
mgdmis Oneiric any good on netbooks?00:04
mgdmFedora is driving me insane by being broken in weird ways (like half of network manager segfaulting when attempting to usse it, because of missing icons)00:05
penguin42Oneiric should work ok on a netbook00:05
mgdmWonder what desktop environment to use00:06
penguin42mgdm: Unity works OK for a netbook00:06
mgdmI'm sceptical, but I may try tomorrow00:07
penguin42mgdm: Although if you're going to drive a projector with it give it a go before you end up trying to give your presentation :-)00:07
mgdmThat would be a major issue00:07
mgdmI'm well-versed in xrandr on the CLI, as I've never ever had the Display applet do anything except lock X up00:08
mgdmI might go and see if that bug got updated, actually00:08
penguin42oh the display applet generally plays ball with me; it's just I did have a bit of a fight when I was using it with a LibreOffice presentation a few weeks back on my netbook00:08
mgdmI suppose if I don't get on with it I'll just use LXDE like I do on Fedora00:09
mgdmgnome-shell munched the machine to the point it was too slow to be usable00:09
jutnuxInternet is so fast at this time of night <300:32
=== chalced is now known as chalcedony
MooDoomorning all09:01
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:44
MartijnVdShi brobostigon10:47
brobostigonhi MartijnVdS10:47
brobostigonafternoonings mattt and dwatkins12:04
matttderp, it's no longer morning is it :)12:06
mattthey brobostigon12:06
* MartijnVdS plays with the Selphy a bit more12:06
dwatkinsit is in the Bristol timezone... ;) (I'm in Edinburgh, but I gather Bristol used to be 15 minutes behind London)12:08
MartijnVdSdwatkins: "Netherlands Railway time was based on GMT until 1909 when the country adopted 'Amsterdam time' as the standard time for the country, which was 19 minutes ahead of GMT. This persisted until 1940, when the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands required a shift to German time, which has continued to be the standard."12:09
MartijnVdSSo we're in the wrong time zone because of Ze Germans12:09
dwatkinsYou would have changed it eventually, being on the same piece of land as the rest of "continental Europe", I imagine, MartijnVdS ;) just look at Samoa...12:10
MartijnVdSdwatkins: Bristol was behind 14 minutes, according to the same Wikipedia page, btw :)12:10
mattt19 minutes of GMT?12:11
dwatkinsthanks MartijnVdS :)12:11
* mattt needs a coffee12:11
MartijnVdSmattt: This was between 1909 and 194012:11
* dwatkins makes a note12:11
MartijnVdSdwatkins: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railway_time12:11
matttheh, i clearly don't know my history ... that's a pretty interesting link :)12:12
MartijnVdSmattt: time is an illusion ;)12:13
dwatkins...lunchtime doubly so.12:14
brobostigonhhgttg :)12:14
MartijnVdSSpeaking of lunchtime12:14
brobostigonford prefect*12:15
RaycisCharlesI'm not sure if I want to move to CET or not.12:19
RaycisCharlesOn the one hand, it gives those of us in England a lot more daylight in the evenings whilst preserving light mornings.12:19
RaycisCharlesOn the other hand, it means Scotland will still be dark around 9am.12:20
RaycisCharlesI can't see any negatives tbh.12:20
dwatkinsIt's pretty dark here a lot of the time anyway, RaycisCharles.12:21
RaycisCharlesPlus most of you don't work anyway, so dark morning commutes aren't an issue.12:23
dwatkinsHow come there's so much traffic at 8am, then? ;)12:23
RaycisCharlesI'd guess because pubs open at 8am.12:24
RaycisCharlesIt'll be interesting to see if Scotland goes indie.12:25
dwatkinsThere's no logical reason for it to do so that I can see.12:26
RaycisCharlesWell, it's a sovereignty / pride issue12:26
RaycisCharlesSame reason why Cornwall wants independence.12:26
RaycisCharlesI kinda want to see it happen, just for the entertainment value of seeing Salmond's government fail spectacularly.12:27
moreatiRaycisCharles: what would be the primary reason(s) their downfall?12:30
RaycisCharlesAlex Salmond would eat all the food in Scotland.12:32
