
* bkerensa waves10:40
nieko_nerai intalled google chrome, and want to uninstall chromium, but then i try uninstall chromium it wants to install firefox10:51
nieko_nerai don't want firefox10:51
nieko_nerafound my answer, you need uninstall chromium with this command11:13
nieko_nerasudo apt-get --purge remove chromium-browser firefox epiphany-browser midori dolphin konqueror11:13
AbbevikHello, I'm trying to activate lubuntu-desktop to be my default desktop environment on my Ubuntu 11.10 installment, but it keeps going back to gnome/unity every time I reboot. Do you have any pointers? Thanks11:23
AbbevikI think I found an answer here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62833/how-do-i-change-the-default-session-for-when-using-auto-logins11:27
shomonhi, does anyone know how to get a big cursor in lubuntu, assistive technology stylee?23:08
shomonno one around I guess :)23:14
wxlshomon: i betcha phillw knows23:15
wxlhe's our accessibility expert23:16
shomonah that's nice... :)23:16
shomonwell I managed to get a package by just installing gnome desktop and waiting a few hours :)23:16
shomonI just don't know which one it is.. so as to avoid that23:16
shomonanyway, irc is non linear, so I'll stay here for a bit and see if phillw checks in at some point :)23:17
phillwshomon: I'm not sure if the 'big' arrow is yet available. I know it is on the TODO list.23:17
shomonhi phillw23:17
shomonah, do you know if I can just add it from another package?23:17
shomonwe were thinking you might be able to just hack something in by switching a cursor image.. but I guess there's more to it than that23:18
wxli betcha that's possible23:18
wxllemme dig23:18
shomonthanks :)23:18
phillwho shomon, you possibly could, but lxappearance is being worked on. could you ask on the mailing list as to if it is yet available, that way you remind the devs & they will reply :)23:19
shomonthat'd be good :)23:19
shomoncould you point me to the mailing list please?23:20
shomonit'll do wonders for a new lubuntu user with sight problems :)23:21
phillwshomon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ContactUs23:22
shomonthanks !23:22
phillwhas those details, please also consider joining at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved23:22
wxlpreferences > customize look and feel > mouse cursor tab23:22
wxlhas an option to change it23:22
wxllet me see if i can find a big cursor23:23
phillwwxl: is correct, I am an advocate of accessibility being set into lubuntu and it is a part of our dev to enable it more fully.23:23
shomongreat :)23:23
wxlphillw: agreed but i'm looking at it from a support view too actually trying to take care of shomon :)23:24
wxlyear get the tarball there shomon23:24
shomonso it's just a question of installing that in lubuntu?23:25
pederindibut I think that doesn't work with 11.0423:25
shomonah, I see, it's just a tarball so far sorry23:25
wxlwow seems to be crashing on that tho23:26
shomonhmm back in 5 and I'll give it a try23:26
phillwshomon: wxl https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/Accessibility23:26
phillwWe really do want to do it... just not enough people on dev :(23:27
wxlwow may have to submit a bug on this23:29
wxlunless someone else knows another cursor theme?23:29
wxli come up with nothing on box look23:29
wxlthere *IS* a "bigcursor" package23:32
pederindiI'm trying to access lxde.org to get accessibility info but seems to be down23:32
phillwwxl: with 12.04 there is the ability to import mouse cursor themes, just none yet developed.23:32
* wxl is on 12.0423:33
wxli seem to remember that same location in customize look and feel on 11.10 tho23:33
* phillw wonders if AlanBell has been giving a talk on accessibilty on the ubuntu-classroom today? ... oh, he has :)23:33
AlanBellit was fun :)23:34
* Silverlion waves at AlanBell23:35
phillwAlanBell: as lx can import the standard *tar.gz and *tar.bz2 do you know of a theme we can try out?23:36
