT</version>",a) { print a[1] }'06:40
murphyawk: line 1: syntax error at or near ,06:40
alkafoohoney_: ah, then you need to hit the check button or whatever, to _apply_ the operations you've asked it to perform06:41
alkafoohoney_: it's a safety mechanism, you see06:41
murphyalkafoo: what is the wrong above?06:41
alkafooso if you accidentally tell it to delete a vital partition, it doesn't actually... until you tell it to execute that decision06:41
juniour1my mic is not working any help06:41
UniTealkafoo: can i rub the python script usng sometype of python program ?06:41
alkafoomurphy: syntax error at or near the comma06:41
alkafooUniTe: do what now?06:42
murphyalkafoo: yes, but I can not know how to fix it06:42
UniTealkafoo: do i need to download some type of python program? and if i do can i run the script through that?06:42
alkafoomurphy: ask ##linux, #awk, or #bash06:43
alkafooUniTe: you probably already have the python interpreter installed, run 'which python' to see06:43
murphyalkafoo: ok, thanks06:43
juniour1murphy wt the prob?06:43
murphyjuniour1: ~$ echo "<version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>" | awk 'match($0,'<version>(.*)-SNAPSHOT</version>',a) { print a[1] }'06:44
murphybash: version/dev/fd/62-SNAPSHOT: No such file or directory06:44
murphybash: .: ..: is a directory06:44
murphybash: .: ..: is a directory06:44
FloodBot1murphy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:44
UniTesvndr@ghost:~$ which python06:44
murphy~$ echo "<version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>" | awk 'match($0,'<version>(.*)-SNAPSHOT</version>',a) { print a[1] }'06:44
UniTeis that right?06:44
murphybash: version/dev/fd/62-SNAPSHOT: No such file or directory06:44
murphybash: .: ..: is a directory06:45
murphybash: .: ..: is a directory06:45
FloodBot1murphy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:45
JBunnyok, got the card in. splash screen was messed up but now im logged in normal. how do I get drivers for the card and make sure it loads normally?06:45
juniour1murphy wt you wanna to know06:45
JBunnyagain, it is an NVidia GEForce 8400GS06:45
alkafooUniTe: yup06:46
lkjhello... how can I generate iso-8859-2 locales? my locale-gen makes only utf8 and nothing more06:46
honey_alkafoo:when i hit the aply button it brings me an error after some minute with the error"An error occurred while applying the operations"IMPORTANT If you want support, you need to provide the saved details! See http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/tips/save_details.htm for more information.06:46
ssfdre38how can i get VNC06:46
alkafoossfdre38: what version of Ubuntu?06:47
pangolinssfdre38: via the software center06:47
alkafoohoney_: open up a terminal and run 'sudo which mkntfs'06:47
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:49
UniTealkafoo: ok so if the pything script i want to run is in a folder names 'blah' on my desktop.. what do i do.. sorry nwenie here06:49
honey_alkafoo:it says /usr/sbin/mkntfs06:49
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf06:49
alkafooUniTe: what is the script for06:49
UniTejust bot script for a server i run06:50
dr_willisJBunny:  via    jockey-gtk tool06:50
alkafoohoney_: okay, can you paste the output of sudo fdisk -l at http://dpaste.com/ ?06:50
JBunnydr_willis: what is that and how would i acquire/use it?06:51
dr_willisJBunny:  run it from terminal. or the   adddational-drivers tool06:51
JBunnydr_willis: ok06:52
UniTealkafoo:  just bot script for a server i run06:52
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:52
lkjthis 'locales' help page is out of date, I guess... I have nothing like 'localeconf' to reconfigure or install from repo06:52
alkafooUniTe: you can probably do something like 'python path/to/scriptname'06:52
alkafoohoney_: okay sdb/sdb1 is your My Passport, right?  500GB?06:53
juniour1hey i got my mic fixed06:53
alkafoohoney_: then this should do you: sudo mkntfs -f /dev/sdb1 && sudo ntfslabel /dev/sdb1 MyPassport06:54
alkafoohoney_: if you get an error from either of those, it'll be easier to follow up on06:54
StarminnHello. I am trying to move files to my USB drive in Ubuntu 11.10, Unity shell, using Nautilus file manager. However, the drive refuses to show up. It is listed in "lsusb" but that's it that I've seen. Suggestions?06:55
theadminStarminn: Does it create anything in /dev?06:55
stepnjumphi, is there a way to see when packages were installed in synaptics?06:57
lkjso, is there a way to generate locales other than UTF8?06:57
Starminntheadmin, What am I looking for? Just a new partition label?06:57
honey_alkafoo:and the output is http://dpaste.com/687016/06:57
theadminStarminn: Well something like /dev/sdb1 probably. If you have a label on the stick's partition, you may search for that label under /dev/disk/by-label/06:57
Starminntheadmin, Yes, a new partition label is created. So are you thinking to mount it manually via CLI?06:58
theadminStarminn: Probably yes, also check if something's wrong with your gvfs setup06:59
JBunnyok, installing via Additional Drivers. What do I do if I get the black screen after the Ubuntu boot screen?06:59
Starminntheadmin, At this point in time nearly everything has gone wrong with this install. I am reinstalling, which is why I'm doing flash drives. To save my files. :)06:59
theadminStarminn: Ah, I see, lol06:59
alkafoohoney_: that isn't a great sign07:00
alkafoohoney_: try unplugging the drive and then plugging it into a different USB port07:00
alkafoohoney_: run sudo fdisk -l and see what the /dev/foo# is07:00
Starminntheadmin, I clearly see a file for "/dev/sdb" and "/dev/sdb1" but when I attempt to mount it gives me, "mount: can't find /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"07:00
alkafoohoney_: then try it again with the substituted /dev/ name, if it's changed07:00
stepnjumpThere has to be a way... even by using dpkg ???07:01
theadminStarminn: Uh, specify the mount point, something like: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt07:01
JBunnyif i reboot now and the screen after the boot screen is black, what do i do?07:02
Starminntheadmin, Thank you very much, sir. IT works beautifully.07:02
theadmin!nomodeset | JBunny07:03
ubottuJBunny: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:03
theadminStarminn: More like "madam" or something, actually, if you prefer being that polite :P07:03
Starminntheadmin, Ah, well my apologies then. :) Thank you very much, madam. It works beautifully. :)07:03
stepnjumpanybody running natty here?07:04
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branantI am running Ubuntu Server 11.10 and I want to switch repository from local to global server. I can not find any documentation on the subject. Anyone have a suggestion?07:04
aashezI'm using Ubuntu 11.04 on Packard Bell EasyNote NM85. After recent installtion, I'm getting error while botting as - udevd[398]: worker [82] unexpectedly returned with status 0x0100 - same for [83] [84] followed by - '/devices/pci0000:0d/0000:0d:0b.0'. I did not make any chnages in settings wrt system before the error. How can I fix this?07:07
JBunnydr_willis: worked like a charm. ty. theadmin: ty for the link.07:07
FuZi0Nnp JBunny07:08
PascoalGreat News 3.2 kernal finally supports the Hexagon architecture! pentagon architecture is so last century.07:09
CalinouPascoal: no one cares. also 3.x kernels suck07:09
Calinouthat's why 11.10 sucks07:09
Sheldon_Cooperthe high energy consumption bug on some laptops isn't fixed yet in 3.2 I think07:10
Sheldon_Cooperso I don't mind :/07:10
branantCalinou: I believe that's Unity, rather then the kernel which might as well be called 2.4007:10
glebihanbranant, no the kernel also switched from 2.6.38 to 3.0 between natty and oneiric07:11
suvojitcan any one tell me how to do with autocad in ubuntu?07:12
aashezOtherwise, how can I find the complete boot log to pastebin the error from LiveCD>07:12
sammywhy would a package that isn't installed get priority 100 in apt?07:13
Sheldon_Cooperyep, I tried using oneiric's 3.0 kernel in lucid, but the only difference was lucid's nvidia drivers stopped working because they only compiled headers for 2.4-2.607:13
branantglebihan: Exactly my point! Since it was 20th Linux' birthday, Linus just decided to call it 3.0.0 instead of 2.6.4007:13
pietro|phoneSuvokit, check out a progeny called draftsight07:13
branantIt is not a major update from the 2.6.X series07:13
glebihanbranant, I know that, I just think Calinou was indeed talking about the kernel07:14
Sheldon_Cooperbranant, that's not entirely true.. now we have 360 gamepad and kinect support directly on the kernel!07:14
Sheldon_Cooperhow could anyone live without that07:14
branantSheldon_Cooper: That is truly awesome, I'll give you that...07:16
honey__alkafoo: are u there?07:20
aidrocsidSo is there a good webserver/ftp/pop3 combo that can run on ubuntu?07:21
aidrocsiddoes apache do all that?07:21
alkafoohoney__: sure07:21
alkafooaidrocsid: Apache is the most popular web server for something like 16 years running07:22
branantaidrocsid: its called a LAMP server07:22
alkafooaidrocsid: nginx and lighttpd are some lighter alternatives07:22
aidrocsiddoes apache cover pop3 and ftp?07:22
alkafoono, you'd also want a "mail server" and "file server"07:22
aidrocsidbut LAMP has all of those?07:22
alkafooif you install the Ubuntu server edition, I believe you will get an option during install to have that, if it isn't default07:23
branantaidrocsid: In other words, what you need is Ubuntu server07:23
alkafoono, LAMP means something else07:23
aidrocsidbut doesn't that lack a UI?07:23
alkafooaidrocsid: by default, IIRC07:23
alkafooaidrocsid: you can get the same apps in the desktop version, just thought I'd mention the server/install07:23
aidrocsidI can't install LAMP in a desktop version?07:23
aidrocsidI want to set up a headless server in my living room and use VNC with it07:24
honey__alkafoo: i coudnt get the divice wehn i re plugin in another USb port07:24
alkafoohoney__: are you using a laptop?07:24
alkafooaidrocsid: no, LAMP just isn't exactly what you want, I suggest you forget you ever heard the term07:25
honey__alkafoo: iam using Desktop07:25
aidrocsidok so is there anything better than VNC I can use to deal with this machine remotely?07:25
alkafoohoney__: odd for a desktop usb port to not be powered, but you could try yet another one07:25
alkafooaidrocsid: graphically?07:26
alkafooaidrocsid: no, VNC is the norm there07:26
aidrocsidit needs to be able to use a graphical browser07:26
aidrocsidbut I could SSH in to install things and what not, right?07:26
aidrocsidand to administrate my servers07:26
aidrocsidwhat would i use for that on the server side?07:27
bullgard6System Monitor > Processes shows for Tilda 'Status=Zombie'. In order to get rid of this zombie, should I press "End Process" or "Kill Process"?07:28
monkWe are Gentoo. We will add your source and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.07:28
skrapscan someone log into live chat and take a screen shot for me here ? http://www.hostgator.com/07:31
aashezCan anyone guide me to instructions to chroot into broken system using LiveCD?07:33
theadminskraps: http://i.imm.io/evxg.png - here07:33
alkafooaashez: sure07:33
theadmin!chroot | aashez07:33
ubottuaashez: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot07:33
skrapsbumm, thanks theadmin07:34
theadminskraps: What's the actual problem?07:34
skrapstheres is no actual problem07:34
aasheztheadmin: I followed this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot - but the root partition from LiveCD gives aufs which is confusing me to identify root from LiveCD07:35
skrapsthe problem is your place in line is #107:35
alkafooaashez: what's the problem07:35
theadminaashez: Well, uh, "sudo fdisk -l" might help07:36
skrapstheadmin: I was expecting the place in line to jump up to 100-300 or something07:37
theadminskraps: I see... Well that's not really an Ubuntu question07:37
skrapssorry, but thanks for the SS theadmin07:37
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skrapsthry it now, plz07:39
skrapsthe SS07:39
aashezYes, did that before theadmin. Just not able to recognise the root partition of livecd. I did 4 and 5 of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot07:39
theadminaashez: "root partition of livecd"? Why do you even need that? You need your install's root partition.07:40
skrapsDamn there too ready for it. I only got 20 more connections, lol07:40
daddysturgI've already uploaded, and validated my key, but now it says my sig for the Terms of Conduct is invalid? Is that me, or a bug?07:42
bullgard6What does mean »featured« in the headline »Featured Articles:« in http://www.cybercity.biz/faq/stop-process-ubuntu-linux-command/ ?07:42
aasheztheadmin: Umm.. I'll try that again with install's root, thanks. bbl07:43
theadminbullgard6: That's not even an Ubuntu question, but "featured" usually means chosen by some specific criteria, e.g. votes or just articles which site's admins like most... Also, the URL you gave is not valid: "Die Seite wurde nicht gefunden"07:44
bullgard6theadmin: I inadvertently changed I with y: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/stop-process-ubuntu-linux-command/07:47
StepNjumpAnybody know if there are any plugins available for the gnome-sound-recorder ? I'm looking for a way to stop the recording after so many minutes... Unless there is a better sound recorder out there that I might not be aware of?...07:51
x_I'm not sure it has the feature you are looking for, but I used to use Audacity a lot (years ago).07:52
x_StepNjump, ^07:53
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bullgard6System Monitor > Processes shows for Tilda 'Status=Zombie'. In order to get rid of this zombie, should I press "End Process" or "Kill Process"?07:58
zykotick9bullgard6: i don't think you can kill zombie processes.  rebooting is only way "I" know to get rid of them.07:59
bullgard6zykotick9: Thank you verymuch for your judgment.08:00
skypentreceiving a (Please remember that the signature file (.sig or .asc)should be the first file given on the command line.) error everytime i try to verify a signatures using gpg; been using: $gpg --verify filename.txt         ;;; anyone have an idea why i would get that error?08:01
theadminskypent: Because you're doing it wrong, and it's obvious from the error, you should do something like gpg --verify foo.asc bar.txt08:02
llutz_bullgard6: zombies are dead, you might try to kill the parent-process or just wait. zombies are just entries in the process-list, not using any resources08:02
juniourcan here any one can tell where is the folder that contain login background08:02
juniourin ubuntu 10.1008:02
skypenttheadmin;; yeah i've tried that; (gpg: verify signatures failed: unexpected data) is the outcome, even for messages that i know for a fact are from supposed to be verified.08:04
bullgard6llutz_: I will try to keep in mind what you said. --  Thank you for your help.08:04
theadminskypent: Hm... Well, if the file has the signature right within it you might want to use --verify-files then, idk08:05
theadminskypent: Not sure what your case is08:05
skypenttheadmin; i'll try that then, thanks for the help.08:05
aascheztheadmin, are you still here?08:07
theadminaaschez: Yes08:07
wirelessI'm running fluxbox installed on ubuntu 11.10, but still have all the gnome programs.  I need to change my voume, but dont have the gnome-panel.  whats the command to get the volume controls up? (not the mixer on the panel, but the sound prefernces one) THANKS08:08
CodeOmegaPrimeI am wanting to store user home directories on a server here in my home then when the user logs into the desktop all their configurations will load too. All machines are running ubuntu 11.10. Looked for a tut but could not find one that was just linux only.08:08
aascheztheadmin: Hi. .. I restarted with LiveCD and this is part of my fdisk -l - http://paste.ubuntu.com/802701/ . sdd is the one containing linux, so does the asterisk under boot demote root partition?08:08
theadminaaschez: Might be. It just shows that this partition is the one it boots from. Can't be sure. Try mounting them, exploring and seeing which is which.08:09
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wirelessnobody knows the command to load the sound prefernces?08:10
llutz_aaschez: the boot * just means, that partitions bootable flag is set.08:10
aascheztheadmin: Yes, that can be done. But is there way to also see the mount point of the installed system from LiveCD than exploring to confirm?08:10
theadminaaschez: I suggest to mount them manually, like this, hm, this is a bit tricky but will do, just explore stuff under /media thereafter: for i in {1..5} ; do sudo mkdir /media/sda$i ; sudo mount /dev/sda$i /media/sda$i ; done08:12
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drupalvanHi, I have a remote server and I mistakenly eject the DVD from the drive. How can I load the DVD back?08:13
aascheztheadmin: Cool, thanks08:13
aaschezAnd thanks llutz_08:13
zykotick9drupalvan: eject -t08:13
llutz_drupalvan: eject-t08:14
x_does Ubuntu have an XFCE spin?08:14
wirelessbtw I figured it out.  You can change the volume by using alsamixer in the terminal.08:15
wirelessx they used to have xubuntu08:15
wirelessxubuntu was great08:15
wirelessbut I dont think its maintained anymore08:15
wirelessxubuntu had xfce btw08:15
Myrttier, yes it is08:15
Myrtti!xubuntu | x_08:15
ubottux_: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels08:15
theadminwireless: Huh? Xubuntu is mantained and up-to-date just as much as all the other Ubuntu releases.08:15
wirelessxubuntu is mantained??? nice08:15
wirelessI thought I remember hearing a couple years back that they stoped maintaing it08:16
Sheldon_Cooperyes, I use it on my p3 86608:16
wirelessI prefer fluxbox08:16
x_very cool08:16
wirelessbut the nice thing about xubuntu is the alternate textual install option08:16
drupalvanzykotick9, it works on my home Ubuntu but for some reason, not working on the remote box?08:16
Sheldon_Cooperand if there is no easy way for using gnome2 in the next LTS, I think I'll switch to xfce in my main computer08:16
x_this looks mostly recent: "Xubuntu 11.10 released October 13th"08:16
theadminwireless: Ubuntu has that too...08:16
theadmin!alternate | wireless08:17
ubottuwireless: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal08:17
wirelessfluxbox is even better for older computers than xfce. I'm using a really nice LENOVO laptop but still prefer the very llow GUI windows managers08:17
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theadminwireless: Try i3 or awesome or dwm then xD Also, imo, openbox beats other *box'es08:17
x_is fluxbox a "spin" like xubuntu? (not sure I'm saying that correctly)08:17
wirelessI like fluxbox cuz I installed the backtrack 5 repositories on ubuntu 11.1008:18
JavidCan anyone suggest an app/plugin for an app that would allow me to stream to an Ubuntu PC via AirPlay?08:18
wirelessit turns ubuntu into a sortof backtrack version. I'd just install backtrack but it doesnt support my wireless drivers08:18
wirelesswhich is odd since backtrack is now a form of ubuntu08:18
theadminx_: Ubuntu has no official fluxbox-based spin, sadly. Ubuntu officially supports Unity, XFCE, KDE and LXDE.08:19
wirelessstrange that the broadcom drivers dont work on backtrack but do on ubuntu when backtrack is a form of ubuntu08:19
theadminx_: Well, that is, there are "spins" for those, with Unity being the official version08:19
* x_ loves XFCE!-) detests Unity:(08:19
wirelessI HATE UNITY08:19
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llutz_fluxbox is in the repos, just install it if you want to use it. why should there a "spin" for each and every WM on planet earth?08:19
wirelessadding Unity was the biggest mistake ubuntu has made08:19
MyrttiJavid: AFAIK totem supports airplay08:20
theadminx_: May I poke you with PM? lol, I'm an XFCE fan myself08:20
JavidMyrtti: There's a plugin for it, but when I last tried it Python plugins were entirely broken08:20
wirelessubuntu 12.04 should be pretty cool right?08:20
almoxarifedrupalvan: look at this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/cda.1.html08:20
zykotick9llutz_: if Canonical creates an AwesomeWM "spin" i'll consider returning to *buntu ;)08:20
x_sure, theadmin08:20
wirelessI hate the new 3 kernel08:20
wirelessSO MANY PROBLEMS08:21
wirelessi'm constantly rebooting into grub to switch to my alternate ubuntu 10.04 partition08:21
theadminwireless: wtf? 3.x works perfectly for me, and boots faster than 2.x...08:21
wirelessSOOO many programs dont work with it08:21
wirelessaircrack-ng suite for one08:21
wirelesssoo many bugs08:21
llutz_zykotick9: you haven't really got how apt-get install works, haven't you? ;)08:21
Myrttiif you want help with your problems, you're welcome to describe them more so we can, otherwise please keep the rants and opinions elsewhere like #ubuntu-offtopic, thank you08:22
zykotick9llutz_: i was just "agreeing" with you statement ;)08:22
wirelesslol llutzz!08:22
theadminwireless: Ah, that makes sense, yeah... That illegal software might not work properly...08:22
wirelessI'm a penetration tester08:22
wirelessI need aircrack for work08:22
theadminwireless: Ah. Okay.08:22
wirelessI cant tell you how many businesses I wouldnt have been able to penetrate without cracking their wifi password08:22
almoxarifewireless: you have a ubuntu question?08:23
Prodegoit is amazing how many penetration testers there are out there08:23
FuZi0Nanyone know how to change the local ip in ubuntu?08:23
justinyeah it does serve as defensive security purposes08:23
wirelessalmoxarife: not really08:23
wirelessjustin that too08:23
wirelessI also use it to look for rogue access points08:23
justinits good for cracking wep, but nobody whos not nobody uses wep anymore08:24
justinis gnome-panel considered off topic?08:25
ilouvatarhey guys how r u i have a problem when i'm trying to login in command shell after pressing ctrl+alt+F2 when i type the password all i get is login incorrect and awhen i type my password in a terminal everything is correct anyone can help ?08:25
FuZi0Nanyone know how to change the local ip in ubuntu?08:25
wirelessjustin: It shouldnt be08:25
wirelessFUZION: goto the router settings and remove DHCP and switch to static IP08:25
llutz_FuZi0N: ifconfig or edit /etc7network/interfaces or your networkmanager-connection08:25
wirelessor that08:25
mfaroukgany one has a problem with the touch pad in the oneiric ???08:25
justinokay well im having this problem with gnome-panel. i've added it to the desktop (as i like to drag icons to it), and now in gnome 3.x i cant delete icons at all via like i used to be able to in gnone 2.x08:26
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parcowhat does it mean to add "links" to the root directory?08:26
parcolike this http://pastebin.com/jejXPwXd08:26
aBoundHA! Do you guys consider it a bit odd if I need Byobu Terminal installed just to log into my GUI? If it's removed I can't get to Unity or Gnome-Shell.08:27
ilouvatari'm trying to manually install nvidia drivers through command shell but when i type my password all i get is login incorrect anyone help08:28
aashezOn my another linux instllation, I got /, /var, /tmp, /home on separate partition. So when chroot' ing into such install, apart from 'for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done' , I08:28
aashez'll have to mount all the separate partitions as well, right?08:28
aasheztheadmin: ^08:28
almoxarifeilouvatar: why are you installing nvidia via shell?08:29
theadminaashez: Yeah08:29
theadminaashez: But you can do it after chroot'ing already.08:29
aashezafter chrotting, how?08:30
aashezok, got it08:30
ilouvatarcause i downloaded its a .run file and all i get googling is that i have to install it through shell because when i m trying to install it through terminal i get message to exit x-server08:30
Calinouilouvatar: you have to stop the X server first, however this has some consequence08:31
ilouvatarhow may  ido that?08:31
Calinoufirst, what's your graphics card?08:32
ilouvatargeforce gs 9500m08:32
bullgard6System Monitor > Processes  > (right-click) any process name  > (context menu  shows  the entries) "End Process" and "Kill Process". What are the equivalent 2 command-line commands for them?08:33
zykotick9bullgard6: kill vs kill -908:33
llutz_bullgard6: kill -TERM   and kill -KILL08:34
Calinouilouvatar: first, try adding a ppa08:34
wirelessI have a question about the 'find' command.  Whats the appropriate room for that question?08:34
Calinouopen a terminal then copy this: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates08:34
Mechdavewireless, just ask away :)08:34
Calinouthen type your password. then, type: sudo apt-get update08:35
zykotick9wireless: #bash might be a good spot to start?08:35
Calinouthen, sudo apt-get install nvidia-graphics-drivers08:35
almoxarifebullgard6: http://linux.die.net/man/1/killall08:36
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wirelessMechDave: someone answered in BASH. Turns out find wasnt capable of what I wanted08:37
wirelessrsync is08:37
ilouvatar Unable to locate package nvidia-graphics-drivers08:37
Coreywireless: Yup. :-)08:37
almoxarifeilouvatar: you need to install 'nvidia-current08:38
Coreywireless: Oh, and find is.  I just said you were using the wrong tool for what you wanted to do.08:38
ilouvatari did08:38
Coreywireless: Although just so you're aware, there's no "created" timestamp on a linux filesystem.08:38
almoxarifeilouvatar: you need to install 'nvidia-current'08:38
ilouvataradditionall drivers right?08:38
Corey"Modified" and "changed" are the only two you get, wireless; one includes metadata, the other doesn't.08:38
wirelessThanks Corey. I kindof figured that after not seeing it in the find manual08:38
llutz_Corey: lets hope they use the created-timestamp ability of ext4 in near future...08:39
Coreyllutz_: I'm not holding my breath.08:39
wirelesswill there ever be an ext5?08:39
bullgard6llutz_: 'man kill' dated 2011-02-22 does not mention  '-TERM' nor '-KILL'. What do you mean by them?08:40
wirelessIf I reformat my drive thats ext4, is it easy to recover files?  I've had lots of successs recovering NTFS files that were corrupted or deleted, but never tried with ext408:40
ilouvatari do that throughh synaptic hope this works08:40
xmannHow can i set system proxy in xfce?08:40
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llutz_bullgard6: the one from "November 21, 1999" does, under SIGNALS. just use google to find an explanation of those signals08:41
zykotick9bullgard6: look in the SIGNALS section, KILL is 9, and TERM is 1508:41
xmannany ideas?08:41
_HoochMan_wireless: reformatting that drive isn't gonna help you bring back files08:41
llutz_bullgard6: man 7 signal    might also do08:42
almoxarifebullgard6: http://linux.die.net is an excellent source also08:43
Coreyalmoxarife: Thanks.08:43
wirelessHOOCHMAN. : lol I know that08:43
wirelessHoochman:  I meant more like if I formated my drive and f it...would someone be able to use photorec or foremost to get the files back?08:44
wirelessI have a few HD's I want to get rid of08:44
wirelessI've formatted them08:44
xmannhow can i set proxy in xubuntu?08:45
wirelessbut I dont want people being able to get the deleted files08:45
alkafoowireless: depends on how you format08:45
alkafoowireless: I beleive gparted defaults to quick formats when available, which wouldn't suffice08:45
wirelesswhat would you use>08:45
alkafoowireless: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_%28Unix%29#Disk_wipe08:45
alkafoobut only if you think the drive will be useful to someone else08:46
alkafoootherwise just destroy it physically08:46
Coreywireless: dban08:46
CoreyDoh, no dban factoid.08:46
wirelessIs there a tool like ccleaner for linux that creates multiple junk files and deltes them?08:46
bullgard6llutz_: I made a mistake: Iinadvertently  looked in 'man killall'. --  Thank you verymuch for your help.08:46
alkafoodban is overkill08:46
justinencrypt the drive as a plan B as well08:46
alkafoowireless: junk?08:46
CoreyCould also dd over the drive.08:46
ilouvatari installed nvidia current all i had to do now is to remove any drivers exist and install the latest?08:46
wirelessdban isnt even in my repositories08:46
bullgard6zykotick9: Thank you very much for your help.08:47
alkafoowireless: you don't want it anyways08:47
alkafoowireless: use the dd approach, /dev/zero, not /dev/urandom08:47
wirelessxmann: I never use system proxy settings.  I always prefer to configure the programs directly08:47
wirelessor I used to configure a system proxy in the terminal I believe....before I figured out proxychains08:48
openbeesilouvter : i think u should08:48
almoxarifeilouvatar: nividia-current is the latest,08:48
alkafoothat the package manager knows about08:48
alkafoodongjunbao: #ubuntu-cn08:49
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:49
wirelessis truecrypt the best way to go for encrpyting a directory?  Is there something I can use that doesnt require me to partition up my HD?08:50
alkafoowireless: truecrypt does files as well08:50
alkafoothere's also encfs08:50
wirelessalkafoo:  I thought truecrypt said I had to set up a partition on my HD to get it working?08:51
wirelessI'll check out encfs thanks08:51
alkafoowireless: no it can do a partition or a file08:51
alkafooencfs' license is less sketchy, though08:52
wirelessતમે ગધેડો ડિક suck.08:52
wirelessencfs is better?08:52
alkafoothey probably support the same encryption algorithms and have similar performance08:52
alkafooencfs' license is better08:52
alkafooif you care about that sort of thing (strangely some Linux users do not)08:53
wirelesswhat do you mean by license?08:53
wirelessI thought this is open source08:53
alkafooopen source isn't a license, it's a vague concept08:54
alkafooencfs is GPL, truecrypt has its own proprietary license08:54
wirelessalkafoo why does that matter though?08:56
wireless ldoes having a better licence make it more secure?08:56
alkafoothere are those that would argue that, yes08:56
wirelessDo you know if the option to truecrpyt a file is available in the GUI? if so I missed it08:56
wirelessthanks alkafoo08:57
alkafooI believe the GUI has that option, yes08:57
Kartagiswireless: ot, what language was that?08:57
alkafooIIRC it gives you a choice between using a partition and creating an encrypted filespace at some random location08:57
wirelessyou got it alkfoo08:58
alkafoothat's probably binary =P08:59
alkafoothese are fun to translate =P08:59
Myrtticome on guys, please keep the discussion to Ubuntu support09:00
Myrttithere's plenty of other channels for chitchat, like #ubuntu-offtopic for a start09:01
wirelessokay sorry09:01
Kartagissorry Myrtti09:01
elkyi have unity-lens-gwibber installed and have rebooted, but i can't figure how to access it. launching gwibber just gives the plain useless one09:02
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:03
Myrttielky: atleast for me it added another tab on the bottom of the unity overlay09:03
Sheldon_Coopersimilar to gnome 2?09:03
* Sheldon_Cooper laughs09:03
elkyMyrtti, i just have the 4 that were there before09:03
Sheldon_Cooperxfce is "gnomer" than that09:04
elkyer, unless you mean the sidebar thing, in which case, nope09:04
MyrttiI don't have the device I have it installed in handy so I can't check :-(09:04
JLuci dont give a fk whther gnome or not i just want something that works09:04
MyrttiJLuc: please mind your language09:05
elkyMyrtti, i also seem to be lacking some of the icons i see at http://cloud.addictivetips.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Ubuntu-VMware-Workstation_2011-06-16_14-51-59.jpg09:06
elkywhich is the worlds worst named screenshot...09:06
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...09:10
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!09:11
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...09:11
llutz_wireless: stop that pls09:11
theishiSkype keeps silently freezing on me. Has anyone solved this problem?09:12
justinyeah skype is pretty gay sometimes09:12
justinswitch to google talk09:12
justinvia empathy, thats what i ended up doing09:13
theishiempathy via google talk will let me use Skype?09:13
wirelesswhoah I didnt know there was a google talk09:13
theishiI know google talk is an alternative and I use it, but I have contacts on Skype that do not have google accounts09:14
justini still use skype, and it will freeze every two days on me still09:14
justinwhat u have to do is learn to efficiently kill it, and start it back up again09:14
justinits a beta release after all09:14
wirelessthe whole reason why i dont use skype is cuz nobody I know uses it...everyone uses there cell phone or e-mail, but I liike video being part of the conversation09:15
justinversion or something beta09:15
theishijustin: every two days you say? I have it crash twice a day. I can fix it efficiently, the problem is knowing when I need to09:15
justinfair enough09:15
justinits a decent question09:15
justinu described the problem correctly too,... it does freeze silently, thats for sure09:16
theishiI would really love to just cancel Skype, the problem is I cannot convince everyone to switch, and also I am not in the US so google talk doesn't work real well with calling phone numbers from here09:16
justinits a shame microsoft bought it, potentially.09:16
justinmaybe i mean google chat?09:16
justini mix those two up09:16
theishigoogle chat, google voice... same thing :-)09:17
justinu can still stay with skype, its just a matter of learning to be more attentive with it09:17
wireless wait i use google voice for my business number09:17
wirelessit has video features?09:17
theishilol.... you know what... it probably won't be too hard to write a script that lets me know when it crashes09:17
wirelessdo I need to download a program?09:17
wirelessor can I run it from the browser?09:17
justinthis time in 12 months from now google voice/chat will Crush Skype09:18
justinits pretty new still they aye09:18
theishii really hope you are right09:18
justincanada aye09:18
wirelessanyone know how to set up proxies on google chrome or chromium in fluxbox?  It gives an error when trying to configure proxies...09:18
justinyeah, people are starting to have a bias against microsoft software, and at the same time a bais towards google products - which is good09:18
justinit kind of reminds me of how people sign up to like 2 different social networking sites09:19
justinhey wireless, how do i get my wireless going on fluxbox, btw lol09:19
Operaist2i know a prostitute who only uses windows, how can i get her to use ubuntu??09:20
bullgard6System Monitor > Processes  > (right-click) any process name  > (context menu  shows  the entry) "Stop Process". What is the equivalent  action command-line command for it? 'man kill' lists4 possibilities for the Action=stop.09:20
theishiwhy is her profession relevent Operaist2 ? :-)09:20
AdvoWorkanyone know in ubuntu 11.10, classic, how to add items to the Panel, I no longer get an option on right click?09:21
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Operaist2theishi: i don't feel like reducing a person to "somebody" it is quite rude09:21
openbeesAdvoWork : i thionk its disale by default09:21
theishiOperaist2: lol how about my friend09:21
bullgard6AdvoWork: Do you speak about GNOME Shell 3 or not?09:21
openbees<AdvoWork> disable *09:21
justinyeah gnome-panel needs to add more context button items09:26
llutz_bullgard6: "stop" usually means "trying to terminate the process", so SIGTERM09:28
AdvoWorkopenbees, any way to enable it?  bullgard6 basically, fresh install of 11.10 but i set it to use the classic desktop instead09:28
bullgard6AdvoWork: I do not know the answer; I am using GNOME Shell
llutz_bullgard6: sending SIGTERM also is the default kill-action, if no other signal is defined09:29
samba35how to i check which application is been monitor by apparmor09:38
NathanWis there anyone around that knows a bit about kerrighed clusters?09:41
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Operaist2theishi: what about your friend??09:43
elkyhttp://cloud.addictivetips.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Ubuntu-VMware-Workstation_2011-06-16_14-51-59.jpg <-- am i supposed to have the magnifying glass icons? because i don't...09:44
akpkHow can I open dwg files in open libre ??09:48