RaycisCharlesAlso, they say they'd want to continue to use the pound...which would be managed by the Bank of England, so you'd have a mini-Poundzone where London sets interest rates which affect Scotland.12:33
matttRaycisCharles: lol12:33
matttRaycisCharles: reading up at what you said12:33
RaycisCharles...which would be somewhat problematic if Scotland needs to devalue, since they can't if they keep the pound.12:34
RaycisCharlesAlso, they wouldn't be members of the EU anymore. The London government would veto their membership lol. They'd have to reapply and commit to joining the Euro.12:34
dwatkinsDo you live in Sealand, RaycisCharles?12:34
matttRaycisCharles: i know little about politics, but now seems like the worst time in history to be having independence discussions12:35
RaycisCharlesNo, the green part of England just north of London. Couldn't you tell?12:35
RaycisCharlesmattt, it certainly is, for Scotland at least.12:35
RaycisCharlesThe problem is that nobody's really thought it through.12:35
RaycisCharlesTake the NHS for example. It's already devolved, but the Scottish NHS benefits from economies of scale thanks to the English NHS.12:36
dwatkinsperhaps the people propoising it profit from it12:36
RaycisCharlesIf Scotland was independent, Scottish drugs would like double in price or something.12:36
RaycisCharlesSince there'd be no collective NHS barter - only England, Wales and NI would get cheap drugs.12:36
matttRaycisCharles: aren't they already in a better position than those in england when it comes to prescriptions, etc.?12:36
RaycisCharlesYes, but that's because they get a generous block grant from London which is more than their tax/economic contribution.12:37
RaycisCharlesIf they actually had to pay for defence, foreign policy etc. they wouldn't be able to afford free prescriptions.12:37
RaycisCharlesPoor parts of the country are net receivers, and richer are net contributers - that's normal in any country. Eg. Liverpool gets a lot more money than it generates.12:38
RaycisCharlesBut you can't take the money and then bitch about the people giving you the money, which is what the SNP do all the time.12:38
dwatkinseven taking tourism into account?12:38
RaycisCharlesWho goes to Liverpool for a holiday? :S12:39
dwatkinsthe scottish? ;)12:39
RaycisCharlesObviously London generates most tourism money.12:39
RaycisCharlesI'd prefer the Union stays but it'd have to be in its current form.12:40
matttspeaking of tourism, i'm off to london to eat me some dim sum12:40
RaycisCharlesIf a majority in Scotland want "devo max" i.e. control of tax and spend, that'd have to be put to a referendum in the rest of the UK.12:41
matttagain, i don't know much about what goes on out there, but i can't see in a million years scotland actually going through with this12:41
RaycisCharlesNo, it's entirely possible.12:41
RaycisCharlesIt's a referendum; all that matters is how you word the question, when you hold it, who you let vote.12:41
matttso they continue using the pound, at which point they may as well be part of the union, they go to the euro, and like ... that in itself seems odd, or they get their own currency12:42
RaycisCharlesAnd what you tell the voters. Do you think the SNP is going to be honest and say Scotland would have to join the Euro, pay more for drugs, lose the BBC etc.?12:42
mattti read something that if they had their own currency, no one would have a clue what it'd be valued when it went 'live'12:42
Neotihi All...12:43
* mattt is afk12:43
RaycisCharlesI just want to see the back of that smarmy fat cunt Salmond.12:44
moreatiRaycisCharles: thank you for an in depth rant^W answer :)12:46
itscrapsofarjust installed 11.10 as a first time UBUNTU install, screen defaults to 640x480, cant see options, cant change resolution, nvidia config fails to save settings, google chrome fails to load - multiple problems..... help13:16
itscrapsofaranyone alive to help? or am I just banging my head on a wall13:21
AlanBellitscrapsofar: hello13:22
