
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
astraljavaShould the xfce4-timer-plugin show some kind of icon in the panel?14:22
ochosiastraljava: no, only a progressbar15:26
astraljavaochosi: Ok, thanks. There is a dark vertical bar, but I didn't see any progress on it.15:36
ochosihmyeah, possible that there are problems with that plugin15:37
ochosii've only tested it once15:37
ochosiare you using greybird?15:37
ochosi(i thought i fixed that in greybird)15:37
astraljavaI'm using whatever is enabled by default. (sorry, haven't paid much attention to those details yet)15:38
ochosiwell that depends on your version of xubuntu :)15:39
ochosianyway, i'm off for now15:39
astraljavaThat would be oneiric. :) And yeah, me too, to the gym.15:41
knomemadnick, when would you have time to go through the lightdm/plymouth stuff?23:12
madnickknome: i am in the process of reinstalling my computer23:15
madnickwith 11.1023:15
madnicki will have to reset up23:15
knomewould some night next week work for you?23:15
madnickany time23:15
knomei was thinking of going to sleep soonish23:15
madnicknext week23:15
knomeokay, i'll ping you23:15
knomeochosi, what's your schedule?23:15
madnickwell the problem is, i will need to restore the dev environment23:16
madnickso i cant tonite23:16
knomeyeah, won't be tonight23:16
knomei'm about to go to sleep23:16
madnickalso wednesday cannot be done for me i wont be home23:16
knomeokay, let me check the work shifts for wife23:16
ochosinext week == the upcoming week?23:17
knomeerr, yeah23:17
knome16 ->23:17
knomeweekend would be optimal for me23:17
ochosihm, maybe23:17
knomeeither saturday or sunday night23:17
ochosino, nights/evenings on that weekend are definitely bad23:17
madnickyes that works for me aswell23:17
knomeawwh :D23:17
ochosiwell you don't necessarily need me :)23:18
ochosibut if i'm there i'll show up23:18
madnicki'd say for the theme it only needs some more "nice" CSS if we are settled with the general apperance23:18
ochosiand if you want feedback we can discuss that after your changes23:18
madnickthen we need to figure out the accessability23:18
madnickand get the wallpaper23:18
ochosibtw, i recently read that lightdm will now pick a users wallpaper23:19
knomemadnick, let's try to work on it on saturday (21st) night?23:19
madnickochosi: there is functionallity for it in the lib23:19
madnickbut i never tested it23:19
ochosii think people might like that23:20
ochosimaking the fade-to-desktop experience after clicking "log in" a bit smoother23:20
madnickand also the setting gui for lightdm23:20
ochosibut anyway, that's just additional stuff, let's fix the other things first23:20
ochosiyes, the settings gui23:21
ochosiwhat was the status on that again?23:21
madnickwasnt the XFCE project doing something that almost eliminated most of the functionality in that app23:21
madnickits pretty much done23:21
madnickits some config file parsing left23:21
ochosinot sure we'll get any new xfce apps for precise23:21
ochosiso i think we definitely want your app :)23:21
madnickwell, ill setup the dev environment tonight23:22
ochosiiirc the layout of the settings gui was also finalized, right?23:22
madnickyes i think so23:22
madnickaccording to the drafts23:22
ochosiok, good, so no more work for me on that ;)23:22
knomewe can go through that on saturday too23:22
knomei'm sooo willing to get http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-xubuntu.html in better shape ;)23:23
madnicki couldve uploaded the greeter long ago, i hesitated because i have not been sure about the accessability features23:23
knomei'd say: upload asap, let's start getting feedback from charlie23:23
knomeand if that means some of the work items should be marked as "done", please update the blueprints23:26
madnickhehe i will23:27
knomeonce we get most of those relating to lightdm/plymouth to "done", we look much better again23:27
knomeokay, see you later23:45
knomebed calls23:45

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