NathanWis there anyone around that has some experience with SSI clusters?09:50
elkyNathanW, it's often better to ask your actual exact question, that way when/if someone shows up and knows, they can answer right away without having to first prompt information out of you09:52
niloy__guys which is the best irc client for ubuntu unity?09:52
elkythere is no best. xchat is a popular gui client, irssi is a popular command-line client09:53
niloy__best as in goes well with unity09:53
niloy__am currently on xchat09:53
elkyi don't think there's an integrated one09:53
niloy__thats sad, I am currently using xchat09:53
niloy__but I dont receive notifications09:54
niloy__notifications were working on classic gnome09:54
NathanWWhat can you do with a SSI, (Kerrighed) ubuntu cluster, are you able to for instance install vmware on top of ubuntu and use the cluster to host virtual servers? what can you use a ssi or kerrighed cluster for? ive got about 20 machines laying around and wanteed to toy with somthing new but not sure what it can do exactly09:54
elkyniloy__, empathy can sort-of do irc, but it does it very badly09:55
NathanWfrom what i uderstand clusters require special software eg like scientific math software, and not much els runs on them.. tho there is also some conflicting information there wich confuses me on what i can run on it once built...?09:55
niloy__elky, what are u using?09:55
elkyNathanW, there's also askubuntu.com09:55
elkyniloy__, xchat09:55
dydi can't connect by vnc to a mac machine, why?09:55
niloy__elky do you receive notifications?09:55
elkyNathanW, that way you can ask your question and people can find it later on09:55
dydkeeps a black screen09:55
NathanWthanks elky09:56
wannabehi all09:57
isit32hey so been back and forth complaingn about my World of warcraft not running in Wine because of my GPU but im wondering if the fact that i had a 32 bit of vista and now a 64 bit ubuntu could that be causing my problem, i found some drivers to DL from the web and use alien to open but because im in 64 bit its having problems, can i easuily change my OS to 32 from the 64? or should it not matter?09:58
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derpladeehey what is this thing about "change to workspace above current workspace"? how do you get multidimensional workspaces? i only have workspaces lefet/right of current09:59
oCeanisit32: Using alien to install RPM packages is not supported, also changing to 32bit would mean a re-install.10:00
isit32why is it not supported what is the supported alternative?10:00
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)10:00
isit32dang ocean are you just in here all day??? youve been helpin me all day10:00
oCeanisit32: I think you're mistaken, I just returned to the keyboard...10:01
isit32well i found what seems like drivers for my awful GPU how would i go about implementing them into my new ubuntu OS? doesnt wine run 32 regardless? wuld switching to 32 bit ubuntu do anything for me?10:01
isit32i might be i just was in here but hours ago sorry10:02
openbees<derpladee> just like left and right workspace there are up and down workspace available for use. you can get 3d workspace switching with the help of compiz10:02
Innocenciowhoops disregard, was trying to pull up the help menu thingy10:03
oCeanisit32: here's some documentation on running wine with ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine But I have so little experience with that, I could not tell you if switching to 32bit would help10:03
isit32no thats not what i need ive been thru all that im waiting for my vista os disks to get here tomoro as i have no choice to play wow i must use windows or upgrade serious hardware...i cannot do the latter atm10:04
isit32i was just looking around and i found some help for ubuntu 9.x10:04
Jordan_Uisit32: You do *not* want to use drivers converted via alien. What GPU do you have?10:04
isit32its some rpm files for a driver something or other and i thought id give it a shot10:05
isit32i have a ugly gpu so try not to laugh to hard its a : Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS,10:05
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Innocenciowow...you running WOW on that GPU?10:06
isit32ok so no alien i wont bother then, i want to dual boot10:06
openbees<isit32> : i think there are procedures available for changing .RPM file to .DEB10:06
isit32yea see i know its not ideal but I HAVE NO CHOICE, just work with what i gots10:06
vagothcppCurrently I am doing a 1GB apt-get install but need to switch to a faster link as this one is horribly slow, can it be interrupted in anyway so that I may resume on a faster link?10:07
isit32lol yea alien changes that, but you guys dont like it, and i cant change it str8 over because of the 64 bit os, thats why i was wondering if it would workj fine if my ubuntu was not 64 bit, perhaps my ugly GPU just cant talke 64 my vista was 3210:07
jonathonCan anyone here recommend a good package manager. I'm using Synaptic at the moment, But It doesn't have very good sorting options and categories.10:07
NimeshNeemavagothcpp: if you interrupt a apt-get install midway, it resumes from the point it left.10:08
openbees<vagothcpp> ...yes you can downloaded file will still in your system10:08
Jordan_Uisit32: You're probably not going get any better than the default Ubuntu drivers for Intel hardware. But at the same time those drivers should be pretty good. What makes you think you have a driver problem?10:08
vagothcppNimeshNeema, its still at the download stage, and i dont have time to redownload all10:08
isit32i can get into the game in wine but something is horribly wrong with the 3d graphics rendering or something10:09
NathanWif i setup a kerrighed cluster, would i be able to setup apache and mysql on it and have it be able to use the cpu and memory on each node as if its one big smp machine?10:09
isit32when i look on the web many people have had problems with this intel integrated garbage gpu10:09
Jordan_UCharminTheMoose: /abr damemas10:09
Innocenciois there an IRC command to disable reporting join / left channel messages?  that stuff floods out posts by real people.10:09
NimeshNeemavagothcpp: the already downloaded content will not be downloaded again. it resumes apt-get handles it autometically10:09
openbeesvagothcpp : don't worry u can stop that ..like if you already downloaded 300 MB , next time it will start for remaining 70010:10
isit32i think i have to give up and come back to ubuntu full force once im on some decent hardware!10:10
jonathonInnoecencio, That's entirelt based on your irc client10:10
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isit32so is there something you reccomend for converting RPM?10:11
mksogdnehow i can create iso image of my  dvd10:11
isit32to deb10:11
isit32iso image of your DVD?10:11
Jordan_Umksogdne: The easiest way is to use Brasero.10:11
isit32you mean ISO image on your dvd?10:11
isit32sorry back to my question, RPM to DEb any safe way?10:12
Innocencioaahaaa thanks jonathon10:12
AlanBellisit32: alien can convert rpm to deb, but it is a last resort, try to find a properly packaged version in the repositories10:12
mksogdneno i mean i want to copy my kubuntu dvd into iso image file10:12
Jordan_Uisit32: You do *not* want to use drivers converted from RPM. Period. Don't try it.10:12
isit32ok ok10:12
isit32this time i promise to listen, when i dont you guys have been right about the outcome!10:13
AlanBellInnocencio: you are using the webchat IRC client, use the icon in the top left and go to the options, there is a 10:13
AlanBellHide JOINS/PARTS/QUITS: checkbox10:13
bullgard6llutz_: Thank you very much for your help.10:13
InnocencioAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH thank you alanbell!  whew man that's much much better!10:14
VictorCLhow can I install back firefox 8 ?10:14
isit32can someone help me understand xorg.conf?10:15
AlanBellVictorCL: are you having a problem with the version 9?10:15
VictorCLyes keep crushing all the time10:15
VictorCLis useless10:15
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto10:15
mksogdnehow i can create iso image ?10:15
AlanBellisit32: generally you don't need one, there are lots of old guides on the web detailing xorg.conf files, but these days it should just autodetect things and just work without one10:16
isit32thx :)10:16
AlanBellVictorCL: does it work fine in a guest session? it might be something in your firefox profile it doesn't like10:16
VictorCLI deleted and created a new profile10:16
VictorCLI think is firebug fault .. but I need firebug is the main reason I use firefox10:17
AlanBellVictorCL: firebug 1.9.0?10:18
VictorCLAlanBell,  yes10:18
VictorCLAlanBell,  when it makes an Ajax call .. firefox crashes10:18
isit32i found these directions on a website for jaunty what does this mean...'2 - open synaptic package on local/obsolete 3 - force install for all intel driver'10:18
AlanBell"a website for jaunty" means you probably shouldn't be using them for oneiric :)10:19
isit32ha, its just hard to find oneiric supprot with a gpu from 0810:19
ActionParsnipjaunty is also EOL10:19
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:20
isit32just grabbing at straws here as i kill time waiting for my vista disks, prob just get on my mac book pro to play for a while, im getting the itch10:21
AlanBellI think I have that GPU too10:22
vagothcppOkay, so I can resume my download from apt, BUT, what if I where to change my mirror as this seems to be more the problem10:22
szalisit32: Vista? *shudder*..  *recommends Win7*10:23
isit32reccomends you send me the $10:23
lotuspsychjewhats a good gui package to record desktop specific area to mpeg4?10:23
isit32many of my problems arrise from a 'no other choice' situation10:24
isit32ie vista 32 ugh10:24
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/help-test-new-screen-recording-app-eidete/   may do it10:24
bbbbbbbbmy firefox just gave me "The bookmarks and history system will not be functional because one of Firefox's files is in use by another application. Some security software can cause this problem"10:25
AlanBellisit32: I have the desktop version of that GPU, but I think your one is fairly unremarkable and in lots of netbooks and laptops, I am using the desktop version of it with Precise and full unity 3d10:25
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: tnx mate but i tested eidete and it crashes my desktop, xvidcap runs much smoother but also bug on me10:25
lotuspsychjebbbbbbbb: try some firefox security addons like 'noscript'10:27
isit32alanbell im confused are you saying your using the same GPU as i?10:27
bbbbbbbblotuspsychje: i have it, should i disable it?10:27
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: try recordmydesktop10:27
isit32ahhh you have it in a desktop comp i see10:27
isit32im sorry :)10:28
ActionParsnipbbbbbbbb: is there a firefox process running presently?10:28
lotuspsychjebbbbbbbb:no, noscript is very good10:28
AlanBellisit32: not quite, I have an 82945G, but not the mobile version of it10:28
isit32i take it you dont play heavy 3d games10:28
bbbbbbbblotuspsychje: okay, i thought it may have caused it10:28
isit32ahhh k10:28
bbbbbbbbActionParsnip: right now, yes10:28
AlanBellthis is just a little atom motherboard desktop I use for testing10:28
isit32ok well do you use the ubuntu drivers?10:28
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: i've also tested recordmydesktop, but encoding takes ages after recording the movie...10:28
lotuspsychjebbbbbbbb: you using facebook?10:29
AlanBellisit32: yes, the standard ones in the repositories, worked fine on Oneiric, I am now running Precise on it10:30
ActionParsnipbbbbbbbb: if you close it and run:  ps -ef | grep -i fire | grep -v grep     is anything output?10:30
bbbbbbbblotuspsychje: yes10:30
lotuspsychjeAlanBell: happy with precise?10:30
godmachine81i've been trying to figure out how to get the panel/systray icon theme to change with unity, and no matter what i set it to I keep a regular Gnome classic like icon theme in the panel/tray (not the launcher bar.although i haven't got those to change either)  is there some special trick to changing icons for the panel in 11.10?10:31
isit32alanbell what is precise?10:31
ActionParsnipgodmachine81: tried logging off and on?10:31
lotuspsychjebbbbbbbb: you might install snort to see what intrusion is malicious or not...10:31
ActionParsnip!12.04 | isit3210:31
ubottuisit32: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:31
godmachine81ActionParsnip: yes, gnome-tweak-tool too, as well as dconf-editor10:31
vagothcppIf I where to resume an interrupted apt-get install (download phase) but change the mirror, would it still be able to resume?10:32
bbbbbbbbActionParsnip: nothing10:32
VictorCLwhen is 12.04 realeased?10:32
AlanBelllotuspsychje: generally, yes, though it broke a bit last night, but has generally been fun to play with. Precise support is in #ubuntu+110:32
bbbbbbbbActionParsnip: lsof | grep .mozilla/firefox doesn't give anything either10:32
ActionParsnipbbbbbbbb: cool, ok if you look in your firefox config folder you may find a lock or parent_lock file, if you move those out of the folder it should help10:32
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases10:33
bbbbbbbbActionParsnip: but then it shouldn't launch in the first place ?!10:33
ActionParsnipbbbbbbbb: try:  find ~/.mozilla/firefox | grep -i lock10:33
AlanBellVictorCL: April, the .04 bit is the month10:33
bbbbbbbbActionParsnip: nope, nothing10:33
ActionParsnipbbbbbbbb: its worth a shot, I've seen the lock file cause issues.10:33
ActionParsnipbbbbbbbb: thats good10:34
VictorCLhope 12.04 comes with an improve unity theme10:34
VictorCLmore sexy :D10:34
saju_mwith command "dpkg -L slapd | grep cosine"  i can see "/etc/ldap/schema/cosine.ldif" ,  but that file not there (i can not open it)10:35
ActionParsnipVictorCL: its largely the same10:36
saju_mif i do "cat /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.ldif"  getting error cat: /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.ldif: No such file or directory10:37
ikoniasaju_m: there is no file there10:37
ikoniaerror is pretty clear10:37
saju_m with command "dpkg -L slapd | grep cosine"  i can see "/etc/ldap/schema/cosine.ldif" ,  but that file not there (i can not open it)10:37
ikoniasaju_m: dpkg is list listing a package - not a file10:38
saju_mhow install that file ??10:38
ikoniasaju_m: or that file has been removed10:38
ikoniasee if the file is there10:38
ikonials -la /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.ldif10:38
bbbbbbbbActionParsnip: what else can i do?10:39
ActionParsnipbbbbbbbb: not sure dude, I ditched firefox loooong ago10:40
bbbbbbbbActionParsnip: i see10:40
bbbbbbbbanyone else?10:40
llutz_ikonia: ahem, "dpkg -L slapd"  list files installed from given package, so it should be there10:41
ActionParsnipsaju_m: try:  dpkg -S cosine.ldif10:41
BergcubeYeah, I'm an idiot.  I've managed to forget my nick password.  Did three possible / likely tries at "/msg NickServ identify" but it doesn't come back to me...  Is there a way to reset or change my password?  (I know that strictly speaking this is offtopic. I have asked elsewhere, but don't get any reply.)10:41
ikoniallutz_: yes, it lists the package files - not what's on the system10:41
ActionParsnipsaju_m: it will show the package name providing the file10:41
ikoniallutz_: just because dpkg -L lists a file doesn't mean it's on the system10:41
llutz_ikonia: if its not existing, someone has deleted it. right10:42
ActionParsnipBergcube: ask in #freenode for irc nick passwords10:42
saju_mslapd: /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.ldif10:42
ikoniallutz_: or a bug in the package (doubtful)10:42
llutz_ikonia: very doubtfull10:42
saju_mi installed slapd10:42
ActionParsnipsaju_m: then you can reinstall the package, or download the deb, extract it and copy the file in manually10:42
ikoniasaju_m: did you check the file with "ls -la" as I said10:42
llutz_that's why i wrote "should be there"10:42
BergcubeActionParsnip ~ Have done; no response.10:43
saju_mls: cannot access /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.ldif: No such file or director10:43
JovaroBergcube, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#sendpass10:43
oCeanbbbbbbbb: have you checked if your history file is actually locked?  fuser -v $(find ~/.mozilla -name places.sqlite)10:44
ikoniasaju_m: there you go then, file not there, confirmed10:44
lotuspsychjeBergcube: /msg nickserv help10:44
BergcubeJovaro ~ Thanks.  That was help!10:44
Hoytis it safe to use Ubuntu 12.04 now ?10:44
ActionParsnipBergcube: that's where it gets  done. They will email you a password reset email10:44
oCeanHoyt: Precise/12.04 is not yet released (still alpha). Please /join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion10:45
ikoniaHoyt: it will be safe on release day, not before10:45
aeon-ltdHoyt: no10:45
aeon-ltdHoyt: but people have different definitions of safe and stable10:45
* Bergcube will be back. (He hopes!)10:45
Hoyti'm reading the Wiki here  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule10:45
Hoytso Ubuntu has to import Debian's package firstly ?10:45
HoytJanuary 12th10:46
HoytLTS DebianImportFreeze (Mon)10:46
FloodBot1Hoyt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:46
Hoytoops , sorry10:46
Hoyti mis clicked the middle button10:46
icerootHoyt: correct10:47
icerootHoyt: and that date is the last day for doing that10:47
Hoytoh , right10:47
icerootHoyt: but for something like that i would suggest #ubuntu+110:47
Hoyti'll try10:47
lotuspsychjewhere can i set windows to 'not maximized' so they can be closed not in upper bar10:49
vagothcpplotuspsychje, upper bar of the window, or the top panel of the de?10:51
carreramy 11.04 keeps hanging10:51
carreramy 11.04 keeps hanging and when it does any open files, such as Firefox or Gnome config files,  are corrupted10:52
DrManhattanI'm trying to move my HTPC over to linux, I was wondering if anyone knew of a linux equivalent to phonetray free?10:52
carreraI've even lost regular files10:52
lotuspsychjevagothcpp: my ante is older and it confuses her, when she cant find the close button of a window, instead of main unity bar (active)10:52
bbbbbbbboCean: where is it in a portable firefox?10:53
oCeanbbbbbbbb: no idea, why would you use portable?10:53
DrManhattanbasically a program that displays caller id info on the screen when an incoming call comes in, and allows me to block certain calls10:53
vagothcpplotuspsychje, so where DO you want the close button10:53
bbbbbbbboCean: i.e. to be able to use it on a different computer10:54
lotuspsychjevagothcpp: in a smaller minimized window10:54
oCeanbbbbbbbb: you're not using ubuntu? and the firefox from the ubuntu repositories?10:54
Abjectsnatale a cortina10:55
lotuspsychje!it | Abjects10:55
ubottuAbjects: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:55
jonathonHow do I change what apps start up at boot?10:55
bbbbbbbboCean: i am running ubuntu and use the firefox from the repositories, i installed it portable10:55
vagothcppjonathon, applications or services?10:56
Humbedoohsystem - settings - sessions and startup10:56
Humbedoohif you mean apps and not services ofc10:56
Humbedooherr I got that backwards it seems10:56
oCeanbbbbbbbb: I'm not sure what you mean, but generally all the configs/settings/history is in your homedirectory under .mozilla10:56
* Humbedooh blames his keyboard for this..!10:56
jonathonActually I'm not sure where it'd be, But let's try both10:56
bbbbbbbbyes. but you can install it so that everything is in one place, on a thumbdrive for example. i used a manual from the forums somewhere - it may be in my bookmarks but i can't access them10:57
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bbbbbbbbwould there be a way to extract my bookmarks from the corrupt profile?10:58
oCeanbbbbbbbb: when you run  locate mozilla | grep bookmark  what does it return?10:59
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: wich browser are you using?10:59
llutz_bbbbbbbb: "find ~/.mozilla/ -iname book*"11:00
bbbbbbbbllutz_: nothing11:00
oCeanbbbbbbbb: no, that's not the one, you need the files from your .mozilla directory11:00
oCeanbbbbbbbb: try  locate .mozilla11:00
bbbbbbbboCean: the only others are png files in the installed folder. icons.11:01
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: i flip between arora and chromium daily build11:01
oCeanbbbbbbbb: you still have to find where your settings etc are stored, try  locate .mozilla11:01
jonathonSo how would I edit startup apps?11:01
bbbbbbbboCean: nothing, you mean the profile folder?11:02
oCeanbbbbbbbb: yes11:02
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: is chromium safe enough?..never tested arora11:02
bbbbbbbbits in the program directory itself11:02
oCeanbbbbbbbb: I mean, the profile folder is somewhere under .mozilla too (in a normal install)11:02
oCeanbbbbbbbb: so, what is the program dir? - you have to see if the places.sqlite and bookmarks file etc are there11:02
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: its been fine for the last 3 releases here11:03
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: many don't try other browsers. kinda sad11:03
oCeanbbbbbbbb: I never used FF in a portable install, so I'm just trying to get an idea11:03
bbbbbbbboCean: the places.sqlite is there11:03
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: i agree on not testing new stuff, many good unused packages out there11:04
oCeanbbbbbbbb: ok, run  fuser -v /path/to/places.sqlite11:04
oCeanbbbbbbbb: that should show if another program is locking that file11:04
bbbbbbbbthere is a bookmarks.html - but it only shows the standard bookmarks, my bookmarks were all  under "unsorted"11:05
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: many use firefox due to familiarity, but then again thats why they used Windows. They try something new and look what happens ;)11:05
phixchromium is nice11:06
oCeanbbbbbbbb: I have no clue how this portable install is configured, sorry.11:06
lotuspsychjephix: many browsers can be hijacked these days...11:06
lotuspsychjei like links2 :p11:07
phixlotuspsychje: Sure, but usually the issue is not with the browser but a problem between the seat and the keyboard11:07
ActionParsnipalso the browsers are tested and such before being added to the repos11:07
chelzActionParsnip: do you use unity?11:08
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: so an updated firefox can't be hijacked?11:08
phixlotuspsychje: "Congratsulations! You are the one millionth visit! click here to download and install an application and you will get monies and a prise!!"11:08
UniTeHow can i keep a pything script running non stop in terminal??11:09
ActionParsnipchelz: no I use LXDE+Openbox11:09
lotuspsychjephix: lol11:09
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: any web facing app can potentially be hijacked, which is why ubuntu has users run it as user11:09
chelzActionParsnip: that does sound pretty good. did you try xfce before that?11:10
chelzUniTe: put "&" (without quotes) at the end. or do alt+f2 and run it in that11:10
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: meaning if the can get in, they cant run root rights?11:10
chelznot sure if alt+f2 runs in newer ubunuts11:10
ActionParsnipchelz: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/Desktop.png11:10
ActionParsnipchelz: ive tried xfce, it's not bad11:11
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: exactly, they will only get user11:11
chelzActionParsnip: very organized, or fresh install there11:11
ActionParsnipchelz: lubuntu+wallpaper+faenza icons11:12
UniTechelz: so 'python something.py &" and then press alt+f2 ?11:12
chelzi'm thinking of xfce. hoping it's gnome2-ey enough. i'm keeping lxde and stuff in mind pretty soon11:12
chelzUniTe: well "python something.py" will let you use that terminal for other things, but if you close the terminal it goes away. alt+f2 runs it in the background and won't go away until i think gnome quits11:12
chelzer "python something.py &"  will let you use that terminal for other things*11:13
UniTechelz: awesome, exactly what i wanted11:13
bbbbbbbbso, now i have a new profile created, put in the old places.sqlite, got my old bookmarks. yay. now, is there a way to get my saved passwords?11:13
lotuspsychje!info arora11:13
ubottuarora (source: arora): simple cross platform web browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.11.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1508 kB, installed size 4128 kB11:13
chelzbbbbbbbb: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Backing%20up%20your%20information11:14
bbbbbbbbchelz: the old profile doesn't work anymore so i can't back it up. i need to work with the data stored when used11:15
chelzbbbbbbbb: does copying over the file for passwords not work?11:15
bbbbbbbbchelz: which one is it?11:16
lotuspsychjebbbbbbbb: you could try extundelete to recover your old data11:16
chelzbbbbbbbb: key3.txt file, and the signons3.db11:16
chelzor key2 / signons211:17
bbbbbbbblotuspsychje: its still there, just corrupt.11:17
bbbbbbbbchelz: okay, i'll try11:17
wwwdHey all. What happens to if a job is scheduled with at or cron and the system is no running at the scheduled time? For example if the system is a laptop that is not on. Is the queue reviewed at startup. Or is the job just gone until and if it is scheduled to repeate?11:17
ActionParsnipwwwd: if its off, it will be missed11:17
ActionParsnipwwwd: you could schedule in BIOS (if it supports it) to power on at a set time11:18
llutz_wwwd: depends, if you have anacron installed, it should care about those jobs and run them later11:18
chelzwwwd: yeah jobs get skipped11:18
chelzsome crons do the wait thing11:18
chelzdoes cron in ubuntu skip stuff?11:18
bbbbbbbbchelz: yeah, awesome. now i just get my old addons and i'm done. thanks!11:19
chelzbbbbbbbb: good :)11:19
wwwdCould there be a script that checkes past jobs? Or alternately looks for results. I.g a backup with a given date?11:19
chelzbbbbbbbb: btw i found that answer through a quick google. if you need that kinda info in the future you could try google11:20
bbbbbbbbchelz: i know11:20
bbbbbbbbbut i'm on a really slow connection right now11:20
bbbbbbbb3g sucks balls at some places11:20
UniTechelz: i put a & at the end and it didnt quite work the way i wanted..11:21
lotuspsychjebbbbbbbb: i agree on the 3g lol, try links2 for browsing11:21
chelzUniTe: its output and stuff still displays, just if you hit enter you get a new prompt11:21
UniTeoh ok11:21
chelzUniTe: you can redirect the output to a file if you want. or look into something like nohup, screen, or tmux11:22
bbbbbbbblotuspsychje: i'll look into it, never tried actually using textbased browsers. thanks.11:22
UniTechelz: is there anyway i can close the terminal and keep it running?11:22
lotuspsychje!info links211:22
ubottulinks2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3~pre1-1build1 (oneiric), package size 1980 kB, installed size 3168 kB11:22
chelzUniTe: yeah, gotta use one of those tools11:22
chelzUniTe: or do alt-f211:22
bbbbbbbboh, graphics too! lynx has come a long way :)11:23
chelzUniTe: only tmux and screen let you see its output though, unless you redirect to a file11:23
lotuspsychjebbbbbbbb: yeah it really rox11:23
UniTechelz: what would i type if i wanted to redirect the file so i can close the terminal and let the script continue running? sorry im new to ubuntu :)11:23
abhi_is there any way to install latest ATI driver using any ppa? i mean latest driver version is 11.1211:24
chelzUniTe: well if you hit alt+f2 does a thing called "run command" pop up?11:24
abhi_driver from repo. is not good enough and has issues with gnome-shell11:24
chelzer "run application"11:24
UniTechelz: yes it sure does11:24
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:25
chelzUniTe: well ok, just so you know the only way to stop the python is to do "kill $pid" from the terminal and you can't interact with it, like reattach to a terminal11:26
UniTechelz: thats is fine :) aslong as i will be able to kill it at somestage lol11:26
chelzUniTe: you'd do something like    "python something.py >> ~/something_log.py"11:26
chelzUniTe: >> appends to the file you specify, in this case ~/something_log.py11:27
ActionParsnipabhi_: what ATi chip do you have?11:27
UniTechelz:  thanks heaps.. ill try that now11:27
chelzUniTe: and just stdout, not stderr. stderr is 2>>11:27
Chees_BHWhow can i run a command on reboot ?11:28
ActionParsnipabhi_: can I PM you please?11:28
UniTechelz: awesome, worked perfect, your a legend11:28
abhi_ActionParsnip: i have ATI mobility radeon HD 4200 series11:29
chelzUniTe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto11:29
chelzUniTe: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/basic-commands/C/11:30
UniTechelz: thanks. one more thing, can i append two scripts to the one file.. eg: python something.py >> ~/something_log.py  and then python somethingelse.py >> ~/something_log.py11:31
chelzUniTe: sure. but the log will have all the entries mixed up, if that's what you want11:31
chelzUniTe: that actually should be something_py.log11:31
UniTechelz: yea that wont be a problem.. just to keep them out of the way while im testing..11:32
chelz.log files are kinda seen as text files, it's a log not a .py python script11:32
UniTechelz: oh ok :)11:32
OraizHello everyone - I've just done a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10 on my Dell Studio 1558 and need to install the wireless firmware that I think I've correctly downloaded after googling. I've done this on my Windows partition as I'm unable to use an ethernet connection in my Ubuntu partition. Would anyone be able to help with how to install this firmware? Thanks in advance.11:32
ActionParsnipOraiz: what ethernet chip does:  sudo lshw -C network   say you have?11:32
chelzUniTe: well, i really recommend looking into screen and tmux. they do a much better job of dealing with stuff 'out of the way'. google has some good simple guides11:32
Chees_BHWhow can i run a command on reboot ?11:33
llutz_Chees_BHW: create a cronjob "@reboot ...." but be warned, that also will run if you restart cron11:33
MonkeyDustchelz  byobu is an extension of screen, it's even easier11:33
chelzOraiz: i would think ethernet should work11:33
OraizHi Action - I'm in Windows at the moment, so unable to do that. :)11:33
UniTechelz: alright will do.. thanks again11:34
OraizYes, ethernet does work, but I'm at work and don't have access to the router. :)11:34
chelzMonkeyDust: yeah byobu is pretty fancy i've seen/heard. i haven't used it so i don't know if it's more or less complicated for a beginner11:34
chelzOraiz: aha11:34
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ActionParsnipchelz: does it need root access?11:34
Chees_BHWllutz i did this but its not working. Im trying to run a shell script in screen. but instead the shell script it says: 'sleep 720' when i run ps aux. sleep 720 is part of the shell script. but it says screen is not runing11:35
chelzActionParsnip: which one? ethernet? no i mean i just googled about the dell studio 15 whatever and didn't really see anyone complaining about ethernet11:35
ActionParsnipOraiz: does the ethernet work under ubuntu though?11:35
OraizActionParsnip: Yes it does, however I'm unable to use it at the moment.11:36
chelzChees_BHW: do you have "your command something like?:    screen script.sh11:36
llutz_Chees_BHW: you'll have to read how to create a detached screen-session. cronjobs have to tty, so i guess thats why screen fails to load11:36
llutz_have no tty*11:37
chelzOraiz: something to try:    sudo rmmod -f dell_laptop11:37
chelzOraiz: from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1434737&page=211:37
ActionParsnipOraiz: worth getting hooked up and updated etc11:38
Chees_BHWChelsz, yes its like this in crontab: @reboot screen script.sh OR @reboot screen /path/script.sh11:38
OraizAction: Yes it is, but I'm not able to until this evening - I was just wondering if there was a simple way of grabbing the firmware in Windows then installing it from the hard drive in Ubuntu.11:39
OraizI guess I'll have to be patient and wait until later to use Ubuntu. ;)11:39
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chelzChees_BHW: that might be due to trying to have arguments to stuff in the crontab11:40
chelzChees_BHW: http://askubuntu.com/questions/23009/reasons-why-crontab-does-not-work11:40
chelzOraiz: there might be but if it's like bw fwcutter it does a script to dl a file11:41
ActionParsnipchelz: if it needs root access you can add it in /etc/rc.local   be sure to add an amperand to the end of the command so that it doesn't make the boot hang / wait til th script ends11:41
chelzActionParsnip: ah that's an idea11:41
llutz_Chees_BHW: try "@reboot screen -m sh -c 'path/to/script'"11:42
ActionParsnipchelz: add it above the exit 0 line11:43
chelzActionParsnip: is there a better way than "su someuser -c script.sh" to run something at start as a user?11:43
ActionParsnipchelz: sounds great to me :)11:44
Amr0dhow can I change the rights for a sym link from root to another user?11:44
llutz_Amr0d: you can't11:45
Chees_BHWchelz, is the path in quotes ?11:45
Amr0dllutz_: ?11:45
llutz_Amr0d: even if its owned root:root, it has the same permissions as the linksource11:45
Amr0dCan't I use something like chmod ?11:45
llutz_Amr0d: you can't11:45
Amr0dthat sucks ::(11:46
llutz_Amr0d: thats how symlinks work11:46
chelzChees_BHW: protection11:47
Amr0dhow can I use phpmyadmin then if its not located in the websites folder? llutz_11:48
ActionParsnipAmr0d: all users have full access to the symlink itself, the thing linked to will have its own ACL11:48
chelzAmr0d: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin11:48
llutz_Amr0d: no idea, i don't use that11:49
Amr0dso instead of using the root user I could use the normal website user to link the item?11:49
ganglia_#join rrd11:49
chelzAmr0d: that wikipage has a guide on how to set it up. do that11:50
Amr0dchelz: pma is already installed with Plesk, that's why I am trying to get symlinks working :D11:51
chelzAmr0d: look at its symlinks section11:51
chelzAmr0d: do it. do it noww11:51
Amr0dyes sir11:52
sveinseAnyone know what I need to do to get a e1000e NIC (82567LM) up and running again on Natty running on an Dell E6400 laptop?11:52
chelzsveinse: does network manager do anything?11:52
sveinsedhelz: Nope. It sais disconnected. ifconfig lists eth0. but dhclient eth0 never returns11:54
sveinseStrangely enough ethtool eth0 reports No such device11:54
Innocenciowow...first time i've tried ubuntu...it looks great!  different though...took me several minutes to find out the close program X in firefox is hidden and on the left, like a mac.11:55
sveinse^^ chelz11:55
rumbaHi guys! Does anyone know where Remmina RDC stores the passwords?11:55
rumbaI lost the password to a remote computer than this is the only place where I have it, I'm looking for a way to retrieve it.11:55
saju_mHi, i an trying to install ldap in ubuntu 11.04 based on article https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html,  I installed ldap success fully.  Now i an trying to configure TLS and SSL.  and i stuck there in command "ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:///11:56
chelzrumba: maybe like ~/.remmina or ~/.config/remmina11:57
airdemwth hell is going on. got this window popped up a minute ago http://imgur.com/x9cC311:58
airdemi dont understand this11:58
rumbaYeah, found it, now I have to decrypt it...11:58
MonkeyDustairdem  refuse, if you're not sure11:58
chelzsveinse: hmm one moment11:59
airdemof course but WHOis this?11:59
Innocenciostupid question...how do i turn off the PC with Ubuntu on it?  can't find that option anywhere...something tells me there's a "Welcome to Ubuntu" video i should be watching.11:59
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MonkeyDustInnocencio  top right, click on your name11:59
debian_noobInnocencio, halt -p11:59
Innocenciosweet thanks guys.12:00
airdemdebian_noob: he has no idea about the gui and you expect him to know how to use the terminal?12:00
Innocenciogah ok obvious now that you point it out :)12:00
debian_noobairdem, ahh sorry12:00
chelzsveinse: what does this output?    lspci -nn | grep 808612:01
rumbaThanks, chelz12:02
