
=== raxetul is now known as Guest81049
=== calculu5 is now known as calculus
=== calculu5 is now known as calculus
AdamOutlerI was wondering if there was a guide somewhere which can lead me through obtaining Ubuntu/linux sources and compiling it into a boot.img?05:42
AdamOutlerand a bootable drive.05:42
twbFor what hardware?05:42
AdamOutlerI am using a blaze-tabet based piece of equipment.05:42
AdamOutlerTexas Instruments OMAP 4430, blaze tablet.05:43
twbThere are prebuilt omap4 images05:43
AdamOutlerIt's a production version though and I have to recompile sources.05:43
AdamOutlerbecause the drivers are different.05:43
twbUh, so just compile the drivers05:44
AdamOutlerwell, there's a caviet...  it's a device based on blaze, it's actually a Nook Tablet...  I located a security hole and it will only work for boot.img files.  I need to use my own kernel on it.05:45
AdamOutlerso, I'd like to find a guide on compiling a kernel from scratch and making a boot.img.05:45
twbI don't know what you mean by boot.img05:46
AdamOutlerboot.img is Android standard..   basically it has to authenticate with the bootloader before it can be loaded.05:46
twbOK, a blobtools boot.img05:46
twbEr, I mean abootimg05:46
twbThe tool I have seen that builds those is called "abootimg", apt-get install it05:47
AdamOutlerI need some sort of guide though.05:47
AdamOutlerah ha!  abootimg is a good tool05:48
twbTo build the kernel, get an environment that can compile for your target architecture, then do "make zImage" or "make deb-pkg" to taste05:48
twbIt would be a good idea to start with the stock ubuntu kernel and its omap4 .config05:48
AdamOutlertwb,  and abootimg handles zImage files?05:48
twbAdamOutler: I don't remember offhand05:48
AdamOutlerok, twb, what is a uImage?05:48
twbDifferent flavour of zImage, it's for u-boot05:49
twbIf you are using the android bootloader (which takes abootimg boot.img files), then you don't want uImage.05:49
AdamOutlerI have uImage and uInitrd..  they need to get into a boot img...  I found a program that converts uImage to zImage, and now I need to convert uInitrd to initrd I guess.05:50
twbYou probably want to prepare an Ubuntu rootfs, generate a kernel .deb, install the latter into the former, then run abootimg on the resulting kernel and ramdisk from /boot05:50
twbAdamOutler: if you already have a uImage why are you asking about kernel compilation?05:50
AdamOutlertwb.  you're opening my eyes.05:50
AdamOutlertwb.. I've been compiling non-stop for a few days,  I have several test images to work with in various formats.05:51
twbWhat hardware are you compiling on?05:51
AdamOutlerstupid boot.img is tearing me up.05:51
AdamOutlertwb, I'm cross-compiling from a i5 quad core for ARM arch05:52
twbThat should compile in deciminutes, not days05:52
AdamOutlertwb, it's operator error... this is why I asked for a guide when I came in ;)05:52
twbTry turning off the debugging symbols05:52
twbAdamOutler: it would be a good idea for you to get comfortable building normal x86 kernels first05:53
AdamOutlertwb I am comfortable building 86_6405:53
twbAdamOutler: that way you will have a solid foundation when you try to get a handle on the arm randomness05:53
AdamOutlertwb, I've been operating several linux boxes in my home for years.  I've compiled several for my media center alone.05:54
AdamOutlerI'd just like some knoledge about all these formats and everything..  On my Samsung, I could just flash a zImage to my device and I was done..  This boot.img format is crazy.05:55
twbIIUC samsungs use u-boot and are generally on the "less stupid" side of ARM'd spectrum of idiocy05:55
AdamOutlerzImage has Ramdisk+kernel.   For some reason Boot.img has zImage + ramdisk, + android headers?05:55
twbzImage does not normally include the ramdisk05:56