itscrapsofarI'm not having a great time of a 1st time install13:22
AlanBellwhat are you installing it on?13:23
itscrapsofarx86 Acer box13:23
AlanBellwith an nvidia card presumably13:23
AlanBelland a monitor that reports it's resolutions correctly13:24
itscrapsofaryes, 2x eizo 21"'s13:24
AlanBellwhat is the output of lspci |grep VGA13:25
* AlanBell wonders off to make lunch, back later13:26
itscrapsofarI managed once to get both screens up,  rebboted twice and was fine... next time, box with multiple entries saying it cant select mode.... now its stuck in 640 x 480 and cant select anything.... basically the install seems buggered13:26
* itscrapsofar wanders off to re-format the drive..... I was warned Ubuntu was tetchy.... thanks for the support13:29
AlanBellwell that was positive wasn't it13:39
NeotiAlanBell: i only just got back to computer and read the above .... would have helped.... lol13:41
penguin42AlanBell: I get you can't blame if it didn't work that bad13:41
Neotineeded more info13:41
penguin421st impressions influence people a lot13:41
MartijnVdSpenguin42: that sentence doesn't parse13:41
penguin42MartijnVdS: Sorry, it's a bit early, it's not even 2pm13:41
MartijnVdS14:41 < penguin42> MartijnVdS: Sorry, it's a bit early, it's not even 2pm13:41
MartijnVdSIs too!13:41
penguin42(01:41:48 PM) MartijnVdS: Is too!13:42
penguin42Is not!13:42
czajkowskicalls for a ubuntu/opensource talk at crawley on ubuntu UK mailing list13:43
czajkowskianyone going to volunteer13:43
AlanBellyeah, will get back to him on that13:44
czajkowskiI'm close just not sure I'm the right person13:44
czajkowskibut could do it if someone gave me a hand on slides/presentation13:44
penguin42what sort of hand?13:45
czajkowskiideas on content on slides and topics to cover13:45
penguin42do you know the LUG and how technical they are?13:46
czajkowskiam only about 30 mins away from there13:46
czajkowskipenguin42: read the mail on the ml it doesnt go into too much detail13:46
penguin42hmm, not on that list13:46
czajkowskiubuntu uk mailing list13:47
penguin42ah right, see it13:48
penguin42czajkowski: LUGs seem to vary a lot in technical knowledge so it can be difficult to judge13:48
AlanBellit isn't a lug13:49
AlanBellit is the IET http://www.theiet.org/13:50
penguin42oh, it's an IET thing - hmm those are even more random....13:50
AlanBellI replied to him off list13:50
penguin42something on how packages get from original authors of the code into debian and then into ubuntu and how bugs work might be an interesting one for a talk13:52
penguin42it might work for people who aren't particularly Ubuntu/Linux people but who may know a bit and are general softies13:52
AlanBellczajkowski: I pinged Matt Barker with it too14:00
czajkowski q qoki dokie14:00
tsurchi :) anyone had any problems with 12.04 and Ipv6? Im not seeing any router advertisements from my router, yet both my galaxy nexus and this very laptop running centos see them fine.15:47
swat_anyone run an SSD on ubuntu?15:49
hamitrontsurc, maybe worth asking in #ubuntu+115:51
tsurccheers hamitron ;) tried #ubuntu but didnt get very far at all :(15:51
DJonesswat_: I think there's quite a few here that do, although its a bit quiet here at the minute, if you wait around for a while, hopefully somebody will be able to help15:52
hamitronDJones, you can type faster than me :)15:52
swat_DJones: am a bit of a lurker anyway15:53
hamitronworth a try :D15:53
* penguin42 really should buy himself an ssd15:53
DJonesswat_: What was your query about SSD's anyway15:54
hamitronhdd seem to be always the thing I skimp back on15:54
DJonesswat_: This may answer a question anyway http://askubuntu.com/questions/52258/is-ssd-really-supported-by-ubuntu15:54
swat_DJones: it was more, if anyone had used it and noticed a significant performance difference15:57
jacobwnew series of hustle15:57
swat_jacobw: :) it's good15:58
jacobwyeah, i've been a fan for some time15:59
jacobwi'd started to think it was over16:00
OmNomDePlumejacobw: does it still have that hot chick who was in Dexter?16:06
