
skierpageA  `sudo kill -HUP` to the packagekit parent process of the defunct dpkg produced an "Updating packages [Finished]" notification. Good guess?! ;-)00:02
skierpageWhat's up with Kubuntu 12.04? It's the only Ubuntu variant that missed Alpha1, will there be a late alpha1? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Alpha100:10
Riddellskierpage: no but we expect to do alpha 200:21
Guest97945Riddell: Re: Your suggestion to try 4.8 sounds good. I am a pretty good end user, but dont know much about using the console except for cut and pasting. Is there a good manual on how to go about installing 4.8 and helping with the release?00:26
RiddellGuest97945: I'm afraid not, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu  is out of date00:27
skierpageRiddell, sounds good and sorry to hear indirectly about your accident!00:28
Riddellbut it's just a case of adding it in the package manager and running a full upgrade00:28
Riddellskierpage: hah, thanks, I'm recovering so should be back on track for the next one00:28
Guest97945Riddell: i do know how to do that. :)00:28
skierpageRiddell, I think it might help to put a statement somewhere, Google "kubuntu 12.04 alpha1" produces a lot of fake and incorrect download links. And thanks for all you do!00:29
BarkingFishMorning all. Anyone around who can help me, fast?00:48
BarkingFishI am almost at the point of finishing a massive upgrade to KDE 4.7.4 and it's halted at 97%00:49
BarkingFishps aux in a terminal confirms dpkg has zombified.00:49
skierpageBarkingFish, that happened to me too.00:50
BarkingFishHow did you sort it out?00:50
skierpageWhat I did was `kill -HUP` to the packagekit parent of the dpkg. (`ps alx | egrep 'dpk|apper|package'`)00:51
BarkingFishand what did that do?00:51
skierpageThen I got a notification it completed, and then I could rerun Apper and check for updates. But I haven't actually restarted yet.00:52
BarkingFishok, I'll give it a shot00:52
skierpageSo the fourth number for the dpkg  should be its parent PID, which for me was a packagekit process, and I sent `sudo kill -HUP nnnn` to that. But I was guessing ;-) :-)00:53
BarkingFishyeah, well that's just screwed my install... I'm now getting told it's more than a month since I've checked for updates, and apper isn't working at all.  Just refreshes the software list, and tells me it can't download the software lists... :(00:54
BarkingFishI get this: "W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-security_main_binary-i386_Packages Hash Sum mismatch"00:55
BarkingFishguess I better reboot00:55
Guest97945Riddell: I am dling 4.8 right now. Thank you. May your recovery be swift and full.00:57
skierpageBarkingFish, sorry. You could just mindlessly kill more packagekit/apper whatever processes until they restart cleanly... or reboot.00:57
mozzyi had problem with dpkg handing durin updates00:58
mozzyit killed muon00:58
mozzyinstalled apper to take its place00:58
mozzybarkingfish helped me out00:58
mozzyi seen updates today for the kernel headers and cringed00:59
mozzyno ty lol00:59
mozzyit was on my mint install but im not taking chances00:59
skierpagemozzy, me and BarkingFish also had hangs. If there's a clean web page giving a recipe for when packagekit/Muon/Apper hangs, I couldn't find it.00:59
mozzyk, ive looked as well01:00
mozzyi had to run a dpkg configure -a  something like that01:00
mozzyfor it to sort itself out01:00
mozzymuon was still broken01:00
mozzysomething is wrong with the last batch of updates... big time01:01
Kimlarouxthat's why I'm still on 10.04 =P the rate of failure when upgrading is just not worth the trouble01:03
KimlarouxI got used to use a live-cd to dpkg-reconfigure -a when that happens01:03
mozzyoh ok01:05
Kimlarouxthis basically redoes everything dpkg was doing when it hung01:07
Kimlarouxit can take a while01:07
skierpageKimaroux, my 10.10, 11.04, 11.10 updates all went fine and minor updates usually work flawlessly. "Your mileage may vary"01:07
mozzyya i figured it rebuilt itself01:07
mozzybut theres more worng, even after removing and reinstalling muon, muon was dead01:08
mozzyappers is workin right now so im just thankful i have that01:08
mozzycould get useto it01:08
almoxarifenew to kubuntu, i want to use the built in backup system, i believe i optioned something off so i cant start it, what minimums must be met to activate the backup module?03:43
almoxarifei would be as happy with a kde backup util as a second choice03:44
dasKreechalmoxarife: a kde backup?03:56
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almoxarifekde backup tool for the desktop file system,03:57
dasKreechah what are you intending on backing up?03:59
