
s3raphhey guys; I'm having a problem with weird `kill` problem, could anyone lend a hand?01:11
knome!ask | s3raph01:12
ubottus3raph: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:12
s3raphthat works xD01:12
s3raphokay so, when I try and `kill pid`, i just get a '>' subprompt, and the process is still running; now if I do something like `strace kill pid`, the process is terminated, and I get no subprompt.01:15
s3raph^oh, sorry, that happens for both root and non-root users.01:15
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:16
s3raphMarzata: what do you mean?01:21
dbrimrI keep getting a "Failed to mount 'Filesystem Name' / Not Authorized" error in xfce4. How can I fix this?02:28
GridCube!details | dbrimr02:30
ubottudbrimr: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:30
dbrimrI plug in a USB HDD. It appears as an icon on the desktop, but when I click it the aforementioned error pops up. I can't find the HDD under /dev or I'd just manually do it.02:31
dbrimrI'm using Ubuntu Studio 11.10 (not actually Xubuntu, but it's on xfce4).02:32
GridCubeyou used that usb on windows before?02:32
dbrimrNo, I haven't used Windows in years.02:33
dbrimrI've used it in several prior versions of Linux, though.02:33
dbrimrMostly (if not all) *buntu.02:33
GridCubei've had that problem, it can be put down to a few options, one its mbr table got corrupted, another is that the usb cable is broken, another is that its usb port is broken, another is that the drive is not getting enough energy from the computer02:35
GridCubethe only solution i've found to the corruption part is formating the drive02:35
dbrimrIf the cable or port was broken, how would it even show as an icon in the first place?02:38
dbrimrAs for power, it has its own power.02:38
holsteinthe drive or partiion can be bad02:38
dbrimrThe drive works fine on another machine.02:40
holsteindbrimr: maybe test it wheil you have it mounted on that other machine02:41
holsteinmake sure its showing up in fdisk -l02:41
holsteintry mounting via the commandline02:41
dbrimrfdisk showed it, got it via CLI. Thanks!02:43
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totesmuhgoatshey guys, i am running xubuntu 11.10, initially it was ubuntu and i uninstalled unity and installed the xubuntu-desktop package04:10
totesmuhgoatsi am trying to use gigolo but it doesn't list any servers04:10
nanotubehey, welcome to the club totesmuhgoats04:10
totesmuhgoatsi think i might be missing some packages04:11
totesmuhgoatsis there anything i need to install to use gigolo?04:11
totesmuhgoatswhen i click the connect to server button the only thing i see in the drop down list is "custom location"04:11
totesmuhgoatsnothing about windows shares or anything like i see in the screenshots04:11
totesmuhgoatsnevermind, i figured it out04:13
totesmuhgoatsi was missing gvfs-backends04:13
totesmuhgoatsi had all the other gvfs and fuse packages04:13
totesmuhgoatsbut that was the missing link04:13
Unit193Do you have gvfs-backends?04:16
Unit193Yeah, nevermind, I skimmed too fast04:16
totesmuhgoatslol, i thought you were joking04:16
totesmuhgoatsthanks though04:17
* Unit193 facepalms04:17
IdanSuperHey guys05:29
IdanSuperI need help05:29
IdanSuperI can't run install Xubuntu Icon at my desktop05:29
IdanSupersomeone here?05:30
nanotubeIdanSuper: hi, people are here, just be patient and someone will be around05:31
nanotubeit's off-hours in the usa, which i'm guessing is where most people here are from, IdanSuper05:38
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:40
IdanSuperOKK I Boot Xubuntu from my disc05:40
IdanSuperand I Choose install xubuntu at the first screen05:41
IdanSuperand then it open me a operation system or something05:41
IdanSuperwith icon:Install Xubuntu 11.10 on it05:41
IdanSuperand I click on it around 100 times and nothing happened05:42
Unit193When you choose "Install Xubuntu" is it the second one down?05:42
IdanSuperi don't remember05:42
IdanSuperI think so05:42
IdanSuperokkkk I need to go sorry I'll back today..05:43
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SkyNetMasterh, it is very confusing with bugg reporting :) could you advice where to report xubuntu bugs?07:46
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.07:51
SkyNetMasterTheSheep, but there is nothing about xubuntu07:52
TheSheepxubuntu falls into "any of its derivatives"07:52
SkyNetMasterok, maybe I am just sleepy stil, but can't find a place to report new bug :/07:56
xmanhow can i sett system proxy in xubuntu?08:20
xmani cant find proxy setting in xubuntu08:23
xmannany ideas how can i set proxy in xubuntu?08:26
xmannplease help me08:26
SkyNetMasterxmann, http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/set-proxy-server-ubuntu-linux/08:27
xmanni want to use my phone as modem to connect to the internet via usb, so i need set system proxy ,can i install any app. to set sys. proxy for xfce?08:38
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freedom7hi all11:35
chelzfreedom7: hi11:40
freedom7cheerx chelz11:41
Kingsywhat is going on with samba in xubuntu? "sometimes" when I click on network in the file explorer you can see the network.. other times the windows network folder is empty..11:41
