
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
ubot4`Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams10:16
vibhavThe Leader Of the Indian LoCo Team is not active , the team was invited to be an approved team , BUt because of him , the team is not approved , can anything be done?10:17
YoBoYvibhav: he's not responding to emails ? the first step is always to ask him to step down and choose another leader10:21
vibhavYoBoY: I just did that10:22
vibhavHE has an @ubuntu.com email address , but his membership has expired10:24
YoBoY@ubuntu.com are just aliases, you don't have his true email ?10:25
vibhavAll other email address are also aliases10:26
vibhavEven www.ubuntu-in.org is a non functional website10:26
YoBoYvibhav: are we talking about this locoteam http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/indian-team ?10:29
vibhavyes YoBoY 10:29
YoBoYthis team have more than one contact10:30
vibhavThey all too are inactive10:31
vibhavLook at latest invited10:31
YoBoYvibhav: ok, try to contact every loco contacts of this team, you can found a list here : http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/indian-team if after sometime (more than one week) nobody have responded to your questions, come back here10:36
vibhavthanks YoBoY 10:37
YoBoYhi czajkowski, how are you ?10:53
bkerensahi YoBoY 10:53
YoBoYhi bkerensa, fine ? :)10:54
czajkowskiYoBoY:  good thanks, how are things your end these days? you going to fosdem?10:54
bkerensaYoBoY: Good good... Tired... Its 3am waiting on IRCC meeting10:54
YoBoYczajkowski: things are going slowly, and I'm sick (a cold) since the 1st january ^^". I'm not going to fosdem no, not really attracted to this event :p10:56
YoBoYbut some french members are goind, and they will help for the booth :)10:57
YoBoYkinouchou is going to fosdem for example :) she's in charge11:00
YoBoYd'ailleurs kinouchou je dois te donner les CD officiels que j'ai en trop11:01
kinouchoutu veux que j'en fasse quoi?11:01
YoBoYpour le fosdem11:01
kinouchouon amèrea cd, stickers et badges pour le fosdem*11:01
czajkowskiYoBoY: great 11:01
kinouchouje suis en train tu sais11:02
czajkowskiI love FOSDEM been going now for 4 years 11:02
kinouchouczajkowski: I love fosdem too11:02
bkerensawe have a french guy who idles in our channel :) I asked if he was apart of the France LoCo but apparently not11:04
kinouchoubkerensa: what is his name?11:06
bkerensaI cant remember but I said hello once and he responded in french so we had someone join who spoke french and he told her he likes to idle and learn about Ubuntu11:07
bkerensaI thin jhmextern maybe11:07
bkerensaI will see next time his .fr hostname joins :)11:07
bkerensaDo we know how many LoCo teams there are in the world both approved and unapproved?19:32
paultagbkerensa: sorry, what?19:34
paultagif you're unapproved, that means (just in terms) that you're not in the approved set19:34
nigelbyou can catched the approved ones here. unapproved ones are harder.19:35
paultagyou can be a part of both teams on LP19:35
paultagbut by being in approved, you're approved19:35
cprofitthello all19:41
SergioMenesescprofitt, hi bro19:42
cprofitthey SergioMeneses 19:42
SergioMenesescprofitt, UbuntuUserDay19:43
cprofittwhat about them SergioMeneses ?19:43
SergioMenesescprofitt, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiaDelUsuarioUbuntu19:44
SergioMenesesdon't worry19:44
cprofittno worries19:45
akgranerhey paultag how's life these days - haven't talked to you in ages19:52
akgranercprofitt, do you have 5-10 mis for a call? Nothing serious just a heads up for ya :-)19:53
akgranercprofitt, or skype if that's easier?19:54
cprofittakgraner: sure20:05
paultagakgraner: howdy doodie!20:06
paultagakgraner: dude, outstaning20:06
paultagakgraner: started a new job, I'm loving it like crazy20:06
paultagdoing some of the best work of my life20:06
paultagakgraner: and I've got a weding to run to today (not mine)20:07
paultagakgraner: how's you?20:07
akgranerNICE :-)20:07
paultaghttp://sunlightfoundation.com/ ps :)20:07
paultagthey sponsor ubuntu dc events20:07
* akgraner looks20:08
paultaghttps://github.com/sunlightlabs/ :)20:08
=== andresm is now known as andresmujica
mhall119good evening22:49
nigelbHey mhall119 22:50
mhall119hey nigelb 22:50

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