dasKreech!info luckybackup04:03
ubottuluckybackup (source: luckybackup): rsync-based GUI data backup utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.6-1 (oneiric), package size 578 kB, installed size 1292 kB04:03
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wesker_hi all=)06:23
psyrusi want to disable the hyperthreading on my i5-2410m laptop as to determine any performance difference.07:08
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legendarydesu_I have a Dillema/Preposition.10:04
legendarydesu_Who would like to teach me programming.10:05
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:07
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legendarydesu_Well shit.10:26
legendarydesu_Either everyone on here's inactive.10:26
legendarydesu_Or lazy.10:26
legendarydesu_Lazy fucks.10:27
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peace_Tm_T: xD10:31
Tm_Tpeace_: where?10:31
peace_he is gone10:31
Tm_TI know very well, but thanks anyway (:10:31
aguitelafter aptitude full-upgrade it say:Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.PackageKit timed out11:04
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nunukehonnan tudok leszedni olan kiegészítőt amivel tudok mp3at lejátszani?13:08
hzozokkhow to restart plasma-desktop?13:12
mozzyhi all13:53
mozzyeasy one13:54
mozzytryin to make kubuntu auto login, im at the right area and set it up but it still wont auto login13:54
mozzyoops its on Mint 12, guess i should be askin in a Mint 12 channel13:55
mozzyminty mint irc13:55
BluesKajHey all14:04
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utherpendragonHello. I'm a new KDE/Kubuntu user. Just trying this out to see if it works.15:18
utherpendragonIRC, I mean; not Kubuntu...15:18
utherpendragonI'm having a great experience with kubuntu so far... I have one question15:20
utherpendragonThere is an app I use that shows in menu but won't launch unless I enter it in the terminal15:21
utherpendragonthen it runs normally...15:21
utherpendragonany idea how I can get it to launch without running it in konsole?15:21
utherpendragonI installed it through a ppa, if that makes a difference15:24
Roeyhey there15:27
Roeypress on the big K, search for the program there, and when it pops up in the search results list, drag it to the panel15:27
Roeyutherpendragon:  see above15:28
utherpendragonsays "KDEInit could not launch /usr/share/damnvid/Damnvid15:30
Roeyhow did you install the app?"15:30
Roeybtw I am not one of the Kubuntu folks here, just a groupie15:30
utherpendragonthrough konsole, after adding ppa and update15:30
Roeyand on the comamnd line it just works??15:30
Roeywell go to the icon's properties and see what command is being executed on the command line15:31
utherpendragonI'll try that15:31
BluesKajutherpendragon,  which app is it ?15:31
Roeyhey BluesKaj :)15:31
BluesKajhi Roey15:32
utherpendragonIt's calle 'Damnvid'. I've been using it in Linux Mint to download youtube videos... works great15:32
BluesKajutherpendragon,  you could also right click on the app> icon settings>application command> try "damnvid" there or usr/bin/damnvid , there's an app called youtube-dl that your run in the cli using the url as well15:36
utherpendragonit looks like a python script. But there uis no Damnvid folder in '/usr/share/damnvid/15:37
BluesKajdamnvid  actually15:37
BluesKaj % and U won't send to text here wth15:38
utherpendragonin 'user/bin' it is a shell script15:38
utherpendragonIf I open as root I can change how it opens?15:39
BluesKajutherpendragon,  it's damnvid % and U , with no and15:39
BluesKajutherpendragon,  try youtube-dl15:40
utherpendragonyoutube-dl is in Muon?15:40
BluesKajsudo apt-get install youtube-dl , it's a terminal based app15:43
utherpendragondamnvid script is executable15:44
utherpendragonOh. Actually using damnvid through terminal is not that big a hardship... it's easy to use and works perfectly15:45
BluesKajok then , in the application command in icon settings ( damnvid)15:45
utherpendragonbut I'll check out youtube-dl15:45
utherpendragonit also downloads many other video formats besides youtube, and can convert video15:46
BluesKajutherpendragon,  for some reason I can't get the chat text to show % and U which are required in the command15:46
BluesKajfor damnvid15:47
TorchBluesKaj: turn off mirc colours15:47
BluesKajTorch,  Idon't have mirc colours on konversation , altho I do have "custom colours"15:48
BluesKaj damnvid15:49
BluesKajnope still doesn't show them , must be a command not allowed in the chat text15:50
utherpendragonI think the problem is it's looking for 'Damnvid' folder in root, when it is in my /home15:50
