
wxlwtf?  lmms : Depends: wine1.2 but it is not going to be installed02:47
wxlhey so how do you unmount a pcmanfm mounted sftp share?06:36
wxlgvfs-mount isn't installed, so..06:36
wxli could kill the ssh process but that's lame06:37
wxlfound it on computer:/// at least but there's no unmount option07:12
marcus_hi all. i wanted to read the log of the last meeting(s) but the url(s) seems to be broken, e.g. http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-11-20.05.log.html09:08
Unit193You can also find them on irclogs.ubuntu.com09:10
marcus_ah, thanks a lot09:13
Unit193Fedora looking at Lubuntu logs? ;)09:13
marcus_should i correct the links in the wiki?09:13
marcus_ah, you mean my cloak. don't bother about that. i have to work with fedora/redhat at my day job09:14
Unit193That'd be good, I  didn't know they were wrong really :P09:14
Unit193(I was kidding, I don't care)09:14
marcus_but hopefully we can migrate to (l)ubuntu this year, at least the student labs09:14
marcus_the bad thing is that we have to authenticate our clients against active directory09:15
marcus_and i have to figure out if that works with lxdm09:15
Unit193With the next releasw it'll be LightDM anyway09:16
marcus_ah, ok. that should work09:17
marcus_so i don't have to waste that much energy on lxdm ;)09:17
marcus_besides that, i want to do a talk about lubuntu at our next ubucon. are there any slides/templates available, already?09:20
Unit193There was a showoff section (can't remember the real name :P )09:24
* Unit193 really was just kidding :(09:25
JohnDoe_71Ruslxtask and hardinfo show the different size of physical memory. lxtask(1001Mb) hardinfo(1025Mb) Why?09:31
Unit193How they calculate it, I'd think that lxtask doesn't count memory used by graphics09:33
marcus_all links to irc logs corrected09:33
JohnDoe_71Rusdiscret video with discret memory09:33
MrChrisDruif!help firefox10:07
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draiochhi my login user/pass suddenly no work no more tried all obvious any way to reset it using latest lubuntu thx12:25
draiochwas that for me bioterror thx?12:26
sysmatckhello! I made an conf. on my desktop and now the right button of my mouse opens an different menu... I would like to turn back the conf. but I cant find the app that changes wallpaper were I did the conf...13:10
sysmatckanyone knows the of the app who make that conf. I think that is enough for me to reach it trough terminal!13:15
bioterrorsysmatck, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Workarounds#Right-clicking_on_desktop_pulls_up_a_menu_that_is_missing_the_.22Desktop_Preferences.22_option_and_now_I_can.27t_change_my_wallpaper13:17
sysmatckbioterror, tnx! problem solved...13:19
draiochbioterror having wee prob with step 5 in above link  Go to the very end of the line, change the ro to rw and add init=/bin/bash13:32
draiochwhen in grub cant find "change ro to rw..."13:32
draiochonly line in grub with "ro"  is "ro    splash quiet vt.handoff....."13:37
draiochdo i edit "ro" to "rw" and delete the rest of the line and add init=/bin/bash13:40
bioterroryou just add init=/bin/bash to the end of it13:45
draiochah thx13:45
draiochso i change ro to rw in line 10 and add init=/bin/bash to the end of line 11 after "generic " with a space between13:48
patinux1Hola acabo de instalar lubuntu en un AMD viejuno con 250 mb RAM, tengo la duda de como instalar el adobe flash para ver videos de youtube...14:41
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noobuntutengo mono de windows :S14:43
noobuntuen velocidad comparado con el XP tampoco es que se note mucho14:44
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grobda24Does task manager show correct memory usage ?14:47
grobda24On my system it shows 80mb used of 488mb14:47
grobda24But "free -t -m" shows 234 used of 25314:47
holsteini would trust free14:52
grobda24holstein, that's what I thought14:58
grobda24but I'm aware it depends how the system is set up14:58
grobda24as the kernel can set up a lot of buffers14:58
grobda24that are released when a big application starts up14:58
holsteini like conky too14:59
tatabgdhow to install prism google talk on lubuntu 11.10, I cant find it in synaptic pm14:59
holsteinmaybe it was taken out tatabgd http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=prism-google-talk15:01
holsteini would probably just try the .deb15:01
tatabgdis it work on lubuntu, I mean it is file for fo ubuntu?15:04
tatabgdthey are:hardy, lucid, maverik, which one for lubuntu 11.10?15:05
holsteintatabgd: thats what i mean15:06
holsteinits been taken out it seems15:06
