
hawks008hi all, who can i contact (that is part of the ubuntu team) for adding a wallpaper set for next release of ubuntu?01:20
hawks008oh no....wrong irc...sorry all01:21
hawks008forget i was even here01:21
hawks008anyone know where the ubuntu dev ten irc is?01:22
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snadgeok focus problem still there06:30
om26erbschaefer, hey!07:06
bschaeferom26er, hey07:07
bschaeferom26er_,, hey07:07
om26er_bschaefer, het07:07
om26er_bschaefer, how are you?07:08
bschaeferno worries07:08
bschaeferom26er_, very angry at ibus07:08
om26er_oooh :/07:08
bschaeferom26er_, how about you?07:08
om26er_bschaefer, i am a bit sleepy but i am fine :)07:08
om26er_bschaefer, you were looking into bug 83948007:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 839480 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dash - When the Dash is open and there is a maximised app in the background, the top bar background should not disappear" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83948007:08
om26er_still working on it?07:09
bschaeferom26er_, yeah, I was waiting for Jay to get back from break to help with the finishing touches07:09
om26er_bschaefer, alrighty, i was wondering if you stopped on it you might want to link a branch for it so if anyother interested party could look07:09
om26er_bschaefer, good to know its not lost :)07:10
bschaeferom26er_, yeah Ill do that, ill have to update it as it is really behind trunk!07:10
bschaeferom26er_, another reason is Jay mentioned it had a lot of problems (the source) and was going to look at it07:10
snadgefix the focus bug07:11
om26er_bschaefer, good to know, thx07:11
snadgei was going to report it.. but i can't reliably reproduce it07:11
om26er_snadge, a video maybe?07:11
snadgeso its a bit useless to say.. sometimes when you click in the location bar in firefox, it doesnt auto complete07:12
bschaeferom26er_, yup! Good luck on resting up07:12
snadgeunless you refocus the app07:12
snadgealso i noticed another glitch.. sometimes when you right click, then move the mouse over the menu07:12
snadgeit disappears07:12
snadgeunless you refocus the app.. its probably related07:12
om26er_snadge, i saw it a few times as well07:14
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om26eralso dont know how to reproduce07:14
snadgei suppose we could just randomly video the entire desktop07:17
snadgeand then chop it up and edit it when it happens.. but that sounds beyond my effort level / ability07:17
snadgeit also doesnt really help the maintainer reproduce it either07:18
snadgeid certainly like this one to be nailed before precise goes gold07:18
snadgesmspillaz has a bunch of unreleased code atm ?07:19
bschaeferandyrock, hey how was your trip?07:22
andyrockbschaefer, it was awesome :=07:24
andyrocki love Budapest07:24
bschaeferhaha, nice. Have a safe trip home?07:24
andyrockyeah, even if I left Budapest at 6:00 AM07:26
andyrockand the hotel at 4:00 am07:26
bschaeferandyrock, Dam that sucks. Thats when my flight for the UDS was; at 5 am. Sucked, but still fun07:29
andyrockbschaefer, yeah but Budapest is full of girls, Orlando is full of Hotels :)07:32
bschaeferandyrock, haha that does sound nicer07:35
andyrockbschaefer, indeed07:35
andyrockwe'll have fun in San Francisco too07:36
bschaeferis that where the next one is?07:36
andyrockthe next uds07:37
bschaefernice, that is in my time zone haha07:38
bschaeferthumper, ping. Somewhat of a so so news on the bus problem07:47
bschaeferthumper, still an ibus problem, but that patch doesn't fix the dash only other programs07:48
bschaeferif the use the ibus through XIM07:48
smspillazsnadge: so chrisccoulson found a way to reproduce that bug07:54
smspillazso I'll look into it maybe this week?07:54
bschaeferhey smspillaz, enjoy Budapest more this time?08:00
snadgesmspillaz: rad.. can you forward or pastebin the instructions to reproduce?08:09
snadgeand can you guess whether the right click bug is related to that?08:09
smspillazI can't remember them off the top of my head, but I definitely know that chris was telling me this at the pub last friday08:10
snadgelol of course.. at the pub, where all bugs are fixed08:10
smspillazsomething to do with workspace switching08:10
smspillazwhich I guess is fair game since workspace switching will move the input focus to the root window temporarily08:10
snadgeyeah i think it is related to that.. it most often happens when switching from another workspace to the app08:11