twbThe kernel has support for tacking a ramdisk onto itself -- this should work in both cases05:56
twbNormally the ramdisk is a separate file.05:56
AdamOutlerok, and what is the point of a ramdisk when the files are already on the root of the storage medium?05:57
twbTo generate a boot.img using abootimg, you need a kernel, a ramdisk (optional), and a config file that basically consists of the options passed at the boot: prompt05:57
twbAdamOutler: the primary reason to use a ramdisk, is so you can build a small portable kernel and then include device-specific drivers to *get to* the root fliesystem, in the ramdisk05:57
twbThat is how e.g. Ubuntu x86 servers all share the same kernel despite having different SATA controllers and video cards05:57
twbYou can also put various other clever code in the ramdisk, e.g. this is how live CDs are made to look writable05:58
twbThere is probably a paper somewhere that describes the linux boot process in detail; I don't have one handy to recommend.05:59
AdamOutlerI think this is what I need.05:59
AdamOutlerthe paper describing the Uboot/Linux boot process.  I really need to sort out these formats.05:59
AdamOutleryou're making me much smarter though twb.  I appreciate it.06:00
AdamOutlermay I ask what you do for a living?06:00
AdamOutlerthanks for your help.06:06
AdamOutlertwb..  one more thing before I go..  On the pre-compiled version, the touchscreen is 90 degrees off, and the wifi is totally inop.   Any suggestions before I go trying to mix and match and recompile a few more things?06:09
twbxrandr may help the latter if you are using X06:09
twbEr, the former06:09
twbwifi will probably be a missing firmware blob or soemthing06:09
twbYou'll need to find someone who knows about your hw06:13
AdamOutlerok..  I found out about the xrandr thing, but I'm having a problem getting getty to work.  I have a UART console hooked up, but I can't get shell access no matter what I do.06:14
AdamOutlerI think it may have to do with the kernel being compiled with ttyS2 instead of ttyO2 for the default?06:14
AdamOutlerI'm monitoring on ttyO206:14
twbNever heard of ttyO206:14
twbI've only seen ttyACM0 or so, plus the usual tty1 and ttyS006:15
AdamOutler/dev/ttyO2 is Texas Instrument's serial administration console.06:15
AdamOutlerOn samsung devices it's /dev/ttySAC206:15
twbWell, you can just pass console=/dev/ttyO206:15
twbOn the boot: prompt06:16
AdamOutlerI can make this device and get output from it.. I just can't seem to send any input.  this would solve about 99% of my problems.06:16
twbAlso in /etc/init/ there is a ttyN.conf you need to make one for O206:16
AdamOutlerI can't pass arguments.06:16
twbWhat output are you seeing?  The linux kernel boot messages?  A tty login prompt?  Both?06:16
AdamOutlerI'm only getting kernel boot messages.   I have tried several things including creating a S80StartConsole in /etc/RCS.d, creating my device on the /dev/ folder with the proper chmod params, and creating a /etc/init/ttyO2.conf06:18
twbyou probably got ttyO2.conf wrong, pastebin it06:19
twbAssuming the baud rate is right, looks OK to me.06:20
AdamOutlerI've tried with those params and a -L instead of 8n06:20
twbOh, and "rc RUNLEVEL=..." looks wrong.06:20
twbNever mind, it looks like that's the style used for other getty .conf06:21
twbI'm used to "start on runlevel [2345]" and "stop on runlevel [^2345]"06:21
twbI'm used to "start on runlevel [2345]" and "stop on runlevel [!2345]" (braino)06:21
AdamOutlerI'll try that.06:22
AdamOutlernext time.06:22
AdamOutlermy s80StartConsole contains "start ttyO2" and a bunch of other things.  I have determined it is run as root so I have a way to make things happen, I just don't know what needs to happen.06:23
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
