
schnoomacDoes anyone know if there has been a problem with ubuntu users pushing to bazaar branches on launchpad? I keep on getting this "bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist." Although a few weeks ago it was working...01:37
mwhudsonit was working for me earlier01:38
mwhudsonschnoomac: can you pastebin the complete output?01:39
schnoomacGetting another error because i just regained my SSH key but the end part is always the same --> http://pastie.org/private/ojsrvahsim2yu2ou7dwviw01:45
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schnoomacok adding bar launchpad-login seems to have worked. It is weird I've never done this step :\01:54
mwhudsonon the countdown to bug 1 million!03:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103:51
hlamerbeep. https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/798957 reproduced04:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 798957 in Launchpad itself "PPA Uploads are seemingly (but not actually) rejected" [Critical,In progress]04:49
spmhlamer: bah. one sec.04:50
spmhlamer: give it a whirl now, should be good.04:52
hlameryes, thanks)04:53
hlamerIs it possible to restart the server in the exception handler?04:54
spmpossibly. whether that's a good idea or not is probably the real question; ideally the bug would be fixed instead.04:54
hlameryes, but since it is open for a long time, launchpad at least should remain operational04:55
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ochosimorning everyone, i have a trivial issue, my commits to bzr don't point to my launchpad account, instead they show my name and email address. i thought i did set up bzr correctly (i set the launchpad-login), what did i miss?07:28
maxbochosi: 'bzr launchpad-login' only deals with how the connection to Launchpad is authenticated. Each commit has its own author information associated, and that's what Launchpad uses to link commits to accounts - by matching the email address in the commit author to the Launchpad account with that email address.07:45
ochosimaxb: yeah, but looking at my commits in https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/precise i can't see an email-address problem here08:18
nigelbochosi: If you fix it, it doesn't get fixed for previous commits.08:19
ochosiyeah, sure, but i tried both email-addresses associated with my lp-account08:19
mrevellHowdy :)09:12
czajkowskinice to see more folks back in here this week, was rather quiet without you lot!09:14
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diwichi, I'm trying to delete a branch but it fails persistently with the error "If the problem persists, let us know in #launchpad"11:56
diwicthe branch is https://code.launchpad.net/~diwic/sound-2.6/trunk11:58
jelmer_diwic: hi12:01
jelmer_diwic: that's odd; I can try deleting it for you if you like (since it's a code import)12:01
diwicjelmer_, sure.12:02
diwicjelmer_, the branch has always been strange, it's always stuck in "Updating branch...12:02
diwicLaunchpad is processing new changes to this branch which will be available in a few minutes. Reload to see the changes." as well12:02
jelmer_hmm, it's not working here either - it forwards to the code browsing for some reason12:03
jelmer_diwic: can you file a bug about it?12:03
diwicjelmer_, against launchpad?12:03
jelmer_diwic: yep12:03
diwicjelmer_, ok, will do12:04
jelmer_diwic: thanks!12:05
* diwic filed bug 91712212:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 917122 in Launchpad itself "Cannot delete branch lp:~diwic/sound-2.6/trunk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91712212:07
wgrantjelmer_: It's not forwarding to codebrowse.12:07
wgrantBut I'm not sure why it's not properly timing out :/12:08
sorenIs ARM support for PPA's only available for commercial PPA's?12:49
wgrantIt's only available for PPAs owned by Canonical employees.12:49
wgrantBecause the buildds aren't virtualized.12:49
wgrantBecause ARM virt is sort of terrible/nonexistent at present.12:50
sorenTell me about it :(12:52
sorenwgrant: ok, thanks.12:52
jelmer_diwic: btw, ISTR you had issues with imports and daily builds of kernel-sized trees earlier13:28
jelmer_diwic: several of the issues related to that have been fixed; the only remaining one should be bug 80893013:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 808930 in Launchpad itself "Timeout running branch scanner job" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80893013:29
diwicjelmer_, cool, might make another try (without my script that filters the branch) later, when all bugs have been resolved13:30