holsteinso its not available in the repositories for 11.1015:06
holsteini would have no problem trying a .deb from an earlier version15:06
holsteinbut, it might not work..15:07
tatabgdok, but I didnt find .deb15:07
holsteintatabgd: you can get to it via the links i gave15:08
holsteinor you could look around and see how other folks are doing it15:08
holsteinmaybe just installing google talk, and then prism15:08
holsteinhttp://pkgs.org/download/prism-google-talk for example15:10
holsteinthat should either work, or kick up an error that you can easily resolve, and revert from15:11
tatabgdam I wrong when I say that Lubuntu10.04 work better than new 11.10?15:14
holsteintatabgd: better is a matter of opinion15:15
holsteinlubuntu is ubuntu with LXDE15:15
holsteinthey are the same repositories15:15
holsteinthe reason you might prefer 10.04 to 11.10 is that 10.04 is an LTS (long term support)15:15
tatabgdon my hardware, lubuntu 11.10 is crash several time, why?15:16
holsteinyou might have or encounter some hardware that is not supported in 11.10 that was well supported in 10.0415:16
holsteintatabgd: i would say the kerne is a great place to start.. you can look for bug reports relating to your hardware... you can try 12.04, the upcoming release LIVE15:17
pip__ hi I'm trying to access a netgear driver disc & when I stick it in the tray nothing happens.  How do I mount this manually?16:24
Folkloreyes SOPA is squashed!! http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/01/16/1457237/house-kills-sopa pipa still alive though16:27
epictetusholstein: lubuntu's slightly more different than just ubuntu with lxde, right"?17:10
epictetuslike for instance there is no pulseaudio17:10
epictetus(pulseaudio is the bane of my existance on normal ubuntu systems, it is such a hog)17:10
holsteinepictetus: sure17:31
holsteinthe very same pulse version is in the repositories though17:32
holsteinso is the same LXDE version17:32
holsteinthey are capable of being the same.. of course they are customized17:32
holsteindepending on how you are looking at it, if you want to take software version #'s into account, there are way more similarities between ubuntu 11.10 and lubuntu 11.10, vs. lubuntu 11.10 and lubuntu 10.0417:35
patinux1para compartir una carpeta en lubuntu alguien me da alguna indicacion de que hay que instalar o un link?18:52
ubot5En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:53
patinux1how to share folders in lubuntu?18:53
bioterrorwith smb.conf for example18:53
ubot5Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:53
patinux1ok ill watch that thx18:54
bioterrormine for example18:54
bioterroryou might want to remove comment from force group18:54
bioterrorpatinux1, so you need to install samba19:00
bioterrorand configure that smb.conf and then start samba service19:01
patinux1im watching this sudo mkdir /media/mountname19:02
patinux1sorry i dont understand :P19:02
patinux1what that has to do19:03
patinux1so get to the config thing is still far to me i think19:03
patinux1first day with linux19:03
ram19890When i right click , i get the open-box settings . How to revert back to the normal settings ?19:49
bioterrorram19890, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Workarounds#Right-clicking_on_desktop_pulls_up_a_menu_that_is_missing_the_.22Desktop_Preferences.22_option_and_now_I_can.27t_change_my_wallpaper19:52
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IdanSuperHello everybody, I need help, somebody know how to set up my wireless card? its model is:D-link DWL-650+20:38
IdanSuperoHH sorry I forget and I'm use Lubuntu 11.1020:38
holsteinIdanSuper: open up a terminal and run20:41
holsteinyou can get the network card info from there, or paste it in a pastebin20:41
IdanSuperhow to open terminal (It's my first time on linux)..20:41
holsteini think i have one of those, but you never know the chipset til you look20:41
holsteinIdanSuper: you can find it in the menu20:41
holsteinlxterm? something like that20:41
Unit193holstein: He should be able to try   sudo iwlist wlan0 scan  no?20:42
holsteinUnit193: go for it!20:44
holsteinthats probably better20:44
holsteini just go with what i know :)20:44
IdanSuperWhat I need to do after running the command:lspci?20:45
holsteinIdanSuper: i say this in the nicest possible way20:48
holsteinand mean no disrespect or ill will20:48
holsteini suggest getting another card20:48
holsteinyou *can* make that card work20:48
holsteinits not trivial20:48
holsteinand i tried so many ways, i forget which one worked20:48
holsteinlet me look and see if that is the exact hardware i have20:49