S0NiChmm is it possoible to play on a pandaboard any mp4 video? is this supported?12:31
tarutiS0NiC: just use mplayer?12:32
ogra_only supported in totem12:33
LetoThe2ndogra_: depends on the desired playback speed ;)12:33
ogra_mplayer would only try to do it in sw ... all gstreamer based players can use the hw acceleration of the panda (if you have the codecs installed=12:34
S0NiCogra_: wich codecs would that be?12:34
ogra_LetoThe2nd, indeed, i should have said that mplayer is great for turning mp4 movies into slideshows instead :)12:34
ogra_S0NiC, just install the ubuntu-omap4-extras or the ubuntu-omap4-multimedia packages after you enabled the PPA12:35
LetoThe2ndS0NiC: maybe have a good look at http://rsalveti.wordpress.com/2012/01/06/hw-video-decode-and-xbmc-ubuntu-linaro/12:35
LetoThe2ndogra_: cool use case that is ;)12:35
ogra_(they get installed by default after you clicked the TI desktop item on the images)12:35
ogra_LetoThe2nd, well, ubuntu-tv extensively makes use of xbmc ;)12:36
LetoThe2ndogra_: havent gotten round to try it yet :/12:36
S0NiChmm wich kind of video works out of the box?12:36
S0NiCdoes anybody know?12:39
LetoThe2ndS0NiC: any video works out of the box, but none with hw accel. thats why the ppa is there.12:40
S0NiCLetoThe2nd: ok that means i have to enable hw acceleration. what means ppa in this case?12:40
LetoThe2ndS0NiC: basically http://omappedia.org/wiki/PandaBoard_Ubuntu_PPA, no idea how uptodate the instructions are.12:41
ndecthe codecs which are h/w accelerated on OMAP4 are MPEG2, MPEG4, H263, H264, VC1 (WMV)12:43
S0NiCLetoThe2nd: but i think your link http://rsalveti.wordpress.com/2012/01/06/hw-video-decode-and-xbmc-ubuntu-linaro/ is good. but i have to create a new image...12:43
ndecjust start with the default 11.10, upgrade it, reboot, and install the TI adds on.12:43
ndecthat should be a good start.12:43
S0NiCndec: mom12:44
S0NiCndec: ok, iam using 10.10 at the moment...12:45
ndecany good reason to stick to 10.10?12:45
LetoThe2nd"ancient technologies and wisdom of the olde"?12:45
S0NiCndec: no12:46
S0NiCok, dann i update,12:46
ndec11.10 has better OMAP support, and more codecs. and is maintained in case you face an issue12:46
S0NiCwhat is ment by the "ti adds"12:46
ndechum, my advice is to restart from scratch, don't dist-upgrade a 10.10 system into 11.10.12:46
LetoThe2ndS0NiC: the ti addons for hw accel12:46
ndeconce you install 11.10 image, there will be an icon to install the TI 'addons' on the desktop. just click12:47
S0NiCi get them with apt-get....?12:47
ndecyes you can too.12:47
S0NiCndec: ah cool12:47
LetoThe2ndS0NiC: have you actuelly read the links?12:47
S0NiCthanks guys12:47
S0NiCLetoThe2nd: only your link12:47
S0NiCnow i have a lot to do ;D12:47
ndecbut make sure that you run apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade before you install the TI stuff. some people have reported that there are issues otherwise12:47
LetoThe2ndS0NiC: i doubt it, because then you would know how to install them ;)12:48
LetoThe2ndone could also aim directly for the tv release that ricardo pointed to...12:50
S0NiCok i have to leave cya later...12:52
S0NiCthx bye12:52
LetoThe2ndside note: his original question was in #ubuntu-de why 'apt-cache search vlc' did not yield any results :)12:54
ogra_oh, it should12:54
LetoThe2ndogra_: on ancient 10.10, and a user that doesn't know how to handle a ppa? ;)12:55
* ogra_ gets more than a terminal page 12:55
ogra_doesnt matter, vlc is in universe, he should even have seen it on 10.1012:55
ndeci guess he didn't enable universe12:56
ogra_yeah, smells like12:56
ogra_and 10.10 had a bug with the default sources.list iirc12:56
ogra_which we fixed in an update12:56
LetoThe2ndsmells like nirvana... erm, teen spirit ;)12:56