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till___was wondering how i instruct a build to use a dep from another launchpad repo14:24
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till_fwiw, there is an "edit dependencies" link on your PPA14:31
till_just found it :)14:31
ScottKIs there anyone here that can kill a build?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pykde4/4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1/+build/3091719 has been stuck on "Unpacking chroot for build ..." for two days.14:40
DavieyScottK: might just be a really big chroot :)14:52
ochosihm, i think i tried pretty much everything, but my lp-account is still not linked to in commit-logs. any clues what to check? (email-address is set correctly i think)15:57
beunoochosi, it just matches by email address16:00
beunoso whatever the email address is in the author of the commit, you need to have it in your launchpad profile16:01
ochosibeuno: hm weird. this is my lp-profile: https://launchpad.net/~simon-steinbeiss16:01
ScottKbeuno: Do you know if there's a LOSA around that can kill https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pykde4/4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1/+build/3091719 ?16:01
ochosibeuno: and here you can see some commits: https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/precise16:01
beunoochosi, it's not the correct syntax16:02
beunoit should be "Name <email>"16:02
gnuoyScottK, I can take a look16:02
ochosibeuno: oh, hm, odd. i'm wondering whether i entered that by hand or used some bzr command...16:03
ScottKgnuoy: Thanks.  It's been hung for two days.16:03
ochosibeuno: thanks for that anyway, i'll try it immediately16:03
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ScottKgnuoy: I see it's restarted.  Thanks.16:25
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pfarrellhi! I have a question. I want to know how the dolfin package is built into this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~fenics-packages/+archive/fenics18:28
pfarrellunfortunately on the ppa website, I don't see any link to where the package recipe might be18:29
pfarrellany ideas?18:29
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haraldjHello I have a question regarding working on launchpad bug reports18:49
haraldjSpecifically I was wondering how to get the rights to work on bug reports from a package for which I'm uploader in Debian18:51
lifelessharaldj: uhm, I *think* we have package set based bug permissions these days18:52
lifelessharaldj: if so, getting registered as an uploader for your package (using the exact-match semantics) would probably do what you want18:52
haraldjWell I wanted to close bug 311139 as won't fix but can't18:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 311139 in openswan (Ubuntu) "upgrade hh --> ii" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31113918:53
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haraldjWhat does "registered as an uploader for your package" mean in this case? I'm mentioned in the package, but not in old versions...18:54
haraldjCould this be the problem?18:55
lifelessI've marked it up for you18:55
lifelessharaldj: ubuntu has a few different groups of uploaders; there are the can-do-anything (core-dev), then there are can-do-anything-unseeded (motu), can-do-anything-for-a-package-set (e.g. server, kde), and finally can-do-specific-packages (e.g. upstream maintainer of $FOO)18:56
lifelessharaldj: none of these are driven by the 'Maintainer:' header18:56
haraldjThanks for your help but I do not want to bother anybody everytime I deal with a bug report :-) - is there a method by which I could be made responsible for all openswan bug reports18:56
haraldjTHe issue is: The maintainer is mostly out of time so the last releases where primarily done by me18:57
lifelessso I'm proposing you apply for upload rights in Ubuntu to openswan18:57
lifelesswhich should be an easy discussion given your upstream involvement18:58
haraldjOk can you point me to a document how to do this?18:58
haraldjWell I have commit rights in Debian and also openswan upstream18:58
haraldjSo this would ease work a lot18:58
lifelessyes, just digging :)18:58
haraldj;-) no stress18:59
lifelesshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess says 'team membership' but I think thats a thinko on someone drafting docs - it still covers per-package-upload19:00
lifelessI wouldn't worry much/at all about endorsements given you have upload rights in debian; it -should- be a trivial discussion19:01
lifelessthey will want to know that you are up to date on Ubuntu process etc19:01
