
=== onewing is now known as onewing_
danesharupdate manager shows this error how to fix it ?http://in.archive.ubuntu.com oneiric/universe Sources00:11
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RobertLaptopquestion anyone else having an issue with aptitude listing most packages twice?01:58
jmichaelxRobertLaptop: i am not sure if this is the reason for what you are seeing, but as i understand it, aptitude doesn't really know how to deal with the whole multiarch deal02:20
* aprol mutlu yarýnlaarrr02:23
steve3im looking for some wifi help, can anyone help me?02:38
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hansg01is there any way to make the taskbar of kubuntu stable?06:19
hansg01i mean that it do not auto-hide?06:20
Kimlarouxhansg01, of course... it's in the setting of the bar06:29
hansg01Kimlaroux: can you please guide me i m new to KDE06:30
Kimlarouxwhen you say taskbar, you mean the whole bar on the bottom of the screen?06:30
hansg01Kimlaroux: yeah06:30
Kimlarouxokay, when the bar shows up, click on the round button on the right06:30
Kimlarouxthe panel tool box should come up06:31
Kimlarouxfound it?06:31
Kimlarouxokay, click on the "More Settings" button, and chose Always Visible06:32
hansg01Kimlaroux, Thanks man!06:32
hansg01Kimlaroux, Can i ask one thing more?06:33
Kimlarouxif I can answer06:33
Kimlarouxbut someone else might06:33
hansg01Kimlaroux, what is the panel alignment? what makes it to left or right or center?06:35
hansg01Kimlaroux, i couldn't see any change06:35
KimlarouxThat is because your panel takes the whole screen06:35
Kimlarouxif you make the panel shorter, then the alignment makes the panel touch either one end of the screen or centered06:36
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hansg01_how to install Kslpash QML plugin?07:04
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gener8hi, today I was planning on going back to ubuntu after a long time of absence, as I've heard so many good things about kubuntu I grabbed a copy of that instead and started the installation procedure. I however ran into a problem while installing => it does not start an installation, it always ends up on the login screen (I think that's the demo)10:23
gener8I have tried a few things but I'm not sure where I should start to make the installation work, could someone give me some sort of hints/tips to look for problems?10:24
gener8I have f1'ed it as well, trying to see if there was some part of the stuff going on that I might be able to understand to solve this issue10:25
gener8but I didn't get much wiser out of that, the first print that I could see was "chroot: can't execute '/usr/lib/user-setup/user-setup-apply': input/output error", I'm guessing that's not supposed to happen, but why does it happen and how do I fix it?10:26
=== Diziara is now known as SleepyKitten
stefan__Hello all, is it possible to run all orchestra cloud services on one machine?11:05
bsidbany one know what is the function of kio_http? It occupies most of my CPU resources.11:35
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Torchbsidb: it retrieves objects from the web via the http protocol, hence the name11:39
Torchbsidb: if once of the kio_http processes hangs with 100% cpu usage it should be safe to kill it11:39
bsidbTorch:Thank you ~ I always kill it when I find something occupies too much resource~11:40
daniele  hi guys, have a good sunday11:43
_srphi, i recently upgraded from kubuntu 11.04 to 11.10. I'm facing some problems with akonadi. It just consumes all my processor. I'm running on a dual core.. and when akonadi is running, both the cores are utilized to almost 100%. it doesn't come down until i stop akonadi manually.. any solutions? any ideas? plz help...12:11
knonI need help with dual monitor setup NVIDIA 8800 1900X1200 DUAL WITH 1 SCREEN ROTATED12:11
knonanyone able to help?12:11
knonkubuntu 11.1012:12
danieleHave you changed the filesystem of some of your partitions from ext3 to ext4?12:14
Torchdaniele: yes12:14
danielemight be Nepomuk, the file indexation (i don't knoe if this word is correct) with ext4 fs gives this problem12:17
danieletry to right-click on the nepomuk icon on the low-panel, and suspend the indexation12:17
Peace-apachelogger: ping12:20
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_srpanyone reg. the akonadi prob i posted above ^^^?12:41