* ogra_ had totally forgotten ubuntu-de ... i used to be resident there ... but i find IRC in german weird and have probs to not write half my sentences in english12:57
LetoThe2ndogra_: the traffic there receded quite a bit over the last 3 or 4 years, after we enforced more and more to stay on topic, and in the meantime rejected to support weird offshoots/derivates/whatevers ;)12:58
ogra_yeah, i remember that kind of discuaaions12:59
LetoThe2ndogra_: you wouldn't believe how many people come there bit***ing around when you reject to support mint or debian.12:59
ogra_oh, i would :) i see the same bitching in bugs ...12:59
LetoThe2ndogra_: hehe13:00
ogra_rarely debian, but often mint users freak out that we dont support their ubiquity bugs for the hacked up mint installer13:00
LetoThe2ndogra_: it has emerged that when the slightest doubts arise we ask for lsb_release -a and uname -a.13:00
ogra_and mint does serious bad things when customizing the distro13:00
LetoThe2ndogra_: yeah, thats why we reject to support it.13:01
ogra_like disabling security updates for things like X11, kernel, dbus etc13:01
ogra_(or bootloaders)13:01
ogra_s/security updates/all updates/13:02
LetoThe2ndogra_: hehe13:02
LetoThe2ndlets be glad they don't have an arm port yet.13:03
hrwheartbeat led trigger is not in kernel in 3.2.0/omap416:03
rsalvetihrw: config issue I believE?16:13
hrwyes - it is a module now16:18
hrwI was surprised when one of my pandas stopped blinking16:18
GrueMasterIt's a module?  figures.  Hard to track when I have 4 pandas in a tower.16:20
=== gildean_ is now known as gildean
S0NiCre guys17:37
S0NiCso i installed ubuntu 11.10 and doing an apt-get update /dist upgrade17:37
S0NiCbut there is no icon with Ti stuff... i only have installOAMP4addons...17:37
S0NiCis taht the same=?17:37
S0NiCndec: thx17:41
vanihello what's the arm ports repo for precise18:27
vanihow can I point to the repos, I want to use live-build18:31
rbasakdeb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports precise main18:32
vanithank you.18:34
NotJimCarreyhow do you add eabi support?18:58
=== zumbi is now known as Guest26943
AdamOutlerI've sucessfully created a boot.img that apparently works, however I am running into an error.   "Unrecognized/unsupported machine ID"..20:20
AdamOutlerIs there a way to change this in my kernel?20:20
AdamOutlerI'm using precompiled binaries20:20
AdamOutlerHere is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/7cBB05KF20:20
=== phh_ is now known as phh
vani<AdamOutler> sorry I cannot help you on this as I'm new to ARM ports. But, I'm trying to piggy back on you.21:20
vaniHow did you create the boot.img...21:20
vaniany notes or references...I'm having a board with ARMv721:20
vanitrying to build a custom image for it...21:21
LetoThe2ndthe machine ID refers to the ID that the first/second stage bootloader passes to the kernel. the kernel uses this ID to decide which board file to use.21:25
LetoThe2ndif the kernel doesn't know about the ID, it will not boot. so make sure kernel and bootloader (u-boot in most cases) match.21:25
LetoThe2ndthe machine ID refers to the ID that the first/second stage bootloader passes to the kernel. the kernel uses this ID to decide which board file to use.22:16
LetoThe2ndif the kernel doesn't know about the ID, it will not boot. so make sure kernel and bootloader (u-boot in most cases) match.22:16
LetoThe2ndAdamOutler: ^^^^^^^^^^22:16
LetoThe2ndconcerning your question from some time ago.22:17
AdamOutlerok... so can I spoof this from U-Boot prompt somehow?22:17
LetoThe2ndhopefully not.22:17
AdamOutlerLetoThe2nd, this is a Blaze Tablet based device.22:18
AdamOutlerLetoThe2nd, I'm pretty sure I should be able to get something from the device by spoofing the id22:18