utherpendragonbut that's not how it works in Mint15:51
BluesKajutherpendragon,  copy it to /usr/share o, /usr/bin, /usr/lib, or /usr/share ..not sure which one will15:52
BluesKajdam phatphingers15:52
utherpendragonoh hell, I'll try youtube-dl, or just continue using damnvid in terminal... at least it just works15:53
TorchBluesKaj: configure -> behaviour -> chat window -> disable variable expansion15:54
utherpendragonThanks for your time...15:55
BluesKajutherpendragon,  it's an interesting experiment to see which usr dir the app will work from , the default is usually /usr/bin/15:55
utherpendragonah, OK. I'll experiment...15:55
BluesKaj damnvid%U15:55
BluesKajaha thanks Torch :)15:56
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utherpendragonthanks again.. bye15:57
RocknRollamy kde have probleam15:57
RocknRollaanyone help  plz15:57
BluesKajRocknRolla,  still using backtrack ?16:00
RocknRollaBluesKaj: is there any problem with backtrack16:02
RocknRollaif anyy plz tell me16:02
BluesKaj!backtrack | RocknRolla16:03
ubottuRocknRolla: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:03
RocknRollathx you both16:06
psyrusmoun crashed on me when trying to  do system updates so how can i do this all through the console instead ?16:45
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BluesKajpsyrus,  is muon turned off , make sure before runing any update or install commands in the konsole16:47
BluesKaj!apt-get | psyrus16:47
ubottupsyrus: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)16:47
psyrusoh sweet16:49
psyrusi didnt even know i could run the synaptic or adept on kubuntu16:49
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:51
psyrusoooohh... lol16:52
BluesKajpsyrus,  synaptic is still my fav abd finally adept is back ...that darn muon is too buggy to use IMO16:53
psyrusbut can i use synaptic under kde ?16:54
psyrusor kubuntu 11.1 i mean16:54
psyrusi'm still trying to read the short apt-get manual link u got16:55
BluesKajpsyrus,  yes , if you don't mind some gtk apps ..doesn't bother me , synaptic runs just fine on kde16:58
BluesKajpsyrus,  I don't really use package managers very much , mostly it's for referncing and searching for available packages and their descrptions . Otherwise I use apt-get for updates upgrades installs and removals17:00
BluesKajgtk libs , not apps17:00
psyrusBluesKaj: if i can help it, i think i wanna avoid the console right now17:00
BluesKajthen synaptic is your best choice IMO , psyrus17:01
psyrusi guess i better fill out a crash report on moun...17:01
BluesKajpsyrus,  don't bother it's been done manytimes already17:01
psyruslol i was just thinking that17:03
psyrusit wont even restart...17:04
psyrusquite honestly.. i think i am just going to try using a different distro...17:06
psyrusbut i want the nice gui that kde has17:06
psyrusit seems its just an ongiong problem , and the constant going onto irc all the time and spending sevearl hours tring to get help17:07
psyrusBluesKaj:  i think i'm off to try a new distro ....17:08
peace_i use terminal17:09
psyruspeace_:  i'm a dos head.. but it's like i'm trying to learn a programming language when i try and figure out the console commands17:10
psyrusits hard to switch gears17:11
BluesKajpsyrus,  if you're going to be a serious linux user , learning the cli (konsole or  terminal)  to some degree is necessary , relying on GUI s for everything  is for windows users17:11
ts2(ba)sh _is_ technically a programming language :)17:11
BluesKajpsyrus,  no matter which linux distro you use some knowledge of the command line will be necessary and very useful ,and it's probly much easier than you think17:13
psyrusBluesKaj:  i understand what your saying ...17:14
BluesKajespecially being a dos guy , it should come naturally :)17:16
psyruswindows almost makes me lazy17:17
psyrusand right about now, i'm REALLY lazy ...heh..17:17
peace_psyrus: type this on konsole sudo apt-g  THNE PRESS TAB KEY17:19
peace_several times17:19
psyrusapt-g isn't recognized17:21
EvilResistanceapt-get then17:22
psyrusEvilResistance: what are "super cow powers" ?? ... and do i display all 214117:25
psyruspeace_:  , its asking if i want to display all 2,141 possibilities, i assume that these are all the possible updates i can choose from ?17:27
psyruswell i dont think i'm going to work today, so i've got all day to play with linux17:33
psyrus(and play some ql)17:33
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peace_psyrus: i get this http://paste.kde.org/18739417:43
psyruspeace_:  ok17:45
psyruspeace_:  um... it looks like its trying to (or has) pick up at the point that moun crashed at17:51