Torch_srp: there are lots of problems when upgrading with akonadi. i couldn't get it to work properly until i completely wiped all akonadi configuration stuff from my system and started with a clean state.12:44
BluesKajHowdy all13:37
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=== savio is now known as RocknRolla
RocknRollahow to update kde13:56
RocknRollaanyone help?13:59
BluesKajRocknRolla,  update , or upgrade to new vewrsion? to upgrade run this command : sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports . For KDE testing of alpha or beta kde releases :sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/alpha( or beta)14:00
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Timuratorcan anyone please point me in the direction of a good userguide for kde14:02
RocknRollaBluesKaj: i don't want update kubuntu14:05
RocknRollai just nedd to upgrade KDE14:05
BluesKajRocknRolla,  the repos name is kubuntu , the upgrade is kde ..and btw kubuntu is kde , mostly14:07
BluesKajRocknRolla,  ithe K in kubuntu means ubuntu with the kde , desktop environment14:08
RocknRollaBluesKaj: i know14:14
RocknRollabut i cutomize my kubuntu with some specfic package14:15
RocknRollaand i'm using Backtrack 514:15
RocknRollawith kde enviorment14:15
RocknRollaBluesKaj: ?14:18
undefined0how can i install my share printer from my windows pc?14:29
BluesKajRocknRolla,  this not the chat for backtrack , for kde go to #kde or #backtrack14:29
BluesKajundefined0,  ask in #windows about networked printers14:30
Torchundefined0: to clarify, do you want to share a printer from windows or from linux? where's the printer connected?14:31
undefined0i'm using kubuntu 11.10 why do i need to go to #windows?14:31
undefined0the printer is connected to my windows pc14:31
BluesKajundefined0,  you said install from windows14:32
undefined0i want to use it in kubuntu 11.10 via samba14:32
undefined0oh i'm sorry14:32
apacheloggerPeace-: pong14:32
BluesKajundefined0,  system settings > printer configuration > server settings14:33
kroonrsMy cursor jumps in my terminal application in KDE.  One of my applications is curses based, I think, and instead of jumping there, it writes key-codes for the up-arrow key.  Not repeatable, it just seems to happen randomly.  KDE on lucid.14:36
kroonrsI have a laptop, but disabling the touchpad or using a USB keyboard doesn't stop it14:36
kroonrsany suggestions as to what to try the next time it happens to try track it down?14:37
36DAAMID6hi every body , do i have to move a file to able to make it executable ? bec. every time i make the file executable it return as it was ?14:39
BluesKaj36DAAMID6,  open the file with click on properties with root permissions , then make it eexecutable14:42
BluesKajoops ..kb needs cleaning14:43
36DAAMID6BluesKaj actually that what i do the problem is when i right click again i find it unmarked as before :S !!!14:43
=== 36DAAMID6 is now known as Sifrazooy
SifrazooyBluesKaj i am 36DAAMID6 i just signed in :D14:44
BluesKajSifrazooy, yes , I see14:44
BluesKajwhat files are you trying to make exec , Sifrazooy ?14:45
BluesKajkind of files14:45
SifrazooyBluesKaj anyway do u have a sol. to my problem or i should move this file to my home file to be able to make it executable ?14:45
SifrazooyBluesKaj .run14:45
BluesKajahh .run files are installation files , run them in the terminal with sudo14:46
Sifrazooyactually i did that too but it gave me Denied permission result !!!14:47
BluesKajcd to the  .run file path or open the terminal in the folder where the .run file is located. Sifrazooy14:47
TorchSifrazooy: this doesn't happen to be on a CD or on a mounted share?14:47
SifrazooyTorch it is on my hard drive , in a mounted drive NTFS format14:48
TorchSifrazooy: you can't make files on NTFS executable14:48
TorchSifrazooy: i think ;-)14:48
* Torch never tried.14:48
BluesKajme neither , doubt that it'll work14:49
SifrazooyTorch that will be a huge problem for me i don't have a space on Home drive :S14:49
Torchcorrection: i have no idea if you can change the execute bit on NTFS, my NTFS drives are all strictly mounted read-only.14:50
TorchSifrazooy: are you sure the file system is mounted read-write?14:50
SifrazooyTorch nope it is not made read-write14:51