LetoThe2ndAdamOutler: its three parts altogether 1) get/register the machine ID at arm.linux.co.uk 2) make sure the bootloader passes this ID 3) make sure the kernel contains a board support file bound to this id.22:19
AdamOutlerLetoThe2nd, the link you provided is bad.22:51
LetoThe2ndAdamOutler: the link was just from memory please google the correct site.22:51
=== plars_ is now known as plars
rsalvetihrw: it should be built-in to work during boot I23:12
rsalvetisomething to ping ppisati to change23:12
mythosregister what?23:23
mythosis it possible to start a dovel-kernel with qemu?23:39
GrueMastermythos: A which kernel?  I think qemu wants a versatile kernel only.23:43
mythosyes, versatile runs perfectly. are you sure, that those dove-kernels don't run with qemu - i speak from those in maverick23:45
mythosand btw thanks for your response, GrueMaster =)23:45
GrueMasterThe dove kernels are specifically for Marvell hardware.23:45
GrueMasterSame as the omap4 kernels are for TI omap4 processors.23:46
mythoshmm... ok, i see23:46
mythosgood to know why qemu pretends to stay black =)23:46
GrueMasterAnd the Marvell kernel for Maverick was a bit of a mess anyways.  It was the same as the Lucid kernel, just built with the Maverick tool chain.23:46
mythosi have a hp device here, which uses a maverick-debootstrab23:47
mythosit has marvell-hardware in it, so that fits23:48
GrueMasterIs it using a marvel soc?23:48
* NCommander screams in horror23:48
NCommandermythos: is that a thinclient by any chance?23:49
mythosNCommander, yes23:49
mythosa hp 5335z23:49
NCommandermythos: ....23:49
mythosi broke yesterday one23:49
mythoswas not able to boot up anymore, after i zeroed /dev/sda23:50
GrueMasterYea, that would be a bad thing.23:51
NCommandermythos: I loathe to say this, but that thing is based around a Marvell Dove board. If they took my patches wholesale, it *might* boot with an Ubuntu maverick dove image off USB23:52
mythosno, it should boot up from a usb-device. but it simply did not23:52
NCommandermythos: open it up and find the serial header to get uboot access :-)23:52
NCommandermythos: what image did you try?23:52
mythosNCommander, i only messed around with the the image, which is downloadable from hp23:53
* GrueMaster watches NCommander's version of the crying game, laughing hysterically.23:53
NCommandermythos: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/maverick/release/23:53
NCommandertry one of the dove images, and see if it boots23:54
NCommanderinstructions are ... somewhere23:54
NCommander^- GrueMaster23:54
mythosNCommander, i'm going to try that =)23:55
NCommandermythos: if it works, please don't call me ;.;23:55
* NCommander horrorifically flashs back to China23:55
NCommandermythos: I was assigned to Antartica^W China for a month to do that image23:56
mythosok, i won't23:56
NCommanderI'm still scared from the experience23:56
mythosomg ^^"23:56
NCommandermythos: (actually, feel free to ping me, but what support I can give is limited)23:56
mythosmy plan was to use the hp-image as skeleton23:57
NCommandermythos: alternatively, you might need to open it up, pop the HDD, and then do some creative repartitioning23:57
mythoshdd? there is no hdd inside them ^^"23:57
NCommanderwhat compelled you to zero sda though?23:57
NCommanderoh good, they fixed that 'bug'23:58
mythosomg xD23:58
NCommandermythos: so depending on how they smacked uboot, the thing will either try and load an image off USB, or try and TFTP a blob off somewhere (you'll probably need to use ethereal to see where its trying to get a blob)23:59
twbNCommander: why did you need to go to .cn to make an ISO9660?23:59
mythoseven though it is limited, that offer is very nice, NCommander =)23:59
twbethereal is called wireshark these days btw23:59

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