freedom7cant decide if i like xfce session better than xubuntu11:41
Kingsyits sooo annoying, I need to browse the network and today its just deciding not to show anything11:42
Kingsycan anyone help?11:48
chelzKingsy: there are various terminal tools to view smb things11:51
chelzlike smbmount11:51
Kingsychelz: can you give me some things I can check for to get this working?11:53
chelzKingsy: do you know the ip for the smb server and do you have to use a login+pass?11:56
Kingsychelz: the smb server? sorry I don't follow.. its just a standard windows network.. i.e I have shared some files on a windows pc and I want to view them through xubuntu11:59
chelzKingsy: right yeah, the ip of the windows computer11:59
chelzKingsy: i mean does restarting your xubuntu work?11:59
Kingsychelz: hmm I havent tried restarting..12:00
KingsyI have the local ip address for the computer I want to connect to.. can I connect to it manually? i.e the windows equiv would be   Start->Run      //
chelzKingsy: open up a folder, in Thunar12:03
chelzthen do ctrl+L12:03
chelzthen do smb://
Kingsychelz: it said --> smb://   <-- failed to open   (sorry it was 1.108, not 0.14 I got it wrong)12:04
chelzopen up a terminal and try to ping that ip12:05
Kingsychelz: yeah I can ping it12:06
chelzok try12:09
chelzsmbclient -L
chelzif you need a username do12:09
chelzsmbclient -U user -L
Kingsychelz: protocol negotiation failed: ERRnomem12:13
chelzKingsy: put some -vvv on there and paste.ubuntu.com it12:14
Kingsychelz: it still just says protocol negotiation failed: ERRnomem even with a -v12:15
Kingsychelz: yup.. I have always had problems with samba.. it seems to just work when it feels like it.. haha12:18
chelzKingsy: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=9686212:18
chelzmight be a netbios name thing12:18
chelzalso seems doing some registry thing on the server might help. that thread links to various fixes to try12:18
chelzif you end up fixing it from one of those, i'd be curious which fix it ended up being12:19
chelzthis is linked to from the thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116914912:20
chelzhas stuff about workgroup and netbios name12:20
Kingsyhmm let me see12:21
Kingsychelz: how do you restart samba on xubuntu? its not in init.d12:23
Kingsyas far as I can see anyways12:24
Kingsylol wtf samba just doesnt exist.. but I have the config files.12:28
chelzgvs samba thing12:28
chelzsome plugin12:28
chelznot sure how it works12:28
Kingsychelz: is there a way of printing out sambas current config from the cmd line?12:32
chelzKingsy: should be in a smb.conf somewhere i'd think12:38
Kingsychelz: there is but the changes didnt do anything..12:39
Kingsynm I guess this question is more of a #samba one :)12:39
Kingsychelz: thanks for the help tho12:39
chelzKingsy: yeah samba is really tricky12:40
chelzesp with mswindows involved12:40
Kingsyi hate it.. its like it has a brain and thinks.. "naaaa I don't think I am going to bother working for you today"12:42
chelzKingsy: well you could try setting up some other kind of sharing12:45
chelzi think filezilla has a free ftp server for mswindows12:45
chelzjust i've never maintained a linux/windows smb/cifs setup. only linux/osx. at least on osx stuff basically works once you set it up, but with mswindows i hear updates can break it12:46
Kingsyyup.. its GAY12:47
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davyhello i'm new15:15
ubottudavy: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:20
davythanks ubottu!15:21
davydoes it exist other xubuntu theme?15:22
davyhi autif15:22
TheSheepdavy: sure, see xfce-look.org15:26
davyok thanks!15:31
davywhy a mouse in xubuntu logo?15:31
davywhat is his meaning?15:31
charlie-tcalink to xfce, the desktop environment used by Xubuntu15:34
autifdavy - world domination and monsters and such15:51
charlie-tcadavy: Xfce used the mouse as their mascot until last year.15:57
davyyeah but why a mouse? why not a lion, cat or other?15:59
charlie-tcaBecause they wanted a mouse?16:08
IdanSuperSomeone can help me?16:37
ubottuAvoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude16:37
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:37
IdanSuperI have a button on my desktop with an icon called "Xubuntu install16:38
charlie-tcaPlease ask the real question so if someone knows, they can answer you.16:38
IdanSuperAnd I click on it around 100 times and nothing happens16:39
charlie-tcaIdanSuper: weren't in here yesterday with a different name?16:40
IdanSuperYes right16:40
IdanSuperyesterday and today morning16:41
charlie-tcaand also asking the same things in other channels?16:41
IdanSuperyes only now by a mistake :(16:42
charlie-tcaOkay, so right-click that install icon, left-click execute and wait for a few minutes to see if the installer runs16:42
charlie-tcaDepending on the computer, it can take several minutes to get the installer screen16:43
charlie-tcaIf it doesn't come up in 5 minutes, I would say you have a bad cd, and should try burning a new one16:44
pangolinchecking the md5sum before burning16:44
pangolinjust to make sure16:44
IdanSupernothing happend... And I have Ubuntu installed on my computer.... Its because it?>16:46
