
superm1stgraber: regarding the username and hostname setting in scripts/casper (bug 290351), I think this should also update /etc/casper.conf.  there are functions in ubiquity that normally will be fetching from /etc/casper.conf and this information will then be out of sync19:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 290351 in casper "live session user and host should be called kubuntu on kubuntu" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29035119:34
stgrabersuperm1: yes, there's a bug open for that, bug 90448219:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 904482 in livecd-rootfs "Generate /etc/casper.conf when building a livefs instead of having casper guess the product name at boot time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90448219:41
superm1stgraber: ah okay good.  do you have a plan for how soon to fix it?  Would I be better off just hardcoding in the mythbuntu ubiquity and casper plugins for now, or fairly soon it will be fixed?19:42
stgrabercjwatson: ^19:43
stgrabersuperm1: If we don't get casper.conf to contain the right values at build time, I think it'd be best to just change the casper script to update casper.conf in the overlay so that anything parsing it just works19:45
superm1stgraber: yeah that sounds fine by me19:45
stgrabersuperm1: but ideally, we should really have casper.conf contain the right values to start with. I'd think that'd make building custom images a bit easier as you'd just need to change casper.conf instead of having to look at what kind of magic we're doing to get that value :)19:46

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