IdanSuper[22:48] <holstein> IdanSuper: i say this in the nicest possible way [22:48] == IdanSuper [5dac8f3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] [22:48] ==  realname : 93-172-143-63.bb.netvision.net.il/ - [22:48] ==  channels : #lubuntu [22:48] ==  server   : rowling.freenode.net [Corvallis, OR, USA] [22:48] ==  idle     : 0 days 0 hours 2 minutes 44 seconds [connected: Mon Jan 16 22:37:21 2012] [22:48] == End of WHOIS [22:420:49
IdanSuperXliron@liron-laptop:~$   ISPCI ISPCI: command not found liron@liron-laptop:~$ lspci 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82852/82855 GM/GME/PM/GMV Processor to I/O Controller (rev 01) 00:00.1 System peripheral: Intel Corporation 82852/82855 GM/GME/PM/GMV Processor to I/O Controller (rev 01) 00:00.3 System peripheral: Intel Corporation 82852/82855 GM/GME/PM/GMV Processor to I/O Controller (rev 01) 00:02.0 VGA compatible controlle20:49
holsteini had it working, and reinstalled, and now its not, and it was something i forgot how i did it20:49
holsteinIdanSuper: no worries20:49
IdanSuperthis is what the terminal show to me..20:49
holsteinIdanSuper: let me show you pastebin for that in the furtre20:49
IdanSuperwhy am I Need it?20:50
holsteinIdanSuper: for the lines you pasted20:50
holsteinso you dont flood the channel20:50
holsteinand they fit20:50
IdanSuperOhh yea okk sorry.. so now.. I can't do anything with my network card?20:51
IdanSupercuz I saw a project called ACX10020:51
IdanSuperAnd it's so complicated for me :(20:51
IdanSupermaybe can you help me?20:51
holsteini have a DWL-G65020:52
IdanSuperohh really?20:52
holsteindoesnt really matter though20:52
IdanSuperwhat a coincidence :)20:52
holsteinthey can have different chipsets and be the same thing ;)20:52
IdanSuperso I think you are professional on it..20:52
holsteinIdanSuper: far from it20:52
holsteinthese days, hardware is so cheap20:53
IdanSuperyeah right... so you can help me to run acx100?20:53
IdanSuperyou try it?20:53
holsteinIdanSuper: is this something you can return?20:53
holsteinIdanSuper: ill try it20:53
IdanSuperreturn to who?20:53
holsteinIdanSuper: did you just buy it?20:53
IdanSuperno.. it's my uncle computer.. he flew to Portugle so he gave me his computer20:54
IdanSupermy computer is: IBM ThinkPad G40 From 200420:54
IdanSuperAnd it's came with this wireless adapter20:54
holsteinIdanSuper: OK20:55
IdanSuperso after 8 years I don't think I can return it back..20:55
holsteinrun lspci20:55
holsteinand paste that output in a pastebin20:55
holsteinso i can see it *all*20:55
holsteinand i'll get this up and runing here20:55
holsteinIdanSuper: just so you know20:56
holsteinthis could likely be something that in 40 minutes, neither of us have wifi ;)20:57
holsteinbut i *did* get it working20:57
IdanSuperthank you very much!20:57
IdanSuperyou are genius!20:57
holsteinwe'll see20:58
holsteinIdanSuper: nah20:58
holsteinthey are different20:58
holsteinIdanSuper:  the chipsets20:59
IdanSuperwhat are different?20:59
IdanSuperYeah I know..20:59
holsteinlemme look around a sec20:59
holsteinIdanSuper: what works for me, wont work for you likely20:59
IdanSuperBut there is a tuturial how to enable it on acx100 project20:59
holsteinIdanSuper: here is what i would look at21:01
IdanSuperso I need to try this:sudo modprobe acx iwconfig21:02
holsteinIdanSuper: try and work down that page and see how for you get21:02
holsteinsudo modprobe acx21:03
holsteinthen the other...21:03
IdanSuperI try it..21:04
IdanSuperbut I don't know if it found it or not21:04
IdanSuperI'll send you on ubuntu paste what it wrote for me..21:04
holsteinIdanSuper:  you can use that pastebin to have us look21:04
holsteinIdanSuper: thats good21:05
holsteinare you sure its not just working?21:06
IdanSuperyou think I need to open post on the forum21:06
holsteinmabye theres a little icon in the panel21:06
IdanSuperof how to fix that problem?21:06
holsteinyou click that and see networks21:06
IdanSuperyeah right..21:06
IdanSuperright now I'm connected through cable..21:07
IdanSuperso It show me wired connected21:07
holsteinIdanSuper: what do you get when you run21:07
holsteinsudo modprobe acx21:07
IdanSuperFATAL: Module acx not found.21:07
IdanSuperthat what I got..21:07
IdanSupermay I open post on the forum?21:08
holsteinIdanSuper: you can post where you like21:10
IdanSuperyou think that what I need to do?21:10
holsteinIdanSuper: you can21:10
holsteinif you wait, i'll have a suggestion for you21:10
IdanSuperI will wait..21:10
IdanSuperwhat is your suggestion please?21:10
holsteinIdanSuper:  you can also use ndiswrapper21:11
holsteintheres a GUI for i21:11