sveinsechelz: 00:19.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation 82567LM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10f5] (rev 03)12:02
sveinseThere is some talk about a PM regression in the e1000e which suffers on Ubuntu12:03
MonkeyDustPM regression?12:04
sveinsePower Management12:04
dr_willisnever noticed NIC's taking that much powar. :)12:04
ActionParsnipsveinse: you may be able to add an option to the ethernet driver module to not power manage12:05
chelzsveinse: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128835912:09
amp_ #octave12:11
gdanedid anyone test video glasses with linux pc?12:12
chelzgdane: probably someone12:14
chelzgdane: should just be another monitor12:14
NimeshNeemaCan someone please suggest a GUI text editor for web dev (will be mostly editing hand-written .js .css and .html) with code folding and bracket matching for ubuntu 11.1012:14
gdanei need glasses to test it with my ubuntu netbook12:14
gdanebut i am not sure what glasses i need to buy12:15
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator12:15
chelzNimeshNeema: geany12:15
gdaneive read that someone mixed vuzix 920 with linux12:15
wannabeUmbrello is a UML editor isn't it?12:15
chelzNimeshNeema: but try out the other ones in that list. emacs/vim are the best12:16
gdaneit worked well as second monitor nothing more12:16
MonkeyDustgdane what's vuzix?12:16
chelzgdane: if you can try them out in the store you can bring in your computer. or try googling model numbers12:16
gdanevuzix wrap 92012:16
debian_noobbluefish is good for web development12:17
gdanei googled, google said that wrap 920 is working well12:17
Innocencioheh heh i like the name foor the windows key...the Meta key.12:17
MonkeyDustthe new windows gui is also called meta12:18
Innocencioreally?  i retract my scoffing laugh!12:18
debian_noobor komposer12:18
sveinsechelz: Thanks. It describes my issues, but the remedy does not work12:19
dariushall21I'm trying to run minecraft from the .exe with wine, and it said i need java runtime 1.5.0. What should I do?12:19
chelzsveinse: test package doesn't work?12:19
aeon-ltddariushall21: why? there is a version that will just run from the jar12:19
hateballdariushall21: There is a native Linux version of Minecraft, isnt there?12:19
hateballdariushall21: You'll still need !java, obviously12:19
dariushall21Yes, but I have used the .exe before and it ran a lot smoother on a pc with lower specs than this one12:20
dariushall21And I have open jdk but I want the commands for installed oracle java12:20
aeon-ltdon windows?12:20
sveinsechelz: Using upstream e1000e driver packages, does not work. I get "ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready" despite the switch and the NIC link led is active12:21
dariushall21No on a linux computer, with lower specs than this one and it ran smoother than from the jar12:21
chelzNimeshNeema: komodo edit, geany or kate12:21
dariushall21I cannot for the life of me, get minecraft to run smooth on this computer.12:21
hateballdariushall21: Java is no longer allowed to be distributed with Ubuntu, so you have to get it from Oracle12:21
sveinsechelz, so I presume this is still an open issue then. *sigh*12:21
chelzsveinse: does it show up in     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116914912:22
chelzsveinse: sudo lshw -C network12:22
MonkeyDusthateball  dariushall21 you need opendjdk, it's in the repos12:22
chelzsveinse: the stuff i'm reading says it should've been fixed a few ubuntu releases ago12:22
aeon-ltddariushall21: how many frames can you get?12:22
dariushall21about 2fpm12:22
chelzsveinse: as in you shouldn't have this problem with such a new ubuntu release12:22
dariushall21not even fps12:22
aeon-ltddariushall21: was gonna suggest http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/249637-100-optifine-hd-d3-fps-boost-hd-textures/ but it doesn't look like it will help12:23
dariushall21i have it,12:23
sveinsechelz. Yes, the issues on the links you sent me were related to eeprom NIC issues. This is not my case. It _is_ PM issues against the NIC12:23
dariushall21I even tried the multi threading for dual core and it still doesn't help at all.12:23
aeon-ltddariushall21: have you tried reducing everything, like no background apps, no compiz, a sparse DE/WM set up?12:24
dariushall21I have 6 gigs ram, 2gigs of dedicated video ram, and 2 amd phenom dual core processors at 2.4 each12:24
sveinsechelz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/802878/12:24
dariushall21I play on the un-maximized screen with render on tiny, and graphics on fast12:25
MonkeyDustdariushall21  like aeon-ltd says: use a light window manager, less resource consuming12:25
sveinseActionParsnip, do you know how to disable PM on the NIC?12:25
dariushall21What's a light window manager?12:25
aeon-ltddariushall21: what gpu? if you've got nvidia/ati then try switching the drivers from proprietry to open source vice versa12:26
icerootsveinse: PM = power management?12:26
hateballMonkeyDust: Well I dont personally run Minecraft, so I dont know if openjdk runs it properly :)12:26
icerootsveinse: sudo ifconfig eth0 power off12:26
aeon-ltddariushall21: anything but unity, compiz, kde, and even gnome12:26
aeon-ltddariushall21: but gnome without compiz is pretty light12:26
kostyaWhat does mean "/msg nickserv register" command? I'm trying to register on ##linux.12:26
CharminTheMooseWhat cli tool can I use to get the first 5 characters of a string?12:26
icerootsveinse: but i guess that is only working for wifi cards, so use  sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off12:26
sveinseiceroot, won't that disable the NIC?12:26
llutz_!register | kostya12:26
ubottukostya: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:26
icerootsveinse: no12:27
dariushall21the motherboard? I'm not sure, I think I was told it's a biostar? Pheonix something. All my hardware is ati and amd.12:27
icerootsveinse: it will disable the power-management12:27
crunchyCharminTheMoose: cut12:27
chelzsveinse: Runtime PM has to be deactivated to get the NIC working again. Apparently this problem started between 2.6.34 and
chelzsveinse: you probably saw the same ml messages i'm seeing12:27
chelzsveinse: i would doublecheck your dmesg / messages log to make sure it starts up but then stops working, seems to be the way to id if you have the pm issu12:28
sveinsechelz, yes probably. I'm looking for a description for how12:28
CharminTheMooseCheers crunchy12:29
sveinseI get the link is not ready message which is consistent with the errors described in the ml12:29
chelzsveinse: http://www.serverphorums.com/read.php?12,376997,377110#msg-37711012:29
crunchyCharminTheMoose: ... or sed ;)12:29
Innocencio"restricted drivers available"...do i have to BUY a driver?12:29
chelzsveinse: "[ 6255.418398] e1000e 0000:00:19.0: eth0: MAC Wakeup cause - Link Status Change12:29
dr_willisInnocencio:  No.. its not that sort of restricted12:29
dr_willisInnocencio:  they are non 'gpl' drivers..12:29
Innocenciowhew.  thanks doc, i always get nervous and sweaty when someone reaches for my wallet!12:30
dr_willisor some othjer ways restricted from being included by default12:30
dr_willisInnocencio:  think about it :) the drivers you have to download for windows are also often restricted from being included in the os. you 'have' to go download them from the company site  or otherwise install them.12:31
dr_willisNight all..12:31
Innocencioagreed, that happens quite often in windows.  i saw the words "may not be free" and my blood ran cold though!  thanks for the explanation, doc.12:31
slugzzzHey all.. so, I would like to put a couple of clocks with different time zones displayed on them (preferably have the clocks be labeled)... anyone have a suggestion for an app to do this?12:33
sveinsechelz: I read "Runtime PM has to be deactivated to get the NIC working again." <-- I'm looking for how to do this12:34
kingisher64does anybody know of an equalivant program to orbit downloader that i can use in ubuntu? It downloads flash video's.12:35
__sha__currently when I press ctrl+alt, my windows shrink and go top right12:36
MonkeyDustkingisher64  there are some browser plugins12:36
__sha__anybody has the same problem, or has a clue about what is going for me ?12:36
Snicksiekingisher64, I use jDownloader, it can download some stuff too :) maybe its what you're looking for12:37
faryusI have an issue with a fresh install of ubuntu... i did a netinstall, and something fails during boot... screen goes blank, and nothing happens12:37
kingisher64MonkeyDust - i know there's a youtube downloader for firefox (i use) - I find orbit downloader v useful12:37
bigblowhardi can't sleep12:37
bigblowhardwho wants to party?12:37
faryuswait... nevermind, SSH works12:38
kingisher64Snicksie - thank you, i will have a look now12:38
chelzsveinse: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=103949912:38
chelzsveinse: /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/runtime-pm.conf12:38
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MonkeyDustkingisher64  also try minitube, a standalone program12:39
sveinsechelz; thanks a lot. I'm rebooting to check the results. brb12:40
chelzkingisher64: jdownloader or youtube-dl12:40
chelzkingisher64: also get-flash-videos12:41
kingisher64MonkeyDust - i just want to be able to download flash video tutorials (that are free) that don't often have a link.12:41
ActionParsnipkingisher64: could try youtube-dl   if you just want the audio, use: youtube-mp3.org12:41
chelzkingisher64: jdownloader will probably do that12:42
kingisher64chelz, ActionParsnip - thank, i'll have a look at all suggestions now.12:42
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nardulHey. Im trying to create a USB boot disk with 10.04 x64 server edition. However, when i boot the usb pen (created with unetbootin), it says "You installationcd-rom could not be mounted". Does anyone have a solution for this?12:51
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nardulSince i'm actually on a USB pen.12:51
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om26er_nardul, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/73712:52
om26er_this might be of help12:52
nardulom26er_: Sorry not, that's about a CD installation and is not applicable for me. It would appear to be an isntaller problem, but i can't imagine noone has seen it before.12:54
nardulSorry, it is not*12:54
chelznardul: try making the stick again with unetbootin?12:55
chelznardul: might also try ubuntu startup usb creator tool12:55
sveinsechelz: YES! Thanks a lot. Finally a working NIC. /me very grateful12:56
rileypwhy would irexec commands nor respond until I close mythtv12:56
rileypnot respond but collate12:56
nardulchelz: I tried several times. I get a completely different error with Startup disk creator. That c32menu isn't valid and config error with gfx settings.12:57
chelzsveinse: hhmm interesting. hopefully that's fixed in the next ubuntu.12:58
sveinsechelz, while scanning the e1000e mailinglists, I see that it's still an open regression/issue12:59
gametstrwhere can I download the patch for 2.6.38 power regression problems?13:00
chelzgametstr: lkml at least13:00
gametstrchelz : sorry what does that mean?13:02
chelzgametstr: linux kernel mailing list13:02
kingisher64MonkeyDust, Snicksie, chelz, ActionParsnip - thanks for your advice jdownloader is exactly what i was looking for.13:03
icerootgametstr: are you sure you want to patch your kernel and rebuild it?13:03
chelzkingisher64: i am the law13:03
kingisher64chelz - lol13:04
gametstriceroot : I am a noob in the linux world but I want to learn.. just got ubuntu and want to solve my horrible battery life first13:05
icerootgametstr: i bet all i have that building a kernel is nothing for a beginner13:06
icerootgametstr: but learning is always good13:07
=== szal_ is now known as szal
iceroot!kernel | gametstr13:07
ubottugametstr: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)13:07
gametstriceroot: ok. I dint know that i had to build the kernel itself I thought I could just install the patch somehow13:07
icerootgametstr: the patch is for the source-code, the kernel you get from ubuntu is already compiled13:08
icerootgametstr: so you have to rebuild the kernel after putting the patch on it13:08
icerootgametstr: it took me 10 hours to build the kernel (intel atoom 1.6ghz)13:09
icerootor better, the buildprocess needed 10 hours13:09
gametstriceroot: I dont know if I am up to that yet.. where do u suggest I begin?13:11
icerootgametstr: you could try a live-version of ubuntu 12.04 to see if the problem is still there with that version13:12
Innocenciois there a simple fix to move the close menu button back to the upper right hand corner?  do not love the mac left hand layout...13:20
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)13:22
ActionParsnipInnocencio: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc13:23
InnocencioActionparsnip:   i can't even figure out how to enter that command with google!  but i do know i installed 11.10 Ubuntu13:27
gametstriceroot : sorry I got disconnected. so is there a way I can get an older kernel?13:27
ActionParsnipInnocencio: good enough, its a terminal command, you run a terminal by pressing CTRL+ALT+T13:27
keda87hello anyone, what version the latest kernel in ubuntu maverick 10.10???13:28
InnocencioActionparsnip:  oneiric13:28
aashezWhat is the command somethign like --fix-missing to rebuild packages sudo apt-get --fix-missing ?13:28
MonkeyDustaashez  try sudo apt-get -f install13:29
ActionParsnipInnocencio: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/12/move-minimize-maximize-close-buttons-to-the-right-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/13:29
aashezMonkeyDust: Yes, did that. Other than that... what was the command --fix-missing13:29
InnocencioActionparsnip:  thanks!13:29
ActionParsnipInnocencio: all I did was websearch13:29
akulbeOn older versions of Linux, you had the text-based GRUB menu that you could select booting into text-only mode. How do you do that with the current versions, where it's got a graphical boot?13:29
akulbes/Linux/Ubuntu :)13:30
InnocencioActionparsnip:  you are one up on me buddy, i couldn't even google that much!13:30
ActionParsnipakulbe: add the boot option:  text13:30
ActionParsnipInnocencio: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=oneiric+move+close+minimize+to+right&kl=uk-en&kp=113:30
akulbeActionParsnip: can't get to where the boot option can be added.13:31
akulbeActionParsnip: X won't load13:31
lewQuestion: how do you get a Cisco lynksys USB adapter working on a wireless network?13:32
zludehey! how can i do for an user NON-ROOT run "sudo apt-get install anything-that-him-need"13:32
jolarenI've accidently created a user called "Övrigt.." on my loginscreen but I can't find the user anywhere.. Can't delete it, what am I missing?13:32
Diabolelehi everybody there is a release that support the gma 500 video card ?13:33
rileyplew you need to configure it13:33
lewdoent take the config13:33
InnocencioActionparsnip: wow...didn't have that GCONF file installed, the terminal walked me through exactly how to download and install it though.  steep learning curve on this baby, but the built in n00b tips are helping!13:33
olividirgood afternoon, can someone here help me with samba? when I start it in terminal, it says no such file or directory13:33
olividirI have downloaded it few times now13:33
ActionParsnipInnocencio: they are all over the place ;)13:34
ActionParsnipolividir: start what?13:34
olividirActionParsnip: Samba13:34
lewI don't think ubuntu recognises the device, lack of drive support?13:34
ActionParsnipolividir: to start the samba SERVICE, use: sudo service smbd start13:34
anli_Is there anyone being able to use spotify here?13:35
rileyplew if the settings wont go in then the device isnt available provided you have password13:35
anli_They seem to have added a feature which crashes the client under wine13:35
ActionParsniplew: run:  lsusb   you will see the chip (what is printed on the case is nearly useless), you can then find guides on that chip13:35
lewthanks rileyp13:35
faryusis there any way to have dpkg resolve the dependencies for a certain package?13:35
olividirActionParsnip: still says no such file or directory13:35
ActionParsnipolividir: then run:  sudo apt-get install samba13:36
ActionParsnipfaryus: try:  sudo apt-get -f install13:36
olividirActionParsnip: did that few times before getting on here13:36
rileyplew ifconfig -a will show your network adaptors13:36
olividirActionParsnip: I can find it if I go through dash home, it asks me for my password and then doesnt start13:37
ActionParsnipolividir: use tab to complete the service name, may help13:37
ActionParsnipolividir: didn't know you could manage services from dash13:37
yumboActionParsnip, just wanted to thank you for your support in IRC; helped a lot of people over time13:37
gametstrhow do i install 2.6.37 kernel? I am on 11.04 with 2.6.38 and synaptics wont return me with any results when i search13:37
lewMaybe I can grab some universal driver as well13:37
olividirActionParsnip: Im trying to start it from dash13:37
ActionParsnipyumbo: no worries dude, its how I learn too :)13:38
ActionParsnipolividir: use a terminal instead13:38
olividirActionParsnip: ** also tried to start it from dash13:38
lewThanks again, ubuntu on vm ware works but it must be grabbing my windows setup13:38
ActionParsnipyumbo: thanks for the gratitude13:38
ActionParsniplew: I'd ask in #vmware too then ;)13:39
lewthanks, have a good day13:39
rileyplew np13:39
zludePlease! how can i do for the user postgres use sudo apt-get without password for install anything. any ideas?13:40
saju_mHi , i followed this article http://www.opinsys.fi/en/setting-up-openldap-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-part213:41
saju_mgetting error with command $ ldapsearch -d3 -x -h localhost.localdomain -ZZ -b dc=localhost,dc=localdomain13:41
saju_mTLS: peer cert untrusted or revoked (0x42),   TLS: can't connect: (unknown error code).,   ldap_err2string,    ldap_start_tls: Connect error (-11)13:41
saju_many idea ?13:41
maxultiIs there any effect on the performance on instaalling linux kernel with pae13:41
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
yumbomaxulti, apart from a performance increase thanks to more RAM availability, there is no performance change13:42
mmoebiusCan anybody give me a hand on a not-working docbook2html conversion ? My system is not finding "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" .. whatever that is. See http://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?2601713:45
jolarenI've added a user to my login screen somehow which I can't find anywhere .. how do I remove that user from there?13:45
yumbojolaren, what is the user called?13:45
jolarenyumbo: Övrigt..13:46
faryusis there any way to install a .deb via terminal and have it install all the other dependent packages?13:46
jolarenyumbo: might just edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf13:46
yumbojolaren, if you want to delete the user you can use "userdel"13:46
jolarenyumbo: thank you, I tried that already.. been using linux for a few years ;)13:46
yumbojolaren, Ubuntu uses lightdm for the latest release (not gdm)13:46
LjLfaryus: you can use gdebi, but what i do is usually to just install with dpkg and then "apt-get -f install"13:46
jolarenyumbo: right!13:47
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:47
faryusLjL, thanks, I'll try13:47
mmoebiusfaryus: No, because dpkg (which you'd use for installing the deb) has no information on where the .deb files come from. That is what apt is for13:47
LjLmmoebius: "no" seems a bit much... gdebi does it13:48
faryusmmoebius: I need to install a package that is not in the repo13:48
boba88hi i have  the following problem do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.13:48
faryusvia terminal...13:48
maxultiI have proxy issues and is there a software through which all network traffic is routed and has the proxy settings so that I dont have to put proxy settings on various apps like irefox and all13:48
boba88anyone has any idea about this problem13:48
mmoebiusLjL: Oh, never used gdebi :-( Thank you for clarifying13:48
auronandacefaryus: what is the package by the way?13:49
MonkeyDustboba88  is that a question about programming, development?13:49
faryustransmission-daemon 2.4213:49
faryusthe repo has 2.3313:49
boba88MonkeyDust: i try to run rosrun rviz rviz a ros node13:49
ActionParsnipfaryus: there is a transmission ppa13:49
boba88MonkeyDust: i try to run "rosrun rviz rviz" a ros node13:49
MonkeyDustboba88  and what is that?13:49
auronandace!ppa | faryus13:50
ubottufaryus: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa13:50
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faryusoh... interesting...13:50
boba88MonkeyDust: it is ros (robot operating system) node available for visualizing different things13:50
auronandacefaryus: what is 2.42 that isn't in 2.33?13:50
faryusudp tracker support13:51
boba88MonkeyDust: i want to visualize the point cloud from kinect13:51
MonkeyDustboba88  i guess you did not come to the right place13:51
=== Guest12096 is now known as Rodant
Piciboba88: This channel is for Ubuntu support only.  It looks like you need more specialized support for your issue.13:52
boba88MonkeyDust: its possible but i thought it has to do with my setup, because this same node works on another computer of mine but different versions of ros13:52
boba88Pici: will look for sth else13:52
boba88MonkeyDust: thanks anyway13:52
boba88MonkeyDust: :)13:52
leehambleyCould somsone help me with upstart, please - https://gist.github.com/90f931594debddb3e972 the umask stanza isn't working :(13:52
gametstrI need to get 2.6.37 on 11.04 anyone?13:53
nbubuntuhi anyone have an android phone or etc ? i can't seem to connect to a GTab on it even i install MTP13:53
auronandacegametstr: why?13:53
faryusdpk -i and then apt-get -f install doesn't work, apt just deletes the package that dpkg installed13:53
mmoebiusAnybody familiar with docbook on ubuntu ? http://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?2601713:54
nbubuntuI even install qlix , but still doesn't show up13:54
LjLfaryus: uhm in my experience that usually means the required dependencies aren't available. anyway try gdebi (package gdebi-core)13:54
nbubuntuso no one here using android phone ? weird ...13:54
gametstrauronandace : Power consumption problems and overheating13:54
faryusLjL: isn't gdebi a graphical tool?13:54
auronandacegametstr: can't use 11.10? that has the 3 kernel13:54
LjLfaryus: gdebi-core is the CLI version13:54
gametstrI thot all the kernels above 2.6.38 have power regression problem13:55
faryusDependency is not satisfiable: libminiupnpc8 (>= 1.6)13:55
icerootgametstr: yes that is correct13:56
RiCHuDcan anyone tell me what does the kernel module loading in ubuntu?13:56
boba88MonkeyDust: what about this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1412915? I wonder if there is another way of fixing this error with the vblank_mode13:56
auronandacegametstr: ah i see13:56
auronandace!kernel | gametstr13:56
ubottugametstr: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)13:56
boba88MonkeyDust: the actual error is do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly. Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter.13:57
MonkeyDustboba88  doesnt ring a bell, cant help13:57
gametstrauronandace: read those but synaptic wont return me any results13:58
boba88MonkeyDust: it seems it has to do with this computer ubuntu setup :) but not sure how to fix it :)13:58
auronandacegametstr: 2.6.37 isn't in the repos, you'd need to compile it13:59
jolarenyumbo: just read through the internet, apparently you can't remove users.. but the thing is that i haven't created a usre but only created a listing somewhere13:59
gametstrauronandace: ahh.. I dont know if I am up to compiling it14:00
novid‎i cant access to my repository with this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion14:00
novid‎i use webDAV protocol14:00
auronandacegametstr: in that case you may need to go further back (10.04 is still supported)14:01
novid‎i get this error: svn: Repository moved permanently to ''; please relocate14:01
novid‎but i access it local with file:///14:02
mmoebiusAnybody familiar with docbook2html on ubuntu ? I have got a problem I cannot resolve: http://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?2601714:03
axcvbhello people14:05
Chotaz`Wis there an arquive manager for ubuntu that queues the file to extract instead of trying to extract them all at once?14:06
mmoebius!ask | axcvb14:06
ubottuaxcvb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:06
=== frk is now known as frk77
gametstrauronandace : is compiling a kernel difficult much for a noob?14:07
frk77bonjour, je cherche a mettre un ecran de veille sur lxdm ... quelqu'un sait comment faire ?14:07
auronandacegametstr: i couldn't tell you sorry, i've never done it14:07
barack_hello ... i have a very strange file ..when i do ls -a  but cant read it14:07
InnocencioHelp!  Ubuntu, 11.1, Oneiric, brand new n00b here, trying to put the max/min/close buttons on the right hand side, followed a couple tutorials online, still can't make it happen.  anybody else got a tip?14:07
barack_i suppose its akind of virus14:07
jadoeis there a way to mount apple's sparsebundles? disk image, split into 8mb chunks, hfs+ inside, aes encrypted. i hope there is, i fear there is not.14:08
gametstrk.. thanks for all the help anyway14:08
auronandace!controls | Innocencio14:08
ubottuInnocencio: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263314:08
auronandacegametstr: you could check to see if someone made a ppa of 2.6.3714:09
barack_help plz14:09
auronandace!ppa | gametstr14:09
ubottugametstr: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa14:09
barack_hello can you here me ? can you14:10
Innocencioauronandace thanks auronandace, ubottu14:10
Innocencioauronandace:  is there a trick to getting to !controls?  is that a terminal command?14:10
auronandaceInnocencio: no worries :)14:11
auronandace!bot | Innocencio14:11
ubottuInnocencio: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:11
mmoebiusInnocencio: So, which tutorial dir you follow ?14:11
gulzarcompiz , Kwin, Gnome3 all performs good with my onboard graphics but Unity is little slow, its like a little lag in moving mouse and double-click and all other actions. Any way to increase its performance? Any utility/app/driver etc?14:12
=== jtrucks is now known as entropyd
barack_there is a virus using my terminal14:12
auronandaceInnocencio: they are command for the bot ubottu14:12
Innocenciotried the mechanized terminal one, then teh graphical interface in gconf editor14:12
mmoebiusbarack_: Virus ? What makes you think that ?14:12
Picibarack_: Why do you think that?14:12
leehambleyis anyone familiar with upstart? I'm having the problem that it ignores my umask: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8851848/upstart-unicorn-with-umask-ignored14:12
barack_a  file  i cant read that display14:13
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Picibarack_: How are you trying to display it?14:13
barack_ .sudo_as_admin_successful ... that the name14:13
barack_ and it is taking alot of time to log me14:13
barack_ls -a14:14
InnocencioGconf Editor editor, Apps, Metacity, General, then change BUTTN LAYOUT to menu: max,min,close14:14
Picibarack_: That file has no data in it.  Its normal and may appear in your home directory.14:14
Innocencioand it did not work :(14:14
morsikhello, i have some problem with installing apps on ubuntu@pendrive14:14
morsiknie wiem czy pendrive walniety czy jakupdate-alternatives: error: cannot stat /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/unrar: Input/output error14:14
morsiki'm getting  update-alternatives: error: cannot stat /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/unrar: Input/output error14:14
nbubuntuhi anyone have an android phone or etc ? i can't seem to connect to a GTab on it even i install MTP14:14
morsikand i can't install/remove anything :<14:15
barack_ahhh ok there was a techinician from the isp this morn i suspected  HIM14:15
morsiki'm not sure if that's related to pendrive or just some internal crash14:15
Innocenciommoebius:  i tried to fix it thru the GCONF editor, didn't work.14:16
=== entropyd is now known as jtrucks
mmoebiusInnocencio: Which tutorial ?14:16
Innocencioall of them were variants on this guide.  some gave terminal shortcuts to doing the same thing14:17
Innocencioi'm on Ubuntu 11.1 and Oneiric14:17
mmoebiusInnocencio: In gconf, you have to enter things pretty much exactly(!) as the syntax of the element you want to change requires it14:17
Innocencioso mabey just error on my part, eh?  lemme try it again.  thanks moebius14:17
barack_THX  PIC14:18
DeJaVoudoes anyone know how to change the ubuntu one user account on windows14:18
mmoebiusInnocencio: Are using unity ?14:19
Innocencioyeah it came stock on the 11.1, haven't figured out how to change it yet.14:19
DeJaVouI accidentally created a new user account instead of signing into my existing one14:19
mmoebiusInnocencio: Maybe you try "method 2: Ubuntu Tweak" from the page you mentioned14:19
DeJaVouand I can't seem to find where the configuration files are stored14:19
Innocenciommoebius: ty i will try that.14:20
mmoebiusInnocencio: If not, com back here and pester people until you get an answer ;M-)14:20
SuperMiguelis there a reason why my ubuntu install chromium works slower than when im running chrome in osx???14:21
SuperMigueleven when trying to install xchat.. i did apt-get install xchat it took about 10 secs to get connected to the ubuntu servers14:21
Innocenciommoebius:  ty! i will!  this ubuntu has a steep learning curve!14:22
=== gametstr_ is now known as gametstr
nixmaniackwill this work to create bootable flash drive? " dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdc "14:22
auronandaceInnocencio: if you don't like unity then there are a few alternatives you could try14:22
gametstrauronandace : searched there with no luck.. is there an easier way to find it?14:22
auronandacegametstr: about ppas? i don't use them, i'm just aware they exist14:23
gametstrah ok.14:24
gametstrmaybe I 'll read a bit and try compiling it myself.. hope I have better luck like that14:25
Chotaz`WIs there any tool for compressed files(rar, zip, and all the other extensions) that makes a queue of files to extract instead of trying to extract them all at once, like the fedault arquive manager done?14:25
mmoebiusInnocencio: Maybe try the third-last hint from http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Move-Ubuntu-Window-Buttons-To-Right-Side-238444.shtml  involving "gconftool-2"14:25
_jasonChotaz`W: you could use a for loop in your favorite shell14:25
Chotaz`Wlike the defautlt arquive manager does*14:26
Chotaz`Wjesus,really sorry for my typping today, to many straight hours into objective-C14:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:30
DragonSlayhow to install new fonts14:30
auronandace!fonts | DragonSlay14:31
ubottuDragonSlay: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/14:31
SuperMiguelDragonSlay, u know the name of the font that u want?14:31
DragonSlaySuperMiguel, kamban tamil font..14:31
SuperMiguelDragonSlay, try ttf-tamil-fonts14:32
DragonSlaySuperMiguel, auronandace  thanks guys.. :)14:32
nixmaniack will this work to create bootable flash drive? " dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdc "14:32
AlexStaceyHi, can anyone here help me with a Wubi install? I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.4 64bit and have the iso in teh same folder as Wubi.exe but it is ignoring it and trying to download the latest version. Any ideas? Thanks14:33
yermandunixmaniack: i will ask this too14:33
auronandaceAlexStacey: any reason you need to use wubi?14:34
yermandui used unetbootin but got problems say that cdrom ws not founded. im dont have cdrom14:34
mackminerany experts here able to offer advice on a machine that won't resolve dns names?14:34
AlexStaceyauronandace: only becasue I want to try ubuntu on this machine to see if everything works before overwriting the Win7 install.14:35
auronandaceAlexStacey: thats what livecds are for14:36
nixmaniackyermandu, actually i want application independent way! i don't want to use third party apps. just what came default with ubuntu14:36
SuperMiguelnixmaniack: what u trying to do?14:36
neo2hi. how can you copy/move only the FILES in a folder's subfolders, but not the folders?14:36
nixmaniackSuperMiguel, i want to create bootable flash drive14:37
yermanducreate usbdisk install without usb-creator or unetbootin14:37
AlexStaceyauronandace: I guess I could try that too.14:37
SuperMiguelnixmaniack: use dd14:37
nixmaniackSuperMiguel,  dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdc14:37
nixmaniackSuperMiguel, is that it?14:37
yermandui think sdc114:37
nixmaniackSuperMiguel, or do I need anything else to add to dd?14:37
neo2e.g., copy only folders/file.txt , but not folders/subfolder14:37
auronandaceAlexStacey: to be frank i can't understand why wubi still exists (when you can dualboot, use livecds or vms)14:38
SuperMiguelnixmaniack: $ sudo dd if=F12-Live-i686.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M14:38
yermanduSuperMiguel: why bs=8M14:38
nixmaniackSuperMiguel, yep saw that for Fedora. but will it work for Ubuntu?14:38
SuperMiguelnixmaniack: different iso name14:39
SuperMiguelnixmaniack: =)14:39
Chotaz`W_jason: thanks for the suggestion, but aethelrick PM me a sollution =D14:39
gametstrauronandace : so u can easily remove ubuntu if need be?14:39
yermanduok i will try just now14:39
nixmaniackSuperMiguel, i didn't mean that! Is the ISO for both distros are created in same way? cuz i have seen some iso don't boot with dd method14:40
SuperMiguelnixmaniack: same way14:40
auronandacegametstr: as opposed to deleting a partition? i don't get what is so complicated about that?14:40
nixmaniackSuperMiguel, okay.. I'll try right away14:40
AlexStaceyauronandace: I see your point, though in the past I've always found it to be a super easy solution. You get a one-click dual-boot with no worries about filesystems or partitions or bootloaders.14:40
gametstrauronandace : with dual boot it messes ur mbr14:40
nbubuntuhi anyone have an android phone or etc ? i can't seem to connect to a GTab on it even i install MTP . using 10.1014:41
nbubuntuany help ?14:41
auronandacegametstr: assuming you let it14:41
gametstrauronandace : well thats how beginners 'd do it14:43
janko_hay a have ati redeon HD4950, and he heat up, probably problem with drivers, what i should do?14:46
neo2hi. how can you copy/move only the FILES in a folder's subfolders, but not the folders?14:46
neo2e.g., copy only folders/file.txt , but not folders/subfolder14:46
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mmoebiusAnybody familiar with docbook2html on ubuntu ? I have got a problem I cannot resolve: http://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?2601714:48
selina2if your ubuntu heats up use a lightweight distro14:48
selina2if your ubuntu heatsup use another light distro14:49
janko_u think problem is with distro?14:49
xrfanghi, my unity launcher disappeared after installation of ubuntu-tweak, and let it clean up the system, anyone can help restore unity?14:50
selina2it might be14:50
selina2log out , log in again see if that fix the panel14:50
danieledoes anyone know of a good programming school in New York or London?14:51
xrfangselina2, I did much more than that14:51
selina2did you google it to see if someone had the problem14:51
xrfangselina2, I am googling, but its hard to descibe14:52
selina2you mean the top panel or the one to  the left14:52
xrfangselina2, on the left14:54
gulzarwhich archive utility can open multiple archive files? To open with right-click after selecting lots of files.14:54
xrfangthe top panel shows global menu, not a hidden one as the default of oneric14:54
selina2iam googling too for the panel missing14:56
aethelrickgulzar, hilight two files, right-click one select open with archive manager and they both open. Not sure why anyone would want to do this, but it does work.14:57
selina2also if you do facebook guys join us in linux group14:58