IdanSuperand I try to run the commend apt-get unistall everything and It say that nothing was installed16:47
charlie-tcaso, thats not even 5 minutes16:47
IdanSuperno :(16:47
charlie-tcaI would say download the cd again, and burn a new one16:47
pangolinwhat command did you run exactly?16:47
IdanSuperThat one (Ubuntu)16:48
pangolinok so you want to remove Xubuntu?16:49
pangolinIdanSuper: problem here is that we are unclear on what it is you want to do.16:49
NoviceHey guys, can anyone tell help me with some things?  I am having trouble.18:05
pleia2Novice: feel free to go ahead and ask your questions, if people know the answer they'll chime in18:06
NoviceThank you.18:06
NoviceCould someone help me understand what a key ring is.  Also, I have been feeling weird, like some wise guy is trying to hack my network.  How can I be sure it is not being hacked?18:07
NoviceWas that too much?18:12
PiciWhy do you think you're being hacked?18:12
Novicestrange services were running in windows that really bogged my computer down18:14
PiciNovice: well, we don't provide Windows support here. You'd need to ask the folks in ##windows for help with that.18:15
NoviceMy screen would flash periodically18:15
PiciAs for the keyring, its sort of like a password safe, in that it keeps track of application authentication and other passwords on the system ( like wifi passwords )18:16
NoviceWhat services would I look for in the take manager (in xubuntu) that would be red flags?18:16
PiciThat question isn't really answerable. Is there something in particular that you don't recognize.18:17
NoviceLast night there was, let me check again, and thanks for the help.18:18
Noviceusr/bin/X :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root  ----  In short18:22
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PiciNovice: Thats the process that spawns your login manager.18:25
NoviceThank you, I am sorry for the rudimentary questions, but I really want to learn this.18:25
NoviceBut, the rest of the command is:  /:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswith -backround none18:27
NoviceAnd I know tcp and vt7 are associated with network connections18:28
autifthose would be the command line options passed to the application X18:28
NoviceOk.  Cool man.18:28
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n2diyI lost the sound from my speakers recently, is there something I can try restarting to get it back?21:20
autiftry pavucontrol21:21
holsteinn2diy: you can mute from the keyboard, but not unmute22:13
n2diyholstein, ok, what is the solution, restart alsa, logout?22:17
holsteinn2diy: use the GUI22:18
holsteinassuming thta is the issue22:18
n2diyholstein, ok, nothing is muted in the alsa-mixer window.22:19
holsteinn2diy: then that might not have been the cause22:20
holsteinyou can run in a terminal22:20
holsteinaplay -l22:20
holsteinif you see somethiing return, then you *should* be getting sound22:20
holsteinwhen i say "try the GUI' i literally mean the little picture of the speaker up by the time22:20
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mongynothing to do with it but, as a 'bug' of using pulseaudio-equalizer on xubuntu I can't use my media keys to adjust volume.  It adjusts the master volume according to alsamixer but does nothing to actual volume, like it does in reg ubuntu.  it's no great problem.22:47
TheSheepmongy: I think you can set the 'main' channel in the xfce4-mixer22:48
TheSheepmongy: the one that will be modified by the media keys22:48
mongyset it22:48
mongyset it as alsa, master, pcm, headphones etc volumes, and then set to pulse and set master.22:49
mongyas soon as I use the eq, doesnt work.22:49
mongyusing pulse its fine, just the EQ22:49
mongyfor some reason it doesn't work quite the same in xfce22:49
TheSheepmongy: no, I mean the properties dialog of the mixer panel applet22:50
mongyit's not biggie, just saying.22:50
mongyall I see are soundcard selection and select controls22:51
TheSheepmongy: right-click on the speaker icon in the panel, select properties22:51
mongyno such22:51
mongyits an idicator22:51
TheSheepthere are two dropdowns, 'sound card' and 'mixer track'22:51
TheSheepthen add it to the panel22:51
mongya different mixer22:52
TheSheepnot sure if it will help22:53
mongythat's better.  thank you22:53
mongyits funny because I added that volume to panel before and it launched the same volume applet, just did not give the same right click properties.22:54
TheSheepthe indicator plugin is quite new22:55
TheSheepit doesn't have all the features yet22:55
mongyactually, it's not perfect22:56
mongynevermind.  I have pavucontrol icon set next to it as I use it to mute mythtv when  I am watcning tv but listening to music....22:59
astartothhi all23:13
Marzatahi all +123:13
astartothsmall problem using xubuntu, some parts of XFCE still display in english, not my default locale, pt_PT.UTF-823:15
astartothI did it all: deleted unwanted locales, regenerated default locale, reinstalled locales, reinstalled language-support-base and language-support-pt. Am I to assume that XFCE isn't completely translated?23:16
Marzatano system is completely translated.23:19
astartothprobably it's best to switch to en_US23:20
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