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udienzHi, anybody can see bug 915257? i can't reproduce in my pbuilder/sbuild/ppa07:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915257 in nginx (Ubuntu) "FTBFS nginx 1.1.12-1 in ubuntu precise except amd64" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91525707:12
geserudienz: did you have pkg-create-dbgsym installed in your pbuilder when you tried to reproduce it?07:24
udienzgeser: no, it's clean07:38
udienzthen we must add BD to pkg-create-dbgsym?07:38
geserpkg-create-dbgsym (and pkgbinarymangler) is installed on the buildds by default07:41
geserso if you want to reproduce certain build failures, it's good to them installed in pbuilder too07:41
dholbachgood morning07:48
gesergood morning dholbach07:53
dholbachhey geser08:00
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scott-workdoes anyone have information about REVU possibly being down?13:25
scott-worki've tried to log in for two days and can't get the website13:25
Laneylooks so, indeed13:31
Laneywgrant: ^^^^?13:31
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OwaisLGuys, it seems revu is down.20:04
OwaisLI'm aware of the plans to move away from revu. So how does one get a package into universe without going the debian way?20:05
tumbleweedREVU is just a tool for reviewing packages. It's not a submission system20:05
tumbleweeduse mentors.debian.net instead?20:06
OwaisLtubleweed, thanks but the package is ubuntu specific.20:06
OwaisLdepends on unity20:06
OwaisLis unity package in debian?20:07
tumbleweedOwaisL: you can use mentors.debian.net without intending to upload to debian20:07
OwaisLtumbleweed, ah ok. I'll check it out.20:07
OwaisLUploaded my package to mentos.debian.net; Anyone interested please have a look http://mentors.debian.net/package/gmailwatcher20:22
OwaisLEarlier it was http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gmailwatcher but revu has been down for quite a while and don't know if someone is working on it anymore.20:23
OwaisLtumbleweed, thanks!20:24
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Adri2000anyone has thought about syncing opencv 2.3 into precise?21:17
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CoreyI have a dsc file generated via debuild -S; I'm trying to build it in pbuilder in a sid chroot, but I'm seeing lookup failures from ftp.debian.org/debian when it tries to grab deps, such as Err http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ sid/main python2.7 amd64 2.7.2-9; 404's out.22:01
jtaylorCorey: is the chroot up to date?22:01
Coreyjtaylor: Hmm.  Is there a sane way to update it?  I build it a couple weeks back.22:01
jtaylorpython2.7 is version -11ubuntu122:01
jtaylorpbuilder --update22:01
CoreyThat would do it; thanks jtaylor22:02
tumbleweedthere is also an example hook script shipped with pbuilder that'll do an update before building22:02
tumbleweed(but that update is thrown away, you still want to pbuilder --update regularly)22:02
CoreyI assume that update when invoked via --update unpacks the tarball, updates it, repacks it?22:06
CoreyAt what point does it make sense to rebuild the chroot from scratch?22:06
jtaylorrare, should only be necessary when some upgrade breaks it for some reason22:07
jtaylorI think I only ever had to rebuild experimental chroots22:07
jtaylor(as long as you don't work with --save-after-login of course)22:08
tumbleweedthe most common reason to rebuild is that there's a package in it that wouldn't have been installed if it was freshly built22:10
CoreyBuild failure. :-(  Now I get to figure out what I broke.22:14
jtaylorfun :)22:14
CoreyNot really. :-)  The code is solid, so it's a packaging error of some sort.22:15
Coreycp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/conf/minion': No such file or directory22:15
Coreydh_install: cp -a debian/tmp/conf/minion debian/salt-common//etc/salt/minion/ returned exit code 122:15
CoreySo I think it's a pathing issue; there's definitely a minion file.22:16
CoreyAnd the line in the .install file is conf/minion /etc/salt/minion22:16
jtaylorhow does the .install look like?22:16
CoreyWhich is a static, non-compiled file.  $packageroot/conf/minion is the file22:17
broderwhat is debian/compat?22:17
Corey(Forgive the paste there, I figured 1 character would be okay...)22:18
broderdh_install looks in debian/tmp/foo if foo doesn't exist, so it's not finding foo for some reason22:18
brodermaybe set "export DH_VERBOSE=1" in the rules file and try again?22:19
jtayloror execute dh_install -v after the failure22:19
CoreyI have to rerun debuild -S first, don't I...22:20
jtaylorthere is a hook in pbuilder to drop you in a shell after the failure22:21
CoreyThat'd probably be easier, what's the hook?22:21
jtaylor /usr/share/doc/pbuilder/examples/C10shell22:21
Coreyhttp://pastebin.com/DxXmuqzM is the output after that verbosity flag was enabled.22:24
CoreyI snipped the first part of it grabbing deps and whatnot.22:24
CoreyIf you wonder what's in the debian directory, https://github.com/saltstack/salt/tree/develop/debian22:25
broderhmm. it's possible that dh_install decides whether to look at the project root or debian/tmp for all files, as opposed to deciding for each file22:27
broderso you could try changing the usr/share/blah paths to debian/tmp/usr/share/blah (which is where make install will install them to with the default multi-package config)22:27
Coreybroder: Doing it now.22:27
jtaylorIsee no conf/minion in that source22:34
jtaylorCorey: ^22:34
jtayloronly a conf/minion.template22:34
Coreyjtaylor: ...you're kidding me.22:35
CoreyThey changed it on me.22:35