gulzaraethelrick: I have about 2GB of archives and want to extract them but xarchiver + pcmanfm opens only one file at a time even if I select all of them. So which other app to use?14:59
nbubuntuhi anyone have an android phone or etc ? i can't seem to connect to a GTab on it even i install MTP . using 10.1015:00
gulzarnbubuntu: gtab?15:01
nbubuntugulzar : galaxy tab15:01
DJonesnbubuntu: I've got a Desire HD android, I have no problems connecting to that, just plug it in and tell the phone to connect as file storage15:01
nardulIs there any way to preseed and configure the computers two different netowkr interfaces?15:01
nardulI wan't one set up static and one dhcp.15:01
gulzarnbubuntu: I have galaxy POP15:01
gulzarnbubuntu: and it connects without any problem or extra utility15:02
selina2join us in facebook group ... Linux15:02
nbubuntuDJones : using 10.10 , it doesn't work .Once I plugin it doesn't mount .15:02
dariusdoes anyone know the commands for installing sun java on ubuntu?15:03
auronandaceselina2: please don't advertise here15:03
gulzarselina2: not on FB :P15:03
dssddswassap people15:03
nbubuntugulzar : it doesn't recognize at all the usb device.15:03
dssddshow is going on15:03
gulzarnbubuntu: install usb-utils15:03
dariusOr maybe the plugins for chrome or firefox? I want to play minecraft in browser but it doesn't work.15:04
designbybeckHas anyone gotten VNC to work with Ubuntu 11.10??15:04
gulzardssdds: join #linuxmint-chat15:04
oCeandssdds: /join #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, this is technical support15:04
designbybeckI have read there are problems with 11.10 and VNC?15:04
gulzarnbubuntu: and usb-modswtich15:04
nbubuntugulzar : not able to install  Unable to locate package usb-utils15:05
jbwivguys, I recently had one of my raid 1 drives fail, and the other drive start acting weird. Bought two new drives and rsynced everything over. This includes my encrypted (ecryptfs) home directory. Everything synced over, and when I login I see my files. However, I get error messages on console like "Error attempting to find auth tok for fnek". Any ideas what could cause this? Is my data corrupted?15:05
gulzarnbubuntu: *usb_modeswitch15:05
gulzarubuntulog: wait...15:05
alloyCan anyone give me any guidance on GSoC ?15:05
gulzarubuntulog: install without - so it is usbutils15:05
mmoebiusFor the record: concerning an error message like 'cannot generate system identifier for public text "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN"' from docbook2html: I found that my system was missing the DocBook DTD's. I was fooled by finding DocBoox-XML DTD's and these are of course *not* interchangeable. 'apt-get insall docbook' did the trick.15:06
nbubuntugulzar : usb_modeswitch is installed15:06
aethelrickgulzar, if I have to extract lots of archives I tend to use a find command like this... find -name '*.tar.gz' -exec tar -xzvf {} \;15:06
DJonesnbubuntu: DOn't know if this will help http://lifeafter2am.net/2011/07/connecting-samsung-galaxy-tab-10-1-to-linux/15:06
gulzarnbubuntu: modeswtich isfor backupop in case you want to have modem and it is in data mode and so.. install usbutils15:06
aethelrickthat finds all the .tar.gz files and executes tar with each ones name in turn, thus extracting the lot :)15:06
gulzaraethelrick: Ok...15:06
gulzaraethelrick: but I know th postion and want only one folder to extract..15:07
nbubuntugulzar : is installed usbutils15:07
jwashhey guys, I just installed another operating system and I'm getting no grub screen at boot.15:07
nbubuntuDJones :  using galaxy tab p1000 , the 7 inch15:07
jwashis there a way to get grub to rescan and add entries automatically?15:08
gulzarnbubuntu: wajt..searching15:08
gulzarjwash: try "boot-manager" ppa15:08
nbubuntugulzar : i mean usbutils is installed but still can't detect it15:08
gulzarubuntulog: seems like some prob .. try restart and again connect. Put this in terminal before and after connecting tab and see what the error is. { dmesg}15:09
aethelrickgulzar, how many archives do you have? is the folder you want in one of them? all of them? do you want the contents of all archives in one folder? I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve, please provide a concrete example and I'll give you the answer :)15:09
nbubuntugulzar : I had tried this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1077377 , still can't detect15:10
jbwivguys, I recently had one of my raid 1 drives fail, and the other drive start acting weird. Bought two new drives and rsynced everything over. This includes my encrypted (ecryptfs) home directory. Everything synced over, and when I login I see my files. However, I get error messages on console like "Error attempting to find auth tok for fnek". Any ideas what could cause this? Is my data corrupted?15:10
gulzaraethelrick: I have a folder contating over 2Gb of archives 177 items15:10
nardulIs there any way to set up multiple network interfaces using preseeding?15:10
gulzaraethelrick: and want them to extarct in some other folder but keeping their ID that is their own folder ..15:11
dnivrahello. i just tried running "apt-get update" and couldn't connect to extras.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com. are they down or something of that sort? does someone else have the same issue?15:11
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gulzaraethelrick: all the archives are like compressed folders stored in one Folder. I want them to be extracted in some other folder but keeping the same hierachy15:12
gulzarnbubuntu: you did that NOW?15:12
janko_hay a have ati redeon HD4950, and he heat up, probably problem with drivers, what i should do?15:12
gulzaraethelrick: I am going for peazip15:13
gulzarnbubuntu: if you did that just now then do a restart..15:13
nbubuntugulzar , tested , i can't install gmtp15:13
gulzarubuntulog: what is the error?15:14
nbubuntugulzar , can't find it15:14
auronandacejanko_: when does it overheat?15:14
janko_all the time15:14
gulzarnbubuntu: then the package name is different.. search exact name on net and install it.. or use synaptic15:14
* gulzar brb15:14
nbubuntugulzar : ok let me restart the pc15:15
auronandacejanko_: what cpu do you have?15:15
lucidguyNeed to modfity fstab entries on approximately 60 Ubuntu workstations ... recommendations?15:15
ikonialucidguy: ssh and a script15:16
janko_amd turion n530 dual core 2.5ghz15:16
yermanduCan someone help to create usbdisk install on oneiric15:16
yermandui try several methods i all fail /|15:16
lucidguyikonia: That is an obvious answer, I would just have to learn how to get a bash script to do that .. meaing learning reading a file, find the line entry in question, and then replacing it.  Not too easy for someone who is not very bash familiar.15:17
ikonialucidguy: ok, so what are you looking for then ?15:17
ikonialucidguy: you said any suggestions, that is the best way to do it unless you have enterprise estate managment setup, which I'm guessing you don't15:17
lucidguyikonia: any other ideas.15:17
auronandacejanko_: are you using the proprietry drivers for the ati card?15:17
xangua!usb | yermandu15:17
ubottuyermandu: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:17
ikonialucidguy: I have few ideas that are simpler than ssh and a simple script with approx 10 lines in it15:18
janko_auronandace yes15:18
john_doe_jrhey I just downloaded an adobe reader binary...where do I put the binary so that it will be available system wide?  /usr/bin/ ?15:18
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ikoniajohn_doe_jr: anywhere you want15:18
lucidguyikonia: Is there a way to setup multiple fstab files?  The default which is unique to every system, and another that is identical to all systems used for nfs entries to servers etc.15:19
angela-it seamsto by that seamonkey are a older version one the webpage is a newer one15:19
john_doe_jrikonia, but I know it's not available system wide though right now15:19
xanguajohn_doe_jr: adobe reader already is on partner repository i belive15:19
duryhi there channel :)15:19
auronandacejanko_: to find out if it is the driver you could uninstall it and use the open source drivers15:19
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: what do you mean "available system wide"15:19
ikonialucidguy: no, there is only 1 fstab15:19
yermanduxangua: method 0 is not accessible15:19
janko_auronandace same thing15:19
lucidguyikonia: Do you see how that would make this much easier, because then I can simply modify a master fstab file for the nfs entries and replace all workstations with that file.15:20
john_doe_jrikonia, well I think I have to place it in /usr/bin/  to make sure that it is available @ the command prompt right?15:20
auronandacejanko_: hmm, what is the cpu usage like? is it often high?15:20
yermandupage https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick is outdate15:20
ikonialucidguy: it doesn't matter if that would make it easier, it doesn't work like that so it's a pointless suggestion15:20
janko_auronandace, no, about 30% max15:20
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: echo $PATH - anything in those directories you can invoke by just typing the command15:21
lucidguyikonia: Just stating a fact ...15:21
ikoniait's not a fact15:21
durydid anyone install ADK (Android Development Kit with Eclipse) under Ubuntu?15:21
ikoniait's you wanting a solution that doesn't exist15:21
auronandacejanko_: i'm not sure what to suggest sorry, does this just happen in ubuntu? do you run other OS's that overheat too?15:21
aethelricklucidguy, you could just as easily write a script with a bunch of mount commands in it and distribute those to the workstations15:22
lucidguyikonia: it WOULD be easier if one could have multiple fstabs. One for unique local filesytems and one for network wide standard mounts like nfs .. .that scenario would be easier.. so my comment is a fact15:22
janko_i was having win7 and not overheat15:22
h00kyermandu: feel free to help update it15:23
ikonialucidguy: it would be easier if you learnt to accept the limitations and worked within real life solutions15:23
yermandusure that i will post when work15:23
ikonialucidguy: plus I don't think managing multiple fstabs on one machine is easier, so it's not fact15:23
lucidguyaethelrick: I agree ..  I already have a puppet environment in place, so I can manipulate all these systems quite easily.  But unfortunately all their fstabs are very different minus the nfs mounts, So I'm forced to create an inteligent script to tweak them all.15:23
auronandacejanko_: odd, perhaps you could try a lighter desktop like xfce or lxde (i'm grasping at staws now i think :))15:24
ikonialucidguy: why don't you just append the new line you want15:24
ikonialucidguy: no inteligent script required then, just append to the bottom15:24
lucidguyikonia: because I would need to remove the old entry somewhere else in the file before appending the new entry.15:24
duryDid anyone install Android SDK under Ubuntu?15:24
ikonialucidguy: maybe a 1 line sed command15:24
oCeanlucidguy: if you have setup your puppet environment correctly, it's hardly any effort15:24
ikoniadury: no - just ask your real question15:24
lucidguyoCean: I was thinking maybe all standard network mounts should not have been added to the systems fstabs .. and have the puppet client manage mounting nfs mounts.  But unfortunately the puppet environment came after all these manuall fstab entries.15:26
duryikonia: I got problems to run android SDK  under ubuntu15:26
nbubuntugulzar ; nope , it doesn't work15:26
ikoniadury: ask the real question15:26
ikonialucidguy: if there is an existing entry, 1 line of sed can swap it out15:26
lucidguyikonia: I believe you .. looking into sed right now.15:27
durywhat are the requirements to install Android SDK under Ubuntu15:27
ikoniadury: read the website15:27
ikonialucidguy: you may find it a simpler sed task to break it into 2, 1.) delete old line 2.) append new15:28
ikonialucidguy: it's 2 lines, but it maybe easier for you than a massive find and replace string15:28
h00kdury: You can check the Android documentation, they guide you through it there15:28
john_doe_jrikonia, I'm trying to open a pdf from the command line w/ the Adobe Reader binary file...it won't work...how would you go about doing it?  AdobeReader.bin ~/Downloads/book.pdf ?15:28
gliorossGuys how can I open the php.ini and how can i close it when finish the changes?15:28
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: I don't think you can pass AdobeReader.bin arguments15:28
lucidguyikonia: yes, I would most definityly be doing that.15:28
ikonia!pdf | john_doe_jr15:28
ubottujohn_doe_jr: The Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)15:28
selina2i use Xpdf15:29
ikoniaglioross: any text editor will work15:29
auronandaceglioross: isn't .ini just a text file? open it with any text editor15:29
cyborg_hey i am getting errors while installing  bcmwl-kernel-source in ubuntu 10.04,please help15:29
sskalnikLink to a guide for DKMS and/or kernel module packaging? Google results have been rather mixed.15:29
h00kcyborg_: use pastebin and paste your error15:29
h00k!pastebin | cyborg_15:29
john_doe_jrikonia, then how would u use the binary then?  I'm confused15:29
ubottucyborg_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:29
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: run the binary, it opens the gui, then open the document in that gui15:30
gliorossI am through putty as far as is the only way i have access to the server.. How can i open the file using putty and how can i close it when finish the changes?15:30
ikonia!pdf | john_doe_jr15:30
ubottujohn_doe_jr: The Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)15:30
h00kglioross: use a command-line editor like vim or emacs15:30
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: or look at the other pdf viewers which are already part of ubuntu15:30
auronandaceglioross: try nano15:30
gulzarnbubuntu: then put this thing in forum15:30
h00kglioross: or nano, is probably easier ^15:30
gliorossi dont know the commands guys :)15:31
nbubuntugulzar : ok , guess no luck for it to connect.15:31
CharlieSuAnyone ever use the alternateCD to install via a USB stick?  I'm getting errors when doing F6 and trying to specifiy my own seed file.  it doesn't like to USB media and keeps looking for a CDROM drive.  any ideas?15:31
john_doe_jrikonia, how do you "run the binary" from the command line?15:31
auronandaceglioross: nano is dead simple15:31
h00kglioross: 'nano php.ini'15:31
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: I'd advise you to use one of the packaged built for ubuntu to get the gui as part of your desktop15:31
john_doe_jrauronandace, vim is awesome15:31
gulzarnbubuntu: don't think like that.. join foruma nd you will get answer within 3-4days normally15:31
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: you will find it much easier15:31
cyborg_h00k:here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/803057/15:31
auronandacejohn_doe_jr: when you know how to use it15:32
dnivrahello. how do I turn off the GUI in ubuntu 11.10? "service gdm stop" doesn't work anymore.15:32
john_doe_jrikonia, how do you do that?15:32
duryh00k: have you installed Android SDK under Ubuntu?15:32
nbubuntugulzar : Ok , will post it up once I join and login :) thanks for the help ;-)15:32
john_doe_jrauronandace, I've got a cheat sheet that helps15:32
ikoniadury: ask the real question15:32
ikoniadury: stop asking that15:32
selina2anyone in miami15:32
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: do you know how to use the ubuntu package manager ?15:32
ikoniaselina2: why ?15:32
duryikonia: ok, sorry15:33
gulzaraethelrick: nbubuntunp15:33
john_doe_jrikonia, synaptic ?15:33
selina2just asking15:33
ikoniaselina2: why ?15:33
gulzarnbubuntu: np :)15:33
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: that's one of them, if you open the package manager and search for the applications ubottu gave you twice, you can install them15:33
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: those applications are then part of your desktop experience15:33
john_doe_jrikonia, adobe isn't in repository15:33
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: rather than having to load applications from the command line15:33
h00kjohn_doe_jr: you don't need 'Adobe' to open a PDF, there is an alternative already installed15:34
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: I know adobe isn't that's why I had ubottu give you links for different pdf readers15:34
ikonia!pdf | john_doe_jr15:34
ubottujohn_doe_jr: The Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)15:34
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cyborg_how to resolve it ,c i can't work with my wifi15:34
lucidguyikonia: done ..          sed 's/oldservername/newservername/' fstab > fstab.new; cp fstab.new fstab15:35
poghello! I'm looking for a "easy to use" package, for indexing and managing any documents, with possibility for tagging and categories and virtual folders. for endusers and easy indexing documents per partion.15:35
ikonialucidguy: sed -i 's/oldservername/newservername/' /etc/fstab15:35
john_doe_jrikonia, I'm just gonn use xpdf15:35
ikoniajohn_doe_jr: that's a good plan15:35
lucidguyikonia: ooo .. even easier.  though I probably want to preserv the previous fstab just in case.15:36
duryikonia: does synaptic provide Eclipse?15:36
ikoniadury: have a look15:36
ikonialucidguy: whatever works best fo ryou15:36
ikoniafor you15:36
lucidguyikonia: thanks . .I forgot how easy search and replace was with sed.15:37
mosx1hi, I'm trying to do sudo shutdown now .....15:39
mosx1and get * Killing all remaining processes...          [fail]15:39
mosx1and it will not shutdown15:39
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h00kmosx1: you could try 'sudo init 6' which will restart it15:39
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dnivramosx1, you could try "sudo poweroff" or "sudo shutdown -h now". IIRC those should work15:40
mosx1I want to shut it down15:40
evgeniyпривет всем15:40
evgeniyесть кто с россии15:40
auronandace!ru | evgeniy15:40
ubottuevgeniy: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:40
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: btw protip: you already have evince installed.15:40
mosx1poweroff worked....thx15:40
gulzarmosx1: sudo shutdown -h now15:40
mosx1what's the -h do ?15:41
xangua(09:33:54) john_doe_jr: ikonia, adobe isn't in repository - it is on the partner repository15:41
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:41
john_doe_jrairtonix, evince ..what is that?15:41
ikoniamosx1: "halt"15:41
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: it's a document viewer15:41
selina2evince is a pdf reader15:41
mosx1k, thx15:41
selina2or document viewer pdf style15:41
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: which means viewing more than just pdf15:41
john_doe_jrxangua, looks like xpdf works fine for me15:42
=== katerina is now known as Guest7692
selina2hola guest15:42
Guest7692alguien habla español15:42
selina2xpdf is the best15:42
selina2si claro15:42
Guest7692es que soy gest porke soy nueva15:42
Pici!es | Guest769215:42
ubottuGuest7692: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:42
selina2que bueno15:42
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: i'm pretty sure all you had to do was double click on the icon of the pdf.15:42
Guest7692no se como cambiar15:42
Guest7692el nick15:42
delinquentmewhats the tool which shows directory structure15:42
john_doe_jrairtonix, no way...double click the .bin file?15:42
john_doe_jrairtonix, totally didn't think of that one15:43
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: ...15:43
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: notice how i said pdf and not bin?15:43
Guest7692tengo xubuntu y no se como añadir temes en la carpeta .themes, no me deja copiar las carpetas de themes que me descargue. porque? alguien sabe15:43
gulzardelinquentme: ls -la <path to dir>15:43
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: or did you miss that part?15:43
PiciGuest7692: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar  entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:43
john_doe_jrairtonix, yup, I didn't like document viewer though15:43
delinquentmegulzar, just figured it out " tree " :D15:43
john_doe_jrairtonix, I like adobe reader15:44
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: well that makes sense if you like vim15:44
selina2guest7692 yo te ayudo15:44
jutnuxjohn_doe_jr: Adobe Reader is extremely bloated.15:44
selina2yep xpdf is better15:44
airtonixselina2: in what way?15:44
EvilResistancejutnux:  everything Adobe is bloated... :P15:44
Piciselina2: Please use #ubuntu-es, #ubuntu is english only.15:44
Guest7692hola selina, hay alguna forma de ablar por privado aqui es verdaderamente un lio aclararse15:44
xangua!es | Guest7692 selina215:44
ubottuGuest7692 selina2: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:44
selina2i think xpdf is simple to use and faster15:45
airtonixselina2: simple?15:45
airtonixselina2: as in more simple than evince?15:45
gulzarjohn_doe_jr: adobe is too bloat.. evince is fine.. for more eye candy Okular is a win but adboe is surey a bad choice15:45
john_doe_jrairtonix, honestly I love the text to speech properties of adobe reader but google's chrome tts kicks butt15:45
airtonixselina2: i'm not sure you're using the same version of evince i am using15:45
selina2evince is alright15:45
selina2let me see15:45
john_doe_jrHave any of your tried it?15:45
gulzarselina2: zathura15:46
Guest7692como añado temes en xubuntu15:46
Guest7692soy muy nueva en esto15:46
gulzarjohn_doe_jr: yup that one feature of text reading is good but not better than reading with eyes15:46
airtonixselina2: no you obviously are using some insane vim'ified version of evince if xpdf is easier to use ...15:46
selina2lol which version you use15:47
airtonixselina2: the one that's easy to use and doesn't require installing15:47
gulzarairtonix: selina2 : if xpdf is simple then see " zathura "15:47
airtonixgulzar: i think you need to read what i typed again.15:47
john_doe_jrgulzar, I hate reading something....I crack up the speed on my TTS and I can read all kinds of things fast15:48
gulzarairtonix: OK...15:48
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: tts on anything other than at&t natuarlly speaking is fairly subpar15:48
gulzarjohn_doe_jr: I can rad 700 words a min.15:48
john_doe_jrairtonix, have you tried "speakit" plug in for google chrome?  It is great!15:49
jadahlregarding ubuntu friendly, and the testing. should it be done with or without manually done fixes to represent "what can be made to work" or "what works out of the box"?15:49
john_doe_jrgulzar, well I'm a bit slower than that15:49
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: i will have a look, but i'm a pesimist and am going to assume it's just going to use standard tts libraries on linux.15:50
gulzarjohn_doe_jr: I am practising to read faster... with some techniques :)15:50
auronandacejadahl: it?15:50
pangolinjadahl: both15:50
jadahli cannot submit "works" and "not works" at the same time AFAIK?15:51
john_doe_jrairtonix, nope google created it so it's got to be good15:51
scott3my wireless connection keeps dropping on my netbook. i'm using a fresh install of 11.0415:51
scott3i'd use wicd, but it freezes up the system just to connect15:51
john_doe_jrgulzar, what are your techniques?15:51
john_doe_jrscott3, I'd go to system > hardware > install new hard ware15:51
gulzarjohn_doe_jr: I paid for them.. :P15:52
john_doe_jrgulzar, yup, not gonna pay for them...I'll just crack up the TTS15:52
gulzarjohn_doe_jr: about 2K15:52
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: that's actually alot better than what i've heard before15:52
gulzarjohn_doe_jr: I like to read so I spent there15:52
scott3john_doe_jr i'll try that now15:53
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: cheers for that15:53
gulzarjohn_doe_jr: its all depend taste15:53
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john_doe_jrairtonix, so you installed 'speak it' chrome plug in?15:53
gulzarkaterina_: from where?15:53
katerina_alguien me ayuda por favor15:53
katerina_que hable español15:54
ikonia!es | katerina_15:54
ubottukaterina_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:54
selina2si claro15:54
katerina_no entiendo mucho este sistema15:54
airtonixjohn_doe_jr: it needs a key combo to activate tts15:54
katerina_no consigo acceder al canal de ubuntu .es15:54
katerina_y no se como acerlo15:54
ikoniakaterina_: english please15:54
ikonia!es | katerina_15:54
katerina_no se ingles15:54
ikoniakaterina_: /join #ubuntu-es15:54
john_doe_jrairtonix, you just select so text (like your gonna copy it) and then right click on the text and you will see a speakit action15:55
selina2katerina buscame en fb15:55
Doreidamy rig won't boot after I modified my xorg.conf15:55
selina2Selina Kintanilla15:55
justin______hey guys, where is the recycle bin found in ubuntu??15:55
pangolinjadahl: ask in #ubuntu-testing15:55
Doreida@justin on the sidebar as a trashcan15:55
justin______i had a look their15:56
justin______on all sidebars15:56
justin______it doesnt show up15:56
gulzarwhich are better gdesklets or scrrenlets?15:56
john_doe_jrairtonix, I totally told you wrong....I have "Select and Speak0.1.8" installed15:56
Doreidaare you using unity?15:56
justin______11.10 ye15:56
john_doe_jrairtonix, it's way better than speak it15:56
justin______found it15:56
g0toI'm about to install xubuntu 11.10 on my laptop and thinking about select home folder encryption. What do you think about hard disk/CPU performance after it?15:57
geekbriIs there a key you can hit to bring up the grub menu in ubuntu 10.11 ?15:58
ikoniag0to: depends on your hardware and you use15:58
ikoniag0to: why do you want encyption ?15:58
ikoniageekbri: hold down shift15:58
geekbriikonia: thank you!15:58
WhiteOwl-mI have a question concerning Samba Sharing with Windows 7: I have a setup where everyone can access the share folder (read) but not everyone can write (only 2 users can write/read). How do I set up windows 7 to automatically log me in as a user that can write? Right now it just logs me in as a user that can read (guest)?15:58
g0toI'm running an old processor, Core 2 Duo U7700, and maybe I can fell it slowly15:58
ikoniag0to: that is not slow15:58
WhiteOwl-mI'm aware that this is a Ubuntu Channel, nevertheless its somehow related ;)15:58
ikoniag0to: again, why do you feel you need encyption15:59
DoreidaI can't boot into my ubuntu partition for some reason15:59
ikoniaWhiteOwl-m: it's not related, use ##windows or ##windows-server channels15:59
g0toikonia: do you think it can handle on the fly encryption well?15:59
Doreidaall I did was edit xorg.conf to enlarge the virtual screen size15:59
Doreidaso that I can use two monitors15:59
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...15:59
ikoniag0to: again, why do you feel you need encyption15:59
Doreidanow it refuses to boot15:59
g0toikonia: I want my data to be safe while I'm outside home15:59
WhiteOwl-mok ikonia, thought maybe someone had experience with that :p15:59
ikoniag0to: why not encypt the file you need rather than your whole partition ?16:00
ikoniag0to: actually, do what you want16:00
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g0toikonia: I just want to encrypt home folder, not a partition16:00
ikoniag0to: that seems overkill to me, but do what you want16:00
auronandaceg0to: for some people the /home folder is a seperate partition16:01
akemdoes anyone knows how can i set the default sound card from command line on 10.10 ? asoundconf is not available anymore, i tried to install it anyway but it does not work...16:01
g0toikonia: and I don't want to pay attention of what I encrypt and what I don't. Just all or nothing16:01
ikoniag0to: go for it then16:01
g0toikonia: thanks, I would try it ;)16:01
Doreidamy machine stops booting after checking battery state16:01
UniTeThe python script i am trying to run is running really slow, if there command i can use to speed it up and use asmuch RAM or CPU as possible?16:02
auronandaceUniTe: perhaps #python would be a better place to ask16:03
UniTeauronandace: nah i mean a command in ubuntu terminal to run the script itself16:04
scott3john_doe_jr : i'm unable to find "add new hardware" anywhere. i've removed unity, so maybe it has something to do with the path you gave me.16:04
john_doe_jrscott3, what's your ubuntu version?16:04
auronandaceUniTe: sounds like a badly written script to me, hence i referred you to #python16:04
geekbriIs there a reason I can't change a users password as root in single user mode on ubuntu 11.01?16:05
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john_doe_jrscott3, alright...just a sec16:06
ts2UniTe: the only thing that would make a difference is the nice level (think the process priority), but that would only really matter if you are running other programs that are using lots of CPU resource, in which case that's the main problem. but applications aren't limited in what resources they use by default, so if something is running slowly, maybe it's just something that takes time on your system. or maybe there is some other bottle-neck, like file I/O16:06
ts2 or network I/O, those are relatively slow things16:06
john_doe_jrIt's System > Administrator > Hardware Drivers16:06
john_doe_jrscott3, did you do a update and upgrade ?16:07
scott3john_doe_jr: yeah, a few times since i've installed 11.0416:07
john_doe_jrscott3, sudo apt-get upgrade ?16:08
UniTets2: yea that makes sence.. thanks mate16:08
ts2no problem16:08
john_doe_jrscott3, first sudo apt-get update16:08
john_doe_jrthen sudo apt-get upgrade16:08
scott3john_doe_jr: but its always been sketchy. update/upgrade   gotcha16:08
john_doe_jrscott3, that will take a while16:09
john_doe_jrscott3, but then you should have the drivers you need16:09
scott3john_doe_jr: i used unetbootin to download/install ubuntu on this machine. I've noticed that puts out a netbook specific version, but that version wasn't avail.  suggestion?16:10
maxultihow to connect to the wifi connection in kde, it is not getting connected?16:11
Knada2012Can you dual boot windows and ubuntu?16:11
scott3john_doe_jr: that is to say, i noticed ubuntu puts out a netbook specific version of ubuntu. but it doesn;t show up as an option in unetbootin. suggestions16:12
john_doe_jrscott3, honestly I don't have any experience with doing that so I can't tell ya16:12
obelusThere is no netbook specific version any more, to my knowledge.16:12
john_doe_jrscott3, are you trying to do a pc recover or something?16:12
auronandaceKnada2012: yes16:13
xangua!unr | obelus scott316:14
ubottuobelus scott3: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.16:14
scott3josn_doe_jr: no, i just rarely used my windows partition, so i reformatted to a single partition. that has turned out to be a bad choice, which is another subject altogether16:15
scott3xangua: cheers!16:15
john_doe_jrscott3, I'd always use a virtual machine if I was you16:15
john_doe_jrscott3, virtual box or vmware16:15
scott3john_doe_jr, i have zero experience with either....not even sure what they are/do16:16
auronandacescott3: virtualisation is awesome, you should try it16:17
mneptokthird time's the charm16:17
scott3could you elaborate on vitualization? i'm in the dark literally16:18
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auronandacescott3: it essentially pretends to be a computer inside your computer16:18
auronandacescott3: you can install different os's in multiple vms16:19
scott3auronandace: so something like wine?16:19
samba35in redhat there is option with rpm -c to check config files of pack is there any command with dpkg or apt ?16:19
auronandacescott3: wine is not an emulator, it is a compatibilty layer16:19
john_doe_jrscott3, you could use virtualbox ....its free16:19
scott3hmmm, guess i'll lookerup and checkerout16:20
john_doe_jrscott3, but those things your describing allow you to run the ubuntu os from a USB ....it's nice but virtualization is the way to go16:20
coriapolisyes if you have a copy of windows you can run it in virtualbox on your ubuntu install- thats what i do16:22
scott3john_doe_jr: unetbootin allows me to create a usb version of the Disk ubuntu sends ya. i can install various linux versions16:22
coriapolisif you are using ubuntu then use startupdisc creator not unetbootin scott316:22
coriapolisstartupdisc creator will do the same thing but leave you with a usb where you can save the changes, use unetbootin for other distros16:23
ActionParsnipor there is the 1-2-3 app from pendrivelinux16:24
coriapolisyea that is basically the same as unetbootin i think. but thats the one to use if you are in windows for sure ActionParsnip16:24
coriapolisin windows use universal usb creator by pendrive linux, in ubuntu making ubuntu use startup creator. in linux making a generic linux distro usb then use unetbootin16:26
coriapolisthey all do the same thing basically, but trust me i have used these tools over and over agian16:27
lunitikHello, I've tried e-mailing the maintainer of the chromium-daily PPA, anyone know how to get Precise added to its build list?16:27
WhiteOwl-mI get "/dev/sda1 was not cleanly unmounted" on every boot of ubuntu server 11.10.. doesn't seem to have any implications; Is this a problem?16:27
TheBuntuWhere can i find a guide on how to remove all of gnome and unity from 11.1016:27
ActionParsniplunitik: thats down to the maintainer, its their porogative if it gets added or not16:28
geekbriI've changed my password in ubuntu with passwd, and i can login via TTY but when i try to login through the graphical login it tells me my password is incorrect.  Any clue on whats going on here?16:28
ActionParsnipTheBuntu: if you uninstall xorg, the rest will fail deps and be marked for removal16:28
coriapolishmm nice idea ActionParsnip16:28
lunitikActionParsnip: If they are not responsive though? It says it is maintained by a bot...16:29
ActionParsnipgeekbri: are you the owner of all of your home folder? Is there enough free space on the drive(s)16:29
fauxsoupDid a recent update utterly destroy nvidia/xorg for anyone else? :D?16:29
geekbriActionParsnip: yes and yes16:29
franz_hi, is there any way to recovery data from unformated external hd?16:29
geekbriActionParsnip: it tells my the PW is wrong.16:29
ActionParsniplunitik: email should still work, someone surely maintains the bot16:29
TheBuntuActionParsnip, i want to stip it.. to just a command line.. then install what i want16:29
Myrttifranz_: possibly with photorec16:29
lunitikActionParsnip: as I said, though, I did that, and no reply at all16:29
TheBuntuor would i be better off just useing the net-install16:30
franz_Myrtty is gtk or qt?16:30
PiciTheBuntu: You'd be best off using the minimal CD (netinstall)16:30
Pici!minimal | TheBuntu16:30
ubottuTheBuntu: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:30
Myrttifranz_: neither, it's a commandline tool, installable with installing package called "testdisk"16:30
pogis there a file manager, where it's possible easyly to make "virtual folders" and aquire metadata (text comments) to the files?16:31
fauxsoupDesktop no longer boots into graphical mode; startx complains about trying to load "nv," though I'm certain that's not the driver I was using.16:31
pangolin!blacklist | fauxsoup16:31
ubottufauxsoup: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »16:31
fauxsoupTried the blacklist, no go16:31
TheBuntuI don't like unity.. i like gnome shell and default install has to many depends tied to it... try to remove some of blue toothe takes half the desktop away16:31
franz_Myrtty thnx very much16:32
franz_I will try16:32
fauxsoupI think my issue is tied to a recent update. Was the kernel updated yesterday?16:33
ActionParsnipTheBuntu: I'd use minimal install then install the shell as you wish as well as lightdm to log in with (or whichever dm you like)16:33
IdanSuperWhy I can't run Xubuntu16:33
IdanSuperand not metter what I do16:34
ActionParsnipfauxsoup: if you boot to the older kernel, is it ok?16:34
TheBuntui plan on it16:34
IdanSuperSomebody can help me please?16:34
ActionParsnipIdanSuper: are you trying to install it, or is the OS installed?16:34
IdanSuperI booting from the disc that I mount...16:34
fauxsoupHow do I switch it back? (googling now)16:34