BluesKajpsyrus,  run this in the terminal  , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a17:52
psyrusBluesKaj:  its allready been configured . it's done with all of it now i think17:53
BluesKajok good , psyrus , if it locks up again save that command ...it's quite handy17:56
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BluesKajpsyrus,  especially sudo dpkg --configure -a , it helps resolve uninstalled packages17:57
psyrusBluesKaj:  it locked up again , lol..17:59
BluesKajpsyrus,  open the system monitor and kill muon , it's probly in dependency hell18:00
peace_BluesKaj: xD kill muon18:00
peace_BluesKaj: murder18:00
* BluesKaj removes muon from his system18:02
psyrusBluesKaj: i dont see it anywhere on the list..18:04
BluesKajthen it's a zombie , altho zombies aren't supposed interfere18:05
psyrusBluesKaj:  ok, i'm going to run apt-get dist-upgrade18:06
BluesKajpsyrus,  , my best suggestion is to reboot , then sudo apt-get remove muon in the terminal18:06
psyrusBluesKaj:  ok18:07
psyrusthere's little indication that i rebooted, but i just realized i forgot to identify myself18:19
psyruswhen i see a red line on quassel that means there was a break in my connection right ?18:21
psyruspeace_: did u see what i just said ? i forgot to tab your name18:22
rorkpsyrus: no, the redline marks where you switched your view to another channel (or maybe lost focus on the window), it's where you left reading18:23
psyrusoh okay18:24
psyrusrork:  thnx18:24
psyrusi dont try to act like a n00b but i know it's pretty obvious , and i hate helping out people who have absolutely no understanding of what i'm doing, but i sorta grit my teeth and deal with it and sooner or later they end up learning a thing or to18:26
dabbillis there a way to make it so apt-get uses multi cores when installing software?18:27
dav_hi when I download a new splash screen theme, it is not added to the list. Can you help me?18:31
Free_Bulletsdabbill, apt-get doesn't really use much cpu, does it? most of the time it's either doing hard drive work or downloading something.18:31
dabbillFree_Bullets: i always just see it maxing out at 20% meaning its only useing 1 core18:32
Free_Bulletsdabbill, if it was able to utilize all cores, it would probably do it by default18:32
dabbillFree_Bullets: also when installing software with a script that comes with it, it will only use 1 core to compile, any way to change the default -j for make?18:33
Free_Bulletsi see18:33
Free_Bulletsi'm not sure, sorry18:33
psyrusE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)      <---- it'a unable to lock he admin dir , asking if i'm a root....18:34
psyrus man how do i login as a "root" again ?18:37
psyrusi was before i dont know how i got changed18:38
Free_Bulletspsyrus, where does that error message come from?18:38
psyruson my console18:38
Free_Bullets"su -" to get back to root18:38
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:38
psyrusis there no way to keep the console "always on top"18:44
Free_Bulletsright click on the title bar, advanced, keep above18:47
psyrusFree_Bullets:  :) thanx man hehe i overlooked that one18:47
psyrusomg i'm getting an authenticatino failure.. oh  craaaaaaaa18:49
psyrusis there a different password to get into root than when i use my account password ?18:50
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genii-aroundpsyrus: Root account is disabled by design on (K)ubuntu. See the info that the bot gave about sudo command.19:04
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:04
DarthFrogpsyrus:  Preface a command with "sudo" when you need (and only when you need) to execute it with root privileges.  There is no root account in Kubuntu and one is not needed.  The system is more secure without a root account.19:07
DarthFrogsudo = SuperUser Do19:07
psyrusDarthFrog:  i just saw a thread about someone "breaking there system" by taking permission of the root dir.19:08
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DarthFrogpsyrus: I'm not quite sure what it is meant bye "taking permission of the root dir".  But if you screw around with your system while having root privilegs, yes, you can really break things.  There is an equivalent to "format c:" in Linux and if excuted with root privileges, it will have the same effect.  Without root privileges, it won't do anything (unless executed in your home directory) as it won't have permission.19:11
DarthFrogpsyrus: It is said that Linux is not user friendly.  If assuming that you actually know what you're doing and helping you do that, then it is indeed user friendly.  if you know what you're doing.19:12