DJonesjacobw: New last ever series though ):16:09
jacobwit is about time though16:15
AlanBellooh this looks good http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00n2bld16:24
penguin42bah, and I thought the swimming pool thing across the last series boundary was supposed to be that equivalent16:25
penguin42(although calling 3 episodes a series is stretching it)16:25
AzelphurJust to confirm I'm doing this right, if my provider charges me 6p/kwh, and I'm using 1.8kw, I do (1.8*0.06)*730 to get the monthly cost, excluding VAT?16:27
Azelphur730 being the amount of numbers in a month16:27
Azelphuramount of hours* derp16:27
penguin42sounds about right16:27
OmNomDePlumehttp://www.amazon.co.uk/TheLees-double-breasted-turtle-padding/dp/B005ZO7DI8/ref=pd_sim_sbs_ap_3 lol this is a mens jacket?16:27
AzelphurOmNomDePlume: it is if you want to look like a douche :D16:28
moreatioh, I was just thinking it looked alright16:29
AlanBellif you are a criminal genius perhaps Dr moreati16:30
AlanBellprofessor, sorry16:30
penguin42I thnik you mean moriarty16:31
penguin42AlanBell: moreati is his evil GL uncle16:31
Azelphurwtf, the form on http://www.britishgas.co.uk/products-and-services/energy/our-tariffs.html overrides my keyboard layout16:31
* Azelphur stabs british gas16:31
penguin42overrides keyboard layout?16:32
AzelphurI use a colemak keyboard, but if I type in that postcode box my keyboard acts as if it was qwerty16:32
* penguin42 doubts that's BG fault - I don't think you can flip something like that from js ?16:33
Azelphur*shrug* never seen anything like that happen on any other website ever16:34
penguin42would say browser bug, but it would be interesting to know how16:34
OmNomDePlumemoreati, I think it looks fabulous, and gay.16:36
OmNomDePlumeI fear I would made fun of if I wore that in red.16:36
OmNomDePlumeThat colour is really a girls' colour for jackets.16:36
moreatiOmNomDePlume: I just looked at the unzipped picture, and I'm much less keen on it16:37
moreatiyeah but everything goes well with bearskin, cause who's gonna tak the mick of somewhere that can skin a bear16:38
AzelphurOmNomDePlume: my next jacket is undoubtably gonna be one of these http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/4/2010/07/500x_scottevestcoat.jpg16:47
Azelphuror a similar scottevest anyway16:48
Azelphurthey arn't kidding about how much stuff you can hide in there too, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH8uTdBXVmY16:49
penguin42That's nuts!16:50
AzelphurIndeed :D16:50
penguin42now, add a pair of good cargos to that....16:58
jutnuxI don't think I've ever eaten so much food in my entire life.17:00
jutnuxAnd evening all, how are you? :-)17:01
* penguin42 has a cold :-(17:02
penguin42jutnux: Now, what food are we talking about here?17:02
jutnuxpenguin42: 20 chicken nuggets, 2 big tasties, 2 coffees (food?) and a large milkshake.17:03
jutnuxI literally feel like I'm going to explode.17:03
penguin42 'tasties' ?17:03
OmNomDePlumeIs that it?!?17:04
OmNomDePlume20 chicken nuggets is a snack.17:04
jutnuxpenguin42: Massive burgers in McDonalds.17:04
jutnuxOmNomDePlume: Not for me.17:05
OmNomDePlumeYou have a tiny hamster stomach.17:05
jutnuxPerhaps ;-)17:06
jutnuxIt was tasty though17:08
jutnuxSherlock on at 9, hell yeah.18:00
moreatijutnux: what did you think of last week's episode?18:00
* popey wibbles18:01
jutnuxmoreati: Nice nick. It was amazing.18:01
jutnuxpopey: Any idea when trublr is going to be released? :-)18:01
moreatijutnux: thank you18:01
popeynot yet18:01
popeybeen a bit busy18:02
jutnuxI've got a feeling it's going to be extremely useful for the support channels.18:02
popeyyeah, maybe18:03
jutnuxHow was the Opera yesterday?18:03
popeyi liked the music ☺18:03
jutnuxWhere was it again? Austria? :P18:05
* popey heads to the bar18:05
zleaphi is this a bug,   using 11.04 i have xchat open fully,  if i then open nautilus  it opens fine, but thenif I move the mouse up to focus on the xchat window I don't have a close button for xchat,  this comes back if I close the nauilus window18:47
