
n2diymy system is acting strange, I have no trouble logging in, but when I try and run synaptic or a sudo command, my password is rejected!?02:06
ChinnoDogSadin's system does not include RAM or CPU. I don't think it will go very fast like that.03:40
InHisNameHe might even have a bit of trouble booting up.03:55
ChinnoDogIt doesn't include a hard drive but it won't matter because it won't post03:59
ChinnoDogthere is that jthan04:03
andrewalive? no way04:53
* EvilResistance yawnse04:54
ChinnoDogconfiguring NFS is hard work05:19
ChinnoDogomg it works05:29
* ChinnoDog sheds tears of joy05:29
ChinnoDogtime to sleep05:29
andrewDon't sleep. It will break as soon as it senses weakness.05:33
EvilResistancehere's a stimulant05:34
* EvilResistance injects ChinnoDog with the potent stimulant05:34
andrewmorning jackson05:34
EvilResistance*looks at system clock*05:35
EvilResistancehuh, so it is morning :P05:35
jacksonhay andrew05:45
jacksonEvilResistance: o/05:45
* jackson looks at my internal clock and it's a little slow05:46
* EvilResistance hands jackson an upgraded CMOS05:47
* jackson is just a bit chewed up from all th bytes05:47
* jackson got my Samsung TV streaming from my Stora netgear server05:49
jacksonnow to do it with my androud phone05:50
InHisNamelotta activity here especially with jackson doing all that byteing05:53
jacksonlol darn finally got the darn thing working once i put windows 7 on the quad core05:54
jacksonactually i think it did it all by itself05:55
jacksonInHisName: finally got something to byte about05:56
InHisNamea fruit cake for Christmas makes some might fine byte-ing05:57
InHisNameOf course with quality ones, they have high sugar and fat content.....  Maybe should nibble or just a small bit for a taste ?05:58
jacksonhaha my wife was expecting a fruit cake   i usually get last years from a clearance sale05:58
jacksonguess the more liquor the better05:59
jacksonwe got about 5 ta 7 inches here06:01
jacksonround 18 deg F06:01
InHisNameMy wife makes about a dozen to send to family every year.   We only get to keep one for ourselves.06:01
InHisNameHope that isn't 7" of water fall.    Better be snow that you are talking about.06:02
jacksonguess they last about 50 plus years06:02
jackson!weather 1606606:03
jacksonsnow it be06:03
jacksonwas rain06:03
jacksonbot weather 1600106:04
InHisNameglad you are far far away from me.  not interested in bunch of snow or rain.06:05
EvilResistanceyou must have been disapppeared here for a while06:06
EvilResistancethere is no bot :P06:06
EvilResistanceit died a while ago06:06
jacksoni heard it was headed your way06:06
jacksoni listen to canal Fulton Ohio then add 10 hours to get here06:07
InHisNamedanger, danger  - Will Robinson - evil robot heading your way !06:07
rmg51MOrning to you too JonathanD :-D11:46
rmg51off to do my MOrning shopping11:46
JonathanDHave FUn.11:56
* ChinnoDog yawns13:35
ChinnoDoggood morning peeps13:36
* InHisName S-T-R-E-C-H-E-S13:36
InHisNameand a peepin' good morning to you13:36
ChinnoDogJust started a batch of waffles13:45
* jedijf just finished bagel with cream cheese13:46
jedijfuser days in ubuntu-classroom get there be used13:49
ChinnoDogwow. I think this is the best waffle I have ever made.13:50
InHisNamethere is a class today, jedijf ?14:18
jedijfgoing now14:31
jedijfInHisName: in #ubuntu-classroom14:31
InHisNameall startup style classes ?   Is there a master schedule for day somewhere ?  ( jedijf )15:17
InHisNameya'all out in classroom gettin' mesmerized by the speakers ?16:18
=== Joe_CoT is now known as death_
=== death_ is now known as Joe_CoT
=== InHisName1 is now known as HowdyDoody
HowdyDoodyworking on fixing corruption on installer systems    see: http://pastebin.com/cUt7UCqB22:50
HowdyDoodysudo apt-get -f install gots errors see above.22:51
=== InHisName1 is now known as HowdyDoody
HowdyDoodyComputer froze.  Now back.23:23
HowdyDoodyEveryone must be in the classroom.23:35
HowdyDoodyI get caught up and drop a note and go back to catch up again.23:36

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