
scott-upstairsokay, udded, committed, and pushing now00:01
falktx_let me know when ready00:04
scott-upstairserrrr, having to merge00:06
scott-upstairsmerged and pushing00:08
scott-upstairsfalktx_, done00:08
scott-upstairsfalktx_, did you see that i'm done uploading?00:31
falktx_oh, sorry00:32
ScottLgoing out to dinner with family be back in an hour or so00:38
falktx_ScottL: ah, got the issue00:39
falktx_ScottL: when a debian package has provides 1 package, the default install path is debian/package-name00:39
falktx_if a debian source provides 2 or more packages, it defaults install to debian/tmp00:40
falktx_this is the difference00:40
falktx_xubuntu source provides 2 packages, US provides one00:40
* falktx_ makes a fix00:40
falktx_ScottL: scott-upstairs: fixed!00:41
falktx_on debian/*.install change 'debian/tmp/etc' to etc00:41
falktx_next line becomes just 'usr' like the previous one00:42
falktx_and debian/control, line 4, ":" seems invalid?00:42
falktx_ScottL: scott-upstairs: package builds correctly now00:42
ScottLoutstanding, falktx_ !  thank you :)02:56
ScottLfalktx_, i'll dig through other development that is still left that you can help with if you are interested03:02
falktx_ScottL: sure, I will appreciatte03:17
astraljavaScottL: I can start in a few monutes.08:54
astraljavaAhh, I see it's fixed already.08:55
lenGeneral question... I have found another bug, but I am not sure who to send it to.17:28
lenFirefox has a problem, but the one we have has been changed to work with ubuntu.17:29
astraljavalen: We're relying on Xubuntu there. Wanna head on to #xubuntu-devel to talk it over?17:31
lenWould those changes have affected the way javascript works?17:31
astraljavaNot a web dev, really, so can't tell.17:32
lenThere is a site I use where firefox displays things wrong. I am thinking it is a firefox bug...17:32
micahglen: you have a bug #?17:34
lenNot yet, I wanted to make sure I put it in the right place first.17:35
micahgwhat's the bug?17:35
astraljavaIt can be easily changed if a triager finds a better place for it.17:35
lenThere is a site that changes the time stamp on messages in the forum to be local to the viewer. All the other browsers do this correctly but firefox seems to be looking at the wrong part of the fields.17:37
lenI don't know how this affects other things or what they are using exactly as java script is not my strong thing.17:38
lenBut they call a java subruotine with the date/time at the server and it is supposed to return the date/time as local to the viewer.17:39
lenopera, koqueror etc. all do this correctly.17:39
micahgnot sure about that, is the site public17:41
lenYes. It is permies.com.17:41
lenI am not sure how they determine my time zone. I think it asked when I joined but there is no place in my profile to change that.17:42
lenI would take the bug direct to firefox, but the about says Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu.17:45
lenDoes this mean I file with Ubuntu first?17:45
micahgwell, it depends, if it's Ubuntu specific you should, if it's not, then upstream is fine17:46
micahgI see All times are in JavaRanch time: GMT-6 in summer, GMT-7 in winter  at the bottom of posts here17:46
lenOk, I will file for Ubuntu first. Yeah The bottom time is always correct. It is the message times/dates. It becomes obvious when a message I posted two days ago says it was posted today.17:48
lenWhen I post the bug I will include specific links/line numbers.17:49
lenThank you for the help.17:49
micahgthanks, I'll try to take a look after you file (I'm subscribed to all Firefox bugs)17:49
len__the firefox problem is bug #91655818:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916558 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox javascript returns wrong data." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91655818:50
len__As we ship Firefox as our browser I guess this affects US as well.18:51
ScottLlen, just to let you know i'm getting back into development after an unfortunate hiatus19:10
ScottLin particular the theme-ui is almost updated and would like your input on it19:10
ScottLit probably will be a few days to a week until it's published in the image is my guess as we still need sponsors to get it into the archives19:11
ScottLand keep in mind this is a first push and i do expect twekaing to be desired and needed19:11
len__No problem. Will I see changes to seeds? or will it be somewhere else? Is there a page that shows all the changes to seeds as well as metas?19:19
len__Also, what do I do with the docs I have put together? do you want a package? My server is pretty slow to point people at... so at the least it should be moved to the US site.19:21
len__I have done about what I know (not much) I would be willing to take what anyone else has and format it to fit. even email or irc bits.19:22
len__ScottL: The docs will be no use if they don't get put somewhere.19:23
ScottLlen, hmmm, i don't know about the docs, let me think about it for a bit20:01
ScottLlen__, ^^^20:01
len__Yup, ok. I havn't made a package before, so I want to start soon to have learning time if I'm doing that ;-)20:03
len__ScottL: Maybe I should do that as an exercise just to practice. Anyway, to honest, I am more worried about missing packages than looks. gvfs-backends, editor, cdrdao for example.20:11
len__I would add audacity too as it adds functionality that is helpful when ardour is over kill. It is quick to set up and use when inspiration hits.20:14
len__Just my two cents.20:14
len__But I think it was already suggested as part of one of the new work flows anyway.20:15
len__CDRDAO is a missing link if you are doing recording/mixdown/cd out.20:16
ScottLlen__, i agree about cdrdao20:25
ScottLastraljava, were you going to look into porting cdrdao to gtk3?20:26
len__ScottL: cdrdao will load now. It is just the GDCMaster that is broken. The cdrdao package now no longer includes that and should be included as is for now. When GCDMaster is fixed I would think it would either end up as part of the cdrdao package or be a separate package to be included at that time.20:28
len__I was able to apt-get cdrdao and Xubuntu includes it.20:29
astraljavaScottL: Yep. Now that I have been laid off, I should have time for that as well.20:30
ScottLastraljava, are you really laid off?  as in no money coming in at all?20:30
ScottLlen__, you are correct, i meant gcdmaster20:31
astraljavaNot from the company, no. I will probably get some percentage of the salary from a union-like place.20:33
ScottLthat's good and better than i was thinking, although i'm sad to hear you got laid off :(20:35
astraljavaThanks. Hoping to hear it'll be very temporary, but time will tell.20:41

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