
pleia2been working on SCALE stuff today, no time to write summaries really :(01:50
akgranerno worries02:08
dholbachgood morning07:49
* bkerensa works on summaries a bit08:03
dholbachnice :)08:04
bkerensaI wish I knew which stuff needed them and didnt though :)08:05
bkerensaakgraner will have to give me a walk through on UWN stuff sometime08:05
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akgranerhi all10:38
akgranerbkerensa, I can do that :-)10:39
akgranerthank you for your help I'll start moving stuff over this morning and adding place holders ans stuff10:39
bkerensano problem... I saw pleia2 was busy with scale and wanted to help atleast :)10:46
bkerensaBtw have you checked out Prezi?10:46
dholbachbkerensa, nice work on the next issue!12:17
akgranernope /me looks12:25
akgranerbkerensa, interesting12:26
dholbachbkerensa, do we have a picture for the interview too? :)12:34
akgranerpleia2, I mean to say "Some days I really dislike wiki pages :-/" in this window :-)17:11
pleia2heh :)17:13
pleia2I can do editorial review later, but it would be great if you could handle release17:14
pleia2the cached copy of mhall's blog http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://mhall119.com/2012/01/ubuntu-tv-the-case-for-unity/17:15
pleia2I let him know his site is down (if he didn't realize)17:16
* pleia2 back to work17:17
akgranerI'm back and forth between the wiki and the googledoc now17:27
akgranerso if anyone wants to get in the wiki let me know - as I am sure my lock will time out17:28
akgranerok all the summaries are in. :-)19:10
akgranerpleia2, I'm taking Becca to an appointment, but will be back in about an hour and a half then I'll publish if someone could review while I'm afk19:11
akgranerMrChrisDruif, :-)19:11
MrChrisDruifLink to review 247?19:12
akgranercrap I have edit conflicts with myself19:12
akgranerone sec let me clean this up19:13
akgranerI hate the wiki somedays19:13
MrChrisDruifEdit conflicts with yourself...that is awkward19:13
akgraneryep - one sec this is a bit messy19:16
pleia2the flavors meetings weren't pulled over, we need to add that section to the IssueTemplate19:18
* pleia2 does the template now19:18
akgranerok saving now19:20
akgranerpleia2, they weren't updated this week19:21
akgranerso I left them out but if someone wants to do them while I'm out that would be cool19:21
pleia2edubuntu and xubuntu were19:21
* MrChrisDruif gets to it19:21
akgranerAhh ok19:21
MrChrisDruifAs well as Lubuntu19:21
akgranerpleia2, sorry I guess I read the dates wrong19:21
MrChrisDruifEdubuntu might even move again to weekly meetings19:21
pleia2this newsletter covers 9th through 15th, those meetings were on the 9th and 11th19:22
akgranerI was looking at Lubuntu19:23
MrChrisDruifDid I forgot to update that one?19:23
pleia2MrChrisDruif: yeah, Lubuntu is listing the meeting on the 4th19:24
akgranerthe wiki is saving now - just change it there19:24
MrChrisDruifI've got the link for the 11th19:24
akgranerpleia2, I'll be back at 16:30 or so my time - and I'll add In This Issue then publish19:27
akgranerdoes that work for ya?19:27
pleia2yep, I'll review once MrChrisDruif is done19:27
akgranergreat- thanks!19:27
akgraneroh did you see I +1 all your thoughts about the wiki pages?  You rock!19:28
* MrChrisDruif didn't see the thoughts about the wiki pages19:33
MrChrisDruifAnyhow, pleia2 the summaries look good, but I don't have time to check if all the links correspond with the summaries etc. You're up ^_^19:34
pleia2got stuck with an emergency at work, I'll review in 15 minutes or so21:42
akgranerhey all21:59
akgranerpleia2, I can check the links if ya want - is there anything else besides in this issue?22:00
Unit193Hello, Ms Graner22:00
akgranerUnit193, hi you're making me feel old :-P22:01
akgranerUnit193,  just teasing ya22:02
akgranerhow are you22:02
Unit193I am alive, how about there?22:03
Unit193(And that's what is supposed to happen)22:03
pleia2akgraner: finished my review, you can check links22:03
akgranerpleia2, will do then I'll publish :-)  bbiab22:04
pleia2thanks :)22:04
akgranerdid you know http://www.ubuntu.com/news is a redirect to http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/news-and-events22:26
akgranerI would have thought it would have re-directed to the Fridge :-/22:27
MrChrisDruifI didn't know it, but I confirm your findings22:39
pleia2that's disappointing22:42
akgranerpleia2, yep22:47
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:22:50
akgranerThanks everybody!22:50
MrChrisDruifYou're welcome akgraner22:51

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