IdanSuperAnd I choose Install Xubuntu16:34
blitzhow is the default VPN server that comes with 11.10? Would I be better off getting realvnc?16:34
ActionParsnipIdanSuper: so using Wubi?16:35
IdanSuperI try to download it16:35
ActionParsnipblitz: vpn and vnc are seperate things16:35
IdanSuperI'm have ubuntu on it16:35
IdanSuperand I'ld like to format it...16:35
ActionParsnipIdanSuper: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?16:35
IdanSuperand use xubunut16:35
Pici!enter | IdanSuper16:35
ubottuIdanSuper: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:35
blitzyes, does ubuntu come with any VNC server16:35
ActionParsnipblitz: it comes with vino16:36
IdanSuperwhat is md5?16:36
ActionParsnip!md5 | IdanSuper16:36
ubottuIdanSuper: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:36
ActionParsnipblitz: what do you intend to do on the remote system, often vnc is not necessary16:36
fauxsoupThat doesn't make sense, nevermind. Latest version is 3.0.0-14 and I've had it since 11-21-201016:37
fauxsoupThat doesn't make sense, nevermind. Latest version is 3.0.0-14 and I've had it since 11-21-201116:37
blitzwork from home in snowstorms16:37
IdanSuperHow I can run it from the terminal?>16:37
ActionParsnipIdanSuper: its all i the link, that's why it is made. Saves us time16:37
dirk_hi. is there someone with knowledge about empathy? i am not able to go to a room. there is no memberlist but the chat window.16:37
ActionParsnipblitz: work in what way? You can use openssh-server and it will give an SFTP server which you can mount using nautilus....16:38
ActionParsnipdirk_: try:  /join #channelname16:38
julianAlguien usa google chrome? (crominium )??? necesito saber en que archivo o lugar guarda los password de las webs...16:38
Pici!es | julian16:39
ubottujulian: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:39
ActionParsnipjulian: chrome != chromium ;)_16:39
pangolinHe wants to know where Chromium stores saved passwords16:40
pip__hello all, I'm using ice wm over 11.10 mini install & can't launch synaptic from the menu, from terminal it's fine.  Is anyone able to help with the syntax or commands I need to place in the text file?16:40
thornhillstaffI need to be able to allow access to the ubuntu one folder for the guest login, any suggestions?16:41
ActionParsnippangolin: ~/.config/chromium   someplace...16:41
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MyrttiIdanSuper: have you run MD5 yet to check the disk image?16:42
dirk_ok, i see the channel and i am able to chat, but there is no member window on the right16:42
ActionParsnippip__: it'll be:  gksudo synaptic  and it will work16:42
thornhillstaffI need to be able to allow access to the ubuntu one folder for the guest login, any suggestions?16:42
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pip__dirk_, try grabbing the 3 dots in the centre of the 'border' & dragging left16:43
ActionParsnipthornhillstaff: you could symlink the folder from your ubuntuone folder to a the guest accounts home folder16:43
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CQare there any media players which support shoutcast? rhythmbox should, but the plugin won't show up ...16:44
pip__ActionParsnip, thanks I tried that earlier but it didntlaunch...I had to enter my passwd, I'll give it another go.  I'm so close I can taste it lol16:44
thornhillstaffsome logins work without that, so I'm wondering why?16:44
thornhillstaffActionParsnip: some computers here do it without that, so I'm wondering why?16:45
pip__Dirk_, 3 little lines?  It may look like they're in the window border16:45
ActionParsnipthornhillstaff: no idea, I don't use ubuntuone but if you want users to have access to another folder then a link is a good way to go.16:45
gliorossI installed ffmpeg using sudo apt-get ffmpeg. Now i need to enable mp3 lame support in ffmpeg? how can i do it ?16:47
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=== Guest95839 is now known as Marcius81
awhitehatterwhat's the best way to add a startup script with root permissions...I heard rc is depreciated.16:48
ActionParsnipawhitehatter: add it in /etc/rc.local  above the exit line and it will run16:48
blitzthanks for the help ActionParsnip, is there a way to configure vino beyond the basic stuff it gives you16:49
ActionParsnipawhitehatter: its not the best, there is no best way. It's just A way16:49
LorraHi everyone, can anybody type echo $INFOPATH and post the result16:49
ActionParsnipblitz: no idea, I don't use vino or vnc, too clumsy16:49
ActionParsnipLorra: outputs nothing here16:49
LorraI've just discovered that I messed up editing INFOPATH while installing LaTeX and now info said "Cannot find top node"16:49
gliorossI installed ffmpeg using sudo apt-get ffmpeg. Now i need to enable mp3 lame support in ffmpeg? how can i do it ?16:50
ActionParsnipglioross: are you wanting to rip mp3 from video?16:50
gliorossactionparnic: i installed a youtube to mp3 converter and i am trying to make it working..16:50
Lorraso, does anyone know how to fix this problem: when I type info at the command line I get 'info: cannot find top node'16:51
gulzarwhich one - screenlets . gesklets? Which consume less memory and have better options?16:51
ActionParsnipglioross: http://youtube-mp3.org   why bother :)16:51
pip__ActionParsnip: no go.  I'm sure this is stupidly simple16:51
ActionParsnippip__: is there anyting output in the terminal?16:52
gliorossaction: i am creating a similar site..16:52
gliorossso how can i enable the lame mp3 support?16:52
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pip__ActionParsnip; there's nothing16:53
ActionParsnippip__: try with gksu16:53
gliorossare this commands work for ubuntu 10.4 ?16:55
ActionParsnipglioross: http://www.ubuntuka.com/extract-mp3-from-youtube-in-one-step/16:55
pip__I tried that too, but gksu won't accept my password, not even from terminal16:55
gliorossAction: this is my site metatropeas.com .. i just need to make it convert videos from the server.. in order to do so i need to enable mp3 encoding. mp3 lame support16:56
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pip__I think the important bit is in here somewhere:  /bin/sh -c "synaptic-pkexec"16:56
rcmaehlwhere is read located?16:56
ActionParsnipglioross: install liblame-dev should help16:56
rcmaehlI can't find it using whereis read16:57
awhitehatterActionParsnip: thank you.16:57
Chees_BHWhow to remove sendmail ? i stopped it and tried: apt-get remove sendmail but it says its not installed. but i can see it running processes16:57
rcmaehland I've checked /bin/ and /usr/bin/16:57
pip__I tried adding /usr/bin/gksudo16:57
gliorosssudo apt-get liblame-dev returns  E: Invalid operation liblame-dev16:58
nuclearbobrcmaehl: I think it's a shell builtin16:58
ActionParsnipglioross: or libmp3lame16:58
ActionParsnipawhitehatter: np16:58
ActionParsnipglioross: sudo apt-get installlibmp3lame16:58
ActionParsnipglioross: you forgot the word install16:58
flavius621The program 'sendmail' can be found in the following packages:16:58
flavius621 * exim4-daemon-heavy16:58
flavius621 * exim4-daemon-light16:58
flavius621 * postfix16:58
flavius621 * citadel-mta16:58
flavius621 * courier-mta16:58
flavius621 * dma16:58
FloodBot1flavius621: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:58
glioross E: Invalid operation installlibmp3lame16:59
Chees_BHWflavius621 do u know how to remove it ?16:59
Xeroz_Hey. Once I stumbled upon a feature in gnome-terminal that repeats the last used argument, but I can't reproduce it. Does anyone know how? For example, if I want to do: mkdir foo; chmod +x foo; I don't want to type foo twice. What to do?16:59
gliorossActionoarsnip:  E: Invalid operation installlibmp3lame17:00
SmartToweldoes pidgin have the functionality to notify me whenever some talks in a specific chat room?17:00
flavius621FloodBot1: I'd check whether sendmail-bin is installed and then remove it (sudo apt-get remove sendmail-bin).17:00
UniTeare there any good proxy testers for ubuntu?17:00
Piciflavius621: FloodBot1 is a bot. Do you have a question for the channel?17:00
flavius621Pici: no.17:01
gliorossReading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package libavcodec1d17:02
gliorosswhat i am doint wrong ?17:02
rcmaehltry using the autocomplete17:02
UniTeare there any good proxy testers for ubuntu? whre i can check a big list of proxies all at once?17:03
hanasakithe following just regenerates the locales... how do you get the menu to come up to select locales?  dpkg-reconfigure  locales17:03
pip__h'mmmmm gksudo gives me the passwd prompt but I don't the synaptic interface.  Weird17:03
Picivectory: Can we help you?17:04
vectoryhm, i just wanted to test the bot17:04
Picivectory: /msg ubottu kde17:04
vectorywhat was the syntax?17:04
auronandace!bot | vectory17:04
ubottuvectory: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:04
vectoryThx Pici17:04
vectoryoh, right17:04
Xeroz_Well, I found I could use !$ variable (i.e. touch foo; chmod +x !$;)  Maybe that's what I used to use. Oh well. Works for me :)17:05
adomgood question: in ubuntu's default file manager (Nautilus), when i open a folder that has images, that little bar pops up above the files with "The media contains digital photos" and a button that says "Open Shotwell Photo Manager". how do i get that to go away and not come back?17:06
gliorossAnybody can help me here? I am tying to install libmp3lame on ubuntu 10.417:06
webPragmatistis there an easy way to put an already mounted drive on fstab?17:07
adomglioross: "sudo apt-get install libmp3lame"17:07
compdocwebPragmatist, anything you put into fstab wont activate until the next boot, I think. so add all you want17:07
adomwebPragmatist: not that i know of, i think you just have to put the entry in fstab manually17:08
gliorossadom: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package libmp3lame17:08
Cyrusglioross: sudo apt-get install libmp3lame-dev17:08
hitskyHow can I take a snapshot of a /dev/videoX from shell?17:08
adomglioross: sorry its not libmp3lame, its libemp3lame017:09
gliorossCyrus: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package libmp3lame-dev17:09
Cyrusglioross: Next time, here's a tip. You can either do: sudo apt-cache search mp3lame OR you can visit http://packages.ubuntu.com and search for mp3lame there to get the exact name.17:09
gliorossadom: Reading state information... Done Package libmp3lame0 is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package libmp3lame0 has no installation candidate17:09
_jason!fstab  | webPragmatist17:09
ubottuwebPragmatist: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:09
_jasonwebPragmatist: only by typing it in yourself afaik17:09
adomglioross: what Cyrus said. also, if it still isn't found in your repos, then you might not havethe correct repos enabled or installed17:09
Cyrusglioross: You need to open up /etc/apt/sources.list in your favorite text editor and check to make sure the 'universe' repositories are enabled.17:10
gliorossadom: how can i see if i have the corrrect repos enabled?17:10
CyrusIf they are commented out -- uncomment them.17:10
noahnoahHello.  I have a machine running the latest version of ubuntu.  I would like to create an encrypted partition somehow. (Need to store and work with some very sensitive files.)   However, this is an already running system, so I can't reformat the drive.  Does anybody have any suggestions on how to do this?17:10
CyrusThen run: apt-get update17:10
adomglioross: read Cyrus's posts above17:10
sskalnikI keep getting messages like this one: "Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory". What should I be looking at?17:11
gliorossdeb http://mirrors.webfusion.com/ubuntu lucid main restricted universe deb http://mirrors.webfusion.com/ubuntu lucid-updates main restricted universe deb http://mirrors.webfusion.com/ubuntu lucid-security main restricted universe17:11
gliorosswhat that means ?17:11
oCeanCyrus: multiverse17:11
hernandoboa tarde17:11
oCean!info libmp3lame0 lucid17:11
ubottulibmp3lame0 (source: lame): An MP3 encoding library. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.98.2+debian-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 245 kB, installed size 444 kB17:11
gliorossafter universe add multiverse ?17:11
CyrusoCean: Ah, you are right good sir. Thank you.17:11
meberhartunless there is a # in front of 'deb', its not commented out17:11
hitskynoahnoah, ecryptfs17:11
Cyrusglioross: There's no entry for multiverse in /etc/apt/sources.list anywhere?17:12
julianSomeone can tell me that chromium file stores passwords.17:12
noahnoahhitsky:  Can I do that "retroactively", without losing any existing data?17:12
adomglioross: no dont add the word "multiverse" after "universe" you need lines just for "multiverse"17:12
gliorossCyrus: no17:12
meberhartuse apt-cache search to search for package17:12
blitzdoes anyone have any experience configuring vino?17:12
hitskynoahnoah, be really careful with it, what it does by default, is encrypt your ~17:12
blitzbeyond their basics17:12
xangua(10:41:45) ActionParsnip: pangolin: ~/.config/chromium   someplace... julian17:13
hitskyit will auto-decrypt on login though, but to undo it you need to backup your files then remove ecryptfs17:13
adomglioross: you need to add the multiverse repos to your sources.list17:13
hitskyand yeah, you can do it without losing anything17:13
noahnoahhitsky:  Interesting.  Data I want to encrypt is actually on a second drive. (Not the boot drive.)  Does it create a new partition, or just a "file" based FS that is encryupted?17:13
gliorossadom: how can i do this. i am new to all this17:13
Cyrusglioross: You need to look at: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Lucid#Add_Extra_Repositories17:13
CyrusThere's a lot of documentation about how to do this stuff glioross. I promise. :)17:14
julianxangua, mmm lo que pasa es que necesito saber el archivo exacto, para hacer un script.17:14
julian :D17:14
julianveo muchos...17:14
hitskynoahnoah, it makes some files which are encrypted, and when decrypted, it mounts a virtual filesystem on top of it17:14
noahnoahhitsky:  Ahhh, that reminds me a bit of true crypt.  Similar approach17:14
gliorossCyrus: I am new to all this. The doc looks chinese. Can you tell me what to do ?17:14
adomglioross: follow Cyrus's link to learn about adding repos to your sources.list, then add them, then update, then try installing libmp3lame017:14
noahnoahI'll read up on it now.  Thanks@17:14
hitskynoahnoah, i think it has the same code lol17:14
hanasakihow do you change the list of supported locales in ubuntu?17:15
noahnoahTruecrypt is great.17:15
Cyrusglioross: Do you or do you not have a GUI on your installation?17:15
hitskybut you wont be able to use soft links very good17:15
hitskyas it will appear that your home folder is a different partition17:15
noahnoahProblem is that I would prefer to have a partition just "mount" on boot with the proper password. (Like a true encrypted partition.)17:15
pangolin!locales | hanasaki17:15
adomCyrus: if he's new and he's trying to do things with mp3s, i doubt its server17:15
ubottuhanasaki: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf17:15
gliorossCyrus: I dont know. It is a dedicated server in which I only can access the root using putty...17:15
Cyrusadom: Heh. ^17:15
adomi stand corrected17:16
* Cyrus chuckles.17:16
* adom removes foot from mouth.17:16
CyrusYou can never presume! :(17:16
Cyrusadom: I'm more of a Solaris guy -- but wouldn't adding multiverse at the end of his three entries suffice?17:17
adomCyrus: yeah should be fine. if it were me id try copying the universe lines, pasting, then changing "universe" to "multiverse". should be fine...someone correct me if im wrong17:17
CyrusWell I think it's worth a shot, at worst he can't apt-get update again and he undoes his change.17:18
Cyrusglioross: Are you following what we're saying?17:18
hanasakipangolin:  thanks... already did that and made sure "  en_HK.UTF-8... up-to-date" is not selected... however it is built on locales-conf17:18
hitskyHow can I take a snapshot of a /dev/videoX from shell?17:18
adomCyrus: exactly17:18
* Cyrus pokes glioross.17:19
hanasakipangolin:  in plain debian.. dpkg-reconfigure locales brings up a list of locales to choose... localepurge brings up the same list however locales not chosen are still being built....17:19
gliorossCyrus: to add multiuviverse next to universe ?17:20
CyrusRight, at the end of the line for all three.17:20
Piciglioross: it needs to be spelled correctly: multiverse17:21
CyrusOh, of course. Sorry, I didn't even catch that.17:21
adomyou don't add "multiverse" to the end of the line, you add new lines to the end of the sources.list file with "multiverse" at the end of each of them17:22
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Piciadom: It doesn't matter.17:22
gliorossok just added it.. i cant quit vi.. esc and :quit gives me an error E37 no write since last change (add ! to override)17:23
Piciglioross: :q!17:23
adomthat wont save17:23
gliorossPici: same17:23
adomglioross: :wq17:23
xanguaglioross: adom or just to to Software Center - Edit - Sources and enable it on the very first tab17:23
Picixangua: this is on a headless server.17:23
gliorossOkay sudo apt-get install libmp3lame017:24
Cyrusglioross: Honestly, you'd be better off using nano. I am pretty sure it comes by default with Ubuntu.17:24
adomxangua: he's running server, not desktop17:24
gliorossworked and i installed mp3 lame perfectly17:24
Piciglioross: you need to run apt-get update first.17:24
gliorossdo i need to remove multiverse from repos ?17:24
gliorossor it doesnt matter?17:24
adomdoesnt matter really17:24
Piciglioross: No, you should keep it there.17:25
Cyrusflack: I would not remove it. Keep it.17:25
gliorosspici: okay ffmped is installed as well as mp3 lame.. The converted still not working metatropeas.com . I cant find why17:25
PrasoonJECRC iWeekend presents iSoftware. Means Innovation in software. Show us your innovation and Get money worth 1000$. Goto http://jecrciweekend,com.17:26
Piciglioross: Can you rephrase the last part of that sentence? I don't understand what you're asking.17:26
UniTeWhat is a program fro Ubuntu that is pretty much identicle to WinSCP?17:26
PiciUniTe: filezilla can do sftp transfers.17:27
gliorossPici : metatropeas.com is a script converts youtube videos to mp3. I installed ffmpeg and mp3lame and the site is still not working17:27
_serial_glioross: look up pacpl17:27
UniTePici: does that run in mozilla?17:27
llutzUniTe: nautilus, dolphin, konqueror17:28
PiciUniTe: no. Its a standalone program.17:28
Piciglioross: What does that have to do with installing ffmpeg and lame on your server?17:29
gliorossPici: the script requires the installation of ffmpeg and lame17:30
UniTePici and llutz: thanks17:30
Piciglioross: You're running the script that powers that site on your site?17:30
gliorossPici: that script is installed on my server. and i am trying to use my server to convert the videos17:31
DaxterUniTe: only thing about filezilla is it doesnt support SCP portocol, ONLY ftp or sftp17:31
Daxterwinscp is the only gui program ive seen that still supprots scp17:31
Piciglioross: Where is this script?17:32
gliorosspici : metatropeas.com17:32
shivamibhermes e renato era top17:33
Picishivamib: do not post random links here.17:33
shivamiback wrong channel sorry17:33
UniTeDaxter: do any of the ones llutz said support all of them?17:34
Piciglioross: Thats just a website.  How you are you trying to get this to work on your server?17:34
s_p_or_t_ovideo playback problems, people are green and the video crashes in ubuntu 11.10, it's fine in kubuntu 10.04. i followed the forums with no luck, gplayer gives the right color (not movie player or VLC) but still stops playback, can anyone point me in a good direction?17:35
gliorossPici: using define('FFMPEGPath', 'ffmpeg'); //OR "/usr/bin/ffmpeg"17:35
Piciglioross: Did you write this tool yourself?17:36
gliorossPici : no17:36
Daxteryou mean 10:26:31 < llutz> UniTe: nautilus, dolphin, konqueror UniTe ?17:36
sparschweinhello. how i can use my lg mobil phone with my ubuntu computer?17:37
Piciglioross: Then where did you get the tool? metatropeas.com has no information on it, just a textbox, two buttons and non-technical information.17:37
Daxterthise are file managers not ftp programs17:37
sparschweini have the lg gt540 optimus17:37
Daxteraltho i use nautilus to connect to sftp sites17:37
gliorossPici: i bought that script from a developer. And the developer is not responding to emails17:37
UniTeDaxter: oh lol17:37
Daxterwhat type of protocol are you using to conenct to your remote site?17:38
Piciglioross: I think that the developer is your best source for help here. Its really out-of-scope for this channel.17:38
ActionParsnipsparschwein: what OS is it running?17:39
adomanyone know how to remove the little toolbar type thing that appears in Nautilus that says "The media contains digital photos." and a button that says "Open Shotwell Photo Manager"?17:39
UniTeIs it just me or is nothing downloading from the Software Centre?17:39
sparschweinandroid 2.1 update117:39
adomsparschwein: i have a little experience with this, what exactly isnt working that you want to work?17:41
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sparschweini want to connect it to copy my photos17:42
UniTeE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:42
DaxterUniTe: prob you...17:42
ActionParsnipUniTe: is software centre open or are updates installing?17:42
Daxterlol UniTe close all other programs that install things and try again17:43
ActionParsnip!aptfix | If not then use this UniTe17:43
ubottuIf not then use this UniTe: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:43
adomor just restart17:43
UniTealright got it thanks17:43
UniTeDaxter: is nothing seems to be downloading, not from software centre, or terminal..17:44
ActionParsnipsparschwein: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117989417:44
UniTemy internet connection is fine thouh17:44
ActionParsnipsparschwein: http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-connect-to-internet-via-android-phone-as-usb-modem17:44
acuozzoI think I may've tried everything to disable xinetd at boot, but it continues to run.17:44
hitskyHow can I take a snapshot of a /dev/videoX from shell?17:44
ActionParsnipUniTe: the packages are locked, so software centre will not run17:44
adomActionParsnip: i think thats the wrong idea, he's not looking to tether, just copy photos17:45
UniTeActionParsnip: nah i got that fixed.. i just had to close something..17:45
acuozzoAny tips?17:45
UniTeActionParsnip: but nothing will download from software centre or terminal..17:45
adomsparschwein: you just want to copy photos from your Android phone onto your ubuntu computer, is that correct?17:45
sparschwein@adom: yes it is =)17:46
acuozzoIs there some way to list reverse-dependencies for a package?17:47
adomsparschwein: when you connect your phone, on the phone select "Turn on USB storage", then you should be able to access your files/photos like a usb flash drive. does that work?17:47
acuozzoI want to see all of the packages that depend on a particular package, X.17:47
Piciacuozzo: apt-cache rdepends X17:47
acuozzoPici: Thanks!17:48
toddysmcan I ask for little help here? I am having some network issues on my Ubuntu Desktop - can browse but can't install any app17:48
Piciacuozzo: Theres also the apt-rdepends pacakge, for doing recursive (reverse) depends.17:48
ActionParsnipUniTe: if you run the command ubottu gave, is it smooth?17:48
acuozzoPici: Does `apt-cache rdepends' only print the reverse dependency tree one-level deep?17:49
DaxterUniTe: see if updates are installing (check taskbar/unity crap) or reboot17:49
hikenbootanyone interested in seeing (besides me) Proxmox 2.0 kvm/openvz/ISCSI/ZFS working on the next version of Ubuntu? Here I have it working on DEBIAN see the last 4 articles posted at wanfuse.blogspot.com...should be easy enough to translate to ubuntu...problem is that most of it is touchy about kernel versions17:49
ActionParsnipsparschwein: should just pick up as a usb storage device when you connect it, yuo should get a prompt on the phone to mount the SD card to the OS17:49
adomsend me the script ill take a look at it17:49
compdocI use qemu-kvm and virtualbox.17:49
Piciacuozzo: yes.17:49
adomwhoops wrong chan17:49
acuozzoPici: OK, thanks.17:50
ActionParsnipUniTe: I use the same OS17:50
noahnoahMore questions about encryption:  I want to find some kind of partition or block device encryption, so individual files aren't encrypted but the whole "container" is.  What is the current "best" option?17:50
acuozzoPici: OK, thanks again. It looks like it's safe to uninstall xinetd on my machine.17:50
acuozzoPici: _nothing_ I do stops it from running.17:51
Daxternoahnoah: TrueCrypt17:51
theadminnoahnoah: You could try Truecrypt, pretty friendly and nice. Creates virtual hard drives too17:51
sparschweinsorry i have to look, how i can choose this17:51
ActionParsnipUniTe: if you install the app to automount usb (on the phone) then it won't ask you17:52
noahnoahDaxter:  I looked at that.  Seems like a good options.  Only concern is that I have to manually mount the partition on boot. (Not the end of the world.)  In the past, I've worked on machines (not mine) where the partition was encrypted.  Once I booted and entered the password, everything was seamless.  But, if the machine was ever stolen, (and powered off.) then the partition was encrypted.  I'd like to figure out how to17:52
noahnoahimplement that type of system.17:52
sparschweini feel me like a stupid person because i dont now how to choose this setting17:53
UniTeActionParsnip: oh, sorry, i got it mate cheers :)17:53
theadminnoahnoah: That's called "luks" I beleive and is a Linux standard.17:53
noahnoahtheadmin:  Nice, thanks!17:53
theadminnoahnoah: btw, http://rafal.zelazko.info/2009/11/29/mount-truecrypt-drive-on-boot-time-under-debian-ubuntu/17:54
noahnoahNow the tricky bit is how to migrate over a partition on a currently running system, without losing my data17:54
noahnoahtheadmin:  OHHHH, very nice!!!!!17:54
sparschweinshould i install any software?17:55
javiSomeone knows how to use ubuntu one?17:57
pangolinjavi: #ubuntuone17:57
UniTeHow can i check current CPU usage?17:57
sparschweinyeah it works thanks =)17:57
DaxterUniTe: system monitor17:57
javipangolin, ok, thanks!!17:57
Daxtershould already be installed17:57
UniTeDaxter: how about from terminal?17:58
sparschweini have another question with which command i can reset my user password in the terminal?17:58
UniTeDaxter: will 'top' do it?17:58
theadminsparschwein: "passwd".18:00
sparschwein@the admin and an username?18:01
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theadminsparschwein: Well if you want to change a password for a user other than the current one, it'd be "sudo passwd USERNAME"18:01
sparschweini had change my password but i don´t iḱnow it know so i have to change it in the recovery mode18:02
sparschweintheadmin: okay thanks =)18:02
denishi, if i reinstall ubuntu while keeping my encrypted home directory intact, can i still access my files afterwards if i choose the exact same username and password?18:03
theadmindenis: Not that simple, you'll need to manually mount the encrypted home yourself.18:03
franz_which is the most compressed format that can be used?18:04
denistheadmin, so i install with "encrypted home folder" enabled and then mount the encrypted folder to the right position afterwards?18:05
theadmindenis: Yeah I suppose18:05
theadminfranz_: You mean the most "powerful" archive format? I suppose that'd be LZMA (7-zip)18:05
denistheadmin: and i can't just specify my home partition as being mounted to home during the installation?18:06
denisto /home i mean18:06
theadmindenis: I'm not sure if that work...18:06
franz_theadmin I need to save data to my hd, but I haven't too much space, so I need to ultra compress files18:06
theadminfranz_: 7z -mx=9 a something.7z your_file1 your_file2 ...18:08
theadminfranz_: I don't think it'll get much higher than that18:08
denistheadmin, ok as i don't want to lose any files i'll walk the extra mile (and backup beforhand)18:08
denistheadmin: thanks18:08
=== flack is now known as flack-Z
franz_denis you can use your /home partition in install, the only thing you need is Don't mark to get formatted, and set another username, to don't get mixed config who can conflict18:09
noahnoahQuestion about mounting a second drive.  (root, etc. on main drive.)   Right now, I have a directory named "/media".  Then mount the drive on that directory as "/media/data"  Ubuntu lists it as a "removable device", which is *not* what I want.  I'd like it to just mount on boot as /data and be a "permanent" part of the filesystem.18:09
rootcorp_algum brasileiro?18:09
Pici!br | rootcorp_18:09
ubotturootcorp_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:09
_jason!FSTAB | noahnoah18:09
ubottunoahnoah: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:09
pangolindenis: you can specify where your /home is during install, choose "advanced" at the partitioning portion of the install. Backups are always a good thing to have.18:09
compdocnoahnoah, thats done in fstab, I think. and you dont need to use the /media directory18:10
pangolindenis: when you select where /home is make sure to uncheck the format box.18:10
denispangolin: i know that it is possible to do that, the question is if ubuntu is able to pick up my home directory then or if it overwrites it18:11
denispangolin: ah ok18:11
Daxternoahnoah: ubuntu will lsit anything mo9uted in /media as a removable dewvice, mount it somewhere else and naultilus wont show it on device list (at least this is how 10.04 works)18:13
noahnoahDaxter:  That makes sense.  Thanks!18:13
ALMarshuncould anyone help me out with some wireless issues im having?18:21
baz99np, just give it a try: instead of "top" use  "htop", I'm sure u will like it much better ;)18:21
baz99pardon. wrong window18:22
FuZi0Ncan someone please help me setting up a static ip in ubuntu?18:22
selina2htop won't work18:22
Chotaz`W!unity >> Chotaz`W18:22
jutnuxALMarshun: What are these issues?18:22
ok5016it is posible to connect windows computer to ubuntu ad-hock network18:23
Chotaz`W!notunity >> Chotaz`W18:23
jutnux!unity < Chotaz`W18:23
ubottujutnux: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:23
MonkeyDustFuZi0N  /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf18:23
jutnux!unity > Chotaz`W18:23
ubottuChotaz`W, please see my private message18:23
Chotaz`Wjutnux: thanks :)18:23
=== Gskellig|away is now known as Gskellig
FuZi0NMonkeyDust im not very experienced with terminal what sould i type exactly?18:24
ALMarshunrunning xubuntu on netbook and have home network setup with wpa2-psk, try to connect to network with ssid 620 but everytime i do it just disconnects right away18:24
j3d3i have /boot and / on an ssd and all other partions on a raid10. if i boot to another hdd to use win7 my entire ubuntu boot configuration changes the nixt time i use it. can i prevent this?18:24
baz99selina2: u have to run it in terminal, if it is not installed issue "sudo apt-get install htop" first18:24
ALMarshunsame problem persists whether i try it on ubuntu or kubuntu as well and when i try to add the network to the network manager it deletes right away18:24
selina2ok thanks18:24
MonkeyDustFuZi0N  then first read those two files with nautilus, get used to them18:25
DaxterALMarshun: does it work with WPA secruity (not wpa2)18:26
Daxterive heard of probs in linux and wpa2 with certain wifi adapters...18:26
ALMarshuni can try to change it and give it a shot18:26
MonkeyDustDaxter  probs occur, no system is perfect18:26
Daxtermy own wifi adapter konks up all the time18:27
DaxterALMarshun: give it a shot..wont hurt18:27
baz99Daxter: i won't use WPA if it is possible, http://lifehacker.com/5873407/how-to-crack-a-wi+fi-networks-wpa-password-with-reaver18:27
Daxteryeah wpa2 is recommened but linux wifi is SO iffy18:28
wildc4rdgood evening all!18:28
compdocgood morning18:29
MonkeyDusttime zones...18:29
sdsdsddshey guys18:29
sdsdsddshey guys18:29
LABcrabHey, what's this Ubuntu TV?  Is it like Apple TV?18:30
LABcrab'Cause i'm interested.18:31
Pici!ubuntutv | LABcrab18:31
ubottuLABcrab: Ubuntu TV is a strategy to bring the Ubuntu platform to TVs. Discussion happens in #ubuntu-tv and on the ubuntu-tv launchpad mailing list. Find out more at http://ubuntu.com/tv18:31
ssta"the ubuntu platform"?18:31
LABcrabOh, i tried #UbuntuTV18:32
theadminssta: Means "ubuntu" :D just water-talk18:32
sstaI hate marketting-speak18:33
ALMarshunhey again, tried changing the network encryption to just wpa, no go18:33
ALMarshunturned off enc and made open, no go18:33
selina2is that another channel18:33
ALMarshunwas able to connect to outside open network fine, but my own for some reason cannot18:33
craigbass1976What's "waiting for sound system to respond" usually mean?  I see a bunch of folks on the message board getting the message, but they were all running as root.  I'm not.18:34
theadmincraigbass1976: Means ALSA or Pulse aren't responding to your app's requests for whatever reasons...18:34
ALMarshunok figured it out i think18:37
ALMarshunjust had to change the ssid to something not numeric and it worked18:37
ALMarshunare there any known issues with ssid's of the format 620 ?18:37
lkjhi, how to change console encoding from UTF to ISO?.. I cannot locale-gen anything else than utf8... why?18:38
theadminlkj: Are the corresponding locales listed in /etc/locale.gen?18:38
lkjtheadmin: I do not have this file.. just /etc/locale.alias18:39
theadminlkj: Huh. Guess Ubuntu guys did something strange again. Sorry, no idea then.18:39
lkjtheadmin: they are strange, aren't they? ;-)18:40
theadminlkj: Yeah... indeed.18:40
slorbastOk, my Unity just changed color schemes. What did I do? :x18:41
theadminslorbast: Hm, there's a "Theme" setting in "Appearance", is that of any help?18:41
azmHi, Im tring to mount HDD via usb/sata cable but cant see it. Can someone help?18:42
azmit should show up as /dev/sdb118:42
azmbut I cant see it18:42
compdocwith sata it should - dunno about usb18:42
azmwell its internal hdd18:42
theadminazm: Is it listed with lsusb?18:42
compdocit might not be /dev/sdb1 unless it has a partition18:43
slorbasttheadmin: Yes, thank you. For whatever reason while I was surfing it changed to a light color scheme instead of the dark one I've been using.18:43
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lkjazm, can be /dev/sdc1 /dev/sde118:43
theadminslorbast: lol happens >.<18:43
theadminslorbast: Known bug in Ubuntu even since Gnome2 ages.18:43
aliceWhen i use this command in virtualenv. Then I get this error message. You must give at least one requirement to install (maybe you meant "pip install requirements.txt"?) Will you please help?18:44
slorbasttheadmin: Well, better to know it's just some bug than someone VNC'ing in and messing with me. Good to know :)18:44
azmtheadmin: it is not18:44
aliceMY command is 'pip install requirements.txt'18:45
aliceMY command is 'pip install -r requirements.txt'18:45
MonkeyDustalice  what do want to install?18:45
compdocazm, try the command:  df -h18:45
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codazodaWhen I click on icons in the status bar (next to the clock and cog icon) the menu does not stay up unless I hold down the button.  That, however, prevents me from selecting sub-menu's, such as clicking the envelope and then selecting the chat sub menu.  Is this normal unity behavior or is something wrong?18:45
azmcompdoc: nothing18:45
theadminslorbast: Heh, might be Shuttleworth xD18:45
FuZi0Ni changed my ip following http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-assign-static-ip-address-in-ubuntu-linux/18:46
azmits just shows ls /dev/sd*18:46
aliceMonkeyDust: There are list of packages in requirements.txt18:46
FuZi0Nbut now my internet isnt working18:46
FuZi0Nany ideaS?18:46
azm*/dev/sda5              78G   63G   12G  85% /media/storage18:46
aliceMonkeyDust: Could I show you ?18:46
azmwhich is on sda18:46
compdocazm, thats what mine shows:  /dev/sd*18:46
theadminazm: Do you have a "/dev/sdb"?18:46
jutnuxazm: It's an internal drive?18:46
compdocyou dont see the drive at all?18:46
azmits internal18:46
MonkeyDustalice  requirements of what?18:46
theadminazm: Just "sdb" rather than "sdb1"18:46