psyrusDarthFrog: ok. dont plat on doing anything other than getting these damned updates installed and getting onto more important things19:12
DarthFrogpsyrus: This command will work, all on one line: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:13
psyrusi still gotta setup wine again and all the other crap i lost b/c of having to do a reinstall19:13
DarthFrogpsyrus: Have your home directory on its own partition.  Then whenever you reinstall, you don't lose whatever's in your home directory.19:14
psyrusokay, i'll resize this partition (i think i only gave linux about 50 gig . um.. 4 of that is for swap19:15
psyrusDarthFrog:  how big do i make the partition and i just mount it on the /home19:16
DarthFrogpsyrus: Well, only you can answer that question.  How much RAM do you have?  How big is the hard drive(s)? What other OS's do you wish to run?19:17
psyrusokay i'm confused though19:17
psyrushow much room out of this 46 gig i have for linux do i use for linux, and for my home ?19:18
DarthFrogIf it were me, I'd give the system 10 GB (and keep it clean) and the rest to /home.  I have plenty of RAM and don't need a swap partition.  I could have a swapfile instead, in the system partition.19:20
DarthFrogBut I don't need a lot of space in /tmp or /var.  Depending on what you do, you may and 10 GB may not be enough for you.19:21
psyrusi have 4 g of ram..19:21
DarthFrogYou need swap.  At least 4 GB.19:21
psyrusi do19:21
DarthFrogIf you manipulate large files (graphics, videos) you'll need more /tmp space.19:22
psyrusi am not going to worry aabout that now , i dont plan reinstalling this thing again for a very elong time, (this is window's fault i had to reinstall both o/s's )19:23
DarthFrogMind you, if you manipulate large files, you'll need more RAM. :-)19:23
psyrusi do manipulate VERY large files19:23
DarthFrogHow large.19:23
psyruswell, some were around 100g19:23
psyrusbut thats all raw video/audio uncompressed19:23
DarthFrogIn 46 GB?  I don't think so.19:23
psyrusat like 1080dpi19:23
psyrusno in linux19:24
psyrusin windows19:24
FloodBotK2psyrus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:24
DarthFrogInstall Windows first, then Linux.  That way, dual-booting will be automatically set up correctly for you.19:24
DarthFrogAs you know Windows doesn't play nice with others.19:24
psyrusi dont understand why the heck they dont let you just download the recovery console anymore ?? (or do they ? cuz i couldn't find it ANYWHERE cept on nerosmart -- who wants $10 for it) i had no way to fix my boot loader except through linux19:26
psyrus(reinstalling the whole linux)19:26
DarthFrogThere's lots of Linux recovery tool/distros.19:26
psyrusi am planning on getting one soon19:27
DarthFrogAlso, have you looked at Clonezilla?19:27
psyrushow can i confirm all my updates were sucessfully installed ?19:27
DarthFrogBy doing it again.  If nothing happens, you're OK.19:27
psyrus sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:28
DarthFrogDo your self a favour and put that command in ~/.bash_aliases.19:29
psyrusthanks 4 the help man. its got everything19:30
DarthFrogThis is the contents of my ~/.bash_aliases file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/806565/19:31
psyrusi dont know what that  is now19:31
DarthFrogAn alias is a command substitution.  If I give the command "update", it executes  "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".  The file is /home/rob/.bash_aliases.  "~" is short for "users home directory".19:32
DarthFrogYou might have heard that you can build your own tools in Linux/Unix?  My "lspkg" alias is an example of doing so.19:34
psyruswhats the 1st supposed to be doing ?19:35
psyruslspkg command ?19:35
DarthFrogI use it to search which packages are installed, viz.:  lspkg | grep linux    This will show me all installed packages with the word linux in their name.19:36
psyrusum... so do i just copy that to a notepad and save it as a file ? and in what dir?19:38
DarthFrogThere are various ls (list) commands available: ls, lsusb, lspci, lsattr, lshw, etc.  So I named it "list package". :-)19:38
DarthFrogIf you want to use it, create a file /home/psyrus/.bash_aliases and put any aliases you want defined there.19:39
psyrus(i dont put the numbers in there though right ..? )19:40
psyrusie: /home/psyrus/psyrus.bash_aliases19:42
psyrusman.... i did something wrong because it doesn't recognize the command, do i need to reboot after i stuck that "psyrus.bash_asliases in my home /psyrus/ dir ??19:44
psyrusDarthFrog:  is the "." in your part about the /psyrus/.bash_alaises a typo ? or am i supposed to make up a name and use that .bash_aliases as it's extension?19:49
