
=== duanedesign is now known as evilduanedesign
IDWMasterI'm currently waiting for a package to build, and would like to know how I can contribute the package to Ubuntu. I've heard I should ask here. What is the next step after the package  has finished building in the PPA?04:23
IDWMasterI'm currently waiting for a package to build, and would like to know how I can contribute the package to Ubuntu. I've heard I should ask here. What is the next step after the package  has finished building in the PPA?04:30
sagaciwhat is it04:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
jtayloris something wrong with this control: http://paste.ubuntu.com/805332/17:08
jtaylorbecause wrap-and-sort screws it up17:08
jtaylorprecise version17:09
jtaylorah found the issue17:10
jtaylorthere is a space in the line before python-zmq-db17:11
jtaylordoesn't bother the archive though17:11
tumbleweedthat's a bug in python-debian, then17:18
jtayloris it a bug in -debian? according to policy 5.1 its a syntax error17:45
jtaylorso its should be a bug in the control parser of dpkg17:45
jtaylorhm no its only a should17:45
jtaylorfiled a bug in debian17:47

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