zleapi can click on the xchat window to get the close button back, but why do the menus change but I have to click to get the close button back18:48
gordzleap, you mean the xchat window is maximised and the nautilus window isn't? not a bug, by design18:48
zleapi guess i am using click to focus18:48
zleapbut I would expect when i move over the xchat window which is behind the opened nautilus window I would get the whole menu bar bit back18:49
ali1234it's pretty bad design18:50
ali1234but there's nothing anyone can do about it18:50
ali1234actually there is one thing you can do. stop using ubuntu...18:50
gordzleap, happens to be an area of the design that is in flux when we do user testing, so maybe it'll change in the future :)18:50
jutnuxI thought you used Ubuntu ali18:50
zleapwell the issue is not a problem i was simply asking if it was a bug or not,19:01
* jutnux pokes daubers 19:26
daubersquiet this evening isn't it19:37
LorraHey everyone, I was looking for someone who could help me with this problem: every time I use the command info I get this error message info: Cannot find node `Top'. What can I do with that?19:40
brobostigonis the program top installed?19:40
Lorrayes, I have the program "top"19:41
brobostigonso if you run top in terminal, you get top?19:41
Lorrayeah I get it, why?19:42
brobostigonjust checking.19:42
Lorrabrobostigon: so would you know anything more?19:43
brobostigonLorra: not of the top of my head. sorry/19:43
Lorraoh, OK, thanks anyway19:43
ali1234info is a hypertext documentation system used by the gnu project19:44
ali1234it was supposed to replace man, but nobody can understand how it works or how to use it19:44
Lorraali1234: I think using it is pretty simple: you type info <nameOfCommand> and you get an help page19:47
ali1234yeah man works the same way19:47
Lorraand on that help page you may have hyperlinks to other help pages19:47
ali1234but is a lot easier to use19:47
Lorraman doesn't have hyperlinks19:47
ali1234and it doesn't spit out cryptic error messages19:47
ali1234on man everything is on one page. press / to search19:47
Lorra'cause info is evil19:47
ali1234you don't need to know anything else19:47
Lorrafound a solution, I had someone else to give his/her /usr/share/info/dir to me and I used it, now it works again ( :19:58
gordbah, 3.2 kernel doesn't have the awesome power saving stuff20:47
gordback to 3.0 so i get 8 hours20:47
zleaphmm,  why is that then20:47
SuperEngineerSherlock -5 ...and counting  ;)20:55
gordonjcpis there a way to force Unity to show a separate icon in the Mac bar thing for several instances of the same program?20:55
gordonjcpie. if I have four terminal windows open, have separate icons for each20:56
jacobwi don't think so20:57
AlanBellgordonjcp: nope, what I would like it to do is show all the window titles in the quicklist when you right click it20:57
AlanBellgord: would that be possible/easy to do?20:58
gordonjcpAlanBell: see, that is the biggest thing that slows me down with Unity20:58
gordnope, not really20:58
AlanBellyeah, click it and 20 tiny windows shoot off into the distance20:59
AlanBellon the plus side, if you have compiz enhanced zoom on you can zoom into them20:59
AlanBellso I click the icon, then super+mousewheel to zoom in and pan around to find the one I want21:00
gordonjcpI haven't got compiz21:00
* AlanBell hugs compiz21:00
gordonjcpI haven't got 3d, because I use intel21:00
gordonjcpI barely even have graphics21:00
* AlanBell hugs intel21:01
jacobweyes → sherlock21:01
AlanBell00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12)21:01
AlanBelldriving the laptop display plus an external 2048x1152 monitor21:01
* AlanBell goes to watch sherlock21:01
jutnuxforgot to turn it on21:05
gordgordonjcp, out of interest, what graphics chip do you have?21:05
gordunity 3d runs pretty low down the intel graphics stack21:06
gordonjcpif I enable unity I just get stripy garbage on the screen21:06
