
astraljavameh... stupid bug in sound juicer. Won't mount the disc if it can't find the TOC in MusicBrainz.00:09
ScottLastraljava, i was having trouble with rhythmbox and ripping to flac under oneiric :/14:20
astraljavaOn top of that failure, sound juicer didn't understand if there was a 2-cd release. It suggested all tracks with a sole cd. Caused failures to rip the 2nd one.14:31
astraljavaGotta file two bugs on that.14:31
knomemost of the cd rippers are bad15:57
knomesome of them are just less bad15:58
holsteini personally dont care if ubuntustudio includes a way to rip music16:03
holsteini think we should be more in the creation of content16:04
holsteinthough,  have used rippers on projects before16:04
holsteinyou get session files as an audio CD or whatever16:04
knomei can see how ripping is part of creating new music too16:04
holsteinsure, but you can also argue that flash is16:05
holsteinwatching youtube vids16:05
holsteinand we can never include that16:05
holsteinill be happy when flash is gone!16:05
knomeheh, sure16:05
knomeme too16:05
knomeand i'm happy when pirating is gone too, but i still do rip my cd's :)16:06
holsteinwell... i'll be happy when we can include foss tools to do everything that needs to be done16:06
holsteini dont want to be to particular on the details in my day-dream16:06
holsteinknome: yeah...i dont want to equate ripping to pirating16:06
holsteinbut some would16:06
holsteinthe record labels do :/16:07
knomeyeah. too bad.16:07
holsteinwhatever... its *too* grey to get into it16:07
knomewell, in finland you are paying an additional tax every time you buy a blank CD16:07
knomejust because people are pirating16:07
holsteinknome: i heard about that16:07
knomethat sucks16:07
holsteinyeah, but here, we just put a single mom in jail occasionaly16:08
holsteinnot sure that better16:08
knomenot really16:08
knomebut the finnish model is better of the worse too16:08
astraljavaMike, I wasn't suggesting we should include one by any means. I was just grumbling, since this is the most related channel on my list. :)17:41
astraljavaI see there's no informal meeting occuring in here.17:42
holsteinastraljava: mike is to me?17:42
holsteinim not complaining about it17:42
astraljavaI don't know any other Mikes. :)17:42
astraljava...in here.17:42
holsteinjust starting a 'what should be included" convo17:42
astraljavaYeah okay.17:42
holsteinand how challening that can be17:42
astraljavaI was worried you took it like that. :)17:42
holsteinastraljava: nah17:42
holsteinastraljava: you guys do what you ned to do too... include whatever17:43
holsteinim just trying to appreciate different perspectives17:43
astraljavaAre you not counting yourself as 'one of us'?17:43
holsteinTBH, we know someone will always have a problem with whatever ;)17:43
holsteinastraljava: i can.. im just no coder :/17:43
astraljavaI think of us as contributors, not coders.17:44
holsteinastraljava: cool17:44
holsteinim one of those!17:44
astraljavaGood, I was worried, again. :D17:44
astraljavaSince there doesn't seem to be others, is there anything you'd like me to work on during the coming week?17:47
astraljavaI'm a bit out of the loop, and not sure what's urgent and what could be postponed.17:47
holsteinastraljava: well, just if there's anything i can do, as far as aking someone for something17:47
holsteinsomething not too technical17:47
holsteinwhat about the LIVE cd?17:48
holsteinis that happening?17:48
astraljavaI suppose that's one of the most urgent, yes.17:48
astraljavaI will ping Colin tomorrow, as he mentioned he's going to have some vacation in Feb., so that should be resolved during January.17:48
holsteinyeah... i would *love* to have it for 12.0417:49
astraljavaI'm pretty sure we can get it done.17:50
astraljavaBut I'll know more in 24h.17:50
holsteinastraljava: lets talk then... ill totally bother someone17:51
holsteinor test whatever17:51
astraljavaWe will need tons of testing, so that'd be good if you could spare some time for that.17:52
holsteinastraljava: i'll make time17:53
holsteinand free up boxes17:53
holsteinvirtualboxes.. metal17:54
astraljavaGood to hear. Obviously I can do quite a lot as well, but we need different setups for sure.17:54
holsteinastraljava: what about the look and feel?17:54
astraljavaYou should talk to Scott about that.17:54
holsteini think falk could really knock that out in a short amount of time17:54
astraljavaI'm not a UX person at all.17:54
astraljavaYeah that would be good too.17:55
ScottLabogani, i'm having trouble getting the proper source for the lowlatency kernel20:39
ScottLi thought it was me, because i don't understand the relationship between linux-lowlatency and linux-meta-lowlatency20:39
ScottLbut i'm not sure now20:40
ScottLi installed a brand new precise install and tried to get the lowlatency source but i keep getting the linux-meta-lowlatency-
ScottLinstead of
ScottLand i can't find myself as maintainer in the (although i'm not worried about that as much as using it as a qualifier to make sure i had the correct version since you grep'ed it)20:41

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