phillwAlanBell: I caught the start of it, but I will be reading all the sessions from the logs, they are a mine of information for those who do support :)23:37
AlanBelltheme for what?23:38
wxli am in 12.04 so i don't knwo if that changes anything but installing big-cursor worked out just fine tho it did require a logout for it to take effect.23:39
phillwwxl: care to give instructions & I'll follow them23:39
wxlit is not a change that happens in openbox as openbox --restart / --reconfigure does not fix it23:39
wxl1. sudo apt-get install big-cursor23:40
wxl2. put in your password :)23:40
wxl3. logout23:40
wxl4. log back in23:40
wxl5. big cursor!!!!23:40
pederindiso after logout appear "big-cursor" in "box look" of "customize look and feel"?23:40
wxlpederindi: no, you'll just end up with big-cursor23:41
wxlif you look in customize look and feel, there's no apparent change23:41
pederindiaha, if you want the other cursor you should remove his package23:41
wxlkinda funky23:41
wxlthey should just make it a normal cursor theme23:41
phillwwxl: fail :(23:41
wxlphillw: in what way?23:42
phillwit's okay, I've had a partial update, 12.04 is not a happy bunny atm. it generated a crash report.23:43
wxl12.04 has been pretty much flawless for me23:43
phillw"Problem already know"23:43
MrChrisDruifAloha Sillion23:46
SillionI ve reinstalled lubuntu via netinstall and i miss some software23:46
MrChrisDruifSillion; what commands did you use?23:47
Sillionwhat's the name of the disk manager which is used to mount.umount, formating, etc?23:47
MrChrisDruifDid you install lubuntu-core or lubuntu-desktop?23:47
SillionMrChrisDruif, i do not rememeber , what do you mean by command?23:47
Sillionboth i guess23:47
MrChrisDruifYou installed with the netinstall, that is the all command installation right?23:48
MrChrisDruifAka mini-ISO?23:48
Sillionmaybe just core.. do not remember it was the 4th or 5th time i was reinstalling :P23:48
MrChrisDruifphillw; do you know what a "netinstall" is? I've never done those23:49
wxlphillw: crash on re-login?23:49
pederindinetinstall i think is network install23:49
pederindiso start with core, and download-install from internet ?23:49
SillionMrChrisDruif, what i want to know is the name of the diskmanager  to reinstall it23:49
wxlbasically the netinstall disc has next to nothing on it, so all the packages are downloaded at install time rather than copied from the disk23:50
wxlit's really a matter of semantics23:50
Sillionthat's it wxl23:50
wxlSillion: you mean pcmanfm/23:50
Sillionthe soft which is use to format moun, unmount, etc23:50
phillwMrChrisDruif: yes, it is an option available via a mini install. you can pull all the files from a local server on your LAN which is a lot faster than using internet, or you can choose internet https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server_and_network_installations23:51
wxlSillion: it's not gparted23:51
wxl(not for lubuntu)23:51
wxlit's palimpset23:52
Sillionpederindi, no23:52
Sillionpalimpset ill go and see23:52
wxlweird name :/23:52
wxlthat's default for lubuntu23:53
pederindibut is a mix of pcman and gparted23:53
pederindiaha, dependencies23:53
MrChrisDruifwxl; gnome-disk-utility?23:53
Sillionyes that it cool23:53
wxlno not gnome!!!23:53
wxldarn you and your gnome people!23:53
wxlalright i'm getting out of here23:53
wxlnow you guys behave and keep the gnome off of Sillion's system23:54
phillwwell, if they want to drag in half of the worlds content of gnome for a simple utility.... we cannot forbid it :)23:54
jmichaelxso i just installed lubuntu 11.10on an older laptop, and am unable to change the screen resolution correctly... when i change it, the panel is missing, etc... any suggestions?23:58
cousteauwhen/if Ubuntu adopts Wayland instead of X, will Lubuntu have to use that too or will it have only Wayland?  If I understood it right, Wayland is for having a more direct way for composition, which I doubt Lubuntu is interested in23:59

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