snadgeso that will be related to the right click bug then08:11
snadgewhich is.. right click menu pops up as expected, but then when you move the mouse over it.. it disappears.. and this happens repeatedly until you manually click on the title bar to focus the app08:11
snadgebut again.. difficult to reproduce consistently08:12
snadgeconfirmed that both problems happen at the same time ;)08:16
snadgeok if i switch between this irc window and my browser window.. its exhibiting the problem08:16
snadgeis there some debugging info i can grab now that might help?08:17
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om26erdidrocks, hey, i have a backport for a NUX fix, could you please sponsor12:32
om26erfixes bug 81972112:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 819721 in nux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "quicklists not accessible for the first time just after login" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81972112:32
* om26er mistakenly pressed ctrl+w :p12:33
didrocksom26er: hey, we discussed it with Tim and when he will be back, we will see if any other nux fixes need to  be backported12:34
om26erdidrocks, ok.12:35
om26erseb128, any reason the compiz SRU is still not uploaded ?12:35
om26erand Hey!12:35
seb128om26er, dunno, it's your SRU, did you subscribe sponsors to the bugs?12:36
om26erseb128, yeah Ubuntu sponsors is subscribed, i guess now that everyone is back from the rally it'll get a look12:37
om26erbtw https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu/oneiric/compiz/compiz-sru/+merge/8592812:37
seb128trying pinging stgraber, he's pilot today12:37
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om26erKaleo, hey! i have a branch for bug 90006315:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 900063 in metacity (Ubuntu) "20_do_not_place-windows-over-the-launcher.patch is not being applied, adversely affects unity-2d" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90006315:12
om26erwho is the maintainer for metacity ?15:13
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Kaleoom26er: great!15:16
Kaleoom26er: can you give that to nerochiaro? I think he wrote the original patch15:16
nerochiaroKaleo: IIRC oSoMoN wrote it15:17
om26eryes Olly wrote it, it was not added to the series file15:18
Kaleoom26er: oSoMoN then :)15:18
om26eri made two branches one for sru and other for precise15:18
* oSoMoN confirms that he wrote the initial patch15:18
* om26er thinks ogra does the uploads for metacity ?15:18
oSoMoNnote that the patch will have to be adapted to take into account RTL locales, as it currently only considers the possibility of having a launcher on the left edge of the screen15:19
nerochiarogreyback: remember the issue discussed above ? i have a sense of deja vu about it...15:19
greybacknerochiaro: yeah? How so?15:20
greybacknerochiaro: oh, reading up now :)15:20
greybacknerochiaro: yeah, I need to get Metacity work done.15:21
nerochiarogreyback: i suppose at least for SRU it's just a matter of adding the patch to the series and poking whoever is responsible for releasing it, no ?15:22
greybacknerochiaro: There's a bit more to it I believe, but that's essentially it. It's just to find out who maintains Metacity and get them to help15:24
Kaleogreyback: Isuppose at least for SRU it's just a matter of adding the patch to the series and poking whoever is  responsible for releasing[B15:24
Kaleoplease ignore that erroneous copy/paste :)15:24
greybackKaleo: np :) What did you want to tell me?15:25
Kaleogreyback: nothing at all :)15:26
greybackKaleo: oh ok :)15:27
mgedminbamf totally ignores my gvim window :(18:27
jasoxwhat is bamf18:40
jasoxBas Ass Mother Fucker :D18:40
jasoxwhy don't you install qt-vim, if you are using unity or kde18:41
mgedminbamf is a window matching library that unity uses to figure out which windows belong to which apps; I've no idea what the letters stand for19:07
mgedminI don't think a qt port of vim exists, and if it did, I'm not sure I would like it19:07
jasoxhttp://code.google.com/p/vim-qt/, I installed this and it works much better than gvim for me :S19:11
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davidcalleandyrock, awesome work on the shortcuts overlay!22:49
andyrockdavidcalle, thx you22:49
AlanBellis that in precise yet?23:45
DaekdroomAlanBell, nope23:49

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