Sifrazooyu mean  i can move it to a folder in my file system and try to do it14:51
TorchSifrazooy: to change permissions, the file system the file is on has to support the permissions you want to set AND the file system must be writable14:52
SifrazooyTorch ok thnx :D i will try to move it to my home drive or i might re-consider installing Kubuntu again bec. low memory thing it so annoying14:54
BluesKajinteresting how long it takes for ppl to tell us what the problem really is without giving important details like the fact that file is read only on a ntfs drive14:54
TorchBluesKaj: if they _knew_ this was crucial they wouldn't need to ask though ;-)14:54
SifrazooyBluesKaj man i can read and write easly on my file system i was considering the root file :D14:55
BluesKajTorch,  surely that fact alone is obvious14:55
capitainenemoI look for help about dual boot with XP and kubuntu15:07
rork!ask | capitainenemo15:07
ubottucapitainenemo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:07
capitainenemothanks I discover this system15:08
capitainenemoI have 2 disk on the computer15:09
capitainenemothe first is on XP, and I installed Kubuntu on the second15:09
capitainenemoI use GAG to boot but I can't find the installation of Kubuntu 11.1015:10
capitainenemoXP run correctly15:10
capitainenemoI look about grub2 on the web , but its like a true gaz-machine !15:10
capitainenemoI can boot on my second disk with supergrubdisk15:11
rorkI'm sorry I know nothing about gag, but maybe someone else does and will answer your question giving (a lot of) time. If you want to install grub as an alternative see !restoregrub (just type that here) but I don't see why gag wouldn't be working, it's probably just a configuration issue15:15
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capitainenemothanks rork15:18
capitainenemoI have read that GAG wasn't very efficient with somes partitions "étentues"15:18
capitainenemoI think I 'll try to configure Grub for the both hard disks15:18
capitainenemobut grub system isn't very mere15:19
rorkmere as in simple? I've reinstalled grub a  couple of times and found it quite easy to do if you settle for the standard setup15:23
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
rorkalso if you can boot in your kubuntu system you don't have to go with the livecd, just use your kubuntu install instead (I'm afk now)15:24
penguin42is there a way to get a list of the 'jobs' that the notification widget shows on the panel - I'm running kPP and I've always seen a phantom job with just a block of squares in the description15:41
Peace-apachelogger: :) you there ?15:42
Peace-i guess no but xD15:42
maciej_Can someone please help me change the .icc color profile in Kubuntu 11.10; i cannot find an application in the settings menu16:35
BluesKajmaciej_,  check this , http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=9711416:37
maciej_how do i install Oyranos?16:38
maciej_I downloaded a .deb of Oyranos but after the package installer is done I don't see a program anwhere16:41
BluesKajmaciej_,  run it in the terminal ?16:44
maciej_by typing Oyranos?16:45
maciej_I just want to change the display's color profile, the same way that gnome-color-managers let me, but if I install gnome color manager in Kubuntu, i can't find the program after I install it16:47
maciej_command not found16:47
BluesKajok what about alt+f216:47
maciej_just recent documents listed16:48
BluesKajtype it in16:48
maciej_The program oyranos is not listed, just the .deb file i downloaded16:49
maciej_gnome-color-manager is not listed either16:49
penguin42maciej_: use dpkg -l   on the package you installed to see the files that were in it16:49
BluesKajmac open a terminal sudo dpkg -i thedebfile16:49
BluesKajmaciej_,  I thought you had run the .deb file16:50
maciej_why can't i run gnome color manager in kubuntu?16:52
BluesKajmaciej_,  I'll take a guess , because it's meant to be run on gtk apps16:53
maciej_before 11.10 i was able to install it on kubuntu16:55
maciej_and run it16:55
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
penguin42maciej_: So what happens if you run gnome color manager in kubuntu?16:59
maciej_i can't find the program anywhere in utilties/system etc to run it17:00
penguin42maciej_: My guess is because gnome changed the way it does colour stuff17:02