holsteinyou get the windows driver and use ndisgtk to point to it21:12
IdanSuperAnd I read some about it..21:12
holsteinyou install ndisgtk21:12
holsteinits "windows wireless drivers" in the menu21:12
IdanSuperBut acx project has native program for it.. and Ndiwrapper isn't21:12
IdanSuperbut I will try It..21:12
IdanSuperHow to install it?21:12
holsteinIdanSuper: thats on the site21:13
holsteinif thats looks complicated, thats why i suggested ndis21:13
IdanSuperIt looks complicated because its from 200521:14
IdanSuperso it's not updated21:14
IdanSuperso I will try ndiswrapper21:14
holsteinif it was in the kernel, it would be working21:15
holsteinthe process will be similar, if not the same21:15
IdanSuperthe acx project?21:15
IdanSuperok so can you help me on how to run the firmware?21:18
holsteinIdanSuper: sure21:18
holsteinwhere are you?21:18
holsteinwhats the readme file say?21:18
holsteinwhat have you tried so far?21:18
IdanSuperFor ACX100 things get a little tricky. There is one master firmware image, but 2 separate radio firmware images (note: for some cards they must be omitted so the driver loads correctly). Your best bet is to go to this page(down, archived page) to find the firmware images you need.21:19
kosaidpohello guys21:19
MrChrisDruifAloha kosaidpo21:19
holsteinIdanSuper: so you did that? you get the firmware you need?21:19
IdanSuperthe links for the firmware21:20
IdanSuperaren't work anymore..21:20
IdanSupertry them too..21:20
kosaidpoi made a file in .config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart and out in it some command but they dont run when i booot any idea why ??21:20
holsteinIdanSuper: might be taken down... lemme look21:21
holsteinthese are working for me21:22
MrChrisDruifSorry, I'm not getting your drift kosaidpo21:23
IdanSuperyeah I know21:23
IdanSuperbut the links to download them aren't21:23
IdanSuperand I think I found a firmware for my device nevermind..21:23
holsteinIdanSuper: which do you want?21:23
IdanSuperSo waht is Lubuntu?21:23
holsteini can put them is dropbox21:23
holsteinubuntu with LXDE and some other tweaks21:24
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif:  i created a file in .config/lxsession/Lubuntu named autostart and put in it some command but they dont start while start up21:24
IdanSuperso It's mean Ubuntu on the list of where to put it"?21:24
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: am i clear now and thanks21:25
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo; could this be part of your solution? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_into_Desktop21:26
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: i dont wanna make desktop files thou21:26
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo; I think everything in ~/.config/autostart/ get's autostarted?21:27
kosaidpoyesh MrChrisDruif21:27
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: but tther desktop files while me iwanna only run an alias of a command21:27
MrChrisDruifIt'll add your script to Desktop Session Settings if I'm right21:29
MrChrisDruifIt's not just for .desktop's afaik21:29
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: well so under that folder (autostart) what shud i do ??21:31
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo; 'mv ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart ~/.config/autostart/autostart'21:32
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: then add my commande ?? cus me i created and autostart file under .config/lxsession/Lubuntu but didnt work21:32
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo; you already made your script right?21:33
MrChrisDruifJust move that script to the proper folder (~/.config/autostart/) and it should pop-up in Desktop Session Settings21:34
MrChrisDruifMenu -> Preferences -> Desktop Session Settings21:34
IdanSuperhow do I install .bz2 format?21:34
kosaidpoIdanSuper: do you want to extract a file with that format ? if so do tar xvjf21:36
kosaidpotar xjvf filename IdanSuper21:37
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: thanks21:37
IdanSuperkosaidpo do you know how to setup wireless adapter named D-link DWL-650+ on lubuntu?21:37
IdanSuperorr how I run ndiswrapper GUI version? and not the command one?21:41
holsteinIdanSuper: ndisgtk21:41
holsteingksudo ndisgtk21:41
IdanSuperokk!! thank you!21:42
IdanSuperit's not do anything21:42
IdanSuperI'm clicked enter And it's write my computer name back..21:42
holsteinIdanSuper: not sure what you are saying21:44
holsteinyou navigate to the windows driver in the GUI there21:44