DarthFrogThe "." that prefaces a file name means it's a hidden file.  It's part of the file name.  File extentions have no meaning in Linux (they may mean something to individual programs but nothing to the system).19:50
DarthFrogThe file name would be ".bash_aliases" and would be in /home/psyrus (or whatever your home directory is).  It will be loaded the next time you log in or by the command: source .bash_aliases19:51
psyrusDarthFrog:  Very nice man!!!19:53
psyrusit works19:53
psyrusits a little batch file sorta19:53
DarthFrogAliases are very useful, if only for preventing typos. :-)19:54
gernode7Hello. I have a problem with my ext4 partition. I got a read-only filesystem while I was using a VM on my kubuntu system and now I have a damaged fs. Grub does not find the main partition and can not start. I use a live cd to run dd_rescue and fsck. smartutils says that the disk itself is ok. fsck (e2fsck) gives me veeery many multiply-claimed block errors and it seems to be hanging (it runs since a few days and even w/ -C 0 option19:54
DarthFrogpsyrus: the command "alias -p" will show you all the aliases you currently have defined.  There are more than you think.19:55
DarthFroggernode7: You have a backup?  You need it.19:55
gernode7DarthFrog: yes, but not so recent one19:56
psyruswtf ?19:56
DarthFroggernode7: The School of Hard Knocks has just taught you the value of recent backups.19:56
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:57
DarthFrogWhich reminds me, I need to do a backup.19:57
psyrusvery humorous!!19:58
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psyrusfinally installing synaptic20:07
psyrusi'll be good once i have some sorta package manager20:07
DarthFrogmuon is the package manager.20:08
psyrusi deleted it20:08
DarthFrogAnd why did you do a damnfool thing like that?20:08
DarthFrogYou deserve to have to use dselect for the rest of your life!20:09
DarthFrogIf I had to use dselect, I'd go back to OS/2.20:10
psyrusoh boy..20:11
DarthFrogdselect is the spawn of Satan.20:11
DarthFrogBe glad that you don't.  Be very glad.20:11
psyrusanyways, i gotta install wine now, then a bunch of other crap.... its going to take a while20:13
BluesKajDarthFrog,  muon is buggy , the latest update messed it up20:13
psyrussynaptic is up and running good. it confirms i have no updates to install eiter20:14
DarthFrogLovely.  I wouldn't know, I use apt-get.20:14
DarthFrogSynaptic is OK.20:14
BluesKajadept still works , looks like it's been upgraded20:14
psyrusi dont care , as long as it works20:14
BluesKajyup , synaptic ftw20:14
DarthFrogThere's also kpackagekit.20:14
psyrusthis crap happened to me last time and i dind't know what to do and i spent all day in here trying to get help i was sooo p*** (not at here, but just at the dang o/s and  the probs . i have with it)20:15
DarthFrogI never really cottoned onto Adept.  Don't know why, but it never appealed to me.20:15
BluesKajsynaptic is merely a reference for apps and their descriptions for me , hardly ever use it to install20:15
BluesKajsynaptic is great for purging stuff tho20:16
psyrussstill dnloading the wine packages...20:25
psyrussynaptic wokrs just fine20:35
psyrusno problem with installing new stuff20:35
buldozerвсем привет20:43
DarthFrog!ru | bulldog9820:44
ubottubulldog98: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:44
NickmhAnybody got some time to help figure out what the hell my stsem is doing when I try to install updates using synaptic or muon package manager?21:04
Nickmhstsem = system21:04
Nickmhtrying to do a massive update after the PC has been down for 3-4 weeks over tholidays21:06
psyrusokay. well do you want to just do it manually this time around with the console ?21:06
NickmhSynaptic reported broken packages which i tried to fix using the "Broken" button21:06
psyrusdunno about synaptic...21:06
psyrusi just started using it today21:07
psyrusi was using moun but not anymore21:07
NickmhHHmmm can do it manually but synaptic is reporting that one file is trying to overwrite another that is already in another package. if that makes sense. I can paste in what it is21:07
NickmhE: /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-widgets-addons_4%3a4.7.97-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/default/icontasks/indicators.svgz', which is also in package build 20111113-121:08
psyruswhen u did sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?21:09
psyrustry typing that in the console and see what it does21:09
psyrusbut make sure first that neither package manager is running21:09
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Nickmhopening bash terminal21:10