jtaylorprobably as you are using git snapshot instead of the ready tarball that has the conf/minion22:35
jtaylorits not unsual that git trees and release tarballs differ in some autogenerated stuff22:35
CoreyYeah, I should probably do this with the tarball.22:35
jtaylorclassic case are autotools stuff22:35
CoreyShould I revert the changes to pathing I just made?22:36
jtayloryes, I don't think dh_install does what broder though22:37
jtayloralso usually the destination has no leading /22:37
CoreyI do appreciate how pbuilder caches packages it needs.22:39
jtaylorI recommend using a cacher like apt-cacher-ng22:41
jtaylormakes sharing package caches much easier22:41
jtayloralso you should use eatmydata to speed up installation22:41
jtayloror place everything on a ramdisk22:41
Coreyh_install: salt-minion missing files (modules/*), aborting <-- Progress!22:44
CoreyPathing issue, whee.22:45
CoreyHoly crap, successful build.  Thanks, jtaylor / broder.  Now to figure out what else I've pooched.22:47
CoreyYay, a pile of things to fix from lintian!22:53
CoreyWhen do I use architecture all vs any?22:55
jtaylorany if it architecture dependent and compiles everywhere, all if independent22:56
jtaylore.g. python, documentation = arch all22:56
jtaylorcompiled code any22:56
jtaylor*C compiled, java mono are also all22:57
Coreyjtaylor: One package (multiple packages, for a client/server package) requires compilation that's arch dependant, the rest do not.22:58
jtaylorthen you have some any and some all packages22:58
CoreyRight, which causes lintian to moan22:59
jtaylorwhat error?22:59
CoreyE: salt source: magic-arch-in-arch-list22:59
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jtaylorwhats your control?23:01
Coreyhttps://github.com/saltstack/salt/tree/develop/debian <-- jtaylor23:02
jtaylorshared libraries in a -common package?23:05
jtaylorthats "unusual"23:05
jtaylor= wrong23:05
jtaylorhm its if their private23:05
Coreyjtaylor: Yeah, we inherited some strangeness. I'm quite open to feedback on this. :-)23:06
CoreyThis is my first Debian/Ubuntu package.23:06
CoreyI want to get it "right" because once that's done I really don't have to play with it anymore. :-)23:06
CoreyHmm. Will I break anything horrible if I throw the lintian version for Precise into Lucid?23:11
jtaylorno idea, but there is a hook to run lintian after a pbuilder build23:12
jtaylorwhich can be precise23:12
CoreyYeah, I'm running a version that's 3.9.1, it whines that it's not 3.9.223:13
Coreyjtaylor: So what was the verdict on my common package, is that done improperly?23:13
jtaylorI'd ahve to see a fully built package for that23:16
Coreyjtaylor: Okay, we'll proceed for now. :-)23:16
jtayloryou should not build depend on libzmq123:17
jtayloryou are probably missing shlib:Deps for the any package23:18
jtayloryou seldom can rely on python:Depends getting everything right, that needs manual checking23:18
jtayloralso use dh_python2 (dh $@ --with python2)23:19
jtaylorif you are not packaging for lucid23:19
jtayloralso stick with what you have23:19
Coreyjtaylor: I don't quite understand.  There's a dependency for the python zeroMQ library, not sure how else to reference that.23:20
jtaylorlibzmq-dev takes care of that23:20
CoreyAnd this is ideally going to be tossed to a number of different releases; personally I do need it on Lucid. :-)  The PPA that'll contain this for dev purposes will contain the deps.23:20
jtaylor-dev packages always depend on the newest binary package23:20
Coreyjtaylor: So I should copy the python-deps by hand into each sub-package?23:21
jtaylorthe actual library package dependency is determined automatically by dh_shlibdeps and put into shlibs:Depends23:21
jtaylorcheck what dependencies your packages have after build23:21
jtaylormake installation and run tests in a clean chroot23:21
Coreyjtaylor: Technically don't I just need to declare them for the common package, since the rest depend on that?23:22
jtaylorif that is the case yes23:22
CoreyA bunch of stuff to fix in the man pages, which I can punt on for a bit.23:27
CoreyBah: E: salt-minion: python-script-but-no-python-dep ./usr/share/salt/salt-call/salt-call23:28
CoreyThe python dep is inherited from the common package.23:28
jtaylorit should be salt-common (= ${binary:Version})23:29
Coreysalt-common already grabs                python (>= 2.6),23:29
CoreyAnd ${python:Depends},23:30
jtayloryou still need that23:30
jtaylorunless you can guarantee that it will work with other -common versions23:30
Coreyjtaylor: You mean throw the line (= ${binary:Version}) in there explicitly?23:30
jtaylorsalt-common (= ${binary:Version})23:30
jtaylorin depends23:30
Coreyjtaylor: This is new now that that's been applied; E: salt source: not-binnmuable-all-depends-any salt-minion -> salt-common23:33
jtaylordo what it suggests or override it23:34
jtaylorbinNMU's are only important for offical debian packages23:34
Coreyjtaylor: Yeah, it will be at some point, but not today. :-)23:36
CoreyE: salt-minion: python-script-but-no-python-dep ./usr/share/salt/salt-call/salt-call is still annoying, given that I've updated the control file: https://github.com/KB1JWQ/salt/tree/master/debian23:37
jtaylorjust add a python depends to silence it then23:38
Coreyjtaylor: Worked, thanks.23:41
Coreyjtaylor: Do I want to set architecture to any, or architecture to all?  It's getting upset at the blend.23:42
jtaylordepends whats in it23:42
Coreyjtaylor: The client needs to build a module for msgpack that's architecture dependant; the rest is python and doesn't care.23:44
CoreyBut it's that blend that's annoying lintian, I suspect.23:46
jtaylorsry I have to leave23:53

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