BluesKajmaj what about kmenu>apps >graphics17:03
maciej_and if i double click on a .icc profile from my home folder, it says it's imorted but I have no idea how to change the profile17:03
maciej_nothing there17:03
BluesKajmaciej_,  open /usr/bin to see if the app is located there17:04
maciej_i can open gcm picker but it just doesn't work, it's not running right17:09
maciej_gnome color manager is broken up in different apps in bin.. gcm-calibrate won't open17:12
maciej_i guess i just can't change the lcd .icc profile in KDE17:12
RocknRollamy trash say it reach it's max size what should i do?17:26
RocknRollatrash is totally empty17:26
penguin42RocknRolla: There is a separate trash on different directories I think, are you sure you have the right trash?17:28
=== SleepyKitten is now known as Diziara
toxicsgzI am making the move from Gnome to KDE, trying kubuntu first before opensuse, I am after a stable OS so should I install 10.04 for now?17:40
penguin42toxicsgz: That depends what you mean by stable17:41
toxicsgzI mean something I am not going to have to fiddle with to do what I want.17:42
penguin42toxicsgz: 11.10 is pretty stable as well in terms of how often it goes wrong; if you mean stable in terms of how often you need to update then 10.04 is going to be supported a bit longer I think17:42
penguin42toxicsgz: Then I'd probably go for 11.1017:42
penguin42toxicsgz: KDE was working well on 11.10 for me17:43
toxicsgzBasically the new Gnome 3 has made this decision for me, time to check out KDE, I want an OS that will stay the same for some time.17:43
penguin42toxicsgz: Well if you go for 10.04 you can go with KDE or Gnome 217:45
Xavi92In my opinion (hi everyone), 10.10 is the best Kubuntu version I've tried17:45
penguin42toxicsgz: The 11.10 and 12.04 has KDE or Unity (or Gnome 3) -  11.10 worked pretty well for me with KDE17:45
peace_form me 12.04  is the best17:45
Xavi92I recommend it instead of 10.04 or 11.1017:46
penguin42peace_: I've got a really annoying bug with KDE in the 12.04 alpha - the task manager is showing windows on other desktops17:46
peace_penguin42: task manager?17:46
peace_penguin42: who cares i have icontask17:46
penguin42peace_: List of windows on the panel17:46
peace_penguin42: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzEty1TYAE17:47
Xavi92What I specially didn't like from 11.10 was the fact that the "back" button in the start menu was removed17:47
Xavi92Has that been fixed in 12.04?17:47
peace_it's not a bug17:47
peace_they changed kickoff (laucher)17:48
Xavi92Hmmmm, I prefer the old kickoff launcher then17:49
peace_Xavi92: you can use takeoff17:49
peace_the standard menu17:49
penguin42peace_: That's pretty - packaged? Where's the icontask bit?17:49
Xavi92Plus, both 11.04 and 11.10 gave me problems when turning off the computer17:49
peace_penguin42: sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-icontask17:49
peace_penguin42: on 12.04 ther eshould beh17:50
peace_Xavi92: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzEty1TYAE17:50
penguin42peace_: Doesn't seem to be in the 12.04 package set17:51
peace_penguin42: 32 or 64bit?17:52
peace_penguin42: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4127065/debian%20package/ocelot/plasma-icontasks-0.9.2_64bit.deb17:52
penguin42no thanks - don't take drop'd debs17:52
toxicsgzKubuntu sight recommends the 32bit, is that even on 64bit machines?17:53
peace_penguin42: are you sure you have not?17:53
peace_penguin42: it shoul dbe on the addons package17:53
penguin42peace_: apt-cache search icontask  comes back empty - let me see the addons17:54
peace_i mean is integrated17:54
peace_on kde installation17:54
peace_penguin42: addwidget17:54
peace_penguin42: search for icontask17:54
peace_penguin42: i have http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-plasma-desktopjw169217:54
penguin42peace_: Ah yes, got that17:56
penguin42peace_: Right, got that going - lets see how it does17:56
penguin42peace_: Thanks17:57
peace_i use nowardev layout for my panels17:57
* peace_ is nowardev17:57
penguin42peace_: Are your different panel layouts packaged?17:58
peace_penguin42: not yet but you can install them locally with  copyin and pasting a code17:59
peace_on konsole17:59
penguin42I've not got time today, but maybe some time17:59
peace_i am tryin to do it but i have problem18:00