gordonjcpI *still* get stripy garbage without unity, just not as badly21:06
gordonjcpbut, it's an Intel chipset, so it's pretty fundamentally not suitable for Linux21:06
gordah okay, so its the driver that makes sense21:06
gordonjcpgord: the main problem is trying to get any of the xorg devs to believe that the problem exists...21:07
gordsandybridge driver does the same thing if you enable some power saving optimisations, happens in 3d and 2d applications. i just don't enable them21:07
gordi915.i915_enable_rc6=1 is the kernel parameter you enable to get the stripy corruption on the sandybridge chipset anyway21:08
gordonjcpcan you force it to be disabled?21:09
gordonjcpit's a P4 so it's not like it's particularly good on power *anyway*21:09
gordmaybe =0 ? ;) i'd look up the kernel parameters for your chip set and see what makes sense21:09
gordonjcpit's particularly brutal in 12.04 on this machine since I only have 2G of RAM21:11
gordonjcpit *does* seem to be related to the memory getting full21:11
gordyeah i experienced a similar behaviour, friends with the same machine but 4/8gb of ram wouldn't get it, whereas I with 2GB would get it often21:12
gordthat reminds me, should get more ram21:12
jutnuxMoriati, what a genius.21:12
gordonjcpgord: I don't think this will even take 4G21:18
gordif you mouse over the "search all messages" box in thunderbird, the tooltip shows "search the web" ¬_¬21:56
jutnuxGood ole Molly.22:30
* gord looks at 11:29 in his battery indicator22:37
gordi love precice -_-22:37
gordit confused me, i thought it was 11:29 at night22:59
AlanBellso it is good with batteries then?23:02
* AlanBell ponders a precise upgrade23:02
AlanBellor a dual boot23:02
gordits good with my hardware, that's all i can really say ;) if you have a sandybridge device i'd say you should have better battery life23:06
gordbut not with the latest kernel, seems that lost the benefits, the 3.0 kernel is great, 3.2 not so much23:06
AlanBellIntel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU23:07
gordi3 may or may not be sandybridge ;)23:07
matttgord: what sort of laptop?23:08
matttah, those are sweet23:09
gordthey really are, lots of canonicalites with them too which helps. got mine, showed it off, suddenly everyone else got theirs ;)23:09
AlanBellheh, yeah, that helps. I have seen what happens to bugs reported on hardware silbs uses ;)23:10
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
gordi *may* have waited for an X guy to get one before i did ;)23:12
mattti'd love to move away from my apple laptop, but every non-apple laptop just feels clunky and cumbersome to use :(23:17
mattimattt: ThinkPad W520 ;]23:18
Azelphurmattt: just do what I do with hardware "I don't care how big it is, I want a third hard drive."23:18
AlanBellI have grown to like my Samsung R530, I got it a couple of years ago and now the last bug (VGA port timing issue) has been fixed and I filled it up with 8GB ram23:19
matttAzelphur: oh, i do care how big it is tho :)23:19
Azelphurmattt: I roll with a dell M1730, it's pretty much one of the largest in existence haha23:19
matttAzelphur: if you need a laptop bag on wheels, you need to re-evaluate things :)23:20
AlanBellthe screen resolution is lower than I had before, I had 1600x1200 then 1920x1080 then this one is just 1366x76823:20
Azelphurmattt: I use a backpack, works ok :D23:20
matttAlanBell: what are you running?  not precise ?23:20
AlanBellbut with a big external monitor I am actually fine with the fairly low laptop screen size23:20
AlanBellmattt: oneiric on this one, precise on a little atom powered desktop I have23:20
mattti went to install precise on my msi wind uwhatever the other week, thing no longer boots23:21
matttthink the memory's faulty :/23:21
matttwhich is great, since i've used it a whopping 6 times ... if that :)23:22
directhexpulled everything off the AV unit, and started attaching speakers to the wall. tired out.23:22
mattton a sunday evening?  ambitious :)23:24

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