haraldjAh cool thanks - and another question, although in the same direction: It seems like the version of openswan in Hardy is lacking ppp support so I'm wondering how to solve this best19:01
lifelessfor that, I'll refer you to #ubuntu-devel :)19:01
tumbleweedharaldj: if you just need to triage bugs, not upload, you should join ubuntu-bugcontrol (you need to appyl to join)19:02
haraldjWell mainly I want to work on the bugs19:02
haraldjUploading to Ubuntu may be necessary for fixing bugs19:03
haraldjBut rather on a per case basis19:03
tumbleweedright, you get automatic bugcontrol membership with PPU19:03
haraldjI guess the main question is how to best tackle the bugs in current Ubuntu openswan packages19:04
macofor starters, get other devs to sponsor your patches19:04
macoafter you've uploaded a few times to each of the packags you're interested in, apply for per-package-uploader status for those packages (go to the developer membership board for this)19:05
haraldjYes but for example for Hardy there may be a longer discussion necessary19:05
ubot5Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:05
macothe stable release update approval team approves/rejects fixes for older releases19:06
macoif its fixed in the current dev version and not very invasive, its more likely to get approval in stable versions19:06
macoiirc, they approve/reject after upload these days19:07
haraldjLike Debian I guess... the main issue here is Ubuntu Hardy's openswan version is a little security hell...19:07
haraldjYes, 2.4 tree is pretty much abandoned upstream19:07
macoif its bad enough, having the hardy version removed and the precise version put into hardy's backports repo might be the better plan19:08
haraldjThe version currently in lenny-security would be a good compromise19:08
macothere's a backports team too19:08
macoScottK can be helpful for backports19:08
haraldjIt's still 2.4 although with all security fixes for all problem19:08
haraldjI would not propose this as 2.6 has some great config and handling changes19:09
macoah ok19:09
tumbleweedalso, backports aren't for fixing bugs19:10
haraldjCorrect - the only reason for me backporting openswan is to make KLIPS work with backport kernels19:10
haraldjSo my course of action should be to apply for PPU for openswan correct? Or just join ubuntu-bugcontrol?19:11
macoubuntu-bugcontrol lets you triage, so that's an easy first step19:11
macoif you want to do something similar to being in Uploaders: on a package, that's what PPU is for19:12
macobut generally expected that you've uploaded it with a sponsor once or twice before they give you that19:12
macotumbleweed: at the same time, jumping version numbers is usually reserved for backports, not srus...19:12
macohttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru are the people you need to convince the sru is a good idea, so if you know one of them, they might be up for helping you with the sru documentation19:13
haraldjWell I have the intention to apply for DM this year so I guess this may solve problems ;-)19:13
lifelessuploading upstream really should count as uploading in Ubuntu :)19:13
lifeless(where upstream is a distro that is)19:13
* maco finds it weird that there are people in the sru team whom she DOESNT know19:14
tumbleweedlifeless: yes and no. DDs maky not know anything about the ubuntu release schedule19:14
haraldj*ggg* well I usually try to solve problems as near to the root as possible19:14
macotumbleweed: that just means the DMB just asks them about the schedule and skips tech questions though19:14
tumbleweedmaco: yup19:15
lifelesstumbleweed: I know :)19:15
macowhy am i in this channel anyway?19:15
lifelesstumbleweed: see above where I say '08:01 < lifeless> they will want to know that you are up to date on Ubuntu process etc'19:15
haraldjTrue I guess the release schedule in Ubuntu makes work somewhat more calculable but Debian is working on it too ;-)19:15
* tumbleweed used to leave it after my question was answered, but I stopped bothering after a while19:15
lifelessmaco: because launchpad is line-of-business for Ubuntu ? :P19:16
macobut i dont even do ubuntu stuff anymore...19:16
lifelessmaco: I forgot :(19:16
haraldjWhat are you doing maco (if I may ask?)19:17
macoi got a spinning wheel for christmas, so now i spin and knit instead of doing foss19:17
macoalso got a boyfriend, and his sister is a good friend, so ya know...got a social life19:18
haraldj;-) well then at least you have something in your hands19:18
haraldjHmmm social what ;-) ?19:19
haraldjSo thanks everybody for your help, will do some reading and writing today...19:20
haraldjbyebye everbody19:21
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