azmyea there is no sdb18:47
azmI remember booting gparted live cd18:47
azmand it shows there as sdb18:47
azmbut I could not format it for some reason18:47
jutnuxazm: THe gparted CD is sda18:47
codazodaMaybe a better question ...18:47
jutnuxWhen inserted18:47
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aliceMonkeyDust: Here is my file http://dpaste.org/28YTQ/18:47
codazoda... How do you add chat accounts to the ubuntu chat app?  I'm sure it's simple, but I haven't been able to find it.18:47
azmjutnux: what so you mean?18:47
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MonkeyDustalice  great! but what is it?18:48
codazodaOh, dang.  It's just that the menu moved.  I'm dumb.18:48
jutnuxazm: sda is usually the root file system, and if you're booting a live CD then the root file system is going to be the CD.18:48
azmbtw Im on live cd ubuntu18:48
jutnuxI might be wrong.18:48
compdocazm, booting different OSes can show the drives as different devices (/dev/*) - its wont always be the same18:48
dannelcodazoda. 'Accounts' in Edit menu18:49
azmwell Im not sure maybe the hdd is broken or the thing which connects it is crappy18:49
dannelOh, s/he quit :-)18:49
aliceThis command 'pip install -f myfile.txt' will install all the packages which exists in myfile.txt18:49
aliceon my system18:49
azmsadly I have no desktop pc to try it on18:49
azmjust notebook18:49
MonkeyDustalice  what is 'pip install'? it is not ubuntu-like18:49
theadminIsn't "pip" a puppylinux thing actually?18:50
theadminI don't thing we support that here.18:50
Rangohas anyone tried gnome-shell?18:50
theadminRango: Yes. Sucks, imo.18:50
dannelRango, Yes. It's different. You may like it.18:50
aliceMonkeyDust: aaah Ok18:50
theadminalice: Ubuntu uses "apt-get" for package management. Some prefer "aptitude" or "smart", but those are not installed by default.18:51
MonkeyDustRango  gnome-shell is more userfriendly than unity18:51
Rangoi do like it over unity, otherwise i'd be using xubuntu18:51
lkjazm: take the usb plug out, check everything (power,usb), run 'tail -f /var/log/messages' and plug in back the usb cable.. you should have some info about usb device detected by the kernel...18:51
Rangoi like the way the desktop bars are done.18:51
lkjazm: if there is nothing logged by the kernel.. I am sorry... or is it possible that you have custom cernel without usb support?18:52
theadminlkj: Infact, I think the current Ubuntu release has deprecated /var/log/messages and replaced it with a few other confusing files.18:53
jutnuxtheadmin: I believe they're seperated into different folders for each program.18:53
lkjtheadmin: lol, shit me no, please :->18:54
pangolinlkj: please mind your language18:54
theadminlkj: I'm not sure lol, but there was a discussion here few days ago with someone complaining that his/her /var/log/messages is gone18:54
lkjit is for real or just funny joke?18:54
lkjpangolin: ok, sorry... are you bot?18:54
theadminlkj: I haven't used Ubuntu since 10.04 so I can't be sure, but I googled and see that Ubuntu doesn't use that file anymore18:55
pangolinlkj: I could be.18:55
blathers16lkj: don't you have to run tail again after plugging in the usb drive18:55
theadminlkj: Also, the only bot we have here is ubottu and the floodbots.18:55
redkiwitheadmin: /var/log/messages replaced with /var/log/syslog18:55
=== Mud is now known as Guest54133
lkjblathers16: tail -f ... -f for follow18:55
gozer__17 YEARS OLD: http://i1.imgchili.com/3455/3455470_33639_1419685733799_.jpg18:57
gozer__19 YEARS OLD: http://h8torade.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/danielle_houghton-2.jpg18:57
gozer__19 YEARS OLD: http://i1.imgchili.com/3829/3829497_random_boobs_815_4.jpeg18:57
baz99lkj: just try "dmesg" command in terminal18:57
theadmin!ot | gozer__18:57
ubottugozer__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:57
CaptChaosHey guys, has anyone found a utility at the OS level that can universally paste plain text?  Something like PlainText for windows?  I see there are option in the various office packages, but I used to use PlainText in Windows so that (Super+V) would always pasted a plain ascii version of whatever in the clipboard.  It was awesome, especially when using web-based email clients that pull in text formatting.  Anyone run into something like this for ubun18:57
MonkeyDusttheadmin  ignore him18:57
theadminCaptChaos: There is and it's built into X... Select some text and hit the middle mouse button in the place where you want to paste the selected text.18:58
lkjbaz99: thanks, I am fine...18:58
CaptChaostheadmin:  You're the man.  Thanks so much.  My googling skills must have been off since I didn't find that.18:59
lkjtheadmin: I am on 10.04 now :-) I am afraid to dist-upgrade18:59
wildwind CaptChaos: BTW, what id plaintext for bitmap for example? )18:59
baz99lkj: it will give u same output as u expected to see in messages18:59
lkjtheadmin: and thanks for info about bots on channel18:59
theadminlkj: Mind pm'ing me? lol18:59
theadminCaptChaos: No problem, btw I'm not a man :P19:00
MonkeyDustlkj  this is what you will get: http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/#19:00
theadmin!test | molgrum19:03
ubottumolgrum: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )19:03
MrKeunerhello, all files under /proc/acpi are zero filesize... how can I correct this?19:04
lkjbaz99: thanks a lot.. you are the best19:04
baz99lkj: u'r welcome :)19:05
theadminlkj: So mind /msg'ing me? I want to ask something but it's a bit offtopic.19:05
redkiwiMrKeuner: proc = process information pseudo-file system19:06
Vathsalhi i have a problem loading vhd on vmware19:06
Vathsalcan anyone help?19:06
MrKeunerredkiwi, ah I have unplugged the battery and put it back when the system was on, and thought that caused it...19:07
Vathsalhi any expertise on vmware?19:08
MonkeyDust!anyone| Vathsal19:08
ubottuVathsal: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:08
Vathsalsorry ubonttu, am new to ubuntu and really new to vmware19:09
Vathsalwell my question is i have the vhd file , it was created on a windows host now i switched to ubuntu after installing vmware its asking for vhd file even when it available there19:10
farrukhjonhi all!19:10
Vathsali had browse the file and agian its asking for the same fiel19:10
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MonkeyDustVathsal  in ubuntu, vmware or vbox?19:11
redkiwiVathsal: VMware Player?19:12
farrukhjonwhat best way setting up environment variable: save in .profile file or in /etc/environment file thanks ???19:12
Vathsalredkiwi: vmware workstation 819:12
LorraHi everyone, does anybody have a clue why if I type info at the command prompt I get cannot find the node "Top"?19:12
LorraPS, I have a /usr/share/info/dir19:12
Lorrabut it looks pretty empty19:12
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adomWith admin services its impossible to know exactly how long a project will take, charging hourly is the best way to invoice appropriately.19:13
adomLet me know what you'd like to do.19:13
baz99Vathsal: vhd sound more like VirtualPC19:13
* adom needs to stop using irssi with multiple regions/chans open19:13
Vathsalya but i had converted the same to vmware file on windows host19:14
baz99Vathsal: maybe this can help?19:14
baz99Vathsal: http://r3dux.org/2011/02/how-to-convert-virtualpc-vhd-hard-drives-to-virtualbox-vdi-hard-drives-or-vice-versa/19:14
Vathsalon windows host too it used the vhd file and here its unable to identify vhd file19:14
Vathsalok let me check19:14
Lintany way for ubuntu installer not install gay grub?19:15
hishamjoin #kasabi19:15
MrKeunerhi, writing a script for logging battery status. how can I test if battery exists or not?19:17
farrukhjonwhy setting up variable env not recommended in ~/.profile https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables ?19:17
redkiwiVathsal: check the VMX configuration file. path to the vhd file (windows uses drive letters)19:17
theadminMrKeuner: [ -e /proc/acpi/battery/ ] && ...19:18
ldurosI rebooted my laptop through SSH, but now the remote laptop (ssh server) is stuck at the login screen I suppose ( i can't see it) instead of loading unity19:18
ldurosis there a way I can enter the pass remotely from ssh?19:19
ldurosit's ubuntu 11.1019:19
theadminlduros: No, not really, but you can try to edit the lightdm config remotely to allow autologin, and then reboot again19:19
MrKeunertheadmin, those files are there all the time, even if I remove the battery19:19
ldurostheadmin: oh ok, I'll try that then19:19
theadminMrKeuner: Ah, sorry, didn't know that19:20
wildwindMrKeuner: grep present /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info19:21
MrKeunerwildwind, tried that, but it greps the whole file...19:21
wildwindMrKeuner: for me it greps one line19:22
MrKeunerwildwind, ah sorry I am all confused today. I tried it on status and thought it was returning all file19:22
MrKeunerwildwind, it doesn;t19:23
Vathsalredwiki: i cant find the name of vhd in config file, i suppose .vmx is the config file for vmware19:23
Travis-42somehow my unity bar scrolled down and now I can only see the bottom edge of the bottom icon. How do I get it back to normal?19:27
Vathsalredwiki: thanks a ton, just did as u said,thanks19:28
redkiwiVathsal: .vmx is the config for your vmware virtual machine. create a new virtual machine and assign your VHD.19:30
kamalreddyhi kids19:30
redkiwiVathsal: Okay19:30
Vathsalredkiwi: one more quicke19:31
Vathsalredkiwi: is it possible to boot virtual disk without an host os19:31
Caifasguys, i have a host that is that is gaining ip but is unreachable, can anyone give me a hand?19:32
FraxtilHow should I go about installing software on Karmic, now that it's unsupported? I'm trying to install php5-xmlrpc but apt-get is giving me 404s.19:35
Lintany way for ubuntu installer not install gay grub?19:35
RokcStari have a question regarding Grub19:36
wildwindCaifas: unreachable = not responding to ping?19:36
Lintwhat kind of joke it was?19:37
ikoniaLint: don't be silly here, don't make stupid statements like "gay grub" - if your question is "can I install ubuntu without grub", ask it, if you need to use stupid insulting phrases, leave19:37
wildwindfirewalled maybe. do you have ssh or physical access to it?19:38
Vathsalhi all, can we boot a vmware instanse without host os?19:38
ikoniaVathsal: no19:38
ikoniaVathsal: #vmware for vmware help19:38
redkiwiVathsal: I do not know if GRUB 2 Bootloader can boot from a VHD file.19:39
baz99Vathsal: there was this project by bea called Liquid VM, but i think it is closed. In general i think it is not possible19:39
Linthow skip installing grub during install?19:41
auronandaceLint: via dropdownbox on the partitioning screen in the installer19:43
trismLint: run: ubiquity -b; from the livecd19:43
trismauronandace: the dropdown box doesn't allow you to disable grub install anymore19:43
Caifaswildwind: i have both access to firewall, but i also have another dev with the same config and i have normal access :p19:43
redkiwiLint: or use the alternate installation cd19:43
auronandacetrism: wow, didn't know that19:43
Lintwhat -b exactly does?19:44
trismLint: disables installing grub, see ubiquity --help19:44
trismalso see, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/69092619:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 690926 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "Installer forces you to install grub somewhere" [Medium,Confirmed]19:45
aidrocsidhow can I set up dynamic dns with my own domain?19:45
auronandaceLint: if you just want to avoid grub using the mbr i suppose you could select just the root partition for installing grub19:46
wildwindCaifas: run tcpdump on that host and see if ping packers arrive and responses go out19:46
AurigaDoes anyone here happen to be using Slim instead of GDM?19:47
=== Fraxtil is now known as Fraxtil`
GarpQuestion: Is there sopme ubuntu distribution targeted for smartphones or any other reliable open source OS usable on smartphones? Thanks.19:47
theadminGarp: Android.19:48
Garptheadmin: Tht19:48
Garptheadmin: That's not a distribution19:48
auronandaceGarp: you asked for an os19:48
ldurostheadmin: how to change lightdm configuration from the command line?19:48
LjLGarp: but it's an open source OS usable on smartphones. anyway,19:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:49
ldurostheadmin: is there a file I can change?19:49
theadminlduros: Not sure, I haven't really used LightDM...19:49
FLeiXiuSDo preseeds have to be in a specific order?19:49
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Garpauronandace: Sorry, I meaned distribution19:49
Vathsalhi all i have win 2008 as guest os on vmware, the instance it not loading the os, any suggesions19:50
PiciVathsal: Hi, I think you've been told a few times that VMWare support is in #vmware, not #ubuntu19:50
auronandaceGarp: not really a ubuntu question19:50
Vathsalno one is reponding there sir19:50
auronandaceVathsal: that doesn't make this vmware support19:51
PiciVathsal: And yet its still offtopic here. You will need to be patient there.19:51
RokcStarhas anyone ever played with a BIOS that supports booting from an SDCARD19:51
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Vathsalno issues i will join #vmware19:51
=== ArcMac is now known as ArcCompX
aidrocsidanyone know about setting up domains with home servers?19:52
auronandaceVathsal: any reason you're not using virtualbox instead?19:52
Jordan_URokcStar: I have. But you haven't asked a real support question yet :)19:52
Vathsalya its giving me blue dump19:52
dddbmtHey guys. This might be a long shoot. But I have a pc with ubuntu and a playstation 3. I know I can set the pc up as a media server and stream movies from that. But is there any way to stream a movie from the internet on the pc and watch it on the tv through the ps3?19:52
angryferretHey there, I am having trouble with a slow SSH connection to my remote server19:52
auronandaceVathsal: blue dump?19:53
Jordan_Uangryferret: Can you be more specific / detailed?19:53
wildwinddddbmt: i think vlc can do that19:53
Vathsalya i have win 2008 as guest os, it boot and in mid gives me a blue dump error19:53
RokcStarI want a bootable SDCARD that i can put into my netbook that will allow me to either boot from the harddrive or the sdcard's iso file that i will set up19:53
Vathsali have googled it a lot but no luck19:53
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dddbmtwildwind, any tips on what I should google?19:54
Jordan_URokcStar: That's pretty easy to do, if the iso you're trying to boot is an Ubuntu iso.19:54
aidrocsidso no, huh?19:54
RokcStarfor conversation sake, lets say it is :)19:54
angryferretSure, I am trying to ssh into my server. It takes a long time. I did a verbose login and it shows key: /home/nabil/.ssh/id_dsa ((nil)) I tried to set GSSAPIAuthentication no but it is still very slow to19:55
RokcStardo you have any resources that you used to make this possible?19:55
angryferretsorry the key portion with nill is where it takes a long time19:55
=== Mud is now known as Guest98843
Andrew131I have an RTL8111 gigabit ethernet card.  If I allow it to be initialized in the interfaces file my computer takes several minutes to boot.  Is there anything I can do?19:55
Andrew131Other than comment out the lines19:55
wildwinddddbmt: "vlc streaming" i suppose. but id may depend on what kind of stuff you want to stream from internet19:55
angryferretJordan_U - That is on my client machine19:56
perlsteincan you use apt-get or some apt-* cmd line script to install an already downloaded .deb file?19:56
perlsteini'm rtfm but no luck19:56
angryferretIt even goes slow if I copy my ssh keys to the server.19:56
Jordan_URokcStar: Do you already know how to install grub another drive (with /boot/grub/ being on said other drive)?19:56
Andrew131yqy test19:56
Daxterperlstein: cant you put the dled filke into the apt chache and then install normally?19:57
perlsteini guess i should state the root problem is that we have a bootstrap problem19:57
theadminangryferret: sudo dpkg -i something.deb is one way, sudo gdebi something.deb (if gdebi is present) is another.19:57
Zegrento7Hi! I'm trying to make an xfwm theme.. Going good, but title_full_width=false in themerc does not work.. Can someone help me?19:57
perlsteinDaxter: i don't know how to do that...?19:57
aidrocsidwtf why doesn't the package manager have apache?19:57
theadminperlstein: sudo dpkg -i something.deb is one way, sudo gdebi something.deb (if gdebi is present) is another.19:57
redkiwiVathsal: change BusLogic to LSI Logic SCSI or vise versa19:57
Daxterput the file in .var.apt/cache.. ithink that was it i dont remember the cache direxctory19:57
angryferrettheadmin I guess that wasnt for me :D19:57
theadminangryferret: Indeed, a misclick19:57
perlsteintheadmin: for some reason that *seemed* not to install the deps of the package19:57
theadminangryferret: Sorry about that19:58
Daxterbut put your file in there and then install..and it will think the package wass already downloaded before19:58
angryferretJordan_U any ideas?19:58
yqylast night a dj saved my life19:58
theadminperlstein: dpkg doesn't, gdebi does19:58
Daxtertheres probably other ways of ddoing it too..19:58
RokcStarno, Jordan. I've read an article on GRUB but i never really attempted it. I thought i would come on here and ask if anyone had ever heard or tried this. Since you're saying you've done it, i guess my steps would be to read on how to do this.19:58
perlsteinthank you guys19:58
Vathsalredkowi : let me try19:58
Jordan_Uangryferret: No, sorry.19:58
perlsteinif i could use apt-? that would be best19:58
perlsteinany tips other than manually injecting it into apt cache?19:58
aidrocsidapache server metapackage is what I want right?19:59
RokcStarI'm pretty excited about learning how to install and edit GRUB tho. im sure by doing this i can learn quite a lot19:59
lkjwhat was the name of the program to make usb stick bootable with ubuntu ISO?19:59
lkjthanks perlstein19:59
jekotiaCould someone help me with the init.d script for thttpd? http://paste.ubuntu.com/803359/ It's exiting at line 36, verified by adding echos at various points in the file to see where it gets to. I'm familiar with most of that script, except for the if statement the 'exit 0' in question is within. I don't see where $ENABLED would even be set, so I'm hoping it's a simple error in the files...19:59
jekotia...creation that someone may be able to point out.19:59
angryferretAnyone else know why an ssh Login would be very slow?20:00
enapupeHi! I'm looking for a software that understands my remote controller and performs presetted actions, in windows I used eventghost. Any names?20:00
dddbmtwildwind, okay. thanks alot - I'll try check it out. Hope I can get my pc into the bedroom instead of in front of the tv ;)20:00
tony_how do i open up all in one sidebar for firefox20:00
jekotiaangryferret: SSH login seems to be slow when my minecraft server is near full. i would guess it's related to server load and/or netowrk traffic20:01
ubluntuenapupe: in a terminal use xev to see if the key presses are recognized then use xbindkeys to map to keyboard controls with the key codes from xev20:01
Zegrento7I'm trying to make an xfwm theme.. Going good, but title_full_width=false in themerc does not work.. Can someone help me?20:01
theadminZegrento7: Might want to ask in #xfce20:01
Zegrento7OK, thx.20:01
wildwinddddbmt: first check if your sreaems format is supported by vlc20:02
wildwind*streams, sorry20:02
angryferretjekotia - I don't think so,- there is 15+ GB of free space, the server is only running a private web server so there should be not load on teh CPU the network load cant be an issue as it has a 100MB Internet connection.20:02
Jordan_URokcStar: First, for this you'll need to understand two grub-install parameters. 1: "--boot-directory=/path/to/boot/directory/" This option specifies where grub's modules go and where grub will look for its grub.cfg. You need to mount the partition on your sd card somewhere, let's say /mnt/ and specify "--boot-directory=/mnt". The second argument you need to know is the device argument, like /dev/sdb. This should be a drive, and *not* a partition like ...20:02
enapupeubluntu: nothing happens when I use the remote, other events appear ok20:02
Jordan_U... sdb1. So if your SD card is /dev/sdb you might install grub to it by running "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ && sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sdb". Do you understand?20:02
RokcStaryes, drive not partition20:03
ubluntuenapupe: logitech remote or ?20:03
enapupeubluntu: let's say its a generic20:04
ubluntuenapupe: does it show up in lspci or lsusb or lshw ?20:04
enapupeIt's a ps2/usb oc controller..20:04
Jordan_URokcStar: Once you have grub installed to the sd card, you can create a grub.cfg for loop booting an Ubuntu iso following this guide: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F20:04
ubluntuenapupe: oh I thought it was like a media remote ...20:04
enapupeubluntu: it's more like a gamepad20:04
dddbmtwildwind, I will do that. thanks20:05
RokcStarThanks Jordan20:05
ubluntuenapupe: yea im not really sure if it doesn't show up in xev .... i'd make sure it was showing up to the system at all20:05
Jordan_URokcStar: You're welcome.20:05
RokcStarI'm off to play with Grub!20:05
enapupeubluntu: and may I check this using one of those 3 commands you just said?20:06
ubluntuenapupe: yea i'd check them out see if it shows up20:07
enapupeubluntu: would you take a look if I paste the output in pastebin?20:07
ubluntuenapupe: sure20:08
enapupeok, 1minute thks20:08
SmartToweli need an email client that is reliable.  i got thunderbird but it doesn't notify me when new emails come in.  and even when i have the window open, i have to click on a folder to see if something new is in there.  what are u guys using?  any suggestions for either a new email client or addons that will make my life easier with TB?20:08
enapupeubluntu: lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/803373/20:08
enapupeubluntu: lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/803375/20:09
enapupeubluntu: lshw http://paste.ubuntu.com/803376/20:10
SmartTowelbest email client for ubuntu?  anyone?20:11
ubluntuenapupe: what kind of gamepad, and you said it's pci to usb ?20:11
tristan3199uslooking for assistance figuring out why banshee and/or rhythmbox cannot be controlled from the sound indicator  menu after upgrading from 11.04 to 11.1020:11
Hotkeys_Hello I have a question, I recently have come back to ubuntu from windows after a long ... 'break'  and ubuntu doesn't seem to recognize any of my mouse buttons. The mouse cursor can move, but button presses don't work20:12
Hotkeys_Anybody have suggestions on how to fix?20:12
enapupeit's a usb bluetooth receiver20:12
wildwindSmartTowel: are notifications the only reason? try Mailbox Alert addon20:12
SmartTowelthank u wildwind.20:12
ubluntuenapupe: ok. thats good it's showing up20:13
yulerHow do I remove a duplicate tray container in  Gnome2 panels?  http://picpaste.com/double_tray_panels.png20:13
enapupewich  is it?20:14
enapupeBus 002 Device 005: ID 0810:0003 Personal Communication Systems, Inc.  << ?20:14
ubluntuenapupe: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 045e:0745 Microsoft Corp. Nano Transceiver v1.0 for Bluetooth well I see that in lsusb20:14
wildwindHotkeys_: have you googled "<mouse_model> ubuntu <version> buttons" ?20:14
enapupeubluntu: nah.. this is my microsoft mouse/keyboard :(20:14
=== jack is now known as Guest93031
ubluntuenapupe: :-(20:15
ubluntuenapupe: what kind of gamepad ps3?20:15
Hotkeys_Any ideas anyone?20:15
enapupeubluntu:  but this one I have no idea: Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0810:0003 Personal Communication Systems, Inc20:15
ubluntuenapupe: yea I noticed that too....20:15
enapupehow can I get more info on this one?20:16
ubluntugoogle it I guess?20:16
trismyuler: right click in the gap between the two window lists and a menu should pop up allowing you to remove one20:16
enapupeubluntu: may I remove the usb and lsusb again?!20:16
dyavalim using eye os 2.5 and trying to link a local folder to the system and it keeps giving me errors20:17
enapupeyes, it worked..20:17
enapupefound it :D20:17
dyavalanyone have experience with it?20:17
ubluntuwas i t that one ?20:17
yulertrism: no context menu pops up between with any mouse click, but I can L/M drag to move it20:17
ikoniadyaval: not in this channel please, it's only ubuntu here20:17
tristan3199usi once had play, pause, next, etc. in the sound menu at the top right of the screen.. after upgrading its gone.. is it possible to get back easily??20:17
enapupenow i have this info: Bus 002 Device 009: ID 0810:0003 Personal Communication Systems, Inc.20:18
enapupewhat's the next step?20:18
ubluntuenapupe: i'm not sure cause I would think xev would recognize the events.20:18
dyavalits a permissions problem with ubuntu, i cant seem to give the link file "acceptable" permissions.20:18
ikoniadyaval: you said you where using eye os ?20:18
dyavaleye os is a php website type thing20:19
enapupeubluntu: yes.. nothing on xev..20:19
dyavalcoloberative workspace running on ubuntu20:19
ikoniadyaval: I see, my apologies20:19
yulertrism: nm.  The context menu was reaaaaaally finicky, as in 1 pixel.  thanks20:19
ok_waithow do i find out the command of a window currently open? xwininfo was somewhat helpful accept it just showed what was in the title bar. how would i find out that 'movie player' is actually 'totem'?20:19
ubluntuenapupe: yea i'd check google im not sure what your next move should be but atleast you know what device it is now :-)20:19
ikoniadyaval: why don't you explain the problem and we'll try to fix it20:19
enapupeubluntu: yes, i'm googling it, thaks, those commands were very useful!20:20
Hotkeys_Could someone help me out? I'm having some mouse issues20:21
dyavalikonia: kk tnx basically the "user.www-data" isnt being granted permissions to read-wirte files in folder /user/home/data/  i did chmod -R 770 and i did that to the link as well its just refusing to let me change permissions(im running as root atm, cause i thought it would help. unlocked the account.)20:21
wildwindHotkeys_: *repeat:* have you googled "<mouse_model> ubuntu <version> buttons" ?20:21
Hotkeys_I have, gotten nothing20:22
Hotkeys_It's a relatively new mouse20:22
tony_how do i open up all in one sidebar for firefox20:22
ok_waitcan't use 'Network Manager' in a script20:22
ikoniadyaval: please show me in a pastebin the output of "ls -la /user/home/data"20:22
tristan3199usafter my upgrade i can no longer control banshee from the sound menu... its just a chinsy lil scroll bar..20:22
tristan3199ushas anyone else had this problem..20:23
mylistoanyone familiar with kdenlive?20:23
dyavalikonia: drwxrwxrwx 6 root www-data 4096 2012-01-13 12:34 . drwxr-xr-x 3 root root     4096 2012-01-13 12:34 .. drwxrwxrwx 2 root www-data 4096 2012-01-12 17:45 Arjun & Raka drwxrwxrwx 4 root www-data 4096 2012-01-12 17:45 Arjun & Raka Qosimo My Docs drwxrwxrwx 7 root www-data 4096 2012-01-12 17:45 Arjun's Floppy Disks drwxrwxrwx 6 root www-data 4096 2012-01-12 17:47 Group Folder20:23
yulerMetacity is not loading upon login.  I have to "metacity --replace" in terminal every time.  How do I fix?20:23
EvilResistance!pastebin | dyaval20:23
ubottudyaval: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:23
ikoniadyaval: ok, what is the name of the user you want to access those files ?20:23
ikoniadyaval: also please use a pastebin, www.pastebin.com for example20:24
EvilResistancedyaval:  that format you pasted with looks evil and nasty and unreadable, hence the !pastebin message20:24
ikonia!pastebin > dyaval20:24
ubottudyaval, please see my private message20:24
EvilResistanceikonia:  i thought i just did !pastebin | dyaval?20:24
ikoniaEvilResistance: id you did, I didn't see it20:24
dyavalyup lol sorry wont happen again20:24
ikoniadyaval: not a problem20:24
dyavalikonia:  its root for the moment as thats what its running as.20:24
EvilResistanceno issue, ikonia, just wanted to make sure i wasnt hallucinating :P20:25
ikoniadyaval: I'm not sure I'm seeing problem here, those files have full permissions and are owned by root and the group ww-data20:25
dyavalikonia:  ill change it to admin later once its running and I see if i want to use it.20:25
thegladiatorhow to sent json request from flask  ?20:25
ikoniadyaval: could you try to re-explain the problem there, as although those file permissions are very open, I can't see an actual problem20:25
dyavalikonia:  could it be a problem with apache2 not seeing the link?20:26
ikoniadyaval: explain the problem20:26
dyavalikonia: eye os 2 cant open the link to the data folder20:26
ikoniadyaval: ok - what version of ubuntu is this20:26
dyavalikonia: 11 something20:27
ikoniadyaval: ok - where is your website located (on the file system)20:27
dyavalikonia: /var/www/eyeos20:27
tristan3199usany idea how to get my media player controls back into my sound icon after upgrading it seems to have lost that ability..20:27
ikoniadyaval: ok - so can you pastebin the output of "ls -la /var/www/eyeos" for me please.20:28
ok_waitwhat about telling ubuntu not to dumb down the names of applications for me. like instead of show 'movie player' in the menu, show 'totem'? is that a setting somewhere?20:28
ikoniaok_wait: no20:28
ok_waitikonia, is there an easy way of telling what the command for an open application is (aside from using top and telling the app to use a bunch of cpu)?20:29
dyavalikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/803396/20:29
ikoniaok_wait: I actually don't know within unity to be honest20:29
anthonycan anyone here help me set up my wifi driver with dkms, it doesn't seem to be working in the updated kernel so I figured i messed up something with dkms20:30
MonkeyDustok_wait  try ps -e20:30
ikoniadyaval: ok - where is the link ?20:30
ok_waitikonia, i'm gnome-shell, couldn't stand that unity crap. you can't configure it20:30
dyavalikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/803396/ <- ?20:30
dannelok_wait, it's configured for you.20:30
ikoniadyaval: I don't see a link in htere20:31
dyavalikonia: o ? ummm paste.ubuntu.com/80339620:31
ikoniadyaval: there is no link in that list20:31
gentoofanI am getting a message from apt-get saying that "You will have to enable the component called 'universe'". I am using SSH. How do I do this?20:31
ikoniadyaval: they are all files or directories20:32
dannelnano /etc/apt/sources.list20:32
gentoofandannel: Thanks.20:32
gentoofandannel: Actually, I have no idea what line to add. :/20:32
trismok_wait: cp /usr/share/applications/totem.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/; then changing Movie Player to Totem in ~/.local/share/applications/totem.desktop; seems to work for me (in gnome-shell) (not exactly a pretty solution though)20:33
gentoofanI am using 11.10 on amd64.20:33
ok_waitMonkeyDust, thanks that helps20:33
dannelgentoofan, http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/20:33
dyavalikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/803399/20:34
ikoniadyaval: ok, so ls -la /root please20:34
ikoniadyaval: (in a pastebin)20:35
ok_waittrism, yea that would be painful. i don't mind that totem says movie player at the title bar, i just need to figure out what the command of what i'm looking at is in case i need it in a script. thanks for the input20:35
mylistohow do you deal with "following packages have unresolved dependancies" ?20:35
noahnoahIs there any way to checksum a directory?  I need to backup about 40G of data and ensure that it is a *perfect* backup.20:35
kirilciao cervelloni mi potete spiagare come si fa a installare flashplayer su utente non root20:35
noahnoahUsed the cp command.  Is there a better way?20:35
ikonianoahnoah: rsync has checksumming while copying20:35
noahnoahikonia:  Nice idea.  do you think that's a better option than cp?20:36
ikonianoahnoah: yes20:36
MonkeyDustnoahnoah  rsync is faster than cp20:36
ikonianoahnoah: although cp is fine too20:36
ikonianoahnoah: so don't be scared to use it20:36
noahnoahIs there anyway to do something like an md5sum on an entire directory?20:37
ikonianoahnoah: I think you could actually do md5sum .20:37
kirilo come passare da utente normale a utente root su acount normale se e possibile20:37
gentoofandannel: Awesome. Thanks.20:37
noahnoahNope:  Complains about being a directory20:37
MonkeyDust!it| kiril20:37
dannelgentoofan, then sudo apt-get update20:37
ubottukiril: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:37
SmartTowelwildwind, that works great, but i can't get the custom sounds to work on mail alert.  only the default sounds.20:37
SmartToweldo i need to turn another setting off somewhere?20:37
trismnoahnoah: find /path/to/dir -type f -exec md5sum {} \;20:38
dyavalikonia: the list is too long and scrolls past, is there somehting specific you would like grep'd20:38
dyavalikonia: ?20:38
ubluntunoahnoah: sudo md5deep -r /dir/20:38
mylistohow do you deal with "following packages have unresolved dependancies" ?20:38
ikoniadyaval: type "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && ls -la /root | pastebinit" and then give me the pastebin reference20:38
MonkeyDustmylisto  try sudo apt-get -f install20:39
dyavalmylisto: google it apt-get can build dependencies20:39
wildc4rdI have an old drive with 11.10 installed on it, can I plug the drive into my new ubuntu box to retrieve some old files?20:39
ikoniawildc4rd: sure20:39
MonkeyDustwildc4rd  mount the old drive on your new machine20:40
mylistomonkeydust: that didn't work20:40
MonkeyDustmylisto  start from the beginning, what have you done and tried before you came here for advice20:41
mylistokdenlive is screwing up..trying to reinstall it20:41
mylisto Depends: libmlt2 but it is not going to be installed20:41
mylisto  Depends: kdenlive-data (= but is to be installed20:41
dyavalikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/803411/20:41
FloodBot1mylisto: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:41
wildwindSmartTowel: addon's website states you can asign different sounds20:42
noahnoahubluntu:  Thanks!20:42
noahnoahtrism: thanks!20:42
ikoniadyaval: there is the problem20:42
MonkeyDustmylisto  for a start: it says 'lucid'20:42
ikoniadyaval: drwx------ 29 root root   4096 2012-01-13 10:35 .20:42
ikoniadyaval: your apache process will not be able to see in that directory20:42
wildwindSmartTowel: contact developer, maybe it's a bug20:42
dyavalikonia: k sec20:43
mylistomonkeydust: I don't see how that matters.  I am running lucid20:43
dyavalikonia: which dir?20:44
MonkeyDustmylisto  do you just want to copy some files from one drive to the other?20:44
glebihanmylisto, it looks like either you have mixed repositories from different versions or a ppa has messed with your repositories20:44
ikoniadyaval: the root directory in /root20:44
ikoniadyaval: . in /root20:44
dyavalikonia: o so i should change permissions for /root?20:44
ikoniadyaval: I wouldn't if I where you - I'd put the data in a place apache can acess20:45
mylistoglebihan: I tried to follow the directions from http://kdenlive.org/user-manual/downloading-and-installing-kdenlive/pre-compiled-packages/ubuntu-packages20:45
dyavalikonia: meh this is a test install I will not be running apache as root lol thats just asking for trouble20:45
dyavalikonia: TNX!20:45
mylistoto install a newer version of kdenlive and it was crashing everytime...that was from a newer ppa20:45
wingless2434I don't want to ask questions that aren't specific to Ubuntu in this channel - are there any channels specific to networking?20:45
MonkeyDustPPA :(20:45
ikoniawingless2434: ##networking20:46
wingless2434ikonia, thanks!20:46
glebihanmylisto, well it appears that ppa is broken20:47
mylistoI found that out ;)20:47
mylistoso far I got it back...20:47
mylistonow I'm to my original problem20:48
dyavalikonia: I <3 u lol, i was just trying to clean up my dads mess and i figured most of it out but that was stumping me.(i feel dumb now.)20:49
pizzaheadhaving an odd issue with ubuntu 11.10 where a subinterface is declared in /etc/networking but it's being ignored.  naming scheme should still be eth0:0 right?  Never seems to get applied to the interface and brought up.  If works no problem if its eth0 but eth0:0 doesn't take.  I can bring it up manually with ifconfig fine.20:51