peace_i am nob on debain packagin18:00
penguin42peace_: There is a #ubuntu-packaging channel18:00
peace_penguin42: i did some error i dunno here http://code.google.com/p/plasma-panels-script/source/browse/#svn%2FTestingkubuntu18:01
* penguin42 disappears for ~20mins18:02
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penguin42right, one pudding in for dinner18:26
peace_penguin42: are you a packager or you know how to do that tuff?18:28
penguin42peace_: I've done some small changes to packages, I did once create a small package for internal use - I normally work on the source rather than the packaging18:29
peace_penguin42: i really hate do that18:30
penguin42yeh, I think it's mostly because it's not something you do every day - there are a load of debian helper packages that make stuff easier18:31
almoxarifewhat is the default backup method in kubuntu?19:34
josmdefault backup method?19:53
josmWhat do you have in mind?19:54
josmYou could check out: https://launchpad.net/sbackup/19:57
gorthaughi, how can i switch between plasma-netbook and plasma-desktop?20:17
josmpenguin42: FPM - Effing Package Management20:21
penguin42josm: ?20:22
BluesKajgorthaug,  in system settings>worspace behaviour>workspace>workspace type , then choose20:31
josmpenguin42: its a nice tool for making deb and rpm packages.20:32
josmWorth looking at20:32
josmits on github20:33
AlanBelldid you want some support on kubuntu Aries?20:52
Ariesi'd like to now about ldap on ubuntu, any link ? something like that20:54
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer20:55
AlanBellAries: if you are using ubuntu you might find the #ubuntu channel better, if you are using the KDE based kubuntu then this is the right place20:55
Ariesthanks Alan but do you know something like ubuntu certification ?20:59
toxicsgzthe 11.10 iso is named 'kubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso'   does 'amd' refer to cpu type, as opposed to 'Intel"?21:14
Snowhogtoxicsgz1: It's for a 64-bit CPU, whether Intel or AMD, it doesn't matter.21:23
daniele___ \9821234567890'ì21:38
danieleI use linux mint22:54
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:15
EvilResistancekjzz:  can we help you with something?23:18
=== arlen_ is now known as Guest97945
Guest97945I have Kubuntu 11.10 with KDE 4.7.3 and Kernal Everything seems to run fine except for really bad distortion of the title bars, and corresponding overhang on the bottom of the window.  The Desktop Environment is set to use OpenGL. I tried to find answers on the internet but there was too much information about unrelated things. How do i fix the wonky windows titlebar distortion without having to resort to changing to xrender23:30
RiddellGuest97945: can try upgrading to newer KDE packages, see kubuntu.org23:32
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Riddellelse need to search for problems with that version of kwin and the X graphics drivers version you use23:32
Guest97945Riddell: I have the latest (stable) releases. Are there any good sources that would help me find out re: version problems and x graphics drivers?23:35
RiddellGuest97945: oh well you can risk the unstable KDE releases I guess is what I ment, but the downside does mean using beta software23:36
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:37
Riddellhmm that's doesn't help much23:37
Riddellxdpyinfo might give you information that you could then search for kwin and that X driver23:38
Guest97945Riddell: Thanx. I will give that utility a try. I am learning a lot. :)23:41
hannoHas anyone experience with tor torbutton and vidalia?23:50
hannoTorbutton works, but vidalio shows tor is not running.23:50
hannoAnd it says it is not able to read /var/run/tor/control23:51
hanno /etc/init.d/tor status says "tor is running"23:53
hannoMy user is in the group debian-tor23:53
skierpageKubuntu 11.10: Apper has stalled "Installing packages", 71% through the 4.7.4 update, I have a [dpkg] <defunct> process. How can I best restart it?23:55
toxicsgzI think i like kubuntu better than openSuse but trying out Mint 12 KDE first :)23:55
skierpageShould I just kill Apper, or packagekit, or ?23:58
hannoIt seems to be a rights problem, as vidalia works, if i start it with kdesudo. But thats no solution is it?23:58

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