Nickmhfailed to "fetch" an entry for Firefox aurora, but that doesn'21:11
Nickmht matter21:11
psyrusi dont know .. mebbe try re-running it after it finishes?21:12
NickmhI'lll remove it from the list of sources so it doesn't interfear21:12
psyrusu prolly no more about this than i do then. lol i just had to remove a package manager completely after a crash, it _stayed_ crashed ... lol .. i dnloaded synaptic from their website , works fine21:14
NickmhHHmmm,  in the bash shell....21:15
Nickmhjust ran sudo apt-get install -f21:15
Nickmhto fix unmet dependacies21:15
Nickmhfixing duplicate sources21:17
psyruswhat type of cpu do u have21:20
psyrusi on a ql server right now so21:21
NickmhI'm just on a cheapy intel box at the moment21:23
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Nickmhafter running sudo apt-get -f install I get21:23
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psyrusNickmh: , hit p and tab and keeping hitting it till psyrus show up and then type me a message next time okay ?21:25
psyrushey man u ever try out qlprism  ?? omg it rocks!!! i get killer fps too21:28
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NickmhA list of activities Packages to be installed, Removed Updraded etc.21:29
NickmhThe knsol then tells me...21:31
NickmhPreparing to replace plasma-widgets-addons 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1~ppa1 (using .../plasma-widgets-addons_4%3a4.7.97-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1_i386.deb) ...21:31
NickmhUnpacking replacement plasma-widgets-addons ...21:31
Nickmhdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-widgets-addons_4%3a4.7.97-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1_i386.deb (--unpack):21:31
Nickmh trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/default/icontasks/indicators.svgz', which is also in package build 20111113-121:31
FloodBotK1Nickmh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:31
Nickmhpsyrus: yep21:32
Nickmhhere now21:33
NickmhJust got "Floodbotted" :)21:33
Nickmhpsyrus: that konsol message make any sense to you?21:33
NickmhHHmmm, I don't know what to do about this21:38
Nickmhanyone got time try and sort out a updateing problrm?21:45
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psyrusNickmh: get it workin? idk but my whole system froze on me during a game so i had to reboot and accidently went to windows instead of linux21:50
Nickmhpsyrus: Nah not yet21:51
psyrusok whats going on in konsole?21:51
NickmhOK, I found the problem21:53
NickmhDuring the upgarde there is a conflict21:54
psyruswhen you get an oppurtunity, can you ping me and tell me what yours says?21:54
NickmhI have to get back to kde 4.7.421:54
psyruswhich upgrade did it hang up on ?21:54
psyrusis 4.7.95 the update or my pong response from you21:56
baxeico__hi, how to enable the search bar in dolphin?21:58
baxeico__i mean the search bar used to do nepomuk queries21:58
baxeico__i cannot see it any more21:58
baxeico__after upgrading to 4.721:58
baxeico__in onereic21:58
Nickmhpsyrus: how do i ping upi from in here?22:00
psyrusNickmh: /ping psyrus22:00
Nickmhpsyrus: ahhh got it.  Been a  long time since i was in cml22:00
NickmhHHmmm  Got no feedback22:01
Nickmhpsyrus: got no feedback22:02
psyruswhen i try to ping someone else, it is instinaneous, and i've pinged all sorts of ppl , its gotta be more than that but i dont know how to tell22:02
psyrusno matters22:03
psyrusi dont know much about restoring kde to a previous version22:03
psyrusdo you have any idea what that update applies to ?22:05
psyruswhen mine froze up , it crashed on the dpkg .. i dont even know what that is.. but it moun wouldn't recover , even after a reboot, so i installed synaptic and it has not given me a single problem ytet22:06
NickmhI had a beta ppa in software sources.  Got rid of that.  Now trying to get kde 4.7.4 back22:09
psyrushey i gotta restart from installing mumble i guess... brb22:10
NickmhHHHmmmm.  Does anyone know how to roll back from kde 4.7.97 to 4.7.422:26
BarkingFishNickmh: that's...interesting. How did you get onto 4.7.97 in the first place? We've only just put 4.7.4 out into the pools :)22:42
Nickmhok, then.  GNome it is :)22:46
NickmhI'll install GNome then KDE 4.7.4 from there :)22:46
BarkingFishFair enough :P  I only asked a civil question :P22:49
MaxHRHello, is there a way to install plasma Active workspace on kubuntu? if so how?22:53
BluesKajMaxHR,  install kubuntu-desktop22:57