pizzaheadsorry /etc/network/interfaces20:52
jeff_Hey can some1 help me with something?20:53
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest81695
Guest81695I need help with my brightness control on my macbook pro 5.5 (mid 2009) I use the last version of ubuntu(Oneiric 11.10)20:54
Guest81695can some1 help me with this20:55
x0eGuest81695, with wut20:55
=== Mud is now known as Guest11163
Guest81695brightness control on my laptop20:55
shkololohow setup ubuntu?20:56
SmartTowelis anyone using Mail Alert on Thunderbird?  my custom mail sound doesn't play20:56
teratomashkololo: what computer you have20:56
_saulis there any fix for the gnome3/clutter/mesa-swx/opengl software rendering issue?20:56
Guest81695I have a macbook pro 5.5 (mid-2009)20:56
shkololoteratoma notebook20:57
x0eSo, lets discuss your noob's problems sirs20:57
x0etell to us20:57
Guest81695I am a noob and I know it =P20:57
teratomashkololo: do you have a CD ROM drive in the notebook, or do you have a USB stick?20:57
x0eyes u r noob sir20:57
MonkeyDustplease dont use the word 'noob' here20:57
hd__is there a way to install oneiric on an existing ubuntu machine as dual boot with the new install being encrypted lvm and the old being just ext4?  the installer appears to only want to use free space for non-lvm installs20:57
x0eshkololo, dont listen to terranova he is noob20:57
shkololoteratoma i have internet20:58
x0eshkololo, he uses UBUNTU LOL20:58
Picix0e: If you aren't here to help, then you may depart.20:58
teratomashkololo: do you have a USB stick ?20:58
shkololoteratoma stick... is ?20:58
_saulclutter vs software rendering? anyone? anyone? bueller?20:58
teratomashkololo: what is your native language?20:58
shkololoteratoma bash20:59
IOIOOIIOOIdoes anyone here know where de deluge .conf is supposed to be? it's not in ~/.config/deluge as the faq says20:59
teratomaok you're a troll20:59
teratomawelcome to ignore20:59
=== IOIOOIIOOI is now known as faryus
shkololoteratoma ??? i am poland20:59
Pici!pl | shkololo20:59
ubottushkololo: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:59
ikoniadrwx------ 29 root root   4096 2012-01-13 10:35 .20:59
ubuntero-brazilhi all, some peolpe helped me here to configure my webcam to work with skype or other social program, but with no sucess. had tried with cheese and nothig happens. when it come to vlc or luvcview it opens and works, but only in these programs. anyone can help me? i have a sigma micro web camera, listed on the lsusb. thank you.20:59
ikoniaoops, sorry20:59
Picishkololo: We are having a lot of trouble understanding you here. #ubuntu-pl may be better for you.20:59
shkololoPici better?20:59
=== Guest81695 is now known as Macbook
shkololoPici better-broad?21:00
Picishkololo: easier21:00
MacbookCan I have help with my problem21:00
Macbookon brightness control21:00
Pici!patience | Macbook21:00
ubottuMacbook: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:00
MacbookI ok!21:00
Macbookno problem21:00
_saulcan anyone suggest a channel where someone might know a solution to the clutter/software rendering issue?21:01
selina2what is clutter/software rendering issure?21:02
shkololohow start wow on my ubuntu?21:02
shkololoi want play wow21:02
_saulclutter segfaults with mesa-swx21:02
_saulit breaks gnome3, among other things21:02
adomshkololo: use wine to install it then play it21:02
selina2you use gnome 3 i use in fedora21:02
shkololoadom where download wine?21:03
_sauli heard a rumour it's fixed in f16.21:03
wildwindshkololo: stop trolling21:03
adomshkololo: "sudo apt-get install -y wine"21:03
shkololoadom thx bro21:03
shkololowildwind stupid21:03
* adom peers skeptically between wildwind and shkololo.21:03
_saulbut it's very very broken in oneiric.21:04
x0e!en | asd21:05
ubottuasd: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:05
MacbookI cannot change the brightness of my screen. I can't do it with my system setting or with the key. It says that its going down but the screen is still as bright as the light21:05
x0e!gr | shkololo21:05
ubottushkololo: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes21:06
teratomai wish there was #ubuntu-troll21:06
Picix0e: Please don't play with our bots.21:06
teratomai would force join you all there21:06
* _saul gives up.21:06
teratomaMacbook: gnome?21:06
teratomaare you..... on a macbook21:06
Macbookmacbook pro21:06
Macbooka 5.521:07
MrCraigWhere is the right place to grumble about the ubuntu repository not considering fpc srouces as a dependency of lazarus?21:07
teratomathere is a Brightness gnome applet21:07
Macbookwhat is it?21:07
Macbookis it Jupiter?21:08
teratomaso I right click on my upper task bar, I see 'Add to panel'  .  if you scroll down in the menu far enough, you'll find one for Brightness21:08
MacbookI can't right click on my upper task bar21:10
teratomais this gnome or unity ?21:10
teratomayeah you're on a mac.  maybe hold down shift or control when clicking.  dunno.21:11
MacbookI installed the last Ubuntu, I didn't intall anything on the computer yet I just made the updates21:11
blitzright clicking the upper bar doesn't do anything does it21:12
Macbookno sir21:12
blitzI mean, for anyone21:12
teratomais it easy to run gnome in latest ubuntu?  i have no idea21:13
hikenbootteratoma: I think it drops back to ubuntu if your computer isnt capable of running the new interface21:13
andyn!gnome3 | andyn21:13
ubottuandyn, please see my private message21:13
MacbookI don't know if gnome is installed 'cause its been a while since I used Ubuntu and I'm not quite experienced on this operating system, I want to learn21:14
ro_ciao a tutti21:14
meberhartyou can install gnome by typing 'sudo apt-get install gnome-shell' in a terminal21:14
stercorI want to resize a partition and create a new partition with the freed-up space.21:15
Gentoo64stercor: easy with gparted21:15
trismMrCraig: is the issue that you don't want fpc-source? because it is only recommend, so you can uninstall it and keep lazarus21:17
Macbookwill Gnome help me with my problem you think?21:17
stercorGentoo64: I guess I need guidance with gparted.  The problem is determining where the data ends to know where to create the new partition.21:17
Macbookits weird because the light on my keyboard works but not the screen light21:17
=== x0e is now known as x0ee
wildwindstercor: gparted shows how much free space you have21:18
Gentoo64stercor: it doersnt matter, gparted will move any data21:18
MrCraigtrims - the lazarus ide actually depends on the fpc source for it's visual editing functionality. Without it, the ide is more or less useless over a simple text editor.  The IDE does complain at start-up that it can't find the source units it needs.21:18
MrCraigtrism *21:19
Gentoo64stercor: same way windows disk management defrags for you. i wouldnt worry about data loss or anything like that if thats what you mean21:19
patriceokFirst time on IRC and first time using Linux.  Running Ubuntu Lucid (with 149mb of software and ap updates--it says the next updates would be 10.10) and I stll cannot get DVDs to play.  Movie Player came with and prompts to download but the donload comes back empty with "no DVD source"; added MPlayer and it says, "Seek fail".   Audio works fine in RythmBox, just need help understanding how to get and add whatever makes video codecs available21:19
wildwindstercor: just make shure power won't go off during the process :)21:19
trismMrCraig: it should pull it in, recommends are usually installed by default21:19
xangua!dvd | patriceok21:19
xanguayou need libdvdcs221:19
ubottupatriceok: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:19
trismMrCraig: how did you install it?21:20
xangua!medibuntu | patriceok21:20
ubottupatriceok: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:20
xanguayou can also get libdvdcs2 from medibuntu repository21:20
=== nicholas is now known as Guest40475
stercorOK.  I have /dev/sda5 with 698.4GiB.  I want to create another partition (/dev/sda6?) with 500GiB.  BTW, I'm RTFM as we type.21:20
MrCraigtrism: from the ubuntu software center - find lazarus and click install. It does install the compiler, but the sources are neither a dependency of the compiler or the ide21:21
n2diy I lost the sound from my speakers recently, is there something I can try restarting to get it back?21:21
=== jeff__ is now known as MacBook
Calinouquick question - is the CPU intel i7 2600K compatible with the ubuntu 11.04 "amd64"?21:21
Calinouthere are two versions downloadable, i386 and amd6421:21
_cbwant to add a pc with a static ip to a network where I have an ubuntu dns server. What file do I need to modify so the dns will resolve the name?21:21
Calinouwell I know it's a 64 bit CPU but the "amd" thing confuses me21:22
xanguaCalinou: amd64 is just a generic name for 64bit21:22
Calinouok. so it should work :)21:22
Gentoo64stercor: in gparted, just click resize, and drag the bar to whatever size you want, thatd give you unallocaterd space, then you can format that space to whatever fs you want21:22
=== me is now known as Guest74173
Calinoun2diy: are you sure it is not a hardware problem, or that the volume is to 0% (either on the system or on the speakers)21:22
n2diyCalinou, yes, double checked the cabling and on/off switch.21:23
n2diyand the volume control on the panel.21:24
Gentoo64n2diy: tried alsamixer?21:24
n2diyCalinou, I guess what I want is the command syntax to restart alsa, or alsa mixer21:25
dano1stercor: I agree with Gentoo64.  There are cli methods, but I believe gparted does more safety checking.  Always back up data, though.21:25
Calinoutry tab-completing "alsa" and using "man" on those commands... I dunno21:25
Calinousound works fine for me - I have a headset/mic21:25
n2diyCalinou, roger, thanks.21:26
stercorGentoo64: Resize is grayed out.  /dev/sda5 has all of the unused space.  It doesn't show in the mount table.  Can I assume that it's unmounted?  We're doing things that can have awful consequences, such as bricking the computer, aren't we?21:26
dr_willisbricking?  :)21:27
Gentoo64stercor: you shoulfnt break anything,. can u post screenshot of gparted?21:27
dr_willisstercor:  YOu do have backups of imporntant stuff?21:27
mongy_cb,  /etc/resolv.conf21:27
trismMrCraig: which ubuntu version is this?21:27
MrCraigtrism: the latest as of last week21:28
Gentoo64stercor: if its mounted, itll have a padlock icon in gparted, so it doesnt look like its mounted if it dont show in mount21:28
stercordr_willis: I have backups of what I'm currently working on.  But there's a possibility that I'll have a head-slapper.21:28
Gentoo64stercor: if you can upload a screenshot of gparted itl be much easier21:29
tony_how do i force quit if my mouse is not moving21:29
x0erfKTO KURWA21:29
x0erfPOLAKI EST???21:29
mmoebiusGentoo64: stercor: for decision on mounted-or-not questions, please always consult /proc/self/mounts Everything else is inheritently unreliable21:29
guntbert!pl | x0erf21:29
FloodBot1x0erf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:29
ubottux0erf: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:29
dr_willistony_:  force quit of what?21:29
Gentoo64!language | x0erf21:29
ubottux0erf: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:29
Bisu[Shield]how do I reload gnome from the command line?21:30
Bisu[Shield]from the gui I run alt+F2 > r. but how do I reload it via the command line?21:30
Gentoo64mmoebius: mount is reliable enough21:30
tony_dr_willis, every once in a while ubuntu freezes up and so does the mouse, and i dont know why?21:30
dr_willistony_:  ssh in from another machine so you can  try to debug styff perhaps.21:31
_cbwhat is the cli to do an update?21:31
Gentoo64_cb: apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade21:31
mmoebiusGentoo64: It's not, for it only consults /etc/mtab which can be out of date e.g. after a fs drops r/w capability wirh e.g. "errors=remount-ro"21:31
Gentoo64tony_: is it a ps2 mouse21:32
stercorI have the screenshot.  How do I post it?21:33
Gentoo64stercor: try postimage.com21:33
auronandaceor imagebin21:33
Gentoo64or imageshack21:33
tony_gentoo64, no, GE21:33
MacBookI have a problem with my brightness control on my screen, I have watched many forum tried many things but it still doesn't work. The light under my keyboard is controlable with my key. I tried to change the brightness of my screen with the settings, it doesn't work. May I have some help with this concern. Thank You!21:33
Gentoo64tony_: ge?21:33
tony_gentoo64, general electric21:34
xanguaMacBook: tried your function keys¿ tried energy settings¿21:34
kurwaHEY NOOBS21:34
kurwaI LIEK TO  ASK U21:34
kurwaARE U NOOBS?21:34
kurwaHA HA HA21:34
xangua!ops | kurwa21:35
ubottukurwa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!21:35
danneldo you have a ubuntu-related support question?21:35
auronandaceoh the irony21:35
=== kurwa is now known as sebastien_
Gentoo64noob virus21:35
shk902010serdecznie zapraszam21:36
x0e_danHEY NOOBS21:36
shk902010Jak jest trądzik?21:36
auronandacetony_: he meant is it ps2 or usb21:37
Gentoo64u guess its usb21:37
stercorpostimage is just too, too flashy/modern to simply put a .jpg file in there.21:37
Gentoo64stercor: postimage is fine21:37
Gentoo64i used it lots before21:37
tony_gentoo64, usb21:37
stercorI tried Motion, Web, and Print.  None seemed to fit.21:37
auronandacestercor: imagebin is nice an simple21:38
bok19981907Hi '21:39
stercorimagebin returns an empty page with FireFox and Google.21:40
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stercorauronandace: got it.21:41
auronandacestercor: first result in duckduckgo for me21:41
shaneo1hi everyone in new to this channel21:41
bok19981907I use ubuntu 11.10. I 'm in guest mode. How can i change the icon theme ?21:41
xanguabok19981907: right clic, appearence21:41
=== michaelgamble_ is now known as michaelgamble
dr_willisbok19981907:  i dont think any canges in guest mode get saved21:41
MacBookI can't control the brightness on  my screen21:41
MacBookmacbook pro 5.521:41
MacBooklast ubuntu21:42
trismMrCraig: I think this is just a case of software-center being confusing in naming, if you install the one named just Lazarus, it installs lazarus-ide which doesn't have everything, IDE For Free-Pascal SDK-Metapackage (Lazarus) is the one that has the fpc-source recommend21:42
Slart_With the new unity thingy it seems there is no task tray any more.. or is there some setting to get it back? where would icons for mail-notification, skype and so on end up?21:42
MrCraigtrism thank you!21:43
trismMrCraig: although there may be a case here for filing a bug with lazarus to include an fpc-source recommend on lazarus-ide21:43
bok19981907dr_willis: OK. Anyway thanks :)21:43
xanguaSlart_: on the message indicator (envelope) there is a plugin for skype to integrate with it21:43
bok19981907How can I fuck a girl :D21:43
Gentoo64stercor: oh lvm, cant help there :(21:43
dr_willisSlart_:  they should go to the top right where the indicator-applets go.  theres a list of what icons/apps are allowed to go there, not all work properly with the changes to unity.21:43
shaneo1I would like to install ubuntu server in my company and would like to have client ubuntu machines connected but have the users home folders on the server, abit like a thin client setup, but with the applications on the client machines.  what modules will I need on the server to enable this to work.  any help would be greatly appreciated21:43
Gentoo64bok19981907: by not being an idiot21:43
MrCraigtrism I think it is a bug basically - because it's a software package that is almost entirely worthless without those sources21:44
Slart_xangua: ah.. ok.. that actually make some sense.. thanks21:44
stercorlvm isn't implemented yet...21:44
dr_willisSlart_:  some info on it should be here somewhere..      http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html21:44
TA5KHI, powertop shows me 100% audio usage, is this normal? http://250kb.de/u/120113/p/4kWgRFHd4I4r.png21:44
xanguastercor: if you want to modify partitions, use gparted from the live cd21:44
Slart_dr_willis: hmm.. so I need to start poking the mail-notification developers to get them to implement some unity fixes21:44
stercorxangua: I'm on it!21:45
Slart_dr_willis: thanks.. I'll have a look21:45
=== ve2hs is now known as stepnjump
dr_willisSlart_:  see section --> 'reenable systray'21:45
patriceokNew to linux and IRC  .  how do I make this Empathy client IRC window stop scrolling so I can see people's responses to me?!  aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  hate real time group chat :-(21:45
arpdI'm trying to use bochs to go through some kernel dev tutorials, but it looks like running bochs makes xorg eat all the cycles it can; Is this a known misconfiguration on my end?21:45
shaneo1take a screenshot patrickok :)21:46
stercorxangua: I that seems 'uncomfortable', the alternative is split and transfer to my laptop.21:46
fuuuHEY NOOBS21:46
auronandacepatriceok: use a proper irc client like xchat21:46
_cbshaneo1 google Linux Terminal Server Project and Linux "No Machine"21:46
fuuu!pl | _cb21:46
ubottu_cb: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:46
fuuu!pl | _cb21:46
dr_willispatriceok:  check its settings to hide part/joins21:46
fuuu!pl | _cb21:46
FloodBot1fuuu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
shaneo1ok thakns CB21:46
dr_willispatriceok:  you may want to check out Xchat for an irc client. Its a bit better at doing just IRC.21:47
arpdHas anyone here got any experience using bochs under gnome (ubuntu 11.10) ?21:47
arpd(and bochs-x)21:47
dr_willis!info bochs21:48
ubottubochs (source: bochs): IA-32 PC emulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.6-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 950 kB, installed size 3032 kB21:48
stepnjumpAnybody ever had the problem that when trying to run a program under wine, all of a sudden, nothing would work?21:48
shaneo1yes stepnjump21:48
xangua!appdb | stepnjump21:48
ubottustepnjump: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:48
shaneo1all the time21:48
arpddr_willis: was that for me, or for you?21:49
stepnjumpshaneo1: ok so I'm not going crazy.. that's good to know!21:49
revel004kurwa nie moge sie logowac z pępecidronka21:49
dr_willisarpd:  you may want to ask a more detailed question and see if anyone can help.21:49
shaneo1try running the program you want via terminal and see why its freezing stepnjump21:49
Myrttirevel004: mind your language, and use English21:50
philipballew_would it be doable to make vi my default text editor and not have gedit pop up when i click a text file?21:50
dr_willisphilipballew_:  for X ussage. you may want to use 'gvim' not 'vi'21:51
dr_willisphilipballew_:  and it should be possible.21:51
arpdRight, so I'm writing my own toy kernel, and trying to use bochs to emulate a machine booting it from a floppy image. But I run in to a problem when I execute bochs, in that it causes xorg to eat up as much cycles as possible, and after a while causes X to restart itself (X is unresponsive until this point).21:51
arpddr_willis: or vim -g ?21:51
shaneo1is anyone else having issues running libreoffice 3.5.0 at the moment??21:51
stepnjumpgood idea but I already uninstalled it shaneo1- I'll just reinstall... Yesterday I installed a program that probably corrupted it21:51
dr_willisim on a headless/ssh machine 99% of the time. :) so  i use vi.21:51
philipballew_dr_willis, i know, but i dont want to have to install another package. i just want to have the file open in bash21:51
stepnjumpwhat issue shaneo121:51
arpdah :)21:51
stepnjumpDoes it shut down by itself shaneo121:51
philipballew_seems smarter21:51
dr_willisphilipballew_:  should be possible. never tried.21:52
shaneo1its not opening21:52
dr_willisphilipballew_:  see what arpd 's vim -g   does..21:52
arpdOn the bochs issue, the only way I could even tell what was going on was sshing to this machine and running top, which is when I noticed xorg raping cpu usage.21:52
shaneo1managed to get it installed in 12.04, but now it wont open21:52
philipballew_i just need to have it issue a custom command to open the file. probably a small script21:53
arpdI found a couple of open issues that from 2009 and 2010 where someone has a similar issue, but i'm sure it's a misconfiguration on my end; I just can't figure out where/what.21:53
stepnjumphave you tried to do a ps -ef | grep libreoffice21:53
stepnjumpkill -1521:53
shaneo1no will give it a shot21:53
FloodBot1we33: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:53
stepnjumpAh! you are a beta tester!21:53
urlin2ushaneo, #ubuntu+1 is the pre-release channel21:53
stepnjumpwe commend you shaneo121:53
MacBookI have a MacBook Pro mid-2009 (5.5) or Mactel, I use Ubuntu 11.10, the last one. I can't use the brightness control, I can't change in any way the brightness in my screen. It would be useful to change it to help my battery life. Thank You for helping me21:53
FuZi0Nsomeone sets mode +o FuZi0N21:54
pangolinnot likely21:54
FuZi0Nsomeone sets mode +v FuZi0N21:54
shaneo1this is the reply: 25830 25599  0 21:53 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto libreoffice21:54
pangolinFuZi0N: Please stop21:54
MacBookI have a MacBook Pro mid-2009 (5.5) or Mactel, I use Ubuntu 11.10, the last one. I can't use the brightness control, I can't change in any way the brightness in my screen. It would be useful to change it to help my battery life. Thank You for helping me21:55
=== Mud is now known as Guest31391
tsousawhat is the number of the linux kernel that is present in the last stable release of ubuntu?21:56
Calinoutsousa: 3.0-whatever21:56
shaneo1MacBook, get a real computer.... ;)21:56
bastidrazortsousa: 11.10 has 3.0.0-1421:56
philipballew_dr_willis, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-the-default-editor-from-nano-on-ubuntu-linux/ does this look good?21:56
MacBookits a real computer....21:56
MacBookare you able to help?21:56
CalinouMacBook: go in the settings, or try installing 11.04 or older21:56
almoxarifeshaneo1: perhaps the #my-toy-kernel can help?21:56
Calinou11.10 BROKE the software brightness control - you have to reset it at each restart21:57
MacBookLast time I ? it, I did it in a spesific and it worked, but how do I reset it?21:57
patriceokThank you to those who answered my DVD problem, and as far as the IRC in EMpathy problem goes, I can't see how to take a screen shot in this client, but there is a "past conversations" button under the View menu in the contact list window, and there I got the whole deal in a no-dramamine format ;-)   Thanks, all.  signing off21:58
Myrttipatriceok: thanks and you're welcome, have a good one21:58
vBmwhat should i do when i get "panic occurred switching back to text console" error ? ... after that it stucks and no dice ;x ... i've tried 11.10 ofc21:58
almoxarifeCalinou: i am guessing your 'user' specific adjustments are not sticking, what graphics is it? and configured?21:58
Calinoualmoxarife: nvidia 9600M, proprietary drivers, 11.1021:59
Calinounever happened on 11.04 and prior21:59
Calinougnome 3 no effects21:59
Calinoualso happens on unity21:59
almoxarifeCalinou: how about this, re-install 'nvidia-current' ??21:59
almoxarifeCalinou: how about this, re-install 'nvidia-current' ?? or install it22:00
Calinouit's already installed, but I may try22:00
Calinouit's something with config files I think22:00
CalinouI will get a new computer very soon... and it will have 11.0422:00
Calinou(gnome 2 > gnome 3)22:00
almoxarifeCalinou: alrighty22:01
=== Fraxtil` is now known as Fraxtil
MonkeyDustuntil when is 11.04 supported?22:01
MyrttiMonkeyDust: next october22:02
MacBookThanks for those who helped me!22:02
Calinouoctober 201222:02
Aliv3whats the chan for c?22:02
MyrttiMonkeyDust: if you're talking about desktop22:02
pangolinAliv3: ##c22:02
Calinouif a version goes unsupported it still works, but no official packet updates22:02
MonkeyDustMyrtti  it's not for me, it's for Calinou22:02
FraxtilHow should I go about installing software on Karmic, now that it's unsupported? I'm trying to install php5-xmlrpc but apt-get is giving me 404s.22:03
CalinouPPAs may be used, and manual installs too22:03
xanguaFraxtil: upgrade to a supported version22:03
CalinouMyrtti: you can't apt get when a distro is unsupported?22:03
Calinouthat sucks ;_;22:03
vBmi'm totaly pissed cause i get that damned panic occurred error :x ... have really no idea how to go over it22:04
Calinouhow am I going to do, to have a distro which uses gnome 2?22:04
Aliv3sorry for noob22:04
Fraxtilxangua: that would be a rather painful process, given the hardware and level of access i have, unfortunately22:04
dr_willisthe old releases servers are moved to some archive-server. so yes. you CAN still use apt-get. but  you need to change your sources.list/configs22:04
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:04
auronandaceCalinou: you could live without gnome2, xfce is great22:04
Calinoudr_willis: phew...22:04
Calinouauronandace: xfce seems pretty good :) I may try it22:04
dr_willisGnome2 is basically dead. time to move on. :)22:04
Calinouwell I liked it ;(22:05
MonkeyDustCalinou  there's also this http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/22:05
* dr_willis reccomends Lubuntu for old-skool type desktops. Or try the gnome-shell-gnome-2 projects22:05
Calinougnome 3 is ok, but no panel stuff (you cannot add a system monitor in the taks bar for example)22:05
tensorpuddingactually, you can22:05
dr_willisCalinou:  i think theres indicator-applets for that.22:05
Calinoualso, does xubuntu have a correct working 11.10?22:05
MonkeyDustCalinou   there's a PPA for MyUnity, as of 12.04 it will be in the repos22:05
tensorpuddingit's just that they do not use the same panel as gnome 2, and thus the old stuff won't work22:05
almoxarifekde plasma-desktop, its gnome2 but updated, yes martha you can configure just about anything22:06
Calinoulike not having to use "previous linux versions" at every boot because of gray screen22:06
dr_willisCalinou:  clairfy what you mean...22:06
tensorpuddingCalinou, the new panel is extensible using javascript and there is a site that indexes extensions. the new extensions are quite a bit prettier than the old22:06
auronandaceCalinou: no problems here with xubuntu 11.1022:06
Calinouif I boot my computer without using grub (not holding shift), I use 32 bit pae and 3.0 kernel22:06
Calinou> gray screen, bad resolution22:06
meberharti cant remember where i found it, but there is an independent extension that gives you a system monitor on gnome 3 taskbar22:06
Calinouif I use previous linux versions I used non-pae works fine22:06
CalinouPAE does work fine on this computer22:07
xanguaCalinou: you can add a system indicator (16:05:38) Calinou: gnome 3 is ok, but no panel stuff (you cannot add a system monitor in the taks bar for example)22:07
tensorpuddingCalinou, https://extensions.gnome.org/22:07
dr_willissounds like pae and your video drivers are having issues.22:07
tensorpuddingthere are a few different ones that handle monitoring-esque tasks22:07
Calinoualso, brightness resets itself on every reboot, even with non-pae22:08
BeneathKarmaHello, I was in here earlier trying to get help getting my mouse working, and I have my problem partially fixed, but now, Every mouse button I press is detected as button 122:08
Calinoudidn't occured before22:08
BeneathKarmaAny ideas on how to fix?22:08
trijntjeHi all, my Xserver crashes under oneiric when the system is under heavy load. I've placed the log at http://paste.ubuntu.com/803492/. Where do I take it from here, I have no exprience with Xorg problems22:09
meberhartbeneathkarma - have you tried using the dconf editor?22:09
Calinoualso I'm probably just going to use 11.04... I use manual installs for games/programs (better when backuping), and since I hate upgrading22:09
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Calinouhad a very bad experience of upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04. :/22:10
auronandaceCalinou: i always fresh install22:10
MonkeyDustCalinou  it's always a better idea to backup and fresh install the newer version22:10
aljanvhi all I'm trying to install Ubuntu LTS 10.04, and the installer only detect /dev/sdb , but i can see the disk where i want to install (already an old ubuntu): on /dev/sda. I see /dev/sda with fdisk -l ... are they some options to correct this ?22:11
pauliaxi need to install ubutu p35-ds3 raid 0, no disk22:12
dr_willisaljanv:   you are using the custome/somthingelse installer option?  if you are doing a clean reinstall. you could delete the old ubuntu install22:12
aljanvdr_willis: no standard install graphic.22:13
jameswsometimes specific programs lock up, i'd like to see what is stealing the cpu or memory, is there a system monitor which keeps a log or some way i can see what was freezing my pc 15 seconds ago?22:13
aljanvdr_willis: maybe i need to reboot on a expert mode and specify the disk. ?22:14
meberhartjames - you could try typing 'top' in a console to show running processes22:14
dr_willisaljanv:  i always use the custome/somthing else/whatever its called these days  installer option to select exactly what partions to use.22:16
jameswmeberhart: yes thanks i know of top but does it keep history?22:16
meberhartahh... no, it doesn't22:17
jameswin windows there is a Process Monitor utility that you can hover over the cpu graph and it tells you the name of the process in the history of the graph22:17
dr_willisaljanv:  they seem to rename it with every new release. When installing to Just a 2nd hd. i think i even have to tell it to 'use the whole disk' and it acts like its going to remove windows from disk 1 but it dosent. :)  so yes. the installer could stand to be worked on, its tried to dumb things down so much its harder to use.22:17
Aliv3my ubuntu is failing hard22:18
cowslammerhow do i get to the boot menu when starting the system?22:18
Aliv3i keep getting msgs that say application failed22:18
Aliv3unity python and compiz just failed22:18
auronandacecowslammer: hold down shift22:18
meetocowslammer its depending on your pc,most common is f1222:19
BeneathKarmameber I looked in dconf but I can't find anything related the the mouse22:20
V13AxelAnyone ever had an issue where when compiz is running, the desktop is broken up, and part of it is just a framebuffer error that shows whatever is moved overtop of it as an after image?22:20
V13AxelI think Compiz thinks I'm running a different resolution or something...22:20
aljanvdr_willis: thanks it seems that there's a problem :(22:21
aljanvis there a way to specify the install disk  (/dev/sda) on 10.04 ?  installer only see  /dev/sdb ....22:21
murfiehow please?22:21
Aliv3omg how restart unity22:21
MonkeyDustaljanv  what's the output of sudo fdisk -l ? use pastebinit22:21
Aliv3im on gnome 322:22
Aliv3it crashed22:22
dr_willisaljanv:  if theres  no unallocated space it may be ignoreing sda, or if theres allready 4 primary partitions.22:22
dr_willisI tend to use  gparted to partion the disks how i want befor i even start the installer.22:22
diverdudeIs it possible to make a dump of the entire debian apache config?22:22
Aliv3i cant start it because i cant start compiz because of display error or something22:23
codazodaIn unity, when a window pops (say a chat window) I get "shaking" in the Dash but the window doesn't popup.  Can I change that behavior somehow?  Can't figure out how.22:24
NorthSysHello guys.22:25
NorthSysI got recently an ubuntu 64bits vps22:25
NorthSysI'm trying to run some app (that works fine in 32)22:25
NorthSysAnd I'm getting this22:25
selina2hello chek your settings for unity22:25
ken055Hi. Out of topic, but seems important : Nasa declaration (2 minutes) : http://www.e-catworld.com/2012/01/nasa-video-reports-on-lenr-research/22:25
NorthSys-su: ./appname: No such file or directory22:25
NorthSysor -bash: ./appname: No such file or directory22:25
NorthSys if I run it as root22:25
trijntjeHi all, my Xserver crashes under oneiric when the system is under heavy load. I've placed the log at http://paste.ubuntu.com/803492/. Where do I take it from here, I have no exprience with Xorg problems22:25
NorthSysI know there is a package to fix this but I don't know which :(22:25
aljanvMonkeyDust: dr_willis  i wan to install 10.04 on an old 8.04 staying on /dev/sda2 and 3 see output: http://pastebin.com/HinWUeu422:25
NorthSysAnd I'm 100% sure the file is there (appname)22:26
pauliaxsorry for disturbing, but i need to install ubuntu on gigabyte p35-ds3 - raid 0, no hdd deceted durring install22:26
selina2p35 what is that22:26
codazodaNorthSys: Shot in the dark, but do you have the proper permissions?  What if you run the app as root?22:26
NorthSys[23:25:25] <NorthSys> or -bash: ./appname: No such file or directory22:27
NorthSys[23:25:29] <NorthSys>  if I run it as root22:27
NorthSysAlmost the same thing22:27
pauliaxgigabyte p35-ds3 desktop moterboard22:27
bazhangmurfie, wrong channel for that22:27
mspongeI'm displaying images from a camera with OpenGL via QT, both in windowed and fullscreen modes. I am getting large amounts of image tearing, which suggests that I need to enable VSync. On my OSX version, I do this with aglSetInteger(aglContext, AGL_SWAP_INTERVAL, &swapInt); On the Windows version, I am supposed to be able to do this with wglSwapIntervalEXT, when I test for the existence of the extension on Win7 x64 it's not there... Can som22:27
mspongehelp me figure out vsync on win7?22:27
murfieonly 19 seconds22:27
bazhangmsponge, windows? how does this relate to ubuntu support22:28
mspongebazhang: Oooh , ouch, sorry thought I was in the OpenGL channel..22:28
codazodaUnity Launcher shakes instead of windows popping to the top.  Can I change that?22:32
scueyDoes anyone know a command I can run to restart the gnome panel in oneiric if it crashes?22:32
MonkeyDustcodazoda  find CCSM in the software center, install it, choose unity desktop plugin22:32
MonkeyDustscuey  try killall gnome-panel22:33
qmanjr5What does Ubuntu use for the calendar?22:33
scueyMonkeyDust: right, I came across that when I did a search, but it appears it's no longer called gnome-panel because the terminal tells me it's not installed when I try it. Is it something different in the new gnome?22:34
its_jeremy_in 11.10, Thunderbird.  in versions prior, it was Evolution22:34
MonkeyDustqmanjr5  it says here 'evolution', but i don't have that, so cannot use it :p22:34
codazodaMonkeyDust: Installing.  Thank you.22:34
pauliaxsorry for disturbing, but i still need to install ubuntu on gigabyte p35-ds3 destop motherboard - raid 0, two hdd configuration, no hdd deceted durring install22:34
Larrehi guys22:34
LarreAnyone alive who feels to help me?22:35
MonkeyDustLarre  very well, but only because it's you22:35
LarreI am running newest ubuntu and after hours and hours I have still failed to start a working file server22:36
=== carlos is now known as Guest83094
LarreWhat I want is to share media to XBMC on my other machine (running win7). I have tried both NFS and Samba as XBMC supports both. So before trying to get on of those to work, which one should I go with?22:37
Guest83094can somebody help me to configure my tv card?22:38
TostadaWhat is the best irc client for ubuntu.? I'm presently trying XChat-GNOME 0.26.122:38
MonkeyDust!best| Tostada22:38
ubottuTostada: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:38
rogstLarre: since the other machine is running win7 it would probably be easiest to go with Samba22:39
mongyGuest83094,  is it usb or pci ?22:39
Larreokay rogst22:39
Guest83094it is pci22:39
TostadaThanks ubottu.22:39
scueyMonkeyDust: Any idea on what the new gnome-panel would be called?22:39
LarreI don't really know what the problem with samba is, but my Win7 PC doesnt find it however22:40
wingless2434If you type /whois wingless2434, do you see a line like [wingless2434] (~name@c-174-61-224-227.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) : Wing Less ?  I'm trying to figure out how to make my IRC chatting a little more anonymous.22:40
RokcStarJonathan r , are you here?22:40
Guest83094y tv card Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7131/SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder22:40
mongyGuest83094, have you tried a tv app yet? like me-tv, to test it22:40
MonkeyDustscuey  beats me, just unity, i guess, or dash maybe22:40
FloodBot1Guest83094: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:40
