
snadgeim so going to get flamed for this but anyway.. im running 12.04 on an 8150 bulldozer system02:42
snadgegreat work by the way guys.. its rock solid :D02:43
snadgebut i want to undo your hard work by recompiling with bulldozer specific optimizations.. has anyone experimented with this, or can suggest if it will make any noticeable difference (percentage wise) with multicore compilation workload?02:44
snadgeeh.. i guess i'll just try it03:30
snadgewtf.. i follow the ubuntu kernel build instructions05:04
snadgeand now its complaining that my build direectory "is not clean, please run 'make mrproper'"05:04
snadgelooking at the code.. it tests for the existence of .config or include/config .. and then errors if they exist05:05
snadgeeven though the line before that creates include/config/kernel.release .. WTF!? :( *cries*05:05
snadgeand .config contains my customised configuration.. what am i doing wrong?05:06
snadgeim gonna start drinking alcohol in a minutes..05:14
snadgei just patched that check out of the makefile (check for .config include/config)06:10
snadgeperhaps thats the official way to build an ubuntu kernel ;)06:10
snadgeother than that.. i followed the guide06:11
snadgeif my optimized kernel is significantly faster than the standard generic kernel.. i will be most annoyed06:11
snadgerelease builds seriously have frame pointers and all the debugging options turned on? whut? :p06:21
snadgehow do i build the kernel-headers package.. if i've only built the "generic" flavour?09:09
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
snadgetheres like 100 people in here.. and nobody says anything :P11:18
Kurdistanhi. when I try to apply patch ureadahead I got this message. http://paste.ubuntu.com/805394/19:05
Kurdistanany one can help?19:06
Kurdistanhi is it possible to run make menuconfig twice. first time I decided not to save the changes. then I run make menuconfig again and saved it now.22:55
Kurdistanthat will not effect anything?22:55
KurdistanI know adding same patch twice is not good. but what about running make menuconfig twice?22:56
=== panda is now known as Guest78994

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