IdanSuperafter I write gksudo ndisgtk21:44
holsteinIdanSuper: you need to give your user password?21:45
holsteinnot sure what you are looking at21:45
IdanSuperit's wrote me back that:liron@liron laptop:~$21:45
IdanSuperI did it21:45
holsteingksudo means run the graphical application with root privleges21:45
IdanSuperand After that It's doesn't did anything21:45
IdanSuperOh...... how to download Ndiswrapper?21:45
holsteinIdanSuper: mabye you have the password wrong21:46
IdanSuperand Install it?21:46
IdanSuperMy password right21:46
holsteinmaybe you didnt install dnisgtk21:46
IdanSuperbut I haven't installed it21:46
holsteinIdanSuper: in a terminal21:46
IdanSuperyes....... So HOw to install it'21:46
holsteinsudo apt-get update21:46
holsteinhit enter21:46
holsteinthen sudo apt-get install ndisgtk21:46
holsteinanswer yes or whatever and hit enter21:46
holsteingksudo ndisgtk21:47
holsteinenter password... wait...21:47
holsteinnavigate to the windows driver in the GUI21:47
holsteintry wireless...21:47
holsteinreport errors21:47
IdanSuperIf my windows driver is ended with .exe it still work?21:47
holsteinIdanSuper: nope21:48
holsteinyou'll want an .ini21:48
IdanSuperso what I can to do?21:48
holsteinIdanSuper: whatever you want21:48
holsteinyou can run it in windows and find the drivers21:48
MrChrisDruifI guess it worked for kosaidpo?21:48
holsteinyou can run the .exe in wine and extract the drivers21:48
holsteinyou can try right-clicking on the .exe and extracting it21:49
holsteinyou can look for a windows driver that is not an .exe21:49
holsteinyou can try the other methods that are more native21:49
IdanSupersorry for the ask but what is wine?21:51
holsteinIdanSuper: i would go to a used computer shop and take that comp with you21:52
holsteintake the wifi card... ask if you can trade it ofr another one21:52
holsteinplug them in while you are there21:52
holsteinthere will be plently that will "just work"21:52
holsteineven if you spend a few buck in the trade, id say you come out ahead21:52
IdanSuperit's so so complicated.....21:52
holsteinits not trivial21:53
holsteinat the end of today, and maybe tomorrow, you *might* have wifi21:53
holsteinnot being in front of it, its challening for me to trouble shoot it21:53
IdanSuperairplus.inf is ok?21:58
holsteinIdanSuper: i would like to say you cant hurt anything by trying it ;)21:59
holsteingo for it though.. in this case, you should be able to try several different driver files easily22:00
wxlis there an icon for lxfind? i'm sure there is, but does anyone know it?22:32
MrChrisDruifwxl; is there already a icon? I thought it is a new program?22:37
wxlMrChrisDruif: i dunno, sort of assumed there was22:37
wxlchances are we already see your query, SilverLion so go for it22:38
MrChrisDruifwxl; I think you could use catfish's icon for now?22:41
MrChrisDruifSilverLion; shoot, what was your trouble?22:42
SilverLionevening folks time for some stupid questions22:42
SilverLion1. i need to get adobe flash player working for chrome22:42
SilverLionor seamonkey22:42
MrChrisDruifadobe.com and download the .deb?22:44
ubot5To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:44
SilverLionMrChrisDruif: already tryd and it failed !22:45
MrChrisDruifYou didn't say that22:45
SilverLiondidnt work just died with no error#22:45
MrChrisDruifWas the browser running while installing?22:45
SilverLionhey you should know me that good by now that you know i dont ask before i check everything i know ^22:45
MrChrisDruifJust making sure, I also make dumb mistakes from time to time22:46
SilverLionwell then you just dont know me ^22:46
wxlduh yeah catfish icon thx MrChrisDruif22:49
MrChrisDruifYou're welcome wxl ^_^22:49
SilverLionMrChrisDruif: bugreport: seamonkey just crashed without any reason22:57
MrChrisDruifThat's not nice22:58
wxlSilverLion: hate to say it, but "bugreport:" on IRC is not an approved way of making bug reports.23:01
SilverLionMrChrisDruif: does know how to understand this, right?=23:02
MrChrisDruifwxl; SilverLion is partly an android, he uses awkward terminology from time to time23:02
SilverLionMrChrisDruif: genious minds are alowed to do that from time to time, arent they?23:03
MrChrisDruifYes, just like androids. You are the latter ^_^23:03
SilverLionyeah just make your fun of me23:04
SilverLioni gotta go hit the pillows now23:04
wxluh oh23:04
SilverLionbeen a rough day at the police station23:05
SilverLionwxl that is no issue of anger, that is pure frustration :D23:05
wxli've used it like once23:38
MrChrisDruifUsed what once?23:39

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