
vindavHi there. Am looking to get some advise for using FFmpeg in Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS, as I am encountering an increasing audio delay behind the video that I am actually seeing.  Anybody know a fix for this ?00:55
philipballewyour playing the video with ffmpeg?00:58
goddardholstein: external i thought usually means USB or Firewire where network drive would be a computer haha .. NAS box? but what ever yeah a USB dood02:22
goddardwhy can i save files to my network drives ?02:22
goddardthere isn't even an option in my save file dialog box04:00
goddardlike when i right click and save a file in Firefox04:00
goddardhow can i save files to a network drive?04:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
nlsthznCould someone have a look at this post of mine and give any suggestions as to what the issue may be - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11614760#post1161476008:49
geirhaDo the paths exist? and have you checked their permissions?08:55
nlsthznhmmm... two channels for assistance :p09:03
ashickur-noorhow to search in nautilus10:31
ashickur-noorin previous version of nautilus when I press a char it it start seraching10:31
geirhaThat's still the case for me in 11.1010:32
nothingspecialme too10:32
ashickur-noorhow to active it?10:32
geirhaMake sure the right part of the nautilus window has the focus10:32
benonsoftwareHello coal water11:33
benonsoftwares/coal water/coalwater11:35
coalwaters/ // ;) lol11:47
coalwaterhey benonsoftware11:47
coalwaterhows things going11:47
benonsoftwareFine thanks, yourself11:47
* benonsoftware is hopeing to do a late night coding session11:48
coalwaterwhat kind of coding11:50
* ashickur-noor back12:26
* ashickur-noor is tension12:27
coalwaterbenonsoftware: php ?13:07
benonsoftwareNa, just HTML and CSS ATM13:13
benonsoftwarecoalwater: ^^13:14
nothingspecialand here as well14:43
coalwaterbenonsoftware: aww lol14:54
coalwateri want php lol14:54
benonsoftwarecoalwater: Well my website is on pho14:56
hobgoblincoalwater: go to my forum profile - there's a PHP there for you14:56
coalwaterbenonsoftware: i think u have a typo in ur post , u wrote Oulenteers14:57
coalwaterin the website14:57
benonsoftwarecoalwater: That's iPad auto correct :p14:58
coalwaterstupid auto correct14:58
coalwateri always disable those14:59
benonsoftwareI should but can't be stuffed with the keyboard15:00
hobgoblincoalwater: bothered15:02
coalwaterthanks :D15:03
=== Guest83543 is now known as AAnderson
MrChrisDruifJoseeAntonioR; you were having a Unity issue?19:02
JoseeAntonioRMrChrisDruif Nothing at all.19:02
JoseeAntonioRMrChrisDruif No, why?19:03
MrChrisDruifCurious because of the comments in -team19:03
JoseeAntonioRUnit193 was talking about it.19:04
Unit193Asking if he had it. Poor MrChrisDruif, so confused19:05
MrChrisDruif*NOT ANY MORE!* ^_^19:05
danikhelo ?19:32
holsteindanik: just akd19:32
danikok im new and i just want your help to explain what does suid exactlly do19:33
daniki just know about permissions and other things but i cant get SUID19:34
holsteinhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid may help19:34
danikoh shit sorry for wasting your time i googled but didnt found this page19:35
holsteindanik: carefull, we try and keep this a family show :)19:37
danikholstein look i read that but i cant still get it look we set execute for a otherusers19:39
danikand we can still use suid too whats the difference ? :(19:39
holsteindanik: what are you trying to do?19:49
danikholstein : im trying to learn ubuntu sir :P19:50
holsteindanik: i have been using ubuntu/linux for about 6years now exclusively19:50
holsteini have never needed suid19:50
danikjust wondering whats difference of execute and19:50
holsteini can help you find documentation about what it is/does19:50
holsteini use sudo all the time19:51
holsteinthe difference in execute and not is just that19:51
holsteinit's an executable19:51
danikOH shit i didnt get anything19:52
danikyou mean i put suid  away for now ?19:52
holsteindanik: you need to be cafeful with your language in this channel please19:52
danikoh sorry :/19:52
holsteindanik: you can just say to me "im tring to execute this script" or "im installing this" or "trying to run whatever.sh"19:53
holsteini can help with that19:53
danikok sir thx alot for your help19:53
holsteinif you want to know the overall need for suid, it seems to allow running as another user19:54
holsteinrunning executables..19:54
holsteincheck out http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1289244/compile-shell-script-so-can-use-suid for example19:54
danikthank you very much sir19:56
iggy19_if I turn off an alias, does it stay locked, or can I turn it back on later?20:53
iggy19_wrong chan20:57
=== iggy19_ is now known as iggy19
isiahhi all21:18
isiahanyone know a super easy way to setup a website? I was thinking of putting up a tutorial.21:42
* benonsoftware does21:44
benonsoftwareisiah: What do you exactly mean?21:45
tenachisiah, There are so many ways to put a website online that your question can be taken to be rather vague.21:46
BigOrangeAs a complete noob, with no idea how to use dreamweaver, I got on fine with the tools at Godaddy... Turned out I didn't need a website, I just liked the Idea, so got rid, but still as a no nothing noob I found it very easy to understand. Was this the kind of thing you meant? like an all in one package?21:49
holsteinmaybe just a wordpress or blogger blog... or something like weebly... an ubutu wiki page if its relavant21:51
Unit193Many people like drupal and joomla too, those are CMS21:52
benonsoftwareI personal use WordPress for my website21:58
isiahumm ok. I think I am going to use google blogger for now21:58
holsteinwordpress has a lot of plugs too... i think drupal is my fav21:59
holsteini use blogger though... the price is right :)21:59
isiahkinda just want something like all those other tutorial sites21:59
isiahbunch of links to different pages21:59
isiahand on each page some code with a description21:59
isiahi was reading online on how to host it on your computer and it seemed like a bad idea22:00
holsteinisiah: link one, and im sure one of us will know what it is22:00
holsteinisiah: its not easy... and i say its not necessary with free sites like blogger and wordpress22:01
isiahkinda like this22:01
holsteinif you want to know how, its not all that complex... just something you want to read up about the security of22:02
holsteinyeah, you can have a look like that with anything really22:02
isiahyeah i know it is simple but I have no idea where to get started22:02
holsteinisiah:  just pick one, and dive in... in blogger, you can edit the layout easily22:03
isiahand well I am writing a guide for work on this anyhow so i figured i would make a webpage while i am at it22:03
holsteini usually suggest these appliances http://www.turnkeylinux.org/22:03
holsteinthey run great live, and are great learning tools.. easy to virtualize too if you have the resources22:04
isiahok something to look into i guess22:07
isiahI will continue writing the guide for now.22:08
BigOrangeIsiah: Just wanted to thank you for bringing this up, made me check an old email address to see who I used and realised I've got a subscription to LiveJournal going out next week I don't want to pay  ;)22:16
isiahbigorange: ha, glad i could be of help22:24
=== AAnderson is now known as AAnderson72
BigOrangecjm: hello!23:32

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