
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
dgroosalkisg: sch-scripts.log question--you available?14:30
alkisgdgroos: sure14:31
dgroosI see: Not a valid chroot: /opt/ltsp/i386 in the log, why might that be?14:31
dgroosis it an issue?14:31
alkisgdgroos: maybe you tried some of the "enter chroot" menus while you already had such a terminal open14:33
alkisgYou can't open two of them, because of /proc bind-mounting etc14:33
dgroosOK, I think I remember doing that once a couple of weeks ago.14:33
dgroosso that entry is recording that event?14:34
alkisgNot really significant...14:38
dgroosgreat, then no prob. thanks :)14:38
dgroosI just removed up to sch-daemon.log.2194!14:40
dgroosand epoptes.log.116914:41
alkisgWe removed much of the logging, it should be smaller from now on... :)14:42

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