dr_willisLarre:  windows7 firewall stuff can often cause issues. also try  accessing the samba server via its ip# not the machinename22:40
LarreYes I've tried via IP22:41
Guest83094it works perfectly w722:41
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LarreSo, what is the easiest way to find out if samba is running at all?22:41
mongyGuest83094, not what I asked.  Have you tried a simple app like me-tv ?22:41
RokcStarcan someone help me configure Grub that i am installing on a seperate device22:42
mongyGuest83094,  install it and try it out.22:42
Larrewov, many people asking for help, this cannot be easy for you :P22:42
LarreSo, I want to know if Samba is running at all, not sure about that22:44
scueyMonkeyDust: ok, would I just want to "killall unity" and then "unity"?  Is that safe? Also, there's the unity-2d-panel, but I'm running the regular unity.22:44
MonkeyDustscuey  can't say, tbh, i don't like/use unity22:44
_cbwhat is the cli to find out a computer name?22:44
MonkeyDustLarre  try ps -e22:45
LarreI shall also say that I am not using a router, just a switch so both computers has a unique external IP. However when I was running Win7 on server too computers still founf each other22:45
Larreno samba but a lot of nfsd, hmm22:46
scueyMonkeyDust: Ah, found it anyway. It seems "killall unity-2d-panel" does the trick. So it appears unity-2d-panel is shared by both unity and unity-2d. FYI.22:46
Larreand the command to start samba is?22:46
gqgunhed_cb: man hostname22:47
almoxarifeLarre: one of those win machines was a wins server?22:48
bazhangMerlynKorr, ubuntu support issue?22:48
Larrewhat the.....folder samba doesnt even exist in /etc22:49
=== BeneathKarma is now known as register
mang0_Hey all, I've got a problem - I was just trying gnome-shell, and it's really messed up my machine. However, I can't use metacity --replace because I can't even access terminal. Atm I'm logged in to irssi from the ctrl + alt + f2 prompt. If I try to use this to change metacity --replace, it says "can't start X" Please help! I don't wanna force shutdown :/22:49
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MerlynKorryes im having issues with registering my nick... .22:50
Slartmang0_: try running    DISPLAY=:0.0 metacity --replace22:50
bazhangMerlynKorr, #freenode for that22:50
MerlynKorrgotch ty.22:51
mang0_Slart: Will do, thanks. However, is there a way I can get back to $ without quitting irssi?22:51
almoxarifeLarre: care to share exactly what you are wanting to achieve?22:51
LarreHmm. Deleting sama folder ro make a fresh install wasn't a good idea it seems, as a reinstall didn't re-create this22:51
LarreDamn what shall I do know22:51
Slartmang0_: try ALT+F1 .. ALT+F2 to get back.. there should be shells at ALT+F3, F4 and so on.. ALT+F7 should be the running X session22:52
mang0_Slart: Great! Thanks :)22:52
LarreA part of me wants to reinstall the whole damn machine22:52
almoxarifeLarre: you can start by stopping the blow by blow of your experiment22:52
Slartmang0_: good luck =)22:52
Larrealmoxarife: what do you mean with that?22:52
mang0_Slart: Thanks! I'm not very experienced with the shell command prompt ;) I've only used terminal really....22:52
chaospsychexhttps://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html <--- i am following this tutorial but i have no /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf. am i suppose to create one?22:53
MerlynKorrdoes it appear that i have joined here?22:53
chaospsychexcan someone help me setup a pxe server using ubuntu 11.10 server?22:53
urlin2uMerlynKorr, yep22:53
Slartmang0_: no worries.. it's almost the same thing.. just the few small differences.. of course.. those few difference can really bite you when you least expect it =)22:54
Vashta_Neradadoes anyone know what middle ware packages are and what's involved, maybe give me an example or two?22:54
MonkeyDustchaospsychex  did you consult this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer22:54
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almoxarifeLarre: i meant that you were not asking a question nor answering one, hence the comment 'blow by blow', which is distracting since it is not pointed at no one in particular, i hope i made sense this time22:55
LarreHmm not getting any wiser. However I am used to the fact that things that works for others doesn't work for me :P22:55
chaospsychexMonkeyDust, no let me do that22:55
MerlynKorrok, then why does it give the err message no chanel joined at the freenode channel?22:55
LarreOkay then. Seems like no etc/samba folder even exists. What shall I do?22:55
LarreThere, a question :P22:56
=== Mud is now known as Guest19424
almoxarifeLarre: care to share exactly what you are wanting to achieve?22:56
almoxarifeLarre: and who you are talking to is also important to add to the line22:56
LarreI explained it. I am trying to get a working samba server in ubuntu 11.10 so my win 7 machine can find all media I have on server22:56
LarreI am not talking to anyone particular yet, waiting for someone to hook up with my problem22:57
carlos_help in spanish?22:57
almoxarifeLarre: what type of install is the 11.10?22:57
Slart!es | carlos_22:57
ubottucarlos_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:57
MonkeyDustLarre  try tasksel (task select)22:57
LarreSorry If I am beeing a pain in the ass22:57
Larreubuntu desktop x6422:58
LarreI believe22:58
MonkeyDust!info tasksel22:58
ubottutasksel (source: tasksel): Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is optional. Version 2.88ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 32 kB, installed size 240 kB22:58
almoxarifeLarre: you believe?22:58
RokcStari am trying to run "sudo grub-probe -d /dev/sdb " but i get a message that states " error: unkown filesystem"22:58
MonkeyDustRokcStar  what's installed on sdb ?22:58
chaospsychexMonkeyDust, f your pxe server is also your dhcp server, you'll need something like this in /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf   <--- this file is not present on my system22:59
LarreOkay okay, I know. I installed 11.04 once and then upgraded it22:59
chaospsychexMonkeyDust, that is from the link you gave me22:59
almoxarifeLarre: i assume you are familiar with 'nautilus'?22:59
MonkeyDustchaospsychex  ok, you need to install dhcp server, then22:59
almoxarife!who | Larre22:59
ubottuLarre: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:59
RokcStari have an sd card, using fat 32 (b) that i installed grub on. now i am trying to probe it to make sure it did22:59
MonkeyDustchaospsychex  i think it's dhcpd22:59
MerlynKorragain... waiting patiently.... it says on the freenode channel "Try /join <#channel>"22:59
carlos_I can't use my tv card, chip  SAA7131/SAA7133/SAA713522:59
Larrealmoxarife, not really23:00
MerlynKorreven where i have doen so...23:00
MerlynKorrdone so...23:00
_cbis there a cli command to clear the dns cache?23:00
chaospsychexMonkeyDust, i did 'sudo apt-get install dhcpd' and it installed it but the file still is not present?23:00
MonkeyDustchaospsychex  i guess you have to configure it first; how skilled are you?23:01
urlin2uMerlynKorr, you might try #freenodenotr sure of what your seeing myself23:01
Larrealmoxarife, you mean nautilus is required?23:01
BoreeasI'm using about a GB of RAM I can't seem to be able to account for, even if taking buffers into consideration. Any idea why that is?23:01
chaospsychexMonkeyDust, i'm ok but i'm confused at where the program is and where the .conf is23:01
chaospsychexthe dhcpd program23:02
aidrocsidWhat is httpd renamed on Ubuntu?23:02
MonkeyDustchaospsychex  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/en/man5/dhcpd.conf.5.html23:02
MerlynKorrright. PEace ppl.23:02
almoxarifeLarre: i see, well, nautilus had this fantastic capability, you right click on a folder you want to 'share'( that would be like samba) allowing access via the options available, and you have a sharing machine, just like that23:02
carlos_ I can't use my tv card, chip  SAA7131/SAA7133/SAA7135  hel p please23:02
almoxarifeLarre: but you are welcome to cli (crawl) thru it though23:02
hroiwhat happened dudes23:02
Larrealmoxarife, okay shall I install nautilus?23:03
hroimy ubuntu 11.10 is only 0.06 more than my 11.0423:03
hroibut its totally different23:03
MonkeyDust0.06 more whatN23:03
Larrealmoxarife, forget that is is installed haha23:03
lakei'm considering offering to install linux on busted computers to my local community via craigslist. anyone here tried to do that sort of thing?23:03
almoxarifeLarre: see, being that you got 'desktop' nautilus is sort of built in, perhaps someone else can assist23:04
chaospsychexMonkeyDust, it's udhcpd and i found the .conf file23:04
hroiI mean, I did an upgrade, but now I have some other desktop and its like a iphone23:04
lakeby busted i mean full of viruses and spywares23:04
hroi"an iphone"23:04
MonkeyDustchaospsychex  great23:04
owenllBoreeas: have you tried "top" in a terminal to see what is hogging your memory - http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=76223:04
MonkeyDusthroi  i think you're looking at Unity23:04
chaospsychexMonkeyDust, the only services i need running for pxe server are DHCP and TFTP correct?23:05
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MonkeyDustchaospsychex  guess so, but rather read the page i showed you, it's more reliable23:05
Larrealmoxarife, Well as I stated earlier etc/samba folder doesnt exist and re-install of samba doesn't solve it. What shall I do?23:05
chaospsychexMonkeyDust, ok will do23:05
almoxarifelake: your ubuntu is perhaps spywared, thats a webbrowser thing, but virus?23:05
hroiMonkeyDust: Im kinda traditional, how do I get back my old gnome desktop?  the logins screen dont have that desktop option any more.23:06
almoxarifeLarre: i see, well, nautilus had this fantastic capability, you right click on a folder you want to 'share'( that would be like samba) allowing access via the options available, and you have a sharing machine, just like that23:06
MonkeyDust!notunity| hroi23:06
ubottuhroi: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:06
chaospsychexMonkeyDust, does that info apply to udhcpd.conf? i don't have dhcpd.conf on my system and I did 'sudo apt-get install dhcpd'. has it been changed ?23:06
lakealmoxarife: my aim is to transition older computers with windows to a more secure system like linux.23:07
MonkeyDustchaospsychex  maybe you have to create the .conf file manually, i'm not very familiar with it23:07
Larrealmoxarife, I have messed up so much, trying to get thing to work without really now what I am doing. Perhaps I should re-install the whole machine so it's clean and then try to share via nautilus23:07
hroiMonkeyDust: man that sounded laborious23:07
RokcStari installed grub on a drive. when booting it shows grub rescue23:08
RokcStarcan i edit the grub conf there?23:08
hroiMonkeyDust: I used to love gnome because it was simple and fast,  is unity simple and fast?23:08
MonkeyDusthroi  ubottu sometimes suffers the windows disease: extended and complete, but unreadable information23:08
hroiMonkeyDust: ok, I take it unity is some thing running ontop of gnome right?23:08
Boreeasowenll: Yeah, I did23:09
downbeamcan someone help me?23:09
diverdudeShould computer be restarted after changing hosts file?23:09
Boreeasowenll: Doesn't explaing the missing 1 GB23:09
zelozeloswhats the name of the systme monitor that showes the temp of the cpu's?23:09
BoreeasWell, actually, ir appears as xorg is  taking up another 500 MB, but that's about all I can see23:09
downbeamCAN SOMEONE HELP ME?23:09
aidrocsidhow do i change the port for desktop sharing?23:09
bazhangdownbeam, with what23:09
Boreeasdownbeam: Patience23:09
acer_aspire8930can I connect direct to an MS SQL server using wine?23:09
MonkeyDustdownbeam  caps pls23:10
downbeami need to apt get amarok?23:10
almoxarifelake: i would insure there is an avail app in ubuntu or wine to still do what ever it is that the win machines do/did, i like to do my taxes off the internet, i cant find a app to do it in linux, just an example23:10
downbeamand i dont know how to do it23:10
bazhangdownbeam, from ubuntu? yes23:10
MonkeyDustdownbeam  to install, it's apt-get install amarok23:10
bazhangdownbeam, check the software center23:10
downbeamwhere is the software center?23:10
heywoodhi all. trying to stream from a stereo line in to a remote server using darkice. natty on x86. having trouble configuring pulseaudio (i'm used to ALSA). anyone know what the default device is called? i tried hw:0,0 and that fails.23:11
almoxarifedownbeam: do you really want to add amarok to a gnome desktop?23:11
acer_aspire8930clementine or rhythm box is just as good23:12
LarreAccording to ubuntu downloadpage 32-bit is recommended. But since my computer is AMD64 shouldn't 64-bit version be best for me?23:12
acer_aspire8930I have 64bit installed Larre, and it supports 32bit now23:12
zelozelosksensors? does that still work?23:12
acer_aspire8930works a treat23:12
acer_aspire8930tyre Psensors23:12
acer_aspire8930try psenors23:13
zelozelosdoes it need lm sensors to work?23:13
SlartLarre: 64 bit has some minor advantages.. but being able to access more than 4 GB of memory is a big one23:13
chaospsychexwhat's the command to see running services? say i wanted to find and see if UDHCPD is running ?23:13
MonkeyDustchaospsychex  ps -e23:13
SlartLarre: I wouldn't mind that "32 bit is recommended" thing.. many users have been using 64 bit for quite some time without any problems23:13
downbeami gess ya23:13
BoreeasI'm using about half a GB of RAM I can't seem to be able to account for, even if taking buffers into consideration. Any idea why that is?23:13
almoxarifechaospsychex: gnome-system-monitor works swell too23:14
LarreSlart: Okay. Then I will go with 64-bit once again. And you can be sure I will switch to gnome classic dekstop imediately. I hate the new ubuntu desktop, haha23:14
mang0Slart: Good lord. I'm now in terminal with gnome-shell, I can't use metacity --replace, it gives me an error. And now my background says "Oh no! Something has gone wrong. Please log out and try again." with one button that says log out. Stuck :(23:14
almoxarifeBoreeas: gnome-system-monitor , look at where the hogging is taking place to start with23:15
downbeamis there a faster way to download torrents?23:15
urlin2umang0, gnome 3 is mutter23:15
Slartmang0: ouch.. never had that happen to me.. seems you're looking at a reboot after all23:15
almoxarifedownbeam: from  a huge swarm?23:15
Boreeasalmoxarife: Well, that's the problem23:15
Larredownbeam: torrent speed should depend on those who seeds it for you23:15
MonkeyDustdownbeam  there's deluge and transmission, but define 'faster'23:15
Boreeasalmoxarife: It doesn'T add up23:15
SlartLarre: I hear you.. I felt the same until I reinstalled ubuntu a couple of days ago.. now I'm trying to live with unity23:16
alkafoodownbeam: some people use what are called 'seed boxes', which use business class hardware and bandwidth23:16
aidrocsidunity is weird23:16
AzoteLogikounity is crapp23:16
RokcStarunity is just the beginning23:16
selina2then swith to gnome 3 or 223:16
aidrocsidi think i might replace it with xfce23:16
AzoteLogikounity should be just an option for tables, not mandatory23:16
selina2or swith to xfce23:16
downbeamis there a good site to download from?23:16
RokcStari used xubuntu23:16
LarreBut I mean switching to gnome classic doesn affect anything other thatn the gui, does it?23:17
alkafoodownbeam: download what from?23:17
selina2i use fedora with gnome 3 love it23:17
aidrocsidi did until this install23:17
chaospsychexanyone in here every setup a pxe boot server before?23:17
selina2swith at log in to gnome23:17
chaospsychexi put the files in /var/lib/tftpboot ?23:17
aidrocsidcan someone please help me through all this apache crap?23:17
aidrocsidi can't find my httpd.conf23:17
aidrocsidit's not where it should be23:17
heywoodis there a better IRC channel for finding a pulseaudio guru?23:17
almoxarifeBoreeas: anywhat of sharing a snapshot of it?23:17
RokcStaryea you can switch the desktop version at the login to classic23:17
almoxarifeBoreeas: anyway of sharing a snapshot of it?23:17
selina2join us in fb linux23:18
LarreAbout gnome 3, I tried to install that shell-thing in order to install the win7-theme, as I am so used to win7. I didnt succed however :P23:18
selina2group linux in fb23:18
MonkeyDustselina2  i have no fb :p23:18
RokcStarwin7 is messy. everything is disorganized23:18
snickers_i do not ubuntuone23:18
alkafooLarre: sure the theme is version 3 compatible?23:18
downbeamalkafoo like a site for downloading torrents23:18
snickers_Bought music, and nows it not showing up on my desktop23:18
selina2iam downlading w8 preview23:18
urlin2u!tab | you all23:19
ubottuyou all: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:19
AzoteLogikoI agree RokcStar , w7 is a big mess23:19
Larrealkafoo: Have no idea since I never got the shell themes to work anyway23:19
siyogihey can anyone help me with linux shell commands a bti?23:19
alkafoosiyogi: ?23:19
adi11hi all. can anyone help me with kernel hangups. after grub screen my hp pavillion 6700 hangs up on a black screen for 4-5 min. than goes to a tty "initramfs". i give two times "exit" command and than it can load the OS. i am on 10.04.3. i have tried to play with "nomodeset" option but no success. often i see: " error ata1 slow to respond (error 16). anyone knows something about this? thanks23:19
siyogiim a beginner and need some help23:20
urlin2uheywood, you might try ##linux23:20
alkafoosiyogi: help with what?23:20
heywoodurlin2u: thanks, will do.23:20
Boreeasalmoxarife: One second23:20
siyogiim trying to add some text to the original file using symbolic link23:20
RokcStarwindows xp is a good os, except for its vulnerability running as Administrator to viruses on the internet23:20
siyogibut finally the soft link file overwrites the original one23:20
siyogiand i want to just add text23:20
MonkeyDustsiyogi  use >> instead of >23:21
siyoginot to overwrite it23:21
adi11i am not sure if this is due to grafics drivers or ata driver or new way to upload graphis driver on kernel as oposed to older kernels..23:21
aidrocsidwhat did ubuntu rename the httpd binary to?23:21
urlin2uRokcStar, who yah talking to... include the nic so we all get the scuttlebut.23:21
siyogiMonkeyDust: merci23:21
krambiorixhi guys, i per accident renamed a folder. Can someone lookup the name for me? The folder inside it is buildd and the folder i'm looking for is in /23:21
MonkeyDustsiyogi  pas de quoi :p23:22
alkafookrambiorix: press the up arrow23:22
almoxarifeadi11: ati radeon?23:22
adi11i am dual booting with win7. my brother needs msoffice. and win7 loads ok and everything works perfect. so i guess its not a hardware issue.23:22
adi11almoxarife: nvidia23:22
noahnoah_Hi.  Question about encrypting a volume.  Using cryp23:23
alkafoonoahnoah_: ...where?23:23
noahnoah_crypt setup from command line.  File encrypts nicely mounts, unmounts, etc.23:23
krambiorixalkafoo, no it was in the gnome folder tree23:23
alkafookrambiorix: ah, unfortunate23:23
adi11almoxarife: but didnt install any propietary driver on it yet.23:23
almoxarifeadi11: can you access a terminal in your user name?23:23
LarreThen there is the issue that the install-iso is a cd image. Somehow the CD-laser is broken and I can only burn DVDs. Should be possible to burn it into a DVD-disc somehow23:23
krambiorixalkafoo, indeed23:23
noahnoah_But, no reboot doesn't mount.  I see that it is no longer listed in /dev/mapper.  (It was before reboot)  I assume that some process need to be called upon init, but don't know which23:23
adi11i think its running on Nouveau23:23
alkafookrambiorix: find / -type d -iname '*buildd*'23:23
almoxarifeadi11: you need to install 'nvidia-current'23:24
alkafooFuZi0N: hi23:24
siyogioh maybe somebody also knows how to print the calendar for the next month in terminal? I can only print by calling the exact month or can show 3 months at a time(previous7current/next)23:24
krambiorixalkafoo, well yeah can you tell me the result? :-)23:24
diverdudeCan X number of subdomains be created if i own a single domain?23:24
adi11almoxarife: i have tried it but no success.23:24
alkafoosiyogi: man cal should know23:25
almoxarifeadi11: tried how?23:25
Boreeasalmoxarife: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31575034/Other/Selection_008.png and http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31575034/Other/Selection_009.png23:25
adi11almoxarife it still hang on loading the os.23:25
alkafoodiverdude: depends on what you paid for23:25
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diverdudealkafoo, but if i set up a DNS myself?23:26
dieschdiverdude: yes,as long as you can add them to some DNS server23:26
siyogii could not find the answer in man cal and would not ask without checking23:26
krambiorixalkafoo, can you check on your /  what the name would be?23:26
alkafookrambiorix: the name of what?23:26
almoxarifeBoreeas: jesus, what is 'firefox-trunk' a part of firefox?23:26
alkafooalmoxarife: ?23:26
adi11almoxarife: hadware drivers app offers to install that. i did and no results. no i did a fresh install of 10.04.323:27
almoxarifealkafoo: ?23:27
krambiorixalkafoo, the folder in /  where folder buildd is in23:27
alkafooalmoxarife: ah23:27
alkafootrunk is the development state23:27
noahnoah_Hi.  Question about encrypting a volume.  Using cryptsetup to create an encrypted partition.  Works well, volume mounts, unmounts, etc.  But, on reboot, it fails to mount.  I see that it is no longer listed in /dev/mapper.  My guess is that some process needs to run at startup, but don't know which.  (I have configured crypttab and fstab.)  Suggestions?23:27
alkafookrambiorix: the command I gave you will find it23:27
almoxarifealkafoo: i am not sure we talking same thing23:28
phixnoahnoah_: Yeah crypttab mounts it at boot up23:28
almoxarifeadi11: did you install 'nvidia-current'23:28
alkafooalmoxarife: firefox-trunk is the trunk version of firefox23:28
astartothhi all, I have a problem, whenever I reboot ubuntu, it stalls in the manufacturer logo right after reboot. I have to switch the laptop off and back on23:28
astartothany ideas?23:28
noahnoah_phix.  crypttab didn't execute23:29
krambiorixalkafoo, you don't understand i changed the foldername23:29
almoxarifealkafoo: doe it usually run on 1/2 gig of ram?23:29
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krambiorixalkafoo, can you do find / -name "buildd" for me and tell me the parent folder name23:29
rypervencheIs it possible to find out the hostnames of all of the computers on my local network?23:30
alkafooalmoxarife: browsers have a habit of eating lots of ram, yeah23:30
adi11almoxarife: yes.23:30
adi11almoxarife: but no results.23:30
alkafooespecially if you leave them open forever23:30
alkafookrambiorix: ah, no but someone else here can23:30
Guest20276Alkafoo, would Firefox consume even more than some other alternatives?23:30
almoxarifeadi11: since installing did you reboot? and run the config app?23:30
alkafooGuest20276: some others, naturally23:31
Boreeasalmoxarife: firefox-trunk is ff nightly23:31
mwallyI'm getting a bios error, operating system not found, after a fresh normal instll of 11.10 Server (64bit).  I've tried installing it twice from scratch, and just tried the option to re-install grub from the rescue mode.  Nothing seems to work.23:31
krambiorixdoes anyone have ubuntu up and running?23:31
adi11almoxarife: or is it that is still loading nouveau?23:31
almoxarifeadi11: since installing did you reboot? and run the config app?23:31
dieschsiyogi: Display the previous, current and next month: cal -323:32
krambiorixdoes anyone have ubuntu up and running?23:32
Boreeaskrambiorix: I guess most people in here do ;)23:32
bazhangkrambiorix, yes of course23:32
chaospsychexi do23:32
almoxarifeBoreeas: your ram is going hasta luego via firefox, doing something special in it?23:32
bazhangkrambiorix, do you have a real question?23:33
RokcStargrubing is so hard23:33
Boreeasalmoxarife: Not really23:33
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MonkeyDustsiyogi  cal -A123:33
RokcStardoes anyone here have experience installing grub on a flash drive -- from scratch23:33
BoreeasBut what is actually worrying me is that there is this large discrepance between the listing (500 MB + small stuff) and the graph (1.8 GB)23:33
mang0Slart: Still completely stuck. Metacity isn't working, the command you said to do isn't working from TTY, and I can't use gnome-shell it's wayyyy to slow, really weird.23:33
siyogidiesch: I know this and I need only one next month. Thanks23:33
alkafooRokcStar: same as installing it on any other drive23:33
BoreeasEven when factoring in xorg, which is using another 0.5 GB, it's still 800 MB off23:33
almoxarifeBoreeas: time to decide, nightlies worth it or time to get a nice sane browser like 'chromium'? bleeding edge stuff23:34
Slartmang0: do you get some kind of error message when you try the metacity command?23:34
Slartmang0: remember what it was?23:34
krambiorixbazhang, nevermind23:34
siyogiMonkeyDust: doesn't work23:34
almoxarifeBoreeas: or the more boring flavor 'chrome-browser'23:34
MonkeyDustsiyogi  next month's calendar? it does here23:35
mang0Slart: 1s23:35
almoxarife!info chrome-browser23:35
ubottuPackage chrome-browser does not exist in oneiric23:35
RokcStaris there a gui grub installer?23:35
almoxarife!info chromium-browser23:35
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 15.0.874.106~r107270-0ubuntu0.11.10.1 (oneiric), package size 18844 kB, installed size 69092 kB23:35
siyogiMonkeyDust: and does not on my computer.23:35
mang0Slart: DISPLAY=:0.0 metacity --replace23:35
Boreeasalmoxarife: I'd actually prefer to stay with FF. 500 MB aren't that bad, I guess, and nightly has a tendency to use more than the default anyways23:35
dieschsiyogi:  cal $(date +'%m %Y' -d'next month')23:35
MonkeyDustsiyogi  from the man page: -A number Display the number of months after the current month.23:36
almoxarifeBoreeas: there you go then, now you know where all that memory is going\23:36
Boreeasalmoxarife: No, I don't23:36
Slartmang0: yes.. that was the command.. but what was the output? not the entire thing.. just check if there is a line with ERROR, FATAL or something like that.. anything that sounds omnius =)23:36
siyogidiesch: Merci! Too difficult for me but works fine.23:36
almoxarifeBoreeas: its going to firefox-trunk23:36
Boreeasalmoxarife: FF is using 500 MB, Xorg is using 500 MB = 1 GB. The graph shows 1.8 GB23:36
noahnoah_Hi.  Question about encrypting a volume.  Using cryptsetup to create an encrypted partition.  Works well, volume mounts, unmounts, etc.  But, on reboot, it fails to mount.  I see that it is no longer listed in /dev/mapper.  My guess is that some process needs to run at startup, but don't know which.  (I have configured crypttab and fstab.)  Suggestions?23:37
adi11ok i am back. still had to do 3 times "exit command on tty to get the os loaded.23:37
ve2hsMy CD rom doesn't mount automatically it seems anymore. I have a CD in it.. nothing in nautilus. Doesn't seem to be showing under fdisk -l.... What should I do please?23:37
siyogiMonkeyDust: I know about man. But honestly I tried severl option and tried to improvise - nothing worked except diesch's version23:37
almoxarifeBoreeas: xorg is not shown on what you shared23:37
Boreeasalmoxarife: Because it's run as root23:37
alkafoo!universe | downbeam23:38
ubottudownbeam: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:38
dieschMonkeyDust: cal -a23:38
almoxarifeBoreeas: there is a option to show it23:38
mang0Slart: When I run that, nothing happens at all. It goes blank, and when I switch back to x with alt + f7, all I see is a screen telling me that apache2 is started, bluetooth is started, etc. Just the defult loading screen, nothing more.23:38
almoxarifeBoreeas: can you share Xorg.0.log from /var/log?23:38
dieschMonkeyDust: cal -A1 displays the current +and* the next month, but siyogi only wants the next month23:38
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Slartmang0: hmm.. but the machine is still to slow to use?23:38
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Boreeasalmoxarife: http://pastebin.com/zpJqP1ZX23:39
mang0Slart: At the moment I can't get IN to the machine. But, I tried restarted a minute ago, and it was uber slow, and didn't work properly. I then booted in to terminal, and un-installed gnome-shell, but then I couldn't get in to anything at all, so i had to go back to recovery console and install it again.23:40
almoxarifeBoreeas: can you share Xorg.0.log from /var/log? dmesg and kern.log wouldnt hurt either :)23:40
siyogidiesch: in my case it says -A is an invalid option23:41
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Slartmang0: hmm.. odd.. perhaps it's not gnome-shell that is the culprit.. perhaps something else is wrong? do you get the normal ubuntu login screen?23:41
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Boreeasalmoxarife: xorg is http://pastebin.com/zpJqP1ZX, but kern.log is too large to paste apparently23:42
mang0Slart: When I boot up, the normal login screen comes up as in choose user name and insert pass, but it looks different to how it did before. It looks like the gnome-shell gui.23:42
almoxarifeBoreeas: you have nvidia and nouveau drivers, why? why not the nvidia?23:42
almoxarifeBoreeas: nevermind the other23:42
NikkiGrrl'ello everyone23:43
Boreeasalmoxarife: I have no idea - nvidia probably came installed, but idk what nouveau even is23:43
selina2hello here gnome 323:43
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Slartmang0: oh.. and there's no way to select another session from there? from the regular gnome login screen you can choose between unity/gnome amongst others23:43
stepnjumpWhat can one do when the CD rom doesn't mount and doesn't show in /dev/?23:43
almoxarifeBoreeas: how do you install stuff?23:43
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selina2software center23:43
Boreeasalmoxarife: Usuallyusing apt-get install, why?23:43
almoxarifeselina2: and a good choice23:43
dieschsiyogi: maybe it's an older version, I don't knwo when GNU cal added -A23:43
mang0Slart: That's the weird thing. It's defult is set to "gnome" session, if I try to put it to "Ubuntu" and log in, it says that ubuntu session couldn't be loaded :(23:44
almoxarifeBoreeas: ok, use apt-get and install 'nvidia-current'23:44
selina2if unity interface giving so much problems try other window managers23:45
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siyogidiesch: anyway your command worked very well23:45
Boreeasalmoxarife: "nvidia-current is already the newest version."23:45
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NikkiGrrlanybody here good at debugging wifi? others have the same card and it works, if that's a good starting point23:46
almoxarifeBoreeas: ok, so you need to un-install 'nouveau'23:46
mang0Slart: Once I've finally got in to TTY from gnome-shell, everything messes up. I can't get back to X23:46
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Boreeasalmoxarife: remove it or purge it?23:47
almoxarifeBoreeas: both23:47
noahnoah__Anyone?  Why isn't /dev/mapper showing encrypted partition after reboot?23:47
Slartmang0: I haven't really experienced this problem so I'm not sure what to try.. I'm not even sure if uninstalling gnome-shell will fix anything.. it might be worth a try though23:47
Slartmang0: you did install gnome-shell using one of the repositories, right?23:48
dieschsiyogi: it just uses date to get the next month and then uses the output of date as aprameter for cal.23:48
mang0Slart: Already tried it. When I uninstall, I end up not being able to do anything other than recovery console :/23:48
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:48
* tMH is gone. nsf23:48
mang0Slart: Yeah, from the official site, I copied and pasted the cmd lines23:48
mang0added ppa, updated, installed23:48
almoxarifedoes 'apt-get purge' remove and purge? or just purge confs?23:48
adi111almoxarife: is there anyway to see if it loading nvidia drivers now instead of nouveau?23:49
Boreeasalmoxarife: How, both? Wouldn't purge also imply remove?23:49
OerHeksBoreeas, purge removes config files too.23:49
almoxarifeadi111: you rebooted? do, if not, and share Xorg.0.log after the reboot23:50
Slartmang0: do you remember if you uninstalled something else? something gnome-related?23:50
mang0Slart: It's really weird that I can't switch to metacity. I could try compiz though...23:50
mang0Slart: Didn't uninstall anything else23:50
almoxarifeBoreeas: no idea, i am no apt-get expert, i live on synaptic23:50
Slartmang0: sure, anything is worth a try.. but metacity is usually the stable "always-works" solution23:50
BoreeasOerHeks: Yeah, that's what I mean. Would using remove after purge not be redundant?23:50
adi111almoxarife: i rebooted after 3 times "exit" command on initramfs... :)23:50
mang0Slart: Yeah, that's what I thought :(23:51
mang0This is ridiculous XD23:51
OerHeksBoreeas, purge is an option for remove23:51
almoxarifedoes 'purge' remove and purge? that is the question23:52
urlin2ualmoxarife, shoud23:52
adi111almoxarife: where do i find Xorg.0.log?23:52
KurtKrautHow do I restart network through the command line?23:52
almoxarifeurlin2u: should? :) be brave, yes! ?23:52
BoreeasNah, you can do apt-get purge foo23:52
adi111almoxarife: on etc?23:52
OerHeksKurtKraut, sudo service network restart23:53
almoxarifeadi111: etc?23:53
dieschadi111: /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:53
adi111ok thanks :)23:53
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* almoxarife uses synaptic, cause it works and gui's are our friends23:53
KurtKrautOerHeks, thanks!23:54
MonkeyDusthi OerHeks23:54
OerHekshi5 MonkeyDust23:54
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dieschBoreeas: "apt-get purge foo" is the same as "apt-get remove --purge foo"23:55
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almoxarifeand yes, synaptic works swell on a kde-desktop23:55
mang0_Slart: this gets weirder and weirder. Let me show you a screenshot of what I've got now23:55
adi111almoxarife: http://paste.ubuntu.com/803586/23:55
almoxarifediesch: thanks, i always wondered23:55
MonkeyDustBoreeas  there may still be config files you have to delete23:55
Slartmangoix: sure23:56
mang0_http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/x3242f9r/Workspace1_001.png Slart O.o it's metacity mixed with gnome-shell23:56
jutnuxI've actually taken a shine to Gnome Shell. http://ompldr.org/vYzh3OQ23:56
Mastersanyone mind helping me get ubuntu working?23:56
mang0_!ask | Masters23:56
ubottuMasters: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:56
alkafooMasters: I don't mind23:57
Slartmang0_: hmm... that does look weird indeed..23:57
MastersI just download the latest version23:57
Mastersset up the partitions and such but it won't boot23:57
Mastersthe screen went all weird, like the video drivers were having problems and just froze23:57
mang0_jutnux: Yeah, look what happened to me though O.o http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/x3242f9r/Workspace1_001.png really really weird. Slart is helping me trouble shoot it. I just wanna get back to my normal metacity now :<23:57
Mastersif that doesn't happen it just freezes during the boot23:57
MastersI'm trying to reinstall it now, but is there something I may be doing wrong?23:57
mang0_Slart: Let me try replacing with metacity from here? I think I can open terminal23:58
almoxarifeadi111: what kind of graphics you got?23:58
tehB3NJ1EProud to say that I'm switching to Ubuntu 11.10. I'm copying important files to a 1TB HDD now... http://imgur.com/m7A8h23:58
Mastersoh, forgot to mention this is a Dell Latitude D83023:58
alkafooMasters: do you make it to the login screen?23:59
adi111almoxarife: GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M23:59
Mastersalka: nope, either it shows the opening background and freezes, or or feezes during the part wghere it checks all the services23:59
Slartmang0_: just a step back here.. what makes you think metacity is going to solve your problem?23:59
almoxarifeadi111: yes23:59
adi111its a integrated nvidia.23:59
hichamhi, i want to know where i can find my downloaded apps from the market23:59

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