benbloomok. after hours of tinkering I'm coming to the irc for help.... I've got a 64b machine running 64b kubuntu. It's got 4 DDR2 slots, but if i put more than 2G total of ram, it hangs at login. I can get it to log in in recovery mode using grub2 but then my multi-head display doesn't work as expected, and several other peripherals also seem broken (usb etc) anyone help me to diagnose what's going on here?23:03
EvilResistancebenbloom:  make sure you're using the correct type of RAM for your hardware23:15
EvilResistancebenbloom:  then also make sure your BIOS is detecting that new RAM23:15
benbloomEvilResistance, the ram chips I'm using are showing up and passing memtest86+ they work individually, (say one 2G chip works fine) and I've tried running memtest on the individual sticks in different slots to see if there was a problem with the board23:25
benbloomEvilResistance, I've swapped out different chips and it seems to be independent of which chips I use. If i run 2* 1G chips i'm fine, or 1*2G chip I'm fine, but as soon as i have >2G it gets janky. is there a log i can check for errors?23:27
EvilResistanceas i said did you check in the BIOS?23:28
benbloomEvilResistance, would the ram work with memtest if BIOS wasn't finding it?23:43
BarkingFishbenbloom: just as a thought, can you post the make and model of your board here? I know quite a lot used to have a maxmem for the board of no higher than 2GB...23:45
BarkingFishmight be wise to check and see if yours is one of them23:45
EvilResistancebenbloom:  unless BIOS can see the ram, nothing else can see it23:45
EvilResistanceso if BIOS isnt seeing the ram, well...23:45
EvilResistancebenbloom:  also, can you do as BarkingFish asks, because we can check what the max mem is for your board23:46
benbloomBarkingFish, how do i id the board? it's an Acer Aspire M3100 desktop23:47
BarkingFishyou've just done it, give me 2 seconds23:48
gastalbenbloom: jumping in the middle of discussion so I apologize if I'm repeating what some one might have said. I've had problems with RAM not being recognized be fixed by updating the BIOS23:48
benbloomgastal, and EvilResistance. while i did not check BIOS per se, I was able to run Memtest86+ on the chips (I did it with 2*2G chips in-- memtest passed but system failed to load properly23:50
BarkingFishRight, this is what the baord appears to be: AM2 Motherboard MB.S8709.00123:50
EvilResistanceMemory Support: Up to 4 GB DDR2 533/667/800 MHz SDRAM  <--23:51
EvilResistancei surely hope you have one of those speeds :/23:51
BarkingFishyeah, so you've not hit maximum memory, the question next is, do those sticks match - i.e are the clock speeds the same, manufacturers the same, I've had trouble with DDR2 before where I've mixed clock speeds and makers... they can be notoriously picky23:52
benbloomk. it's possible that one of the chips that i've used is not proper speed. when you say up to that's <= not < right?23:53
BarkingFishYou can have up to 4GB in there, meaning the absolute limit is 4GB, you can have lower than or up to that amount23:53
benbloomI just purchased 2 new 2G chips (same specs/mfg) and they gave me trouble23:54
BarkingFishmaker and clock speed?23:54
benbloomsame package. they're twin sticks23:54
gastalwhat frequency?23:55
BarkingFishno..  I mean "what was the clock speed and who was the maker?" :)23:55
benbloomlol crucial. speed was 800mhz23:55
gastalhmm, so should be supported and a decent brand23:56
BarkingFishwell crucial is usually fantastic stuff, and 800mhz is supported.23:56
EvilResistancecould be finnicky sticks, even within the same manufacturer stuff like that happens23:56
benbloomi have 4 slots. could be i need to put them in a different config physically? ie alternate yellow/blue or same color?23:56
BarkingFishNext thing then, have you had a check in the ram slots on your board? Are there any signs of dirt, dust, FO's or anything untoward in them?23:57
BarkingFishif so, hoover the board or use compressed air to blow the sockets clean23:57
benbloomi did run memtest86 on each stick individually upon arrival23:57
benbloomdoes it matter which slot they go into?23:57
gastalbenbloom: performance wise: maybe23:57
gastalworking wise: no23:58
BarkingFishideally, put them in the same color slots, i believe one is single channel, one is dual channel and I think it's only relevant to Windows iirc23:58
gastalthe modules of same size should stay in same colored slots for optimal performance(dual channel)23:58
gastalBarkingFish: linux can take advantage of dual(or even triple) channel memory just fine23:59
BarkingFishnice, I'll remember that :)23:59
benbloomok. so now i have 2 twin 1G sticks in the yellow slots (not crucial, but OEM). I was going to add another 800mhz 2G stick to one of the blue slots and see how that works23:59

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